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» Peruvian humanoid mummy. Scientists: three-toed "alien mummies" from Peru turned out to be real. Other reports of finds in Peru

Peruvian humanoid mummy. Scientists: three-toed "alien mummies" from Peru turned out to be real. Other reports of finds in Peru

Last week the internet was buzzing with the discovery of a mummy "alien" near the Nazca lines. However, let's be clear right away: this "discovery" has all the signs of a hoax, and not a very good one at that.

Evidence of alien origin?

The mummy covered with white powder was called the "alien" because the "creature" found had six fingers and toes each. In addition, the elongated skull of the mummy has also been perceived as some kind of mysterious sign, despite the fact that such burial practice was quite common in the pre-Columbian era in Peru.

The "discovery" of the mummy was first announced by, a website that describes itself as a skeptical portal against "conventional wisdom" (most often evidence and logic). A series of videos related to this "find" is filled with questions about what this creature could be. Also, the authors of the videos conclude that the “find” is clearly of extraterrestrial origin.

mummy DNA

“From the DNA sample, we were able to determine that this is a woman who was named Maria, since the mummy lacks a Y chromosome,” Mikhail Aseev, head of the genetic analysis department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, commented in the video.

It is worth explaining the previous paragraph in more detail. If a team of scientists was really able to extract and analyze DNA, and even find out that the mummy belongs to a woman, then she can just as well determine whether this creature was a person or not. And let me assure you, if researchers do find alien DNA, they won't announce it through a dodgy site called Mysterio.

Also, a quick Google search reveals that Mikhail Aseev has nothing to do with the Russian Academy of Sciences or the Institute of Molecular Genetics.

Hoax lovers

If all this information did not convince you, then you should tell about one more important fact. It turns out that the three members of the "expedition" who found the mummy have already been involved in the creation of hoaxes in order to earn money more than once. For example, Jamie Maussan and Jesus Zalche Benitez in 2015 announced another "alien" mummy, which actually belonged to an ordinary child. Information about this mummy appeared in non-commercial source called Be Witness.

The third member of the team of scientists, Dr. Konstantin Kototkov, who also claims that the mummy from Peru belongs to an alien creature, has previously claimed that he has a camera that can photograph souls.

Mummification technique

The last point that many Internet users have noticed concerns the mummification technique. Real mummies found by scientists usually look leathery (after all, their skin dries out during the mummification process), while a recent find is very similar to plaster sculpture with tightly fitting fingers attached to it.

This "discovery" has more red flags than a rodeo, so it's highly unlikely that it will be the first evidence of aliens.

This statement was made by Dr. Edson Vivanco, a skeletal specialist who is part of the Peruvian mummies research team.

The 1,700-year-old Nazca mummies found in the South American country are the remains of "non-human beings" according to scientists' findings.

While other scientists believe that the famous mummies are fake, Vivanco claims that there are many details that confirm the "reality of the bodies."

Independent scientists who looked at x-rays of the hand concluded that it was recreated using human finger bones from multiple hands.

“Only three fingers with five phalanges. This caught our attention and we decided to start our own investigation to determine if it was real or fake. I think it's very important to test this regardless of the outcome." - Edson Vivanco

One set of mummy DNA test results showed the remains were 100 percent human, while other results were not.

“I was invited to join the investigation to get my medical opinion to confirm the reality of the bodies, or evidence of fraud.

There are many details that show that the bodies are real. For example, the reconstruction of a skull with such characteristics is very difficult task. And if they turn out to be fake, I'll be the first to report it.

We are currently continuing our research. And so far, we haven't found anything to suggest that it's a scam or that the bodies have been modified or altered in any way." - Edson Vivanco

The researchers also claim that the results of carbon samples date the remains to 245-410 AD. But most doubted the veracity of the material, since the remains look more like a plaster statue or a cardboard figure.

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By chance, Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at the St. Petersburg National research university information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO University). The professor was lecturing in the US at the time, and the head of the Gaia film studio who was assigned to shoot in Peru turned out to be his friend and offered to join the trip.

In addition to three long non-human fingers and toes, the mummy had a skull elongated from birth without ears. Instead of ears, just holes. Mr. Korotkov also got tissue samples, the rest were taken by foreign experts.

The humanoid has an elongated skull, but not artificially drawn, but natural origin. Photo:

The age was determined in the United States by radiocarbon dating - about 1800 years.

Upon arrival in Russia, the professor engaged in vigorous activity in order to study the samples. To do this, we had to connect several laboratories in St. Petersburg. In one, DNA analysis was performed, radiographs and tomograms were studied in the other, chemical analysis- in the third.

So the results are:
- genetic analysis: DNA belongs to a female person. Then the name appeared - Mary, but what else;
- chemical analysis: the elemental composition of tissues corresponds to the human, which is understandable.

But in the skin, the content of cadmium chloride is increased - a substance obtained artificially and having bactericidal properties. That is, those who rubbed Maria with an antiseptic were well versed in chemistry and medicine. In addition, the mummy was sprinkled with white powder in excess - the whole cave was also sprinkled with this powder, very finely ground diatomite. In nature, diatomite is a mineral, the calcified remains of blue-green algae, so advanced technology is required for grinding.

The appearance of the mummy is clearly different from the human, especially the fingers, which you immediately pay attention to. According to Korotkov (source)
“- Maria also clicked with her toes, ....They preserved nail plates, which are not located horizontally, like ours, but vertically, resembling the claws of an animal. They must have made sounds as they walked."

Mary was not left alone. The black archaeologist, Mr. Maussan, brought another mummy, claiming that he had found it in the same cave.

Both Vavita (on the left) and Maria had three fingers. Clearly they were the same species. Photo:

The second mummy is a copy of the first, only much smaller. According to scientists, this is a girl who died at the age of 9-10 months. They named her Vavita. She did not die herself, she was killed - pierced through with a spear or knife.

It will be possible to determine who is in front of us only after the complete decoding of the mummies' genome. Then it will be possible to determine what species Maria and Vavita belong to: Homo sapiens, Neanderthal or Denisovan. Or maybe they don't belong to anyone. Maybe they are aliens?

On the rocks of Peru you can find images of three-toed creatures. Photo:

In an interview on February 9 this year, Professor Korotkov said that four new mummies had recently been found in the same cave. " They were allegedly found in the same cave as Maria and Vavita. But for some reason, from the American laboratories in which radiocarbon analyzes were carried out, they came different results. According to one, these mummies are about 6500 years old, the other gave about 4000 years. It turns out that they are at least twice as old as their neighbors.”

The mummies belong to creatures 70 cm tall and resemble "little green men".
“- Little mummies have two arms, two legs, heads, eyes, mouths ... Skeletons are visible on the tomograms. Body tissues are biological, according to chemical composition- human. And the DNA of human mummies is 23 pairs of chromosomes. All four - males - are carriers of the male Y-chromosome. One word - people. But they are not people. The anatomical structure is completely different.- continues to tell K. Korotkov.

The bones of the limbs are not paired, as we have, but single, the joints bend only in one plane. Three fingers on the hands and feet, elongated skulls. There is no nasal cavity, weakly expressed superciliary arches, the lower jaws are motionless - they could not chew, only suck.

The "face" of a 70-centimeter humanoid is a spitting image of an alien. Photo:

In the preliminary report, Konstantin Korotkov noted other oddities: “ … there are no intervertebral discs. The vertebrae are fused into a single vertebral column. But there are intervertebral foramens. The sternum is absent. Large clavicles are interconnected. The chest in the upper section is keeled, represented by a few ribs, having the shape of a semicircle ...«

It seems that Maria and Vavita are the descendants of these "little men". According to Korotkov
“- Almost all the predecessors died as a result of some kind of cataclysm such as a flood or a comet impact, .... A small number of survivors met with the ancestors of people - wild tribes, began to teach them crafts, agriculture. They started to cross. And they themselves were three-toed. This genetic trait may have manifested itself in later generations."

Or maybe quite the opposite? They only interbred with themselves, and so they died out.