Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Ramenki station opening in March. There are weeks left before the opening of three new stations on the “yellow” metro line. What will the Ramenki station be like?

Ramenki station opening in March. There are weeks left before the opening of three new stations on the “yellow” metro line. What will the Ramenki station be like?

Ramenki station is the 206th station of the Moscow Metro, which opened as part of the Victory Park - Ramenki section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line on March 16, 2017. Located in the residential area of ​​Ramenki at the intersection of Vinnitskaya Street and Michurinsky Avenue.

The design theme of the Ramenki station is inspired by the history of the area: the silhouettes of trees against a green background are reminiscent of the oak groves that once existed in this area.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened three new stations on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line. Now the following stations are available to passengers of the capital's subway: Minskaya; Lomonosovsky Prospekt
The length of the new section is 7.25 kilometers. All three new stations column type– with one row of columns in the center of the platform.

Station length - 163 meters

In the center of the platform there are two pairs of benches

Exits to Michurinsky Prospekt and Vinitskaya Street

Train interval is 6 minutes

The station has two underground lobbies connected to the platform by escalators

There are three escalators on each side of the station

Rising from the escalator we see a police station, to the right of it there are turnstiles for entering the metro

and here are the exit turnstiles on the left. Excellent know-how to designate above the turnstiles which rooms have access to the city

Tree silhouettes on green background

Box office

Flight of stairs exit to the city

Accessibility for passengers with limited mobility is provided by elevators from the platform to the lobby level

and from the passages to ground level, also providing the opportunity to cross the avenue

Underpass under Michurinsky Prospekt

When approaching the turnstiles, security frames are installed

Entrance turnstiles

Glass panel with oak grove, placed above the escalators

The Solntsevsky radius of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line is being built in stages:

The first section “Business Center” - “Victory Park” was put into operation at the beginning of 2014 (3.4 kilometers, two stations). Until March, trains ran here in shuttle mode, through one transport tunnel. Construction of the second distillation tunnel was completed in 2016;

The second section “Victory Park” - “Ramenki” was completed in December 2016 (7.3 kilometers, three stations);

The third section of Ramenka - Rasskazovka (with an electric depot) is in the active stage of construction (15.3 kilometers, seven stations) until 2020

It is expected that the construction of the Solntsevsky radius of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line will improve transport services for 600 thousand Muscovites living in the areas of Ramenki, Prospekt Vernadskogo, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Troparevo-Nikulino, Solntsevo, Novo-Peredelkino, Vnukovo and Moskovsky districts. Thus, the new metro stations will be within walking distance from the residential buildings of about 300 thousand citizens living in the listed areas.

Congratulations to the residents of Ramenki on the arrival of the metro to their area!

Only a few weeks left before launch. Very soon, three stations will open their doors at once: “Ramenki”, “Minskaya” and “Lomonosovsky Prospekt”. They will become a real salvation for hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and will delight passengers with their unusual design.

Bright white and green designs and shiny metal: this is what Muscovites will see in a matter of weeks. There is no more drill noise or welding flashes. Workers are putting the finishing touches on appearance lobby and platform. The only thing missing so far is benches. Cash desks, turnstiles, escalators, lighting, signs - everything is in place.

Very soon the first trains will run along these same rails from the Ramenki station towards Victory Park - first in test mode, then in permanent mode. At the same time, they will create less noise than at other Moscow metro stations, thanks to the aluminum honeycomb panels that line the walls. The panels, by the way, are made in Russia, like all other structures at the station.

"New for the Moscow metro are metal-ceramic columns. Their peculiarity is that they are anti-vandal material. They are covered with glaze metal panels“essentially, like ceramics,” says Leonid Borzenkov, head of the workshop of the Architectural Department of OJSC Metrogiprotrans.

You can't scratch such columns with a coin or a key. Nobody will spoil the drawing on them.

“Here we have arranged the drawings very cleverly, the picture flows from one column to another, to a third, and so a solid image is formed. Here we have these very oak trees that once grew in the Ramenki area,” says Borzenkov.

Two other stations, which will be launched simultaneously with Ramenki, were built in a similar style - Minskaya and Lomonosovsky Prospekt. Only the color and theme of the drawings differ: the first one is red and military equipment, on the second - blue and various numbers.

For the residents of Ramenki, this entire line is like a life line. More than 100 thousand people live in the area, Moscow State University and Mosfilm are nearby, and getting to the nearest metro stations is long and inconvenient.

“This will help relieve congestion especially on the Universitet metro station, because getting to it from here was very difficult - up to 45 minutes, or even more than an hour it was possible to get there,” says one of the local residents.

“Wherever you go, there’s a traffic jam to the University, and to Vernadsky Prospekt, and to Kyiv, it takes a long time to get there, but here it’s just wonderful! I just walked out of the entrance and behold, the metro!” - the other one rejoices.

Ramenki station will become the terminus on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line - but only for a while. By the end of the year, this line should be extended towards Novoperedelkino to the village of Rasskazovka. And in the foreseeable future, it will be possible to get to Vnukovo Airport itself.

Text: "Vesti-Moscow"

" Transport provision for Moscow City, Victory Park, Moscow State University and hundreds of thousands of Moscow residents who live in the area of ​​these stations has improved, he said Sergei Sobyanin.

The Lomonosovsky Prospekt station is located at the intersection of Michurinsky and Lomonosovsky Prospekts. The design uses graphic elements in the form of intersecting rows of numbers. They symbolize exact sciences and reflect the connection of the station with the nearby Moscow state university and the scientific activities of Mikhail Lomonosov. The station is equipped with elevators for people with limited mobility.

This is how its construction was carried out:

"Lomonosovsky Prospekt" - shallow, its depth is 15 meters. The station has two underground lobbies: the southwestern one, which leads to Indira Gandhi Square, and the northeastern one, which leads to the building of the Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

As previously stated by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin, the station will have an additional exit.

“The third exit will be built through a busy avenue, which will allow passengers not to cross the street on the ground. For this purpose, a passage tunnel about 200 meters long was built,” said M. Khusnullin.

The Minskaya station is located under the street of the same name between the Memorial Mosque and the railway overpass. It is also shallow.

This is what she looked like just recently:

At "Minskaya" interesting design- in high-tech style, it is made in gray and metallic tones.

“The Minskaya station is important because it is located near Victory Park, and it is necessary for large events. There is an agreement with the management of Russian Railways on the construction of a platform in the Kiev direction railway. Thus, a transport hub is being formed here between the metro and the radial railway,” Sergei Sobyanin previously noted.

Construction of the Ramenki station began in 2013 on the yellow metro line. The platform is decorated with silhouettes of trees on a green background. They are reminiscent of the oak groves that were once located in this area.

Here are some stages of station construction:

The long-awaited extension of the Solntsevskaya line to Ramenki station took place. Those who follow the progress of construction remember that preliminary launch dates were announced at the end of last year. I had been waiting for this section since I was a student, since my faculty was located there, I had to visit that area often, and while looking at promising metro schemes, I dreamed of how good it would be if the plans were quickly realized. However, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, I graduated from the university, the faculty moved, and yet at the opening I felt not only the joy of the holiday, but also pleasant nostalgia.
However, enough lyrical digressions, let's go have a look!

1. The first section of the Solntsevskaya Line was the “Business Center” - “Victory Park” section, which operated in shuttle mode. Now this is a full-fledged line, but the intervals on it have been increased, since the return dead end is located between the “Business Center” and “Victory Park”, so now you have to change the cabin 3 times to change direction. In the future, when there is a connection with the Kalinin radius, this will significantly facilitate the organization of traffic

2. In general, there are quite a lot of plans, some of them are changing, but with regard to the Solntsevskaya line everything is clear, there will be one, and the new section - the best for that confirmation

3. Perhaps the prospects are of no less interest than the new stations themselves

4. The first station after Victory Park meets passengers is Minskaya station.

5. The design is related to the nearby Museum of the Great Patriotic War, where the railway artillery installation is located, which is depicted on the columns

6. However, all the same, I’m sure many will continue to believe that this is a steam locomotive

7. The red-gray design scheme used by Russian Railways also adds to this feeling

8. Although the station does not look gray and boring, it is rather steel. And thanks to the construction features, due to which the dimensions had to be narrowed, it looks compact and cozy.

9. "Lomonosovsky Prospekt". Already after the publication of the renderings, heated debate flared up about the numbers on the columns, as if they had come straight out of arithmetic textbooks

10. However, this is a reference to Moscow State University and in particular to the science park. Visually they create the feeling of endless code

11. Stations are made according to standard project, similar to “Zhulebino”, but everyone is perceived differently



14. And at the new stations there are very cool lamps on the escalators

15. The lobbies are designed in the same manner as the station itself

16. It was on Lomonosovsky Prospekt that a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the commissioning of the site took place. By tradition, the station was opened by the mayor of Moscow

17. The ceremonial delegation arrived unexpectedly from another route (moving in the opposite direction)

19. In general, I perceive this entire launch site as “Ramenki”, partly because two of the three stations are located in that area, partly because the name is so sonorous and capacious. I just want to sing to the tune of the famous song about felt boots - “Ramenki, Ramenki...”

20. Ramenye - that’s what a dense dense forest was called in the old days

21. Actually, this is played out in the title

22. All stations look very modern

23. At the same time, the individuality of each is preserved, which is important

24. The opening of the metro is always a holiday

25. So I would like to congratulate everyone, starting from the creators: Igor Georgievich Zemlyanitsky, the chief architect of the project (left) and Leonid Leonidovich Borzenkov, head of the Metrogiprotrans architectural studio

26. Engineers

27. Builders

28. And everyone who will work at the stations

Today is the last station on the new section of the future Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line. The Ramenki station is located in the area of ​​the same name. If you open the map in front of you, it becomes clear that with the opening of the Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Ramenki stations, residents now have the metro within walking distance large quantity residential buildings nearby. Previously, all these people used buses and minibuses to get to the nearest metro station. "University" of the Sokolnicheskaya Line. Sokolnicheskaya line after extension to metro station "Salaryevo" has become busier and the fact that part of the passenger traffic has now been redirected through the "yellow" line is good.
1. The station has two underground lobbies, from which 7 staircases covered with pavilions lead to the surface. Of the seven, only 6 are now open. In addition, among the interesting structures on the surface, a two-story locomotive crew rest building (ZOLB) will appear. It will be decorated in the same style as the other pavilions. But while it’s not there, we’ll look at what’s there. Let's start with north lobby. This is where ZOLB should appear, as well as another pavilion nearby. But all this is from the opposite side. This one has two standard pavilions and an elevator between them.

2. The same layout as the neighboring Lomonosovsky Prospekt. The landscaping was done when it was cold, they laid the tiles, then it got warmer and they floated. Unfortunately, this is normal practice if the station is being prepared for opening in winter. In winter, landscaping is done at the last minute, and then everything has to be redone. I would like to believe that one fine day they will do everything as it should be, according to technology, of high quality, once and for a long time. By the way, this approach to business allows you to save money. Really save. In Europe, this has long been understood and there are very few such schools there. What I also like about Ramenki compared to the other two is the build quality of the pavilions. You and I gradually moved away from "Minskaya" where everything was done disgracefully, where money was wasted, the result is depressing. Then on “Lomonosovsky Prospekt” it became a little better, but there was still a lot of hackwork. The cladding was done poorly - this is especially depressing for the authors of the pavilion project. I was really sad to see this. Here, at Ramenki, everything is in accordance with the project - it’s nice. The panels hang evenly, the seams are (almost) the same everywhere, even, the panels do not crawl out of the planes anywhere, there are no strange patches secured with screws or rivets. All is clear. By the way, the elevator pavilion here is not the same as at Lomonosovsky, it has a ventilation chamber section at the back.

3. C reverse side such a vertical ventilation grille.

4. I couldn’t get inside again. This was on opening day, maybe there is access now. At least there is an elevator and it works.

5. The color of the pavilions is green, almost the same as at the recently opened Fonvizinskaya, Butyrskaya and Petrovsko-Razumovskaya. Again, a sign according to the brand book and not letters milled in stainless steel with the name of the station. Specifically at these pavilions, these three stations, I believe that this is an unreasonable decision, since the architects had a full-width stainless steel sign above the doors. Actually, this is why the ventilation grille above the sign is gray, the same color as stainless steel. The entire portal was supposed to be made of stainless steel, but this black panel on which a small sign hangs is somewhat out of character.

6. Let's go inside. Everything is simple here. The ceiling panels are the same green color, the metal structures and concrete finishing of the staircase are black.

7. It’s interesting that in entrance group there are some wide door, but there is no ramp down from it.

8. In the sub-street, one wall is green, the second is decorated with light panels. The same solution as on Lomonosovsky Prospekt.

9. Establishes the presence of capital navigation. This sign points to the currently non-existent exit number 7. If I understand everything correctly, there will be a pavilion above the stairwell, and the elevator for people with limited mobility will be in the ZOLB building.

10. Entrances to the lobby. There is a transparent stained glass window, beautifully framed with radius panels. Such a small thing, but it looks very nice.

11. There is a panel behind the back. At this station, the main theme is the theme of an oak grove; accordingly, the print features stylized oak trees. Very nice.

12. The lobbies at Ramenki are the same, or rather, they are mirror images of each other. Structurally and in design, they are the same as the southern lobby of Lomonosovsky Prospekt. The bright central part with cash registers is finished with panels printed with the same oak trees. Very fresh finish. Cool. If I'm not mistaken, at the neighboring station there is no line of lamps directly in front of the ticket office. This is the only difference here, in the box office.

13. A very well-designed nook opposite the ticket office, in which there are ticket machines. Special niches were made for them. Vending machines appeared in our metro a long time ago (who will remember when they first appeared - these ticket machines?), but it was only now that they were able to be properly integrated into the interior. Fantastic!

14. It is a pity that the machines do not contain inscriptions in English. I predict that by 2018, vending machines will be covered with stickers with inscriptions in a foreign language. Why can’t I do this IMMEDIATELY, now, especially since the interface of the machines can already be translated into English. This is again a question of thoughtfulness, saving money and the need to immediately do it efficiently and for a long time.

15. By the way, have you noticed what is missing in the lobbies of the new stations, no? I'll tell you. There are no vending machines selling food, coffee, or ice cream. There are no mirrors for taking selfies, no umbrella packing machines, no charging stations for gadgets. All this shit is not here. And that's great. Why isn't this here? Because everything here is in order with the architecture and there is no need to distract the attention of visitors and especially representatives of the press or bloggers. Remember the metro station "Salaryevo", remember the reviews of the station. More than half of the time is spent describing all these useless gadgets and machines. And it worked; not everyone was able to notice the flaws in the finishing and design.

16. We pass through the turnstiles.

17. Again, the navigation, which I liked, but again, it was possible to write here the names of the streets where you can go, fortunately there is a lot of space on the sign (not a sign, but a sign!!).

18. Escalators lead to the station.

19. And the elevator. On the elevator side, the wall is decorated with green panels.

20. The escalator is separated from the passage to the elevator by a translucent wall. It's more fun than solid walls, without “windows”, like on “Lomonosovsky Prospekt”.

21. There are cool lamps on the balustrade again.

22. Escalators from the platform side.

23. On the right is the elevator, it is separated from the additional station fire door. On the left, if you pay attention to the white vertical guides on the portal, these are guides for the smoke curtain. The safety requirements in the metro are very high.

24. Let's go now and see the other lobby. There are the same double pavilions above the staircase, between which there is an elevator, and on the other side there is another combined pavilion with an elevator and a staircase. For some reason I didn’t get there... Probably next time. Let's go downstairs.

25. Everything is the same, but as I already said, mirrored.

26. Elevator vestibule at the sub-street level. It is fenced with fire-resistant stained glass windows. This creates a safe area for passengers with limited mobility in case of fire.

27. The lobby and, accordingly, the antechamber in front of it are the same as the neighboring one.

28. Stained glass separating the sub-street and the vestibule.

29. Entrance group.

30. Cash desk. Everything is unchanged.

31. There is an elevator on the right, escalators in the middle.

32. There is more glazing here than in the adjacent lobby. So the pavilions are not entirely identical.

33. Panel. The design is the same as in the antechamber and on the walls of the ticket offices, but here it is applied to the glass.

34. And finally, let's go down to the platform. On the track wall, brackets for the scheme were made for the future, after the construction of the central section of the KSL.

35. Modern trains look very organic at new stations. Although according to the color scheme, this train is more suitable for “Lomonosovsky Prospekt” =).

36. The finishing is done with high quality. No complaints here.

37. Benches, a navigation sign above it... everything is like at other new stations of the “yellow” line.

38. Although the decoration of the platform part at all three stations is the same, it is impossible to make a mistake about which station is which. Each has its own color code.

39. On the first day, people are just getting acquainted with the new station.

40. Navigation.

41. General form. I liked the green on the columns better than the blue on Lomonosovsky and the “steam locomotives” on Minskaya. But this is all a matter of taste.

42. More navigation elements. It's cool that they are unified. It looks good, although the inscriptions are a bit small.

43. In the oak grove.

44. The name is carved into a green leaf. It would be cool to add some backlighting, for example.

45. That's it. We have finished the inspection, now we will wait for the opening of the next portion of stations on the “yellow” line. There will still be a standard station "Ochakovo", but the next station after "Ramenki", the station "Michurinsky Prospect" will, although it contains standard elements, will look completely different.