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» DIY front garden near the house. Front garden: proper arrangement and design of the house's business card, styles, photos. A successful addition - decoration elements

DIY front garden near the house. Front garden: proper arrangement and design of the house's business card, styles, photos. A successful addition - decoration elements

Designing and decorating a front garden with your own hands is a task, although not easy for several reasons, but very beautiful. Usually, too small an area of ​​the yard is allocated for it, such that the gardener’s soul, even with all its desire, will not be able to unfold properly.

Front garden in front of the house

But the front garden is the “face of the house.” Although it is located next to a dusty road, it should look its best! One look at the area near the home gives an idea of ​​the owners.

Light front garden - simple and fast

The determining factor in the composition of the front garden is its size. The area of ​​the plot allocated for the palisade dictates to us the ways of its design. Next, I will consider the design option for a small site.

A beautiful front garden is an example to follow

Depending on your desire, you can make either a decorative low fence from a picket fence, or an openwork forged one, or do without a fence at all. Of course, a metal fence will last much longer than a wooden one, and no maintenance is required. The photo below is a very good example of a beautiful wooden front garden.

Front garden with wooden fence

I do not recommend making a fence from a profile! Any dense fence is unsuitable for a real front garden. Even a plastic fence will look better than a corrugated sheet... As a last resort, make it out of mesh and spread bindweed over it.

A small front garden in the form of a flower bed

How to design a small front garden

There are techniques for visually enlarging a very small front garden. They are similar to those used when planning a small plot.

Winding path in the front garden

For example, make the path running through it a little longer by giving it a bend. This technique works both in large areas and in areas of modest size. In the second case, it is recommended to make the path narrower so that the bend is visually noticeable.

Front garden design - gravel, stone and wood accents

If there are a lot of details in a small front garden that you want to look at, then it will always seem a little larger. You shouldn’t add all the inclusions in one go; add them little by little so that you don’t get a feeling of sameness.

Beautiful front garden

As experience shows, if you add one detail at least once a week, the overall picture of landscape design looks more multifaceted. After all, you have time to think about every little thing. A front garden, beautifully decorated with your own hands, is a wonderful prelude to the front of the house.

Front garden design with a low fence

Once again I will duplicate the title photo, focusing your attention on the fence and the rose bush. The design itself in this front garden is made in a fairly classic manner, with a lawn, without an abundance of flower beds.

Animal figures in the front garden

All kinds of animal figurines will look beautiful in front of the entrance to the house. they can be placed near a pond, fountain or simply in a flower bed.

Mini pond in the front garden

Small containers with water, gravel backfill, small ceramic figurines - all these nuances will create the unique character of your front garden.

For example, a very tiny fountain, figures on the lawn, beautiful stones, a standard rose - all this will not take up much space, but will attract attention.

Decorating the front garden with ceramic figurines

If your front garden is bordered by trees, then you can use them, hang a decorative birdhouse on the branches, plant figurines of birds or some animals.

Do-it-yourself front garden – Plant tubs

One of the simple techniques for decorating a front garden is to display beautiful plants in tubs, highlighting them with a backfill of decorative gravel or pebbles.

Conifers in the front garden

You can make small stands from scrap materials (stumps, bricks, etc.) that will raise your plants above the overall composition, giving it an interesting volume.

Tiers in front garden design

Another way is to make “tiers” in the front garden, using such a simple technique as retaining walls, only in miniature.

Multi-tiered front garden

If one tier of plants is raised above the others by 20-30 cm, this will also make the front garden more interesting. For example, you can design height differences as in the photo - using pebbles and decorative bricks.

The main thing is that in a small area there is a general stylistic and compositional concept. Then such a front garden can become the highlight of your home.

Large front garden

A larger front garden allows us to “roam around” by arranging a lawn on it, planting bushes, trees, flower beds, ridges, and even equipping a patio.

An example of a large front garden

You can learn about this from my previous article.

Pergolas in the front garden

If you want to use this part of the site for gatherings, it is recommended to protect it somewhat from prying eyes - for example, with a hedge, a pergola with climbing plants, or (as a last resort) a structure with a camouflage net.

Lawn in the front garden

When designing a front garden, the appearance of the house should also be taken into account, since the front garden, garden and house should be a single ensemble created on your site.

Front garden of incredible beauty

This can be achieved in different ways. Firstly, the stylistic direction in the design of all components is important. If your house is built in a rural style, you shouldn’t set up a Japanese rock garden, etc. next to it.

The second way is to use the same materials in the design of the front garden as in the construction and decoration of the house, and also use the colors present on the facade.

Compact front garden

A garden path lined with clinker bricks will harmonize well with the brick walls of the house. You can plant flowers to match the color in which the outer walls of the house are painted, you can decorate the front garden with driftwood that matches the style of the log walls, etc.

When designing a front garden, it is necessary to take into account how it will harmonize with the rest of the area.

The front garden should be designed in the same style as the rest of the area. Naturally, the best option would be to design the garden and front garden at the same time.

Select plants for the front part of the garden taking into account their size and how much shade the plants cast. Trees should not be excessively tall so as not to cast a shadow on the house, and bushes should not interfere with the approach, grow too much or interfere with the view from the windows.

Select plants with a long flowering period so that they decorate the front garden from early spring to late autumn. Plants should have attractive foliage and be consistent in size and color. If you like flowers with a strong scent, plant them closer to your home so the scent can penetrate open windows.

Lawn in the front garden

Almost every front garden has a path, because this part of the garden is also a passageway. The best choice for a driveway surface is an all-weather surface such as pavers, tiles or bricks. Or you can make a path in the front garden from a soft surface - gravel, crushed stone or granite chips.

Front garden without fencing

You can make a border along the edges. The width of such a path is about one and a half meters, so that two people can separate on it. Before entering the house, it can be slightly expanded for convenience.

More photos of palisade design ideas

Very beautiful front gardens in Germany! When my husband and I were there in our car, driving through rural streets, we stopped at literally every house. The Germans treat design with such care, they put so much effort into the arrangement that one can only admire their hard work!

Of course, rural, in their understanding, is not at all the same as in ours... Their villages are more like our towns, with pavements, stone houses and so on...

German front gardens

Here are some photos from the trip. These are not typical houses, see my other posts for more details.

Front garden in Germany

Video - how to design a front garden in front of a house

Well, at the end of my material, I want to show you another video of ideas for decorating front gardens. Still, the face of the house must be in perfect condition. Watch and be inspired!

The site space should not be empty and not serve a specific function. Every meter of it can be useful. This also applies to the place that is located between the front side of the house and the road and is called the front garden.

Having designed the main garden in a certain landscape design style, you should not forget about this small piece of land, which usually does not exceed 5-6 meters in width. After all, even on it you can build a beautiful composition from living plants and other elements.

What types of front gardens are there?

If desired, even a front garden can become a creation of landscape art. But for those who have no experience in this, it is better to find out everything from the very beginning, namely, what the front gardens in front of the house are like. If you do not take into account style and other nuances, front gardens are:

In addition, the front garden can be Russian or European. The first option differs in that this plot is made for the owner. That is, most likely, the plants will be fenced with a fence (most often wooden). In this case, the fence will not necessarily completely hide the front garden, but the best view opens from the window of the house. The fence can also be decorated with paintings and other elements.

European style requires better care. All plants (shrubs, trees and lawn) must be neatly trimmed. It is also advisable to respect the geometry. The design of this front garden is usually not hidden to outsiders and absolutely everyone can appreciate it. If there is a fence, it is only decorative and emphasizes the overall style.

Choosing a style for the front garden

The front garden can be not just a place with planted plants, but a real work of art. In addition, it can be done in various styles. If the overall style has a certain style, it will be great if the corner in front of the house matches it. Or you can try to dilute the overall picture with a small corner with a completely different design.

Country front garden (country style)

Rustic simplicity is beautiful in its own way. At the same time, a front garden in a country style is suitable for both a city house and a rural area. A special feature of this option is the specially created effect of slight sloppiness. There is no need to adhere to lines, colors and other things. The main thing is that everything fits together.

Perennial plants that do not require special care are perfect for this style. A low wooden partition will complement the image. Even a novice gardener can easily make such a front garden with his own hands.

Asian style in the front garden

An Asian-style front garden should consist of perennial plants and flowers. They should not be too bright colors. The site should convey calm. Plants must also correspond to the required size. Trees (preferably coniferous) and shrubs should be small, that is, dwarf. When using various partitions, it is worth considering that the only material acceptable in the Asian style is stone.

Mediterranean style front garden

This style is unique in that it is essentially mobile. That is, almost all plants are planted not in the ground, but in flowerpots, containers and tubs. Also, the front garden will be unique in that it can accommodate a sun lounger or a table with a couple of chairs for relaxing.

Flowers can be completely different, the main thing is that they are combined with each other. Lamps and various figures will be excellent additions. Thus, an ordinary front garden will turn into a wonderful place to relax.

Modern style

The modern design of a front garden does not have specific rules, but some recommendations still apply. For example, you should not be afraid to plant new varieties of trees and other plants (clipped boxwood, European larch and others). You can also use natural or artificial stone as decoration.

Romantic front garden style

When imagining a romantic garden, the first things that come to mind are red roses and other colorful plants. In part, this is true, but there are a few more tips that will add romance to the front garden. If this living corner is surrounded by a fence and also has an arch for the entrance, you can send climbing flowers along them. If the plants create enough contrast, the fence can be painted snow-white.

Based on this, it can be understood that there are no restrictions in the design of this front garden. You just need to adhere to the basic rules, and for the rest rely on your own taste.

Advice ! If there is not enough space in the yard or it is already covered with a smooth and beautiful lawn, the front garden can be placed directly on the porch. It will turn out especially beautiful if you let climbing plants grow along it.


The front garden should not be limited to the presence of plants. By showing your imagination and adding a little creativity, you can create a real piece of paradise. At the same time, decorative elements can also be quite functional.

Fence for the front garden

The front garden can have either a large, dense and transparent partition, or vice versa, a small fence that does not hide the view of the area. The first option is good because it will protect you from annoying prying eyes and hands. However, such a design will not become more presentable. If the main purpose of the front garden is to decorate the house and the emphasis is on decoration, the fence should be small, colorful and neat. Then the overall composition will look harmonious and complete.

Another option for a fence is a dense hedge. The best plants for making it are considered to be thuja or boxwood snowberry.

Forged metal is perfect for a decorative fence. However, the most common is considered to be a wooden picket fence, which you can easily make yourself, but more on that a little later.

Having decided on the fence, you should consider one more detail. Even in a small front garden you can make a path. And if the area is quite large, you can make it in different shapes.


You can highlight and complement any front garden style by decorating a mini-garden with various accessories. These can be figurines and small figures of people and animals. Also, objects that, at first glance, are absolutely incompatible with the garden can be used for decoration. This could be old furniture with drawers filled with blooming flowers. Or an ordinary bicycle that holds pots and flowerpots with plants. Even an old torn shoe can be used for this purpose.

But for front gardens to be truly beautiful, they cannot be overloaded with similar interiors. Sometimes even one element is enough to make the area look light and beautiful. But going overboard with accessories will have the opposite effect.

Another secret to successful arrangement is the selection of various elements. After all, some exquisite and aristocratic figurine will look ridiculous in a simple front garden in a rustic country style.

Various street lamps are also popular. With them, the front garden will look great even at night. And if you place a table with a couple of chairs on it, you can arrange romantic evening gatherings.

Lamps come in quite a variety, so you can play with light in different ways. In addition to classic lamps, these can also be various light vases and so on.

How to independently build a fence for a front garden from a picket fence

As mentioned, a picket fence is one of the most common options for fencing. This is explained by the fact that, despite the ease of manufacture, it looks quite stylish and beautiful. In addition, it will cost much less than forged metal options.

So, to start creating a fence you will need the following set of materials:

  • Bars with a section of 10x10 cm;
  • Boards measuring 2.5x8 cm;
  • Crossbars (horizontal strips for attaching a fence) 40x100 mm.

Important ! The amount of materials is subtracted from the total area of ​​the site.

But in addition to materials, you will also need a certain set of tools, without which it will not be possible to create a fence. The Arsenal looks like this:

  • Shovel;
  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • Saw;
  • Self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts;
  • Mix for concreting;
  • Hinges for gates

The first stage is the installation of pillars that will support the entire front garden fence. To do this, small holes are dug at the same distance from each other (you should start from the corners). Posts are inserted into the resulting holes and filled with concrete mixture.

Advice ! To make the fence support more reliable, it is recommended to use metal anchors.

After this, they are screwed between the posts, to which, in turn, the remaining boards are attached.

The picket fence is ready and all that’s left to do is treat it with special products and paint it. In order for the picket fence to last a long time and be protected from the effects of mold and various fungi, the surface should be covered with a layer of appropriate components. Paint can only be applied after this. By the way, it is desirable that it be based on alkyd resins and mineral pigments. Then the front garden fence will not only be reliably protected from various external factors, but will also preserve its naturalness.

Choosing plants for the front garden

Perhaps the most important stage in arranging a front garden is the choice of plants. After all, by choosing them correctly, you can enjoy flowering plants in almost all seasons (except winter). But besides this, other nuances should be taken into account.

First of all, preference should be given to perennial and flowering plants. Various shrubs will also decorate the area. The most popular are: common juniper, barberry and others. Separately, we can note the evergreen boxwood.

When arranging a site with trees, you should pay attention to standard species, around which you can plant various bright flowers, for example, Norway maple.

A beautiful front garden at the dacha is a whole art and a real distinctive sign of the dacha area, and therefore today we decided to take the time to learn how to create a front garden with our own hands.

A suburban area is a canvas on which you can create. Some people who are busy planting and collecting vegetables and fruits rarely pay attention to the overall beauty of the dacha; many, on the contrary, grow flowers and ornamental plants, but we are interested in becoming generalists in the dacha business and being able to do everything.

It’s easy to create a beautiful front garden at your dacha, especially if you devote enough time to your plot of land and studying plants. In this case, you just need to grab the muse by the tail, let your imagination run wild a little, find a real desire to create, and get down to business.

How to create a front garden at your dacha with your own hands

In fact, creating and decorating a front garden with your own hands is a very interesting and exciting thing. You only have to think once about how to improve the territory, change the landscape design of the dacha for the better and create a magnificently blooming and fragrant corner in the dacha, and this thought will immediately captivate you for a long time. Now you just need to find free hours, determine a list of work and start doing it.

Choosing an area for a palisade

It is possible to determine the location of the front garden on the territory of the dacha without special knowledge. To do this, you will not need to call expensive landscapers or purchase special equipment; the knowledge obtained from our material will be quite enough, because we have collected here advice from the best specialists.

So, you should choose a place for a front garden at your dacha in that part of the territory that does not have a single plane, and from which you will not need to remove buildings or trees to arrange a magnificent site. This could be the center of the dacha, its outskirts, or even the area in front of the main building, because a front garden in front of the house is also possible, which would be very pleasant to create with your own hands. It is advisable that the area is not in an open area, but in partial shade, because not all plants easily tolerate the summer heat, and therefore if there are already several trees on the site, this is only for the better.

The landscape should be extremely varied - a flat area is not aesthetically interesting, since it is more suitable for a classic lawn, a depression will collect moisture, and an elevation will not provide the necessary protection to plants. Therefore, it is much better if the territory is with small hills and slopes, partly flat.

The soil should be fairly average, not heavy, but not extremely light, its acidity should also correspond to the average level, that is, we select a universal site where the majority of plants will grow. The groundwater level is not particularly important, but it would be better for it to lie at a distance of at least one meter from the soil surface. The land itself should be clean, with minimal litter, more or less well-groomed, and practically ready for cultivation for a palisade.

You should choose an area for arranging a palisade in advance so that you have time not only to clean it and carefully prepare it for decoration with plants and accessories, but also to fertilize the soil, which is very important for the growth of flowers and shrubs.

DIY front garden design

Landscaping of any site is a difficult thing, but since we do not need a professional level, we can easily cope with the task. Try to initially determine the design in which you will work until you get the result. To do this, you can even sketch out a simple action plan on paper, where you will determine the style for the front garden. buildings, architecture, crafts and figurines, fences and paths, color policy and plants that will decorate the area.

Of course, in this case it is better to start from a certain style of landscape design, but this is only with special knowledge, otherwise you can create something completely different from what you dreamed of, and as a result ruin many hours of work.

The main thing is to choose the general shape of the palisade, imagine what it should be like upon completion, and go towards the goal without retreating back or even to the side. But to set such a goal, you can even use images on the Internet, look for interesting options from your neighbors, or use the full resources of your own imagination.

DIY front garden fencing

We decided to raise the issue of fencing for the palisade, if, of course, it is closed. Well, everything is clear about the open front garden - the main thing is to make a smooth transition between the landscape of the front garden and the rest of the dacha, but I want to talk about the closed one.

A DIY fence for a front garden is an interesting but controversial topic. Many argue that the palisade should stand out only because of its color background and plants, but then it will resemble a flowerbed or some kind of rockery, but we are interested in highlighting the palisade from the total area, putting a grand accent on it, creating a beautiful front garden with our own hands, which will be visible from afar , but will be a quiet place for relaxation and reflection, playing with children or chatting in a friendly company.

Well, this is all philosophy, but making a fence for the front garden with your own hands is simply necessary. The starting point here is wood - a natural, warm, completely natural material. This could be a low tyn, a symbolic picket fence, or a low but solid log fence for the front garden. It’s very easy to create something like this with your own hands; you just need to have a minimum set of tools and materials at your dacha (which, by the way, can always be purchased).

Fences and fences are simply installed in the ground, without any foundations or solid construction, log or more permanent fences are the same, only they go deeper into the ground to have greater stability. The fencing of the palisade can be complete, that is, separating it from the rest of the dacha area, or cyclical, in fragments, in the form of cute, even fairy-tale fences. Here it’s worth fully understanding your imagination, since ours already dictates to us at least a dozen original options.

Plants for the palisade at the dacha

To properly form a front garden, we recommend not neglecting plants and even some of their species, but using the territory to the maximum, if, of course, it allows. But, if we were talking about several trees in the palisade, which are already there to create some shade, then all that remains is to dilute the area with herbs, flowers, shrubs and ornamental plants.

We would like to say right away that it would be most advisable to plant in the palisade those flowers and plants that will not cease to please the eye next year, that is, we orient the maximum area for perennials.

The palisade must contain early and late flowering plants so that the beauty and aroma of flowers can delight the owner of the dacha throughout the season.

  • Herbs and flowers in the front garden. You should not get carried away with expensive plants from nurseries or from abroad, because a simple and natural palisade is much more soulful than a pompous place to relax, where there will only be roses and bonsai. Alternate early and late blooming flowers, plant lawn grass along the border of the palisade, do not forget about wild grasses and wildflowers. Make a light mix of colors, because a sharp separation of shades will affect the softness of the style and can turn the palisade into a strict department for growing varietal plants. It will be most correct to choose those plants that we mentioned or wrote review materials about, because this will make it much easier for you to grow them correctly: Gerberas, Phlox, Primroses, Orchids, Nasturtiums, Lobelias, Delphiniums, Geraniums, Cornflowers and many others.
  • Shrubs for the palisade. You shouldn’t go too fast here, as there should be a reasonable amount of bushes in the palisade. Naturally, over a large area you can organize a hedge, grow shaped evergreen bushes for pruning, and plant ornamental plants. But, if we talk about the desired simplicity and splendor, then you can organize the entrance to the territory of the palisade from decorative conifers, plant evergreen ornamental plants under the fence, and plant the resting place itself (where a beautiful bench and, for example, a lantern will be placed in the palisade) with bushy roses). Choose among our offers Weigela, Barberry, Honeysuckle, Scumpia, Budleya, Spiraea, as well as Cypress trees and a nice bonsai.
  • Trees for the front garden. It is difficult to talk about trees, since it is unrealistic to grow them within a year or two, so you will have to be content with the plants that are already available at the dacha, or plant and take a long time to care for those giants with spreading crowns that you choose for yourself.

Decorating a front garden with your own hands

How to decorate a front garden with your own hands? The question is interesting, but the difficulty of answering it depends on the availability of free time, imagination and a certain budget. Let's quickly look at the two design options.

Standard front garden design consists of fencing the territory, planting plants and creating basic comfort. Of course, against the backdrop of general harmony, it is possible to decorate with sculpture, garden figures, landscape lighting and essential accessories. This could be an arch, a bench, a small canopy that protects from the sun and rain. By and large, in order not to spend too much money and get an excellent result, this will be quite enough. If your soul requires luxury and maximum comfort, it is worth considering the following option.

Expensive front garden design at the dacha allows you to turn it into a kind of recreation area. Thus, the palisade turns into a separate territory of a large area, perhaps even in a style that differs sharply from the stylization of the main territory. Such front gardens often contain small architectural forms, modern, or vice versa, classical and antique, landscape elements. There are automatic lighting systems, paved paths, special drains and drains that prevent water stagnation, numerous accessories and decorative fragments that radically change the picture.

Naturally, it’s up to you to choose among our palisade design options. It is quite possible that your front garden will be special in general, on its territory there will be only plants, a small lawn for a picnic, handmade crafts for the front garden and only the most necessary accessories, because really, this is only your choice.

Video about the formation of a simple palisade

Now that you know and fully understand, how to make a front garden with your own hands, to design it in an original way and make it not only attractive externally, but also comfortable for relaxation from the inside, you just have to correctly calculate your own strengths and set a date for the start and end of work on its formation. Remember, creating and decorating a front garden with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is to have the desire and a little time to implement the ideas.

Reviews and comments

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Tusya 04/22/2015

It is really very important to think through everything in advance before organizing a front garden, since it will be difficult to change anything afterwards. This has now become a problem for us. At first we bought all the plants that we liked and planted them in random order, wherever there was space. Without any plan, so to speak. And now many shrubs and plants do not allow each other to grow. And we have to transplant them to another place. Thus injuring the already strong plant.

Since the front garden initially creates the impression of the entire site, its design must be treated with special attention. It is important that this part of the garden is designed taking into account the style of the entire site.

Front garden

Before talking about the design of the front garden area (front garden), you need to understand what is meant by this concept. In the generally accepted view, a front garden is considered to be a small piece of land near the entrance gate or gate.
Most European landscape designers refer to this zone as the external space between the front gate and the road.

Types of front gardens

When designing front gardens, open or closed options are used. The first project is oriented outward. In this case, the front area is arranged so that the planted plants are clearly visible through the mesh or lattice of the fence and gate. A closed project, on the contrary, is turned inside the site - so that the attractive sides of the plants are oriented towards the house.
The choice between open and closed options is in most cases determined by the owner’s decision, but sometimes you have to rely on external factors. For example, on a site located near a busy road or highway, only a closed front garden is possible. Here it is much more important to protect the house from noise and dust.

Purpose of the front garden

An important factor influencing the appearance of the front garden is its functionality. The front courtyard can be a completely decorative space with several flower beds, or it can be supplemented with fruit and berry plantings, such as raspberry and currant bushes.
However, in both cases, you need to be able to correctly fit into the designated area paths and such important areas as a parking area, a place for temporary storage of garbage, an enclosure for a dog, a bench for guests, etc.
The front garden can also be designed as a direct part of the garden. Then it will stylistically and functionally form a single whole with the entire site. Zonal design is also possible, when the site is divided into different zones, which are designed in different styles.

Design techniques

The basis of the design of the front area is the focal point. This is the place where the eye first falls upon entering. This function can be performed, for example, by a beautiful tree or ornamental shrub, the appearance of which will highlight your site from afar.
In addition to the main focal point, you can place a supporting element in the front garden that will distract attention a little. It could be a tree, shrub, flower bed or small architectural form.
Be sure to plant some plants in the corners of the front garden. This is especially true for areas near the fence, where a person going out naturally looks. According to the rules of landscape design, any corners must be covered with plants.
Element placement order
When arranging the front garden, the following sequence must be observed. First, communications and paths are laid, and it is worth immediately thinking about methods for draining melt and storm water from the paths and the entire front garden. Then large structure-forming elements - trees and shrubs - are placed. Next, small perennial plants are planted, and then the space is filled with ground covers. At the last stage, the lawn is made.

Selection of plants

The range of plants planted must be approached carefully. It is worth considering their sizes at different stages of growth, requirements for lighting, moisture and soil conditions, as well as their functionality.
To the cardinal points. For a southern exposure, say, a small English garden with standard roses would be successful. Here you can use almost all available plants, including shade-tolerant species that are planted in the shade of a fence or tall plants. For the northern front garden, the choice of plants is limited. In this area it is worth planting, for example, ivy. It climbs easily, taking the desired shape, and at the same time is an evergreen plant. However, it should be protected from the direct rays of the winter midday sun.

By functionality

1. Climbing plants and ornamental shrubs are used if you need to protect the area from prying eyes. In this case, a trellis is made on the outside of the front garden and vines are spread along it. Clematis, wood pliers, honeysuckle, actinidia, wisteria, and campsis are suitable for this. Another option is to plant a “living” hedge from ornamental shrubs - barberry, snowberry, spirea, hawthorn, or from evergreens - boxwood, thuja, yew.

2. fruit and berry plants in the front area perform several functions at once. In addition to their direct purpose, trees and shrubs are a decorative element or serve as a fence. Most often, rose hips, viburnum, blackberries, sea buckthorn, grapes, as well as gooseberries and currants formed on a trunk are planted in the front garden.

3. Coniferous plants, such as Canadian spruce, thuja, juniper, fir, will give the front area a finished look immediately after planting. However, you should not overload the space with them. When choosing trees and shrubs for the front garden, remember a simple rule: there should be approximately equal numbers of evergreen and deciduous plants. Don’t forget about other ornamental plants: lilac, robinia, mock orange, dwarf maple, forsythia.

4. When creating a mixborder in the front garden, you can place spring, summer and autumn flowering plants in different places. The main components of the English mixborder are a combination of wild and garden plants. In the first case, these can be primroses, daffodils and violets, in the second - phlox, daylilies and mallows, and in the third - asters and colchicums. The same universal rules apply here as for other areas of the garden.
According to the time of year. In the warm season, the front garden should be decorated with large container plants, which will need to be placed in a heated room for the winter. In spring, you can install nightshade, fuchsia, oleander, and lemon in tubs. Container plants are used both as decorative elements and as a functional divider between the front garden and the rest of the garden.

Long gone are the days when every free piece of land near houses was occupied by garden beds. Now preference is given to the beautiful design of the site. And here everything depends on the imagination and preferences of the owner.

Basic principles for creating a beautiful front garden

Any front garden design begins with planning. The following factors must be taken into account:

  • Plot size, this is one of the fundamental factors when choosing a design - some compositions simply cannot be made in a small garden and, on the contrary, the intended flower garden will be lost in a large area.
  • Time consumption. Depending on how much time the owner of the site plans to spend on caring for ornamental plants, the range of plants that will be used to decorate the front garden depends. If only minimal care is planned, then choose.
  • Material costs. Good planting material can be expensive, so after the list of plants has been determined, you need to think about where the planting material will be taken: purchased at a nursery, from collectors, or received from friends and acquaintances.
  • Seasonality. When the front garden is located next to a house where people constantly live or at least come every weekend, even in winter, it is necessary to provide plants that will decorate the garden in winter.
  • Orientation of the site according to the cardinal directions. In a small garden, this factor plays a big role, because an area located on the north side in deep shade, or, conversely, in the south, under the scorching sun, can be allocated for the front garden. The range of plants will depend on this.

These are the main factors that you need to consider before planning a beautiful front garden with your own hands.

Looking for an idea

An interesting combination or idea can be found not only in photos of front gardens. Any design options for the entrance group (gates, gates, fences, flower beds) are a source of fresh thoughts. Let's see what will look really fresh:

1. Red plus silver

Begonia everblooming in bright pink or red shades goes very well with. Carpet flower bed, borders - these two plants are enough to effectively fill the space. You can add ageratum of any shade to the company of these two crops.

Ageratum, luscious pink begonias and silvery cineraria.

2. Roses

The idea is not new, but it is still a win-win. The front garden, planted only with roses, looks luxurious. About choosing a suitable variety of climbing rose that can cover a fence or wall -.

In a similar way, you can create a composition only from stones, making beautiful, well-rolled stones the main decoration (in the photo, a stone with a picture of a frog is added as a riddle accent), and using succulents (rejuvenating) as an addition.

12. Peonies in the front garden

Lush flowers and dense foliage make this one of the best plants to grow in the spring. Perhaps there is not a single spring flower that would be so expressive, delicate and lush. They fade in June - this problem is solved by creating mixed flower beds. For example, you can add peonies:

  • irises;
  • Lakonosom;
  • cuff;

13. Moon Garden

Mysterious and mysterious - just choose flowers exclusively in white shades. These can be: delphiniums, poppies, lilies, lupins and foxgloves. Slightly yellowish tones will not disturb the mood.

14. Flowerbed-vegetable garden

Ornamental cabbage is very impressive, as the photos below convincingly prove. Using only cabbage (and no flowers) as bright accents, you can create impressive compositions. Other vegetables can also be used with success.

15. Hydrangeas

Along with peonies, this is an extremely impressive crop, capable of single-handedly coping with the task of “making an impression.” The culture (with the exception of paniculata hydrangea) is quite capricious and demanding, but if it “goes well”, then a grandiose front garden is guaranteed for the entire July-August.

16. Green walls

It is not necessary to design a horizontal line, because a front garden is often a very small space and a boring wall. Why not focus your decorating efforts on the latter?

17. Thickets

You can play on the abundance of cultures. This approach, of course, will require a fair amount of skill and taste, and is much more complex than monoplanting. However, it cannot be denied its grandeur. A house immersed in greenery of different shapes, lines and colors, or in spots of bright colors, invariably pleases the eye.

In the photo below is a composition for a shady front garden: heucheras, hostas, coleus and a charming delicate one.

You don’t have to worry too much about the compatibility of shades, because there are no artificial colors in nature; it’s enough to just make sure that the spots are distributed evenly.

18. Borders for flower beds

Even simple wooden borders can organize the chaos of greenery and discipline the space. More complex options, with stone cladding, etc., especially if they enclose high raised flower beds or beds, completely set the tone. The impression from such a courtyard is like that of a patio or winter garden. This is nature, but with a feeling of home comfort and security.

Small boxwood hedges also look great.

The small area in front of the house is decorated very laconically: paved paths, boxwood borders and gravel backfill.

19. Hostas, ferns and hakonechloa

Three crops for shady and damp places: , . All together they look amazing.

20. Wall decor

A rather banal, although perfectly planned, spring border with and is enlivened by starfish delicately perched on the wall.

21. Green canopies and galleries

A standard front garden will be made especially cozy by canopies, arches and galleries covered with greenery.

22. Herbs

A front garden in the “prairie” or “steppe” style is not a hackneyed technique. Ornamental grasses for the garden can be planted as tapeworms - many of them are quite spectacular for this, or in compositions - only from herbs, or in combination with other plants.

In the photo below, in the central pots, there is an extremely spectacular plant.

23. Exotic front garden

A front garden that attracts with wonders that you won’t see in open ground in Russia is tempting. Of course, such a garden will require effort. But you can simplify your task by creating a background of ordinary plants, for example, juveniles or heuchera, and use compositions or solitary plants in tubs and pots as dominant ones. The latter, if desired, can be disguised, achieving the effect of a tropical front garden.

24. Veronicastrum and other “plantains”

Many plants, despite their unpretentiousness and high decorative value, for example, are little known among the general gardening public. In the photo below there is a complex border of perennials, bright crimson inflorescences are veronicastrum. Such a border will only require a carefully thought-out plan; further care for it is not difficult.

25. Brugmansia

Spectacular bells above the entrance to the house, at the fence or near the wall - and the admiration of the neighbors is guaranteed.

26. Familiar trees in an unusual form

A standard tree will set the tone and attract the main attention to itself. Despite the fact that the formation of one such tree will require effort, it does not need any complex partners, it is self-sufficient. You can form a trunk into the familiar lilac, willow or thuja.

Ornamental willow – Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’

To the right and near the door are luxurious standard fuchsias.

Planning, how to beautifully combine plants, where to get diagrams

Before you start implementing an idea directly in the garden, you need to draw it on paper, that is, draw up a plan. You can, of course, do without it, but this approach will help identify possible shortcomings that can be eliminated immediately. Once the plants are already planted, this will be much more difficult.

The plan can be made to scale, but you can only roughly sketch out the shape of the flower garden and the location of the plants on it.

Ready-made flower bed schemes can be viewed here:

A few more interesting schemes:

Peach and lilac tones- an amazing romantic combination. The diagrams used are: Rose Pat Austin (cream in the center), Rose Crown Princess Margaretha - you can recognize it by the rich golden color of the buds (on the left), Rose Rose - apricot tall rose on the right side, Rose Crocus Rose - lush cream English roses on the right sides. This pink abundance is complemented by: heucheras, meadow geraniums, Siberian irises, reed grass, woolly grass and lavender - all in violet-lilac shades.

Fragrant compositions— in the example below, fairly common and well-known plants are used.

Selection of plants

Plants for the front garden are selected according to several principles:

  • Care requirements;
  • Compatibility with each other;
  • Flowering period and duration;
  • Decorative after flowering;
  • Winter hardiness and shelter requirements.
  • Lifespan (annuals, biennials, subannuals or perennials).
  • Garden style.

These principles must be taken into account primarily in order to facilitate the care of flowers, as well as to ensure the normal development of each of them. Style is taken into account when a specific style is chosen and the garden fully corresponds to it: strict, country style.

But often owners prefer not to strictly adhere to one style, so as not to limit themselves in the choice of plants.

Front garden decoration

The design of the front garden includes a set of landscape elements that will be used, and most importantly their harmonious location on the site and relative to each other.

Below are the main elements that are used when designing a garden:

  • Lawn- this is one of the most beautiful elements, but at the same time it requires effort both in its creation and in caring for it. But it fits into almost any style and highlights any composition. Even in a small garden you can set aside a small area for it.

Note! If you don’t want to waste time on setting up a lawn, and the garden is designed in a free style, then a constantly mowed lawn can replace it.

  • Flower beds. For a small garden, a front flower bed or a mixborder located along the fence is suitable. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to overload the garden. A lot of flowers, of course, is good, but if there is an excess of them, they simply merge, giving the garden a confused look.
  • Trees and shrubs. Even in a small front garden it is worth making room for at least one tree or bush. They are the ones who give volume to the garden.
  • Garden. These are not necessarily endless flat beds; you can make several flower beds and plant herbs, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, etc. on them. By beautifully combining the plants in the garden beds, you can also decorate your garden.

When designing a garden, you need to do more than just arrange the flower beds correctly and plant plants in them. It is necessary to combine all the compositions together and emphasize them, to create a beautiful frame.

To do this, you can use the following garden design elements:

  • Paths. Not a single garden, even the smallest one, can do without this element. Paths maintained in the same style will unite the garden into a single whole. At the same time, they can serve as the boundaries of flower beds and lawns.
  • . In this case, we mean low hedges made from shrubs, perennials or annuals. They can frame paths or flower beds. Or simply serve as a separation for different zones of the site.
  • . No matter how beautiful the created flower arrangement is, it must be emphasized. The best way to do this is by highlighting the borders of the flower bed.

Garden design is a creative process that should bring pleasure, but in order for the front garden to turn out perfect, you need to arm yourself with theoretical and practical knowledge.

Crafts and decor

In addition to the plants themselves, so-called small architectural forms can decorate the garden. This may include the following:

  • Trellis and pergolas for climbing plants. They can be made of wood, metal or plastic.
  • Garden figures. They can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently.
  • And . In addition to their practical function, they are also a decoration for the garden. All unnecessary containers for planting plants in them. This can be anything from old cans to clay jugs. Even old household appliances can be used in the garden. For example, if you take an old gas stove and plant petunias in it, it will become one of the accents of the flower arrangement.
  • All containers and surfaces used for household purposes can be decorated: paint with paints, attach artificial flowers or animals, create vertical flower beds on them.
  • can become material for inexhaustible imagination: they can be used to make a pond, a fence for a flower garden, or various animals and birds.

If the front garden is small

What should those gardeners do whose front garden consists of several square meters in front of the house? They will have to choose from a variety of design elements only one, which will be the focus.

These may be the following options:

  • Front lawn in front of the house with flower beds around the perimeter.
  • A large mixborder near the porch, which will be decorative all year round, including in winter.
  • You can focus on architectural forms. For example, .
  • You can make the path to the house not straight, but with one smooth bend and frame it with borders of flowers or hedges.
  • You can create flower beds from plants of the same type or color.

Note! When creating such monoflowers, you need to take into account the flowering period of various plants. For example, you can make a rose garden, since nowadays there are a large number of varieties of roses that bloom from spring to autumn.

The main principle when decorating a small front garden is to adhere to the chosen style. In this case, this will be the most beneficial solution from an aesthetic point of view.

Decorating the front garden in front of the house is a creative process, and the result depends only on the imagination and skill of the owner. Decorating the front garden in front of the house is worth doing, if only because even the most beautiful house will not look good among thickets of weeds or on an asphalt area without a single plant.