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» Payment request. What does it mean to accept Bankers' acceptances

Payment request. What does it mean to accept Bankers' acceptances

Direct write-off is a bank writing off funds from the payer’s account without his separate order, but subject to the payer’s prior consent to this operation, expressed in the agreement.
Writing off money without acceptance is a type of undisputed write-off, with the difference that direct write-off is possible only on the basis of an agreement, as well as a collection order; moreover, this procedure is characterized by remuneration. While indisputable write-off is usually free of charge and can be carried out on the basis of the law. Undisputed write-off is regulated by civil, tax, and administrative legislation and implies the forced collection of funds from accounts only by court order. For example, if the owner of a bank account is a malicious defaulter of taxes, fines, utility bills, during enforcement proceedings and in other cases established by law.
Conclusion: direct write-off is practiced in the business environment as an additional guarantee for the fulfillment of financial obligations of companies.

In what cases is direct debit possible?

1) Bilateral without acceptance. Companies that have received approval for a bank loan must be prepared for such additional measures in the event of late loan payments. The bank warns the borrowing company about this by including in the loan agreement a condition on debiting the required amount from the current account.

2) Tripartite non-acceptance. Signed to regulate contractual relations between companies on transactions with deferred payment. For example: between supplier and buyer. The third party will be the bank in which the buyer has a bank account. A tripartite agreement gives the company the right to the creditor (seller, supplier) to receive payment from the bank for goods or services provided without the consent of the account owner if the partner delays payments under the agreement.
To legally write off funds, it is possible to draw up a bilateral or trilateral agreement.

Efficiency of direct debiting of funds

In business practice, it is believed that the possibility of writing off money without acceptance is an additional opportunity to protect the interests of the creditor and encourage the debtor to pay obligations on time and in full. By signing such an agreement, the paying counterparty agrees that his bank account is a collateral, a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations.
In practice, this method of insurance against non-fulfillment of financial obligations is more of a formality than an effective tool of influence on unscrupulous payers. Even if a two- or three-party agreement on a possible forced debit is signed, the account owner always has a choice: agree or withdraw the money before it is collected.
Even if all the conditions in the agreement on the possibility of direct debit are correctly drawn up, this does not deprive the counterparty of the right to the “collateral” account at his own discretion: spend it on other needs, cash it, transfer it to other bank accounts in another banking institution, for which the conditions agreements do not apply.


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Due to the rapid pace of development of modern financial and banking systems, there is an urgent need for the creation and formation of special confirming mechanisms for monitoring monetary transactions. A similar tool is acceptance.

The acceptance process is based on obtaining consent from the acquirer to make payment or to undertake obligations for timely payment for such documents.

The acceptance procedure is a process within which the main aspects relating to financial, payment, and other types of securities are considered, along with a decision on their payment. Acceptance is conveyed to the person who transferred the document through an electronic signature, certain inscriptions on the documents themselves and through other means of communication.

Current Russian legislation regulates that acceptance can only be complete and unconditional. This means that within it there is no possibility to carry out the acceptance procedure some part of the obligations received, and also that it is unconditional.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines specific deadlines that determine the moment when various kinds of securities and documents acquire the status of accepted.

The need for the procedure

The application of the acceptance procedure in the banking sector most often has direct relationship with the reputation of the banking structure within the financial community. If the banking structure has a crystal clear reputation, most potential creditors are able to give their consent to accept its acceptance as payment for some product or service.

Due to the fact that acceptance is a negotiable short-term document, it, like any other financial instruments, may be assigned or resold to third parties.

To be able to use banker's acceptance, the buyer of a product or service must fully meet all parameters, which are formulated by the banking structure itself. Certain provisions of such parameters are directly guided by the requirements of the national regulator of the banking system. In other cases, the parameters are regulated by requirements that are developed within a particular banking institution.

At its core, the acquirer asks the banking structure to receive funds, for which the bank itself generates urgent expenses that will have slightly smaller size nominal value of acceptance. Acquirer has the opportunity buy products whose cost should not exceed the amount of money specified in urgent expenses.

After this, the acquirer will be obliged to return to the banking institution funds in the amount that was specified in the acceptance agreement. At the same time, the banking institution undertakes the obligation to issue an acceptance upon direct application by the bearer.

Banker's acceptance provides a lot of different advantages. This type of financial leverage does not have risks associated with the fact that the payer will spend all the funds placed in his bank account before the end date specified in the acceptance agreement. In other words, acceptance provides guarantees to the lender that he will be able to pay the specified amount of money on a specific date.

At the same time, banking institutions, without serious arguments that can act as confirmation of the buyer’s fulfillment of his own obligations, do not resort to the procedure for issuing acceptance. The main advantage for the acquirer is opportunity to buy products, then resell it at a profit, and then fulfill its obligations under the acceptance agreement.

When selling an acceptance as an independent asset, it is sold at a discount to its nominal price. All this makes it possible for its acquirer to extract a certain income due to the difference in the cost of acquisition and the amount of money that will be issued upon presentation of an acceptance for payment. Banking institutions sometimes engage in mass sales of their own acceptances in order to quickly reimburse funds that were invested in urgent expenses.

The invoice acceptance procedure is consent of the paying party with the amount of the amount, the end date and the acquired requirements. Acceptance involves making payments using non-cash transfers from the bank accounts of the acquirer to the bank accounts of the seller.

At the same time, the procedure for accentuating the account limits the seller's rights regarding the possibility of requiring the payer to repay debt obligations earlier than the date specified in the contract.

The banking structure has the right to demand grounds for the payer’s refusal to pay its obligations. Upon receipt of acceptance, the banking organization carries out the procedure for transferring funds in favor of the recipient.

Offer agreement

Signing an agreement to accept the offer agreement involves obtaining consent on the terms specified in the offer.

The offer agreement is a reflection of the essential conditions regarding the signed agreement, and also predetermines the deadlines for receiving a response. The process of a simple response to an offer containing instructions regarding the clauses of the contract cannot be considered an acceptance procedure. The moment of acceptance can be considered the receipt of acceptance of the offer by the sending party.

Upon receipt of a revocation of acceptance, along with the acceptance, the offer procedure acquires the status “did not pass the acceptance process.” The current legislative framework of the Russian Federation regulates that the procedure for accepting an offer should be carried out only by the party to whom it was sent.

Bill of exchange

The procedure for accepting a bill of exchange is an indication of the acceptor's consent on the back of the bill of exchange to pay the bill of exchange. Acceptance is not indicated on promissory notes. All obligations to pay arise and are fully accepted by the paying party by default at the time of affixing the bill.

Acceptances can only be applied to drafts. Acceptance of bill mandatory when such a condition is specified by the drawer. Drafts are paid within the terms starting from the date of their issue. All drafts are repaid by the payer on the bills.

In accounting

As part of accounting, all invoices that are payable and accepted must taken into account in. The acceptance procedure consists of next steps:

  • the supplier supplies goods or services;
  • an invoice is issued for payment.

An invoice must be issued for payment no later than 5 days from the date of delivery. Regardless of the date of purchase of the acceptance, all payments must be made within the framework of the agreement that is drawn up by the supplier with the purchaser.

In banking

In some situations in various international operations It is customary to use banker's acceptance. The bank issues an agreement to pay based on the results of the procedure for studying the financial flows of its potential client.

If at the time of the need to make a payment there are not enough funds in the client’s account, the banking structure acting as an acceptor will make the payment from personal funds. The bank carries out the acceptance procedure only after studying the client’s level of ability to fulfill obligations.

Revocation of an acceptance after its receipt is possible within three days. Upon expiration of this period, payment from the acquirer's accounts occurs without the need to obtain approval from the acquirer. Payment of invoices subject to acceptance is carried out within one banking day, with the exception of the day on which the necessary documents were received.


The acceptance procedure is reliable method of obtaining guarantees for the seller about payment for his own goods or services. Acceptance makes it possible to significantly reduce the volume of required documents, as well as minimize risks for each party to the agreement.

Banker's acceptance is a written promise made by the borrower to the bank to return borrowed funds to the bank. The lending bank lends funds and, in turn, accepts an unconditional obligation to return the loan to the holder, hence the name - banker's acceptance. The acceptance is freely negotiable and can be sold on the secondary market. The investor who purchases the acceptance can repay the loan funds on the due date. If the borrower goes bankrupt, the investor has a legal basis to file claims against the bank that accepted the loan. Bankers' acceptances are also known as bills of exchange, bankers' bills, trade bills, commercial bills or drafts.
At their core, bankers' acceptances are auxiliary tools in carrying out trade transactions. The use of bankers' acceptances to finance commercial transactions is known as acceptance financing. Transactions credited by acceptances include the import and export of goods, the storage and transport of goods between two foreign countries where neither the importer nor the exporter is a local company, and the import and export of goods between two companies in the home country.
Bankers' acceptances are traded on a discount basis in the same way as Treasury bills and commercial paper. The rate charged by the bank to the client for issuing a banker's acceptance depends on the rate at which the bank expects to sell the acceptance on the secondary market. A commission is added to this rate. The main investors in banker's acceptances are money market mutual funds and municipal governments.
In recent years, bankers' acceptances have lost their popularity compared to other forms of financing. This is due to several reasons. The first reason: increased financial disintermediation has led to a decrease in corporate dependence on bank financing in the sense that they now have a wider choice of funding options (for example, commercial paper). The second reason is a vicious circle of low liquidity, leading to a decrease in issue volumes, etc. Third reason: in July
1984 The US Federal Reserve stopped accepting bankers' acceptances as collateral for repurchase agreements for open market transactions.
Creation of bankers' acceptances
The process of creating bank acceptances is best explained using an example. Our example involves the following fictitious parties:
PCs For Less plc is a company from London that sells various computer equipment;
Kameto Ltd. - manufacturer of personal computers in Japan;
ABC Bank plc is a London clearing bank;
Samurai Bank - Japanese bank;
Palmerston Bank plc is another bank based in London;
Adam Smith Investors plc is a money market fund based in Edinburgh.
PCs For Less and Kameto Ltd. want to conclude a deal under which PCs For Less will import a batch of personal computers (PCs) worth? 1 million. However, Kameto Ltd. worries whether PCs For Less will be able to pay the cost of the PC upon delivery. To eliminate this uncertainty, the parties agreed to finance the transaction using bank acceptance. It is a condition of the deal that PCs For Less must make payment within 60 days of delivery of the PC to the UK. To make a decision on acceptance? 1 million, Kameto Ltd. must calculate the present value of this amount since she will not receive it until 60 days have passed after delivery.
Thus, the parties agree on the following.
PCs For Less plc negotiates with its bank ABC Bank plc to issue a letter of credit (or time draft). The Letter of Credit confirms that ABC Bank plc guarantees payment of £1 million to be made by PCs For Less plc to Kameto 60 days after delivery. The letter of credit is sent by ABC Bank plc to Samurai Bank of Kameto. After receiving the letter of credit, Samurai Bank notifies Kameto, which then ships the PC. After shipping the PC, Kameto presents the shipping documents to Samurai Bank and receives the current cost? 1 million. That's it for Kameto Ltd. the deal ends.
Samurai Bank presents the letter of credit and shipping documents to ABC Bank plc. The latter stamps “Accepted” on the letter of credit, thereby creating a banker’s acceptance. This means that ABC Bank plc undertakes to pay the holder of the banker's acceptance an amount of?1 million on the date of maturity of the acceptance. PCs For Less plc will receive the shipping documents and will then be able to accept the PC shipment upon signing a note or other finance agreement with ABC Bank plc.
At this stage, Samurai Bank becomes the holder of the banker's acceptance, which can then do one of the following two things: 1) hold the banker's acceptance in its loan portfolio or 2) request ABC Bank plc to pay the current value of? 1 million. Let's assume that Samurai Bank decides to demand payment of the current value of? 1 million. ABC Bank plc now becomes the holder of the banker's acceptance. He also has two options: 1) keep the banker's acceptance as an investment instrument or 2) sell it to another investor. Again, suppose he chooses the latter, and one of his clients, Adam Smith Investors, is interested in highly quoted securities with the same maturity as the banker's acceptance. Accordingly, ABC Bank plc sells the acceptance to Adam Smith Investors at a current value of £1 million, based on the discount rate applicable for securities of that maturity and credit quality. Or the firm may sell the acceptance to another bank, such as Palmerston Bank plc, which also issues bankers' acceptances. In any case, at the maturity date of the banker's acceptance, the holder presents this acceptance to ABC Bank plc and receives from it the redemption value in the amount of?1 million, which the bank, in turn, receives from PCs For Less plc.
The holder of a banker's acceptance is exposed to credit risk on two fronts: the risk that the original borrower will not be able to pay the face value of the acceptance, and the risk that the accepting bank will not be able to repay the security. Because of this, the rate paid on a banker's acceptance trades at a higher spread than other risk-free benchmark securities with comparable maturities (such as Treasury bills). Acceptance investors need to know the identity and credit risk of the original borrower as well as the accepting bank.
Acceptable bankers' acceptances
An accepting bank that chooses to hold a banker's acceptance in its portfolio has the opportunity to use it as collateral for loans to a central bank in open market operations, such as the US Federal Reserve or the Bank of England in the UK. Not all acceptances are accepted to ensure such operations, since central banks impose certain requirements on them. The main requirements for a banker's acceptance are that its maturity must not exceed specified limits (maximum six months in the US and three months in the UK) and it must be created to finance a self-liquidating business transaction. In the US, collateral suitability is also important because the Federal Reserve has reserve requirements for funds financed through non-collateral banker's acceptances. Bankers' acceptances sold by the accepting bank are potential liabilities, but reserve requirements place a limit on the volume of eligible bankers' acceptances issued by the bank. Acceptances that are acceptable for making a deposit with the central bank are offered at a lower discount rate than those that are not, and also act as a benchmark for prices in the secondary market.

Banker's acceptance


bank bill A bill of exchange issued or guaranteed (accepted) by a bank. It is preferred to a trade bill as it has a lower risk of default and can therefore be discounted at a more favorable rate, although this depends to some extent on the credit rating of the bank.

(banker's acceptance) A time draft, according to which a certain amount of money must be paid and which is accepted by the bank. It is a form of promissory note/debenture widely used in international trade; Once signed and fixed on a payment date, it can be circulated before the payment is due. See Also: a bill of exchange accepted in a third country (third-country acceptance).

Finance. Explanatory dictionary. 2nd ed. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir". Brian Butler, Brian Johnson, Graham Sidwell and others. General editor: Ph.D. Osadchaya I.M.. 2000 .

Banker's acceptance

Banker's acceptance is a written demand in respect of which the bank undertakes to pay a specified amount within a certain period of time. Typically, a banker's acceptance is a bill accepted by the bank and issued to the bank by the importer. As a rule, the banker’s acceptance states: “Accepted, payable in. Signature.”
Banker's acceptance is a highly liquid money market instrument.

In English: Banker's acceptance

English synonyms: B.A.

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what “Bank acceptance” is in other dictionaries:

    - (bank bill) A bill issued or guaranteed (accepted) by a bank. It is preferable to a trade bill as it has a lower risk of default and can therefore be discounted at a more favorable rate. Business. Explanatory dictionary. M.: INFRA... Dictionary of business terms

    See BANK ACCEPTANCE. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 p.. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    Banker's acceptance- (Bank acceptance) = the bank’s consent to pay payment documents... Economic-mathematical dictionary

    banker's acceptance- Consent of the bank to pay payment documents. [OAO RAO "UES of Russia" STO 17330282.27.010.001 2008] Topics economics EN bank acceptance ... Technical Translator's Guide

    BANK ACCEPTANCE- 1) the bank’s consent to pay for payment documents and a certain form of guarantee of their payment. It is drawn up in the form of an appropriate inscription on the documents of the accepting bank. The debtor usually transfers the amount of the debt when payment is due to the bank, which... Legal encyclopedia

    Banker's acceptance- see Bank acceptance... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    1) the bank’s consent to pay payment documents and a certain form of guarantee of their payment. It is drawn up in the form of an appropriate inscription on the documents of the acceptor’s bank. The debtor usually transfers the amount of the debt when the payment is due to the bank, which... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    banker's acceptance- 1) the bank’s consent to pay for payment documents, a form of guarantee of their payment; drawn up in the form of a corresponding inscription of the acceptor bank; 2) bills of exchange guaranteed (accepted) by a bank or non-bank credit organization with a due date for payment... ... Large legal dictionary

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The concept of “acceptance” is often found in law, accounting and the financial environment in general. Regardless of the scope of application, its essence remains the same. If we try to explain in simple words what acceptance is, then it is an agreement by one of the parties to the contract to accept the terms proposed by the other party. In the financial sector, acceptance is a bank guarantee when conducting trade transactions, selling bills and other transactions with securities.

Types of acceptance

The definition and application of acceptance, its forms and conditions are regulated by Ch. 28 Art. 438 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It also states that it must be complete, that is, it is unacceptable to accept part of the proposed conditions.

In practice, the following types of acceptance are common:

  • Acceptance of offer. Both terms are a continuation of a specific contract. Interactions between business entities are carried out by regular proposals to potential partners. The result of such work may be refusal or agreement to cooperate. The offer is a regulation of the key terms of cooperation. If a party is ready to accept all the terms of the offer, then it expresses this by acceptance.
  • A banker's acceptance performs functions similar to a bank guarantee. Its function is to simplify international transactions. By participating in them, the bank guarantees with its reputation the fulfillment of payment obligations for a certain commission. The transaction is carried out on the basis of an acceptance invoice - an invoice for payment for a service or product. Before acting as a party to a transaction, the bank has the right to familiarize itself with the financial solvency of the client. If the amount is not enough on the settlement day, the bank makes the payment from its own funds.

The other party may accept the acceptance or not. In the first case, the position is confirmed by the signature of an authorized person marked “accepted”. From this moment, the contract is considered concluded, and the party undertakes to make payment within the specified time frame. If the party does not intend to accept the terms, then the refusal must be sent to the bank within 3 days, indicating the reasons.

What is acceptance of a contract in practice?

In business, receipt of acceptance serves as a kind of “green light”, indicating the start of implementing the terms of the contract. The practical benefit is to save time on negotiations and bureaucratic processes in large companies.

In practice, the following forms of acceptance can be roughly distinguished:

  • written acceptance sent through communication channels between subjects of civil law;
  • public offer – provision of services or sale of goods to a wide audience, where written interaction with each client is unnecessary. This is buying goods on the Internet or paying for services at a distance.

Another striking example is the user clicking the consent button when installing computer programs. It also includes purchasing air tickets and filling out a customer card.

Acceptance can be not only payment. In a general sense, it expresses the fulfillment of any obligations under the contract.

When must the acceptance be sent?

The time allotted for fulfilling obligations cannot always be specifically specified in the contract. If the period is specified in the offer, then the acceptance must be delivered within a reasonable period, which is determined individually, depending on the specifics of the economic relationship.

If the deadline is not specified, then it is required to immediately accept the agreement orally, then send a written version. Even if it arrives late for external reasons, the contract is considered concluded.