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» Pantogam 10% syrup for infants. How to use pantogam for newborns. Doses and method of administration

Pantogam 10% syrup for infants. How to use pantogam for newborns. Doses and method of administration

Instructions for use of Pantogam indicate a fairly large list of various diseases for which this medicine is used. The main effect of the drug is aimed at increasing the resistance of brain cells to the effects of toxic substances and hypoxia, as well as enhancing physical and mental performance.

Pantogam for children - description of the drug

Pantogam is a drug from the group of nootropics. The wide spectrum of action of the drug is due to the presence of the neurotransmitter - gamma-aminobutyric acid in its structure. The active substance stimulates anabolic processes in neurons and, in combination with a mild sedative effect, increases the brain's resistance to various toxic influences, and reduces the effects of oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

Additionally, the drug exhibits anticonvulsant activity, reduces motor excitability, helps increase performance and improve brain activity. In case of chronic alcohol intoxication and during periods of alcohol abstinence, it actively normalizes metabolic processes.

After oral administration, the active substance is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and freely penetrates the BBB. It accumulates in the highest concentrations in the liver, stomach, kidneys and skin. It is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged mainly by the kidneys within 2 days after administration.

Pantogam release forms

Pantogam is available in the form of Pantogam active capsules (200 and 300 mg), tablets (250 and 500 mg) and syrup (10%).

Pantogam tablets are flat, cylindrical, white pucks of 50 pieces per package, containing 250 mg and 500 mg of active hopantenic acid + excipients.

Pantogam syrup is available in 100 ml bottles, has a viscous consistency, a yellowish tint and a cherry aroma. Contains 10 mg of active drug substance, that is, hopantenic acid and auxiliary components.


The medicine Pantogam exhibits a wide range of therapeutic effects:

  • increases the resistance of brain cells to hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • reduces the brain's susceptibility to the effects of toxic toxic substances;
  • stimulates mutual exchange and anabolic processes in brain neurons;
  • reduces spontaneous motor activity and general excessive nervous excitability;
  • has a pronounced anticonvulsant effect;
  • has an accumulating sedative effect;
  • stimulates metabolic processes and activity in brain cells;
  • normalizes metabolism and reaction acetylation when you stop taking certain substances, such as novocaine, ethanol and others;
  • causes a decrease in the manifestations of the bladder reflex and increased detrusor tone in the brain.

The medicine is absorbed in the stomach and intestines and acts through the main bloodstream. Residual components of the drug accumulate in the liver, kidneys, muscle tissues of the walls of the intestines and stomach, and in the cells of the epidermis. The withdrawal period is 48-72 hours. Most of the drug taken is excreted by the kidneys, the remainder is excreted in the feces.

The drug significantly increases mental activity and the performance of brain cells and has a positive effect on a person’s physical capabilities.

Why is Pantogam prescribed?

The main list of indications for the use of the drug includes the following pathologies associated with the functionality of the brain:

  • cerebral palsy in any form;
  • perinatal infantile encephalopathy;
  • various forms of mental retardation;
  • behavioral deviations associated with impaired brain functioning;
  • difficulties in the formation and assimilation of social skills and knowledge, including receptivity to learning;
  • speech disorders, motor motor functions caused by pathological processes in the brain;
  • atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels;
  • organic and anatomical brain lesions of any origin;
  • schizophrenia, including those accompanied by the development of cerebral manifestations or organic failure;
  • disorders of neural impulses caused by long-term use of antipsychotics;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • hepatolenticular behavioral degeneration;
  • high psychological, mental and emotional stress;
  • spontaneous urination of neurogenic origin.

In addition to its direct indications for use, Pantogam can be used in combination with other medications as part of complex therapy for various ailments associated with nervous activity and brain functionality.

Instructions for use

The drug Pantogam is prescribed by a doctor, the dosage is selected individually by a specialist. According to the instructions, the medication should be taken 20-30 minutes after meals. The dosage and duration of use depend on many nuances, including the type of pathology, the form of the drug, the age of the patient and his general condition.

  • Pantogam tablets – adults are recommended to take from 1 to 4 tablets per single dose, maximum 3 g per day;
  • for children, the dose per dose is 1-2 tablets, taking into account age;;
  • capsules (200 mg) - one-time from 1 to 4 pieces, per day - no more than 12 pieces;
  • capsules (300 mg) – one-time from 1 to 3 pieces, no more than 8 pieces per day;
  • Pantogam syrup - used for the correction and treatment of pathologies of the brain, development and thinking in children, the dosage and regimen are selected by the doctor, usually 10 to 20 ml are prescribed for a single dose.

How and how much to give Pantogam to children directly depends on the severity of the pathology or infection. On average, the course of therapy for children ranges from 1 to 6 months, after which there is a break for a period of 2.5 to 6 months, during which the doctor monitors the child’s condition.

For children taking this medicine, pharmacists provide the following dosage:
  • from birth to one year - in a volume of 5 to 10 ml, if we are talking about syrup, or 0.25 - 1 g in tablets;
  • from one to three years - in a volume of 5 to 12 ml, if we are talking about syrup, tablets - 0.25 - 1.25 g;
  • from three to seven years - in a volume of 7 to 15 ml (syrup), 0.75 - 1.5 g (tablets);
  • after the age of seven - in a volume of 10 to 25 ml, or 1 - 2.5 g.

The treatment regimen can be different, quite often doctors resort to gradually increasing the dosage over the course of a week, after which the maximum amount of medication should be taken over a period of one to two months, and then the dosage is reduced until the drug is completely stopped.

If the dosage of Pantogam for children is always selected individually, then in some cases, when treating or preventing pathologies in adults, doctors adhere to statistically verified doses of the drug:

  • for treatment and prevention - 0.75-1.5 g per day, the total course exceeds 12 months;
  • for the treatment of various manifestations of extrapyramidal neuroleptic syndromes - 2.5-3 g per day, the general course lasts about six months;
  • as maintenance therapy and prophylaxis for heavy mental stress, as well as for severe asthenic conditions - 0.25-1 g per day three times, the duration of the course is individual;
  • for the treatment of hyperkinesis and hereditary pathologies of the brain - 0.75-3 g per day, the average course of treatment is 4-5 months;
  • for the treatment of the consequences of injuries, infections and other similar pathologies - 0.25 g 3 to 5 times a day, the duration of administration is individual;
  • to stop and prevent nervous spasms, including nervous tics, therapy is 1.5 - 3 g per day, with a duration of 2-5 months, childhood and teenage tics are treated with a lower dose - from 0.25 to 1.5 G.

The medicine is also used to treat spontaneous urination, if it is associated with a disorder of nervous activity. In this case, the dose of the drug is from 0.25 to 1 g twice or thrice a day; for the treatment of enuresis in children and adolescents, the dosage is calculated individually, based on the proportion - 0.025 grams per kilogram of weight.

Contraindications and side effects

Among the contraindications for treatment with this drug, its manufacturers identify:

  • severe kidney pathologies;
  • the first months of pregnancy or complicated pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug;
  • manifestation of side effects after taking the drug.

Caution should be used when treating with this drug when carrying a child. Although it has been clinically proven that the medicine does not have a teratogenic or embryotoxic effect, you must strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, and if possible, refuse therapy - stop taking Pantogam before birth.

Treatment with Pantogam may cause side effects such as noises in the head, or vice versa - irresistible daytime sleepiness, allergic reactions manifested by acute or purulent conjunctivitis, runny nose, itchy skin and rashes.

If side effects occur, you must immediately inform your doctor, who will either stop the medicine or reduce the dosage, depending on the specific situation.

In combination with therapy with Phenobarbital, Finlepsin, antipsychotic drugs, drugs that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and other nootropic drugs, Pantogam helps reduce their side effects. During the treatment process, it is worth considering that simultaneous use of the drug with medications such as Glycine or Xidifon significantly enhances its therapeutic effect. When used together with barbiturates, Pantogam prolongs (extends) the effect of these medications.


The following medications are structural analogues of Pantogam according to the active substance:

  • Gopantam;
  • Calcium salt of hopantenic acid;
  • Calcium hopantenate;
  • Hopantenic acid;
  • Pantocalcin.

If necessary, caused by intolerance to the active substance, the doctor can replace Pantogam with other medications that exhibit a similar therapeutic effect. For example, Nootropil, Encephabol, Cerebrolysin, Ainpocetin, Kaviton.

Analogues of the drug, although they have the same active substance in their composition, are early pharmaceutical developments, have a much longer withdrawal period and an extensive list of contraindications. Pantogam is a modern drug that is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes unwanted side effects.

According to doctors, Pantogam is effective in treating a wide range of neurological disorders and is successfully used in practice. Patients also respond positively to the drug, trust this drug and are satisfied with the results of treatment.

According to numerous reviews, comments and opinions in thematic groups of social networks and on forums that unite people who are faced with the need to use such drugs, Pantogam today represents the best option in terms of price/quality ratio.

Average prices

The average cost of a medicine in pharmacies is:

  • for capsules (300 mg) – from 500 to 540 rubles;
  • for capsules (200 mg) – from 450 to 500 rubles;
  • for tablets (500 mg) – from 750 to 800 rubles;
  • for tablets (250 mg) – from 380 to 490 rubles;
  • for syrup - from 350 to 420 rubles.

The medicine is dispensed only with a prescription from a doctor, regardless of the form of release.

The drug Pantogam is used primarily for the treatment of pathological conditions in the nervous system of various origins. The release of the drug in the form of syrup is intended for the treatment of young patients who, unfortunately, are also not immune from such pathologies. The drug has been used in medicine for quite a long time and has managed to earn a reputation as an effective and relatively safe drug.

Pantogam syrup instructions

The instructions supplied with the drug describe in detail the spectrum of action of Pantogam syrup. By carefully studying it, you can get a clear idea of ​​how the syrup works. So, the list of its beneficial effects includes:

  1. Protecting the brain from oxygen starvation and exposure to toxic substances.
  2. Strengthening anabolic processes in brain neurons.
  3. Mild stimulation with simultaneous moderate sedative effect.
  4. Improving memory and mental activity while simultaneously influencing and regulating behavior.
  5. Possessing neurometabolic and neuroprotective properties.
  6. Impact on increasing mental and physical activity.
  7. The ability to normalize the content of gamma-aminobutyric acid in chronic alcoholics;
  8. The ability to have a moderate analgesic effect.

The use of the drug Pantogam syrup is indicated for the following ailments:

  • For perinatal encephalopathy in children from birth;
  • With various forms of central nervous system paralysis in children;
  • With inhibition in mental development of various degrees, including behavioral disorders;
  • When the psychological status of children is disturbed as a general delay in mental development, as well as when speech has specific disorders, during the formation of school skills (reading, writing, counting, etc.);
  • For hyperkinetic disorders, including hyperactivity syndrome, accompanied by a lack of attention development;
  • In conditions characterized as neurosis-like (stuttering, being in a predominantly clonic form, tic, inorganic encopresis and enuresis);
  • With a decrease in mnestic-intellectual productivity as a result of arteriosclerotic changes in the blood vessels of the brain, with the initial form of senile dementia, organic damage to the brain, which may be associated with consequences of a traumatic, toxic, neuroinfectious nature;
  • In schizophrenia with the presence of cerebral organic insufficiency;
  • For extrapyramidal disorders in organic brain disease;
  • For epilepsy;
  • In case of psycho-emotional overload, as well as decreased performance, both mental and physical, in order to improve concentration and memory ability;
  • For urinary disorders at the neurogenic level.

Pantogam syrup instructions for use

Syrup 10% Pantogam should be taken orally after meals no earlier than 30 minutes later.

For adults, the usual dose per dose consists of 2.5 milliliters - 10 milliliters, the daily dosage is from 15 milliliters to 30 milliliters;

Children are allowed to take from 2.5 milliliters to 5 milliliters in a single dose; daily dosage from 7.5 milliliters to 30 milliliters;

The course of treatment can last: one to four months or up to six months;

After 3 months, it is possible to conduct a second treatment course.

For children based on age and the presence of pathologies of the nervous system, it is recommended to adhere to the following dosage range:

  • Children from birth to one year - from 5 to 10 milliliters per day;
  • Children under 3 years of age - from 5 to 12.5 milliliters per day;
  • Children from 3 years old to 7 years old - from 7.5 milliliters to 15 milliliters per day;
  • Children over 7 years of age - from 10 to 20 milliliters per day.

Treatment tactics may include increasing the dose over a week or two, then taking the maximum dose for fifteen to forty days, after which the dose can be gradually reduced until the drug is discontinued for another week.

The course of treatment is from one to three months. Some diagnoses require a six-month course of treatment or even more.

Schizophrenia in combination with psychotropic drugs a - from 5 milliliters to 30 milliliters per day. Course treatment is from one to three months.

Epilepsy in combination with anticonvulsant drugs- from 7.5 milliliters to 10 milliliters per day. Course treatment - up to a year or more.

Neuroleptic syndrome accompanied by extrapyramidal disorders– in a daily dose - up to 30 milliliters, course treatment for several months.

Extrapyramidal hyperkinesis in patients with organic disease of the central nervous system- from 5 milliliters to 30 milliliters per day. Course treatment is four or more months.

For the consequences of neuroinfection and traumatic brain injury- from 5 milliliters to 30 milliliters per day.

In order to restore functionality with increased load and asthenic condition, the drug is prescribed 2.5 milliliters - 5 milliliters three times a day.

In case of urination disorder in children:

  • 2.5 milliliters - 5 milliliters in a daily dose of the drug from 25 to 50 micrograms per kilogram of body weight;
  • course treatment from one to three months;
  • for adults - 5 milliliters - 10 milliliters several times a day.

During long-term treatment, it is not advisable to simultaneously prescribe the drug with other nootropics and stimulants. Due to the fact that Pantogam is a nootropic, it is recommended to take it preferably in the morning and throughout the day.

Pantogam syrup for children

The drug Pantogam is prescribed to children only in the form of syrup, at least to those children who have not reached the age of three.

There are no side effects observed in children taking the drug. Unless it's drowsiness and sleep disturbance. However, those who did not take the drug later than 16 hours of the day and did not complain about such manifestations.

Pantogam for babies

Whether to use medicine to treat newborns or not, such a decision can only be made by a doctor. Since no mother is able to notice deviations in the development of her baby from the first days of his life.

Many mothers of infants are wary of such prescriptions and even neglect them, not giving the child medicine. Of course, each mother motivates this in her own way, but even if the doctor played it safe and prescribed the drug unnecessarily, the syrup will not harm the baby, since it has virtually no side effects. But if the problem really exists, then the drug is quite capable of coping with it. And here it’s worth thinking about whether it’s worth depriving your child of the medical care he needs to please his fears. And is the price of taking the medicine really that high if you compare it with the set of possible negative consequences that inaction can lead to?

Moreover, its prescription for infants is quite reasonable in the presence of serious pathologies:

  • For birth injuries sustained during childbirth in the area of ​​the nervous system;
  • For lesions that occurred during pregnancy in the nervous system;
  • For epilepsy or convulsive readiness;
  • In the presence of childhood central paralysis or hydrocephalus;
  • In case of brain damage as a result of trauma;
  • For sleep disorders;
  • With excessive excitability of the nervous system.

It is possible for infants to take Pantogam only in the form of syrup, and the daily dose should be divided into two doses. The duration of treatment and the required dosage of the medicine can only be determined by a doctor.

However, we should not forget that the baby should take the medicine no earlier than a quarter of an hour after feeding.

Pantogam syrup price

Of course, the cost of the drug will depend largely on the form in which it is released, as well as on many other factors regarding delivery, trade markup, and so on. However, if you are interested in syrup specifically, you can say that on average across the country you can buy 10% Pantogam syrup for approximately 350 rubles.

Pantogam syrup reviews

Opinions about the drug Pantogam syrup are quite contradictory. Someone praises the drug very much and talks about its high effectiveness and the virtual absence of side effects. But there are those who did not notice any effect and speak with caution about the safety of the drug.

Parents of infants often completely refuse to give their child medicine, citing their refusal as mistrust of the doctor and his lack of sufficient experience to make such a diagnosis. But they themselves allegedly do not see anything in the child. Sometimes such a frivolous attitude is costly for both parents and the baby. Here are the latest reviews about the drug:

Elena: I first heard about the drug at an appointment with a neurologist, deciding to visit the doctor with a two-year-old child, when I realized that for his age, my son speaks very poorly. The syrup was taken for a month and a half. I was pleased with the result. The child began to construct complete sentences and became more willing to engage in conversation. And another bonus - the baby stopped wetting the bed at night. A good drug, by the way, no side effects! I recommend it.

Lyudmila: We were prescribed the drug upon discharge from the hospital. Although we followed everything as prescribed and the dosage and regimen of administration, we did not notice any special effect. My daughter was very restless and remains so. In addition, the syrup has a terribly cloying taste, almost to the point of bitterness. My daughter developed rashes on her face. I began to dilute the syrup a little with water. I'm not happy with the drug, but the doctor probably knows better.

Victoria: By the age of seven months, my daughter had lost restful sleep. We decided to immediately consult a doctor. The neurologist prescribed syrup for treatment. After reading the instructions and indications for use, I hesitated for a long time to give it to her. But they still began to be treated. I noticed improvements already on the third day. The child began to sleep!!! Me too.

“Pantogam” is a still little-known drug that can stimulate human brain activity. It is believed that this particular medication affects brain cells and perfectly activates their work. Of course, many mothers may be wary when the doctor prescribes such a serious drug. But “Pantogam” for infants, reviews of which make it clear that this is a truly effective medicine, is a fairly well-balanced drug based on a nootropic. In addition, this medicine contains a small amount of flavoring additives, which are aimed at minimizing side effects from the use of this solution.

Getting to know the drug

So, it has already been said that “Pantogam” for babies, reviews of mothers about which contain words of gratitude to the manufacturers, is a drug from the group of nootropics. It has an anticonvulsant effect.

The medicine can prevent the brain, create its resistance to toxins, and activate metabolism in neurons. It has a slight sedative effect and can reduce motor excitability.

For kids - syrup

For the youngest consumers they produce “Pantogam” - syrup for infants. Reviews in a positive context about this version of the medication indicate that this particular dosage form is suitable for children. You can drink it like regular water or a mixture. But it is better to give tablets to older children.

Parents need to pay close attention to the following point: although Pantogam is relatively safe, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in appropriate cases.

Let's look at the result

Pantogam syrup was specially developed for infants. After taking the drug, you can see a wonderful result. Minor side effects do not indicate that you should immediately stop taking this medication. Not all parents may like the price, because you have to pay about 400-500 rubles for a bottle of Pantogam. If the volume of such a bottle is 50 ml, then it will last for one month. And if the drug is purchased for an older child, that is for three weeks. But again, a lot depends on the dosage, which is small for the smallest.

Who is prescribed Pantogam?

Often parents, upon hearing the name of the drug, begin to wonder: “Why is Pantogam prescribed to infants?” The reviews, which are mostly positive, say that if this drug is prescribed by a doctor, then it cannot be ignored. For the smallest toddlers, such appointments occur in the following cases:

  • occurred;
  • there is hyperactivity and nervous tics;
  • as one of the components of complex therapy in order to stop the consequences;

  • fetal hypoxia (during pregnancy or childbirth);
  • if motor impairments appear due to brain damage;
  • there are speech and motor dysfunctions;
  • a neurogenic origin of frequent urination was discovered.

What can happen if you take the drug?

Despite the fact that Pantogam is a really strong medicine that can solve many problems, it has contraindications and side effects. Let's take a closer look at this.

Contraindications for use are: severe kidney pathologies and high sensitivity to the active components contained in the drug.

Side effects that occur from taking the medicine include the following: nausea, allergic reactions (red eyes, allergic rhinitis), skin rashes. If you are allergic to the active substances of the drug, you should stop taking it immediately. An overdose of Pantogam leads to increased side effects.

It is forbidden to take “Pantogam” for infants, reviews of the action of which indicate that it is simply a salvation for both the baby and the mother, along with other nootropics. It can enhance the effect of novocaine and sulfonamides and, conversely, reduce the side effects of taking neuroleptics, antiepileptic drugs and barbiturates.

Instructions for use of the drug

The main thing to remember: Pantogam is never prescribed for prophylactic purposes - only for treatment. The course and dose of medication depends solely on the severity of the disease, concomitant pathologies and the age of the baby.

Usually “Pantogam” for babies, reviews of which add to the knowledge base about the drug, is given to the baby twice a day - in the mornings and evenings, a quarter of an hour after feeding. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts from one month to four. And only sometimes it can last up to a year (this is if epilepsy is treated). After completing one course, the baby may need repeated therapy. Before starting it, take a break of three or six months.

For a newborn baby, a single dose is on average 0.25-0.5 g. They always start with the minimum, gradually increasing it. But in the last week of treatment, the dosage is gradually reduced.

If you are treating brain injuries and infectious diseases, the daily dose is from 1 to 3 grams. When undergoing therapy for nervous tics, the same dosage is used. The course is usually from one to five months.

But in order for diseases of the nervous system to be treated correctly, doctors recommend gradually increasing the dosage during the first week of therapy, and slightly decreasing it during the last week.

The drug should not be given to a child immediately before bedtime. This can provoke too much nervous excitability in him, which is undesirable for the evening.

What do mommies say?

From the very beginning, “Pantogam” for infants, reviews of some parents about which indicate that the drug was not suitable for children and no effect was observed, was developed so that it was possible to activate the work of the baby’s brain and make the child more balanced and calm. Plus, the medication can improve crumbs, and this is a very important point. Yes, not many people have heard about this medicine yet, but there are already numerous positive reviews.

Mothers quite often leave opinions about this drug, sharing their experiences about its use and telling others what Pantogam is. The result after taking it, of course, may be different for all children. It's natural. But the general features of the consequences of taking the drug are also present.

Consequences of using "Pantogam"

With words of gratitude, mothers whose children were born with around the neck recall their experience with this medicine. It is in these cases that doctors, even in the maternity hospital, advise taking “Pantogam”, which will help with hypoxia and relieve convulsions and excitability in the baby. Giving it to your baby is also very easy: dilute the required number of drops in a spoon with water and give it to drink. Usually children drink it well because it is sweet, with a cherry aroma. On average, improvements begin two weeks after the start of use.

When the interhemispheric fissure widens, the doctor also prescribes Pantogam. Children drink it completely calmly, but after some time regurgitation may begin. Some babies may stop sleeping during the day, become fussy and cry. This happens because the medication is not suitable. You should immediately contact your doctor, and he will prescribe a replacement.

A very important condition that must be fulfilled: if the baby develops unusual symptoms while taking Pantogam, you should immediately stop giving the medicine to the child. The doctor will prescribe another drug.

This is what it is, “Pantogam” for babies. The effectiveness of the drug is beyond doubt, but in any case you should always consult a doctor and follow all his instructions.

Pantogam is part of the group of nootropic drugs (Greek: noos mind, mind + tropos direction), which have a stimulating effect on brain activity.

These drugs improve memory without affecting motor activity, reflexes and autonomic functions of the body.

Why do children need Pantogams?

The reason for prescribing a nootropic drug to children is a violation of metabolic processes in brain tissue, which can cause the following diseases:

  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • cerebral palsy of various forms;
  • mental retardation;
  • mental retardation;
  • speech and motor function disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • urinary disorders;
  • other, no less serious illnesses.

The causes of such disorders can be brain injuries, intrauterine hypoxia, unfavorable environmental conditions, and hereditary diseases of the nervous system.

It is possible to prevent the occurrence of unwanted diseases and even eliminate the likelihood of their occurrence in childhood much faster and more effectively. Timely prescribed medication can protect against many problems both in childhood, when basic vital functions are formed, and in adulthood.

Indications for the use of a nootropic drug must be strong. For a child from the first days of life, these may be:

  • infectious lesions of brain cells;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • tremor of the extremities (arms, legs, chin);
  • cerebral hypoxia, high intracranial pressure;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • disorders associated with excess cerebrospinal fluid in the tissues surrounding the brain (hydrocephalus).

Parents may be concerned about symptoms such as trembling of the chin or hands. It should be noted that this may be a consequence of the discomfort of the first three months of the baby’s life, coupled with an unadapted nervous system, and not at all a sign of a serious illness. Disorders recorded at a doctor’s appointment may well turn out to be the baby’s reaction to the stress he experiences from an unfamiliar environment, the presence of a stranger, and a variety of voices. Children's hysterical crying can cause an increase in intracranial pressure and provoke tremors.

If the doctor’s diagnosis is in doubt, you should contact another specialist to confirm or cancel the conclusion. The recommendations should not be ignored.

If trembling is observed in a calm, relaxed state, it is necessary to check the intracranial pressure, and in case of an increased value, conduct a comprehensive examination. The cause may be difficult childbirth, toxicosis and hypoxia during pregnancy. Pantogam will help get rid of toxins and lack of oxygen.

Pantogam tablets

These and other problems with the baby’s health can be localized and have no consequences in the future if treatment is started in time. Advanced stages of diseases associated with brain function can cause death. Therefore, it is so important to take the recommendations of specialists seriously and be attentive to the child’s behavior.

The medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of medications can lead to irreversible processes, especially when it comes to the central nervous system and brain functions.

Reviews about the drug reflect the characteristics of individual tolerability of the drug. There are opinions that doctors prescribe Pantogam “just in case”, for any suspicion of a nervous system disorder.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that physical therapy and massage can sometimes be more useful and, indeed, Pantogam is often prescribed “to be on the safe side.” But he notes that “at best, it will not cause harm.”

Pantogam syrup

The prescription of Pantogam syrup or tablets should be for medicinal purposes only. The doctor will prescribe treatment if one of the diagnoses is made that requires the use of nootropic substances. The regimen and dosage must correspond to the characteristics of the small patient. Given the complexity of diagnosing and treating diseases of the nervous system, parents should pay close attention to the treatment process and carefully monitor the child’s behavior while taking the drug. Changes noticed in time will help avoid negative consequences.

It is necessary to take into account the existing likelihood of individual intolerance to the substances included in the drug.

For parents whose children doctors have prescribed Pantogam treatment, it is very important to understand that in the line of nootropic drugs this is the most harmless.

Stimulant medications are needed to treat brain problems related to attention, language, visualization, and executive functions.

Pantogam promotes the active absorption of glucose by nerve cells, which adds energy and improves blood circulation in the brain.

Along with medicinal properties, the drug also has protective properties: it prevents the effects of toxins and lack of oxygen on cells, and helps restore neural connections after damage of various types.

The use of Pantogam has a positive effect on the body:

  • stimulates brain activity;
  • maintains emotional and mental balance;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • protects cells from exposure to adverse factors;
  • saturates the brain with oxygen.

The basis of the drug is the calcium salt of hopantenic acid, which is closer in composition to vitamin B 15. One of the elements of the drug molecule is a mediator, which helps the electrochemical impulse of the nervous system reach, for example, muscle tissue. The transmitter initiates biochemical reactions that result in an action potential.

By influencing metabolic processes, the drug restores the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, successfully prevents and relieves seizures, and has a moderate calming effect, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep.

By increasing brain performance, it reduces motor excitability.

Systematic studies designed to identify the consequences of its use confirmed the declared properties of the drug.

The medicine is available in the form of syrup for children under 3 years of age and tablets for children over 3 years of age and adult patients.

The composition of syrup and tablets is different. In order to exclude allergic reactions, it is necessary to compare the formulations and choose the most suitable one.

The desire to avoid advanced disorders of brain activity encourages parents to take the recommendations of specialists with a high degree of responsibility.

And this is understandable - the loads that the child will face first in kindergarten and then at school will require:

  • high cognitive activity;
  • increased mental activity;
  • serious physical fitness;
  • intense speech activity.

Every parent wants to ensure that their child is prepared for the upcoming challenges. Timely treatment with the most harmless drug Pantogam will help you to be sure that the brain works without disturbances and copes with all functions.

Side effects

Official sources of information about the drug say that clinical trials confirm the safety and declared effect of taking it.

The instructions say that Pantogam in the form of syrup is indicated for children from the first day of life, since the developers paid special attention to minimizing the negative impact of the drug on the emotional state of the baby.

Contraindications for taking the drug in children are:

  • acute kidney diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Allergic reactions

The instructions for use indicate that taking Pantogam can cause allergic skin rashes, hives, nasal congestion, etc. Such a response of the body to the drug requires a dose reduction and consultation with a doctor. If necessary, the appointment will be canceled.

In practice, reports of such reactions are extremely rare.

Sleep disturbance or drowsiness

Somewhat more often than allergic rashes, side effects manifest themselves in the form or, conversely, increased drowsiness.

This effect of the medicine on the child may cause concern for parents.

From a medical point of view, such reactions occur in the first days of taking the drug, are considered safe and have no consequences.

Noise or pounding in the head

Undesirable reactions from the central nervous system can manifest themselves in the form of noise and pounding in the head. Reducing the dosage is a sufficient measure in this case. Like sleep disturbances, these side effects are not significant. After a few days, the baby’s condition returns to normal.

If symptoms of side effects increase, you should stop taking the drug and treat the overdose with activated charcoal or gastric lavage.


Pantogam has deservedly received the title of the leading nootropic drug used to treat children from infancy.

Like any medicinal product, Pantogam should be used in accordance with specialist prescriptions made on the basis of the diagnosis and taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

The drug is prescribed by the treating neurologist according to an individual regimen depending on the diagnosis, severity of the disease and the age of the child. When taking Pantogam for the first time, it is recommended to titrate the dosage in a trapezoidal manner at the beginning and end of the course of therapy. Over 10-20 days, you should gradually increase the dose, then take the drug at the maximum dose for 20-30 days, and then reduce the dose over 10-20 days until complete withdrawal. The daily dose for patients under one year of age is 1 g, for children 1-3 years old - 2 g, for patients from 3 to 15 years old - 3 g. A repeat course can be carried out after 3 months.

"Pantogam" in tablet form is indicated for children over three years of age. At an earlier age, the drug is prescribed in syrup form. The medicine must be taken orally 20-30 minutes after eating. Since the drug has a nootropic effect, it should be consumed in the morning and afternoon.

"Pantogam" - indications and side effects

Compared to other nootropic drugs, Pantogam is considered the safest and most effective drug. Therefore, it is often prescribed to treat children. “Pantogam” normalizes metabolism in the brain and balances the processes of inhibition and excitation. It also has a mildly stimulating and calming effect. In addition, the drug is half vitamin.

Indications for treatment: cerebral palsy, perinatal encephalopathy, mental retardation, mental retardation, specific speech and motor function disorders, hyperkinetic pathologies. "Pantogam" has shown its effectiveness in cases of enuresis and psycho-emotional overload. Doctors recommend taking the drug when physical and mental performance decreases, as well as to improve concentration, memory and attention. "Pantogam" is prescribed in the complex treatment of epilepsy and extrapyramidal brain disorders.

There are few possible side effects with Pantogam. When taking the drug, allergic reactions such as urticaria, rash, rhinitis and conjunctivitis may occur. From the central nervous system, drowsiness, insomnia and noise in the head may occur. Side effects are short-term and do not require discontinuation of the drug. "Pantogam" can be taken together with "Glycine", "Xidifon", anticonvulsants and antipsychotics.