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» Sample of filling out adv 3 in case of loss of personal information. Software. Getting a new SNILS to replace a lost one

Sample of filling out adv 3 in case of loss of personal information. Software. Getting a new SNILS to replace a lost one

An application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate in form ADV-3 is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the event that the insured person loses the insurance certificate or the insurance certificate is unsuitable for use.

Filled out according to the following rules:

1. The details “Last name, first name, patronymic” are indicated in the nominative case (required to be filled in)

2. Gender - indicate the letter “M” or “F” (required to be filled in)

3. Date of birth - indicated as follows: DD name of the month YYYY. If the identity document indicates a non-existent date of birth, for example June 31, then this date is transferred to the insured person’s questionnaire without changes and the word “special” is indicated in the same line. If the identity document does not contain the month and/or day of the month of birth (for example, “May” 1950 or “1950”), then this date is transferred to the insured person’s questionnaire “May 15, 1950”, “July 01, 1950” and in the same line the word “special” is indicated.

4. The details “Place of birth” are filled in according to the following scheme:

locality - district - region - country

In this case:

in the line city (village, village,..) only the name of the settlement is indicated without indicating the type of settlement, i.e. the words “city”, “village”, “village”, “urban-type settlement”, “settlement”, “state farm”, “stanitsa”, “farm”, etc., as well as their abbreviations are not indicated;

in the district line the name of the district is indicated without indicating the word “district” or the abbreviation of this word;

in the line region (region, republic,...) the name of the region, region, republic is indicated in full, while the words “region”, “region” are indicated without abbreviations. Autonomous and union republics, autonomous districts, autonomous regions are indicated by generally accepted abbreviations: “ASSR”, “SSR”, “AO”, etc.;

The country line for the former republics of the USSR is not filled in. In the event that the district had republican subordination, the name of the republic is indicated in the line region (region, republic,...).

Nationality detail - indicates the country of which the insured person is a citizen. For citizens of the Russian Federation it is not completed.

5. If the place of birth cannot be indicated in accordance with the proposed scheme, the “Place of Birth” detail is filled in as follows:

after the words “Place of birth” on the same line the word “special” is indicated;

the name of the place of birth is divided into parts, and each part is written on a separate line of details, while all components are indicated in the nominative case in accordance with the identity document of the insured person, including the type of settlement and administrative entity.

6. The details “Registration address” and “Actual residence address” are filled in according to the following scheme:

index, country, region, district, city, locality, street, house, building, apartment

In this case:

The country address element for residents of Russia is not filled in. If the country is not Russia, the remaining elements of the address are written in any form.

For residents of Russia, the composition of elements in the address must correspond to their composition adopted when writing a postal address. At the same time, for regional centers the names of regions may not be indicated. For district centers, the names of the districts may not be indicated. For the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are subjects of the Russian Federation, the region element (“MOSCOW G” or “SAINT PETERSBURG G”, respectively) must be filled in, the district element is not indicated, and in the city and locality elements intracity cities and districts are indicated.

Filling out the specified address elements is done only in capital Russian letters and begins with the semantic part of the element, and then the abbreviated name of the element type is written, for example: the city of Podolsk is written as Podolsk g; Pobeda village - Pobeda n; Stroiteley street - Stroiteley street; Mira Boulevard - Mira Boulevard, etc. Periods at the end of abbreviations are not allowed.

When filling out the house and building address elements, not only numeric, but also alphabetic values, as well as the symbols “-” and “/” (to indicate a corner house) can be used. The house element can indicate ownership, and the building element can indicate a building.

Abbreviations for address element types are listed in the Address Element Types table.

7. Identity document: type of document - indicate the name of the identity document.

series and number - indicate the series and number of the identity document; date of issue - the date of issue of the identity document is indicated, filled in as follows: DD name of the month YYYY; issued by - when filling out the details, you should strictly adhere to the names of districts, cities, villages and other territorial entities contained in the identity document (despite possible changes in the names at the time of filling out the form), all generally accepted abbreviations are allowed. The date the insured person filled out the questionnaire is indicated as follows: DD month name YYYY.

Filled out by the policyholder (employer) - this is a required detail when filling out an application for the issuance of a duplicate by the policyholder.

A pension certificate is one of the most necessary documents for any person, because it contains the unchangeable number of an individual citizen and his benefits for a future pension. Therefore, if this document has been lost or has become unusable, the citizen needs to think about restoring it.

Most often, the owner of a lost document first contacts his manager, provides all the required documents, and the manager, in turn, presents them to the nearest Pension Fund branch. First of all, you need to write an application form ADV-3 (not to be confused with and).

General information about ADV-3

ADV-3 is a single application form with a request to issue a duplicate pension certificate. It is filled out only if SNILS is lost or has become unusable.

  • The employer transfers the documents, along with a copy of the lost SNILS and a list of the documents provided (), to the local Pension Fund office, which is obliged to consider the application within 1 month.
  • If a decision is made to restore the document, then a duplicate is issued. receives a notification along with an accompanying statement.
  • The employee is issued a new certificate no later than one week after this, which must be confirmed by his personal signature on the statement. The statement is then sent back to the Pension Fund.

If a citizen is temporarily unemployed, he applies to the Pension Fund personally. He should be provided with:

  • passport or any other identification document;
  • a copy of the old (lost) pension certificate (if such a copy is available);
  • completed application form.

The issuance of SNILS may be refused if the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has not found in its database an insured citizen with a personal account having the number specified in the application. Or an inaccuracy or discrepancy in the data in the provided documents will be discovered.

Regulatory regulation

  • According to the provisions of clause 5 of article 7, clause 1 of art. 9 of Law No. 27-FZ of April 1, 1996, the employer is obliged to undertake the restoration of the compulsory pension insurance certificate in the event that an employee of his organization loses or loses his pension certificate in any other way.
  • In this case, you need to write an application requesting a duplicate. This is stated in paragraphs. “b” of paragraph 26 of Instruction No. 987n dated December 14, 2009, issued by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.
  • Paragraph 22 of this instruction allows for the possibility of filling out this form by an employee of the accounting department or human resources department.
  • The application is drawn up according to the approved Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 473p dated June 1, 2016, in the uniform form ADV-3.


Form ADV-3 is periodically updated, so it is advisable to find the form on the official website of the Pension Fund. There is a special electronic program “PU Documents 5”, with which you can easily enter data and fill out the form. It is allowed to fill out the document manually or via a computer.


The application is filled out according to certain rules. If the application does not comply with these rules, problems may arise when submitting the document to the Pension Fund.

  1. The ADV-3 application is written independently by the owner of the lost document.
  2. In some cases, the form can be filled out by employees of the enterprise’s HR department, if there is instructions from the head of the organization to do so.
  3. The application is certified by the signature of the applicant.
  4. If the owner of the lost document cannot fill out the form on his own due to a long-term business trip, long-term illness or for some other reason, the employer has the right to sign. In this case, you must indicate this reason.
  5. The information is entered in block letters and in dark ink.
  6. For each character (letter, number) 1 cell is allocated.
  7. All information is entered in the nominative case.

The video below will tell you how to recover different types of documents:


The form consists of two parts: the first part is filled out by the insured person himself, the second - by his employer or administration employee.

  1. First, the information that was recorded in the citizen’s lost insurance document is given: his full name, gender, date and place of birth. The listed information is required to be filled out.
  2. Changed data. This point should be skipped.
  3. Current information:
    • date and place of birth;
    • citizenship;
    • permanent residence address;
    • registration address;
    • actual residence address;
    • telephones.

If there have been any changes in personal data since receipt, they must be included in the application.

  1. Identification document. This includes: the name of the document provided, its number and series, by whom and when it was issued. This item is required.
  2. Date filled. The name of the month YYYY is written in DD format. Required.
  1. In this paragraph, you should indicate the individual insurance number of the insured employee, which was recorded in the lost document that was previously presented to the employer. This item must be completed.
  2. The employer provides information about the employee’s salary and length of service. In this case, one of the points should be emphasized: “were presented” or “will be presented.”

Examples and samples

Sample filling

Application ADV-3 serves as the only basis for obtaining a duplicate pension certificate. This is the main and only purpose of this document. In order to receive a new document to replace a lost one, all information provided must be reliable and correspond to the information specified in the identity card.

If your employee has lost his certificate of compulsory pension insurance (where SNILS is indicated) or has lost it in another way, the employer will have to restore the document (clause 5 of article 7, clause 1 of article 9 of Law dated 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ). In this case, the employee must draw up an application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate (clause “b”, clause 26 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n) in form ADV-3 (Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Pension Fund Board dated June 1, 2016 No. 473p). It is permissible for the employer to fill out the application by specialists from its HR service or accounting department, but in any case the employee must sign the application (clause 22 of the Instructions for filling out forms to the Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Board of June 1, 2016 No. 473p).

Form ADV-3: what to indicate

The application for a duplicate must reflect the following information about the employee: full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, residence address (according to registration and actual, if it differs from registration), telephone number, as well as details of an identity document. Below, the policyholder must indicate the employee’s SNILS, according to which personalized information was previously submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. And confirmation of the fact that the employee was assigned just such a SNILS will be, for example, a copy of his pension certificate, which most employers make when hiring new employees. It will need to be attached to the application, as well as a list of documents in the ADV-6-1 form, and sent to the Fund office within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the application for a duplicate from the employee (clause 5 of Article 7 of the Law of 04/01/1996 No. 27-FZ, clause 27 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n).

Procedure for issuing a duplicate

Pension Fund specialists will have to consider the application within a month (clause 28 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n). Based on the results, they will make a positive or negative decision. They will refuse to issue a duplicate if they cannot find an insured person with the SNILS number specified in the application in the Pension Fund database.

If a positive decision is made to issue a duplicate, it will be sent to the policyholder along with the accompanying statement. The employer will have to give the employee a duplicate certificate within a week after receiving it (clause 14 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n). The employee must sign the accompanying statement, which will need to be sent back to the Pension Fund.

ADV-3: sample filling

Among the forms of documents for individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system newly approved in 2016 (Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of June 1, 2016 No. 473p) there is also form ADV-3. It is this version of the form that should be used if an employee needs to issue a duplicate.

Restoring SNILS if lost is a very troublesome task, but possible. An individual personal account number is issued once and does not change throughout your life. Having restored your SNILS green card, you will receive an identical document; for convenience, some citizens independently initiate the loss and make several documents for the future.

To restore the document, provided that you are officially employed, contact your HR department at the enterprise. You will be asked to write an application for reinstatement; your employer will send this application to the Pension Fund; you will need to pick up the card during a personal visit. Restoring SNILS takes approximately 2 weeks.

If you are an entrepreneur, a student, or you have lost your child’s document, then you need to independently contact your Pension Fund at your place of registration and write an application to restore the document. Also now in beta testing mode, restoration of SNILS online is available through the Pension Fund website.

Example of filling out an application Form ADV-3 for restoration of SNILS

Download form ADV-3 to restore SNILS.

In practice, situations often arise when citizens lose their pension certificate and do not know how to restore SNILS if lost. In this case, the first rule to follow is to remain calm and not worry unnecessarily. This is not a critical situation and it is quite possible to restore SNILS without unnecessary delays. But we’ll talk about how to restore SNILS if it’s lost.

How to restore SNILS if lost?

First, it’s worth clarifying what SNILS is. This abbreviation refers to a citizen’s personal insurance number, which is assigned to him in the pension insurance system. It cannot be transferred to another person. The number is indicated on the pension certificate, which is a card made of green plastic issued by the Pension Fund.

It doesn’t matter who lost SNILS and under what circumstances, it must be restored. Please note that restoring SNILS means receiving a duplicate of this document.

Some people think that if a document has disappeared as a result of theft, when, for example, a bag or other documents were stolen, among which this one was, in order to restore SNILS, one must wait for the necessary investigative actions to be carried out and the case to be closed. But the law says that in such a situation, SNILS can be restored even before the end of the investigative actions. What to do in this case and how to restore SNILS if lost, read on.

Where to restore SNILS if lost

The first thing to do when you have lost your SNILS is to come to the Pension Fund and leave a corresponding application there. There are two ways to submit a request for this:

Through the employer, when you ask the HR department to issue you a duplicate document;
independently submitting an application to the Pension Fund, providing identification there.

However, you need to know that SNILS can be restored if lost only within a month after this fact was discovered. In addition, if a document issued for a child under 14 years of age is lost, SNILS can be restored only on the basis of an application to the Pension Fund by his parents, trustees, guardians or other persons who represent his interests. Upon reaching this age, a child, if he has lost SNILS, must independently restore SNILS if lost, by presenting his citizen’s passport to the pension fund employee.

Registration of a new SNILS

To restore SNILS if lost, you need to perform the following actions:

Contact the Pension Fund branch yourself. It is advisable to come to the branch that is located at your place of residence. There you need to present your passport to the pension fund employee and ask him for a special application form, which is filled out if you have lost your SNILS. The completed application is submitted for verification and in no more than three days you will be able to restore your SNILS. You can pick it up at the same office where the documents were submitted.

In the event that you decide to restore SNILS if lost through your employer, you must also fill out the appropriate application with a request to restore SNILS if lost, but already in the personnel department at your enterprise. An HR department employee takes your application, as well as a copy of your citizen’s passport, compiles a list of documents and goes with this package to the Pension Fund. When the document is ready, an employee of the HR department at your enterprise takes the document from the Pension Fund and must give it to you within a week. When receiving a duplicate SNILS, you must sign it in a special statement. This document is sent to the Pension Fund for reporting.

Please pay attention to the production time of the duplicate. Many people are interested in the question how much is SNILS done in case of loss?. As you can see, the answer depends on which recovery method you choose. If you apply to the Pension Fund yourself, the period is significantly reduced. In this case, if lost, SNILS can be restored in three days, while through the employer this period can take up to two weeks.

Nuances of recovery

You need to understand that when you lose SNILS, in fact you only lose a document. The number itself, which is assigned to you, remains the same. Whatever happens, data about it and about you, as its owner, remains in the Pension Fund. The number is assigned to you for the rest of your life. This means that you receive a duplicate pension certificate with the same SNILS number.