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» Olive oil: calorie content, BJU, composition. How many calories are in olive oil

Olive oil: calorie content, BJU, composition. How many calories are in olive oil

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Olive oil is the name given to vegetable oil, the raw materials for which are the fruits of the olive tree, and. The exact date of the first use of olive oil has not been officially established, but already in Ancient Greece olive oil was called “liquid gold” and was used to pay for services. Olive oil is a thick transparent liquid from light yellow to yellow-green color, with a strong odor and bright taste.

Olives are traditionally harvested by hand, then the berries are crushed and gently mixed, repeating the pressure several times using manual or mechanical presses. The highest quality oil - extra virgin olive oil- the so-called first cold press, without additional heating, has a bitter taste with a slight burning sensation. The main suppliers of olive oil are Spain, Greece, Italy, and Türkiye.

Calorie content of olive oil

The calorie content of olive oil is 898 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of olive oil

Olive oil contains Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Consumption of olive oil helps to effectively reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms, especially breast cancer. The product is rich in vitamins, and, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous system, and improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair (calorizator). The beneficial properties of olive oil also include improving memory and stimulating brain activity, improving coordination of movements and visual acuity, and protecting the walls of the stomach from the formation of ulcers.

Olive oil for weight loss

Olive oil has the unique property of reducing appetite, therefore, by taking a teaspoon of oil before meals, you can reduce the portion of what you eat, since olive oil also promotes rapid satiety. Many diets and nutritional methods include olive oil in their diet, the most famous diet is.

Harm of olive oil

Despite the obvious benefits for health and beauty, it should be remembered that olive oil is a high-calorie fatty product, so it should be consumed in moderation. People with a history of cholecystitis should use olive oil as food with extreme caution.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Olive oil has long been used to moisturize skin, especially dry and sensitive skin. Olive oil fights peeling and irritation on the face and hands, restores lipid balance and promotes rapid healing of wounds. The product includes masks for skin and hair, nourishing shampoos and restorative balms, and massage products.

Olive oil is divided into:

  • Natural ( Virgin olive oils) - oil produced without chemical purification, suitable for cold use (salad dressings, sauces);
  • Purified ( Olive oil) - physical and chemical processes are used in production, ideal for frying and baking products;
  • Cake ( Olive-pomace oil) - oil produced from the cake and pressing left after the first cold pressing, is rarely added to food.

There is olive oil that is not consumed as food - lamp oil, which is used as fuel for ritual lamps.

Selection and storage of olive oil

When purchasing oil, you need to choose a product in a dark glass bottle with a tight lid, produced in February, then the oil is made from ripe olives and has the best taste and aroma. You should pay attention to the acidity reading indicated on the label. Optimal acidity should not exceed 0.8 g per 100 g in terms of oleic acid.

Store olive oil in a cool, dark place, away from strong-smelling foods. If the oil is stored in the refrigerator, a sediment may form, which disappears when heated.

Olive oil in cooking

Extra virgin olive oil ( extra virgin) is suitable for preparing salad dressings and cold sauces, such as homemade mayonnaise. The main companions of the oil are and. Fish, meat, poultry, vegetables and cheese are fried and baked in purified, refined olive oil; it is added to dough for baking bread and muffins.

For more information about olive oil, watch the video “Olive Oil. Treasure of the Pyrenees" TV show "Live Healthy".

Especially for
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It’s time to create legends about its amazing properties. Olive or Provençal (sometimes also called wood) oil is one of the most important ingredients of the famous Mediterranean cuisine, which allows residents of Southern Europe to maintain good health and good spirits into old age.

And many Italian beauties, including, by the way, the incomparable Monica Bellucci, call it the main means of skin and hair care. Its benefits are undeniable, but what is the calorie content of olive oil?

It contains neither proteins nor carbohydrates. It consists almost entirely of monounsaturated fatty acids, which, by the way, are so few in the modern human diet. The oil also contains vitamins A, D, E and K, antioxidants, linoleic acid and phenols, as well as calcium and iron.

Due to its composition, the oil:

  • reduces the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood;
  • serves as an excellent preventative against diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • removes the most dangerous lead from the body;
  • supports eye health;
  • tones the immune system;
  • slows down oxidative processes in the body, which means prolongs youth;
  • strengthens bones, teeth and muscles;
  • cleanses tissues and internal organs of waste and toxins.

Women who care about their health and appearance have a special relationship with the precious liquid. Scientists who have conducted a lot of research in this area confidently say: 1 tablespoon of high-quality oil, added to a serving of fresh vegetable salad or cold snack, will help save you from malignant tumors.

Ladies who prefer olive products are 4 times less likely to be at risk of developing breast cancer. To prevent this most dangerous disease, 100 grams per week will be more than enough.

In addition, it gives the skin a velvety feel and the hair a silky feel. It is no coincidence that a bottle of natural, high-quality Provençal oil can be found on the dressing table of any self-respecting and self-care Italian, Greek or Spanish woman.

Taking such an example into service will be completely useful for those women who have already been touched by the breath of the autumn of life. Moreover, such a cosmetic product is used very sparingly, and 100 grams will last for a long time.

This product has very few contraindications: individual intolerance and cholecystitis (this oil promotes the release of bile). It won't do any harm to everyone else. And yet you shouldn’t get carried away beyond measure with this gift of nature: one or two tablespoons a day will be more than enough.

To get the maximum benefit from it, olive oil is recommended to be consumed fresh. Doctors strongly do not recommend frying with it (as well as with any other type of vegetable fat). It is ideal for dressing salads and ready-made dishes.

How many calories are in butter?

Olive oil cannot be called a low-calorie product: 100 grams contain 884 kcal. If you intend to include this wonderful product in your diet without increasing the total calorie content of the food eaten per day, then remember: 1 tablespoon, which, by the way, contains 17 grams, weighs 119 kcal, 2 tablespoons - 238 kcal.

In this situation, 100 grams of the product will be enough for one person for a week.

In addition, 100 grams of oil contain 11.2 mg of vitamin E, famous for its antioxidant properties, and 47 mg of vitamin K, which helps strengthen the skeletal system.

However, it would be useful to know that the calorie content of the olive miracle, the content of nutrients and fatty acids in it is determined by both the variety and the method of its production. Only a fresh, high-quality product will bring maximum benefit.

How to choose the best oil?

It is obtained from the fruit of the olive tree. Oil is pressed from both the pulp and the pits of olives. It tastes very soft, delicate, without foreign tastes or unpleasant aftertaste, thick consistency, with a subtle oily aroma. The best product is extracted by cold pressing without any impurities or additives.

There are several types of olive oil:

  • natural (extracted by pressing without chemical cleaning and additional heat treatment);
  • purified (it is freed from excessively strong taste and unhealthy fats and impurities);
  • pomace (the lowest grade of oil obtained from olive pomace using chemicals and heat treatment).

The most valuable “olive gold” is, of course, unrefined. The concentration of nutrients in it is the highest. The inscription Mix on the bottle indicates that it contains a mixture of different varieties, and not all of them are the highest. That is why such mixes are usually of low quality.

The properties of the oil are also affected by its storage conditions. The container for it must be glass. The product should be stored in the dark and cool, but not in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose many of its useful abilities.

Among all vegetable oils, olive oil, or, as it is also called, Provençal oil, has remained the most popular for many years. And this is no wonder, because its benefits have long been proven. But when consuming this “liquid gold” (as the ancient Greeks called it) for food, questions still arise about its calorie content and nutritional value.


Olive oil has long been adopted by nutritionists, cosmetologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists and other specialists. Due to its chemical composition, it has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems of the body. So, with regular consumption of it, you can reduce the risk of not only gastritis and colitis, but also contribute to the speedy healing of ulcers!

“Liquid gold” also promotes the healing of various injuries and wounds, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a bruise, a scratch or a burn. But these are all minor things compared to the benefits it brings to cancer. After all, olive oil not only reduces the risk of developing cancer in the body, but can also completely suppress the development and reproduction of cancer cells. It will also reduce their tendency to mutation.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle almost always prefer olive oil to sunflower oil. And this is an absolutely correct decision, because despite the calorie content, such a product contains healthy fats. A salad dressed with olive oil will not affect your waistline.

You can’t help but rejoice at the vitamin E it contains, which will make your skin smooth and silky, fill your hair with shine and strength, and give your nails a healthy look and length. With regular use of the product, you can completely refuse the services of a cosmetologist.


Any food product, in addition to its benefits, also has disadvantages, and “liquid gold” is no exception to the rule.

Excessive consumption of olive oil can cause the greatest harm to people suffering from cholecystitis. Such oil can only enhance the choleretic effect, and this certainly will not bring any benefit to your body, in particular to the kidneys and liver.

You should be careful with the heat treatment of “liquid gold”. Frying on it is strictly prohibited due to the release of various toxins. Also, when frying, the product can heat up to a temperature of 100-120°C and splash on a person, which increases the chances of getting a burn by 50%.

To bring the greatest benefit and least harm to the body, you should pay attention to acidity when purchasing. The less it is, the healthier the product will be. Thus, European olive oil standards state that acidity should not exceed 0.8%.

In any case, you shouldn’t get carried away with olive oil - two spoons a day is enough. And if you have a desire to use it to treat diseases or as a cosmetic product, you should still consult with your doctor or cosmetologist.

Chemical composition

Such a huge amount of benefits of olive oil comes from its chemical composition. So, 100 grams of oil contains 80% of vitamin E, which is 9% of the norm per 100 kcal. For every 100 grams of product there is also 2 milligrams of a macronutrient such as phosphorus, which is equal to 0.3% for every 100 grams of product.

Olive oil also contains iron. This trace element is contained in the amount of 0.4 milligrams, and the required amount of iron per day for the average adult is 18 milligrams.

The main component of olive oil is Omega-6 acid. It is included in the oil in the amount of 12 g or 11% per 100 kcal. Various fatty acids play a huge role in the composition of olive oil, namely: unsaturated acids (arachidic, palmitic and stearic), monosaturated acids (gadoleic, oleic and palmitoleic) and polyunsaturated acid (linoleic).

In addition to the essential elements and vitamins, olive oil contains vitamins A, B, C and K, which are complemented by minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. The total amount of vitamins in 100 grams of olive oil is about 15 mg.

The nutritional value

It is impossible to talk about the calorie content of any product without remembering such a concept as BZHU (the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), which determines the calorie content itself. So, as you know, olive oil is completely free of proteins and carbohydrates, that is, the product is almost 100% vegetable fat, which is absorbed better and faster than animal fat.

100 grams of olive oil contains 99.8 grams of fat, the remaining 0.2 grams is water, which does not provide any energy value to the body. The average adult's daily fat intake is 60 grams. This means that if you consume 100 grams of olive oil, you will exceed your daily fat intake by almost 70%. Although, in turn, per 100 kcal there is only 18.5% fat, that is, the main thing is not to abuse it.

Calorie content

Now let's look at how many calories are contained in 100 grams of butter, in one teaspoon and in one tablespoon.

  • In 100 grams. Everything is simple here, 100 grams of olive oil contain 898 kcal. In further calculations we will start from this value.
  • In 1 tablespoon. A tablespoon holds about 15 ml of “liquid gold,” that is, 17 grams. Since 100 grams of olive oil contains 898 kcal, then 1 gram contains 8.98 kcal. Next, using simple arithmetic, we calculate: 17 grams multiplied by 8.98 kcal and we get the result of 152.66 kcal in one tablespoon of olive oil.
  • In 1 teaspoon. Using the same calculation principle as for a tablespoon, we calculate the calorie content of a teaspoon of olive oil. One teaspoon contains 5 milliliters of “liquid gold”, that is, 4.5 grams. Next, using the multiplication operation, we find that one teaspoon of olive oil contains 40.41 kcal.

Olive vegetable oil, rich in vitamins and microelements, is used not only in cooking, but also for a healthy and proper diet. Despite its high calorie content, olive oil is a dietary product and is often used by those who are watching their figure.

Composition, benefits

Olive oil consists exclusively of fats (BJU per 100 grams - 0.0 g/99.9 g/0.0 g). It is very useful due to easily digestible monounsaturated fatty acids (in particular, oleic acid), which directly affect the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body, strengthen and make the walls of blood vessels elastic.

Olive oil contains vitamins K, D, E, A, B3, and is also rich in calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

This composition has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • restores the walls of the intestinal tract;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves muscle tone.

Linoleic acid present in the oil has a positive effect on vision, improves coordination of movements, and helps in wound healing.

Olive oil is especially popular among women. It is believed that its use prevents some forms of cancer: 100 grams per week reduces the risk of developing a malignant breast tumor by 4 times.

The oil is also widely used in cosmetology due to the valuable substances included in its composition: squalane, squalene and phenol. Used in the production of products for moisturizing, nourishing and firming the skin. Also good for hair.

How many calories are in olive oil

Olive oil for weight loss

Oleic acid is capable of producing substances that dull the feeling of hunger.

You can cleanse the body by taking a mixture of 2 tbsp at night for 7 days. l. butter and the same amount of lemon juice. The diet during the day is fruits, vegetables and still mineral water.

Recipes for popular dietary dishes with olive oil

Avocado salad

Ingredients :

  • 140 g bell pepper;
  • 100 g avocado;
  • 160 g tomatoes;
  • 100 g cucumbers;
  • 100 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 50 g green onions;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

Wash the pepper, remove the stem, remove seeds, and chop. Chop the cabbage, finely chop the remaining products. Place everything in a salad bowl. Salt and season.

The calorie content of the salad is 60 kcal per 100 grams.

Greek salad

  • 140 g bell pepper;
  • 100 g tomatoes;
  • 100 g cucumbers;
  • lettuce and basil leaves;
  • 100 g olives;
  • 70 g feta cheese.

Finely chop everything and season.

Calorie content - 130 kcal per 100 grams of salad.

Salad composition in Spanish

  • 100 g olives;
  • 4 onions;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar (wine);
  • 3 tbsp. l. oils; ground black pepper, salt.

Peel the onion and boil in salted water until soft, drain in a colander and dry. Slice and place on a plate. Chop the greens and sprinkle on top of the onions. Place the olives, cut into rings, on top of the greens. Mix wine vinegar with oil and season the dish.

Calorie content - 130 kcal per 100 grams.

The harm of olive oil

Its unlimited consumption provokes a number of diseases (obesity, heart attack, stroke, colon cancer), and can also cause side effects, which is associated with the high calorie and fat content of the product:

  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive bile secretion, gallbladder blockage and stone formation.

Olive oil is a healthy product when consumed in moderation and under storage conditions.

We all know that people get fat from carbohydrates and fats, and lose weight from their absence. But does this mean that any fat is harmful to your figure? No. There are different fats - some really have a detrimental effect on your figure and health, while others, on the contrary, are good for the body and help maintain slimness and health.

“Bad” fats that are harmful to the body and figure are saturated fats and trans fats. The first ones are refractory, it is very difficult for the body to break them down, so it cannot use them, it simply sends them to the “storage” - adipose tissue. The second are vegetable fats artificially converted into a solid state, which, due to changes in their molecular structure, acquired properties such as shelf life, low cost, etc., but became harmful to human health.

“Good” fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in fish and vegetable oils. They have a structure that is easier to split. These fats contain great benefits for the body - they are broken down by the body and used to produce cell membranes, they carry fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and perform a lot of other useful functions. These fats cleanse the body, nourish it, heal it, and normalize metabolic processes.

Olive oil contains “good” fats and a lot of vitamins and nutrients, so it is not just useful, but a necessary product for our body. Olive oil also benefits for weight loss.

This oil removes harmful cholesterol and triglycerides (fats found in the blood) from the body, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. It contains beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are not only effective antioxidants, but also stimulate metabolic processes in the body and promote fat burning. The benefit of olive oil for weight loss is that it helps cleanse the liver and the outflow of bile, and also contains oleic acid, which stimulates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, it prevents the formation of cancer cells and prevents the onset of arthritis.

Olive oil for weight loss

Despite the relatively high calorie content of olive oil, it can be used for weight loss(within reasonable limits, of course). If you do not exceed a reasonable amount of 2 tablespoons per day, this oil will help you lose weight. But you need to take it correctly.

Olive oil for weight loss is recommended to take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach 1 hour before breakfast. To prevent gastritis, you can drink it with a glass of water. To cleanse the liver and stimulate weight loss, you can mix olive oil for weight loss with lemon juice (for 1 lemon - ¼ cup of oil).

The oil acts in several directions at once. Firstly, it reduces appetite. Secondly, it regulates the functioning of insulin, preventing it from converting carbohydrates into fat. Thirdly, it stimulates metabolic processes in the body, promoting the breakdown of fats. Fourthly, it cleanses the body of toxins, waste and other harmful substances. Fifthly, it has a general healing effect on the body. In addition to being effective for weight loss, olive oil has a very good effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails thanks to beneficial fatty acids and vitamin E, which it contains in large quantities.

In addition to consuming the oil in its pure form, you can use it as regular vegetable oil. Replace animal fats, margarine and sunflower oil with olive oil and use it for salad dressing (unrefined) or for frying and adding to baked goods (refined). Remember that unrefined oil cannot be used for frying, as when heated, carcinogenic substances begin to form in it and it becomes harmful.

You should know that If you have cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, you should not use olive oil for weight loss, as it may cause the stones to move.

How many calories are in olive oil

When using olive oil for weight loss, you should be aware of its calorie content, especially if you keep a diary of your calorie intake. Since it is a fat in its purest form, be sure to keep track of and record how many calories in olive oil you consumed.

The calorie content of olive oil is 884 kcal per 100 g. To make it more clear, we can say that the calorie content of olive oil is 120 kcal per 1 tablespoon.

Calorie content of olives and olives

Olives and black olives are the fruits of the olive tree. It must be said that the division into “olives” and “olives” exists only in Russia. In fact, these fruits are no different - neither in the degree of ripeness, nor in the variety, these are the fruits of the same tree, the only difference is in the processing technologies. Olives (black fruits) contain more chemicals, which means they are less healthy than green fruits. The calorie content of black olives and black olives is approximately the same.. The technology of preserving “olives” changes the taste of these fruits in such a way that they are then used only in their pure form, not stuffed with anything, since their taste does not combine with other products that are used to stuff olives. Due to this, the calorie content of canned olives may differ from the calorie content of olives stuffed with any foods. The healthiest canned olives are those that have been salted in sea water without adding preservatives or stabilizers - they are harder to find and they are more expensive, but the benefits of such olives are many times greater than those of ordinary canned olives.

The calorie content of fresh olives is 115 kcal per 100 g. Olives contain about 7% olive oil, as well as proteins and carbohydrates. The calorie content of canned olives is about 170-180 kcal per 100 g.

Precautionary measures

Excessive consumption of this healthy product can harm the body, and it’s not just about calories - the danger is the choleretic effect of this product.

It is also harmful to consume stale oil (one that has not been stored in the refrigerator or hidden from sunlight; an indicator that the oil has spoiled is that it begins to smoke when heated). Olive oil has a fairly short shelf life, so be careful not to use expired oil.

Sometimes individual intolerance to this product occurs, so if, after starting to take olive oil, any unpleasant symptoms appear in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, excretory system or other internal organs, stop taking the oil and consult a doctor - perhaps your body is letting you know that your health is not all right.

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