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» Decorating the iconostasis in the apartment. Manufacturing of home iconostases, icon cases, shelves for icons

Decorating the iconostasis in the apartment. Manufacturing of home iconostases, icon cases, shelves for icons

Many traditions of Christianity have been erased from memory and lost over the centuries. Elderly people still remember the old traditions, preserve the memory of sacred prayers and rituals, but the younger generation is lost and is afraid to make mistakes when converting to faith. The question of how and where to place home icons worries many; we will try to give a simple and understandable answer.

Where to install the iconostasis and individual icons

Canonically, the home iconostasis was placed in the eastern part of the house. Temple altars are also located in the eastern part of the church. However, one should not confuse a house with a church. A house is only a continuation of the temple, there is no need to confuse and confuse concepts, a house is first and foremost a family hearth, so the “red corner” can be located in any part of the room. The only condition is that there must be enough free space in front of the “goddess” so that all family members can gather for prayer. In addition to the general iconostasis, it is recommended to place one icon in each living room.

If a family gathers at a common table in the kitchen, it is worth hanging an icon of the Savior there, since a prayer of gratitude is addressed to him for their daily bread. An icon of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God is usually hung above the entrance to the house.

How to properly design an iconostasis

The Church condemns the proximity of icons with decorative elements, modern entertainment household appliances (TV, tape recorder), paintings and various posters of modern stars. It is also forbidden to place icons with books of non-theological content. You can decorate the iconostasis with fresh flowers.

On Palm Sunday, willow branches are placed near the icons, and on Trinity Day, the house and the red corner are decorated with birch branches. The iconostasis and icons hanging separately can be decorated with embroidered towels. This tradition has ancient roots - these towels are used in the sacrament of baptism and wedding ceremonies, which are carefully stored and passed on by inheritance. After the water blessing prayer, it is customary to wipe the face with these towels. Since ancient times, girls have collected several embroidered towels as a dowry to decorate the iconostasis in the new home of a young family.

What icons should be in the home iconostasis

Traditionally, the icon of Jesus Christ and the icon of the Mother of God are displayed in the red corner. Canonically, as in a church, the icon of the Savior is on the right side, and the icon of the Mother of God is on the left. Select the remaining icons yourself or with the help of a spiritual mentor.

It is desirable that the iconostasis be crowned with an Orthodox cross. There is no strict set of necessary icons, just as there is no single design rule. It is only necessary to observe the principle of primacy and hierarchy: you cannot place icons of saints above the icons of the Holy Trinity, the Savior and the Mother of God. The composition should look complete, neat, systematized.

It is desirable that all icons be made in the same artistic style. If you have an icon that is passed down by inheritance, it is advisable to install it in the center of the composition, like a home shrine (but below the main icons). You should treat icons with care; if the colors have faded and faded, then it can be stored in a shrine behind other icons for some time, and later given to the church.

The iconostasis can be supplemented with icons of local saints and patrons, saints in whose honor family members are named. In Russian Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saints Peter and Paul deserve special honor.

The best adviser will be a priest - the confessor of the family. He will help you choose icons for your home.

Since ancient times, icons have decorated not only the walls of temples and churches, but also the homes of believers. In order for icons to become a talisman for your home, and images of saints to help you in any difficult moment, you need to arrange them correctly.

For Orthodox believers, their own home, like the church, is an important place that needs God’s protection. Icons, as one of the most important objects of religion, should occupy the most honorable place in the house. The faces of saints were always in the most visible place and protected the home and its inhabitants.

Modern people are less likely to attach importance to the correct placement of icons in the apartment, so most often they choose the wrong place for them. So that the icon does not lose its power, and the saints can always hear you, you should consider how and where to correctly place the holy image.

Where should icons be placed in the house?

Very often, not only incorrect placement, but also neighboring objects negatively affect the power of icons. Of course, only you can decide where you would like to see the images of saints in your home, but try to pay attention to those things that will be located next to the icons. Many little things, including photographs, souvenirs and even ordinary figurines, can affect the power of icons, and instead of a talisman they will become an ordinary decoration. If you keep a home library in cabinets, consisting mainly of books that are not of a theological nature, then you should also not try to place holy images there. By choosing the right place to place the icons, you can provide protection for you and your home.

From ancient times to this day, the most correct place to place holy images is the “red corner” - the corner of the house facing east. In Ancient Rus' it was believed that any person entering a house should first of all honor the Lord, and only then the head of the house. Usually a small cabinet was installed there or shelves were hung, where the icons were located. Currently, apartment layouts do not always allow for icons to be installed opposite the entrance. If you do not have the opportunity to organize a “red corner” in your apartment, then the icons can be placed on the right side of the front door.

If there is a small child in the house, then the icons can be hung above his crib: this way you can provide your child with constant protection. In this case, pay attention to the icons of the Mother of God. As the patroness of family and children, she will become a talisman for your apartment and for all household members.

You can place icons in any room, always in a visible place - this will provide maximum protection for you and protect your home from accidents and uninvited guests.

If you decide to place the icon in the kitchen on the dining table, do not forget to pray to God before each meal, so that the Almighty will bless you, and you will thank him for everything that is on your table.

How not to place images of saints

Icons should not be placed next to electrical equipment, since their constant use can weaken the power of the holy image. If you want to place an icon in a workplace where there is a computer, it is advisable to place the icon not on the table, but place it somewhere nearby - on a wall or on a window. In this case, nothing will interfere with the action of the icon, and the holy face will help you in your work.

You cannot place icons with figurines, souvenirs, Feng Shui decorations and other little things, since in the spiritual world icons have a special meaning, and for believers it is unacceptable to equate holy images with ordinary home decor items. For the same reason, you cannot hang icons next to paintings.

You cannot place icons next to photographs or hang them next to posters of famous people. It is believed that in this way during prayer you deify a living person. In this case, your request to the saints is unlikely to be heard.

You cannot place icons on a shelf with books that do not have theological content. Any manuscript takes on the mood and energy of the author, and it is not always positive. In order not to create accumulations of negative energy around icons, it is advisable not to place images of saints in a bookcase.

How to properly place icons in the house

It is advisable to hang icons on the wall or place them on a shelf so that the depicted saints can cover your entire apartment with their gaze, thereby protecting it.

If you decide to place the iconostasis in the “red corner”, purchase a shelf-case. On it it will be more convenient for you to place the icons in a prominent place and, as expected, the images of saints will be facing the entrance.

There must be an icon of the Savior in the center of the iconostasis. On the right side should be placed the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and on the left - the image of John the Baptist, the herald of Jesus Christ. The presence of these icons and their correct placement will give your iconostasis extraordinary divine power.

Only a crucifix can be installed above the icons - the most important Orthodox shrine.

When supplementing your iconostasis with images of other saints, following the principle of church hierarchy, you cannot place them above the icon of the Savior.

If you want to decorate icons, you can do this with fresh flowers.

By correctly arranging the icons in your apartment, you can protect yourself and your family from troubles and misfortunes, and during prayer nothing can prevent you from turning to the saints. Amulet icons will help you protect your apartment as much as possible. Peace to your home, and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.10.2017 04:24

In any home there are dangerous and favorable zones. Everyone should know where positive energy accumulates...

Among the images of the Mother of God, the Russian people especially loved icons such as “Tenderness” and “Hodegetria” (Guide). In the first image, the Virgin Mary holds a baby in her arms, who gently hugs her neck and presses her to her cheek. The most famous icon of this type is the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Its distinctive feature is that the baby’s left heel is completely turned outward. In the image of Hodegetria, the Mother of God is depicted with a baby, who holds a bundle in her right hand, and with her left hand makes the sign of the cross over all those praying. A striking example of this image is the Kazan Icon, “Quick to Hear,” and “Support of Sinners.”

Additional images In addition to these main icons, on the home iconostasis you need to put images of saints after whom your family members are named. It is also advisable to purchase an icon of the healer Panteleimon - a healer of mental and physical illnesses. The choice of other images depends entirely on the needs of the household. For example, you can purchase an image of Peter and Fevronia, to whom they pray for family well-being. In front of the icon of Sergius of Radonezh they ask for help in their studies and good endeavors. Unmarried women can pray before the image of Xenia of St. Petersburg, who, by the will of God, became an assistant to people in matters of marriage. Recently, in many homes, one of the central icons has become the image of the blessed old lady Matrona of Moscow. Even after her earthly death, she helps in everything those who come to her at the Intercession Church or to her grave at the Danilovskoye Cemetery, or simply turn to Matrona in home prayers. Many people have already received healing and help from her.

The main value is your faith and desire for spiritual improvement.

Surely there is no house in which there would not be an icon, a candle, or a willow twig. Where and how to store all this? Is their storage location suitable for its intended purpose? Isn’t it forgotten, abandoned after it was brought from the church? Not every family has a home iconostasis, also because many simply do not know how to make it. Perhaps our information will be useful to you.

Red corner in the apartment - tradition and modernity

In the old days, even in the most modest peasant hut one could see a reverently furnished corner with icons. The red (“beautiful”) corner in the house was located diagonally from the front door. This was done so that those entering the room would immediately see the image and could cross themselves and bow. This corner of the house has always been given a special place: they kept it especially clean, put flowers, candles, and decorated icons as best they could. The most valuable guests were seated at the table closer to the red corner.

Despite the fact that centuries have passed, the “content” of the red corner in the house has not changed: images are still hung or placed here. Sometimes, according to ancient tradition, they are decorated with so-called icons (bozhniks) - narrow long towels. The red corner in an apartment or house is also a place for storing candles or any consecrated oil, which should be kept near the icons. As for Epiphany water, where to keep it depends on the owner, maybe not near the iconostasis. The main thing is to take a sip on an empty stomach in the morning after prayer to strengthen spiritual and physical strength. An important element is a lamp for the home iconostasis, which is lit during prayer, as well as on Sundays, on the eve of holidays and on the holidays themselves. Easter eggs and consecrated willow are also kept here (it is placed above or behind the icon, replaced on Palm Sunday, and the old one is burned). The fundamental point is that all the elements that make up the home iconostasis must be consecrated in the church. In this regard, it is worth mentioning one more nuance. It happens that people “accompany” the images with photographs of famous priests, righteous people, elders, and monks. From the point of view of church canons, this is wrong, since a photograph is an imprint of the earthly life of a particular person. Of course, these photographs have the right to exist in the home of a believer, but not together with icons.

How to design a home iconostasis? To give this place a special aesthetics, flowers (preferably fresh) and willow branches are placed here. You can decorate the red corner in the house with beautiful indoor plants, but not cacti and other “thorns”.

Where to arrange a home iconostasis

In the interior decoration of the temple, the iconostasis is the central part. Thanks to it, sparkling with gold and colors, a special atmosphere of elation is created in the temple. Its purpose is to separate the altar from the rest of the temple.

We know that the church faces the east with its altar. Accordingly, when a believer comes to church, his face is also turned to the east. And in the design of a home iconostasis, one must also adhere to this principle. If it is impossible to choose a corner “looking” exactly to the east, let it be at least as close to it as possible. True, in practice this condition is difficult to comply with exactly, so it is desirable, but not strictly necessary.

As a rule, icons are given a place in the largest room. In any case, it is important that there is enough free space in front of the images for several people praying at the same time. It’s bad when the home iconostasis is adjacent to a TV, computer, and other signs of civilization. It is desirable that this be a fairly autonomous corner.

How to make an iconostasis at home

Once upon a time, tradition prescribed storing images in a special cabinet - an icon case. They are still made today, so you can buy a home iconostasis, for example a corner one. But this is not always convenient, because you can only rely on a standard option that does not take into account the peculiarities of the “set” of images of a particular family. In this case, you can order a home iconostasis, for example, a carved one - then all the nuances will be taken into account. Those who want their wall or floor icon case to resemble a traditional church one and at the same time are ready to make it with their own hands, often look for drawings of a home iconostasis. But, by and large, this is not particularly necessary. To make an iconostasis for a home, any materials and designs can be used, although in most cases we are talking about wood products. In this matter, you can build on your own skills and taste, as well as on the number, size and other parameters of the icons available in the house.

An iconostasis for a home can be one horizontal line or be made in two or three tiers. All images can be placed on one solid board or on different shelves, single-tiered or multi-tiered. Shelves for a home iconostasis can be the most common - furniture, bookshelves, one- or two-, three-tiered. But there is a nuance associated with candles and lamps: they can heat up part of the shelf, cause it to turn black or even catch fire. Therefore, when thinking about the design of the iconostasis, you need to remember fire safety.

It is believed that it is still better to place icons on something than to hang them on a wall. As for the height of the red corner, it should be approximately at eye level or slightly higher. If the icons hang or stand on a shelf, then it is convenient to place a table below. Again, you can place images on it, put books, store holy water, etc.

Icons for home red corner

Much more important than the “form” of a home iconostasis is its “content”. Here the tradition can no longer be bypassed, although in this case there is nothing complicated. By and large, the iconostasis can consist of only two icons - the Savior and the Mother of God, and these two images must be in any home. Of the numerous images of the Savior, as a rule, preference is given to half-length images, and of the icons depicting the Mother of God, preference is given to images of the “Hodegetria” and “Tenderness” varieties, which, in turn, are represented by a number of varieties - the believer chooses the icons he likes for his home iconostasis .

If there is a desire and opportunity to place more than two icons, then you cannot do without images of the Holy Trinity and famous saints. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has long had a special place in their cohort. There may also be a place here for images of other saints - after whom family members are named or simply especially revered by them. To make the iconostasis of the house complete and complete, you can place there the images of St. John the Baptist, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, the chief apostles Peter and Paul, and the prophet Elijah. You can also put or hang icons of various holidays. It is very good to have the “Burning Bush” icon, which sends down help from fires.

The starting point for a home iconostasis can be a holy image that is passed down from generation to generation, even if it has somewhat lost its appearance or does not quite correspond to strict canons. It can also be placed/placed on a table under the shrine.

Even if space allows, you should not focus on the number of icons. Let it be only the Savior and the Mother of God, but depicted in such a way that when looking at them the soul was filled with reverence and asked for prayer. It is not the number of consecrated objects in a house that makes those living here pious.

Arrangement of icons in the home iconostasis

In the Russian tradition, the iconostasis is represented by as many as five rows. There is a hierarchy and nuances here that are difficult for an insufficiently competent person to take into account. Therefore, in the philistine version, the shrine is arranged based on only a few rules. So, a diagram of the home iconostasis.

  • It would be very good if there was a cross (Orthodox, of course) at the very top, above the icons.
  • The center of the red corner in the house is the Savior (for example, “Savior not made by hands” or “Lord Almighty”). Above this icon it is appropriate to place only the image of the Holy Trinity or, as already mentioned, the crucifixion.
  • To the right of the image of the Savior (and to the left of the person standing in front of him) is an icon of the Mother of God. These are the main icons that should be in the center. All other images can be placed on the sides of them or below.
  • The principle of hierarchy must also be observed at home, for example, it is unacceptable to hang an image of a saint or place it higher than the images of not only the Savior, the Mother of God and the Holy Trinity, but also the apostles.
  • If there is a desire or need to arrange a home iconostasis in a “minimalist” style, then you can place the image of John the Baptist on the left side next to the image of Jesus Christ (we remind you that on the right side there will be an image of the Virgin Mary). The place of John the Baptist can be taken by Nicholas the Wonderworker.

It is usually recommended to arrange icons in a home iconostasis so that they are consistent in the same style and manner of execution. In practice, this condition is quite difficult to fulfill, because icons get into the house in different ways. Some, as soon as I saw them, I immediately wanted to buy, some were given as a gift... All this is not without reason - this is God’s providence, and they all need to be “placed” in a worthy way. But in any case, you need to give this entire array a symmetrical, harmonious, thoughtful look. If the eye involuntarily constantly clings to the imperfection of the composition, the praying person, experiencing aesthetic dissatisfaction, will be distracted from prayer.

Location of other icons in the house

In addition to the red corner, icons can and even should be located (at least one) in every living room. On kitchen, for example, the image of the Savior would be very appropriate, since it is he who is addressed in prayer before and after meals. It is mandatory to hang the icon in children's room, and so that it can be seen from the bed. This could be, for example, an image of a guardian angel or an icon of a saint whose name the child bears. Once upon a time, in Russian homes and children's rooms, an image of the Mother of God, illuminated by the soft light of a lamp, was always placed.

In search of an answer to the question of where icons should hang in the house, many are especially interested in the bedroom. There is a stereotype according to which bedroom You cannot hang icons: they say, under the all-seeing eye of the celestials it is shameful to engage in shameful deeds. Or some advise covering the images at night. However, we must remember that marital intimacy present in marriage is not a sin, and no curtain can hide from God. Therefore, you can place icons in the bedroom without hesitation, especially since it is often not possible to build a red corner in another room. Moreover, the bedroom as an intimate place is well suited for prayer requests to higher powers.

The icon of the Savior can be placed in hallway: Every time you leave home, you can turn to the Lord asking for blessings and help. Above the entrance tradition prescribes hanging the image of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, but in this place there can be any other icon or Orthodox cross. By the way, a cross or small images can be placed above any door in your home.

The location of the icons in the house can be any, but when placing them outside the red corner, you must also take care of a worthy place. You cannot place the image on a bookshelf next to books if their content is extremely far from the principles of Christianity. There is no place for icons in close proximity to other “worldly” images such as calendars and posters, panels with non-religious subjects.

No matter where the icon is hung, you need to treat it correctly. You can arrange (buy, make with your own hands) a luxurious home iconostasis, purchase beautiful, expensive, “stylish” icons and, without faith in God’s grace, turn it all into an interior item. The home red corner is not just a beautiful corner in the house. Just as we worked hard to create it, so we must work hard to create a place for God in our soul. Any icon is hung so that people pray in front of it and thanks to it they remember who we are and why we are in this world.

Is it possible to make shelves for icons yourself? What materials are better to choose? Let's try to figure this issue out together. Slavic Orthodox traditions allow the use of icons to decorate living spaces. This tradition testifies to people’s desire for religion and respect for church rituals and traditions.

As a home iconostasis for placing icons, you can consider a corner shelf for icons, as well as various church items. The canons of Orthodoxy suggest the installation of the main icons in the corner or on the eastern wall of the room.

Attention! In addition to Orthodox items, shelves for icons should not be loaded with other items.

Let's try to figure out how to make corner shelves for icons.

Creating shelves for icons

For work related to the creation of shelves for icons, you need special tools for woodworking: drill, lathe, milling cutter, jigsaw.

The materials needed to make shelves for icons include boards from any wood, pieces of slabs, wax or varnish, silver and black paints, and wood glue. Component materials and hardware require carved slats, a metal or wooden crucifix. Screws and original plugs are suitable as fastening elements. To secure the product to the wall, you need hinges and dowels.

Some of the carved elements can be made with your own hands. For example, start making carved elements and original shelf parts. The crucifix, which is the center of the icon, is made only in carved form.

Advice! Such parts for placing icons are made by craftsmen, and some industrial enterprises and church shops are also involved in their creation.

In addition to such details, the corner shelf for icons should have a back wall in the form of a carved iconostasis. The carving is made with floral ornaments, outlines of saints, and fabulous birds.

To decorate the upper part of the shelf for icons, you can choose the outline of an Orthodox church.

Advice! A do-it-yourself corner shelf for icons is suitable for those who have skills in working with wood.

You can cut out bas-reliefs yourself and choose interesting reliefs. To carve a crucifix, you must first select a high-quality sketch, and only after that begin to implement your plans.

The types of wood from which a crucifix can be carved include birch, aspen, spruce, pine, and juniper boards.

Attention! The work will require a set of wood cutting tools.

The procedure for making a shelf for icons

On a board, the thickness of which is fifteen millimeters, the outlines, as well as the main contours of the parts, are transferred from a paper sketch to the main board. Next, use an electric jigsaw to cut out the crucifix. Using cutters you need to make convex parts. The carving must be done in layers, carefully highlighting the internal parts with a thin cutter. Once the procedure for cutting the crucifix is ​​completed, you can begin sanding the product, armed with fine sandpaper.

Advice! If you have to cut out bas-reliefs in segments, it is better to secure them with a sheet of plywood on the back side.

Then the decorative parts are glued together and attached to the sheet of the slab. To remove all excess, you can use a jigsaw or an electric cutter.

Using sandpaper, it is necessary to carry out high-quality sanding of the side of the finished product.

To make beautiful crossbars you will need certain professional skills, as well as certain equipment. After the balusters are made, it is important to carry out high-quality sanding of the product.

For a shelf for icons you will need several parts:

  • side panels;
  • vertical racks;
  • sides;
  • shelves

Shelf templates for icons can be made from pieces of wood board.

Attention! Professionals do not recommend using plywood for templates, since after cutting it needs to be significantly modified.

You will need two side panels for the shelf, and you also need to take care of purchasing high-quality fasteners.


First you need to attach the ready-made templates to the board. Next, the part is formed using an electric jigsaw. The edges are processed using a milling cutter; all irregularities and roughness present on the surface are sanded with abrasive paper. Before making holes, you need to mark them with a pencil. Next, the side panels are prepared using the same algorithm. After assembling the product, it is advisable to varnish the shelf.

Wall fixation

To attach a corner shelf under icons on the wall, you will need dowels. First you need to attach hanging loops to the finished product. Next, the shelf is applied to the wall, and the places where the dowels will be located are marked. The holes for them are made with an electric drill.

There are certain requirements that must be met in order for the finished shelf for icons to be beautifully mounted on the wall:

  • the product should hang at the level of human eyes or higher;
  • there should be no other decorative elements next to the icons;
  • if there will be functional lamps on the shelf, it is important to ensure fire safety (there should be no flammable materials near the shelf)

Decoration features

Basically, natural wood is used in the manufacture of shelves for icons. If you can’t make carved strips and parts with your own hands, you can limit yourself to creating an imitation of it. To obtain a similar effect, you can first burn out the design, then cover the finished fragments with decorative enamel. To do this, the contour of the ornament is transferred to the top panel or side, and all contours are outlined using burning devices.

Attention! The finished pattern must be uniform over the entire surface of the product, otherwise the shelf will have an unaesthetic appearance.

As soon as the contour application is completed, enamel is applied to the surface with a thin brush, then the product is coated with colorless varnish.

Master Class

Currently, the tradition of decorating your home with Christian icons is returning; even in city apartments you can find a homemade “red corner”, which is often called a shrine. If you choose the right materials for the shelf, it can be made into a functional decorative element of the apartment’s interior. The priests say that icon shelves should be in the home of every believer.

In the manufacture of such products, you can use wood, plywood, polymer materials, and metal.

Depending on personal preferences, shelves for icons can be single-tiered or multi-tiered structures. Icons for the iconostasis can be mounted on a table or placed on a shelf.

To create a three-tier structure, stock up on a hand-held milling machine, a jigsaw, a ruler, a pencil, nails or screws, abrasive material, a hammer, and wood glue.

In order for the shelf to be beautiful and delight its owner for a long period, it is important to carry out preliminary measurements of the width, height, and depth of the planned structure.

Advice! Professionals consider the optimal size for a corner shelf for icons to be 70 centimeters in height.

You need to transfer the drawing to plywood or wood. If the surface is dark in color, it is better to use a construction knife instead of a pencil. Professionals recommend numbering the parts of the drawing to prevent errors during assembly. As soon as the main details of the planned iconostasis are cut out with a jigsaw, all edges of the product are processed with a hand router.

To ensure that there are no rolling pins or irregularities on the surface of the shelf, the surface is sanded with sandpaper.

Attention! When grinding, the abrasive material must be moved in the direction of the grain.

To connect the parts together, you can use nails or screws. For strength, you can also arm yourself with glue designed for wood. You can varnish or stain wood to protect it from high humidity and temperature changes, and also to give the product an aesthetic appearance.

Basically, shelves for icons are arranged in three rows, but there is one main row - deisis. In order for the created iconostasis to be made correctly and reliably protect the apartment and its inhabitants, it is important to arrange the icons in a clear sequence.

The upper part is the deisis, in its center there should be an icon of Jesus.

To the left of her is the image of the protectress - the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the right side is always the icon of John the Baptist.

Ideally, the number of icons is 12 pieces - according to the number of major Christian holidays. On the bottom shelf of the iconostasis you create yourself, you can place any icons that are revered in a certain region.


Despite the fact that the twenty-first century is a time of innovative computer technologies, people still think about their souls and turn to higher powers for advice. Not everyone has time to attend church services, so improvised iconostases appear in private houses and city apartments. Don’t know where to start with the construction of a shelf for icons? In this case, first carefully study the recommendations of professionals, and also look at photographs of finished work:

After you get the first idea of ​​​​the procedure for carrying out the work, you can proceed to the implementation of your idea. If you follow all the recommendations of professionals, you will receive a high-quality and original iconostasis for icons. Many people own icons that should be placed on a special shelf, and not placed next to the TV or tape recorder.