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» Fried pies with sauerkraut. How to make pies with sauerkraut. Cabbage pies with mushrooms

Fried pies with sauerkraut. How to make pies with sauerkraut. Cabbage pies with mushrooms

Sauerkraut is an excellent filling for pies. Soft and aromatic, it is simply made for baking and makes it so delicious that you simply cannot tear yourself away from it! In addition, this is an excellent option for “disposing” of very sour cabbage.

I am sharing with you my favorite recipe, which is suitable for both fried and baked pies - today we will bake them. The dough is yeast, it can be kneaded with dry or pressed yeast, it always fits well and is very manageable, does not stick to your hands at all and does not tear. And most importantly, pies with sauerkraut in the oven remain soft the next day. Of course, the proposed dough is suitable for pies with any filling, but with sauerkraut they turn out especially tasty. Be sure to try it and this recipe will become your favorite!


For the test

  • flour 400 g
  • milk 200 ml
  • dry yeast 2 tsp.
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • salt 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil 5 tbsp. l.

For filling

  • sauerkraut 400 g
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter 20 g
  • onions 1 pc.
  • carrots 1 pc.
  • tomato paste 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper 1 chip.
  • salt 1 chip.

How to make pies with sauerkraut

  1. Heat the milk to a temperature of 30 degrees. Pour half the milk into a small bowl, dilute the yeast and 1 tsp. Sahara. If using instant or dry active yeast, you will only need 2 tsp. If you breed pressed ones, take 25 grams.

  2. Add salt and the remaining sugar (1.5 tbsp), vegetable oil and egg to the second half of the milk. Stir everything thoroughly with a whisk so that the egg is free of lumps.

  3. Sift the flour, make a hole in the mound and first pour in the diluted yeast, stirring with a spoon. Then add the milk mixture and knead the dough with your hands - if the flour seems not enough, you can add 30-50 grams. The result is a tight but soft bun; when pressed, the dough very slowly regains its shape.

  4. Cover the dough with a waffle towel and place in a warm place. If using instant yeast, 30-40 minutes is enough. If active dry or compressed yeast, you need to wait 1 hour for the dough to rise.

  5. While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Chop the onion into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and rinse the sauerkraut in water if it is too sour. Heat a mixture of vegetable and butter in a frying pan (it will thicken the vegetable juices and the filling will not leak out!), sauté the onion and carrots.

  6. Squeeze the sauerkraut thoroughly with your hands to remove excess liquid. Place it in a frying pan with onions and carrots and fry for 5-7 minutes. Add tomato paste (for color and piquant taste), a little sugar and ground black pepper. Simmer the cabbage over low heat, covered, for 10 minutes.

  7. Knead the dough and divide into 16 parts. Roll each into a circle, place 1 tbsp in the center. l. fillings. Bring the edges of the dough together and pinch (like dumplings).

  8. If you want to make fried pies with sauerkraut, make them and immediately fry them in a large amount of vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes on each side. They turn out very, very tender, tasty and airy.

  9. For baked pies, line a baking sheet with parchment. Place the pies on top, seam side down, leaving a small distance between them. Let it rise in a warm place for about 20-30 minutes.

  10. Then grease with yolk, loosened with a small amount of milk.

  11. Preheat the oven to 200ºC and bake the pies with sauerkraut for 20 minutes.

Serve the rosy pies warm or cold.

Step 1: prepare the ingredients for the filling.

If your family wants pies, but there is simply no time to prepare a completely yeast-based pastry, then we offer you an economical option with an ideal taste and an airy, crispy crust. So, first we prepare the necessary products for the filling, using a sharp kitchen knife to peel the onions and carrots. Rinse them under running cold running water and dry with paper kitchen towels.
Then, one by one, place on a cutting board and chop, chop the onion into cubes up to 1 centimeter in size, and chop the carrots on a fine, medium or coarse grater. Then we put the sauerkraut in a colander, squeeze it out of excess liquid, transfer it to a clean, dry bowl and move on.

Step 2: prepare the filling.

Place a deep frying pan over medium heat and pour about 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into it. As soon as it warms up slightly, add the onions to the fat and fry until approximately translucent. 2–3 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula. Then add carrots to it and cook them together until the latter are soft.

After this, put the cabbage in the frying pan, add a little more vegetable oil, three tablespoons is enough, and simmer the vegetables for 10–15 minutes, constantly loosening so as not to burn. As soon as the resulting mixture acquires a dark beige color with some kind of blush, move the pan aside and cool the finished filling to room temperature.

Step 3: prepare the dough.

Without wasting a minute, we begin to deal with other important components of this yummy. Using the back of a kitchen knife, beat the eggs one at a time and place the yolks and whites into a deep bowl. Pour kefir in there, add a little granulated sugar, salt, and also a teaspoon of baking soda, which does not need to be extinguished, the fermented milk product is an acidic medium, it will do its job.

Then add instant yeast and whisk everything until smooth. Next, using a sieve with a fine mesh, we begin to sift wheat flour, preferably of the highest grade, into the resulting mass.

We act gradually, adding it spoon by spoon, while kneading the dough. When the cutlery stops helping, we transfer the viscous semi-finished flour product to the countertop and continue the process with our hands.

Gradually the dough will become thicker, but you shouldn’t work with it for a long time, it should still remain a little sticky, soft, but not spread out.

As soon as it takes on the desired structure, roll it into a ball, place it in a bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and leave it alone for 10–15 minutes.

Step 4: form pies with sauerkraut.

After the required time, place the slightly risen dough on a floured table, knead it a little, use a metal kitchen spatula to divide it into 2-3 equal parts, take turns rolling each into a sausage with a diameter of 5 centimeters and divide them crosswise into portions 2 centimeters thick.

Dip them thoroughly in flour, form balls and press each one a little with the palm of your hand, so that you get flat cakes with an approximate thickness of 1 to 1.5 centimeters. After this, take one round piece and place a couple of tablespoons of cabbage filling in the middle of it. We connect the edges of the dough, without leaving a single gap, so that we get a boat, and then we form an oval or round slightly flattened pie and place it on the work surface. We mold the rest in the same way until all the necessary products are gone, and proceed to the next, almost final step.

Step 5: fry pies with sauerkraut.

Turn on the burner to a level slightly below medium, place a clean frying pan on it and pour about 250 milliliters of vegetable oil into it. Yes, there should be a lot of fat, as for deep-frying; in any case, it should cover the sculpted products by at least a third. As soon as the oil is well heated, drop the first batch of pies into it and fry them on both sides, about 3-4 minutes on each. When they are browned, use a kitchen spatula to transfer the already aromatic yummy onto a paper towel and leave it on it for a while to absorb excess fat. We also prepare the rest of the pies and then present them to the table on a large flat dish.

Step 6: Serve the pies with sauerkraut.

Pies with sauerkraut are served warm or cold as an excellent addition to a buffet, everyday or party breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner. They do not need any additions, except good company and a cup of their favorite hot drink, for example, tea, coffee, chocolate or whatever they like best. Cook with love and be healthy!
Bon appetit!

If the cabbage is very sour, you should first rinse it, leave it in a colander to drain excess liquid, and then use it for its intended purpose;

An alternative to yeast dough with kefir is traditional yeast dough, prepared in milk according to all the rules of infusion;

Very often, cabbage is stewed with the addition of tomato paste and fresh herbs: dill, parsley or cilantro;

Such pies can be baked in an oven heated to 190–200 degrees Celsius for 20–25 minutes.

Well, who doesn't love homemade pies? Even those who don't eat them love them! As children, we all ate pies made by our grandmothers and mothers, and it was delicious and cozy for us. There are a great many options for dough and filling, let's make some delicious fried pies with sauerkraut in a frying pan today.

You can use your favorite dough, I am forever in love with. It is prepared quickly and simply, from available products. Its pies turn out fluffy and very tasty. For the filling, take sauerkraut, onions and carrots.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Saute the vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil. I always add a teaspoon of butter for taste.

Let's try the sauerkraut, if it's sour, rinse it in water and squeeze it out. You can simply add sauteed vegetables to the cabbage, but I prefer to stew the cabbage a little. Place the cabbage and vegetables in a frying pan, add a little water and simmer under the lid over medium heat for about 10 minutes until the liquid evaporates. I recommend adding 1 tsp. sugar, the taste of the filling will be more harmonious.

Divide the dough into pieces of approximately 40g. First I form balls, and then roll them out with a rolling pin, making circles 4-5 mm thick.

Place the filling on the dough, about 1 tablespoon at a time, trying not to get it on the edges, otherwise it will be difficult to seal the pies.

Let's form the pies and turn them seam side down.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan (there should be enough of it so that the level reaches the middle of the pies). Fry the pies on both sides over medium heat. And now the fried pies with sauerkraut are ready! Tender, tasty, soft - simply delicious! We love adding butter to the pie; it makes any filling even tastier. We take a bite, add butter with a spoon - it immediately melts, so delicious!

Bon appetit! With milk, with sweet tea - very tasty! The filling turns out so tasty, harmonious, slightly sweet! Highly recommend!

Pies with sauerkraut are always a good idea! It is sure to be tasty, satisfying and very aromatic. You will try them just once and you will no longer be able to live without them!

Fried pies with sauerkraut


  • sugar 15 gr
  • vegetable oil 0.3 l
  • flour 300 gr
  • butter 15 g
  • milk 0.2 l
  • salt 2 pinches
  • dry yeast 10 g
  • sauerkraut 0.5 kg
  • water 100 ml

The easiest and fairly fast option compared to the others.

How to make fried pies with sauerkraut:

Heat the milk and pour it into a deep bowl.

Add yeast, sugar and salt and let them dissolve.

Cut the butter and dissolve it in a saucepan or in the microwave.

Allow to cool to at least room temperature.

Pour it into the rest of the ingredients and mix.

After this, add flour using a sieve and knead the dough.

Punch it down, roll it into a ball and put it back in the bowl.

Cover and let rise in a warm place for two hours.

Taste the cabbage and, if it is very sour, place in a colander or large sieve and rinse under cold water.

To make it softer, you need to simmer it in a frying pan with water.

After twenty minutes, drain again into a sieve and let the liquid drain.

Knead the dough and roll it into a thin circle.

Cut out medium-sized circles and place a spoonful of filling on each of them.

Pinch the edges and let the pies sit warm for a little longer.

At this time, heat the remaining oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan.

Place the pies and fry until golden brown.

After this, remove with a slotted spoon onto dry cloths.

Advice: You can use fresh yeast, but you will need twice as much.

Yeast pies with sauerkraut in the oven

If butter pies are too high in calories for you, try making these. They will bake in the oven, which means they won't have as much oil in them.


  • water 50 ml
  • vegetable oil 280 ml
  • kefir 250 ml
  • yolk 1 pc.
  • salt 2 pinches
  • fresh yeast 15 g
  • sugar 5 g
  • milk 50 ml
  • butter 100 gr
  • flour 0.5 kg
  • sauerkraut 500 gr
  • onion 1 head

How to cook yeast pies with sauerkraut in the oven:

To prepare the dough, you only need to slightly heat the kefir.

Heat the water to the same temperature and pour it into a container.

Grind the yeast, add it and let it dissolve completely.

Add sugar and salt and mix.

Let stand for about fifteen minutes.

When time has passed, add kefir, soft butter and combine everything.

Place in a warm place for two hours to grow.

During this time, rinse the cabbage if necessary.

Let it drain in a colander and then crumble it.

Peel the onion, rinse it and chop it.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan, add onion and, of course, cabbage.

Cook them, stirring, until the liquid evaporates.

After this, remove the filling from the heat and cool to room temperature.

Knead the grown dough and turn it into a layer.

Cut circles out of it and fill them with filling, pinch.

Place on a baking sheet covered with paper.

Let sit for a bit to rise.

After this, mix the milk with the yolk.

Brush the pies with a brush and place them in the oven until golden brown.

Advice: To make the pies more filling, you can add a little lard to the middle.

With sauerkraut and boiled egg

This option will be more satisfying than the previous ones, because the filling will contain more nutritious ingredients.

Eggs and cabbage are a great combination.


  • sugar 5 g
  • flour 0.4 kg
  • dry yeast 10 g
  • milk 100 ml
  • onion 2 heads
  • spices to taste
  • butter 100 gr
  • eggs 5 pcs.
  • sauerkraut 0.4 kg
  • yolks 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil 200 ml
  • water 0.1 l

How to make pies with sauerkraut and boiled egg:

Heat the water a little, mix with the yeast until smooth.

Pour half the flour into a bowl, but be sure to use a sieve.

Combine all this and let stand for an hour and a half.

When the mass doubles, add the yolks, salt everything and add sugar.

Heat the milk and pour it in.

Mix soft butter with the remaining flour and add to the remaining ingredients.

Knead a soft and elastic dough, place in a warm place and let stand for another hour and a half.

During this time, prepare the filling and boil four eggs until fully cooked.

Cool, peel and turn into crumbs.

Squeeze the cabbage and, if necessary, rinse and drain.

Peel the onion and chop finely.

Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan, add onion and cabbage.

Simmer, stirring, for ten minutes.

Finally, add the eggs and mix it all thoroughly.

Knead the dough and roll it into a layer.

Cut out circles and place a little filling on each of them.

Fold the tortillas in half, pinch the edges and place the pies on a baking sheet.

Brush them with the remaining egg and let sit for a little while.

Place the pies in the oven and bake for twenty minutes at 180 degrees.

Advice: You can sprinkle the surface of the pies with a small amount of sesame seeds.

Making puff pastry

Perhaps one of the fastest options for homemade pies. In just over an hour everything will be ready. It's delicious, filling and insanely crispy!


  • spices to taste
  • sauerkraut 0.5 kg
  • water 1.5 l
  • puff pastry 550 gr
  • vegetable oil 30 ml
  • onion 1 head How to make puff pastry pies:

Pour water into a bowl and place cabbage in it.

Place on the stove and let it boil, cook for one hour.

After this, drain in a colander, let drain and cool.

Peel and rinse the onion, chop it finely with a knife.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan and add the onion.

Simmer it, stirring, until soft.

Add cabbage, mix it all and bring to taste.

Take out the dough in advance to defrost.

Place it on a floured surface.

Cut into squares of the same size.

Place a spoonful of filling on each of them and join the edges to form rolls.

Place future pies on a baking sheet.

Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 210 degrees.

Advice: To make the pies fluffy, you can use puff pastry.

Quick recipe without yeast

Here is the fastest recipe for homemade pies with sauerkraut. Just forty minutes - and you can pour the tea and enjoy a conversation with your family.


  • butter 10 g
  • soda 2 pinches
  • sauerkraut 450 gr
  • milk 0.5 l
  • salt 2 pinches
  • vegetable oil 260 ml
  • sugar 5 g
  • flour 940 gr

How to make pies without yeast:

Rinse the cabbage under running water and let it drain.

Then cut into thin threads and set aside.

Pour milk into a container, add salt, sugar and soda.

Mix all this thoroughly and add soft butter.

Add flour in parts and knead into a soft, homogeneous dough.

Stir until it starts to come away from your hands.

Place on a work surface, knead and divide into equal parts.

Roll them into balls, then roll them into flat cakes.

Place a little filling in the middle of each.

Seal the edges and let stand for a while. During this time, heat the oil.

Place the pies in it and fry until cooked on all sides.

Advice: In order for the components to dissolve better in the milk, it can be heated.

Cabbage pies with mushrooms

The following cabbage pies will be very flavorful due to the addition of mushrooms. Insanely delicious. Be sure to try it at your leisure.


  • yeast dough 1 kg
  • water 0.1 l
  • dried mushrooms 120 gr
  • chopped dill 30 gr
  • egg 1 pc.
  • sauerkraut 0.8 kg
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • butter 40 g
  • spices to taste

How to cook cabbage pies with mushrooms:

Pre-soak the mushrooms and let them brew for two hours.

Wash the cabbage and place it in a colander to drain.

Peel and rinse the onion, chop into cubes.

Place butter in a frying pan and dissolve it.

Add the onion, cook until soft, then add the mushrooms.

Simmer everything together, stirring, for ten minutes.

Remove the onions and mushrooms, leaving the oil.

Place the cabbage there, add water and simmer for forty minutes.

Add dill to the cabbage along with mushrooms and onions, season.

Knead the dough, roll it out and cut out circles.

Place a little filling in the center of each and seal the edges.

Place the finished pies on a baking sheet and let them sit for fifteen minutes.

After this, place in the oven for twenty minutes at medium temperature.

Advice: For bright color and flavor, you can add a little sweet paprika to the cabbage.

Pies stuffed with cabbage and minced meat

This recipe will probably be as satisfying as any main dish. The pies will be filled with a lot of juicy meat, sauerkraut and a lot of flavor!


  • onion 1 head
  • dry yeast 25 gr
  • minced meat 0.3 kg
  • egg 1 pc.
  • spices to taste
  • butter 250 gr
  • flour 1 kg
  • sugar 5 g
  • sauerkraut 300 gr
  • milk 0.5 l
  • vegetable oil 250 ml How to cook pies stuffed with cabbage and minced meat:

Pass the flour through a sieve into a deep bowl.

Add milk to it, which is heated until warm.

There is also soft butter, yeast, spices and sugar.

Mix all this thoroughly until completely homogeneous.

Roll the finished dough into a ball, place in a bowl, cover and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Peel and chop the onion, fry in oil until soft.

Add minced meat to it, add spices and simmer everything together until done.

Then transfer the onion and minced meat to a bowl to cool.

Place cabbage in a frying pan and simmer until soft.

Mix cabbage with meat and cool everything together.

Knead the dough and roll it out, cut out circles.

Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each.

Seal the edges and let the pies grow a little.

During this time, heat the deep fat and fry the pies in it until golden brown.

Advice: You can add a little garlic to the filling for piquancy.

The room where the dough is prepared must be warm, without drafts. Yeast loves warmth, and only in such conditions does it actively work.

To make your pies as appetizing, tasty and beautiful as possible, do not forget to grease them. It could be an egg, yolk, salt water, butter or milk.

Bon appetit!

Pies are one of the most popular types of baked goods in the country. You can never get bored of them as they can be made with a variety of fillings. Many people prefer sauerkraut as a filling for pies. It always turns out juicy, with a spicy taste. Products with such filling are inexpensive, but tasty and satisfying. Many versions of such baked goods can be eaten during Lent, which is also important for many residents of our country. There are several recipes for pie filling made from sauerkraut, each of them has its own admirers and deserves the attention of the hostess.

Cooking features

The sauerkraut filling for pies is prepared quickly and simply, but still this process has several subtleties that are worth learning about before starting cooking. Only then can you expect that the result will not disappoint.

  • Sauerkraut may be too sour. To ensure that the pies filled with it have a pleasant taste, the cabbage is washed before use and left in a colander to drain excess water.
  • Large pieces of cabbage found in the filling can irreparably spoil the taste of the pies. If you did not chop the cabbage finely when making sauerkraut, then before preparing the pie filling from it you will still have to chop it by chopping it with a knife.
  • Sauerkraut is never put raw into pies, otherwise it will remain crispy and sour even after baking the products in the oven or frying them in a frying pan. To prepare the filling for pies, sauerkraut is fried or stewed in a frying pan.
  • The filling will have a more balanced taste if you add onions, carrots, rice, mushrooms, eggs, and minced meat. All products included in the sauerkraut filling for pies must first be brought to readiness (boiled, stewed, fried).
  • The taste of the filling can be changed by adding various spices and sauces.
  • Before putting the filling on the dough and forming the pies, it needs to be cooled to room temperature. If you put hot filling on the dough, it will steam and become viscous and sticky. This will not have the best effect on the taste of the finished pies.

The technology for preparing the filling for sauerkraut pies may depend on the specific recipe. By following the instructions that accompany it, you will not make mistakes and get the expected result.

A simple recipe for filling sauerkraut pies

  • sauerkraut – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • butter or refined vegetable oil - how much will be needed;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the sauerkraut, squeeze it out, and let it dry slightly. If necessary, chop it further with a knife.
  • After peeling the onion, cut into thin half rings.
  • Heat the oil and brown the onion in it.
  • Add cabbage, pepper and salt. Simmer over low heat, covered, for about 20 minutes until it softens and becomes less sour.

Recipe for the occasion::

Cool the cabbage to room temperature. Separate a piece of pie dough, roll it into a layer, place a spoonful of cabbage in the center, pinch the edges of the dough and place the pie on a baking sheet, seam side down. Form the remaining pies in the same way.

Filling for pies from sauerkraut with onions and carrots

  • sauerkraut – 0.4 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • sugar - a large pinch;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil – 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Place the sauerkraut in a colander and place under running cool water for a few minutes. Leave in a colander for a while to drain excess water. If the cabbage was fermented in large pieces, chop it finely.
  • Scrub and wash the carrots. Dry it with a kitchen towel. Grate coarsely.
  • Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  • Heat oil in a saucepan, add onions and carrots. Fry vegetables over low heat until soft.
  • Add cabbage. Salt and pepper it. Mix with onions and carrots.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer the cabbage and other vegetables in it for 10–15 minutes.

All you have to do is wait for the sauerkraut filling to cool. It can be used to make baked and fried pies.

Filling for sauerkraut pies with egg

  • sauerkraut – 0.3 kg;
  • green onions – 50 g;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the sauerkraut, let it dry a little, chop finely if necessary.
  • Melt the butter in a deep frying pan. Place the cabbage in the pan.
  • Pepper and salt the cabbage, simmer it over low heat for 10–15 minutes until it becomes completely soft.
  • Transfer the cabbage to a bowl and let it cool.
  • Boil the eggs hard. Place them under running cold water to help them cool faster.
  • Remove the shells from the eggs, chop them finely with a knife and send them to the cabbage.
  • Wash and dry the green onions, chop finely and add to other foods.

Mix the filling well and use as directed. According to this recipe, it turns out tender and satisfying, with a balanced taste.

Filling for pies from sauerkraut with mushrooms

  • sauerkraut – 0.4 kg;
  • fresh champignons – 0.2 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the mushrooms, pat them dry with a kitchen towel, and cut into strips or thin slices.
  • After removing the husks, cut the onion into thin half rings.
  • Melt the butter in a deep frying pan, add the onions and mushrooms and simmer until almost all the liquid released from the champignons when heated has evaporated.
  • Place the mushrooms and onions in a bowl. In their place, put pre-washed sauerkraut. Salt it and season it. Simmer for 20–30 minutes until completely softened.
  • Add the cabbage to the mushrooms and stir.

Wait for the cabbage and mushrooms to cool and use it as a filling for pies. If there is a lot of filling, it can be served as an independent dish. During fasting, butter in the recipe can be replaced with vegetable oil. This will change the taste, but only slightly.

Filling for sauerkraut pies with meat

  • sauerkraut – 0.3 kg;
  • minced meat – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will be needed;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the skin from the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  • Heat a deep frying pan, pour oil into it, add onion.
  • Fry the onion over low heat until transparent.
  • Add minced meat. Cook it, breaking it up regularly with a spatula so that it doesn't form dense lumps. Fry the minced meat until done. This will be indicated by a change in its color.
  • Salt and pepper the fried minced meat, stir it and put it in a bowl.
  • Place cabbage in place of the minced meat. Simmer until soft. This will take about 15–20 minutes.
  • Combine cabbage with minced meat. Stir so that the minced meat is distributed evenly in the filling.

Pies filled with sauerkraut and minced meat are filling. Representatives of the stronger sex especially like this type of baking.

The filling for sauerkraut pies is inexpensive, but the products with it turn out juicy, satisfying and tasty. The presence of several filling recipes makes it possible to choose an option that meets the gastronomic preferences of almost any gourmet.

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