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» Oleg prophetic short biography. Prince Oleg prophetic

Oleg prophetic short biography. Prince Oleg prophetic

Prophetic Oleg - Prince of Novgorod since 879 and Grand Duke Kyiv since 882. Having gained power over the Novgorod lands after the death of Rurik, as regent for his young son Igor, Oleg captured Kyiv and moved the capital there, thereby uniting the two main centers Eastern Slavs. Therefore, it is often he, and not Rurik, who is regarded as the founder Old Russian state. In the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" his nickname is Prophetic (knowing the future, foreseeing the future). Named so immediately upon his return from the 907 campaign against Byzantium.


The Russian pronunciation of the name Oleg probably originated from the Scandinavian name Helge, which originally meant (in Proto-Swedish - Hailaga) "saint", "possessing the gift of healing." From the sagas, several bearers of the name Helgi are known, whose lifetime dates back to the 6th-9th centuries. In the sagas there are also similar-sounding names Ole, Oleif, Ofeig. Saxo Grammaticus gives the names Ole, Oleif, Ofeig, but their ethnicity remains unclear.

Among historians who do not support the Norman theory, attempts were made to challenge the Scandinavian etymology of the name Oleg and connect it with the original Slavic, Turkic or Iranian forms. Some researchers also note that, given the fact that The Tale of Bygone Years was written in the 11th century by Christian monks, the nickname "Prophetic" cannot be considered authentic. Modern historians see in it Christian motives or even Christian propaganda. So, in particular, Russian historian and archaeologist V. Ya. Petrukhin believes that the nickname "Prophetic" and the legend of the death of Prince Oleg were included by the monks in the annals in order to show the impossibility of pagan foresight of the future.

Oleg's origin

The chronicles set out two versions of Oleg's biography: the traditional one (in The Tale of Bygone Years) and the Novgorod First Chronicle. The Novgorod Chronicle has preserved fragments of an earlier chronicle collection (on which the Tale of Bygone Years is based), but contains inaccuracies in the chronology of the events of the 10th century. According to The Tale of Bygone Years, Oleg was a relative (tribesman) of Rurik. V. N. Tatishchev, with reference to the Joachim Chronicle, considers him a brother-in-law - the brother of Rurik's wife, whom he calls Efanda. The exact origin of Oleg in The Tale of Bygone Years is not indicated. The legends connected with his personality are also preserved in the semi-mythical Scandinavian saga about Odd Orvar (Arrow), which testifies to the wide popularity of the prince in Scandinavia. After the death of the founder of the princely dynasty Rurik in 879, Oleg began to reign in Novgorod as the guardian of Rurik's infant son Igor.

Vokniazhenie in Kyiv

In 882, Prince Oleg the prophetic captured Kyiv, by cunning killing his princes Askold and Dir. Immediately after entering Kyiv, he uttered his famous words that from now on Kyiv is destined to be the mother of Russian cities. Prince Oleg uttered these words not by chance. He was very pleased with how well the place was chosen for the construction of the city. The gentle banks of the Dnieper were practically impregnable, which made it possible to hope that the city would reliable protection for their residents.

The presence of a barrier from the side of the water border of the city was very relevant, since it was along this part of the Dnieper that the famous trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks passed. This path also represented itself as a journey through the major Russian rivers. It originated in the Gulf of Finland of the Baikal Sea, which at that time was called Varangian. Further, the path went across the Neva River to Lake Ladanez. The path of the Izvaryags to the Greeks continued by the mouth of the Volkhov River to Lake Ilnya. From there, he traveled by small rivers to the sources of the Dnieper, and from there he already passed to the very Black Sea. In this way, starting in the Varangian Sea and ending in the Black Sea, the trade route known so far passed.

Oleg's foreign policy

Prince Oleg the Prophet, after the capture of Kyiv, decided to continue expanding the territory of the state, by including new territories in it, which were inhabited by peoples who had paid tribute to the Khazars since ancient times. As a result, the composition Kievan Rus the tribes entered

  • radimichi
  • clearing
  • Slovenia
  • northerners
  • krivichi
  • Drevlyans.

In addition, Prince Oleg imposed his influence on other neighboring tribes: the Dregovichi, Ulichi and Tivertsy. At the same time, Ugric tribes, ousted from the territory of the Urals by the Polovtsy, approached Kyiv. The annals did not contain data on whether these tribes passed in peace through Kievan Rus, or were knocked out of it. But it can be said for certain that in Rus' they put up with their stay near Kyiv for a long time. To this day, this place near Kyiv is called Ugorsky. These tribes later crossed the Dnieper River, captured the nearby lands (Moldavia and Bessarabia) and went deep into Europe, where they established the Hungarian state.

Campaign to Byzantium

Worthy of special mention famous hike Oleg to Constantinople, after which he received his historical nickname - "Prophetic". According to The Tale of Bygone Years, the prince equipped an army of 2,000 boats, 40 warriors each. The Byzantine emperor Leo VI the Philosopher, in fear of a numerous enemy, ordered the gates of the city to be closed, leaving the suburbs of Constantinople to be devastated. However, Oleg went to the trick: “he ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a favorable wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city. After that, supposedly scared to death, the Greeks offered peace and tribute to the conquerors. According to the peace treaty of 907, Russian merchants received the right to duty-free trade and other privileges. Despite the fact that the mention of this campaign can be found in any history manual medieval Rus', many historians consider him a legend. There is not a single mention of him by Byzantine authors, who described in detail similar raids in 860 and 941. The treaty of 907 itself also raises doubts, which, according to researchers, is a compilation of similar agreements from 911, when Oleg sent an embassy in order to confirm the peace. Moreover, the description of the return of the Rus with rich booty: even the sails on their boats were made of golden silk, is compared with the return of the voivode Vladimir from Constantinople, and after the Norwegian king - Olaf Tryggvason, described in the Norwegian saga of the 12th century: “They say, after one great victory he turned home to Gardy (Rus); they sailed then with such great splendor and splendor that they had sails on their ships of precious materials, and so were their tents.

Meeting with the sage and death

The circumstances of the death of Prophetic Oleg are contradictory. "The Tale of Bygone Years" reports that Oleg's death was preceded by a heavenly sign - the appearance of "a great star in the west in a spear way." By Kyiv version, reflected in the "Tale of Bygone Years", his grave is located in Kyiv on Mount Shchekovitsa. The Novgorod First Chronicle places his grave in Ladoga, but at the same time says that he went "beyond the sea."

In both versions, there is a legend about death from a snakebite. According to legend, the wise men predicted to the prince that he would die from his beloved horse. Oleg ordered the horse to be taken away and remembered the prediction only four years later, when the horse had long since died. Oleg laughed at the Magi and wanted to look at the bones of the horse, stood with his foot on the skull and said: “Should I be afraid of him?” However, in the horse's skull lived poisonous snake, mortally stung the prince.

This legend finds parallels in the Icelandic saga of the Viking Orvar Odd, who was also mortally stung on the grave of his beloved horse. It is not known whether the saga became the reason for the creation of the Old Russian legend about Oleg, or, on the contrary, the circumstances of Oleg's death served as material for the saga. However, if Oleg is historical figure, then Orvar Odd is the hero of an adventure saga created on the basis of oral traditions no earlier than the 13th century. The sorceress predicted 12-year-old Odd death from his horse. In order to prevent the prediction from coming true, Odd and a friend killed a horse, threw it into a pit, and covered the corpse with stones.

The date of Oleg's death, like all annalistic dates of Russian history until the end of the 10th century, is conditional. The historian A. A. Shakhmatov noted that the year 912 is also the year of the death of the Byzantine emperor Leo VI, the antagonist of Oleg. Perhaps the chronicler, who knew that Oleg and Leo were contemporaries, dated the end of their reigns to the same date. A similar suspicious coincidence - 945 - is between the dates of Igor's death and the overthrow of his contemporary, the Byzantine emperor Roman I. Considering, moreover, that the Novgorod tradition dates Oleg's death to 922, the date 912 becomes even more doubtful. The duration of the reign of Oleg and Igor is 33 years each, which raises suspicion in the epic source of this information.

The Polish historian of the 18th century, H. F. Friese, put forward a version that Prophetic Oleg had a son, Oleg Moravsky, who, after the death of his father, was forced to leave Rus' as a result of a struggle with Prince Igor. A relative of the Rurikovichs, Oleg Moravsky, became the last prince of Moravia in 940, according to the writings of Polish and Czech writers of the 16th-17th centuries, but his kinship with Prophetic Oleg is only Friese's guess.

The image of the Prophetic Oleg

To the above quick reference about Oleg, which has become a common tradition, we will add a few scientific comments.

  1. First, according to archaeological data in the 9th century. Novgorod as such did not yet exist. On the site of Novgorod there were three separate settlements. They were connected into a single city by Detinets, a fortress built at the end of the 10th century. It was the fortress in those days that was called the "city". So both Rurik and Oleg were not in Novgorod, but in a certain "Stargorod". They could be either Ladoga or Rurik's settlement near Novgorod. Ladoga, a fortified city on the Volkhov, located near the confluence of the Volkhov into Lake Ladoga, was in the 7th - first half of the 9th century. the largest shopping center northeastern Baltic. According to archaeological data, the city was founded by immigrants from Scandinavia, but later there was a mixed population here - the Normans coexisted with the Slavs and Finno-Ugric peoples. By the middle of the IX century. includes a terrible pogrom and a fire that destroyed Ladoga. This may well be consistent with the annalistic news of the great war of 862, when the Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, all, Merya and Chud “driven the Varangians across the sea”, who collected tribute from them in 859-862, and then began to fight among themselves ( “and generation upon generation stood up…”). After the destruction of the middle of the IX century. Ladoga was rebuilt, but never regained its former significance. Under Nestor, there was no longer any memory of the former greatness of Ladoga or the significance of the Rurik settlement, he wrote two centuries after the time of the calling of the Varangians. But the glory of Novgorod, as a major political center, reached its peak, which made the chronicler believe in its antiquity and place the first rulers of Rus' in Novgorod.
  2. The second reservation will concern the origin, activities and death of Prophetic Oleg. The first Novgorod chronicle, which, according to some researchers, is even older than the PVL, calls Oleg not a prince, but a governor under Igor, the son of Rurik. Oleg accompanies Igor on his campaigns. It is Prince Igor who cracks down on Askold, and then goes on a campaign against the Roman (Byzantine) empire and besieges Constantinople. Oleg, according to the First Novgorod Chronicle, finds his end when he leaves Kyiv north to Ladoga, where the legendary snake is waiting for him. Bitten by her, he dies, but not in 912, but in 922. The Novgorod Chronicle reports and another version of Oleg's death: some say that Oleg went "beyond the sea" and died there.
  3. The third comment will be related to the possible participation of Oleg in the eastern campaigns of the Rus. Russian chronicles say that he successfully fought with the Khazars, and eastern sources also tell about the Caspian campaigns of the Rus, directed against Persia, which fall at the time of Oleg. Some historians believe that the vague and fragmentary messages of Eastern documents on this subject can be hypothetically connected not only with time, but also with various historical figures.

By the will of the chronicler who created The Tale of Bygone Years, his successors of the 13th-17th centuries, the first Russian historians and, of course, A.S. Pushkin, who poetically retold the PVL legend about Prophetic Oleg, the legendary Oleg became a part of all subsequent Russian history. His image of a prince-warrior, defender of the Russian land and creator of the Russian state has become part of self-identification Russian people throughout its subsequent history after the ninth century.

  Later 850 Birth of Oleg.

  862 The date of the annalistic message about the call to reign by the union of Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes of the Varangian dynasty - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. The beginning of the reign of Rurik in Ladoga, Sineus - in Beloozero, and Truvor - in Izborsk. The arrival of Oleg as part of a detachment of the Varangians to the lands of Northern Rus'.

  864 Death of Sineus and Truvor. A chronicle indication that "only Rurik took all power and began to distribute cities to his men." Rurik, together with his retinue, settled in the settlement at the source of the Volkhov.

  Later 864 Oleg's participation in the military campaigns of Prince Rurik of Novgorod.

  Later 864 Rurik's marriage to the "Urman princess" Efanda, Oleg's sister.

  Later 864 The uprising in Novgorod led by Vadim the Brave against the autocracy of Rurik. Return of Rurik to Novgorod. The murder of Vadim the Brave by Rurik and the suppression of the uprising. The flight of many "Novgorod men" to Kyiv in order to avoid reprisals.

  Later 864 Rurik's subjects Askold and Dir receive permission to go on a military campaign against Byzantium. Their arrival in Kyiv and the liberation of the city from the Khazar tribute. The beginning of the reign of Askold and Dir in Kyiv.

  Later 864 Birth of a prince Novgorod Rurik and Efanda son Igor.

  865 Military campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold against Polotsk. Participation of Oleg in the campaign of the Novgorod prince Rurik against Askold. Preservation of Polotsk under the protectorate of Rurik.

  Later 865 The wars of the Kyiv prince Askold with the Drevlyans and the streets.

  867 The arrival of a Byzantine bishop in Kyiv and the mass baptism of the Rus. "Circumferential message" of Patriarch Photius to the Byzantine bishops, where he reports on the baptism of the Rus.

  869 The campaign of the Kyiv princes Askold and Dir against the Krivichi. Oleg's participation in the military campaign of the Novgorod squad against Askold and Dir.

  Late 860s The appointment of Oleg as Igor's tutor.

  874 Campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold to Byzantium. Conclusion of a peace treaty between him and Emperor Basil I the Macedonian. Baptism of a part of the Rus squad in Constantinople.

  879 Death of Prince Rurik of Novgorod. Oleg's acceptance of guardianship over Rurik's young son Igor.

  879 The beginning of the Novgorod reign of Oleg as "the eldest in the Rurik family."

  Late 870s The campaign of the Rus to the Caspian Sea and the attack on the city of Abaskun (Abesgun).

  882 The beginning of the advance to the south of the army of Prince Oleg, which consisted of the Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, Meri and Vesi.

  882 The capture by Prince Oleg of the lands of the Dnieper Krivichi and the city of Smolensk.

  882 Capture by Prince Oleg of the lands of the northerners and the city of Lyubech.

  882 Prince Oleg's campaign against Kyiv. The murder of the Kyiv rulers Askold and Dir by Prince Oleg. The beginning of Oleg's reign in Kyiv. The unification of Northern and Southern Rus' under the rule of Oleg. Creation of the Old Russian state with the center in Kyiv.

  Later 882 The construction by Prince Oleg of fortified cities and "fortress" to assert his power and to protect against the nomads of the Great Steppe.

  Later 882 Oleg obliges Novgorodians to pay annually 300 hryvnias for feeding and maintaining the Varangian squad, designed to protect the northern borders of the state.

  883 The conquest of the Drevlyans by the Kyiv prince Oleg and the imposition of tribute on them.

  884 Victory over the tribe of northerners and taxing it with tribute.

  885 The subjugation of the Radimichi and the imposition of tribute on them.

  885 The war of Prince Oleg with the streets and Tivertsy.

  Later 885 Successful wars of the Kyiv prince Oleg with the Khazars, Bulgarians and other peoples of the Danube region.

  898 Conclusion of a union treaty between the Ugrians and Rus. The imposition of tribute on Rus' for peace and military assistance.

  Con. 9th century Invasion of the Pechenegs in the Northern Black Sea region.

  X-XII centuries The formation of the ancient Russian people.

  903 The first mention in the annals of Pskov.

  907 Campaigns of Prince Oleg in the lands of the Vyatichi, Croats and Dulebs.

  907 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. Leaving Prince Igor Rurikovich as governor in Kyiv.

  907 Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Establishment of duty-free trade with Byzantium.

  Later 907 Prince Oleg received the nickname Prophetic.

  909-912 Russian military campaigns South coast Caspian Sea.

  911 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople.

  912 September 2 - Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Oleg was first called the "Grand Duke of Russia". In the treaty, Rus' was first mentioned as a state.

  912 Death of the Grand Duke of Kyiv and Prince Oleg of Novgorod.

Prince Oleg (879-912), according to legend, was a very enterprising and warlike ruler. As soon as power fell into his hands, he conceived a big deal - to master the entire course of the Dnieper, to take into his own hands the entire waterway to rich Greece, and for this he had to conquer all the Slavs who lived along the Dnieper. Here one princely squad was not enough. Prince Oleg recruited a large army from the Ilmen Slavs, from the Krivichi subordinate to him, the Finnish tribes and moved south with them and his retinue.

Prince Oleg first of all took possession of Smolensk, the city of those Krivichi, which were not yet subject to anyone, then took Lyubech, the city northerners, left detachments of his squad in these cities under the command of reliable, experienced governors, and he himself went further. Finally appeared and Kyiv. Oleg knew that it would not be easy to take this city by force: Askold and Dir, experienced leaders, reigned there, and their squad was brave and experienced. I had to resort to trickery: the army was left behind, and Oleg sailed to Kiev with several boats, stopped not far from the city and sent Askold and Dir to tell that their countrymen, Varangian merchants, were going to Greece, wanted to see them and asked them to come to boats.

The fleet of Prince Oleg goes to Constantinople along the Dnieper River. Engraving by F. A. Bruni. Before 1839

The Novgorod prince Rurik died, leaving his son Igor, to whom he could transfer power over the Novgorod land, still very small. Therefore, before his death, he appointed himself a successor - his friend and colleague Oleg. The date of the beginning of Oleg's reign is hidden in the darkness of centuries, but it is known that he reigned for a long time - 33 years, and managed to do a lot during this time.

Prince Oleg considered the main task during his reign to be the expansion of the boundaries of the principality left to him. It was necessary to establish control over the water trade route that ran along the Dnieper region in order to freely conduct trade with Eastern Byzantium. He also outlined the seizure of Kievan lands, since Kyiv was a very "tasty morsel" - it became the main center of Russian trade and a kind of stronghold that protected the lands located further from the constant raids of nomads. Whoever owned Kiev also owned all Russian trade.

So, Oleg gathered a large army and moved towards Kyiv. He took the young Igor with him, so that from a very tender age he would master in practice the difficult science of managing a principality and waging wars. Arriving at the gates of Kyiv, Oleg did not immediately spend his energy on the battle. He captured the city in an insidious way: stopping the squad on the outskirts of the city walls, he called the rulers of Kyiv, Askold and Dir, allegedly in order to conduct some kind of negotiations with them. When the unsuspecting princes approached the boats, Oleg pointed them to young Igor with the words: “This is who the true ruler of Kyiv is, and you are not of a princely family!” After that, the combatants dealt with Askold and Dir.

Left without their princes, the people of Kiev did not resist. Oleg entered the city and proclaimed himself the Prince of Kyiv. The surrounding villages also joined his territories - mostly voluntarily, as they needed protection from the attack of the Pechenegs.

Oleg continued to expand the boundaries of his possessions, joining more distant tribes that did not participate in trade, did not see the point in uniting and therefore offered fierce resistance.

The result of the conquests of the far-sighted Oleg was the formation united state, which rallied the Northern and Southern unions of the Slavs. It was already Kievan Rus with the center in the city of Kyiv. By the beginning of the 10th century, most tribes (now they were rarely called tribes, more often cities, regions, since cities and entire principalities replaced tribes and clans) were united around Novgorod and Kiev. Kyiv, where trade was concentrated, should be considered the head of the new formation.

Relations between Rus' and Byzantium

The new state, which was gaining strength, forced all its neighbors to reckon with itself, among which Byzantium occupied the leading positions. Oleg decided to undertake a campaign against Byzantium in order to facilitate trade for Russian merchants, which would contribute to the rapid development Kyiv principality. A myriad of Russian soldiers went on a campaign against Constantinople - 2 thousand rooks and cavalry moving along the coast. The Greeks took up a state of siege, closing themselves in the city. Russian troops sacked the surrounding villages, showing no pity for either women or children. The Greeks were horrified and began to ask for peace. Then Oleg agreed to a cessation of hostilities and concluded a peace treaty with the enemy, the terms of which were very favorable for the Russians: merchants who arrived from the Kyiv principality did not pay any duty. When trading, they could exchange furs, servants and wax for gold, silk fabrics, and wine. In addition, after the expiration of the period that was allotted for the auction, the Greek side provided the Russian merchants with food for the way back.

Gradually, relations between states began to develop in a more peaceful direction: the Russians served under imperial palace on political or military service, and Greek craftsmen, artists, builders, clergy went to Rus'. Gradually, Christianity began to spread in the Kievan state.

Oleg himself remained a pagan. He died in 912. According to legend, the cause of the prince's death was the bite of a viper. Later, this legend formed the basis of many works. fiction. In the memory of the people, the first prince of Kievan Rus lives as Prophetic Oleg, since he was distinguished by a clear mind and outstanding abilities to govern the state - most of his campaigns ended in success, and in domestic political life there was a harmonious system of government that allowed him to control very large and scattered territories.


The choice of Rurik, who left the principality in the hands of Prophetic Oleg, turned out to be very successful. The mentor of the future Prince Igor managed to unite the two Unions of Slavs - Northern and Southern - into one state, in which he established a clear principle of subordination: it was divided into cities and regions, ruled by posadniks, accountable Kyiv prince. In addition, he drew up the first legally justified peace treaty with the Greeks, which gave great advantages to the Russians and opened up great prospects for the development of Kievan Rus. Now it was necessary to preserve these achievements, but this became a task for the next prince, Igor Rurikovich.

The founder of the great Kievan Rus, Prince Oleg the Prophet, went down in history as one of the most significant people for the Russian people. Numerous campaigns, a trade route with Byzantium and the introduction of writing for the Russian people, all these are the merits of the prince, who, according to legend, could foresee his future, which served as a success in his reign.

One of the most famous and sing this day princes ancient Rus' Prince Prophetic Oleg. Which replaced the no less great Rurik and brought quite a few victories to his people. One of the most famous merits of the hero Oleg the Prophet is the creation of Kievan Rus itself and the appointment of the center of its great city of Kyiv. Oleg began to be called Prophetic, only because he could predict the future. He spoke very skillfully about the events of the future, and this was most likely not because he had supernatural powers, but because he thought logically and was a good psychologist. The prince was not only the sovereign of his state, but also a kind of sorcerer for the people and a sorcerer, because people believed that he was given the power to rule the Russian people from above. There is a legend that the death of Prophetic Oleg was brought by a snake and he died from her bite. It was the death of the great king that caused the composition of many songs and legends. Not only songs about his exploits, but also about his death, became obligatory from history, because it is very insulting that such a great Russian sovereign fell victim to a snake.

The legend says that the reign of the prince passed when Rurik was dying. It was on his deathbed that he said that he bequeathed to him the reign, because his son was still small, and Prophetic Oleg was his guardian and confidant of the family. Only to him Rurik could entrust his two most precious treasures. This is a son who is still very young and a state for which he had big plans. And he did not let his comrade down, he became a great commander, he earned the love of his people and served Rus' for almost 33 years. If you go superficially through the achievements of the Russian commander, then his biggest victories in life were the rule in Novgorod, Lyubich and the creation of Kievan Rus. But no less important events in his life were campaigns against Byzantium, the taxation of tribute to the East Slavic tribes and the trade routes that the campaign against Byzantium dug. This very campaign opened up a lot of new and interesting things for Russians, not only in terms of trade, but also art.

The beginning of his exploits was laid by a campaign against the Krivichi in 882, during which he captured Smolensk. After down the Dnieper, his path was laid. Which brought him the capture of Lubitsch. And later, he deceived both the life and the throne of the Russian princes Askold and Dir, who ruled Russia before him. After that, Prophetic Oleg became not only the prince of Novgorod, but also the prince of Kyiv. It is from this moment on historical facts and it is believed that it was the beginning of the creation of the great Kievan Rus.

Further, the year 907 became significant for the prince of Novgorod and Kyiv, the Prophetic Oleg. When he led the army of Kyiv and the Varangians to Byzantium on a long campaign. The army completely devastated the city of Constantinople, and after that an agreement was drawn up and adopted, very beneficial for Rus', according to which the Russian people, who went to Byzantium with trade affairs had privileges even more than the citizens of the state.

No less famous was the agreement between the Prophetic Oleg and the Greek rulers, which was concluded in 912, after Constantinople was besieged, and the Byzantines capitulated from that moment. But even there there was not yet a word about the real heir and actual ruler of Rus', Igor. Even during the reign of the Prophetic Prince, all the people understood that it was he who was the founder of their state. History also understands for certain that Oleg first created the state, then expanded its borders, showed everyone that the Ruriks are the completely legitimate power of the Russian people. And most importantly, he dared to challenge the Khazars. Before the guardian of Igor began to rule, the Khazars collected a huge tribute from the entire Slavic people. Not only did they steal from people, they also wanted the Russians to profess their religion, Judaism.

The Tale of Bygone Years is the most reliable source of information about the Prophetic Sovereign of the Russian people, but only the most basic deeds of the hero are described there. A huge gap of 21 years exists in the annals, and for what reason the clerks bypassed this year of the prince's reign is not known to this day. But even since that time, a lot of things significant for history have happened, because every decision of the prince changed the course of all history and the whole people. Very an important factor, which was revealed many years later, was that from 885 to 907 in this period there was not only a campaign against the Khazars, but also the overcoming of the Radimichi.

Video: Documentary about Prophetic Oleg

But the chronicle was written by purely Russian people, and therefore they considered it necessary to record those events that only 100% concerned the Russian people and Oleg. Very important detail became a passage in 898 near Kiev emigrating people of the Hungarians (Uvgro). Equally important was the arrival of Igor's future wife, Princess Olga, in 903. By birth, the bride's name was Prekrasa, but by the will of the Prince of Novgorod, they began to call her first Volga, and then Olga. Few people knew that in fact the girl was the daughter of Prophetic Oleg, and so that no one would know the truth, she began to be called by a different name. The girl was not only the daughter of Prophetic Oleg, but also the granddaughter of Gostomysl, it was he who invited Rurik many years ago to become the head of the board of Rus'.

Rurik handed over on his deathbed his son and the rule of the state, and thus Oleg continued the dynasty of Gostomysl through his wife, and took the place of Rurik. It turned out that neither the line of rule of the Rurik dynasty, nor Gostomysl was interrupted.

As a result of this, an important question has always arisen as to who has more rights to rule the Russian state, Oleg or Gostomysl. No one knew for sure whether it was true or rumor that Olga was the daughter of Oleg and the granddaughter of Gostomysl, because if this is true, then it turns out that the husband of that very daughter, Oleg. And he can be compared with any of the Rurik dynasty. And it turns out that he has quite legitimate rights to inherit the throne, and not just a verbal donation of land by Russian Rurik. But they always tried to bypass this fact in the annals, so that the retinue of Novgorod would not lay claim to significant state ranks in Kyiv.

And the most unexpected and pleasant event that the reign of the prophetic tsar brought was that, at his suggestion, the Russian people learned what writing is. Cyril and Methodius, also in the Tale of Bygone Years, are recorded as the creators of writing among the Slavs. Such an act of the prince is truly great, only after 90 years in importance he was able to surpass the prince, Vladimir, who converted to Christianity for the Russian people. Oleg adopted written reforms, the alphabet and the alphabet, which is still present in people's lives to this day.

In the period when Rurik appeared in Novgorod, the brothers Cyril and Methodius appeared on Ladoga. There is no difference in time, only there was a difference in territorial space. Cyril laid the foundation for his mission in the south, in 860-801 he reached the Khazar Khaganate. There he tried to introduce writing, but not entirely successfully, and then he retired to a monastery for a while, where he began to create the alphabet and one of the brothers performed these deeds in 862. This year was never even questioned, because then the campaign of both brothers took place already on hands with the alphabet to Moravia.

These events in the next few years will lead to the fact that both in Bulgaria and Serbia they began to use Slavic writing, but this happened after 250 years. But only the creation of writing could not lead to the fact that people would become more literate, the sovereign's decision was needed that this was a necessity and his authority was directly needed.

The olhv hero was very adamant, and although he accepted the alphabet from the missionaries, he categorically rejected their teachings. Then there was only one faith, the pagan and the pagans treated Christians very badly, even then the people were simply not ready for such a faith. Catholic missionaries suffered from the Baltic Slavs. After all, they indiscriminately repaired reprisals against them. Then there was a big confrontation, and the guardian of the young Igor played an important role in this struggle.

Even when the Grand Duke died, he became exactly the one who launched the process of creating a great state, and this process was no longer reversible, since the soil for him was already so solid that it could not be crushed. Even Karamzin once said that Russia had many worthy rulers and sovereigns in its history, but none of them achieved such merits to the state as Prince Oleg did for Rus'.

The great ruler Prophetic Oleg deserves that to this day before his person and deeds in the name of Kievan Rus, people bow their heads with gratitude. He became the one who created the state of Rus' from scratch. He laid the most profitable trade routes in the history of the Russian people, he was the prince of two states at the same time and married his daughter to the legitimate heir of Kievan Rus. Not to mention the introduction of writing, which was the beginning of literacy education for ordinary people.