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» Decorative panels. Gypsum metal panels in the interior. GML cladding panels Gypsum plinth wall panel

Decorative panels. Gypsum metal panels in the interior. GML cladding panels Gypsum plinth wall panel

In addition to glue, each panel can be further strengthened with dowel nails. To do this, you must first make four holes in the product for installing mechanical fasteners. After completing the process, puttying and grouting work should be done in the places where the nails are located.

Final work

Gypsum panels for interior decoration, photos of which are presented in the article, after gluing it is necessary to check again for correct placement. Only then can you proceed to filling the seams with putty. If excess composition appears, it is recommended to get rid of it with a sponge, while if you did not notice errors in applying the putty in time, then after drying they can be removed by grinding.

Once the putty has dried, you can proceed to painting. It is preferable to use acrylic-based compositions for this; textured and water-based mixtures are also excellent.

Types of putty for joints

Interior gypsum panels can be treated in the area of ​​joints with putty mixtures with different compositions. Each of them has a certain period during which it remains suitable for work. So, when choosing a composition for urgent work, you will be able to use the putty for only 1 hour after mixing. The solution for medium-sized jobs will not dry for 4 hours. As for an alternative solution for large volumes of work, the composition can be used for a period limited to 24 hours.

Putty paste for panels with sealing tape

Gypsum panels for interior decoration can be processed in the area of ​​joints using ready-made putty paste for products with sealing tape. It helps to minimize the human factor. Sealing tapes can be selected from a wide range of building materials departments. Despite the fact that they have the same purpose, they can be based on different materials.

Pros and cons of gypsum panels

Gypsum 3D panels for interior decoration can be made as imitation various materials. Thus, you can get a wall with elements of stone, wood or brick. This makes it possible to realize any design ideas, which is an undeniable advantage.

Among other things, similar products have the following qualities:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • noise reduction;
  • heat saving.

They are not accompanied by large labor costs also for the reason that the panels have very little weight. Therefore, they do not put any load on the walls after installation. The material does not lose its attractiveness for several decades after installation is completed; it is environmentally friendly, which indicates harmlessness, and does not burn even when directly exposed to fire. The material does not tend to shrink, which demonstrates its exceptional qualities.

Panels are also chosen for their ease of installation, as well as their low cost. For example, gypsum panels for interior decoration in St. Petersburg can be purchased for 1,300 rubles/piece. The cost of products in different regions of Russia differs. Thus, gypsum panels for interior decoration in Yekaterinburg are slightly cheaper if you purchase the products from the manufacturer - from 400 rubles per unit.

If we consider the disadvantages, we can highlight the susceptibility of the panels to mechanical stress. Therefore, it is not recommended to install them in children's rooms and houses with pets. After damage, the product will not look as impressive and will require replacement or partial repair. Another disadvantage is insufficient moisture resistance, but this issue can be solved as described below.

Features of panel operation

Though Wall panels, made on the basis of gypsum, are not particularly whimsical; to prolong their life, it is recommended to follow some rules, including:

  • exclusion of direct hits sun rays on the finishing surface;
  • refusal to place products close to heating and lighting devices;
  • cleaning with dry or slightly damp rags;
  • excluding the use of all kinds detergents when cleaning;
  • the need to avoid interaction of products with products that contain acetone, alcohol and gasoline.

In order for the finish to look shiny and have a water-repellent effect, which is very important for plaster, it is necessary to cover its surface with beeswax-based compounds.

Strength characteristics

The strength of the panels can only be stated if they were produced in a factory. Whereas private manufacturers do not care about these qualities either at the production stage or before the transportation process. Industrial organizations use one of three methods to enhance strength. The first involves adding modifiers to the ingredients, the second involves reinforcement. Both methods reduce the environmental friendliness of products. The third method is more labor-intensive; it is accompanied by the formation of stiffeners during casting.

It is important to preserve the panel, avoiding damage, even during transportation. If you purchased the canvases from a factory and not from a private manufacturer, the finishing will arrive in tight packaging, which guarantees complete safety and integrity of the panels. The products are enclosed in air-bubble polyethylene film and transported exclusively in an upright position and on a Euro pallet. Before loading, the goods are covered with stretch tape.

If you want to truly create unique interior, then you should choose gypsum panels for wall decoration, which can be painted in any color after installation. If it is necessary to renew the surface during operation, the application of the coloring composition can be carried out repeatedly.

Traditional plaster and brick cladding are increasingly being replaced with new ways of finishing the base using modern materials.

Similar technologies include the use of panels of various types to finish the surface of the base. Decorative panels for the foundation act as a protective covering.

The appearance of such coatings can imitate natural finishing materials.

Their use gives the room attractiveness and style. The material itself is characterized by special strength and durability.

Application in Russia plinth panels, is mainly limited to facing the base, which is the most vulnerable part of the structure. In Europe and America, the entire façade surface is finished with decorative panels.

There are quite a few costs associated with using basement siding. But they are compensated by the advantages of the finishing material.

Advantages of decorative panels

Polyvinyl chloride is used in the manufacture of panels. It has a number of advantages:

  • Protects the base surface from external influence environment;
  • It has high density and strength. The service life of façade coverings can reach up to 50 years;
  • Installation is simple. Finishing work can be done independently;

  • Basement siding gives the building a beautiful appearance;
  • The material has universal properties. It can be used for cladding residential buildings, shopping and entertainment centers;
  • The coating is well suited to vinyl facade cladding;
  • No special conditions are required for transportation.

The basement covering has good specifications and can be used in various natural areas. It can withstand large temperature fluctuations; maintain original properties when exposed to frost, do not collapse from shock effects during strong cooling, resist fungi and mold.

Installation of basement covering

Basement siding has convenient dimensions. This allows you to carry out self-installation. When connecting products, the locking method is used. Nails or self-tapping screws are used for fixation.

During the work, certain points should be taken into account to ensure a quality installation:

  • Laying should begin from the bottom of the base;
  • The next wall can begin to be finished after the previous one has been processed;
  • Self-tapping screws must be screwed perpendicular to the surface of the base;
  • When connecting, there should be a gap between the tile and the wall. The material may expand due to temperature exposure;
  • To cut the coating, you can use a jigsaw, saw or grinder;
  • The panels must be fastened to corner surfaces using special strips.

When choosing the type of base surface, you should take into account the shape of the walls of the building and the dimensions of the base. If you need to cut the sheets significantly, it is better to use a material that imitates stone. Then it will be possible to reduce the consumption of panels.

Watch the video to learn more about the installation procedure for basement siding:

Area of ​​use

Decorative foundation panels can be used in a variety of applications. They are used for cladding:

  • Basement parts and walls of a building structure;
  • Internal walls and partitions in residential and office premises, restaurants and cafes;
  • Garages, gazebos, fences and other structures. As a result, the surface acquires a natural appearance;
  • Insulated walls of the building;
  • Fireplace facade;
  • Surfaces in rooms with high level humidity.

The use of base coating will help eliminate the need for regular painting of walls and frequent repair work. It will improve the characteristics of the foundation and contribute to a beautiful appearance buildings.

Application of PVC products

PVC products are called vinyl. They are manufactured in the form of two-layer parts. Polyvinyl chloride is used in their production. As a result of the two-layer coating, high strength and reliability are ensured.

Using one of the layers, they are saved physical properties finishing, and with the help of another, the cladding is protected from the influence of adverse influences. Such coatings have universal characteristics.

You can learn more about PVC products for cladding the base by watching the video:

This coating creates good protection from dampness. It does not require constant care. If necessary, the material can be cleaned with ordinary water.

Using basement siding

Decorative panels for the foundation can be made of polypropylene. It has a stronger base and is more resistant to impact external environment. The reason for these properties are the special stabilizers contained in the material. In addition, such panels are thicker.

Products have affordable price, which is slightly higher than the cost of vinyl material. The service life of such cladding can reach several decades. It does not lose its performance characteristics and attractive appearance.

With the help of basement siding you can imitate almost any covering. This allows you to use it to realize the most daring artistic ideas.

No special skills are required to install the basement covering. This finishing can be done using minimal labor in a short time.

Panels imitating natural stone

The material for the manufacture of which artificial stone is used is almost no different from natural coating. But working with such panels is much easier than with real stone.

When facing, simple operations are used. You can carry out the installation yourself and not involve professional builders.

Panels for finishing corner surfaces are available for sale. The corners of the base can be designed especially carefully. Artificial stone, unlike natural stone, has a very reasonable price.

The exterior decoration of a house can be made of various materials. Facade panels occupy one of the first places among them due to their ease of installation, high performance and decorative properties.

The quality of the created surface is so high that it can radically change the appearance of an ordinary building, turning it into an elegant, high-quality mansion.

The list of types of facade panels for plinths is quite wide and is constantly updated with new developments that create a higher quality, stylish covering for the home.

The base is a continuation of the foundation located above ground level. It directly takes the load from the walls, protects the premises of the house from exposure groundwater, and also from heat leakage. If there is a basement, then the plinth partially plays the role of an external wall.

The peculiarities of the location are such that the base is constantly exposed to various influences:

  • Mechanical impacts associated with a human-accessible position above the ground.
  • Contacts with ground and atmospheric waters, rainwater or capillary water.

Mechanical influences of one kind or another can be somehow controlled or limited. Contact with water can only be excluded by proper construction of the foundation as a whole, high-quality waterproofing, as well as equipment for an efficient blind area.

The plinth plays a purely utilitarian role, but it must be decorated in the same way as the entire facade.

Features of facade plinth panels

Plinth panels - cladding material, specially created for finishing the basement of the house.


The specialization of plinth panels is not exclusive. The entire facades of houses are successfully sheathed with this material, and the result in terms of the level of effect produced is superior to other types of sheathing.

The following materials are used for the manufacture of façade plinth panels:

  • Cink Steel.
  • Plastic (polypropylene, vinyl, etc.).
  • Fiber cement.
  • Porcelain tiles (artificial stone), etc.

The most common polypropylene samples have the best combination prices with performance characteristics.

The main feature of plinth panels is the imitation of stone or brickwork, made with high realism. To make molds, casts are used from natural sections of walls made of different types of stone or brick.

Panels cast into such shapes very accurately replicate natural materials; they can hardly be distinguished from real masonry.

Types of plinth panels

Basement façade panels are available in two types:

  • Homogeneous.
  • Combined (insulated), consisting of insulating and decorative layers connected into a single block.

Combined panels can have clinker tiles as a decorative layer, creating an extremely durable protective layer that is resistant to all types of impact.

Installation of such panels is quite simple - they are attached to dowels and nails. Lathing is required for them only in case of significant unevenness of the base.

In addition, the plinth panels repeat the following types of texture:

  • Masonry.
  • Brickwork (like brick).

Both species have many varieties. So, stone panels can imitate:

  • Rubble stone.
  • Slate.
  • Rough granite blocks.
  • Rocky stone.
  • Tuff, etc.

Brick panels have no less variety:

  • Smooth brick.
  • Fluted.
  • Loose.
  • Burnt, etc.

All kinds of material can be produced in different color options, which further increases the possibility of selecting the most suitable type panels.

What is the difference between façade plinth panels and conventional ones?

Plinth panels differ from conventional ones in the following parameters:

  • Thickness. The basement section of the house is subject to all possible mechanical loads, which requires increased strength from the cladding. The thickness of the most common polypropylene panels is 3 times the usual thickness.
  • Dimensions. Unlike conventional types of cladding, plinth panels have a shape close to rectangular. The sides are not straight, but are cut according to the outlines of the design elements and, when assembled, create a canvas with invisible joints.
  • Base panels imitate stone or brickwork , while common species specialize in creating various types wooden surfaces - timber, logs, etc.
  • The composition of components for plinth panels is significantly reduced compared to other types.


Given the large number of varieties of basement siding, only general parameters that apply to most material samples are given:

  • Length - 1100-1250 mm.
  • Width - 440-460 mm.
  • Thickness - 2-3 mm.
  • Temperature range - from -50° to +60°.
  • Service life - 30 years or more.
  • Panel area - 0.4-0.6 m2.

For some types of panels, the parameters will be different, for example, insulated panels with clinker tiles have a thickness of about 60 mm with a tile thickness of 10-12 mm. All differences in parameters are due to design features and material properties.

Main manufacturing companies

Most well-known manufacturers plinth panels are from the following companies:

  • Northside.
  • Alta profile.
  • Holtzplast.
  • Fainbear.
  • Vox.
  • Grandline.
  • Yu-plast.
  • Technical equipment, etc.

The full list of manufacturers is very large and uninformative. When choosing a material, you should be guided not only by the brand name, but also by the technical characteristics.

Preparing the base for installation of panels

The installation should begin with careful preparation of the surface of the base. This procedure is no less important than the actual installation of the panels, since the plinth is a load-bearing system to which all loads from the walls and roof are transferred, so the condition of the plinth should be as close to ideal as possible. No flaws, cracks or other problem areas should be allowed.

Order preparatory work is:

  • Surface inspection, assessing its quality, determining the quantity and degree of complexity of flaws.
  • Cracks and potholes must be sealed with putty. Delamination or crumbling should be removed as much as possible until an absolutely strong monolithic surface is obtained.
  • In case of multiple and deep potholes, the entire surface of the plinth should be plastered. The same should be done if there is curvature of the surface.
  • In some cases, you can get by with installing a load-bearing subsystem - sheathing. It will help compensate for the curvature of the walls, but only to a certain limit. Large differences in height will significantly weaken the sheathing.
  • The plastered or puttied surface is kept for the required time and covered with two layers of primer. The optimal choice would be a deep penetration primer, which will strengthen the structure of the surface layers of the base and improve adhesion to the adhesive for.
  • Installation of insulation can be done directly on the wall or under the sheathing. Both options provide for marking and installation of direct hangers for gypsum board guides. Then either the sheathing is installed, with a step equal to the width of the insulation boards, or the insulation is laid as a dense sheet, in which slots are made for the passage of the suspension petals.
  • It is recommended to use vapor-proof materials as insulation, because the basement usually heavily ventilated and does not have such a high partial pressure as the residential floors of the house. The materials are completely impermeable to water, which is important for a base that is constantly exposed to moisture from the outside.
  • If for any reason mineral wool or other vapor-permeable material is used, then a continuous layer of waterproofing must be laid on top. It should cover the entire area of ​​the base and extend onto the wall at least 15-20 cm.
  • The lathing for mounting the panels must correspond to their dimensions. Lathing material - wooden planks or metal guides. It is recommended to choose metal ones, since operating conditions are extremely negative for wooden parts.


The thoroughness of surface preparation is due to the importance of the structure and the inability to subsequently control its condition, therefore all operations should be carried out with the highest possible quality and care.

Detailed installation instructions

The panels are installed according to a specific plan.


  • Installing a starter or J-bar. It is attached to the sheathing or wall (if there is no insulation) strictly horizontally, for which it is first applied to the surface along construction level a line is drawn indicating the edge of the starting bar. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws in increments of about 40 cm. Self-tapping screws are screwed exactly in the middle of the oval holes. They are not tightened all the way, leaving a small stroke for possible temperature expansions.


If the base line is uneven relative to the ground surface, the material needs to be trimmed from the bottom edge. In this case, the fastening is carried out directly to the sheathing, without the participation of the starting strip.

  • The material is installed in horizontal rows from left to right and from bottom to top.. The first panel on the left is trimmed to create a clean corner edge. It is inserted into the starting rail and secured with self-tapping screws on top.
  • The next panel is inserted into starting bar and starts to the left until full contact with locking system , after which it is fixed along the upper edge with self-tapping screws.
  • All other panels are installed in a similar way..
  • Corner profiles form external corners and protruding parts of the base. They are installed on top of the finished canvas, covering the corner joints, protecting them from water penetration, wind, etc.
  • The upper edge of the panels is made either finish bar, or J-bar. There are other options using cornice strips or similar elements. The choice is determined by the difference in level between the walls and the base.

Plinth panels for exterior finishing houses are stronger and more resistant to various influences than regular types sheathing. While possessing high performance qualities, they have an impressive decorative effect, allowing you to use them to completely decorate the walls of your home.

Easy installation makes it possible self-cladding at home, which means significant savings on wages. A wide choice of colors and patterns of panels makes it possible to create a stylish and respectable appearance of the home, indicating the good taste of the owner.

Useful video

Installation of base panels using the example of Deke cladding:

In contact with

— gypsum metal panels (GMP). You will learn what this cladding is, where it is used and how it is installed.

Modern building standards are periodically revised and tightened. Naturally, finishing materials must meet changing requirements, therefore, in addition to improving known technologies, new technological solutions are regularly promoted to the market. Practice shows that, in literally all characteristics, the most successful materials are those with a complex structure, in which different layers bring unique properties to the product and help to perform one or another additional function. One such innovative material is gypsum metal, used in the production of clean rooms.

What is GML

A gypsum metal sheet or panel (GML or GMP) is a flat multilayer cassette plate consisting of a front metal shell and a core made of the familiar plasterboard. This material is used as finishing cladding for walls and ceilings indoors. GMP cladding is an example of absolutely dry construction, as it does not require puttying, painting or priming after installation. They are fast, without education large quantity garbage are collected and can also be easily dismantled. Below we will talk about installation in more detail, while we talk about the design of GM panels.

Sheet metal about 0.55-0.7 mm thick in this case plays the role of a protective shell (it protects the drywall from damage, for example, upon impact), as well as the basis for the finishing polymer coating. For these purposes use:

  • galvanized steel (grades FePo3G, 08 Yu, 08 KP - with a zinc layer of at least 20 microns);
  • rolled aluminum sheets;
  • stainless steel (grade AISI 304, 430).

Stainless steel can be used in pure form, and galvanization and aluminum in most cases are covered on both sides with several technological layers: on top - a passivation layer, primer, polymer coating, self-adhesive protective film; below - passivation layer, primer, protective varnish/paint.

One of the following options is used as a material to create the finishing coating:

  • pural, plastisol, polyester varnish, polyester;
  • vinyl layer 0.5 mm thick;
  • stainless steel sheet 0.5 mm thick.

The most common is polyester spraying with a thickness of 25 microns, as well as thermal painting with a mixture of polyester and epoxy resins about 130 microns thick. At high temperatures polymer particles sinter and polymerize on the surface metal blank(many are familiar with the so-called powder coating). Fused powder coating has good adhesion to metals, it withstands abrasion, impact and bending effects; does not collapse under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high/low temperatures (from -60 to +120 degrees). This coating is exceptionally resistant to corrosion.

The color of the coating can be any according to the international RAL catalog, but RAL 9002 and RAL 9003 are considered standard. As a rule, you can choose a matte, semi-matte or glossy surface.

The core of the gypsum metal board is made of plasterboard, which acts as a formative base and gives the product spatial rigidity and geometric stability. Depending on the special tasks assigned, manufacturers use not only standard wall sheets - they enclose moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, perforated acoustic plasterboard, and gypsum fiber (GVL) in a metal wrapper. To create GML ceiling cassettes, lightweight plasterboard with a thickness of 9.5 mm is used. In accordance with traditional dimensions plasterboard sheets, the dimensions of the gypsum metal panels are obtained:

  • width - from 600 mm to 1200 mm;
  • length - from 600 mm to 4000 mm (usually 600, 900, 1200, 2500, 3000 mm);
  • thickness - approximately 10 mm and 13-13.5 mm.

Within these limits, gypsum plaster manufacturers can make panels of any size to order.

The metal sheet is glued to the drywall with a special moisture-resistant glue, which provides greater strength of the connection; it is much more reliable than the drywall itself if you try to delaminate it. Please note that a GML can be made to order, which will also be protected by metal on the rear plane.

A sheet of metal covers the front part of the panel and with a radius of approximately 1.5 mm bends around the edge of the plasterboard covered with cardboard. On one side it forms a flange intended for installation.

In another design, there is a slightly smaller eyelet (about 10 mm) on both sides; these are panels with an independent type of fastening.

How to install gypsum metal panels

Gypsum metal sheets are installed on permanent walls and ceilings, and are also used for cladding frame partitions. As a rule, GMFs are mounted on metal subsystems, but it should be noted that they can also be mounted on a solid wooden or plastered wall. If fastening is done on mineral base, then it must be perfectly aligned, fixation is carried out using spacer dowels with a diameter of 6 mm.

The frame for GMP walls is assembled from galvanized CD and UD profiles (wall thickness 0.5-0.7 mm), using direct hangers. The rules for organizing the frame are fundamentally no different from those used when working with traditional plasterboard. Basic technological nuances can be found in the article “Drywall walls”. Just note that there is no point in placing the racks more often than 600 mm along the axes. In addition, horizontal arrangement of CD carriers with the same pitch is allowed. It is not necessary to place frame profiles under all the joints of the sheets - that is, jumpers are not needed.

Fastening panels to racks or planes can be done in one of two ways, depending on the type of flanging of the edges of the metal sheet:

  • independent
  • stationary

Anyway everything fasteners are hidden in the seam area. No countersunk screws that are recessed into the body of the panel are used here.

With an independent installation method, each panel can be quickly dismantled individually. In this case, there are sides on each side of the gypsum metal sheet; during installation, they are joined or overlapped (then the fastener, screw or dowel, passes through double metal). Distinctive feature this method is a large gap that is closed with a special elastic profile.

When using a stationary fastening method, the plane is assembled according to the tongue-and-groove principle, like lining. First, metal locks are attached to the side of the panels, which are also powder-coated. For wall panels, use 2 pieces per linear meter, for ceiling panels install 3-4 locks per meter of seam. The lock is fixed to the end of the GML using self-tapping metal screws (or holes are drilled and blind rivets are used).

Then the plane is assembled in the same way plastic lining: the petals of the lock groove are fixed to the supporting base (screw, rivet or dowel), the tenon of the next panel is inserted into the groove of the previous one and everything is repeated.

Whatever installation method is used, the joints of the panels must be sealed. A large gap of 8-10 mm, which is formed with independent fastening, is closed with a shaped sealing profile made of medical silicone. Thinner seams (2-5 mm) remaining during permanent installation are filled flush with the plane with one-component silicone sealants. The sealant must be neutral vulcanized; sometimes it contains fungicidal additives.

Sheets of gypsum metal intended for ceiling cladding can also be fixed to the profiles with rivets or self-tapping screws, but more often they use installation without mechanical fasteners in order to have fast access to the interceiling space where they are laid engineering Communication. Some models of GML ceiling cassettes have an enlarged flange, perpendicular to the front plane, which snaps into a special frame element. It's called a stringer comb. Vacuum suction cups are used to pull the cassette out of these clamping profiles.

Ceiling panels with sides 600x600 or 600x1200 can be embedded in a subsystem with T-shaped profiles (Armstrong type).

Internal and outside corner, the junction of walls and ceiling, the junction of walls and the floor, the end end of the slab - all these zones are covered with framing elements. In order to eliminate areas where cleaning and disinfection may be difficult, internal and sharp corners are completely excluded from the design, because the extensions have a rounded cross-section. The rounding radius is usually about 70 mm. The frames are supplied in 3 meter lengths and are typically made from powder coated aluminium. Some manufacturers offer additional elements made of rigid non-toxic PVC, which are produced by co-extrusion (they have an outer colored layer).

Where are gypsum metal panels used?

Walls and ceilings made of gypsum metal in their technical and operational characteristics differ significantly from all other finishing options, therefore the scope of application of GML is more specific. Let's first outline the main features of the material.

The planes lined with gypsum metal sheets are completely sealed. As a result: the air masses of the room do not come into contact with the materials of the rough walls and ceilings, there is no diffusion of substances through the body of the panels. Leaks and overflows do not occur if the pressure inside the room changes sharply (for example, if the doors of a clean room with excess pressure are opened).

Matte and semi-matte walls and ceilings do not create glare even with strong side lighting, and therefore do not interfere with staff when working.

Due to the fact that the joints of the panels are sealed with sealant, the fastening elements are hidden, and all corners are rounded - there is no place for dust, moisture, and various types of contaminants to accumulate.

The seams remain elastic, so the system can be used correctly even in seismic zones. For the same reason, this cladding withstands vibrations produced by equipment, as well as overpressure, which is pumped inside " clean rooms"to maintain stable air composition.

The outer polymer coating of the GMP does not release any aerosol particles into the air and withstands regular exposure to disinfectants, such as, for example, alcohol, 6% hydrogen peroxide and 3% chloramine. Most importantly, it is free of porosity or significant roughness that could trap moisture, microbiological and chemical contaminants. Such characteristics of the polymer coating fully comply with the requirements of GOST R ISO 14644-4-2002 “Clean rooms and associated controlled environments. Part 4. Design, construction and commissioning.” Thanks to the noble metals (silver ions) contained in the epoxy-polyester powder, finishing coat has a pronounced antibacterial effect on many pathogens of hospital infections, which can settle and grow even on flat surfaces.

GMP cladding systems are easily integrated with all components of cleanrooms (transfer windows, doors, airlocks, lighting and ventilation devices, internal and external communications). Overhead and built-in electrical installation products can be easily mounted and sealed on gypsum metal, technological holes and openings can be created, for example, for installing exhaust or heating grilles.

Combustibility, flammability, smoke-generating ability, toxicity - gypsum metal tolerates fires very well, significantly increases the chances of people leaving the building on time (classes G1, B1, D1, T1, respectively).

So, clean rooms are where gypsum metal linings come into their own. Clean rooms are those with strict environmental control, when it is necessary to minimize the amount of foreign and harmful particles: anaerobic bacteria, dust, inert chemical and aerosol fumes. In addition, pressure, humidity, and temperature can also be regulated in such environments.

Most often this is the medical industry - the organization of labor, intensive care, and operating units. Naturally, a stable environment in research laboratories is essential. Also, a clean room lined with gypsum metal is used in several dozen industries where foreign substances can significantly affect the quality of products. For example, it is estimated that up to 70 percent of cleanrooms are used to create pharmaceutical and microbiological products, electronic components (especially semiconductors), and micromechanical devices. Increasingly, GMF can be found at food industry enterprises.

In fact, these panels are not only suitable for cleanrooms. Due to its high strength characteristics and excellent moisture resistance, gypsum metal is successfully used to decorate garages, car washes, warehouses, and workshops. Connoisseurs of the laconicism of the high-tech style immediately noticed this material, especially since in addition to RAL colors it became possible to create wood, marble, metallic, etc. coverings. Nowadays, cladding is often ordered from GML office premises, business centers, clubs, restaurants and even used in apartments and cottages.

How much does gypsum metal cost?

The main elements of such systems are manufactured in Russia using European equipment, so GMP turns out to be a fairly economical solution, and the delivery time for ordered products is minimal. The price of gypsum metal panels starts from 700 rubles per square meter. The price will increase by approximately 10% if you want to order a custom color. The price tag will change if special requirements are imposed on the panels. For example, increased fire resistance, sound insulation or moisture resistance will require the use of other types of drywall as a core. Then the cost of a square of GML also changes - 800, 1500, 1800 rubles per m 2, respectively.

It seems that this is more than other finishing options cost, but it should be noted that gypsum metal panels are completely ready for use, and they are very easy and quick to install. If you calculate the cost of a multi-layer cake, which has to be created when finishing surfaces with many traditional materials, as well as the money that needs to be paid to the contractor for the work (usually each operation is taken into account), then GMP often turns out to be even more profitable.

When it comes to finishing clean rooms, gypsum metal systems have very few competitors. Somewhere on close level in terms of practicality and efficiency are HPL laminate panels high pressure, but the cost of it square meter starts from one and a half thousand rubles. Tile, painting plastered walls with latex paints, gypsum vinyl cladding - these finishing options cannot compete with GMP in terms of functionality and performance characteristics and cannot be used in rooms of a high class of cleanliness, so it is useless to compare them.

Turishchev Anton,

Each type of plinth panels has its own additional elements - corners and finishing profiles.

In addition, we offer the entire range of materials necessary for finishing the facade:

  • Metal ebbs and slopes - for finishing the base, window and door openings.
  • Waterproofing - to protect walls and insulation from moisture.
  • Insulation - for organizing external insulation of walls.
  • Drainage system

We will help you buy and install

Do you want to buy basement siding?

Our specialists are ready to help you at all stages of this process:

  • Preliminary measurements.
  • Calculation of all materials.
  • Delivery to the site.
  • Professional installation.


A bunch of design solutions

  • Finish options include stone, brick and wood.
  • Several colors in each series.
  • Possibility to combine different colors and series.
  • Finishing the basement or the entire facade.

Maintenance free

If the lining darkens over time, it must be washed with soap and water. It's enough - facade material it will again look like it was installed yesterday.


The thickness of the basement siding panels is 2.5-3 mm - about 3 times more than vinyl. This is understandable - the base gets more than other parts of the wall.


Basement siding can withstand frost down to -40...-50°C and heat up to +50°C. Not afraid of rain, snow, wind, hail. Does not mold, does not rot, does not darken, and is not damaged by insects.

Special modifiers contained in resins protect the surface of the panels from fading. Many manufacturers offer a 50-year warranty on their products.

Very light

1 m² of wall panels weighs 3-5 kg. So lightweight material You can sheathe any structure - there is no need to strengthen the foundation. For comparison:

  • weight of 1 m2 of finishing brick – 82-190 kg,
  • 1m2 of artificial stone – about 35kg,
  • 1 m2 of decorative thin brick – 23 kg.

Holds tight

Basement siding will remain intact and unharmed even when the soil moves. The panels are connected to each other into one whole by a system of spikes and clamps.

At the same time, cracks may appear on a plastered wall (as well as on one lined with brick or stone).

Savings on installation

The cost of installation is 2-5 times lower than the cost of cladding with natural facade material

Installing basement siding is a “dry” process. Does without adhesive compositions, cement grouts and water repellents. There is also no need for surface preparation - the panels are installed on the sheathing and fastened together. And with the help of lathing you can compensate for the slight curvature of the walls.

Quick installation

To cover 1 m² of wall, only 2 façade panels need to be installed. Finishing a country house takes several days. Complex project - no more than two weeks (cladding artificial stone takes months).

A way to insulate your home without extra effort

It is easy to install insulation sheets into the space between the panels and the wall. Facade facing material and waterproofing will protect the insulation from moisture and damage.