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» Paris walking tour for 1 day. Paris in one day: from Notre Dame de Paris to the Eiffel Tower. From the Louvre to the Arc de Triomphe

Paris walking tour for 1 day. Paris in one day: from Notre Dame de Paris to the Eiffel Tower. From the Louvre to the Arc de Triomphe

If you have only one day in the beautiful city of Paris, and there is absolutely no time to think about moving around the city, then we offer you a ready-made itinerary in paris 7 km long, which starts from the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris and ends at the Eiffel Tower.

A map is included with the itinerary. which you can download, print and take on a trip.

Paris itinerary map

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Well, now about what 8 main Parisian attractions we invite you to take a look.

Notre Dame Cathedral - Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral, like all the main attractions of Paris, is given to tourists. If you decide to climb the 69-meter tower of the cathedral and walk between the famous chimera heads, then you really have to be patient.
If you want to visit only the inner part of the cathedral, then you won’t have to wait long - the line moves pretty quickly. Once inside, you will be generously rewarded for your patience: the altar, Gothic stained glass windows and chapels will give you an amazing sense of peace. After leaving the Cathedral, go around it in a circle to see the magnificent side facade. After that, you will definitely want to read or re-read great romance Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral"

Seine embankment


Take a look at the building of the oldest university in France - the Sorbonne. The college was founded in 1257 by Robert de Sorbon, and already in the 14th century more than 10,000 Parisians studied there. Today, the square in front of the university is full of students - they dine at street tables and on the fountain's parapet. Here you begin to feel the atmosphere of the student Latin Quarter, where at every step there are cheap restaurants and endless stalls with street sweet pancakes with delicious crêpes or buckwheat pancakes with hearty filling galettes.

Luxembourg Gardens (Jardin du Luxembourg)

The Luxembourg Gardens was sung by all the great French from Baudelaire to Varlin. Real Parisian life is in full swing here: children run along curved paths past English lawns and let models of sailboats in the local pond, students sit on benches with notes or roller-skate, pensioners play petanque, and on Sundays a brass band gives concerts. The central part with the pool is surrounded by statues of the queens of France, and the main property of the garden is Luxembourg Palace (Palais du Luxembourg) built by order of Marie de Medici. If you wish, you can look at Museum Luxembourg Palace(Musee du Luxembourg) where good exhibitions are held.


210 meters Montparnasse Tower (Tour Montparnasse) causes very conflicting opinions both among the Parisians themselves and among the guests of the city. Indeed, the big black tower does not fit into the architecture of the city at all, so after its appearance in 1970, residents forced the city authorities to impose restrictions on high-rise buildings. But with observation deck on the 59th floor of the Tower, a breathtaking view of the city opens up, as long as the weather is clear. Or you can sit in a bar a little lower - on the 56th floor, the view from there is also not bad.

Champ de Mars

You can relax and have a picnic with a sandwich in a French baguette, like the locals, on the Champ de Mars. In 1833, the field was used as a hippodrome, and in 1889 the pavilions of the World Exhibition were located here. Standing here since 2000 wall of the world (Mur pour la Paix) - glass installation, which depicts the word "Peace" in many languages.

Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel)

The light and graceful Eiffel Tower, which has forever become the main symbol of Paris, was built by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 World Exhibition. For a long time, the Parisians had a fierce debate about the fate of the tower: someone considered it delightful, someone considered it a terrible monster. When the Tower was already threatened with demolition, Eiffel came up with her practical use: a radio station and a meteorological laboratory were opened at the top, and later a television antenna was installed. At the foot you can buy cheap souvenirs - small copies of Eiffel's creations in the form of key rings. Be sure to bargain, sometimes prices can be reduced several times. If you wish, you can climb the tower itself, just in the evening it is most pleasant to do it. From the very center, queues go to four pillars: from three pillars you will go up in an elevator, but the fourth elevator is reserved for a restaurant Jules Verne, so you have to walk up the stairs, but the entrance will cost you half the price. From 10 pm the Tower is lit up every hour for 5 minutes, don't miss it.

Trocadero (Trocadero)

The best view of the Eiffel Tower opens from a semicircular PTrocadéro horses (place du Trocadéro) , the best end of the walk and not think of. Here the Tower appears in all its glory and grandeur, so far away, but at the same time so close. The Trocadero Ensemble was planned for the 1937 World's Fair, where, as an omen, terrible war the Soviet pavilion with "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" stood directly opposite the German pavilion with a giant eagle with a swastika. The main building of the ensemble Dthe Chaillot (Palais de Chaillot) – built in the best traditions of late Art Deco. Today, the palace houses the Chaillot Theater (Théâtre National de Chaillot) and three museums: Naval (Musée de la Marine), Architectural (Сité de l'architecture et du patrimoine) and Anthropological (Musée de l'Homme). The latter will open after reconstruction only in 2015, but a wonderful Café de l'Homme restaurant with a magnificent view of the Eiffel Tower. It is here that you can once again take a look main character Paris and make a wish to definitely return to this delightful city, which you fall in love with, maybe not at first sight, but definitely forever.

What can you see in Paris in one day? Only what you really want to see. If you really try, then in a day you can walk around almost the entire city center and almost without haste enjoy the wonderful architecture and views of this extraordinary city. Which is exactly what we did.

I suggest that you go with me on a one-day photo tour of Paris. Today we will walk from Place de la Bastille to Notre Dame de Paris, and along the Seine embankment and bridges we will reach the Louvre and the Tuileries Garden.

The route of our walk can be seen on this map, it ran along the embankment of the Seine River. The starting point of the walk was Place de la Bastille, where our Hotel Jules Cesar, the end point of our transition was the Eiffel Tower, as the most Parisian of all Parisian sights (whatever the French themselves would say about it).

Based on this map, we walked from East to West, from Place de la Bastille (where we stayed nearby at the Julius Caesar Hotel) to eiffel tower which is hard not to recognize.

We walked along the banks of the river Seine. Because any hiker will confirm that if you walk along the river, you will never get lost.
On the map, it seems that this is completely little walk, but in fact, it's all far away. Especially if you're sick. But I think I already complained enough about this in the previous post, where ...)

So what, Go? ;)

Whether you want to just walk around the city, or see all the main sights of Paris at once - go along the Seine embankment and, firstly, you won’t get lost, and secondly, you will see the most beautiful bridges and all the main architectural monuments and museums of this city, and secondly, thirdly, you can buy souvenirs that are sold here in the legendary bookstores of Paris, located on the Seine embankment for several centuries in a row.

Let's walk along Apricot

Let's turn to Vinogradnaya

And on a shady street I'll stand in the shade...)

Parisian doors are very picturesque and worthy of even a separate post, in my opinion.

I'll show you two

Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris)

We were walking, so we were walking around the island of Cité, and then suddenly a small park appeared Les Cloches notreDame de Paris from where you can climb the bell tower of this cathedral.

We approached the Notre Dame Cathedral "from the rear", but even from this point it was impossible not to recognize it.

If you go here by subway, then for a landmark - this is line 4, Cite station.

Cafe Esmeralda is located across the street from the entrance to the bell tower.

It would be strange if the heroes of Victor Hugo, who glorified this Gothic cathedral for centuries, were not reflected in local tourism marketing.

I just can't get used to these living sculptures. I already jumped a couple of meters when this "concrete" statue stirred 8)

Notre Dame Cathedral is an impressive building in every sense. Just imagine that this building was built without the use of modern construction equipment and without, at the time of construction, prototypes of the same level of complexity and beauty.

It seems surprising to me that today, with such a historical background and the development of architecture and building skills, the presence wide range most modern materials- not a single building today reaches such a level of architecture, which demonstrates Notre Dame Cathedral or the same towers of the Moscow Kremlin.

It's weird and a little annoying. Maybe I'm wrong? Remind me what I missed in modern architecture? (I don’t consider the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona to be modern, although construction is still going on there).

I will show you a little bit of Notre Dame de Paris with its gargoyles-gutters on the facade, from not the most standard angles for it.

The Gothic architecture of the cathedral looks impressive, you can turn your neck to properly consider all its countless details and small elements, each of which contains some meaning or even a whole story.

For example, what I know is an image doomsday above the entrance to notreDame de Paris:

Notre Dame de Paris opening hours

Mon-Fri: from 9:30 to 18:00
Sat-Sun: from 9:00 to 18:00

By the way, they plan to launch an online store in 2016. Chchodki nnada? :)

The queues at the ticket office and at the entrance to Notre Dame de Paris are simply intimidating, as, indeed, everywhere in places of this level of tourist significance throughout Europe.
On my last visit here, it was much easier to get inside, this time we didn’t even try. Because with this format of visiting, it would take a whole day for just one Notre Dame Cathedral.

A little secret - if you plan to visit this cathedral or almost any place popular with tourists - go straight to the opening, use the experience of our Soviet pensioners who come to the local doctor an hour before the start of his work and create a stampede in front of his office shouting: “You are here didn’t stand!”

I'm kidding, of course. But in general, yes, while bourgeois and Chinese tourists are napping, it’s better not to yawn and go to museums early.

By the way, be careful, in such crowded tourist places there are a lot of rabble, such as beggars, pickpockets and scammers. Especially do not open the mitten, in general ...)

And I still can't get used to European cycle rickshaws.

Somehow, a stable stereotype formed in my head that rickshaws are some kind of beggars, emaciated, dried up from hunger and the sun, Chinese or Indians, using their last strength to ride “fat white gentlemen”, and they still shout at them and beat with a stick if they suddenly stumble and fall, or if they don't run fast enough.

But the world has been turned upside down. Now any Chinese can hire white man and he will roll him around Paris like some beggar Vietnamese.

Quite a popular mode of transport among tourists, although very expensive.

To help you navigate - here are the prices for European cycle rickshaws for typical routes in Paris

Palace-Prison of the Conciengeri

Behind me is the Palace of Justice with the turrets of the Conciergerie Prison Palace, which was once a royal residence, but has been known for much longer as a very harsh prison that kept dangerous criminals.
It is located right there, on the Island of the City. The building itself is a whole complex of structures built from the 13th to the 20th centuries.

It was here that the main political criminals of France were tried and kept since the 14th century. Among the well-known names of the Conciergerie prisoners are the writer Emile Zola, the legendary spy Mata Hari, and the revolutionary Maximilian Robespierre.

In general, at the time french revolution the well-known prosecutor Fouquet-Tinville sentenced more than 2,700 people to death in just two years of his work in this position.

Three towers of the Conciergerie have survived from medieval times: Caesar, named after the Roman emperor; the Silver Tower, which kept the royal treasures; and Bonbec (fr. Bonbec - “good beak”), which received this name due to the fact that there were torture chambers in it, and the “singing” of the victims could be heard from there.

Immediately in the 18th century, the revolutionary tribunal imprisoned and sentenced Queen Marie Antoinette to death.

She turned out to be too frivolous and offered the hungry people to eat cakes if they suddenly did not have bread. But the French people turned out to be completely without humor and answered it with revolutionary terror.

Marie Antoinette's revenge for these royal jokes of hers was quite insidious and cruel - all these fictitious pretexts for execution and, in general, all this trial of her, were monstrous.

In this building, by the way, the court and the procurator are still located, there is also a museum for tourists to visit.

Address: 1 Quai de l'Horloge, 75001 Paris, France

You can get here by metro to Cite station or a short walk from Notre Dame de Paris or from the Louvre.

Bookstores on the banks of the Seine

And again we go along the Seine embankment. It's almost 6 pm and second-hand bookshops are curtailing their work.

These stalls are notable for the fact that they first appeared in Paris as early as the 16th century. At first they laid out their goods right on the sidewalk, some walked with stalls around their necks (analogous to our peddlers).

It was the second-hand booksellers who at all times were the source of distribution of illegal literature, cartoons, newspapers and the first pornographic cards.

It is not surprising that the city authorities tried for a long time to fight this spontaneous trade, for example, the royal decree of June 27, 1577 equated street booksellers with thieves and buyers of stolen goods.

The booksellers were also involved in selling the work of young artists, thus helping them to earn a living and contributing to their popularity. Even now, here you can get acquainted with the work of young artists.

The stormy activity of Prefect Haussmann in the reconstruction of Paris created a threat to the second-hand bookseller's profession, but a decree of October 10, 1857 took them under protection. The first census of book dealers was carried out in 1857. A total of 68 booksellers were then registered: two on the island of Cite, eleven on the right bank, the rest on the left bank, with thirty-five second-hand booksellers (more than half) concentrated on the Conti, Malaque and Voltaire embankments.

I won’t get to Montmartre in any way, so I don’t know how much the assortment and prices differ from those here, but most likely everything will be the same everywhere.
By the end of the work, the sellers are much more accommodating and you can even bargain a little with them.

"Those same" vintage pornographic cards:


And we go further, turning to the right, and after walking a few more tens of meters, we run into the Louvre. The museum of all museums and the palace of all palaces. For which not only a whole day will not be enough, but it is quite possible to spend several days within its walls.
Naturally, we did not get inside this time either, but if you are interested, you can read my past and even look at my photo against the background of Venus de Milo. 8)

Opposite the Louvre, on Rue Rivoli, there are a lot of souvenir shops and shops with goods varying degrees need.

And there are also huge cosmetic stores, Benlux and Marionnaud.
But alas, the stores were closed and I didn’t buy anything at all this time. That was really embarrassing!

Maccafe in Paris

And although it was summer in Paris and it was June, it was very cold and I really wanted to eat, or rather even drink, or more precisely, pour boiling water into myself in order to somehow warm up.
McDonald's and Starbucks were perhaps the most budget options for a quick bite to eat in the center of Paris. From the local fast food aesthetics - real and quite tasty macarons and a common toilet for men and women in McDuck, which I

There was no time to sit, so after swallowing tea and cake, we went further to the Tuileries Park.
Golden statue of Joan of Arc on Pyramid Square, I cheered up a little, it’s still more fun to realize that I wasn’t the only one who had to overcome difficulties in this life. Even if they are the ones that I created for myself, going on this too short trip 8)

And showed those wonderful statues that are located here. But why not repeat?

Windrower, of course, this time was noble. Mistral.

Parisians and guests of Paris, just like a few years ago, sat around this artificial pond on which all the same ducks swam.
True, this time no one let the boats in, perhaps because of that same mistral.

Well, well, I’m not Joan of Arc, I’ll sit, rest and interrupt my post at this moment, otherwise this photo story of mine turned out to be very long and oversaturated with Parisian beauties.

Next time we will go with you from the Tuileries Garden to the Eiffel Tower itself. The beauties that we will see along the way will be no less impressive and very unusual - there you will have bridges and some building completely overgrown with grass and Petrosyan's restaurant, in general, a lot of amazing things.

All parts of my photo story about an independent Parisian summer walk in one day:

"What can I say about Paris, my friend? Paris, oh Paris..."

Most people on Earth consider Paris the most beautiful city. But we love Paris not for this, but for the unique and incomparable Parisian SPIRIT that hovers everywhere in this amazing city. If you are tired of the abundance of famous historical names, when suddenly Sevastopol Boulevard replaces the Latin Quarter, if your legs are buzzing and refuse to take you to the next museum, even the Rodin Museum, just sit down on a step on the Seine embankment and relax. You are in Paris and that says it all. There is no need to run anywhere. Leave the unfortunate Mona Lisa alone. Let the Chinese tourists look at her. You, unlike them, will return here again. Some day. Because this is Paris, and it is impossible not to return here. Traveling to Paris is so easy. It's very easy to come here, but you don't want to leave at all. After Paris, things are always a little different.

Paris in 1 day.

If it so happens that you have only one day in Paris, do not despair.
It is better to come to Paris for a day than not to come to Paris at all.
You can just take the City-Tour loop bus and go around all the main places, getting off where you like and getting on the next bus.
If this is not your method, read on.

For a walking route, you will need comfortable shoes, a carnet (a pack of 10 metro tickets, this is one and a half times cheaper than buying tickets one at a time), endurance and patience.

After a desirable early rise and an indispensable morning coffee with a croissant, you need to take the metro, or, if you live in the Montmartre area, walk to the famous church of Sac-Re-Coeur (A) and look at the city waking up in the morning. You can get off one metro station north of the church (Julws Joffrin or Lamark Caulaincourt) and walk along the upper part of the Montmartre quarter.

From the Sacré Coeur we go down past the famous Moulin Rouge cafe (B), to the luxurious building of the Grand Opera Theater (C) and the Galeries Lafayette department store, and from there to the Louvre (D). From the Louvre, if you wish, you can make a detour towards the Georges Pompidou Center for Contemporary Art (E) to admire the famous futuristic design of the building, appreciate the unusual charm of the surrounding neighborhoods and, if you wish, have a bite to eat in one of the relatively inexpensive cafes and restaurants, which are many along the way from the Louvre to the Pompidou Center.

According to many, including the author of the text, the Seine embankments are the most "Parisian" place in Paris. Here you can and should have a bite to eat with a ready-made salad and a baguette bought on the way. Getting ready to make our way through the crowds of Chinese tourists near Notre Dame, but this is a must.
After enjoying the views and interiors of the legendary Cathedral, we cross the bridge back towards the Louvre, walk along the Seine embankment (G), admire second-hand book stalls, find a descent to the water, a bench and sit silently for half an hour, realizing that we are in Paris...

Realizing that we are in Paris, we get up and slowly stomp to the south, through Latin Quarter to the entrance to the Luxembourg Gardens. On the way you can drink coffee and relax. Do not forget to groan and gasp about the beauty of the surrounding buildings and structures.

Our next goal is the Rodin Museum (I) - the only small museum from the magnificent Parisian galaxy - it is reasonable to visit it with such a shortage of time.
It is better to take the metro after the Luxembourg Gardens and get to the Varenne station, from there it is a 5-minute walk to the museum.

Well, after the Rodin Museum, we move to the Tower (J). We regret to leave behind the magnificent Les Invalides with the tomb of Napoleon. Sometimes you can get to the Eiffel Tower without a special queue. The exception is the height of summer and probably New Year. You can drink a glass of wine on the tower if you have it free places and do not feel sorry for the money.

Among other things, the skyscrapers of the Défense business district are perfectly visible from the tower. This is where we should go, with the last of our strength, to see a completely different Paris - businesslike, but surprisingly French, stylish, cozy and proud.(K)

And as a reward for patience, we are waiting for shopping at champs elysees. (L) Most luxurious street The city, like 5th Avenue in New York, will unexpectedly please with an abundance of not only luxurious, but also inexpensive stores. It's two metro stops from La Defense.

On this our only day in Paris is almost over.
Where to have dinner?
Yes, wherever you want. If the budget allows, it is possible and right on the Champs Elysees. And if it does not allow, then somewhere away from the Seine in a small street where there are no tourist crowds. For our part, we can recommend the Marais quarter with its democratic catering and live music for every taste. If you love jazz, check out the Sunset-Sunside club poster.
Take a glass of wine and drink to your own health - you have overcome the difficult hiking route on your own beautiful city Peace. And it's true, you already want to stay here forever?

The simplest and convenient way to walk around Paris and not miss anything is to use a guide with a GPS system. For example, Paris guide for iPhone: 4 interesting route in Paris (overview + 3 thematic) and 121 attractions! This is more than any paper guide. And most importantly: there are no problems with orientation in the city, as your position is displayed on the map! Just following the route, you can quickly explore the city without getting lost. But even if you walk according to your program, you can easily read about the sights near you.

In addition: transport maps of the city, the best restaurants in the city with photos and menu prices. Display your position on a high resolution map in real time.

And, most importantly, completely offline! No internet and roaming!

2. The main attractions of Paris. Along the Seine.

If you have little time, then you can walk around the city center, seeing only the most: the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Arc de Triomphe, walking along the banks of the Seine, whose architectural ensemble included in .

AND. RER station C - Champ de Mars - Tour Eiffel.
B. Eiffel Tower.
C. Ecole Militaire.
D. .
E. Pont Alexandre III.
F. Notre Dame Cathedral.
G. Louvre and Tuileries Gardens.
H. Place Vendome.
I. Arc de Triomphe.
J. Trocadero.

3. All Paris in 1 day. 21 km.

If you have enough strength, then you can have time to see all of Paris in 1 day. Well, almost all. At least you will see all the most famous and interesting sights of Paris, omitting, perhaps, only the Bastille area and the east of the city.

The start of the route is Arc de Triomphe(/ RER: Charles de Gaulle - Étoile).

A. Arc de Triomphe.
B. Trocadero.
C. Eiffel Tower.
D. Ecole Militaire.
E. .
F. Pont Alexandre III.
G. Musee d'Orsay
I. .
J. Luxembourg Gardens.
K. Pantheon.
L. Notre Dame Cathedral.
M. .
N. Place de la Bastille.
P. Tuileries Gardens and the Louvre.
Q. Vendome Square.

How to spend just one day in a city that even a month is not enough to get to know? What must be seen and what to leave until the next trip? Where to dine, what to photograph, where to climb? A lot of questions, the answers to which are better to find in advance. And we will help you do it!


The writer Guy de Maupassant hated the architectural creation of the Eiffel and always dined at the restaurant on the first level of the tower, because “it was the only place in all the vast Paris from which it was not visible.” But we, on the contrary, want to see one of the highest sights in the world and other beauties of the city, so we climb Montmartre. To do this, you need to overcome several narrow streets, 237 steps, go past Place Tertre (and not succumb to the persuasion of artists to paint our portrait) and freeze ... From thousands of roofs the sun is reflected or everything is gray in the rain - it does not matter, in any case, under the sky of Paris life seems great.


Today, unfortunately, we don’t have time for the Louvre, the Orsay Museum and the Pompidou Center. But the Salvador Dali Museum with its sculptures and engravings - just by the hour. By the way, they are there - the same legendary “soft watch” flowing down from the tree. True, they were made not on canvas, but in metal, but no less beautiful. Salvador himself talks about his work, his voice can be heard from all the speakers of the museum. An audio guide in Russian is also available.


We descend from Montmartre, but we are in no hurry to leave it. To continue, you need to have a hearty lunch. It's not worth saving - this is our only lunch in this city. Let it take place in one of the most famous cafes - “Two Mills” or, as tourists also call it, Amelie's cafe. small and very cozy place 50's style that doesn't get too many visitors, there's always coffee and creme brulee and a big list of more hearty meals. The average check is 12-15 euros, as a bonus - a portrait of Amelie autographed by Audrey Tautou, a traveler dwarf and a beautiful view from the window.


To continue our journey, we need to go down to the Seine. You can do this both by metro and on foot, winding through the old streets of the city. Another symbol is waiting for us by the river French capital- Notre Dame Cathedral. You don’t need to buy a ticket for it, so there is no pandemonium here. For those who want to climb the colonnade, there is a separate entrance, and there is already a kilometer-long queue. Therefore, we’d better go to the cathedral itself and gasp at its size, grandeur and beauty of stained glass windows.


Along the Seine, if you move from Notre Dame towards the Eiffel Tower, shopping arcades stretched out, the prices for souvenirs in which are considered the most democratic. They sell magnets, postcards, calendars with traditional French subjects (there are a lot of Moulin Rouge and Mona Lisa), as well as books in all languages ​​of the world. You can find Nabokov in Russian or Pushkin in French. And also - albums with sketches by artists of the early 20th century or letters from the time of Napoleon, however, you will have to pay a fortune for them.

The park

In the very heart of Paris there is a corner of silence, where only persons of royal blood used to walk - this is the Tuileries Garden. Near small pond chairs are placed for vacationers, and ducks approach those seated without fear and beg for baguettes (by the way, do not forget to buy it in one of the bakeries in Paris). You can walk along the wide alleys to the Louvre, and along the way you can see the Mayol sculptures, the Carousel arch or take a ride on the Ferris wheel.


Of all the bridges in Paris, for some reason this one is loved the most - the bridge Alexander III. Perhaps because it is here that you need to make the most cherished desires, which, according to the French, are 99 percent fulfilled. Or because of the energy of peace and goodness emanating from the bridge, because it was built in honor of the Franco-Russian alliance. In any case, we simply must take a traditional photo in this place.


A walk along the Seine with an audio guide will be the perfect end to the day. We won’t be able to go any further - our legs are buzzing with fatigue, so we sail past palaces and museums, gardens and parks, boutiques and cathedrals. And, of course, past the sparkling Eiffel Tower, which became even more romantic in the dark. We turn on the eternal hits of Edith Piaf - and then it seems that we were transported, like the heroes of the movie "Midnight in Paris", to a completely different time.

It is possible that one cannot fall in love with Paris in one day (although two hours is enough for many), but this time is enough to dream of returning in the future. Well, do we book tickets, fly and choose author's excursions? You will hear true stories from local residents: in two or three hours they will tell you something that is not written in any guidebook. And then you will definitely want to stay in Paris forever!