Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Processing waste into raw materials. Reuse of waste. Light impurities in the form of polymer films and pieces of waste paper are removed using vibrating screens with a slot-type opening. The waste paper past the sieve is sent for further regrouping.

Processing waste into raw materials. Reuse of waste. Light impurities in the form of polymer films and pieces of waste paper are removed using vibrating screens with a slot-type opening. The waste paper past the sieve is sent for further regrouping.

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    The project material will help you use empty plastic bottles in everyday life.



    Mini project

    4th grade student of Municipal Educational Institution "Novoselovskaya Secondary School"

    Kolpashevo district, Tomsk region

    Klassen Alexandra

    on this topic:

    "Use of recycled materials"

    Objective of the project - studying the use of recycled materials.

    Based on the purpose of the work, we determinedthe following tasks:

    1. determining the value of natural resources;

    2. analysis of the use of secondary raw materials;

    3. determination of types of waste and their disposal;

    4. attracting public attention to the use of plastic bottles in everyday life

    Stages of work on the project:Stage 1 - Justification of the problem.

    Stage 2 - Research the problem.

    Stage 3 – Ways to resolve the problem.

    Stage 4 – Options for using plastic in everyday life


    Stage 1. Justification of the problem.

    I believe that the topic of using recycled materials and waste disposal is very relevant at the present time, since waste is our common problem. Everyone “contributes” to this problem, which means everyone must take part in solving it.All people should know that the problem of waste cannot be approached as a fight against garbage, setting the task of getting rid of it at any cost. It is necessary not to destroy waste, but to learn to use everything that we call garbage, waste, and secondary raw materials.

    Stage 2. Research of the problem.

    Natural resources- these are components of the natural environment, natural objects that are used (or can be used) in economic activities as sources of energy, production products, consumer goods and have consumer value.

    Natural resources include: minerals, energy sources, soil, waterways and reservoirs, minerals, forests, wild plants, land and sea fauna, the gene pool of cultivated plants and domestic animals, picturesque landscapes, recreational areas, etc. They give us food, clothing, shelter, fuel, energy and raw materials for industrial work, from which man creates comfort items, cars and medicines.

    Secondary raw materials and resources– production and consumption waste, which at this stage of development of science and technology can be used in the national economy both at the enterprise where they were generated and beyond. Secondary resources include by-products, which are possible raw materials for other industries. The most important types of secondary raw materials are scrap; waste of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals; waste lubricating oils; defective parts; obsolete products frompolyethyleneand etc.; worn tires; spentsulfuric acid; waste paperetc. Secondary raw materials also include disused machinery and equipment and their parts; metal parts obtained from dismantling buildings and old ships; black andnon-ferrous metals, contained in unusable consumer and household items, finalwaste production(for example, ash onpower plants.

    Waste - types of raw materials unsuitable for the production of certain products, their unusable residues or substances and energy arising during technological processes that cannot be recycled.

    Classification of main types of solid waste

    Consumer waste is products and materials that have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical (material) or moral wear and tear.

    Industrial consumer waste - cars, machine tools and other obsolete equipment of enterprises

    Household waste is waste generated as a result of human activity and disposed of by them as unwanted or useless. Solid household waste includes cardboard, newspaper, packaging or consumer paper, all kinds of containers (wood, glass, metal), obsolete items and products made of wood, metal, leather, glass, plastic, textiles and other materials that have lost their consumer properties, broken or outdated household appliances - garbage, as well as agricultural and municipal food waste - garbage.

    A special category of waste (mainly industrial) consists of radioactive waste generated during the extraction, production and use of radioactive substances as fuel for nuclear power plants, vehicles (for example, nuclear submarines) and other purposes.

    Household and industrial waste is also divided into solid, liquid and gaseous unsuitable products and household items. Solid household waste includes: garbage from residential and public buildings, construction waste, waste from food establishments, trade, street waste, ice, snow, etc. Industrial solid waste includes: remnants of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products generated during the production of products and work and which have lost completely or partially their original consumer properties. Large-scale industrial waste includes residues of metal, wood, fabric, rubber, paper, plastics, glass, as well as slag, ash, waste from galvanic production, sludge, burnt foundry soil, etc.

    Waste is also divided into the following types:

    Substances (aluminum oxide, sulfuric acid, red phosphorus, etc.) and mixtures of substances (metallurgical slag, etc.);

    Materials (polyethylene, fabric, paper, etc.);

    Products (bricks, lamps, cables, etc.)

    Industrial waste should be considered primarily as secondary material resources suitable for reuse in various economic sectors.

    All types of production and consumption waste, if possible, are divided into secondary material resources that are already being processed or the processing of which is planned; waste that at this stage of economic development is impractical to recycle and which inevitably forms irrecoverable losses. This waste is buried if it does not pose a danger to the environment. In case of danger from a sanitary and hygienic point of view, waste can be buried only after preliminary neutralization.

    Almost every type of production and consumption waste has several areas of application, so determining the indicators of economic efficiency of using secondary raw materials is of great economic importance.


    An example of recycling is provided by nature itself: carbon dioxide released by animals is absorbed by plants, which release oxygen necessary for animal respiration.
    In cities with high population density, the environmental situation is deteriorating sharply. The most important problem is not the industrial activity of enterprises, but the waste resulting from the processing of substances. The problem is waste disposal.

    Stage 3. Ways to resolve the problem.

    Quite a lot of waste disposal methods have already been created. Here are some of them:

    1. Method for obtaining complex fertilizer
    2. Method for recycling galvanic sludge
    3. Method for processing oil sludge
    4. Method for recycling sheet metal production waste
    5. Method for recycling industrial electrical equipment with PCB filling.

    The main methods of waste disposal are burial in specially equipped landfills and incineration. In addition, in world practice, biotechnology is used to process waste to produce fertilizers (composting), biogas or biofuel, as well as waste sorting with subsequent direct reuse, or pressing and use in construction, or with further processing into secondary raw materials or with for the purpose of extracting valuable components.

    Conclusion: I think that the problem of protecting the environment and public health comes first, and not the money that businesses could save by using free industrial waste instead of expensive natural raw materials.

    Stage 4. Options for using plastic bottles in everyday life.

    1. To equip a place for a glacier.

    In summer, you can equip a glacier in a shallow pit by placing several

    Dozens of plastic bottles. The water in these bottles is first frozen.

    Such a glacier keeps cold for more than a week.

    2. Laying out the border of flower beds.

    We cut off the neck of all bottles. We paint bottles in different colors with enamel paint

    And after it dries, we stick it into the ground upside down.

    3. From plastic bottles with a capacity of more than 5 liters you can make an outdoor

    Washbasin, i.e. washbasin for washing outdoors (at dachas, in the garden, in the garage and

    Etc.). Cut off the bottom of the bottle, make a hole in the cap the diameter of the nail

    (better no. 200). Preparing a nail for the washbasin spout - cutting it out to fit the nail head

    Make a circle from an old tire; attach a nut or other heavy object to the other end of the nail.

    Subject, when we insert the nail into the washbasin as follows:

    4. By cutting off the bottom of a plastic bottle and cutting a hole in this part, you can get a candlestick.

    by technology

    “The use of recycled materials in everyday life. Sketch development"

    Target: give students knowledge about recycled materials and their use in interior decoration, teach them to develop a sketch of a product.

    Tasks :

      introduce students to the types of recycled materials, additional materials, and environmental requirements;

      to cultivate aesthetic taste, interest in the subject of technology and decorative and applied arts;

      developing the ability to develop a sketch of a product, work according to a diagram, and apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

      develop imagination, accuracy, and ability to collaborate in groups;

    Subject results:

    Know: types of plastics, select them according to their intended purpose

    Be able to: develop a sketch.

    Lesson type: learning new material

    Forms of student work: frontal, group, practical.

    Required technical equipment: multimedia projector, screen, diagrams of practical work for working in groups, 2 DVD disks, 6 sheets of A4 colored paper, “Master” glue, office glue, buttons – 20 pieces, wire, corrugated paper, whatman paper or cardboard, cotton pads, paints “ gouache, paint brushes, newspaper,

    Time: 90 minutes (2 lessons)

    Progress of lesson 1.

      Organizing time.

      The topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Look at the photographs and name the objects that are depicted. (1 slide)

    What else can you call these objects?

    Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the varieties of recycled materials, types of plastics, learn how to develop a sketch of a product, and do practical work using recycled materials.

      Learning a new topic

    Secondary raw materials - materials and products that, after initial full use (wear), can be reused in production as raw materials. (2 slide)

    Recyclable raw materials include: plastic bags, disposable tableware, napkins, discs, cocktail straws, foil, paper and many others.

    Types of secondary raw materials







      construction waste(3 slide)

    From recycled materials, using various arts and crafts techniques, you can make gifts and souvenirs for family and friends.(4 slide)

    One of the types of secondary raw materials is plastic

    Types of plastics and their markings

      polyethylene terephthalate. Letter marking PETE or PET.

    It contains most drinks, vegetable oils, ketchups, spices, and cosmetics.

    Safety. Suitable for one time use ONLY.

      high density polyethylene. Letter marking PE HD.

    It is used to make disposable tableware, food containers, bottles for cosmetics, packaging bags, bags, and toys.

      polyvinyl chloride Letter marking PVC.

    It is used to make window profiles, furniture elements, films for suspended ceilings, pipes, tablecloths, curtains, floor coverings, and containers for technical liquids.

    Safety. Prohibited for food use

      low density polyethylene. Letter marking LDPE or PEBD.

    A cheap and common material from which most bags, garbage bags, CDs, and linoleums are made.

    Safety. Relatively safe for food use

    Plastic bags are not as dangerous to human health as they are dangerous to the ecology of the planet.

      polypropylene. Letter marking PP.

    Durable and heat-resistant plastic from which food containers, food packaging, syringes, and toys are made.

    Safety. Quite safe, but under certain conditions may release formaldehyde.

      polystyrene Letter marking PS.

    Cheap and easy to produce plastic, from which almost all disposable tableware, yogurt cups, trays for meat, fruits and vegetables, food containers, toys, etc. are made.

    Safety. It can release styrene, which is why disposable tableware is called disposable.

      polycarbonate, polyamide and other types of plastics. Letter marking O or OTHER.

    They are used to make bottles for children, toys, water bottles, and packaging.

    Safety. Some plastics from this group are characterized by increased environmental friendliness.(5 slide)

    Ecological significance.

    Any secondary raw material produced by humans must be recycled after use so as not to cause harmful damage to our environment. If all the garbage is not recycled, then the planet may die: trees and plants will not be able to grow on the earth, water will become unfit for drinking. (6 slide)

      Practical work.

    Now we will make a flower from a napkin.

    For work we will need:

    1. paper napkins of different colors

    2. scissors

    3. corrugated paper

    4. felt-tip pen

    5. thin wire and threads.

    .(7 slide)

      First, fold the paper napkin like an accordion.

    .(8 slide)

      We tie it in the middle with a thread and make a knot.

    .(9 slide)

      We outline the edges of the accordion with a semi-oval on both sides and cut along the outlined one.

    .(10 slide)

      Fold the accordion in half and press firmly.

    .(11 slide)

      First straighten the 2 halves.

    .(12 slide)

      Then straighten each layer of napkin.

    .(13 slide)

      We thread a bendable wire for the stem through the middle of the thread and wrap it with corrugated paper.

    .(14 slide)

    So our chrysanthemum is ready.

    Reinforcing the material learned

    What are secondary raw materials?

    What are the items that we can call secondary raw materials?

    Name the items that are made from plastic?

    What is the environmental significance of recycled materials?

    Lesson progress 2.

      Organizing time.

      The topic and purpose of the lesson.

    In this lesson, you and I will learn to develop a sketch of a product, and in the next lesson, using your sketch, we will make a plastic product. We will also do practical work in groups.

      Study material.

    Sketch - A preliminary, unfinished drawing, outline..(15 slide)

    Sketches include drawings intended for one-time use in production. The image of an object in a sketch is performed according to the rules of rectangular projection, but by hand, observing the proportions between the parts of the depicted object by eye.

    Designers use sketches when designing new machines, etc. Sketches are used when repairing equipment, when a new one needs to be made to replace a failed part. Then a sketch of the part is taken from nature.

    Sketches must be made in accordance with ESKD standards for drawings. The lines in the sketch should be smooth and clear. All inscriptions are made in drawing font.

    Sketches are usually made on checkered paper. It's more convenient and faster. Make sketches with a soft pencil (M or 2M).

    The sequence of drawing up a sketch is analyzed according to the table, which provides a detailed explanation:

      choose a format, mark locations for views, and if the part is symmetrical, draw the axes of symmetry.

      outline the views of the part with thin lines, carefully observing the proportionality of the parts of the object and the projection relationship.

      After making sure that the images are correct, remove all unnecessary lines.

      draw extension and dimension lines.

      measure the part and put down the size numbers. Trace the sketch

    Now let's try to develop a sketch of a flower . (show on the board)

    completion of the sketch by students.

      Practical work.

    Now I will distribute you into groups. Each group must make a work from recycled materials using a diagram.

    Group 1: Alieva S., Gaffarov M., Mustafaev L. Ismailov M – dandelion made from buttons.

    Group 2: Stepanov A, Pantyukhov S., Kahramanov M, Makhramova A. – Christmas tree made of cotton pads

    Group 3: Antipina Yu, Krivtsov N., Ischuk E., Ermilova V - sunshine

    Group 4: Korneev E., Alieva A., Perepelitsyna E, Danilova T. – hot stand

    (help and correction of work)

      Evaluation and analysis of work.

      Consolidation of the studied material.

    What is a sketch?

    7. Homework: plastic bottles, scissors, sketch.

    Production and consumption volumes are constantly increasing. At the same time, landfills are rapidly growing around cities, poisoning the land, water and air. In this regard, the problem of waste disposal is becoming increasingly acute. If waste recycling is not established, soon there will be no fertile soil left around cities. It will be replaced by toxic garbage fields.

    Recyclable waste is not only household waste. These include production waste: metal, paper, plastic and textile recyclables. The issue of recycling plastic waste is particularly acute. Other types of secondary raw materials are at least capable of decomposing in natural conditions into relatively safe components. But plastic takes more than 100 years to decompose.

    The main task of processing secondary raw materials is to minimize the impact of waste on the environment. Unfortunately, in our country the recycling and recycling market is poorly developed. There are many reasons for this.

    The most obvious one is the lack of technology. But in fact, our country has had these technologies for a long time. It’s just that the profitability of processing secondary resources is still minimal. Companies refuse to do this work because it is not profitable.

    However, in recent years the situation has begun to change for the better. More and more manufacturers see household waste as the basis for obtaining inexpensive raw materials, which can later be used in production.

    The most valuable are:

    Processing of secondary resources makes it possible not only to obtain the latest materials for construction, organic fertilizers used in agriculture, but also thermal energy that can be used to heat buildings.

    There are the following waste groups:

    To ensure conditions for further disposal, waste must be properly sorted. Division into classes allows you to reduce costs and increase the profitability of processing.

    Conversion methods

    In the press, all waste is usually called secondary raw materials. This is imprecise terminology. Not all waste can be reused. There are certain groups of waste that are more expedient to use to generate thermal energy. They should be called secondary energy raw materials.

    Only those materials that can be put into circulation after processing should be classified as secondary raw materials. For example, after recycling, waste paper cannot be used to make toilet paper or produce books, but it is suitable for creating environmentally friendly packaging.

    Natural recycling

    It's about composting. This method has been used for a very long time. It looks like this: a large pit is dug into which organic waste is dumped. The top of the burial is covered with earth. After the waste has decomposed, it is dug up again and the resulting compost is used for agricultural purposes.

    This method was recently modified. Engineers have designed installations that make it possible to heat garbage located underground. Excessive temperature increases the rate of decomposition and increases the release of biogas. The latter can be collected and successfully used as fuel.

    Companies are emerging all over the world that are actively producing mobile stations for processing biological waste. Their products are used in agriculture and cottage settlements. But they are not suitable for large urban settlements, since maintaining the equipment is unprofitable.

    The natural processing method is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The fact is that the bulk of the loaded waste also contains inorganic waste. They do not rot and gradually accumulate.

    This method refers to the disposal of solid waste. It is great for neutralizing dangerous organics that may be found on solid waste. After treatment by fire, the resulting waste is buried or disposed of.

    Thermal afterburning produces electricity and heat, which is usually used to service the recycling plant. The latter are located next to large landfills near large cities.

    Thermal recycling can be direct or pyrolysis. In the first case, the enterprise receives useful thermal energy used for heating in the heating system. In the second case, liquid and gaseous fuel can be produced at the plant.

    Unfortunately, the operation of such a plant cannot be called environmentally friendly. It emits a huge amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The filters used are unable to radically change the negative impact on the environment.

    To burn medical waste, special furnaces are used, equipped with special gas purification systems.

    This technology is considered the most promising. Disposal takes place in 3 stages:

    • The waste received at the plant is thoroughly ground and placed under a press, where it is turned into granules. If necessary, the raw materials undergo additional drying.
    • The resulting mass is sent to the furnace, where under the influence of a plasma flow it turns into gas.
    • To prevent the resulting gas from immediately flaring up, an oxidizing agent is added to the reactor.

    The resulting product is very similar to natural gas, but its energy value is much lower. It is pumped into special containers and sent to the consumer. It serves as a good fuel for turbines, heating boilers and electric generators.

    This processing method has already gained popularity in the USA and Canada. In Europe, this technology is just beginning to be introduced, but there are plans for its widespread use. Such equipment is not supplied to Russia.

    Processing of such resources allows you to get new household and production items. These include glass, plastic, metal, paper and petroleum products.

    Metal waste is separated during processing using separation. Ferrous metal is removed from the total mass using magnets. It is then pressed into bags. The latter are later sent for further smelting.

    Broken glass and bottles are carefully sorted, cleaned and dried. After thorough grinding, they are heated in special equipment. The output is technical glass, which builders can use for their own purposes.

    Particular attention is paid to recycling waste paper. The fact is that during the production of paper at pulp mills, chemically hazardous reagents are used. Despite all protective measures, they inevitably end up in the environment and poison everyone. In addition, paper production requires one of the most valuable resources on the planet - wood.

    The use of recycled materials allows you to save wood and minimize the negative impact of pulp mills on the environment.

    Unfortunately, in our country, paper ends up in a landfill among other household waste. It is impossible to single it out. It is excluded from further circulation. The only solution to this problem is separate collection of household waste.

    The situation is even worse with polymers. Their reuse involves some difficulties. In particular, raw materials are usually dirty and not of the quality required to produce new products. To eliminate the shortcomings you need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of money. Therefore, polymer products are easier to produce from pure primary raw materials.

    However, polymer recyclables are excellent for the production of building materials, but only if such products are not subject to too high environmental requirements.

    Rare chemical elements and precious materials are obtained from old electronics after recycling. Metals such as silver, gold, platinum, palladium, and nickel are distinguished. The sorted residues are subsequently burned.

    Sorting of solid waste allows them to be reused after appropriate sanitary treatment with minor environmental losses and relatively low economic costs. Preliminary sorting of solid waste, which determines the efficiency of processing and the cost recovery of construction of processing facilities, is a necessary requirement for the environmental safety of solid waste disposal.

    Practice shows that when recycling waste, in addition to reducing the consumption of raw materials, we get significant savings in electricity, that is, in fuel for its production. Cleaning a bottle requires much less energy than melting it and making a new bottle from the resulting material. A study was conducted in Finland that showed that when a glass bottle with a capacity of 0.34 liters is reused ten times, the energy consumption is 24% of the energy consumption of the same disposable glass containers made from recycled materials and about 16% of the energy costs of these containers made from primary material. To ensure return, the packaging must have a high deposit value.

    Further, paper and textile waste paper is a good recyclable material in paper production, helping to reduce deforestation: 1 million tons of waste paper saves 60 hectares of forest from deforestation. From 120-130 tons of tin cans you can get 1 ton of tin. This is equivalent to mining and processing 400 tons of ore, not counting other costs and preserving the natural environment.

    Household glass cullet can be reused either as a raw material or as a filler in some building materials in the glass industry.

    Sorted plastic is an excellent raw material for the production of building structures such as fencing and railings.

    There are a huge number of similar examples. The main difficulty in sorting to obtain secondary raw materials is that similar waste may contain different components. A waste sorting system must be established both at the point of its occurrence (that is, in residents’ homes), and after collection and removal. In the first case, it is necessary to have special containers for collecting various types of waste and active environmental consciousness of citizens. Containers filled with sorted waste must be delivered to special re-control sorting stations. The waste must then be sent for recycling, incineration or landfill. This is the case in the developed countries of Western Europe and Japan, where, due to high population density, they were the first to encounter the damage caused by waste dumps to the environment, and promptly realized the importance of the problem of waste disposal.

    Of course, the equipment of control sorting stations is very expensive, and the operating and maintenance costs are also high, but these costs are offset by preserving the environment and our health. But besides financial problems, there is another - even more important - lack of awareness of citizens in the matter of waste disposal, because no one can be forced to sort their waste and send it to processing stations. So serious measures are also necessary in the field of promoting environmental awareness of the population, only then will economically efficient recycling of household waste become possible.