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» Pay attention to them. Hands: Do men pay attention to women's manicures? What do men pay attention to in a woman?

Pay attention to them. Hands: Do men pay attention to women's manicures? What do men pay attention to in a woman?

A guy can earn a girl’s attention mainly through his heroic deeds or natural beauty. Women can quickly and easily recognize a person by their gaze, facial expressions, movements, how they manage to show their intuition so quickly and efficiently. Thus, it is incredibly difficult for a man to deceive a girl. The girl will do her deceptive maneuver without much difficulty. When they see a handsome guy, what do girls pay attention to? Of course, the first thing to look at is his smile. If the guy stands with his back to the girl, then her assessment is directly aimed at the man’s physique. This is a simple law of Mother Nature; you cannot escape from it.

It’s not for nothing that British scientists, having conducted an experiment on the all-round view of the ordinary human eye, found out unique feature women. The viewing angle of the average woman exceeds that of the male eye by 30-40 degrees! This is a fact and you can’t argue with it. The result of this experiment is confirmation that women do not turn their heads towards passing people. unknown man, but they see his outline just as perfectly as a man turning his head. It turns out even more interesting fact What girls pay attention to when they see a guy is usually a smile and the overall silhouette takes no more than 1-3 seconds.

Compared to the male principle of assessing a woman, which includes a more thorough analysis of a woman from head to toe, it takes more than 5 seconds. All these painless and interesting experiments and experiments on people of different sexes suggest that any woman is much more cunning and faster than men according to primary natural characteristics, and the stronger half of humanity has to put up with this. Clothing also plays an important role in attracting a girl's attention. A fashionable, stylish, correctly chosen color of a guy’s clothes will attract the attention of even the proudest girl. And if this is also a new product of the season, then the success of attracting a pleasant and gentle half of humanity is guaranteed by 50%.

Such a guy only has to snap his fingers and smile, and before he has time to think anything, the girl will answer him with a smile and great interest in his person. One should not lose sight of the fact that every girl at the stage of her sexual development develops in her mind the type of her future chosen one. Later, when focusing on a stranger, she seems to try on her fantasy on a real person. When a consciously grown idol matches a real man in many respects, incredibly great interest occurs. AND further development events directly depend on her ability to behave when meeting a guy. The colossally powerful and at the same time invisible to others feeling that it is necessary to pay maximum attention to a person is satisfied only by acquaintance.

A girl often pays attention to guys with an unnatural appearance, which lies in his pleasant energy and psychological stability from the very first moment of meeting. Many people call this love at first sight! But don’t rush, if this is love, then it won’t make you hide it for long. Sooner or later you will understand that everything in this world has its place and fate is favorable for all people on our planet. After all, love represents enormous attention and mutual arrangement guy and girl.

Public opinion treats such couples with caution and misunderstanding. Some people think that the girl is dating for the sake of money, others sympathize with her - he won’t even be able to satisfy her. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you are able not to notice the condemnation and ridicule of others.

Relationship problems

But the real problems start when your parents or friends are negative about your choices. Many may feel uneasy. Friends don't know what to talk about with a man who is old enough to be a father. And parents cannot perceive their peer as a child. It may turn out that they will never be able to communicate well, and the girl will have to be torn between them.

In the wake of falling in love, you can not pay attention to differences in views and disputes over trifles. But if you want to start a family, think seriously and determine your compatibility. It is necessary to discuss all issues that will be important in the future. Does he want a child, how many children, when? best time for the birth of a baby, who will do the housework, whether the wife will work and other questions.

The couple is from different generations, and interests can vary greatly. Young people are full of energy and curious. I want to see the world, study active species sports and just spending time outside the home. But the older a person is, the faster he gets tired. It is possible that your couple will want to spend time at home or walk in a nearby park throughout their lives. And you will feel caged, unable to achieve your dreams.

Do not forget about the sad fact - men live fewer women. And if you have an age difference of 15 years, it may turn out that you will become a widow early. It is very painful to outlive a loved one with whom you have lived half your life, especially if you have minor children.

Pros of relationships

But if the age difference is less than 10 years, it won't affect your relationship as much. Especially if your views on life coincide, you know how to negotiate and resolve conflicts peacefully. You will get a wise, experienced partner, who most likely has already achieved something in life and is ready for family life.

Who has a better chance of receiving increased attention from women - a sloppy fellow with long greasy hair or a mannered gentleman dressed to the nines? I think the answer is obvious. This manifests itself especially clearly during acquaintance, because manners and appearance are the first things a girl evaluates. Then there are gestures and speech. However, let's talk about everything in order. Just first I would like to note that as many people, so many preferences. Some people associate their lives with Chukhas, but if you follow these 9 commandments, your chances of being liked increase a hundredfold.

Face, head and everything on it

The face is, so to speak, your showcase. Everything here is extremely simple: if your face is normal and neat, it means you are taking care of yourself.

Don't try to jump over your head - don't mow down Hugh Jackman. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a perfect face. If women only fell for handsome “handsome men,” then the world would be full of lonely men. So don’t have a complex if you don’t make a face. After all, Steve Tyler, codenamed "Toad Mouth" on this planet, despite this, had several marriages and beautiful, well-groomed hair. By the way, you should also focus on the neatness and grooming of everything above the neck. Watch the hair on the crown and face. Choose an appropriate hairstyle that suits your image, and not the fear of God from the 80s. Of course, your hair should always be clean. If you have a beard, cut it, shave it. If you shave clean, make sure there is no irritation, inflammation or cuts. To do this, you need to choose a razor and balms.

Finally, the skin itself. Some people mistakenly believe that eels should be fat, bright like splashes of spilled oil on the feathers of an albatross, that they should rise above the skin like Chomolungma above Tibet. We don't want to break yours inner world, but they shouldn’t be on the face at all. The only thing that can attract such a person is the desire to squeeze them out as quickly as possible.

As for acne and all sorts of red spots, then, of course, not everything is so simple. To reduce them, sometimes you need serious and long-term treatment, because the problem may not be entirely in the skin. But if the problem can be solved cosmetically by scrubbing, squeezing and washing, using folk and not so popular remedies, then why haven’t you done this yet?


There is a mouth on the face. There are teeth in the mouth. The pearl palisade is hidden by two musculocutaneous folds of a pinkish hue. It's what you talk and eat. If you stretch your facial muscles to the sides by force of will, your lips will stretch and your grin will be exposed. If you match your grin with a confident pose and add visual contact, you can charm lady milady or at least be remembered by her.

True, a smile can be a hindrance if the teeth are yellow as parchment, and between them there is a barely noticeable pattern of parsley and other food debris. Alas, we all drink, smoke, drink coffee (and do one thing or another), but this does not make our teeth any more beautiful. The enamel layer wears away, revealing the natural dentin layer. You can whiten at home, or you can, if you have money, go to the dentist. And here we run out of moral rights to force you to spend money on such non-eternal parts of the body. But you have to deal with bad breath. This is no good, sprays have already been invented for this purpose.

Your silhouette

It's about the contour of your body and how clothes fit on you. Women pay much more attention to proportions and silhouette than we do. Developed breasts and a slender torso are what attracts people, not flabby, loose flesh. Choose clothes that hide imperfections. This complex science, but we have already said what needs to be done in such cases.


As you know, people greet you by their clothes, and women are no exception. There is a stereotype that they pay much more attention to their wardrobe than to other details. We have already talked about the fact that clothes should fit. Is it worth mentioning that clothes should not be washed, wrinkled, worn out or faded? A good, fitted shirt in an adequate color, glasses that suit your face shape, clean, unworn shoes, or fashionable sneakers and accessories (just not too many, this is alarming) will add +60 to your charm, +70 to your charm and +80 to success. Because women love with their ears, but choose with their eyes.

Someone will note that clothes do not mean anything, because some women prefer to dress a man to their liking, creating an irresistible beauty out of a stuffed animal. But to do this you need to build trust and start a relationship. And a well-dressed gentleman has a much better chance of this.

Therefore, do not forget to critically examine your wardrobe and yourself in the mirror. Get rid of old rags and buy new men's clothing at, for example.

Manners and greeting

The first thing he hears from you stranger, is a greeting. It sets the tone for further communication. Let’s say you decide to show off your caustic wit and say something like: “I haven’t yet figured out whether I’m glad to meet you or not.” So what's the result? It turned out not witty, but stupid - the person treats you with caution and hostility. If you greet a woman incorrectly, then consider yourself digging a hole. Therefore, if you want to continue your courtship, be as polite and courteous as possible. Good manners are a win-win, but you need to add a few touches like eye contact, a handshake if possible, and, of course, a smile.

Hands, no matter how you hide them or hide them, receive their own portion of attention. Therefore, cut your nails on time, and not when overgrown claws cause pain when scratching. Even if your working, hard-working, calloused hands are thoroughly soaked with fuel oil and dirt, this does not mean that you need to forget about them. Even working hands can be disgusting, so cut off cuticles and anything that sticks out. No one is forcing you to do a manicure, just follow the basic rules.

For God's sake, don't clench your hands into fists. Especially in front of a girl. This way you give your image maximum unfriendliness and aggressiveness. She will simply consider you a sick bastard and prefer to stop communicating.

Any of the above points lose their effect if you stink. Moreover, a woman can be embarrassed not only by the smell of sweat or stale socks, but also by the abundance of crappy 200-ruble turbidity, which is called “cologne.”

Studies have shown and proven that women pay great attention to smell when searching for a potential partner. Therefore, it is in your own interests or at least deodorant. You need to approach your choice as responsibly as possible, having studied the recommendations and read the comments, since some fragrances may irritate people. You don’t care - if the perfume is good, you won’t smell it, but now we care about others.

It’s one thing to say hello correctly, but quite another to keep the conversation going. Your body can exude a wonderful amber, and your exploding muscles can seduce the ladies and cause the envy of your competitors, but if your speech apparatus, together with your brain, gives birth to some kind of game, then you are unlikely to get the job. So raise lexicon, engage in self-development and watch your language. Try not to swear or use foul language in front of a woman you just met. At first, the culture of speech, together with appropriate wit, has a magical effect on ladies. And if, with all this, you learn to control your timbre, manage to make it more beautiful, work on the rhythm and accents in sentences, then your speech will become truly hypnotic. It's not that easy; it takes practice.

Movements and gestures

After all, actions speak louder than words. Non-verbal communication rises above all the above points. This is a kind of mouthpiece of your upbringing and inner state.

Therefore, avoid any gestures that might take the pretty lady by surprise. Don’t make sudden, clumsy movements, don’t point your finger, don’t fold your arms across your chest or lock them, it’s repulsive. A closed position is not conducive to communication and getting to know each other.

It's no secret that men love with their eyes. But our ideas about the “ideal figure” sometimes do not coincide with the opinions of men. Thus, one of the respondents told us that he adores plump, but fit and athletic girls. Therefore, away with all the complexes associated with your figure! After all, somewhere there is a man who can appreciate your curvaceous forms, and at the same time your rich inner world.


Men carefully examine women's hands for wedding rings. If all the fingers are in place, but there is no ring, this is success! Well, for a man this is success, of course. Because now he definitely won’t stop and will definitely try to get to know you.

Yes, by the way, we must not forget that female hands must be well-groomed. Very few people told us about the importance of colored nail polish, but soft skin and smooth nails are a must-have.


Small or big? Who will understand them, these men! But appreciating women’s breasts seems to be woven into men’s DNA—they just want to see, and ideally, touch. Sometimes men themselves cannot understand how much bust they want to see.


Several components are responsible for the “face” factor: makeup, facial expressions, mood. According to men, the face plays one of the key roles. True, we already know this holy truth, so we can spend hours doing beautiful makeup and spend tons of money on cosmetic procedures.


A beautiful butt is the ultimate dream of many men. Almost all of those surveyed are unanimous in the opinion that a luxurious, round and athletic butt can overshadow a bad mood, the fact of marriage or bad makeup. But here it’s worth making a reservation: all these people have more of a sporting interest and do not want to delve into the charms of your mind, character and sense of humor.


Smile and look

Simple psychology: friendship begins with a smile. If you smile at a guy who is already watching you closely, he will consider your gesture a call to action!


Indeed, it is easiest to meet a girl who is walking alone or in the company of two or three friends. But a young (even the most attractive!) mother or girl walking arm in arm with a man is carefully avoided by others.


And in general, your image as a whole. Many men admitted that they already have an image of an attractive girl in their heads and they are not ready to “experiment” and meet a goth girl or just a girl who is far from ideal. Some people want to meet a girl who combines severity and sexuality (teacher image?), others want to meet a sporty girl, and still others would like to meet a biker girl. In general, it all depends on the lifestyle of each man.


Cheerful, smiling - this is how men describe the “ideal mood” for dating. But we know where the legs grow from: men admitted that they are catastrophically afraid of rejection from a gloomy or sad person. That is why they choose the victim from the most positive young ladies.


Hmmm. There is nothing to say here. We ourselves love beautiful shoes, and if a man can appreciate our investments in shoes, this is some kind of holiday! This means he won’t mind if we spend half our salary on brand new, but completely uncomfortable shoes. Oh, what are we? You haven't met yet!

The answer to the question of what men pay attention to in a woman when they first meet is of interest primarily to women. If, when going on a date, a representative of the fair half sets herself the goal of conquering her chosen one, then she should remember some important things.

It is wrong to believe that all men are so primitive that they think according to some established scheme. They are very diverse in their preferences, and it is quite problematic to indicate what exactly your chosen one will pay attention to. But anyway there is a commonality in the views of men on women at the first meeting.

The importance of a first impression for a man

The psychology of men, which plays into the hands of women, is still predictable. Girls who are preparing to meet a man for the first time should remember that the importance of the first impression should not be underestimated. It plays an important role in the development of further relationships. Numerous surveys show that All men pay attention to appearance when they first meet and above all on:

  • figure proportions,
  • voice,
  • grooming.

Some representatives of the stronger sex value a woman’s individuality and her ability to differ from the mass of others. But this difference should not be vulgar and garish. Speaking about individuality, first of all we mean stylishness in clothes and manners. Not all men will evaluate the cost of your things and jewelry, but almost everyone will pay attention to your ability to dress tastefully.

A man’s view of a woman is always evaluating and trying on. Already at the first meeting, your chosen one will think about what kind of society he can appear with you in, whether he can show you off to his friends and what they will say.

TOP 11 things that men pay attention to

What do men pay attention to first?

Silhouette. For men, the proportionality of body parts to each other is important.

Face. It should not necessarily be beautiful, but pleasant, sweet and charming. Excessive cosmetics will only spoil the impression, even if it only emphasizes the advantages and hides the disadvantages.

Eyes. The cut, the depth, the fit, the color of the eyes – this is all that nature has given us. A small amount of cosmetics will enhance the expressiveness of the look. Adding friendliness and goodwill to it means inviting someone to get to know each other.

Smile. To make someone like you, smile sincerely. You should try to make your smile charming.

Breast. More often than not, comments are avoided here. Yes, it does. And here, for most men, a harmonious proportional relationship between the chest and other parts of the body is also important.

Hands. A man's view of women will not leave a hand unattended. He will definitely appreciate their elegance, the length of their nails, and their well-groomed appearance.

Gait. It’s good if yours is light and fluttery. If not, then you need to work on it.

Every man will appreciate a straight back and grace. If you have not yet met the one, remember that a meeting can happen at any moment, and be prepared for it. Work on perfecting your image. If we talk about posture, it can be corrected with the help of physical exercises.

They can be light or dark, long or short. It's not that important. First of all, they must be well-groomed.

Smell. A pleasant smell from hair, clothes, body - this is another necessary condition to please.

Communication style. Welcome: ease of communication, sense of humor, ability to carry on a conversation on various topics, ability to behave with dignity in society. Remember that rudeness, vulgarity, and abusive language are repulsive.

In fact, this list can be continued, but you need to remember the following. The psychology of guys is such that they perceive a woman not in individual parts. Therefore, if you are looking for a partner, work on the attractiveness of your overall image.

What is completely unimportant for men when they first meet

The psychology of a man differs from the psychology of a woman: what is unimportant for the former may be paramount for the latter. Men won't pay attention: super cool manicure, what store and how much the clothes, handbag, accessories were purchased for.
So, to the question “What do men look at?” Let's answer: almost everything. It is important for them that their woman is the “best” in all respects.