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» Equipment for cutting out plywood. Laser processing machines. List of cutting equipment

Equipment for cutting out plywood. Laser processing machines. List of cutting equipment

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How can a plywood cutting machine be constructed? In this article we are going to get acquainted with several machines that are different both in scope and design and find out whether they can be designed independently.

Straight cutting

This operation is most in demand in construction work: as a rule, elements of the subfloor, walls, various podiums and stairs have outlines close to simple geometric shapes.

For straight cuts the following are usually used:

  • Jigsaw. The least productive tool, which also does not cope well with a constant cutting direction. Usually, after cutting out a workpiece, it is necessary to bring it to a decent state by hand grinding or a grinder;
  • Hand circular saw. It provides excellent performance and much better cut quality with minimal deviations from a straight line, especially when using guides;

Tip: simple instructions will help you make the cut with a jigsaw or circular saw as precise as possible.
It is enough to screw a guide - a long straight strip - to the sheet with a pair of self-tapping screws. The tool is guided along the sheet tightly pressed to the rail.

  • Finally, the ideal solution is a stationary circular saw (saw bench). By moving the workpiece along the machine table relative to the rotating saw, you can not only create products with a complex contour. In this case, the saw is used as a cutter.
Logan (USA) Price (per piece) 20786.39 rub. Buy LG 855-MET Logan Platinum Edge mat cutting machine Logan (USA) Price (per piece) 94962.00 rub. Buy Fletcher-Terry (USA) Price (per piece) 133682.00 rub. Buy Valiani (Italy) Price (per piece) 316211.00 rub. Buy Valiani (Italy) Price (per piece) 358171.47 rub. Buy Logan (USA) Price (per piece) 89399.00 rub. Buy Fletcher-Terry (USA) Price (per piece) 1512.44 rub. Buy Price (per package) 849.41 rub. Buy Logan (USA) Packaging: 100 pcs. Price (per package) 1604.86 rub. Buy Logan (USA) Packaging: 100 pcs. Price (per package) 1822.74 rub. Buy Logan (USA) Packaging: 100 pcs. Price (per package) 1856.04 rub. Buy Logan (USA) Pack: 20 pcs. Price (per package) 788.26 rub. Buy Videka Price (per piece) 2658.76 rub. Buy Videka Price (per piece) 6211.48 rub. Buy Fletcher-Terry (USA) Packaging: 100 pcs. Price (per package) 2464.00 rub. Buy Logan (USA) Pack: 10 pcs. Price (per package) RUB 339.30 Buy Logan (USA) Pack: 5 pcs. Price (per package) 380.58 rub. Buy Logan (USA) Price (per piece) 6536.66 rub. Buy Fletcher-Terry (USA) Packaging: 100 pcs. Price (per package) 2464.00 rub. Buy Fletcher-Terry (USA) Packaging: 100 pcs. Price (per package) 4158.76 rub. Buy Valiani (Italy) Package: 10 pcs. Price (per package) 9597.14 rub. Buy Valiani (Italy) Packaging: 100 pcs. Price (per package) 8957.33 rub. Buy Fletcher-Terry (USA) Price (per piece) 15522.49 rub. Buy

A passe-partout is a cardboard that is placed between the image and the frame, firstly to create an additional artistic color effect, and secondly, to physically separate the work from the glass to avoid damage. The Videka company offers you a large selection of equipment needed to work with mats - from manual mat cutters to automated mat cutting machines.

Passepartout tools

Cutting out mats is a responsible process. A difference of not just half a millimeter, but sometimes even tenths of a millimeter can disrupt the overall proportions of the work and destroy the artistic concept. What can we say about working in large workshops - after all, they have to do dozens, or even hundreds, a day, and all of them must be done with high precision. In addition, mass production involves the creation of many absolutely identical mats. To facilitate the work of the carver, many devices have been created. Depending on the scale of work, this may be:

  1. Hand knife for passe-partout. It is a small device with a blade and a ruler, used mainly at home, as well as in small framing workshops.
  2. Machine for cutting mats. Such a tool for mats is used in large workshops, as well as in mass production, as it allows you to easily and in a short time produce a large number of identical mats. A mating machine is a work table on which guides with divisions printed on them are fixed, with the help of which the cutting angle of the mat, as well as a cutter, are set. Moreover, many models of such machines can also be used as machines for cutting glass, since the cutter is replaceable and can be replaced with a similar one for other materials.

The machines are:

  1. Professional.
  2. Semi-professional.

And also divided into:

  1. Horizontal. For such machines, the working surface is horizontal and is intended to be placed on a table or other horizontal surface.
  2. Vertical. In such machines, the working surface is located vertically, the machine resembles a drawing easel.

In addition to the cutters and glass cutting machines themselves, in our catalog you will find all the necessary accessories and consumables for them:

  1. replacement blades for machines;
  2. rubber mats for cutting mats with markings;
  3. templates for cutting out polygonal mats,

and other.

Why us

The Videka company offers you products designed for cutting mats and guarantees its customers the following advantages.

Plywood is one of the optimal decorative materials. In addition to its performance qualities, it is easy to process. However, mechanical figure cutting does not always give the desired result. Therefore, plywood laser cutting machines were developed. This is an innovative technology that allows you to make complex three-dimensional designs and patterns.

Plywood laser cutting technology

A targeted thermal effect on a decorative natural material partially destroys it. This occurs due to the formation of plasma, similar to arc welding. However, the plywood does not melt, but burns out.

The main component of the machine is the laser installation. It generates concentrated radiation that affects the material. For this purpose, CO2 lasers are used. Semiconductor models do not have sufficient power and can only be used for artistic burning.

The procedure for performing shaped laser cutting of plywood.

  1. Creating a drawing. Depending on the capabilities of the equipment, this can be done electronically or you can apply the pattern to the surface yourself.
  2. Selecting cutting mode. The determining parameter is the laser power. It depends on the thickness and structure of the plywood. If the degree of heating is exceeded, the width of the cut will increase.
  3. Formation of the drawing. Its speed is affected by the laser power. The higher it is, the faster the process is performed. However, this increases the area of ​​darkening at the edges.

This is a general description of the technology and may change depending on the parameters and functionality of the equipment. The average laser power is about 20 W. It directly depends on the thickness of the plywood and the complexity of the pattern.

For work, it is best to use automated CNC wood processing centers. This will increase accuracy and improve productivity.

Features of cutting plywood with a laser

The main disadvantage of this type of equipment is its high cost. A number of advantages that are not possible with mechanical processing make laser wood centers very popular. They are used to complete production and are used to perform small amounts of work at home.

The defining advantage of laser cutting is the thin seam on the wood. It may be slightly larger than the beam diameter. This way, maximum detail is achieved and the result matches the original layout exactly.

This technology has the following features:

  • A slight darkening appears in the area affected by the beam. This is inevitable, but can be mitigated by painting or varnishing;
  • no mechanical effort is required for cutting. The process does not involve surface deformation, which is typical for classical processing methods;
  • The quality of work is affected by the composition of the wood. It is not recommended to use sheets made from softwood. They contain a large amount of resins, which, when evaporated, affect the appearance.

For large production volumes, it is necessary to provide a vapor extraction system. This is done using local ventilation. The absence of chips significantly softens the requirements for working conditions when cutting plywood with a laser machine.

The surface of the processed material is first cleaned of dust and dirt. The presence of varnish, paint or similar decorative and protective compounds is not allowed.

List of cutting equipment

To complete a professional production line, it is recommended to purchase specialized equipment. But in addition to the laser installation, it must contain other components.

To ensure maximum automation of work, the laser head must move freely along the length and width of the wooden surface. To do this, install a special carriage that moves along guides.

In addition, the following components are required for normal operation:

  • electronic control unit. It controls the operation of the laser, gives commands for its movement relative to the sheet;
  • combustion products exhaust system. Despite their small number, without forced ventilation the concentration of harmful substances will quickly increase;
  • interface for entering information - drawing, machine operating modes, etc.

To perform a small amount of work, it will not be practical to purchase expensive equipment. The best option is to use the services of specialized production companies. In this case, you only need to correctly draw up the design and select the material on which it will be applied.

In the video you can see an example of how the machine works to form a pattern on the surface of a plywood sheet:

Review of ready-made machine models

If you want to purchase a laser machine for cutting plywood, then pay attention to their difference in power:

  • desktop. Designed for work at home or in a small workshop with small workpieces. Power up to 80 W, price from 50,000 rubles;
  • professional. Used in small businesses in the production of designer jewelry, engraving, and cutting materials to size. Power up to 195 W, price from 150,000 rubles;
  • industrial. Used on high power and throughput production lines with increased requirements for quality and precision of work. Power from 3000 W, price from 450,000 rubles.

Let's look at machines from different price categories.

High-precision processing of wood surfaces for installation or decorative purposes is carried out only with the help of specialized equipment. Today, machines for performing cutting and engraving operations are presented in a wide range. Moreover, these are not only units operating on the principles of traditional mechanical and thermal effects, but also high-tech laser technology. In addition, manufacturers equip the equipment with the latest software tools for monitoring and managing functions that make the operator’s tasks easier. At the same time, a laser machine for wood differs from similar mechanical units in its high cost, so its choice should be approached with greater responsibility.

Where is a laser wood cutting machine used?

Mainly such equipment is used for decorative design of wood surfaces. It is achieved through two main operations - cutting and engraving. For this, different powers can be used, and, accordingly, each machine will provide certain processing capabilities. The machines are used by both home craftsmen at the amateur level and professional operators on production lines. For example, a laser wood cutting machine is used in the furniture industry to apply artistic patterns to surfaces. In this case, the possibility of continuous operation is assumed, therefore the machines have high productivity. At home and in small workshops, users focus on piece production - as a rule, producing designer products.

Types of machines

The main feature of the division of machines of this type is the power potential, which is also reflected in the structural design. Compact devices usually have a power of no more than 80 W. Such models are suitable for use in small businesses, in the production of one-piece designer souvenirs and for amateur work. The middle class represents more productive units, the power potential of which can reach 200 W. Such models can already be used in production lines in small factories for processing wood materials and furniture. And the most powerful laser machine belongs to the industrial field of application. Conveyors of large factory enterprises are equipped with such equipment. Again, they are characterized not only by increased power, but also by a design that often allows them to be integrated into workshops through construction installation.


Modern laser machines are distinguished by wide optional capabilities - this is one of the main areas, working on which, developers strive to attract an increasing number of customers. In particular, for professional machines it has long been mandatory to have a cooling system. This function is responsible for the timely reduction of the temperature of the working body, which increases the reliability of the installation. The electric nozzle drive is also becoming an increasingly common technical element that is equipped with wood laser machines. The capabilities of models with such equipment are increased due to more accurate positioning and overall control of the working component. More advanced devices also provide laser focusing.

Features of CNC models

A separate category is represented by units with the ability to program a workflow, which is implemented automatically. The presence of the system practically relieves the user of performing mechanical operations. However, in some machines, operators may still be assigned indirect and auxiliary actions. One way or another, a CNC laser machine for wood provides extensive opportunities in terms of workflow management. Typically, such models are interfaced with computer stations and controllers. This makes it possible to develop tasks for the machine in graphical computer form without using special physical settings for various processing parameters. The equipment, based on a built-in program, independently calibrates the working parts to perform specific tasks.

How to make a laser machine for wood with your own hands?

You can independently make a compact device that will serve as an automated engraver in a small area. This will require materials for the device body, a controller, working equipment to move the laser device, and auxiliary systems responsible for power and cooling. The complexity of this task is due to the fact that it is impossible to purchase a wide range of components on the regular radio market. For example, a programmable controller with cutters is most often purchased from Chinese online stores. In practice, it is possible to make a laser machine for wood carving only if you have the appropriate knowledge of electronics - at least, you should have a wiring diagram for the components on hand. However, this will not be difficult if you set the goal of producing a modestly powerful hand engraver without an automatic positioning system.

Machine Operation

Work begins by connecting the equipment to a power source and preparing the material. Depending on the type of machine, the processing process will be controlled either automatically or manually. In the first case, you will need to initially download the final model in computer form. Also, devices of this type often provide for mechanical adjustment of equipment to specific characteristics of the operation. Without automation, a wood laser machine is controlled manually. The initial parameters of the work process are also set, after which direct cutting or engraving is performed.


Finding a truly high-quality and reliable laser machine on the market is not easy. The segment consists mostly of Chinese manufacturers, a considerable part of which assemble equipment in artisanal conditions. And this is not to mention the rather average quality of the components themselves. But there are also conscientious companies, in whose families you can find a completely decent laser wood cutting machine for any need. Such models, in particular, are produced by Wattsan micro, KAMACH and RABBIT. Another thing is that the cost of these products is high. Even devices that are small in size and modest in power cost at least 100 thousand rubles.