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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Fundamental requirements for the preparation of final work. Requirements for the thesis GOST registration of final qualifying work

Fundamental requirements for the preparation of final work. Requirements for the thesis GOST registration of final qualifying work

The Eastern proverb “the dog barks, but the caravan moves on” to some extent reflects the process of a student writing a diploma project. No matter how much the student is scolded for being careless and slow, he stubbornly moves towards his goal. And when the work has already been written, all that remains is to prepare a diploma in accordance with GOST 2017, a sample of which is usually searched on the Internet, successfully ending up on our virtual page.

Why are we luck? Because we tell you the most important things about the pressing issue. Plus, we offer qualified assistance in such a difficult and controversial matter as obtaining a diploma in accordance with GOST 2017 (a sample is provided below).

What is GOST?

This is a state standard that is observed everywhere and without fail. And failure to comply with GOST requirements, no matter how tedious they may seem, leads to trouble in the form of a lower grade. Definitely, GOST is GOST and must be observed. There are a great many requirements!

What important points should you pay attention to first of all when embarking on such a serious matter as issuing a diploma in accordance with GOST 2017 (we will consider the sample title in detail in a separate material, we will not dwell on this in this article)? Let's consider the main points of the design of the project.

Diploma design according to GOST 2017 - sample content

This page is located immediately before the Introduction page and is not numbered. Formatting: The font used throughout the work is also used in this part - the generally accepted and computer-readable Times New Roman. The point size, which was recently discussed, is now the standard - 14.

At the top of the sheet, type the name of this part in capitals, bold style, center alignment. Through two single spaces without indentation from the beginning of the line, the corresponding components of the content are typed, indicating the pages. There are multiple dots between headings and page numbers.

Headings are formatted in the same way as in the main text: the names of sections are in capitals, bold, without following paragraphs. The names of subsections are shifted to the right by one paragraph indentation (1.25), lowercase, with a normal style. An important point: between the number and the name there is a space, not a tab (!).

For example:


SECTION 1. NAME………………………………………………………………………………5

1.1 Name…………………………………………………………………………………..5

1.2 Name………………………………………………………………………………………16

1.3 Name………………………………………………………………………………………26

SECTION 2. NAME………………………………………………………………………………..32

2.1 Name………………………………………………………………………………………32

2.2 Name…………………………………………………………………………………46

2.3 Name……………………………………………………………………………………56

SECTION 3. TITLE…………………………………………………………………………………..65

3.1 Name………………………………………………………………………………………65

3.2 Name………………………………………………………………………………………74

3.3 Name…………………………………………………………………………………80


LIST OF REFERENCES…………………………………….89


The formatting of the thesis project is subject to the following general requirements (meaning all pages):

  • We don’t remind you about font and size (see above for this), but pay attention to various types of indents. So, the left border of the field should be 3 cm, the right - 1 cm, the indents at the top and bottom should be 2 cm; paragraph – 1.25;
  • headings are designed similarly to how it looks in the “Contents” section. The names of the sections are placed in the center, two spaces down - the name of the subsection from the beginning of the line (the paragraph is not respected). After two more intervals down - the main text, observing the red line;
  • the spacing between lines is regulated by GOST - 1.5;
  • alignment of the “working” text material – in width;
  • the serial number of the page is indicated in the header in the center; this is an Arabic numeral. Numbering begins with the “Introduction” section. The title and contents are not numbered, but are taken into account;
  • in the text it is customary to use “herringbone quotation marks” and an em dash;
  • initials of the surname, abbreviation letters (g., v., tk., etc.) are formatted with a non-breaking space.

There are strict requirements for graduate qualified work. The thesis must be formatted exclusively in accordance with GOST. Next, we’ll look at how to obtain a diploma in accordance with GOST.

First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • Font color. It must be exclusively black.
  • Selection. According to GOST, chapters and sections cannot be distinguished. Subparagraphs can only be highlighted in bold, not italics.
  • Volume. Many universities require a certain number of pages. It all depends on the faculty and specialty of the student. As a rule, the minimum length of a thesis is 60 pages. Notes and attachments are not included in this amount. Basically, pages are counted from contents to bibliography. The maximum volume must be clarified at your department.
  • Page numbers. They are marked exclusively at the bottom center with Arabic numerals of 11 point size. Numbering cannot be placed on the left, right or top. It is necessary to take into account that the first page begins with the title page, but is not numbered. Also, pages with a table of contents and bibliography are not numbered.
  • Line breaks. As a rule, words are transferred themselves. However, there are exceptions. For example, after the title. You cannot move lines using the “Tab” or “space” buttons, as later the work will look sloppy.

The entire project must be written (printed) on A4 sheet. Plus, only one-sided printing is needed, since the work is then stapled.

Strict requirements are also imposed on the following parameters:

  • font. You must select "Times New Roman". The font size for text and subheadings should be 14 point, and the first level headings should be 16 point. The second level is 15 pt, and the third is 14 pt.
  • intervals. According to GOST, one and a half intervals are provided.
  • fields. Since the diploma is sealed on the left, on this side the margin indentation should be 2 cm. The indentation of the top and bottom margins is 2 cm, and the margin on the right is 1 cm.

However, there are universities that deviate from GOST standards, then such details need to be clarified with your supervisor. The text itself is best aligned in width.

How to design a title page

The title page is the main part of the diploma, thanks to which the commission’s opinion is drawn up. Therefore, you need to arrange it neatly and beautifully according to all GOST standards. The main aspects to consider are:

  • Maintain the correct margin sizes (top and bottom are 2 cm, left is 2 cm, and right is 1.5 cm.
  • print in black, font 14;
  • align text centered (except for information located on the right). This is the data of the student and the supervisor.

Example of title page design

How to correctly format the contents (table of contents) in a diploma

For this design, since 2001, GOST 7.32 has been established, which states that the title of the content is written in capital letters. The content consists of an introduction, titles of chapters, paragraphs, conclusions, references, and appendices. It is not difficult to draw up the contents of the diploma; the main thing is to adhere to the necessary GOSTs.

According to GOST 2.105, you need to write the word “TABLE OF CONTENTS” or “CONTENTS” in capital letters. However, there is the latest version of GOST 7.32 for 2001, according to which there are no clear instructions for the design of content. Therefore, the author can choose the size of the letters at his own discretion.

An example of formatting content in a thesis

1.Theoretical foundations of accounting in retail trade...5
1.1 Concept and features in retail trade...5
1.2 What is included in the costs of a trading enterprise...8
1.3 How the goods are registered…10
2. Accounting activities at the enterprise IP Kalinina A. S...25
2.1 Economic characteristics of the organization...25
2.2 Primary documents for the movement of goods…35
2.3 Accounting for sales expenses...45
3.Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise according to the balance sheet...56
3.1 Internal audit of sales expenses...56
3.2 Analysis of sales expenses...62
3.3 Recommendations for improving accounting...69
List of used literature...83

The authors print the titles of chapters exclusively in capital letters and underline them; sentences are not acceptable, they can only be highlighted in bold. Headings and subheadings are centered on the page and there is no period at the end of the sentence. If there are two sentences in the title, then they need to be separated by a period. Headings are a clear and concise title that explains what the text is about. This is the content, introduction, structural part (chapters and subsections), conclusion, list of sources used. Presentation of chapters and subheadings in a concise, concise form is important, since the commission often has questions about these points.

Each chapter should be started on a new page and printed in Times New Roman 16 point font. Also, chapters must use numbering, but for structural elements, headings may not be numbered.

When designing, three styles of writing chapters and subsections are used:

It is allowed to divide chapters into paragraphs, and those, in turn, into subparagraphs. Subparagraphs are identified by numbers, which consist of the chapter and paragraph numbers, which must be separated by a period. For example, 2.2.1 – practical activities of primary documents for the movement of goods. Here the first number “2” is the chapter number, and 2.1 is the paragraph.

The title of a paragraph and its subparagraphs cannot begin on a new page. For this purpose, there is a paragraph indent of 1.5 or 1.7 mm. Also, as in other headings, there is no period at the end of the sentence, but the text begins on a new line.

How to arrange drawings in a diploma

Drawings in the thesis can be graphs, diagrams, illustrated examples, etc. GOST 7.32-2001 states that illustrations must include references to the source. Also, graphic materials are located after the text and signed. Below we will look at how to arrange drawings in a diploma.

Images must be numbered in Arabic numerals. This also includes the number of the chapter, paragraph, subparagraph. For example, the picture refers to the second paragraph, then the first number is put “2”. Then it is calculated what the serial number of the illustration is. For example, 2.3, where “2” is the chapter number, and “3” is the number of the drawing.

The drawing is signed at the bottom and aligned to the center of the line. There is no need to put a period at the end of the signature. The word “Drawing” is written in full, and “FIG.” signing is unacceptable.

Sample design of drawings and diagrams

Formatting tables in the diploma

You need to compare indicators using tables, which can be located either in the text or in the appendices section. Throughout the text, references to tables must be placed, as specified in GOST 7.32-2001.

The tables are placed immediately after the text, where the link is indicated and the obligatory condition is continuous numbering of the tables. First, the section number is put, and then the table sequence number. The numbers are separated by a dot. For example, Table 3.4, where “3” is the number of the chapter or section, and “4” is the serial number of the table.

The tables in the appendix are numbered separately with Arabic numerals. The first letter indicates the name of the application (B.2). The word “Table” cannot be abbreviated. The table name itself is written at the top, aligned to the left and without indentation, as shown in the example below. There is no period at the end of the title.

If the table is large and does not fit on the page, then it is worth moving it. In this case, a horizontal line is not drawn at the bottom, as it is carried over to the next page. Also, the title is written only above the first part of the table, and on the second page it is written, for example, “Continuation of table 3.4.”

A large table with many rows and columns can be divided into parts, but you need to make sure that the frames do not go beyond the boundaries. If it so happens that the table goes beyond the A4 sheet format, then the sides are allowed to be divided. Just make sure that the part that was in the previous line is repeated.

According to GOST 7.23-2001, the names of rows and columns in the table begin with a capital letter, and in subheadings all letters are lowercase. You can put a period only if there is an abbreviation. Also, headings and subheadings of rows (columns) cannot be separated by oblique lines.

If the table was calculated by a student, then under it you need to indicate on what data the calculations were made.

Sample table design

Table 3.2 – Assessment of the organization’s solvency

Sample table design with subheadings

Table 3.3 – Indicators of costs for the manufacture of products that make up group A products

How to write formulas and equations in a thesis

In complex mathematical calculations, formulas or equations are always given. Therefore, students need to know how to correctly format them in their diploma. According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas and equations are written on a separate line, and between them and the text there should be indentations both above and below.

Sometimes the equation doesn't fit on one line. In such cases, it must be moved to the next line after the mathematical sign. These could be: division, multiplication, equals, etc.

Formulas must have continuous numbering, which indicates the section number or simply the serial number of the formula within the same paragraph, which is placed exclusively in Arabic numerals in parentheses.

A consistent explanation for the symbols or coefficients should be given below the formulas. The word “where” is written at the beginning of the line. For example, given the formula:

F = m*g (3.4) (1)

where, F – force;

m – mass;

g – free fall acceleration.

According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas are allowed to be written manually, but only with black paste.

How to provide links to sources

It is mandatory to provide references to the source, since a student who indicates the literature he has read in his thesis demonstrates his knowledge and skills in this field. Therefore, according to GOSTs 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic description of electronic resources” and 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation" there are requirements according to which it is necessary to provide a link to the source of information within the text.

It is also necessary to provide the page number, formula, image where the information was taken from. For example, where “3” means the serial number from the bibliographic list, “35” is the page from which the information was provided and “5” is the table number. As you can see, the link is in square brackets.

Formatting transfers: bulleted and numbered lists

Marked and numbered lists should be in the diploma, as thanks to them, the student’s work looks more neat and aesthetically pleasing. Listings of any kind can be in each section, and even in subparagraphs.

If the listings contain a bulleted list, then a semicolon is used, and a numbered list with a period at the end of each sentence. If the previous line contains a semicolon, the sentence below begins with a lowercase letter. Accordingly, after the period, the word in the new line begins with a capital letter.

Registration of the conclusion

The volume of the results should not exceed 3 A4 pages. Here you need to write conclusions and summaries of the work done. Scientific research should be present not only in the text itself, but also at the end. The font and its size should not be changed.

The margins and spacing in the conclusion should be the same as throughout the thesis. There is no need to insert tables, graphs and other illustrations here. You need to put thoughts from each section into 3 pages.

Application design

Applications are an additional part to the thesis. These are visual materials that show the author’s work. According to GOST 7.32-2001, references to applications must be indicated throughout the text and they must be numbered so that there is something to refer to while working on the diploma.

Applications do not have to be continued in the diploma, since according to GOST 7.32-2001 they can be issued as a separate independent document.

Applications begin on a new A4 sheet, on which “APPENDIX” is written at the top center. As you can see, the word is written exclusively in capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The name of the application itself can be indicated in Latin letters or Arabic numerals, if this is appropriate in meaning. Each application must start on a new sheet.

If there is only one application in the document, then it is designated by the letter “A”. For example, "APPENDIX A". Additional pages are numbered using regular Arabic numerals. Applications must be written in the same way as the text, that is, they may have paragraphs and subparagraphs.

Registration of the list of references: structure of the bibliography

Teachers pay special attention to the sources used and their formatting, because for incorrect spelling, the commission may reduce the grade at its discretion. To prevent this from happening, you need to be very careful when designing your bibliography.

According to GOST 7.80-2000, general requirements for the title and full description of sources are studied. GOST 7.82-2001 tells how to describe a bibliography of electronic resources, and GOST 7.05-2008 describes general rules and requirements for bibliographic references.

Sequence of sources in the bibliography

As a rule, the sources of the literature used are written in alphabetical order and if the sources consist of normative acts, then they are indicated before the bibliography.

So, the bibliography consists of:

  1. Regulatory acts.
  2. Constitutions of the Russian Federation.
  3. Scientific and educational literature.
  4. Reference literature.
  5. Foreign literature.
  6. Electronic media. These are disks, floppy disks, flash drives, etc.

After the acts, literature is written in alphabetical order, and then printed periodicals. Electronic resources are indicated at the very end of the bibliography.

Author's name or source name: what to include at the beginning of the description

Before describing any quote, you must indicate the name of the author, and if there are several of them, then it is enough to write only one. If there are more than four authors, then the title is written first, and then, after an oblique line, the authors are listed, starting with the last name.

Formatting the names of sources

The main title may be alternative. This name can be combined with the conjunction “or”. For example, Botany or the science of flowers.

The material is indicated in square brackets and written after the main title with a capital letter. For example, Accounting and Auditing [Text]. The source area is separated by a dot and a dash. If you need to give information regarding the title, then you need to put a colon before the description.

First, the title proper of the source is written, and then the general designation of the material is indicated in square brackets. A parallel title is written after the equal sign “=”, and information that relates to the title after “:” (colon). The first information about responsibility is indicated after one oblique line “/”. Further information is written after the semicolon “;”.

Source publication area

Information about the source of information must be written in the same wording and sequence as described in the literature used. Also, we must not forget about the publication area, where the first information is written through one oblique line “/”, and parallel information is indicated after the equal sign “=”. All subsequent information is written after the semicolon “;”.

The serial number is written in Arabic numerals or words. For example, .-7th ed.., .- Ed. 5th, .- 3rd ed. The region or city of publication includes only information that pertains to a specific issue. They are written down exclusively after the basic information relating to this source. For example, .- Ed. 3rd/reworked From 2nd ed. E. V. Lysenko.

How to format output data

First, write the place of publication or distribution, and if there are several of them, then you need to write separated by a semicolon “;”. The name of the source publisher or distributor appears after the colon ":".

Any information about the functions of the publisher (distributor) must be enclosed in square brackets “”, the date of publication can be indicated after a comma, and the place of production of this literature must be closed in parentheses “()”. The manufacturer's name must be indicated after the colon.

How to design an area of ​​physical characteristics

According to GOST 7.1-2003, you need to provide a specific designation of the material and its volume. This is followed by a colon and other information about the physical characteristic. Next is a semicolon “;” and the dimensions (volume) of the material are written. A plus “+” is placed before information about the accompanying material.

Design of the series area

The main title of the series is written in parentheses, and the parallel title is indicated after the equality “=”. Information that relates to the title is written after the colon “:” and the first information is written after the oblique line, and the subsequent information after the semicolon “;”.

How to design multi-volume publications

A volume is a separate physical unit and can be designated as an issue, collection, or part. If the literature consists of several volumes, then the general title is described.

In the case when the volume does not have a common title, all parts are called differently and are constantly changing, then the title proper is a constant part. In these weekends, you must indicate the first volume and the last, and they must be separated by a dash.

Design of periodicals

First, the main title is written, and then, in square brackets, the general designation of the material. The parallel title is indicated after the equal sign, and the information provided regarding the title must be written after the colon.

One oblique line is placed and the first information is indicated, and the subsequent ones separated by a semicolon. Then information about the publication area is written with an equal sign and the following information is indicated. Additional information about the publication is written separated by commas.

After the output data area, a semicolon is placed and then the next place of publication is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher is written, information about it is enclosed in square brackets.

How to format electronic sources (links)

Back in 2001, GOST 7.82 was developed, which specifies the requirements for the design of electronic resources. These are disks, the Internet, floppy disks and other electronic media. The general title of the material is written at the beginning, then the parallel title is written through an equal sign. Next, a colon is added and information regarding the source is indicated.

After the dash sign the place where the source was published is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher (distributor) is indicated in parentheses. Next is a dot, a dash and the main title of the series, and then an equally parallel title. Then, after the colon, information that relates to a specific source is indicated and an oblique line is placed, after which information about responsibility is written.

Example of bibliographic list design

The article describes how a diploma should be issued in accordance with the relevant GOSTs. They will help you understand all the intricacies. Moreover, considering that this is the student’s last project and it must not only be protected, but also properly formatted.

How to properly issue a diploma according to GOST updated: September 2, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

No matter how much a student puts off the dreary task of completing a diploma project, this moment still comes. And postponing the requirements for the 2017 thesis according to GOST does not decrease quantitatively. If you have absolutely no time to deal with numerous points of standards, we always come to the rescue: we prepare scientific work quickly and reliably - strictly in accordance with GOST!

General and specific requirements for the thesis 2017 according to GOST

GOST puts forward such a mass of various “design” requirements for scientific projects that it’s just the right time for an inexperienced person to grab his head. However, if all the points are correctly systematized and taken into account consistently, then such an intricate task can be completed. This activity will take enough time, since each element has its own design rules (this is the difficulty). So, we will figure out what the requirements for the 2017 thesis are according to GOST.

  1. Font selection. Not so long ago there were no problems with choosing a font - text was typed on typewriters. However, since general computerization, the situation has changed: many types of fonts have appeared. On other machines and in different programs, the text can turn into gobbledygook. To prevent this from happening, the font in scientific papers was “standardized”—usually Times New Roman, font size 14.
  2. Maintaining indentations. There were many “discrepancies” on this issue. Today we came to a consensus: 3 cm - left (for stitching), 1 cm - right, 2 cm - top and bottom. The line spacing can sometimes vary, but the general one for the entire text is 1.5 (in the design of footnotes and tables, single spacing is acceptable). Paragraph 1.25.
  3. Text. Text material must be aligned in width, and do not forget about automatic hyphenation.
  4. Page number. Each university may have its own requirements on this matter (it is advisable to clarify this point with the department). “Classic” is considered to be the placement of the Arabic numeral of the page number in the header, in the center. Numbers on pages begin with the “Introduction” section. Previous pages are not numbered, but are counted in the total.
  5. Symbols. They use “herringbone quotes” in text material; “foot quotes” are also acceptable as internal quotes (quotes within quotes); dash – long only. Complex formulas and symbols can be entered manually using black ink.
  6. Abbreviations. Various letter abbreviations for numbers, as well as initials for surnames, are formatted with a non-breaking space.

Chapters and their headings

The design of each structural component in a diploma project has its own nuances. The “unifying” requirements for the thesis 2017 according to GOST in relation to all parts is the need to start each part on a new page, the headings of the parts should be formatted in the same way: the main one - in the center of the line at the top of the page, in capitals, in bold.

There are 2 spaces between the main heading and subheading. Subtitle – lowercase letters, bold, without indentation from the beginning of the line. And most importantly: at the end - no dots! Hyphens and underscores are unacceptable! Before the text material from any heading - 2 intervals.

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy

Voronezh region

state budget Professional

educational institution of the Voronezh region

"Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College"


by o FORM Yu


and projects



BBK 74.56


Published by decision of the methodological council

Voronezh State

Industrial and Humanitarian College

Compiled by: N. G. Afanasyeva, O. V. MOISEEVA, R. I. OSTAPENKO,I. N. Strokova, N. R. Podobedova


Guidelines by design theses and projects / Department of Education, Science and Youth. politicians Voronezh. region, Voronezh. state industrial-humanitarian college; [crest: N. G. Afanasyeva, O. V. Moiseeva, R. I. Ostapenko, I. N. Strokova, N. R. Podobedova]. – 7th ed., rev. and additional – Voronezh: VGPGK, 2017. – 27c.

The requirements for the design of the text part, illustrations, tables, links are set out based on GOST 7.32–2001 “Report on scientific research work” with amendment No. 1. Examples are givendescriptions of the output data of sources in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5–2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation."

BBK 74.56

Afanasyeva N. G., Moiseeva O. V., Strokova I. N., Ostapenko R. I.,
Podobedova N. R., 2017

Voronezh State


college, 2017


The final qualifying work (GQR) is carried out in the form of a graduation project or thesis.

The structure of the diploma project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. The thesis consists of a theoretical and practical part.

The final qualifying work must be completed in print using a computer and printer or on a typewriter on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper (210297 mm). The quality of printing must be high: contrast and clarity of letters, lines, numbers and symbols throughout the text.

Typos and graphic inaccuracies can be carefully painted over with correction fluid. Corrections are made with black ink, paste or ink.Damage to sheets of text, blots and traces of incompletely removed text (graphics) are not allowed!

Abbreviations of words and phrases must correspond to those generally accepted in Russian spelling and punctuation.

Names, designations and units of physical quantities are given in accordance with GOST 8.417–2002 “Units of quantities”, which prescribes the mandatory use of units of the International System of Units (SI).

Abbreviations in the list of used sources in the VKR are given in accordance with GOST R 7.0.12–2011 “Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules"

The title page and the assignment for the thesis are drawn up according to the standards established in the college, which are issued by the departments.

The fully completed final qualifying work is bookleted and submitted to the department within the established time frame.

Computer typing options

Body text style:

paper size A4 (210 × 297 mm),

margins: top and bottom – 2 cm each, right – at least 1 cm, left – 3 cm,

font Times New Roman, size 14,

one and a half line spacing,

paragraph indent 1.25 cm,

text alignment, hanging line control,

the maximum number of consecutive transfers is 4,

automatic spell checking.

The structural elements of the thesis: introduction, sections, conclusion, list of sources used, appendices - are located on a new page.

Numerical values ​​from units of measurement are separated by a non-breaking (hard) space:Ctrl + Shift+ space. There are also non-breaking spaces between the two initials and between the initials and the surname.

Pagination: The explanatory note of the thesis project or sections of the thesis and application have a common (end-to-end) numbering in Arabic numerals without a dot, in the center at the bottom of the sheet, the page number size is 12 points.

The title page and the assignment for the thesis are included in the general page numbering, but the page number is not indicated on them. Numbering starts from the third page - from the contents.

Illustrations and tables located on separate A4 sheets are included in the overall numbering. Illustrations made on A3 sheet are counted as one page.

Table style: font TimesNewRoman, size 12, regular, single line spacing. The table head can be set to 10 points.

Style of headings of sections, subsections and paragraphs: font Times New Roman, size 14, without paragraph indentation. Section headings are in bold lowercase letters, subsections and paragraphs are in regular lowercase letters.

Formula set style: normal, large index 7 points, small index 6 points, large symbol 20 points, small symbol 12 points. Central location. Formulas are separated from the text by a blank line at the top and bottom.

Numbering sections, subsections, paragraphs,

subparagraphs, illustrations, tables

Numbering can be continuous (ordinal) - through the entire work - or indexing - acrosssections. Numbers are indicated in Arabic numerals without a dot and are written with paragraph indentation. When indexing numbering, the number of a subsection, item (table, illustration) consists of the section number and the serial number of the subsection, item (table, illustration), separated by a dot. Points, if necessary, can be divided into sub-points, which are numbered within the point.


4 Requirements for text documents

4.1 Construction of tables

4.1.1 It is allowed to number tables within a section.

If a section (subsection) consists of one subsection (clause), then the subsection (clause) is not numbered.

Listings may be provided within clauses or subclauses. Before each element of the enumeration, a hyphen is placed in paragraph indentation, and if it is necessary to refer in the text to one of the elements of the enumeration, lowercase letters with a parenthesis are used instead of a hyphen (with the exception of the letters е, з, й, о, х, ъ, ы, ь). For example:

A) ____________;

b) ____________.

To further detail the transfers, Arabic numerals are used, followed by a parenthesis:

- amount of tax deductions:

A) ____________.

1) ____________;

2) ____________.

If the WRC uses one figure or one table, then they are designated “Table 1”, “Figure 1”.

Tables and illustrations in the appendix are numbered in Arabic numerals with the addition of a letter in front of them indicating the appendix, separated by a dot, for example: Table B.1, Figure A.1.

headers structural elements

Headings of sections, subsections, paragraphs are typed in lowercase letters (except for the first capital) with a paragraph indent, without a period at the end. They are separated from the text at the top and bottom by a blank line.Hyphens and underscores are not allowed in them!

Section headings are written in bold, subsections – in regular type (italics are not used in them).


1 Accounting for materials in the warehouse

If the title is multi-line, then all lines are typed withparagraph indentation. For example:

1.1 Documentation of receipt of materials

from suppliers

You cannot leave one subsection or paragraph heading at the end of the page; There must be at least 3 lines of text underneath!

Headings of structural elements such as " Contents", "Introduction", "Conclusion", "", "Appendix " are typed in the center in capital letters, without a dot at the end or underscore. They are separated from subsequent text by a blank line.

The content should be formatted as a table of two columns without borders. In the first column - the largest - the headings are typed, in the second - small - the page numbers.

Page numbers are typed right aligned so that the ones are under the ones, the tens are under the tens, etc.


The use of automated content design is allowed. To do this, you need to select the desired style for the headings of sections and subsections and, upon completion of work on the text of the VKR, insert an automatic table of contents. The font of the table of contents must meet the requirements for the text of the ICR (Times New Roman, size 14, one and a half line spacing, bold for section headings and normal for subsection headings). Paragraph indentations in the content are not allowed.

For computer engineering students, an automatic table of contents is a mandatory element of project design.


1 Basic approaches to considering management communication

1.1 Structure and functions of management communication

1.2 Genres of communication between a manager and subordinates

1.3 Leader’s speech culture as an ethical management factor

2 Management communication at OJSC ReKom

2.1 Brief characteristics of ReKom OJSC

2.2 Organization of a communication system in the management process

2.3 Overcoming psychological barriers in the communicative behavior of a subordinate

3.1 Optimization of the communication system in the management process

3.2 Introduction of innovative management mechanisms at OJSC ReCom


List of sources used

Appendix AJob description of the manager of OJSC "ReCom"

Appendix BHierarchy of communications at OJSC ReCom


Illustrations should be used only when they complement, reveal or clarify verbal information. It is not allowed to duplicate the content of the illustration in the text. All illustrations must have links.

In theses, you can use different illustrations: drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, which must meet the requirements of state standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD), as well as photographs, computer printouts. In the explanatory note they are all called drawings. It is allowed to make drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams using computer printing. Photographs smaller than A4 size must be pasted onto standard sheets of white paper using only PVA glue.

Figures should be placed after a reference to them (for example: ... in accordance with Figure 2) at the end of a sentence or paragraph. If the picture does not fit after the link on the current page, it is allowed to move it to the beginning of the next page. The picture is separated from the text below and above by a blank line. The word “Figure” and its name are placed in the middle of the line. Illustrations may have explanatory information placed before the word “Figure”.

The width of the drawings should not exceed 17 cm. The recommended height of small drawings (graphs, diagrams) is 6–8 cm, medium ones (diagrams, drawings) are 9–10 cm. Large drawings are located on a separate page, cross-sectional drawings and tables are facing the outer margin on even pages, to the inner margin on odd pages.

Cross-sectional illustration Cross-sectional table


The width of the table should not be larger than the set format; to do this, you need to selectAutomatic selection of table according to window width .

Tables are usually framed by lines. Horizontal and vertical lines delimiting the rows of the table can be omitted if their absence does not make it difficult to use the data.

The name is placed above the table on the left, without indentation, on one line with its number separated by a dash.

Table ____ - _________________

number table name


Headings graph

Subheadings graph


Number line


Column (columns)

When moving a multi-line table to another page, the bottom line delimiting the first part of the table is not drawn. Above the other part on the left, write the words “Continuation of the table” and indicate the table number.

Table 3 - Cost of products

In rubles



Price 1 kg of product

Top grade

First grade

Second grade

Third grade



Continuation of table 3

In rubles



Retail price of 1 kg of product

Top grade

First grade

Second grade

Third grade



If the rows and columns of the table go beyond the page format, then the sidebar is repeated:



Retail price of 1 kg of product

Top grade

First grade

Second grade

Third grade



Continuation of table 3

In rubles



Wholesale price of 1 kg of product

Top grade

First grade

Second grade

Third grade



If the text repeated in different lines of the column consists of one word, then after the first writing it can be replaced with closing quotation marks (), if it consists of two or more words, then at the first repetition it is replaced with the words “The same”, and then with quotation marks, for example :


If there are horizontal lines, the text is repeated!

Incandescent light bulb ania

Incandescent light bulb ania

It is not allowed to put quotation marks instead of repeating numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols.

Instead of missing data, an ellipsis (...) or the words No information are placed, and when there cannot be any data at all, a dash (–) is placed.

Headings of columns and table rows are written with a capital letter in the singular, and column subheadings are written with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with the heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent grammatical meaning. All words in the graph headings are given without abbreviations. There are no periods at the end of headings and subheadings of tables.

Column headers are usually written parallel to the table rows. If necessary, perpendicular arrangement of column headings is allowed.

If the table is interrupted at the end of the page and will be continued on the next page, in the first part of the table the lower horizontal line delimiting the table is not needed.

The column “Sequence number” is not allowed to be included in the table. If it is necessary to number indicators, parameters or other data, serial numbers are indicated in the side of the table before their name. For example:

In rubles



Wholesale price of 1 kg of product

Top grade

First grade

Second grade

Third grade

1. Fish

2. Bird

Before numerical values ​​of quantities and designations of types, brands, etc. Serial numbers are not indicated.

If all the indicators given in the columns of the table are expressed in the same unit of physical quantity, then its designation is placed above the table on the right, and when dividing the table into parts, above each part.

If most of the columns of the table contain indicators expressed in the same units of measurement, but there are columns with indicators expressed in other units, then the name of the predominant indicator and the designation of its physical quantity should be written above the table, for example, and in the subheadings of the remaining columns should be given names of indicators or designations of other units of physical quantities. For example:

Dimensions in millimeters

D at

L 1

L 2

L 3

Weight, kg, no more

It is recommended to type the headings of private (Total) and general totals (Total) in capital letters and aligned to the right. For example:

There is no colon after them!

Formulas and equations

Equations and formulas should be highlighted from the text on a separate line, placed in the center. One blank line should be left above and below each formula or equation.

It is permissible to carefully complete formulas and equations in handwriting using black ink, a ballpoint or black gel pen. The height of the characters must be the same as the font size of the text of the work.


A = a : b .

b = c d .

If the equation does not fit on one line, it must be moved first after the equal sign (=), then after the plus (+), minus (–), multiplication signs ( or ), division (: or /) or other mathematical symbols, and the symbol at the beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring a formula to the multiplication sign “dot in the middle” (∙), the “slash cross” sign (×) is used.

An explanation of the meaning of symbols, numerical coefficients and values ​​should be given directly below the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula.

Numbering of formulas is serial in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line, for example:


Where TO at – financing ratio;

M - own funds;

TO – borrowed funds, rub.;

Z – accounts payable, rub.

If there is only one formula, it is designated by number one, for example: (1).

Formulas in appendices are numbered separately from the main text within each appendix with the addition of the appendix designation before the number, separated by a dot, for example: (B.1).

Numbering of formulas within a section is allowed: section number and serial number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example: (3.1).

Notes and footnotes

Notes are given if explanations or reference data are needed for the content of the text, tables or graphic material.

Notes should be placed after the text, graphic material or table to which they relate.

The word “Note” should be capitalized from the paragraph and not underlined.

If there is only one note, then a dash is placed after the word “Note” and the note is printed in capital letters. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered in order using Arabic numerals without a period. For example:


1 _________

2 _________

Table notes are placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

Footnotes It is allowed to use additional explanations if necessary (quotes, definitions from various sources, formulas taken from sources, examples, statistical data).

The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which an explanation is given. The footnote sign is performed in superscript Arabic numerals with a parenthesis. It is allowed to use asterisks “*” instead of numbers. More than three stars are not allowed on a page.

The footnote is placed at the end of the page with a paragraph indent, separated from the text by a short horizontal line to the left.

A table footnote is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

List of sources used

The list must contain information about the sources used in performing the research and development work. Information about sources is provided in accordance with the requirements of R 7.0.5–2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation."

The bibliography is located at the end of the work. First of all, regulatory acts are given in this order: international legal acts, the constitution (if applied), all used codes (first of all, existing ones, then draft and repealed codes), then federal laws (in the same order), then presidential decrees, government regulations, local laws and other regulations, resolutions of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. The following are books and publications from periodicals and articles. They must be arranged strictly alphabetically.

At the location of bibliographic references, it is recommended to usebehind-the-text links. A brief reference to an out-of-text reference is made in the text immediately after the end of the quotation or presentation of someone else’s thought, and a detailed description of the source’s output is given in the list of references at the end of the paper. The reference number is enclosed in square brackets. For example: where the first digit is the number in the bibliography, after the number is the abbreviated designation of the page indicating the number.

If the text contains a complex reference (to several sources), then the data is separated by a semicolon. For example: .

When creating a list of sources used, pay attention to the entry of a dash (this symbol is often incorrectly replaced with a hyphen). You can type a dash using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Num - (the “-” key should be pressed on the right side of the numeric keypad). This punctuation mark must also be separated by spaces on both sides.

Examples of description of SOURCE OUTPUT DATA

Official, s legislative materials

Constitution of the Russian Federation: official text. – M.: Eksmo-Press, 2015. – 32 p.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part four from December 18. 2006 No. 230-FZ: adopted by the State. Duma Feder. Collection Ross. Federation 24 Nov. 2006: approved. Federation Council Feder. Collection Ross. Federation 8 Dec. 2006: introduction. Feder. Russian law Federation from December 18. 2006 No. 231-FZ // Parliament. gas. – 2006. – December 21.

On state forensic activity in the Russian Federation: federal. law // Vedomosti Feder. Collection RF. – 2001. – No. 17, art. 940. – pp. 11–28.

About the federal budget for 2005: federal. law // New laws and regulations. – 2005. – No. 3. – P. 4–43.

On countering terrorism: federal. Russian law Federation dated March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ: adopted by the State. Duma Feder. Collection Ross. Federation 26 Feb. 2006: approved. Federation Council Feder. Collection Ross. Federation March 1, 2006 // Ross. gas. – 2006. – March 10.

Regulatory acts

On the procedure for considering candidates for the position of senior official (head of the highest executive body of state power) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation: decree of the President of the Russian Federation // Ros. gas. – 1997. – November 26. – P. 7.

On the fight against international terrorism: State Decree. Federal Duma. Collection RF // Collection. Russian legislation Federation. – 2001. – No. 40, art. 3810. – pp. 8541–8543.

Federal target program “Destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in the Russian Federation”: approved. Decree of the Government of Russia. Federation of March 21, 1996 No. 305: as amended. resolutions of the Government of Russia. Federation from 24 Oct. 2005 No. 639 // Collection. Russian legislation Federation. – 2005. – No. 44, art. 4563. – pp. 12763–12793.

On amendments to Article 30 of the Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “On the Civil Service of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug”: Nenets Law. auto env. dated May 19, 2006 No. 721-OZ: adopted Collect. deputies of Nenets. auto env. May 12, 2006 // Naryana vynder (Red tundra) / Collection. deputies of Nenets. auto env. – 2006. – May 24.

German M. Yu. Modernism: art of the first half of the 20th century. – St. Petersburg. : ABC-classics, 2003. – 480 p.

Vlasov A. A. Labor law: lecture notes. – 5th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 191 p.

Pakhomov V.I., Petrova G.P. Logistics. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. – 232 p.

Bogataya I. N., Kuznetsova L. N. Office work and accounting: educational and practical work. allowance. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Delo, 2003. – 360 p.

Bolshakov A. V., Grekhnev S. V., Dobrynina V. I. Fundamentals of philosophical knowledge: a course of lecturesfor students specialist. textbook establishments /Scientific method. middle center prof. education Ros. Federation. – M.: NMTsSPO, 1997. – 228 p.

Chernik D. G., Pochinok A. P., Morozov V. P. Fundamentals of the tax system: textbook. for universities. –3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2002. – 517 p.

Book by four or more authors

Installation, technical operation and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment: textbook. allowance / N. A. Akimova, N. F. Kotelenets, N. I. Sentyurikhin [and others]. – 5th ed. – M.: Masterstvo, 2008. – 296 p.

Electrical radio measurements: textbook / V. I. Nefedov, V. I. Khakhin, E. V. Fedorova [etc.]; edited by A. S. Sigova. – M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2004. – 384 p.

Book entitled

Criminal law of foreign countries/ ed. G. A. Esakov,N. E. Krylova, A. V. Serebrennikova. – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 336 p.


Collection of judicial and arbitration practice: letters, information. letters to the Supreme arbitration. courts of Russia Federations, 2000–2003 / comp. V.N. Bolotsky, L.V. Sotsura; edited by A. A. Bezuglova. – M.: Anthea, 2003. – 591 p.

Article from the collection

Astafiev Yu. V. Judicial power: federal and regional levels / Yu. V. Astafiev, V. A. Panyushkin // State and local authorities: Legal problems: collection. scientific tr. – Voronezh, 2000. – P. 75–92.

Article in a magazine in one issue

Efimova T. N., Kusakin A. V. Protection and rational use of wetlands in the Republic of Mari El // Problems of regional ecology. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 80–86.

Sokolova I. N. Features of calculating income tax for individuals // Taxes and taxation. – 2004. – December. – P. 55–60.

Article in a magazine in several issues

Alekseev A. Racing with civilization // Science and life. – 2004. – No. 9. – P. 10–17; No. 10. – pp. 58–65.

Newspaper article

Archival documents

OR RNB. F. 316. D. 161. L. 1.

RO IRLIE. F. 568. Op. 1. No. 196. L. 18–19 vol.

Personal file of P. I. Boldin // TsGAIPD. F. 1728. Unit. hr. 537079

Rozanov I. N. How the library of the Historical Museum was created: report. at a meeting of the Academic Council of the State. publ. ist. libraries of the RSFSR June 30, 1939 // GARF. F. A-513. Op. 1. D. 12. L. 14.

Materials on the organization of the College of Printing at the Research Institute of Book Science // TsGALI St. Petersburg. F. 306. Op. 1. Unit hr. 381.

North-Western Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Common department. Protocols // TsGAIPD. F. 9. Op. 1. Unit hr. 109.

Grebenshchikov Ya. P. To a small course on bibliography: materials and notes, February 26. – March 10, 1924 // OR RNB. F. 41. Unit. hr. 45. L. 1–10.

Longinov M. N. Letters (9) to S. D. Poltoratsky, 1857–1860. // OR RNB. F. 603 (S. D. Poltoratsky). D. 145. 15 l.

Electronic resources

Local Access Resources

Russian cataloging rules. Part 1. Basic provisions and rules [Electronic resource] / Ross. bib. assoc., Interregion. com. on cataloging. – M., 2004. – 1 CD-ROM. - Cap. from the disc label.

Remote Access Resources

Official periodicals [Electronic resource]: electronic. guide / Russian national bka, Legal Information Center.URL: (date of access: 01/18/2016).

Loginova L.G. The essence of the result of additional education for children [Electronic resource] // Education: researched in the world: international. scientific ped. Online magazine.URL: (date of access: 01/18/2016).

Life is beautiful, life is tragic... [Electronic resource]: 1917 in the letters of A.V. Lunacharsky to A.A. Lunacharskaya / rep. comp. L. Rogovaya; comp. N. Antonova; Institute "Open Society". – M., 2001.URL: (access date: 01/18/2016 ).

On the introduction of bonuses for complexity, intensity and high quality of work [Electronic resource]: instructions from the Ministry of Social Sciences. protection of Russia Federation dated July 14, 1992 No. 1–49-U. The document was not published. Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus".

Examples of the list of used sources are given in Appendix A.


Each application should begin on a new page with the words “ Application ", typed in capital letters, and its designation with a capital letter of the Russian alphabet, starting with the letter A, except for the letters E, Z, Y, O, CH, Ъ, И, ь. Ifthere is only one application, it is designated “P” Appendix A."

Arrange applications in the order of references to them in the text.

The application must have a thematic heading, which is located in the center and separated from the title and from the text by a blank line. It is capitalizedlowercase bold .

For the design and numbering of figures, tables and formulas in appendices, see above.


General rules for abbreviating words and phrases

For all grammatical forms of the same word, the same abbreviation is used, regardless of gender, number, case, person and tense.

It is permissible to use only generally accepted abbreviations.

When abbreviating, at least two letters must remain. For example: institute - institute, printing house - type.

Shortening words to one initial letter is allowed only for generally accepted abbreviations. For example: century - v., year - g., page - s.

Uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as periods, are used in abbreviations in accordance with the rules of Russian grammar. At the end of the contraction they put a period. For example: author – author.

A period is not put if the abbreviation is formed by contraction and the abbreviated form ends with the same letter as the full word, as well as when abbreviating words denoting units of quantities according to GOST 8.417.

When truncating words that differ only in prefixes, the same letters are discarded. For example: author – author, co-author – co-author.

For detailed abbreviation rules, see GOST R 7.0.12–2011 “Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules."

Table 1 – Examples of special cases of abbreviations of words and phrases in Russian in a bibliographic record








publishing house


























M. (in the imprint)








No. (with numbers)





Continuation of Table 1



































that is





t. (with numbers and notes)















electronic data

electron. Dan.





Table 2 – International System of Units (SI) units

Unit name

Unit designation

Basic SI units








Electric current (powerktric current)


Thermodynamic temperaturehooray


Number of thingsnature



The power of light




square meter

m 2

Volume, capacity

cubic meter

m 3


meter per second



meters per second squared

m/s 2

Wave number

meter to the minus first power

m -1


kilogram per cubic meter

kg/m 3

Continuation of Table 2


Specific volume

cubic meter per kilogram

m 3 /kg

Electric current density

ampere per square meter

Vehicle 2

Magnetic strengthOlya

ampere per meter


Molar concentration kocomponent

mole per cubic meter

mol/m 3


candela per square meter

cd/m 2

P derived SI units, the names and designations of which are formed using the names and designations of the basic SI units


square meter

m 2

Volume, capacity

cubic meter

m 3


meter per second



meters per second squared

m/s 2

Wave number

meter to the minus first power

m -1


kilogram per cubic meter

kg/m 3

Specific volume

cubic meter per kilogram

m 3 /kg

Electric densityEsky current

ampere per square meter

Vehicle 2

Magnetic strengthOlya

ampere per meter


Molar concentration kocomponent

mole per cubic meter

mol/m 3


candela per square meter

cd/m 2

Derived SI units with special names and designations

Energy, work, amount of heat











Celsius temperature

degrees Celsius


Unit designations are placed behind the numerical values ​​of quantities and on the line with them (without moving to the next line).

A space is left between the last digit of the number and the unit designation. For example, 100 kW; 80%; 20 °C. Exceptions are designations in the form of a sign raised above the line, in front of which a space is not left. For example, 20°.

If it is necessary to format a source in a foreign language, all abbreviations in the description must comply with GOST 7.11-2004 - “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in foreign European languages."


Example of a list of used sources

Option 1

    Volkov B. S. Psychology of communication in childhood [Electronic resource].URL:

    Volkova A.I. Psychology of communication: textbook. manual for students image. institutions prof. education. – Rostov n/D: Flinta, 2007. – 510 p.

    Kornilova T.V., Grigorenko E.L., Smirnov S.D. Adolescents at risk. – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2005. – 336 p.

    Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education: method. rec. for ped. slave. in preschool arr. organizations and kind. preschool children. age / O. A. Karabanova, E. F. Alieva, O. R. Radionova [and others]. – M.: FIRO, 2014. – 96 p.

    From birth to school. Approximate general educational program for preschool education / ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014. – 368 p.

    Romanovskaya E. From design solutions to practical implementation of ideas. Project “Peace for all...” // XXI century. Education. Creation. Science: 1 All-Russian. scientific conference for students and schoolchildren (Chelyabinsk, February 21, 2014): coll. – Chelyabinsk: Meteor City, 2014. – pp. 17–20.

    Savinov L.I., Kamyshova E.V. Social work with children in families of divorced parents: textbook. allowance. – 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Dashkov and Co., 2008. – 259 p.

    Stolyarenko L. D., Samygin S. I. Psychology of communication: textbook. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2016. – 317 p.

    Shelamova G. M. Business culture and psychology of communication: textbook. allowance. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2006. – 160 p.

Option 2

    Voronezh excursion: guide. – Voronezh: Polaris, 2005. – 130 p.

    Russian Union of Travel Industry: official website. –URL(access date: 02/10/2017).

    Dekhtyar G. M. Licensing and certification in tourism: textbook. allowance. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. – 256 p.

    Filippovsky E. E., Shmarova L. V. Economics and organization of hotel management. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008. – 176 p.

    State regulation of tourism: how are they doing? [Electronic resource] // Tourist Bulletin.URL: date: 02/10/2017).

    Federal Agency for Tourism [Electronic resource]: official website.URL: date: 02/10/2017).

    Russian Union of Tourism Industry [Electronic resource]: official website.URL: (access date: 02/10/2017).

    All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population (OKUN) [Electronic resource]. –URL: date: 02/10/2017).

    RATA-news [Electronic resource] // Daily electronic newspaper of the Russian Union of Travel Industry.URL: date: 02/10/2017).

    World Tourism Organization UN WTO [Electronic resource]: official website.URL: (access date: 02/10/2017).

Educational edition



theses and projects

Compiled by

Afanasyeva Nina Grigorievna,

MOISEEVA O Lega Vladimirovna,

Ostapenko Roman Ivanovich,

Strokova Inesa Nikolaevna,

PODOBEDOVA Natalya Radievna

Computer typing and layoutO. V. Moiseeva, R. I. Ostapenko

EditorR. I. Ostapenko

Signed for publication on February 10, 2017. Format 6084 1/16. Paper for office equipment.

Times typeface. Digital printing. Conditional oven l. 1.62. Academic ed. l. 0.9. Circulation 15 copies.

Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College (VSPGK)

Training and production department of operational printing of VGPGK

Address of the college and operational printing site:

394036 Voronezh, Revolution Ave., 20

These rules for writing dissertations are general and correspond to
Gostam (GOST 7.32-91, GOST 7.1-84, GOST 2.105-95, GOST 2.111-68, GOST
7.9-77, GOST 7.54-88, GOST 8.417-81, GOST 7.11-78), and also agreed with
recommendations of the Department of General and Comparative Historical Linguistics
Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University.

Selection and approval of the thesis topic

Choosing a thesis topic involves preliminary discussion with
scientific supervisor or at a department meeting. The final topic of the thesis
research is approved at a department meeting during the first semester
final year of study. After approval, the exact wording is recorded
topics indicating full name student and supervisor, his status, place
work and position held, the date of approval of the topic is recorded. Reviewer
assigned after writing a thesis.

Working on a diploma

Work on a thesis begins with drawing up a plan or
work programs. The plan is agreed upon with the scientific supervisor, who determines
deadlines for completing specific tasks and forms of control.

The thesis must be completed and submitted to the department no later than
a week before the defense day. The date of submission of the thesis is registered by the laboratory assistant

Structure and content of the diploma

The thesis consists of an introduction, main part and conclusion, and
also a list of references. Applications are allowed if required
the logic of revealing the topic of the thesis.

Introduction includes the following points:

1) justification for choosing the topic of the thesis research, its relevance and

2) defining the purpose and set of research objectives, as well as their methods

3) indication of the object of study, justification for the choice of material for

4) analysis of the degree of development of the topic in domestic and foreign countries
literature, review of the historical development of the issue.

Main part should consist of chapters, divided into paragraphs and
need for items. The optimal number of chapters is from 2 to 4, the number of paragraphs in
each chapter - at least 2. Dividing the work into chapters and paragraphs should
correspond to the logic of presentation of the material. Every paragraph must end
intermediate output; At the end of the chapter, a general conclusion is formulated.

The text of the thesis should not contain untranslated foreign words and
expressions that are not generally known (translation of foreign words is given in
footnotes, and the language must be indicated (in parentheses after the translation)
which the given word or expression is translated).

The presentation of the thesis research material must comply
requirements of grammar and stylistics of the Russian language. A large number of
grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors can cause
refusing a student to consider his work.

The volume of the main part should be at least 60–70 pages.

Conclusion reflects an assessment of the work and includes recommendations for
practical use of its results.

Bibliography gives an idea of ​​the literature used in
writing a thesis. The number of works involved should not be
less than 30 and no more than 100 items.

Applications for the thesis are carried out in any form and
determined by the nature of the thesis research.

Requirements for completing a thesis

The diploma is provided in a separate folder, in which they include, except
thesis, the supervisor's review and the reviewer's review, as well as
abstract of the diploma compiled by the diploma student.

Title page contains the following information: 1) full names
educational institution, faculty and department; 2) the topic of the thesis; 3) last name,
name and patronymic of the diploma student, form of study (day, evening or
correspondence); 4) the surname and initials of the scientific supervisor, his academic degree and
rank; 4) city and year of writing the thesis.

The location of this information on the title page is determined by the following:

1) the names of the educational institution, faculty and department occupy the first three
top lines (font Times New Roman, 14, center alignment);

2) the topic of the thesis is placed in the center of the sheet and consists of one
or several lines (Arial font, 20, bold, all capitals; hyphens in
words and abbreviations are not allowed);

3) information about the student (three lines) and the supervisor (two lines)
are located below the topic name with a shift to the right (font Times New Roman, 14,
aligned to the left, indented to the right by 8.5 cm; FULL NAME. student and scientific
leaders are typed in bold);

4) the name of the city and the year the diploma was written are located at the bottom
title page (last two lines) centered (font Times New Roman, 14,
center alignment).

For an example of a title page, see Appendix 1.

Content thesis should be after the title page and before
the main text of the thesis. Formatting Requirements: Headings
first level (chapter titles) – Times New Roman font, 14, bold;
second level headings (paragraph titles) – Times New Roman font, 14,
normal; third level headings (item names) – Times New Roman font
, 14, italics. An example of content design is given in Appendix 2.

Main text diploma is formatted as follows.

Page parameters: right margin – 3 cm, left margin – 1.5 cm, top and bottom
margins – 2 cm.

Main text font – Times New Roman, 14; chapter headings – Arial, 16,
bold, all caps; paragraph headings – Times New Roman, 16,
bold; paragraph headings – Times New Roman, 14, bold. Alignment
body text - in width, headings - in the center. First line indent
main text 1.25 cm, indentation of the first line of headings – 0 cm. Line spacing
interval - one and a half. Hyphenation is required.

Initials when specifying surnames must be separated by non-breaking spaces (Ctrl
+ Shift + space), for example: M. V. Lomonosov. Non-breaking spaces separate
letters “g.” and “in.” when indicating dates, for example: 1922, XVIII century. Through
non-breaking space is used to write accepted abbreviations (i.e., tk., etc.).

Page numbers (Arabic numerals) are indicated at the top of the page on the right, the number on
The first page (title page) is not placed.

The titles of works (monographs, articles), magazines, newspapers, etc. are contained in
quotes are “…”, and quotes are in quotes “…”. If the phrase enclosed in quotation marks contains
words are in quotes, then the outer quotes should be “...” and the inner ones should be “...”.

Rules for formatting footnotes. Footnotes should be at the bottom of the page
according to the following requirements:

1) When citing a monograph, the surname and initials of the author are indicated
(font Times New Roman, 10, italic), title of work (without quotes; font Times
New Roman, 10, normal), place and year of publication (accepted abbreviations: M. -
Moscow, L. – Leningrad, St. Petersburg. – St. Petersburg), page number. For example:
Karpov V.N. Introduction to Philosophy. St. Petersburg, 1840. P. 98.

2) When citing a monograph published as part of a collection
essays, the surname and initials of the author are indicated (italics), the title of the work (without
quotation marks), after which the sign // is placed and the type of collected works is indicated
(accepted abbreviations: PSS - complete works, Soch. - works),
number of volumes, volume number, place and year of publication of this volume, page number.
For example: Kireevsky I. V. Review of the current state of literature
(1845) // PSS. In 2 vols. T. 1. M., 1911. P. 125.

3) When citing an article from the collection, indicate the surname and initials
author (italics), title of the work (without quotes), followed by // and
indicate the title of the collection (without quotes), place and year of publication, number
pages. For example: Kobzar V.I. Dialecticality of formal logic //
Logic and development of scientific knowledge. St. Petersburg, 1992. P. 125.

4) If an article is quoted from a collection of works by the same author, then
indicate the author's surname and initials (italics), the title of the work (without quotes),
after which the sign // is placed and the surname and initials of the author are indicated (italics),
title of the collection (without quotes), place and year of publication, page number. For example:
Kavelin K. D. Philosophy and science in Europe and here // Kavelin K. D.
Our mental structure. M., 1989. P. 282.

5) If a periodical is cited, then the surname and
initials of the author of the article (italics), title of the work (without quotes), followed by
put the sign // and indicate the name of the periodical (without quotes),
series (if any), year of publication, magazine (newspaper) number and page number.
For example: Migunov A. I. Is truth a rhetorical problem? // Messenger
St. Petersburg University. Ser. 6. 1992. Issue. 4 (27). P. 44.

6) When quoting the same work repeatedly, indicate
only the necessary data, namely: a) surname and initials of the author, title
work and page number - if there is a link to this work above, but not
precedes a repeated reference (for example: Kavelin K. D. Philosophy and science
in Europe and here. P. 283); b) page number and reference to the previous footnote
(for example: Ibid. p. 284); c) simply a reference to the previous footnote - if
the quote is from the same page that was just pointed to
(for example: Ibid.)

7) Inaccurate quoting (retelling in your own words) is accompanied by
indicating the appropriate place in the work. For example: See: Chizhevsky D.
Hegel in Russia. Paris, 1939. P. 112.

8) After indicating the source of the quote, your own comments are possible,
which are separated by an em dash. For example: Rorty R. Coincidence, irony and
solidarity. M., 1996. P. 128. – A more detailed description of the figure of the liberal
For irony, see the chapter “The Accident of a Liberal Society.”

General formatting of footnotes: font – Times New Roman, 10; alignment - by
width; first line indent 0.5 cm; line spacing is single.

Bibliography is compiled as follows. First indicate
works written in Russian, then literature in foreign languages.

It is possible to create a separate list of sources and a separate list
commentary literature, if such division is required by the specifics of the topic

The specified works are numbered and arranged in alphabetical order. Surnames and
Authors' initials are in italics. Titles of works are given without quotation marks.
All necessary output data used in the thesis are provided.
research work.

Articles included in the list must be accompanied by an indication of the relevant
the pages they occupy in the collection.

Bibliography formatting: Times New Roman font, 14; interlinear
interval – one and a half; first line indentation – 0 cm. Example of list design
literature given in Appendix 3.

Applications for the thesis are formatted based on the template
main text, but the font size is reduced (to 12 pt.) and line spacing
the interval becomes single.

Common errors:

1. Lack of formulated research objectives and goals.

2. Lack of own assumptions, assessments, conclusions.

3. Lack of links to cited sources.

4. Lack of reasoned conclusions.

5. Inconsistency between the main text and conclusions both in chapters and in
overall work.

6. Inconsistency of the conclusions with the stated objectives and purpose of the study.

Feedback from the supervisor

The supervisor, after studying and appropriately editing the thesis
research writes “Review of the supervisor on the final qualification
work “Name of Diploma” of a graduate of the 200th... of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University
Last name First name Patronymic by specialty (code and name).”

The review provides a description of the work done by the diploma student and analyzes
novelty and scientific significance of the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about
theoretical and practical preparedness of the graduate and prospects
further development of his scientific and professional activities.

Attention should also be paid to the personal qualities of the graduate, which allowed him
cope with the task (for example: “independence”,
“responsibility”, “ability to organize your work”, etc.).

The review should end with the words: “The thesis was completed in accordance with
requirements of the State Attestation Commission, deserves a rating of “…” and can be admitted to defense.” Below
followed by the signature of the scientific supervisor indicating the position, academic title and
degree, the date is indicated.

The length of the review is from 2 to 5 pages.


The reviewer analyzes the submitted material and writes “Reviewer’s review of
final qualifying work “Name of diploma” of a graduate of 200...
Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University Surname First name Patronymic by specialty (code and
Name)". The review reflects the relevance and novelty of the work, depth
disclosure of the topic, knowledge of relevant research literature and ability to use it
use, the quality of the work performed, theoretical and
practical significance of the results obtained. Be sure to pay attention
on the shortcomings of the thesis research. Recommendations for implementation can be given
and publication of work. The review should end with the words: “Thesis
fulfilled in accordance with the requirements of the State Attestation Commission, deserves the rating “...”.” Below follows
The reviewer's signature indicating the position, academic title and degree is placed
date of. The length of the review is from 2 to 5 pages.

The procedure for defending a thesis

The date of defense of the thesis must be determined and communicated
diploma students at least a month before it takes place.

The defense of the thesis takes place publicly at a meeting of the department (or
several departments) in the presence of members of the State Attestation Committee, scientific advisor and reviewer.
Absence (for good reasons) of a scientific supervisor or
reviewer (but not both of them at once): in this case, their reviews are read,
on the basis of which a decision is made to defend the thesis.

The defense opens with an opening statement by the diplomat (up to 20 minutes), which
must correspond to the abstract of the thesis written by him. In
introductory remarks should be made about the structure of the work, justify the choice of topic,
its relevance. It is necessary to give a brief overview of the content of the thesis, clearly
formulate conclusions, point out the novelty and scientific value of the results obtained
results. After the introductory speech, the diplomat may be asked questions on
which he must answer immediately.

Then the reviewer, scientific supervisor and everyone who wishes will speak.
present on defense. After these speeches, the diploma winner is given the floor.
In concluding remarks, it is necessary to respond to all criticisms of
about the thesis, clarify those points that seemed controversial or
incompletely stated.

Next, the commission, at a closed meeting with members of the department, makes a decision on
evaluation of the thesis by voting (by majority vote).
The results of the defense are determined by the grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”
and “unsatisfactory.” After defense, theses are stored on
relevant departments.