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» Nanny of all Rus': why Pushkin's Arina Rodionovna became native to everyone. Bad habits of Arina Rodionovna and other facts about Pushkin's nanny that were not included in the textbooks Facts about Arina Rodionovna

Nanny of all Rus': why Pushkin's Arina Rodionovna became native to everyone. Bad habits of Arina Rodionovna and other facts about Pushkin's nanny that were not included in the textbooks Facts about Arina Rodionovna

Gorynina Alexandra 9 in class

The project reveals the role of Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva in the life and works of A.S. Pushkin



MBOU "Rylskaya Secondary School No. 4"

Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva in the life and work of A. S. Pushkin

The work of a student of the 9th "in" class

Gorynina Alexandra Alexandrovna

Project Manager:

Zalunina Tatyana Nikolaevna




Chapter 1. Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva in the life and work of A. S. Pushkin……………………………………………………………………..3

1.1. Biography of Arina Rodionovna………………………………………………………………3

1.2. Tales of the nanny and A.S. Pushkin himself…………………………………………………………………….7

1.3. Arina Rodionovna in the works of A. S. Pushkin…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Who does not know Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin? After all, he is one of the greatest poets of all times and peoples, if not the most. He is considered the creator of the modern Russian literary language. A. S. Pushkin became one of the main all-Russian national poets during his lifetime. I believe that anyone who has ever read at least one of his works, could not help but fall in love with his work. A significant role in the life of the writer and poet was played by his nanny Arina Rodionovna. Her beloved pupil always spoke of her with pure love and deep respect. Around the legendary, I would even say, the image of the great poet's nanny has arisen and there are many disputes, legends and rumors.

Target: to find out what influence Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva had on the life and work of A. S. Pushkin.


  1. To study the biography of Arina Rodionovna;
  2. Analyze the images of Arina Rodionovna in the works of A. S. Pushkin to understand her role in his work;
  3. Find out the role of Arina Rodionovna in the life of A. S. Pushkin.

Hypothesis: Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva made a great contribution to the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Chapter 1. Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva in the life and work of A. S. Pushkin

1.1 Biography of Arina Rodionovna

Arina Rodionovna was born on April 10, 1758. For only one year she was a serf of Fyodor Alekseevich Apraksin. In 1759, the Suida estate and the villages closest to it, together with the peasants, were bought from Fedor Alekseevich by Pushkin's great-grandfather, A.P. Gannibal.

In ancient times, the birthplace of Alexander Sergeevich's nanny was called the Izhora land. These regions belonged to Veliky Novgorod and were part of the Vodskaya Pyatina. Most likely, the knowledge of fairy-tale and song material came from the ethnographic features of the homeland.

Arina Rodionovna's parents were Rodion Yakovlev and Lukerya Kirillovna. They lived in the village of Voskresensky. The future nanny was the third child in the family. The oldest was her sister named Evdokia. The next in seniority was their brother Semyon.

In 1768, at the age of 10, Arina Rodionovna lost her father.

Rodion Yakovlev died at the age of thirty-nine, leaving a wife and seven children (two sons and five daughters). Since childhood, Arina Rodionovna was taught to work hard, but she also knew how to spin, weave, sew, embroider, knit and weave lace. She has been a needlewoman since childhood. Later, when she lives in the village of Mikhailovsky, she will teach needlework to all the girls of the estate.

In 1780, the elder brother of Arina Rodionovna Semyon married. It was her turn to get married. The future nanny remembered her difficult childhood in colors. The stories of Arina Rodionovna about her past were reflected in the work of Alexander Sergeevich, and in particular in the work "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin's nanny was the prototype of Tatyana's nanny, the main character of the novel. In the work, she was known under the name Filipyevna. In fact, that was the name of Arina Radionovna's grandmother. Full name - Nastasya Filippovna. Apparently this heroine was also created by Alexander Sergeevich under the impressions of the stories of the nanny. Indeed, Arina Rodionovna's grandmother was also married at the age of 13, just like the heroine of the novel.

“Let's talk about antiquity,” Tatiana insists in the third chapter of Eugene Onegin. I think that Alexander Sergeevich more than once turned to his nanny, “the confidante of magical antiquity”, “who kept in her memory a lot of old stories, fables ...”

They married Arina Rodionovna to a poor peasant named Fyodor Matveev. The relatives of the bride and groom were in a hurry to marry the young. Because the owner of these two villages Hannibal was dying. And after his death, the inheritance will be divided by his sons. And if Arina and Fedor are husband and wife, they will not be able to separate them.

Fedor, like his wife, was an orphan, and also did not have his own hut. In his village called Kobrino, rarely anyone lived in his own yard. One fortress yard consisted of three or more families. In 1782, Arina and Fyodor had a son, whom they named Yegor. Four years later, a daughter named Nadezhda was born. Two years later, daughter Maria was born. The last child in the family was a boy named Stephen, who was born in 1797.

The family of peasants lived in cramped quarters and not offended for about fourteen more years. After she was taken as a servant in the Pushkin-Hannibal family. In 1795, the grandmother of Alexander Sergeevich Maria Alekseevna presented a separate hut in Kobrin for the family of Arina Rodionovna. She knew Arina herself and her older sister well, so she took the first one to serve in the master's house.

Arina Rodionovna gave all her love to Alexander Sergeevich. She treated him like a mother.

Alexander Sergeevich truly appreciated and loved Arina Rodionovna. Growing up, the poet sketched a portrait of his nanny. He removed the wrinkles from his native face. He depicted her with a long braid in a sundress with a perky look. He presented her as she might have been as a girl.

The family of Arina Rodionovna, of course, was in a special disposition with the gentlemen, as the family of the nurse and nurse of the master's children. They were not given freedom, but they certainly were given some benefits: they were released for a certain time, the opportunity to earn money. Such relations between the master and the serfs were quite common.

In 1808, Nadezhda Fedorova, the daughter of Arina Rodionovna, lives with her in the Pushkins' house in Moscow. In 1816, her sons lived with her in the village of Mikhailovsky, as well as the wife of Yegor Agrafen with their daughter Katerina.

Maria Alekseevna was unable to give freedom to the children of Arina Rodionovna, but she was able to take care of them. In the village of Kobrino, there was a hut specially built for this family. In 1800, while selling the village with the peasants and all the buildings, Alexander Sergeevich's grandmother somehow managed to agree with the new owners that the husband and children of Arina Rodionovna would live in this hut. They were, of course, excluded from sale.

From 1824 to 1826, Arina Rodionovna lived with Alexander Sergeevich in the village of Mikhailovsky, where the poet was sent into exile. According to neighbors, Pushkin's nanny was a respectable old woman, with a full kind face, her hair was completely gray. Among the peasants of the estate, she also occupied a high place. Alexander Sergeevich loved his nanny with all his heart. Always extremely concerned about her health. After the expiration of the term of exile, Alexander Sergeevich left for St. Petersburg, and Arina Rodionovna remained the mistress of the estate. The sister of Alexander Sergeevich in 1828, against the will of her parents, married Nikolai Ivanovich Pavlishchev. Olga Sergeevna decides to take Arina Rodionovna to her place. Therefore, the last years of her life, the nanny spent in the house of her pupil.

Arina Rodionovna arrived at the Pavlishchev estate in March 1828. Before that, she last saw her son Yegor, granddaughter Katerina and other relatives. A few months later, the nanny died. For a very long time, the exact date of Arina Rodionovna's death was not known. The only thing we managed to find out was that she was buried at the Smolensk cemetery. And then the date of death became known - July 29, 1828.

Perhaps that is why Alexander Sergeevich did not like city cemeteries, knowing that his beloved nanny was buried in one of them? His experiences can be seen in the lines of the poems "Do I wander along the noisy streets" and "When outside the city, thoughtful, I wander."

Perhaps that is why in the eighth chapter of "Eugene Onegin", when the main character Tatyana's memories of the grave of her nanny are described, the poet wrote about it so touchingly?

A commemorative plaque was unveiled at the Smolensk cemetery during the June Pushkin Days of 1977. At the entrance to the cemetery, in a special niche on the marble, an inscription is carved: “Arina Rodionovna nanny A.S. is buried in this cemetery. Pushkin. 1758-1828."

1.2. Tales of the nanny and A. S. Pushkin himself

Arina Rodionovna knew truly folk tales, but she also knew the stories of serfs. The first fairy tales that she told Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin were called "The Tale of Bove the Cow", "Yeruslan Lazarevich". While studying at the Lyceum, Alexander Sergeevich wrote the poem "Dream".

Mental anguish magical healer,

My friend Morpheus, my old comforter!

I have always loved to sacrifice to you,

And you blessed the priest long ago:

Will I forget that golden time

Will I forget the blessed bliss of the hour,

When, in the corner in the evening, lurking,

I called and waited for you in peace...

I myself am not happy with my talkativeness,

But I love remembering my childhood.

Oh! I will keep silent about my mother,

About the charms of mysterious nights,

When in a cap, in an old robe,

She, evading the spirits with a prayer,

Cross me with zeal

And in a whisper it will tell me

About the dead, about the exploits of Bova...

I won’t move from horror, it happened,

Barely breathing, I'll snuggle up under the covers,

Feeling neither legs nor head.

Under the image of a simple clay night lamp

Slightly illuminated deep wrinkles,

Dragoy antique, great-grandmother's cap

And a long mouth, where two teeth chattered, -

Everything in the soul involuntary settled fear.

I trembled - and quietly at last

The languor of sleep fell on his eyes.

Then the crowd from the azure height

On a bed of roses winged dreams,

Wizards, sorceresses flew

My sleep was enchanted by deceptions.

I was lost in a fit of sweet thoughts;

In the wilderness of the forest, among the Murom desert

Met the dashing Polkanovs and Dobrynyas,

And a young mind rushed in fiction ...

Unfortunately, only a fragment of the poem, which Pushkin also wrote during his years of study at the Lyceum, "Bova", has survived. This story was very popular at the time. The plot was as follows: The stepfather of Bova the King imprisoned his stepson and wanted to execute him. But Bove is helped by an ordinary maid and he runs away. The rest of the time he travels, defeating his enemies. His assistant was a werewolf (half dog, half man) named Polkan. Bova marries a very beautiful daughter of the king, but was separated from her. He returned to the princess only when she was about to marry another. Then they separate again. Bova decides to marry another girl. But his children find him and report to their mother. In general, Alexander Sergeevich really liked this tale. Around 1822, he wanted to write a poem on this subject. But, to our regret, only drafts and excerpts have been preserved.

In 1820, Alexander Sergeevich finished his work on the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". I think that he changed the name of the main character from Eruslan, which was also in one of the nanny's fairy tales. They also inspired him to create the sorcerer Finn. Such wizards are mentioned in northern tales. And Pushkin heard them from Arina Rodionovna.

Here's another example. "The tale of wonderful children and a slandered wife."

Plot: One king decided to marry. But he didn't like anyone. One day he accidentally overheard a conversation between three sisters. The eldest boasted that the state would feed with one grain, the second that the state would dress with one piece of cloth, the third that from the first year she would give birth to 33 sons. The king decided to marry his younger sister. The stepmother of the ruler was terribly jealous of the girl and, in the end, decided to ruin her. After nine months, the princess has now given birth to 34 boys. The last one was born unexpectedly.

Doesn't it remind you of anything? Of course, it reminds, because this is the basis of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan and his son, the brave and mighty hero, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess." In the fairy tale of Arina Rodionovna, the king's name was Sultan Sultanovich. In the Pushkin fairy tale, the Swan Princess has magical powers, and the nanny has 34 sons.

On the basis of another tale of the nanny, Pushkin created "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda." But I haven't found a single story similar to her.

It is also interesting that Arina Rodionovna named the main character exactly Balda, and not Ivan the Fool, as in many fairy tales.

Another tale served as a plot for writing "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs." Similar ones are very popular in European folklore, but with Arina Rodionovna it is a little peculiar. The content of similar tales is as follows: the evil stepmother, jealous of her stepdaughter, decided to destroy her. But the girl is sure to escape and live in the house of robbers, gnomes or dwarfs. The stepmother must try to kill her three times. The last time becomes fatal for the girl. She is placed in a coffin, but at the end of the tale she comes to life.

1.3. Arina Rodionovna in the works of A. S. Pushkin

Recall Pushkin's poem "Winter Evening". By genre, it is a message, an appeal to the nanny. In this work, the lyrical hero understands that, like an attack of a bad mood, a snowstorm and a storm will subside, you just need to wait it out. The lyrical hero encourages his interlocutor - the nanny, tries to explain that there is no reason to be sad.

Or howling storms

You, my friend, are tired

Or slumber under the buzz

Your spindle?

He invites the nanny to remember the folk songs that she sang to him earlier and in which life is captured in bright colors. The poet offers the interlocutor another way to cheer up during bad weather

Let's drink, good friend

My poor youth

Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?

The heart will be happy.

According to Pushkin, it is unnatural for the human heart to be in a state of depression and sadness, a person is created for happiness and love.

In another poem by the poet "Nanny" we hear lines filled with Pushkin's love for his old nanny. He calls her

Friend of my harsh days,

My decrepit dove!

The poet describes the nurse's longing for him, but in these lines we hear Pushkin's longing for the woman who became his second mother.

Looking through the forgotten gates

On a black distant path;

Longing, forebodings, care

They squeeze your chest all the time.

Arina Rodionovna was also the prototype of Yegorovna in Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky". “She looked after him like a child, reminded him of the time of food and sleep, fed him, put him to bed.” In these lines, Arina Rodionovna stands before us, as if alive.

Nostalgia for Mikhailovsky and for the deceased nanny was the poem "... I visited again", written in 1835. Thematically, the work is devoted to Pushkin's return to Mikhailovskoye, where he had not been for a long time. The poet sees the “disgraced house”, where he lived with his nanny, his faithful companion from birth. But the nurse is no longer alive. Only memories of her remain.

Here is a disgraced house,

Where I lived with my poor nanny.

Already the old woman is gone - already behind the wall

I don't hear her heavy steps...

In 1833, Pushkin wrote the poem “Holy Ivan, how we will drink…” (it was not published during his lifetime). Here, under the name of Pakhomovna, the poet recalls the late Arina Rodionovna. In poems, as if written on behalf of a Russian peasant, Pushkin recreated the atmosphere of the nationality that surrounded the nanny. It is dedicated to the memory of Arina Rodionovna - a wonderful storyteller:

Let's also remember it:

We will tell fairy tales

The master was

And where did it come from.

And where are reasonable jokes,

Sayings, jokes,

Fables, epics

Orthodox antiquity!...

Listening is so comforting.

And I wouldn't drink or eat.

Everyone would listen and sit.

Who came up with them so well?

Listen, matchmaker, I'll start first.

The story will be yours.


Having studied the biography of the poet's nanny and his work, I concluded:

  1. Thanks to A.S. Pushkin, the name of Arina Rodionovna became known to the whole world.
  2. Not just a nanny, but a great friend became Arina Rodionovna for the poet.
  3. Nanny influenced the formation of Pushkin as a poet and a person.
  4. Many plots and motifs of fairy tales told by the nanny, the poet used in his work.
  5. From Arina Rodionovna Pushkin learned the first lessons of literary skill.


  1. Blinova S.G. "Pushkin and his time", Moscow, "Terra", 1977.
  2. Korovina R.N. "Creativity of A.S. Pushkin", Moscow, 1992. 4. Pushkin A.S. "Poems", Moscow, "Ripol Classic", 1977
  3. Internet resources

Some call her Yakovleva, others - Rodionova, others - Matveeva (by the name of her husband).

Since Arina Rodionovna had been a serf all her life, she easily managed without a surname. And it has remained in history - with a name and patronymic.

2. Looked completely different from the portraits

The most famous image of Pushkin's nanny is "Portrait of Arina Rodionovna by an unknown artist."

The images of Pushkin that have come down to us were made after her death and bear little resemblance to the mean verbal descriptions of a woman. So, her most famous portrait hardly resembles a person from the memoirs of Maria Osipova, a contemporary of Pushkin: “She was an extremely respectable old woman, with a full face, all gray-haired.”

A different image is depicted in the high relief of Arina Rodionovna, which, under mysterious circumstances, ended up with Maxim Gorky in 1911.It is also suggested that one of Pushkin's sketches on the margins of the manuscript of the poem "Premonition" may be an image of a nanny in his youth and old age. But it's also impossible to say for sure.

Drawing by A.S. Pushkin (1828).

3. Was not the main teacher in the life of Pushkin

Until the age of two, little Alexander was looked after by Uliana Yakovleva. She was his breadwinner and first nanny.

Arina Rodionovna first looked after his older sister Olga, and then for the younger children, becoming a "general nanny". However, Ulyana remained under Pushkin until 1811.

In addition, after 5 years, an “uncle” was assigned to the noble boys, who was supposed to introduce a male element into their upbringing. For Alexander Pushkin, Nikita Kozlov became such an educator, valet, and then butler. He served the poet before and after the end of those - and until his death. It was he who brought the wounded Pushkin from the fatal duel and later carried the poet's coffin.

4. The poet appreciated the nurse's tales only in exile

The legend that Arina Rodionovna played a major role in the creative work of young Pushkin, "saturating" him with folklore from childhood, appeared after the poet's death. This story gained particular popularity in Soviet times.

Nanny's writer appreciated only in exile, when he lived with Arina Rodionovna for two years in Mikhailovsky (1824-1826). And, judging by the poet's letter to his brother, earlier they had no influence on him:“Do you know my classes? Before dinner I write notes, I have dinner late; after dinner I ride, in the evening I listen to fairy tales - and thereby reward the shortcomings of my accursed upbringing. What a delight these stories are! Each is a poem!

5. Not every old woman in the poet's verses - Arina Rodionovna

The traits of Arina Rodionovna can be found in the images of mother Xenia ("Boris Godunov"), mother of the princess ("Mermaid"), nanny Yegorovna ("Dubrovsky") and, of course, nanny Larina ("Eugene Onegin").

The poet dedicated several poems to his. However, not all elderly women in Pushkin's poetry are "copied" from Arina Rodionovna. The nanny had a serious "competitor" in the face of the poet's maternal grandmother, Marya Gannibal.

So, in the poem “The confidante of magical antiquity ...” they often mistakenly see a dedication to the nanny because of the lines about the old woman “in a shushun, with big glasses and with a frisky rattle,” who rocked the baby’s cradle. Many people forget the following lines about "expensive French perfume and pearls on the chest." These lines are dedicated to the poet's beloved grandmother.

6. Was a muse not only for Pushkin

Thanks to her stories, we have "The Tale of Tsar Berendey" by Vasily Zhukovsky. And the poet Nikolai Yazykov dedicated two poems to Arina Rodionovna: “To the nanny of A. S. Pushkin” (1827) and “On the death of the nanny of A. S. Pushkin” (1830).

7. The famous pupil has never been to her grave

Arina Rodionovna died at the age of 70, after a short illness, in the house of Olga Pushkina. Neither the poet nor his sister attended her funeral. The exact reason for this could not be established. Most likely, Pushkin found out about the incident too late.

They buried Arina Rodionovna as a serf peasant woman - in an unmarked grave at the Smolensk cemetery. Two years later, the poet tried to find her, but could not.

Let us leave the debate about the true role of Arina Rodionovna in the life of Alexander Pushkin to specialists. One way or another, it has become an important part of Russian culture. As Alexander Sergeevich said: “If the coming generation will honor my name, this poor old woman should not be forgotten.”

Studying the historical roots of the biography of the nanny of the great poet of the Suydin period of life, Arina Rodionovna, it was possible to trace her ancestral origins in some detail, about which very little documentary evidence has survived to this day.

Arina Rodionovna was born on April 10, 1758 in the village of Voskresenskoye in the family of serfs Rodion Yakovlev and Lukerya Kirillova. This date has been documented thanks to the record found in the Register of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Suida, which is now stored in the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg. In the metrics, the future nanny of A.S. Pushkin was recorded as "Irinya". Under this name, she is mentioned in all the surviving documents of the former Suydin temple. It is also indicated here that the birthplace of Arina Rodionovna is the "village of Suyda", Voskresenskoye, also in the Koporsky district of the St. Petersburg province. The village of Resurrection, which received its name in honor of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ erected in 1718 next to it, until that time was officially called the village of Suydoi. Ever since the time of Swedish rule (approximately since 1619), this ancient settlement has been attributed to the Suida Manor. In the documents of the 18th century, the double name of the village was often mentioned: Suyda and Voskresenskoye. So, for example, in the Metric Book of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ for 1737 it is reported: “In the village of Voskresensky, which was the Suydovskaya manor ...”.

Arina Rodionovna's parents were serfs of a local landowner, second lieutenant of the Semyonovsky Life Guards Regiment, Count Fyodor Alekseevich Apraksin. The owner of the Suida manor was the grandson of the famous Peter's associate, Count Peter Matveyevich Apraksin, to whom these lands were granted by Peter I shortly after they were liberated from the Swedish invaders. As you know, P.M. Apraksin was one of the main heroes of the Northern War.

A year after the birth of Arina Rodionovna, the Suydinskaya manor with the village of Voskresensky and neighboring villages assigned to it were acquired by the general-in-chief and cavalier Abram Petrovich Gannibal, who later became the legendary great-grandfather of A.S. Pushkin.

Arina Rodionovna's father, Rodion Yakovlev, was born in 1728. The boy lost his parents early and was left an orphan. At about the age of nine, he was taken as a “foster” to be brought up in a childless peasant family of Peter Poluektov and Vassa Emelyanova, who had lived in the village of Voskresenskoye since the time of Peter the Great.

The peasant family of the Poluektovs appeared on the Suyda land during the forced resettlement of several peasant families who arrived here from the central provinces of Russia. Petrovsky decree, in the period 1715 to 1725, they, like thousands of other immigrants, were expelled from their homes. Deserted, deserted after the Swedish occupation of the region, villages and villages, located on the lands that became part of the St. Petersburg province established in 1708, the tsar expected to quickly return to life. Peter Poluektov was the eldest son of the "Great Russian" peasant Poluekt Andreev. In the neighboring courtyards of the village of Voskresensky, his brothers Andrei and Kirill lived next to him.

No documentary evidence of the real parents of Rodion Yakovlev has been preserved. The place of his birth is also unknown. One can only assume that the village of Voskresenskoye was the birthplace of Arina Rodionovna's father. Answers to these and many other questions could be gleaned from the church documents of the Suydin temple. However, the metric book for 1728, when Rodion Yakovlev was born, was not preserved in the archive.

An unsubstantiated version, set out in research by the well-known Pushkin scholar, former curator of Pushkin places in the Gatchina region and the author of the first museum expositions in Suyda, Vyra and Kobrin, Nina Ivanovna Granovskaya (1917-2002) that Rodion Yakovlev “probably was a descendant of immigrants or baptized Karelians (Chuds) ”is not documented. Recently, a whole series of unsubstantiated materials has appeared in the press devoted to the Finno-Ugric origin of the great poet's nanny. There were daredevils who considered Arina Rodionovna almost a Lutheran. However, it is not. The Finnish theme occupies both places in the biography of Ina Rodionovna, in her wonderful storytelling heritage, which is so vividly reflected in the work of A.S. Pushkin. But this is a topic for a separate post.

While compiling the genealogy of Arina Rodionovna, we can say with full confidence that her parents - father and mother had Slavic, Orthodox roots. This is proved primarily by the fact that Rodion Yakovlev and Lukerya Kirillovna were parishioners of the Suydin church. The ancient village of Voskresenskoye (former Suyda) has been considered a Novgorod settlement since time immemorial. It was first mentioned in the Novgorod scribe book of 1499 as the village of Suyda in the Nikolsko-Suydovsky churchyard in Vodskry Pyatina on the land of Veliky Novgorod.

Arina Rodionovna's mother, Lukerya Kirillovna, was born in 1730 in the village of Voskresenskoye into a large peasant family. Her father, Kirill Mikhailovich, was a "servant" of the Suidinsky manor. In the confessional books of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the middle of the 18th century, it is called "the ancient village of Suydy." Based on this, it can be assumed that her ancestors were Novgorodians who survived the Swedish occupation of the region. The family of Kirill Mikhailovich had several children. Among them is Irina Kirillova, after whom a newborn was named at baptism in 1758, who later became Arina Rodionovna. Interestingly, one of the recipients at her baptism was her mother's brother, Larion Kirillov (he is named Kirillin in the documents). Another recipient was the daughter of the Resurrection peasant, the maiden Euphemia Lukina.

Rodion Yakovlev and Lukerya Kirillovna had a large family - seven children: in 1755, the eldest son Simeon was born. At that time, the name of Rodion Yakovlev was often mentioned in metrical documents. So, for example, in 1757, in connection with the birth of the daughter of Matryona at the Resurrection peasant Ivan Eliseev. Her godparent at baptism was Arina Rodionovna's mother - Lukerya Kirillovna was born in 1730 in the village of Voskresenskoye into a large peasant family. Her father, Kirill Mikhailovich, was a "servant" of the Suidinsky manor. In the confessional books of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the middle of the 18th century, it is called "the ancient village of Suydy." Based on this, it can be assumed that her ancestors were Novgorodians who survived the Swedish occupation of the region. The family of Kirill Mikhailovich had several children. Among them is Irina Kirillova, after whom a newborn was named at baptism in 1758, who later became Arina Rodionovna. Interestingly, one of the recipients at her baptism was her mother's brother, Larion Kirillov (in the documents he is named Kirillin). Another recipient was the daughter of the Resurrection peasant, the maiden Euphemia Lukina.

According to the record of the Register of Metrics, in 1750, 22-year-old Rodion Yakovlev entered into a legal marriage with a local serf girl, 20-year-old Lukerya Kirillova. According to the Confessional books, it was possible to trace that the newlyweds, not having their own yard, settled in the house of their stepfather Peter Poluektov. Here their children were born. Four years later, the adoptive mother of Rodion Yakovlev, Vassa Emelyanova, died. She was 55 years old. And soon the widowed Pyotr Poluektov remarried the "plowwoman" of the Suidinskaya manor, the widow Nastasya Filippova, who had two daughters and a son Yeremey Agafonov from her first marriage.

Rodion Yakovlev and Lukerya Kirillovna had a large family - seven children: in 1755, the eldest son Simeon was born. At that time, the name of Rodion Yakovlev was often mentioned in metrical documents. So, for example, in 1757, in connection with the birth of the daughter of Matryona at the Resurrection peasant Ivan Eliseev. Her future father at baptism was Arina Rodionovna.

Rodion Yakovlev died in 1768, when Arina Rodionovna was only 10 years old. In 1772, Peter Poluektov also died, having outlived his adopted son by four years. After the death of the breadwinners, both families, which consisted mainly of young children, continued to live together for some time. Yeremey Agafonov turned out to be the only male breadwinner in the house.

From adolescence, Yeremey Agafonov was appointed as a worker in a landowner's estate. In the documents of that time, he is often mentioned among the peasants assigned to the Suydinskaya manor. So, in the Confessional Book for 1795, among the "yard people" of the estate of Ivan Abramovich Hannibal are indicated:
“Eremey Agafonov, 58 years old, his wife Evdokia, 55 years old, his mother, widow Nastasya Filippova, 93 years old”

It was Yeremey who recommended the elder brother of Arina Rodionovna Simeon Rodionov, who later served as a coachman for the Hannibals, to work in the landowner's estate. It can be assumed that, in turn, Simeon brought the still very young sister Irinya, the future Arina Rodionovna, to the master's house of the old arap. Being in the service of a manor, she encountered hard peasant labor very early. Thus, Arina Rodionovna was associated with the Hannibals and their estate long before she became a nanny in the Kobrin estate, the so-called Runovskaya manor.

In Voskresenskoye, as in other Russian villages in Russia, all local girls were taught needlework from an early age. Arina Rodionovna was also an excellent needlewoman. This is told by ancient legends and documentary information. The Suydin region has always been famous for its craftswomen - embroiderers and lacemakers.

By the standards of that time, Arina Rodionovna got married quite late - at twenty-three years old. She was married to a peasant from the neighboring village of Kobrino, Fyodor Matveev. The wedding was in a hurry. The last days of the life of the old black man were coming to an end, after whose death the bride and groom could end up in the possessions of different landowners: Suyda was to be inherited by Ivan Abramovich Gannibal, Kobrino - to Osip Abramovich Gannibal, the future grandfather of A.S. Pushkin.

The marriage of Fyodor Matveev and Arina Rodionova took place in the Suidinsky Church of the Resurrection of Christ on February 5, 1781. An entry in the Metric Book reports: “In the village of Kobrino, the peasant son, the youth Fyodor Matveev, in the village of Suyda, with the peasant girl Irinya Rodionova, both by first marriage.”

The guarantors at the wedding from the side of the groom were the peasants of the village of Taitsy Kuzma Nikitin and Efim Petrov, and for the bride, her closest relatives Larion Kirillov and Simeon Rodionov. After marriage, Arina Rodionevna moved to her husband in Kobrino. In the same year, on May 14, Abram Petrovich Hannibal died and this village was inherited by his son.

A. Burlakov
Photo by G. Puntusova

Around the image of the legendary Arina Rodionovna - the nanny of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - there were many different rumors and legends. Despite the fact that the famous pupil himself always spoke of this respected woman with sincere love and gratitude, some Pushkinists and the poet's contemporaries noted amazing and even contradictory moments in the biography and character of the nanny, whose name became a household name.

Izhorka or Chukhonka?

Arina Rodionovna (1758-1828) was a peasant serf. She was born in the village of Lampovo, Petersburg province, not far from the village of Suyda. Her parents Lukerya Kirillova and Rodion Yakovlev raised seven children. The real name of the girl was Irina (or Irinya), but in the family she was always called Arina, and so it happened.

Despite the fact that officially in the 18th century almost all the serfs of the St. Petersburg province were considered Russian, the majority of the inhabitants of those places, in fact, were representatives of assimilated Finno-Ugric nationalities. The environs of Suida were inhabited mainly by Izhors - the descendants of one of the tribes of the people, who bore the name "Chud". In addition to them, Chukhons also lived on these lands.

Historians and Pushkin scholars do not have exact information to which of these Finno-Ugric nationalities, completely mixed with Russians and not preserved, Arina Rodionovna belonged. But some of the tales she told to her famous pupil have a distinct northern flavor. Even the image of an oak standing near Lukomorye clearly echoes the Scandinavian legends about the Yggdrasil tree, which connects different levels of the universe.

From a family of Old Believers?

Some historians note that families of Old Believers have long lived in the vicinity of the village of Suyda in the St. Petersburg province. Many of these people hid their religious views so as not to be persecuted by the official church.

In addition to the fact that Arina Rodionovna was born in the places of the traditional settlement of the Old Believers, her origin from this environment is also indicated by the information contained in the letter of A.S. Pushkin to his friend P.A. Vyazemsky on November 9, 1826. So, the great poet writes: “My nanny is hilarious. Imagine that at the age of 70 she memorized a new prayer "For the tenderness of the heart of the lord and the taming of the spirit of his ferocity", probably composed during the reign of Tsar Ivan. Now her priests are tearing up a prayer service ... "

The simple fact that Arina Rodionovna knew by heart or learned from somewhere a rare ancient prayer that existed even before the split of the Orthodox Church may indicate her close communication or kinship with the Old Believers. After all, only they so reverently preserved religious texts, many of which were lost by the official church.

Serf without a surname

Arina Rodionovna did not have a last name, like many serfs. Although her parent is recorded in church registers as Yakovlev, and her husband as Matveev, these were not names, but patronymics. In those days, Peter, the son of Ivan, was called Peter Ivanov, and the grandson of the same Ivan did not inherit the surname of his grandfather, but was called after his father - Petrov.

However, Irina, the daughter of a peasant, Rodion Yakovlev, is indicated in the birth record. There is also information about the wedding of Irinya Rodionova and Fyodor Matveev in the church book of the village of Suyda. These facts confused many researchers who mistakenly called Pushkin's nanny Yakovleva as a girl, and Matveeva as a wife.

mother of four children

Some people believe that Arina Rodionovna did not have her own family, and therefore she was strongly attached to her pupil. However, this was not the case. In 1781, a 22-year-old peasant woman got married and moved to the village of Kobrino, Sofia district, where her husband Fyodor Matveev (1756-1801), who was two years older than his young wife, lived.

Four children were born in this marriage. The eldest son of the legendary nanny was called Yegor Fedorov. In the revision tale for 1816, he is listed as the head of the family, since he was the eldest man in the house of the widowed mother.

And the husband of Arina Rodionovna died at the age of 44. Some sources claim that from drunkenness.


All posts by A.S. Pushkin about his nanny are imbued with special warmth and gratitude. But some people who knew this woman pointed out that Arina Rodionovna liked to knock over a glass or two from time to time.

So, the poet Nikolai Mikhailovich Yazykov wrote in his memoirs: "... she was an affectionate, caring troublemaker, an inexhaustible storyteller, and sometimes a cheerful drinking companion." This man, who knew his friend's nanny well, noted that despite her fullness, she was always a mobile and energetic woman.

Quite frankly, a neighbor of the great poet on the estate in the village of Mikhailovskoye also spoke about Arina Rodionovna. The noblewoman Maria Ivanovna Osipova left the following entry in her memoirs: "... an extremely respectable old woman, all gray-haired, but with one sin - she loved to drink."

Perhaps in the poem "Winter Evening" A.S. Pushkin, it is far from accidental that the following lines appeared:

Let's drink, good friend

My poor youth

Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?

The heart will be happy.

Although there is no other information that this respected woman ever drank or (God forbid!) introduced her famous pupil to alcohol, does not exist.

Folk storyteller

It is unlikely that any of the Pushkinists would deny that Arina Rodionovna had a noticeable influence on the work of the great poet. Some historians call her a real folk storyteller - an inexhaustible storehouse of ancient legends, legends and myths.

Becoming an adult, A.S. Pushkin realized what an invaluable national and cultural asset fairy tales were, which his dear nanny knew by heart. In 1824-1826, while in exile, the great poet took advantage of the moment to once again listen and write down the magical stories about Tsar Saltan, about the golden cockerel, about the Lukomorye, about the dead princess and the seven heroes, as well as many others. The author breathed new life into these tales, bringing them his literary gift and poetic look.

At the beginning of November 1824 A.S. Pushkin wrote to his younger brother Lev Sergeevich from the village of Mikhailovsky that he was engaged in writing until lunch, then he rides, and in the evening he listens to fairy tales, thereby making up for the shortcomings of his education. Probably, the poet meant that at the beginning of the 19th century, the nobles did not study oral folk art at all.

“What a charm these fairy tales are! Each is a poem! exclaimed the poet in a letter to his brother.

As the Pushkinists established, according to their nanny A.S. Pushkin also recorded ten folk songs and several expressions that seemed very interesting to him.

It is still unknown what the most famous nanny of Russia looked like and what was, whose name has already become a household name

Arina Rodionovna, who nurtured the "sun of Russian poetry", was born on April 21 (according to the old style on April 10), 1758, exactly 260 years ago. Historians, Pushkin scholars are still building hypotheses, trying to find out how close she was to Arina Rodionovna and influenced his work. And at the same time - how she looked, with whom she competed for the upbringing of the poet, what destructive addiction she suffered and whether she was happy like a woman.

origin mystery

Let's start with the fact that the serf was born in the village of Lampovo, St. Petersburg province, in the family Lukerya Kirillova And Rodion Yakovlev, where there were seven children. The girl in the church book was recorded as Irina(or Irinho), but at home they called Arina colloquially, and so it happened. Her last name is indicated as Yakovleva, subsequently Matveeva- for her husband. But surnames were not supposed to be serfs.

In those days, the places where the future legendary nanny lived were inhabited by representatives of assimilated Finno-Ugric nationalities - Izhors or Chukhons. To what nationalities Arina belonged, it is now difficult to say. Perhaps she was from a family of Old Believers.

In 1826 Alexander Pushkin in a letter to his friend Peter Vyazemsky mentions a 68-year-old nanny who knows by heart the prayer “For the tenderness of the heart of the lord and the taming of the spirit of his ferocity”, probably composed during the reign of Tsar Ivan. And the Old Believers were very careful about religious texts and passed them from mouth to mouth in order to preserve them.

mustachioed babysitter

Some even from school believe that Arina Rodionovna gave herself without a trace to the brilliant poet, but this is not so. She was married. Went down the aisle quite late - at 23 for a 25-year-old Fyodor Matveev. And immediately moved to him in the village of Kobrino, Sofia district. There were four children in the family.

Apparently, the female share of the woman was unhappy. Her husband died of alcoholism at the age of 44. In 1792, Arina Rodionovna was taken as a nanny to the house of Alexander Pushkin's grandmother. Mary Hannibal for nephew Alexey. The teacher showed remarkable talent, and she was presented with a separate hut.

Excellent recommendations brought her to the Pushkin family in 1797. It is curious, but Arina Rodionovna, one might say, had a rival. Alexander was engaged in "mustachioed nannies" Nikita Kozlov. Until the death of the ward, he faithfully served him. However, the name of this man remained unknown, the poet did not mention him anywhere.

Mother storyteller

Some historians and Pushkin scholars believe that the influence of Arina Rodionovna and her closeness to Pushkin are somewhat exaggerated. She was next to the poet until he entered the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in 1811. And then only in 1825, the nanny and her pupil, who called her "mammy" in letters, were reunited in the village of Mikhailovskoye, where Pushkin was serving a link. It was here that Alexander Sergeevich heard, as the school teachers assured him, the stories of Arina Rodionovna. So there were fairy tales about the king Saltan, goldfish, about Lukomorye.

Soviet propaganda, while Stalin, tied Pushkin and his nanny in a tight knot. Arina Rodionovna became a symbol of the "common people", who had a huge impact on the "aristocracy" in the person of Alexander Sergeevich. For many decades this was hammered into the school curriculum. As a result, many were sure that the poet loved his nanny in childhood more than his parents and adored her with fiery son love in adulthood. The only truth is that "mammy" creatively motivated Pushkin. But the poet himself in his notes did not exalt his inspirer in any way. Well, he “listened to” fairy tales largely from boredom and idleness - there was little entertainment in Mikhailovsky.

Where is the mug?

Everyone remembers the immortal lines from the poem “Winter Evening” dedicated to the nanny: “Let's drink, good friend / Of my poor youth, / Let's drink from grief; where is the mug? / The heart will be more cheerful. Fiction or raw truth? Poet Nikolay Yazykov called Arina "an affectionate and caring troublemaker", who was sometimes a "cheerful drinking buddy". Pushkin's friend via link Maria Osipova mentioned in her memoirs that the nanny had a sin - "she loved to drink."

How true this is, it is already difficult to judge, but obviously her weakness, if she was, did not affect Arina Rodionovna's health in any way. Nanny Pushkin died at the age of 70 in 1828, nine years before the death of her ward, who, by the way, was not at her funeral.