Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» A site with military helicopters. Unauthorized entry into the helicopter parking area. Dimensions and markings

A site with military helicopters. Unauthorized entry into the helicopter parking area. Dimensions and markings

on the design of civil airfields (in development of SNiP 2.05.08-85*).
Part VII. Helicopter stations, heliports and helicopter landing pads

SNiP 32-03-96. - Database manufacturer's note.

Date of introduction 1984-07-01

This Manual is published as a development of VNTP 2-83. With its entry into force, the “Instructions for the design of helicopter stations, heliports and landing sites for civil aviation helicopters” become invalid.

The Manual provides methods for calculating the required parameters of elements of heliports and landing sites for helicopters. It is intended for the design of heliports and landing sites for specific types of helicopters, as well as for assessing the operational suitability of existing heliports.

The manual was developed by engineers E.I. Vasilyeva, V.G. Gavko, V.A. Shimansky.

The manual was approved by the head of the institute on September 30, 1983, with an introduction date of July 1, 1984.



1.1. This Manual is intended for the design of helicopter stations and heliports for a specific type of helicopter, as well as for the operational assessment of heliports and landing sites.

1.2. The manual does not apply to the design of landing sites located on the decks of ships, icebreakers, etc.

1.3. A helicopter station is an enterprise that regularly receives and dispatches passengers, luggage, mail and cargo.

The helicopter station can also ensure the implementation of national economic tasks.

1.4. Heliport is a land (water) plot or a specially prepared area (on the roof of a building, on a platform raised above the water surface), which has a complex of structures and equipment that provide takeoff and landing in an airplane or helicopter manner, taxiing, storage and maintenance of helicopters.

1.5. According to their operational and technical purpose, helicopter stations and heliports can be base, terminal and intermediate.

The base helicopter station (base heliport) has an assigned helicopter fleet and performs maintenance on operational types of work provided for by the regulations.

The final helicopter station (terminal heliport) is the end point of a flight along a given route. At the terminal helicopter stations, the passenger cabin is cleaned, the helicopter is maintained, passengers are disembarked and landed, cargo, luggage and mail are unloaded and loaded for the return flight.

Intermediate helicopter station (intermediate heliport) - a short-term stopping point for a helicopter according to the schedule when performing a flight along an established route. Here the helicopter is inspected and refueled.

1.6. Based on their location, heliports can be divided into ground-based and surface-based.

Ground-based heliports are located on the surface of the earth, on the roof of a building. Ground heliports can be flat or mountainous.

Above-water include heliports located on platforms raised above water, floating and loaded drilling rigs.

1.7. A permanent heliport is a heliport equipped for regular operation, registered in the prescribed manner and having a registration certificate.

A temporary heliport is a heliport prepared for flights for a limited period of time and does not require registration, but is subject to registration in the civil aviation management.

A temporary heliport may consist of only one runway.

1.8. Landing site - a plot of land or a specially prepared area of ​​the minimum permissible size on any structures (roofs of buildings, surface platforms, etc.), providing regular or occasional take-offs and landings of helicopters without the influence of an air cushion. Landing sites are subject to registration in civil aviation departments.

1.9. Working area - a section of the landing area intended for take-off and landing of helicopters. The working area, as a rule, has artificial turf.

Landing areas located on building roofs, elevated platforms, ships, etc. may not have safety strips.

1.10. Mooring areas are specially prepared and equipped areas with mooring fastenings, usually with artificial turf, intended for testing engines at maximum speed and for conducting routine tests.


2.1. The main elements of the heliport are (Fig. 1):

airstrip (SL);

taxiways (taxiways);

Helicopter parking areas (helicopter parking areas);

deviation platforms;

mooring areas;

pre-dock areas;


helicopter wash areas.

Fig.1. Approximate diagram of a base helicopter station (base heliport)

Fig.1. Approximate diagram of a base helicopter station (base heliport): 1 - service and passenger building; 2 - platform; 3 - taxiway; 4 - LP; 5 - runway; 6 - group MS; 7 - individual MS; 8 - maintenance dock; 9 - fuel and lubricants warehouse; 10 - pre-dock area; 11 - mooring area; 12 - road; 13 - fence; 14 - weather site; 15 - station area; 16 - highway

Data for the design of heliports and landing sites are given in Appendix 1, the relative positions of the main elements of heliports are given in Appendix 2.

2.2. The airstrip (LS) must ensure the take-off and landing of helicopters using the influence of an air cushion, as well as in a helicopter without using the influence of an air cushion.

The runway includes a runway (runway), end and side safety strips (CPB and BSB).

2.3. FPCs are adjacent to the ends of the runway and ensure the safety of helicopter takeoff and landing. BSCs are located on both sides of the runway and ensure the safety of helicopters in case of possible rollouts off the runway during takeoff and landing.

2.4. Taxiways (taxiways) are designed for taxiing and towing helicopters. Taxiways, as a rule, connect the runway with helicopter parking areas and an apron (if there is one). Taxiways connect the MS, mooring, pre-dock areas, deviation elimination areas, etc.

2.5. The apron is designed to provide short-term parking for helicopters when boarding and disembarking passengers (if passenger transportation is carried out at the heliport).

2.6. Helicopter parking areas (HS) are designed to provide storage and maintenance of helicopters. The station can accommodate loading and unloading of mail, cargo, and passengers boarding and disembarking. MS can be group or individual.

2.7. Mooring platforms are designed to ensure testing of engines at maximum speed.

2.8. Pre-dock areas are intended for maintenance and rework after maintenance and routine repairs.

2.9. The heliport area is intended to ensure maneuvering of helicopters in the airspace above the area adjacent to the heliport (landing site). Air approach strips (ASR), which are part of the heliport area and adjacent to the ends of the airfield in the direction of the continuation of its axis, provide altitude gain during takeoff and gliding during landing of helicopters.


3.1. Flights and runways must be designed to allow helicopters to take off and land with a short take-off run and helicopter-style using the influence of an air cushion.

3.2. When designing heliports, it is recommended to ensure a helicopter takeoff like an airplane, which is the most economical compared to a helicopter, as it allows you to increase the helicopter's load. If it is impossible to ensure the take-off and landing of helicopters with a short take-off run, it is permissible to take off helicopters using the influence of an air cushion.

When heliports are located in cramped conditions, on the roofs of buildings, on platforms raised above the water, helicopters can take off and land like a helicopter without using the influence of an air cushion.

3.3. The dimensions of the airfield and runway elements should be taken in accordance with the SNiP chapter “Design Standards. Aerodromes”. In the event that the design assignment provides for the design of a heliport for the operation of a specific type of helicopter, the dimensions of the airfield and runway elements may be taken in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1

Heliport elements

Dimensions of elements by helicopter type, m

Mi-6, Mi-10, Mi-26

Mi-8, Mi-4, Ka-32

LA width

Runway length

Runway width

BBP width

PCB length

Landing pads

Working area of ​​landing pads

Landing safety strips

Landing sites located on mountain tops, saddles, terraces, with open air approaches in the direction of launch

Minimum elevation of the landing site over the general terrain in the direction of takeoff

Minimum distance from landing pad to obstacle in take-off direction

Landing areas located on the roofs of buildings and elevated platforms, limited by coaming

Note. The parameters of the LP elements for the Mi-26 and Ka-32 helicopters are preliminary and will be clarified based on the test results.

3.4. The shapes and sizes of heliports are determined based on the number and location of the landing site. The number of airfields, their direction and location in relation to each other are taken depending on the intensity of helicopter traffic, wind load, obstacles in the heliport area, terrain, as well as the characteristics of winter operation of the heliport.

table 2

Helicopter type

Maximum permissible speed of the normal wind component, m/s

Mi-6, Mi-26, Mi-8

Mi-2, Mi-4

3.6. Calculation of wind load should be made using 8 or 16 points based on observation data from the nearest meteorological station for a period of at least 5 years.

In cases where the required minimum wind load of a single-runway heliport cannot be met, an auxiliary runway should be provided, which should be located at an angle close to 90° to the main runway.

3.7. In cases where it is impossible to equip a two-way start, a one-way start device is allowed. The distance from the end of the runway to the obstacle blocking the second direction of launch must be at least 50 m (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Helipad with one-way launch

Fig.2. Helipad with one-way launch: 1 - landing pad; 2 - conventional plane for limiting the height of obstacles in the direction of takeoff and landing; 3 - helicopter take-off trajectory

The minimum distance between parallel runways (in axes) must be at least three diameters of the main rotor of the design type of helicopter.


4.1. The number of taxiways is determined based on the conditions for ensuring the greatest maneuverability of helicopters, taking into account the intensity of their traffic with a minimum length of taxi paths between the runway and other elements of the heliport.

When designing heliports for the operation of specific types of helicopters, the width of the taxiway and the minimum radii of their interfaces with the runway, the station and the apron can be taken according to Table 3.

Table 3

Helicopter type

Taxiway width, m

Conjugation radius, m

Mi-6, Mi-10, Mi-26

Mi-4, Mi-8, Ka-32

Mi-2, Ka-26

Note. The indicated values ​​for the Mi-26 and Ka-32 helicopters are preliminary and are subject to clarification based on test results.

4.2. The width of the taxiway for helicopters not listed in Table 3 can be determined by the formula (Fig. 3)

Where is the width of the taxiway;

Helicopter chassis track along the outer edges of the tires;

- deviation of the helicopter axis from the taxiway axis during the taxiing phase (accepted according to Table 4);

- the minimum permissible distance from the edge of the artificial taxiway pavement to the outer edge of the tire (accepted according to Table 4).

Fig.3. Scheme for determining the required taxiway width for a specific type of helicopter

Fig.3. Scheme for determining the required taxiway width for a specific type of helicopter

Table 4

Helicopter type

Deviation of the helicopter axis from the taxiway axis during taxiing, m

Minimum permissible distance from the edge of the coating to the tire, m

Mi-6, Mi-10, Ka-26

Mi-8, Mi-4, Ka-32

Mi-2, Ka-26

Note. The values ​​for the Mi-26 and Ka-32 helicopters are preliminary and are subject to clarification based on test results.

4.3. Along the sides of the taxiway there should be dust removal strips, the width of which should be taken in accordance with the SNiP chapter “Design Standards. Aerodromes”.


5.1. Helicopter parking areas at heliports can be group or individual.

5.2. Three installation methods are possible at helicopter parking areas:

approach at low altitude with a turn in the air (only for Mi-4, Mi-8, Ka-32, Mi-2 and Ka-26 helicopters;

taxiing on the main rotor thrust;

towing using a tractor.

5.3. Depending on the method of installation of helicopters, individual MSs are divided into two types:

the first - ensures taxiing of the helicopter using the main rotor thrust or using a tractor with a turn around the main wheel;

the second is the installation of a helicopter with a turn in the air while hovering at low altitude, recommended for medium and light helicopters in the presence of free air approaches.

The dimensions of individual MCs should be taken according to Table 9 of SNiP II-47-80*.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. SNiP 32-03-96 is in force, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

5.4. The distance between the ends of the rotor blades of helicopters depends on the method of their installation on the MS and is taken according to Table 5.

Table 5

Helicopter installation method

Distance between helicopter rotor blades, m

Towing with a tractor

Taxiing on main rotor thrust

Installation with a turn in the air

For helicopters not listed in Table 5, these distances can be determined by the formula

Where is the distance between the ends of the main rotor blades;

Main rotor diameter;

- parameter taken when towing with a tractor - 0.25; taxiing under the power of its own engines - 0.5; approaching at low altitude - 2.0.

The distance from the projection of the main and tail rotors of helicopters to the edge of the artificial surface of the group MS should be 2.0 m.

5.5. The distance between heliport elements should be taken in accordance with Table 10 of SNiP II-47-80.

The number of helicopter stands at the station can be determined by the formula

Where is the number of based (assigned) helicopters;

Number of pre-dock sites;

- number of helicopter stands on the apron (during regular passenger transportation);

- number of deviation elimination sites.

5.6. The method of installing helicopters on the stand and the arrangement scheme are adopted during the feasibility study, using the method of minimizing the reduced costs of construction, operation of artificial surfaces of the stand, towing equipment and the costs of operating helicopters on the stand.

The methodology for determining the optimal method of installing helicopters on the station and their arrangement schemes are given in Appendix 3.


6.1. Mooring platforms (MPs) should be provided at permanent heliports, helicopter stations and repair facilities only for Mi-4, Mi-8, Ka-32, Mi-2, Ka-26 helicopters.

The number of ShP is accepted as one for 10 helicopters of the Mi-4, Mi-8, Ka-32 type or for 15 helicopters of the Mi-2, Ka-26 type.

ShP dimensions should be taken according to Table 9 of SNiP II-47-80.

6.2. The location of the ShP on the general plan of the heliport must ensure the distances between the elements of the heliport (indicated in Table 10 of SNiP II-47-80). In addition, on the general plan of the heliport, the airfoils must be located in such a way as to ensure the impact of the air flow created by the helicopter’s main rotor at a speed of no more than 10 m/s for nearby helicopters, 5 m/s for places where passengers gather.

The speeds of the air flow created by the helicopter rotor are indicated in Appendix 1.

6.3. Shp are equipped with side and bow mooring fastenings. The strength of mooring fastenings must be calculated for the forces given in Table 6.

Table 6

Helicopter type

Design force, tf

Side mount

Bow mount

Notes: 1. For Ka-32 helicopters, data will be given after flight tests.

2. For helicopters of the Ka-26 type, the design forces of the side and nose fastenings are equal.

For helicopters not listed in Table 6, the design forces can be determined by the formula

Where is the parameter taken equal to 2.5 for side mounting, 1.0 for bow mounting.

6.4. The mooring mounts are located on the helicopter in such a way as to ensure that the helicopter is secured against the direction of the prevailing wind.

6.5. In the case where climatic and soil-ground conditions contribute to the creation of high-quality turf cover on the Shp, it is allowed to build only foundations for mooring fastenings without installing artificial turf on the entire surface of the Shp.


7.1. The number of helicopter parking on the apron is determined by the formula

Where is the maximum hourly traffic intensity of helicopters (carrying passengers only);

- coefficient taking into account the parking capacity of the apron, adopted for Mi-4, Mi-8, Ka-32 helicopters 1.2 and 0.85 for Mi-2, Ka-26 helicopters.

7.2. Schemes and methods for placing helicopters on the apron should be taken into account the recommendations of the section “Helicopter parking areas”.

The minimum permissible distances between helicopters and obstacles are the same as for the MS.


8.1. The distances between the axes of the station and the landing gear, between individual stations from which flights are carried out, must be at least three diameters of the main rotor of the design helicopter. When taxiing a helicopter under its own power, the distance from the tip of the main rotor blades to the obstacle must be at least half its diameter.

The distance between helicopters of different types standing next to each other on an airfield or apron should be based on the size of the larger one.

8.2. Mooring areas should be located from the side border of the roadway and buildings at a distance equal to three diameters of the main rotor of a design type helicopter, and from the main taxiway - at a distance of two diameters (along the axes).

It is advisable that buildings be located in relation to the mooring areas on the side of weak winds.

8.3. The apron (if any) must be removed from the runway and airfield at a distance that ensures exposure to the air flow created by the helicopter at a speed of no more than 5 m/s. The distance from the service and passenger building to the end of the helicopter blades must be at least half the diameter of the helicopter's main rotor.

8.4. When designing the master plan for a basic heliport, the technological interconnection of the heliport elements given in Table 7 should be taken into account.

Table 7

Heliport element

Requirements for the location and relationship of heliport elements


Direct communication using the taxiway network with the station and apron (if available)

Parking place

Direct connection with the mooring site, deviation elimination site, pre-dock site, aviation fuel supply facilities

Platform (for regular passenger transportation)

Direct connection with helicopter flight decks and MSs. Communication with maintenance and aviation fuel supply facilities


9.1. Heliports can be located at airports and airfields of all classes.

The composition of a heliport located on the territory of an airport usually includes:


helicopter parking areas;


9.2. The distance between the boundary of the airfield runway and the axis of the runway or airfield of the heliport must be at least 100 m. This distance must be clarified taking into account the wind rose of the area and the air flow speed created by the helicopter rotor, so that the total wind speed perpendicular to The airfield runway did not exceed the maximum wind speed permissible for aircraft operating at this airfield.

9.3. When locating heliports at airports, it is advisable to allocate a separate sector on the territory of the airfield and exclude the possibility of helicopters taxiing along stationary aircraft.

9.4. The distance between a helicopter stand or control point and an airplane stand or airfield taxiway must ensure the following minimum distances:

when performing take-off and landing operations from an aircraft or airframe - 50 m;

in the absence of takeoff and landing operations - in accordance with SNiP II-47-80.


10.1. The land plot intended for the construction of a helicopter station or heliport must meet the following requirements:

be of sufficient size to accommodate the heliport and the service and technical development area, taking into account future development;

There should be no obstacles in the area adjacent to the site for maneuvering and landing of helicopters.

10.2. The heliport area must ensure the safety of helicopter take-off and landing operations during take-offs and landings with a short take-off run and helicopter-style with and without the use of an air cushion.

10.3. The heliport area in plan is a rectangle consisting of a side and two end parts.

10.4. The heliport area consists of obstacle limitation planes in the direction of takeoff and landing and lateral obstacle limitation planes. The layout of the elements of the heliport area is shown in Fig. 4. The dimensions and inclinations of obstacle limitation planes for takeoffs and landings with a short take-off run and in a helicopter using the influence of an air cushion are given in Table 8. Data for helicopter takeoffs and landings without using the influence of an air cushion are shown in Fig. 5.

Table 8

Parameters of the heliport area

Dimensions of the heliport area by helicopter type

Mi-6, Mi-10, Mi-26

Mi-4, Mi-8, Ka-32

Mi-2, Ka-26

Note. The parameters of the heliport area for Mi-26 and Ka-32 helicopters are preliminary and will be clarified based on test results.

Fig.4. Diagram of air approach strips during takeoffs and landings like an airplane or like a helicopter using the influence of an air cushion

Fig.4. Diagram of air approach strips during takeoffs and landings like an airplane or like a helicopter using the influence of an air cushion

Fig.5. Diagram of air approach strips and inclinations of planes limiting the height of obstacles of landing sites during helicopter takeoffs and landings without using the influence of an air cushion

Fig.5. Diagram of air approach strips and inclinations of planes limiting the height of obstacles of landing sites during helicopter takeoffs and landings without using the influence of an air cushion

10.5. Overhead high-voltage power lines (PTLs) located within the air approach strips (AOP), in addition to the height limit, must be removed from the boundary of the airstrip (AL) of the heliport, landing site by at least 1.0 km and 0.5 km , if the power line crossing the airfield from the side of the heliport is closed by terrain folds, forest plantations, buildings, etc., which do not intersect the air obstacle limitation plane. The distance from the side border of the power line must be at least 0.3 km and 0.12 km if the power line is covered along its entire length by shading objects (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. The relative position of the heliport (landing site) and the high-voltage power line (PTL)

Fig.6. The relative position of the heliport (landing site) and the high-voltage power line (PTL): 1 - airstrip; 2 - power lines; 3 - conditional lateral plane for limiting the height of obstacles; 4 - conventional plane for limiting the height of obstacles in the direction of takeoff and landing


The surface of elements of heliports and landing pads for helicopters should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-47-80, depending on the weight category of the helicopter.


12.1. The dimensions of the runways of temporary heliports (landing sites) and air approach strips to them must be taken in accordance with SNiP II-47-80 and section 10 of this Manual.

12.2. The maximum slopes of runways of temporary heliports and landing sites are recommended to be taken in accordance with SNiP II-47-80.


13.1. It is recommended to equip elements of heliports (runways, taxiways, stations, aprons, airfields and other sites) intended for the operation of helicopters with artificial surfaces (maintenance, lightweight or transitional), depending on the type of helicopter.

Artificial coatings of heliport (landing pad) elements are calculated in accordance with SNiP II-47-80. The strength of ice heliports is calculated in accordance with Appendix 24 of NAS GA-80, taking into account the dynamic coefficient of 1.5.

13.2. It is recommended to use the following as artificial surfaces for heliports:

for helicopters such as Mi-10, Mi-6, Mi-26, Mi-8, Mi-4, Ka-32 - precast reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, cement concrete, the use of asphalt concrete is allowed;

for helicopters such as Mi-2 and Ka-26 - asphalt concrete or crushed stone coating treated with binder.

When equipping temporary heliports and landing sites in areas with soft soils, it is necessary to arrange a flooring of logs with a diameter of at least 18 cm, firmly fastened together, and the logs of the upper roll should be laid across the direction of the accepted launch.

The flooring for Mi-6, Mi-10K helicopters is arranged in at least two rolls, for other helicopters - in one roll.

13.3. When designing surface heliports, the base structures of takeoff and landing platforms (flat trusses, beams, purlins, piles) must be designed for the concentrated load from the maximum take-off weight of the helicopter with a factor of 1.5.

The flooring (floor) of the take-off and landing platform is designed for a concentrated load amounting to 75% of the maximum take-off weight of the design helicopter, acting on an area measuring 30x30 cm.

13.4. Depending on local climatic and production conditions, it is recommended to check the strength of the decking (flooring) of take-off and landing platforms for a temporary evenly distributed load resulting from heavy snowfall or when technical personnel, passengers, cargo, and vehicles are simultaneously on the platform along with the helicopter. mechanization and freight transport. In order to simplify calculations, it is recommended to take the temporary uniformly distributed load equal to 500 kg/m.


14.1. Surface heliports and landing sites can be built on pile foundations or on watercraft (barges, pontoons). In the first case, the difference between the elevations of the working area and the highest water horizon should not be less than 1 m.

The take-off and landing platform of surface heliports should be close to the shore, on which passenger buildings, helicopter and vehicle stations, a maintenance dock, and a fuel and lubricants warehouse can be located.

14.2. The dimensions of take-off and landing platforms and landing sites, as well as air approaches to them, are taken in accordance with SNiP II-47-80 and Table 1, depending on the specified take-off method.
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No one disputes the fact that in the 90s. last century, the geopolitical picture of the world has undergone dramatic changes. Along with it, military doctrines also changed - primarily of countries occupying leading positions in the world. At the end of the 90s. The Pentagon, and with it the NATO countries, began to reorient their fleets from operations in the oceans to operations in coastal zones as part of local conflicts. The new concept of using the Navy, as well as the successful development of a number of modern technologies, required a revision of the combat strength of the naval forces.

It was planned to create a new generation of ships - small displacement, and therefore relatively inexpensive, built using high technology and the latest achievements of military equipment, capable of solving many combat missions with a relatively small displacement. The so-called Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) of the US Navy were to become precisely such units.

The need to revise the concept of using the fleet in coastal waters, where the threat of attack from the enemy is extremely high, became most acute after the incident with the American destroyer Cole (DDG 67) in the Aden roadstead on October 12, 2000. At that time, a modern, well-armed and expensive warship was needed for a long time disabled by the explosion of a small boat filled with explosives that came alongside him. The destroyer was saved and put back into service after 14 months of repairs, which cost $250 million.

In a certain sense, the Swedish corvette Visby (YS2000), launched in June 2000, can be considered the prototype of modern littoral warships. The highlight of the project is that the ship was created with extensive use of stealth technology. It is called the first "real" stealth ship. It was its widely advertised ability to be invisible to enemy detection equipment that brought the corvette truly worldwide fame. The reduction in radar signature was achieved through the use of composite structural materials that ensure absorption and “spraying” of radar waves, as well as through the choice of a rational shape for the ship’s hull and superstructures. In addition, all the main systems are hidden behind special hermetic shelters, made flush with the hull structures (the only exception is the artillery mount, but its turret is also made of radio-absorbing material in a “stealth” form). The mooring equipment is made in the same way. As is known, it is these elements, as well as developed antenna posts, that make a very significant contribution to the EPR of the entire ship.

Visby-class corvette.

With its small displacement, Visby is equipped with a helipad. In addition, it was reported that its weapons are built on a modular principle: in the central part of the hull there is a special compartment where various weapons can be installed - from attack missiles to unmanned underwater mine destroyers. True, judging by press publications, the first four hulls were built with mine-resistant weapons, and only the fifth - with shock weapons initially installed on board.

In August 2000, the Swedish company Kockums began work on the Visby Plus project, an ocean-going corvette. In general, its philosophy is similar to the previous one: minimization of physical field signatures, weapons and equipment hidden in the body, the use of composite materials, a water cannon as a propulsion device, and a modular principle of weapon arrangement. Interestingly, the program was not implemented, but a corvette very much reminiscent of the Visby Plus appeared in the US Navy.

No wonder. There is a very direct relationship between the American LCS project and the Swedish corvette. On October 22, 2002, at the Euronaval naval show in Paris, representatives of the American company Northrop Grumman announced the signing of a joint agreement with Kockums (developer of the Visby corvette), which covered issues of improving the design, construction and sale of Visby-type corvettes, as well as related technologies to both the American government and its allies through the so-called Foreign Military Sales Program.

Littoral trimaran combat ship Independence.

As a result, in September 2006, the first littoral combat ship of the American fleet, Freedom (LCS 1), developed by the company group under the leadership of Lockheed Martin, launched from the stocks of the Marinette Marine shipyard. Its main feature is the construction of weapons on a modular basis, which was stipulated in the technical specifications for the design. The modular-container principle should become multi-purpose in the full sense of the word. Thanks to its implementation, the ship can quickly adapt to any combat mission, having on board only the weapons and equipment necessary to carry out a given operation in an optimal combination.

Three corporations participated in the final tender for the development of the future ship - Lockheed Martin with a displacement ship with deep-V hulls and water jets as main propulsors, General Dynamics (GD) with an outrigger trimaran with water jets, and, finally, Raytheon with a skeg-type STOL with a composite hull materials developed on the basis of the Norwegian missile hovercraft Skjold. The winners were Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics. On January 19, 2006, the LCS 2 trimaran, named Independence, was laid down under the GD project. It is also designed using a modular armament concept (the ship was launched on April 29, 2008). It was announced to the general public that after comprehensive testing of both options, a decision would be made: which ships to build next - monohulls or trimarans.

Chilean Navy patrol ship Piloto Pardo.

Frankly speaking, the approach is quite strange. It has long been calculated that multihull ships are more expensive than monohull ships of approximately equal displacement. The cost of construction, further maintenance and repairs is also higher. The advantages obtained with a multi-body scheme are not as great as the amount that you have to pay for them. But there are very serious shortcomings. For example, combat survivability if one outrigger is damaged is sharply reduced. For docking and repair of such ships, special conditions are required, etc.

The US Navy initially considered purchasing up to 60 LCS ships by 2030 at a total cost of about $12 billion. The first sub-series of ships was planned to consist of twelve or possibly thirteen ships. However, the cost of building intertidal ships, which was initially estimated at $220 million per unit, has reached almost $600 million each. And this is without combat modules, the cost of which is not included in this amount.

But the coastal zone requires not only ships capable of performing strike missions. We need watchdogs to control exclusive economic zones. For example, in June 2007, the patrol ship Piloto Pardo, built by ASMAR for the Chilean Navy, was launched. The project developer and component supplier is the German company Fassmer. The ship is certified to Lloyd's Register.

The displacement of Piloto Pardo is about 1,700 tons. Its tasks include protecting the territorial waters of Chile, carrying out search and rescue operations, monitoring the aquatic environment, and training personnel for the Navy. The Chilean Navy already has two ships of this type - Piloto Pardo and Comandante Policarpo Toro, and a total of four units are planned to be commissioned. Neighboring states have become interested in the project: Argentina intends to purchase five ships of this type, and Colombia intends to purchase two.

It should be noted that the designers wisely refused to achieve high speeds, but seriously increased the cruising range. They did not overload the project with strike and anti-aircraft weapons, limiting themselves to only light artillery and a small helicopter.

Coastal patrol ship of the PS-500 project.

Russia has not remained aloof from the design of such littoral ships. In April 1997, at the Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg, the keel of the PS-500 coastal patrol ship, designed by the Severny Design Bureau for the Vietnamese Navy, took place. The Vietnamese side ordered two sets of equipment and mechanisms, block sections for the lead ship, as well as bow and stern sections for the second. It was assumed that after testing and delivery of the first hull to the fleet, an order would follow for the manufacture of the remaining sections for the second. But this did not happen.

The sections were assembled in Vietnam at the Ba Son shipyard in Ho Chi Minh City. On June 24, 1998, the lead ship was launched, and in October 2001 it was delivered to the fleet.

PS-500 is designed to carry out patrol and border service to protect territorial waters and the economic zone, protect civilian ships and communications from enemy warships, submarines and boats. For the first time in the practice of domestic shipbuilding, the deep V hull shape was successfully used for ships of this class and displacement, which made it possible to obtain high seaworthiness, and water cannons of the same type as on the Visby corvette (KaMeWa 125 SII, however, with old impellers and with reverse steering devices). The combination of the latest achievements in the development of hull shapes and water jets made it possible to achieve exceptional maneuverability of the ship over the entire speed range (internal and small roll in circulation, turning on the “stop”, moving with a lag). The ship's hull and superstructure are entirely made of steel without the use of light alloys.

Of course, the external “exterior” of the PS-500 is not as attractive as that of the Visby, but its armament and tactical and technical elements fully correspond to the concept of a small coastal ship, and most importantly, the Russian ship turned out to be much cheaper. And in terms of armament, it (its Swedish counterpart is actually a minesweeper; let us remember that only the fifth ship in the series is armed with strike missiles) is significantly superior to it.

As for radar visibility due to the introduction of very expensive elements, the feasibility of reducing it for small ships, often operating against the background of coastlines, rocks, islands, etc., which are excellent natural shelters and interference for the radar signal, is doubtful. Therefore, it should probably be considered logical to somewhat “neglect” this indicator.

Today, several variants of the PS-500 have been developed with lightweight weapons (for example, a 76-mm artillery mount can be replaced by a 57-mm gun), as well as with a helipad for receiving and servicing a light helicopter of the Ka-226 type.

Promising patrol ship of the littoral zone of project 22460.

New for 2009 was the Project 22460 border patrol ship Rubin, developed by Severny Design Bureau. It is designed for patrol and rescue operations in the territorial sea. Perhaps the main feature of this ship (and the displacement of the Rubin, like the Visby, is about 600 tons) is the presence on board of a landing pad for a light helicopter and the ability to quickly equip a hangar. The Visby, which until recently was considered the smallest warship with a helicopter on board, has no hangar - only a helipad. "Rubin" is also equipped with a high-speed rigid-inflatable boat installed on the stern slipway, along which the boat can be lowered and hoisted on board while moving. The boat is stored in a multifunctional room, which can also be used to accommodate various special equipment. A search helicopter and boat seriously expand the capabilities of a small ship.

A serious difference between the Russian ship and the Swedish one is that it uses steel as a structural material, which allows it to operate in young and broken ice up to 20 centimeters thick, and for the seas of Russia this is more than relevant. When creating the ship, stealth technology was used within reasonable limits.

The Rubin's armament is, at first glance, "frivolous" - one multi-barreled 30-mm artillery mount AK-630 and two Kord machine guns. But this is quite enough to stop terrorists or border violators, and for the period of mobilization, Uran anti-ship missile launchers and additional anti-aircraft weapons can be installed on the ship.

Let us recall that the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation includes patrol ships of Project 11351 with a displacement of more than 3,500 tons, developed by the Northern Design Bureau. But they were built back in Soviet times. Today, Severnoye PKB offers a ship with a standard displacement of about 1,300 tons, armed with a 57-mm gun and a Ka-27PS search and rescue helicopter, as a promising patrol ship for the littoral zone. Installation of special equipment is possible. The cruising range at an economical 16-knot speed is 6,000 miles, the full speed is 30 knots. If such products are ordered, border guards will receive relatively cheap seaworthy ships with sufficiently strong weapons to solve problems corresponding to the realities of the time and, at the same time, serious modernization potential, allowing them to be turned into formidable warships in a fairly short time.

Actually, now it’s time to go to the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter. According to the information we know, it crashed on the Helipads in the southern part of the location. Let's tighten the belts and go on our way.

As soon as we arrive at the place, we will reduce the speed. Do we see the "Mines" sign? Believe me, they exist and we are not deluded at all just because they are not visible: the talents of military thought have rolled mines under the asphalt, and now they will detonate in some unreal way if you step on them. There is a way out though.

Option 1.
We approach the first stick sticking out of the ground, did we get there safe and sound? So it worked. And so we move from stick to stick until we reach the helicopter.

Option 2.
We take out the bolt and throw it where we intend to go. If you hear a click, there is a mine in front. If there is silence, it means the path is clear. We approach the bolt and throw it again. Therefore, you can walk to the helicopter while keeping your arms and legs with you.

In the minefield we see a dead military man, apparently he was blown up by a mine, but for some reason he suffered the damage that mines give after the explosion. We search and take away everything he has.

Well, we reached the helicopter safe and sound Scat-1 crash site.

After examining the helicopter, we find a black box. We are offered to take his equipment for decryption. There is nothing else interesting at the turntable, and you can leave. We're not in a hurry though. Do you see a lot of pigs and wild boars?

Don't waste ammo on them, just watch. Do you have popcorn with you? No? Okay, let's chop up the loaf and eat it while watching the pigs start exploding in the minefield. Hmmm, the effects are rather weak. And why the hell did the piglets come here?

It’s a pity, of course, but despite all the above, what a quantity of free stew! We'll roll up a couple of cans on the spot and hit the road, remembering to check the road with bolts, otherwise later they will make stew out of our scraps.

Having avoided the minefield, you can sigh serenely and move on.

The requirements of these Rules are applied in accordance with the requirements of the aircraft operational documentation, because landing sites are used for one-time landings and for less than 30 days during the calendar year.

For Mi-8 helicopter

The minimum dimensions of the area for helicopter take-off and landing in the zone of influence of the ground in the absence of obstacles on the approach should be 50x50 meters, while the size of the planned working area should be at least 20x20 meters. And if there are obstacles up to 15 meters high on the boundaries of the site at altitudes up to 1500 meters - 50x120 meters; at an altitude of 2000 meters - 50x165 meters; at an altitude of 3000 meters - 50x255 meters.

The maximum slopes of the site for helicopter take-off and landing, with the engines turned off after landing, should not exceed 3°.

For Mi-26 helicopter

The minimum dimensions of sites for helicopter takeoff and landing without using the influence of the ground at H = 0-1000 m is 80x50 m, while the size of the planned working area must be at least 20x20 meters.

The maximum slopes of the site for helicopter take-off and landing with the engines turned off after landing should not exceed 3°.

General provisions

Landing site signs can be traffic signal cones or tires painted in a contrasting color, as well as white (summer) and red (winter) flags.

The landing area must be cleared of foreign objects that can be lifted by the air flow during landing approach (in order to prevent foreign objects from getting into the main rotor, tail rotor and engine blades); obstacles in this area must be no more than 1 meter high.

The working area of ​​the landing site must be clean and level, with a slope of no more than 3°. The platform must have a hard surface that prevents the landing gear wheels from falling through. If the site is dusty (sand, etc.), before the helicopter arrives, it is necessary to spill water on the site within a radius of 20 meters.

If there is no wind indicator on the site, the greeter must have a smoke flare (to determine the wind for the crew) and a radio station tuned to frequency 133.5, call sign “Podpodzhka”. When the aircraft approaches 1000-1500 meters, establish contact with the helicopter and light the smoke flare. The landing site must be located in such a way that buildings, natural structures, towers, power lines (tents, etc.) are located at a distance of at least 50 meters.

After landing:

  1. When turning off the helicopter:
  • meeting personnel should approach the aircraft from the cockpit only after the propellers have completely stopped;
  • the approach of vehicles to the aircraft after the rotors have completely stopped at the command of the on-board engineer or at a distance of at least 5 meters from the swept area of ​​the main rotor.
  1. Without turning off the helicopter engines:
  • meeting personnel should approach the aircraft from the direction of the pilot's cabin only at the command of the flight engineer, while passengers moving towards the aircraft should tightly fasten their hats and personal belongings (to prevent foreign objects from getting into the main, tail rotor and engine blades);
  • access of vehicles to the aircraft at the command of the on-board engineer or at a distance of at least 10 meters from the swept area of ​​the main rotor.

You can approach the helicopter only from the direction of the pilot's cabin, from other sides STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!

Dimensions and markings

1 – landing area: for Mi-8 50x50 m, for Mi-26 50x80 m; 2 – the working area of ​​the landing site is divided: for Mi-8 20x20 m, for Mi-26 25x25 m; 3 – marked with a truncated cone (prism) of orange (red) color or white (summer), red (winter) flags. When landing at night, use four white (red) lights

Boundary designation

1 – truncated cone; 2 – prism; 3 – checkbox; 4 – traffic signal cone

Search and rescue operations on the Mi-8

When performing RPS, the search and rescue team selects a site for landing a helicopter with a landing area of ​​50x50 m (excluding obstacles more than one meter high) and a working area of ​​20x20 m (there should be no obstacles). The landing site must be located in such a way that buildings, natural structures, towers, power lines (tents, etc.) are located at a distance of at least 50 m.

The search and rescue group should consist of no more than 6 people (one of whom is a doctor and a senior group), with assigned:

  • the senior group;
  • the doctors;
  • one of the rescuers (for video recording of the PRS and, if necessary, analysis of the work performed).

The search and rescue team must have with them:

  • all necessary search and rescue gear and equipment for both work on land and on water (binoculars, descending devices and equipment, life jackets and wetsuits), as well as stretchers;
  • rescue equipment for victims (scarves, life jackets - for evacuating victims from hovering over land and water).

Penetrating into a closed facility is always exciting, and now, having discovered on satellite maps that it had expanded to another site, I decided to visit noticeable places again. The weather turned out to be cold and cloudy, but Bernstein’s famous maxim “The goal is nothing, movement is everything” made me get into the car and head to the Gorelovo area, which is located near St. Petersburg.

1. The military left the airfield long ago, and the hangars were rented out to small aircraft. Most of the aircraft parked there are Cessna brands.

Panorama (click for larger size)

2. The Il-14P “Soviet Union” has been laid up on the site for several years now.

3. The condition of the IL-14 is sad; the keel has already been removed. Apparently he will no longer see the sky. I really hope that I'm wrong.

4. At the Gorelovo airfield, the planes are covered, all flights are prohibited while the investigation into the case of the Cessna that crashed in August 2012 is ongoing.

5. L-29 "Dolphin". Most of all the L-29 costs .

6. P-19 radar and radio altimeter - flight tracking means.

7. Walking along the runway, a panorama of the helicopter parking area opens before your eyes (click on it for a larger size)

8. Helicopters arrived for major repairs at 419 ARZ. The company is completely focused on the repair of combat attack helicopters. The total production area of ​​the enterprise is 33314 sq. m.

10. Panorama (click for larger size)

11. There are very, very many helicopters in the parking lot.

12. Maximum speed of the Mi-24 is 335 km/h, cruising speed is 270 km/h. Can fly up to 1000 km.

13. Mi-24 helicopters are gradually being replaced by more modern Ka-50, Mi-28 and Ka-52 helicopters.

14. Cars are prepared for disposal

15. This one is awaiting a major overhaul.

16. The weapons from the helicopters have been completely removed.

17. Mi-24 for disposal

22. Convenient stages for photographing panoramas have been built in the background

23. Panorama (click for larger size)

28. This pink one has been standing for a year and a half now, and was captured for the second time.

29. Plugs are lying everywhere on the site

30. This trip to the parking lot did not cause a nagging feeling of desolation and despondency, unlike

32. What is under the tail of the Mi-24? Equipment for shooting heat traps?

35. Transport and combat helicopter Mi-8TB (Hip-E).

36. Features a container with a Doppler speed and drift meter under the tail boom.

38. Mi-8MT is the latest modification of the helicopter, which was the logical completion of the transition from a transport to a transport-combat helicopter. More modern TVZ-117 MT engines are installed with an additional AI-9V gas turbine unit and a dust protection device at the entrance to the air intakes. To combat surface-to-air missiles, there are systems for dispersing hot engine gases, shooting false thermal targets and generating pulsed IR signals. In 1979-1988. The Mi-8MT helicopter took part in the military conflict in Afghanistan.

39. Mi-8 is the most common helicopter in the world. In the history of the world helicopter industry, in terms of the total number of aircraft produced - more than 12 thousand - it has no analogues among aircraft of its class.

42. For modelers and designers

44. Mi-8MTPB jammer helicopter

45. Mi-8PPA jammer

48. Another jammer

50. Successfully littered horizon

53. It became noticeably colder, it began to rain and it was time to leave. Having entered an object unnoticed, you must also leave it unnoticed.

55. In the Foursquare geolocation service, 419 ARZ is designated for check-ins

56. Having looked around the location for the last time, I’m going home.

57. Panorama of the runway

58. And traditionally, the coordinates of the object are for free visiting by everyone.

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