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» Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow? What to do if hydrangea leaves turn yellow: plant treatment Why do paniculata hydrangea have pale leaves

Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow? What to do if hydrangea leaves turn yellow: plant treatment Why do paniculata hydrangea have pale leaves

Iron chlorosis is a disease that occurs in plants due to a disruption in the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves. If you notice that only the veins on the leaves of your flower remain green, and the leaves themselves have turned yellow, it’s time to treat it.

To put it simply, iron chlorosis indicates a lack of iron in the plant’s body. The disease appears when there is a lack of iron in the soil, as well as when the plant, for some reason, has lost the ability to absorb this substance. In any case, it is necessary to find out the causes of the phenomenon and begin treatment; most often it turns out that the diseased plant simply needs to be fed with iron.

In the photo, the hydrangea is susceptible to chlorosis.

For example, in spring, chlorosis in hydrangea and other plants can develop due to large temperature differences between day and night. If the roots of plants are in cold soil and the leaves are heated by the sun's rays, the metabolism in the plant is disrupted, and the process of chlorophyll formation in its leaves slows down. As a result, the plant becomes ill with chlorosis, and it needs urgent treatment so that it does not die.

In addition to yellowing of the leaves, chlorosis in hydrangea and other plants also manifests itself in other signs - the leaves decrease in size, curl at the edges and fall off. The shape of the buds and flowers also changes, they also fall off. The apical shoots dry out, and the roots stop developing and die. As a result, the plant dies completely.

In addition to hydrangea, other plants that are susceptible to chlorosis are azalea, gardenia, clerodendrum and lemon. But violets are not afraid of this disease at all.

And for this you need to choose the right substrate for the flower. The soil should be light, air and moisture permeable. Often, too dense soil retains moisture, which causes alkalization of the soil and the occurrence of chlorosis.

We should not forget that hydrangeas that grow on soil rich in lime or on soil excessively fertilized with humus develop chlorosis.

Hydrangea and other plants susceptible to chlorosis love acidified soil, so you need to constantly monitor the acidity of the soil. The easiest way in this case is to occasionally water the flowers with slightly acidified water - it is enough to acidify the water for watering once a week.

Tap water has a pH of 7; this figure must be reduced to pH 5-5.5 by adding citric acid to the water. For 1 liter of water you only need a few grains of acid - on the tip of a knife. It is best to generally water the plants with filtered or rainwater.

All these are preventive measures; if they are not carried out in a timely manner, the plant becomes ill with chlorosis, and now it needs to be treated. Treatment of hydrangea consists of several stages, including replacing the soil, watering with acidified water, adding iron to the soil and water for irrigation.

To treat hydrangea from chlorosis, iron will be needed in chelated form, so it will be easier to absorb. For spraying and applying under the roots you need to buy the following preparations:

  • Iron chelate (Mikom-reacom);
  • Ferovit (Nest M);
  • Antichlorosis (Master Color);
  • Brexil-Fe (Valagro);
  • Ferrylene (Valagro);
  • Micro-Fe (Orton).

The most effective treatment method is spraying the leaves - in this case, the plant absorbs beneficial substances within 24 hours. During watering, absorption occurs within three days.

Therefore, manufacturers label iron chelate as “Foliar fertilizer,” although they can also be used for irrigation.

To treat chlorosis in hydrangea and some other plants, iron chelate can be prepared at home. The recipe is very simple - take 1 liter of boiled cold water, add 0.5 tsp. citric acid, 2.5 grams of iron sulfate - a little less than 0.5 teaspoon and mix all the ingredients.

You will get a light orange liquid containing ferrous iron salt, or iron chelate with a concentration of 0.5 grams per 1 liter of water. The solution, prepared with your own hands, is used for both watering and spraying. The product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 15 days.

Another remedy is to dilute 10 grams of iron sulfate and 20 grams of ascorbic acid in 1 liter of water. The solution is used to treat chlorosis in hydrangea using the same method.

The easiest way to treat and prevent chlorosis in plants, which gardeners use, is to bury rusty metal objects in the garden - nails, screws, tin lids for seaming, etc.

Rust is scraped off large objects and mixed with the soil under plants susceptible to chlorosis. The method is simple, cheap and very effective.

And one more way - chlorosis in hydrangea is treated with a solution of potassium nitrate; to prepare it you will need 40 grams of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water. The plant needs to be watered with the solution for 2-3 days, and after three days, watered with a solution of iron sulfate.

Hydrangea leaves can also turn yellow for other reasons - from a lack or excess of moisture, direct sunlight or hypothermia, from sudden temperature changes, or a lack of other nutrients, not just iron.

Flowers on the windowsill always please the eye and lift our spirits, especially if they bloom very beautifully. Hydrangea, as a houseplant, has long settled in our homes. But there are situations when a flower ceases to please us and yellow leaves appear on it. This article will help you figure out why the leaf turned yellow.

Causes of yellowing

If you see that the hydrangea has begun to turn yellow, then the first thing that comes to mind is that somewhere an error in care has crept in or the plant is missing something. Therefore, first of all, you need to evaluate the correctness of care, and only then look for other reasons why a yellow leaf appeared on the plant.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow due to the following mistakes made when caring for it:

  • you flooded the flower. Home hydrangea is a very moisture-loving plant. But even it can be flooded if you water it too often. The first to react to waterlogging will be the leaves, which will begin to turn yellow and fall off;
  • lack of warmth. This indoor flower does not like drafts and low temperatures. When a plant finds itself in such a situation, the first signal about unsuitable conditions will be the appearance of a yellow leaf;
  • lack of nutrients. Even indoor hydrangea, which grows in a pot, must be ensured that it receives the optimal set of micro- and macroelements;
  • lack of sunlight. For normal growth and development of a flower, a certain light regime must be observed. It is important both for the health of hydrangeas and for beautiful flowering. But remember that the light should be diffused, not direct. Otherwise, those with sunburn will be added to the yellow leaves. It manifests itself in the fact that the leaves turn brown and dry out;
  • feeding during flowering and formation of stems. If this is not done, after a while the first yellow leaf will appear on the stem.

It is worth looking at the lack of nutrients in more detail. During the flowering period, the plant requires the maximum amount of nutrients. And even a slight lack of them can lead to defective formation of inflorescences, and also cause the leaves to turn yellow. This usually indicates that the soil is deficient in iron and nitrogen.

If caring for the flower turned out to be correct, but the leaf is still yellow, you need to look for another reason. Sometimes hydrangea leaves turn yellow and dry out due to disease. Despite the sufficient resistance of hydrangea to various types of infections, in certain situations it can be attacked by viruses and fungi. Why such situations occur can be answered quite easily. The whole reason here lies, again, in improper care of the flower.

Indoor hydrangeas are not characterized by many diseases, and only some of them can cause yellow leaves to appear. For example, the most common reason why leaves turn yellow is a viral disease such as ring spot. In this case, the sheet not only turns yellow, but also becomes deformed. It is by the deformation of the leaf blade that one can determine that the cause is a virus.

In addition to ring spot, house hydrangea can be affected by axochytic spot. Here the castings also turn yellow. But they also dry out quite quickly, die and fall off. Indoor hydrangea is also characterized by an ailment such as chlorosis. The reason for its occurrence is a violation of the plant’s watering technique. A flower can contract chlorosis after being watered with harsh tap water, which contained a high percentage of lime.

Hydrangea is a fairly popular plant with large leaves and lush inflorescences. It is grown as a garden shrub or indoor tree. Hydrangea does not claim to be a capricious plant, but knowing the basic rules for maintaining and caring for it is extremely important.

Causes of leaf blanching and chlorosis

The most common mistakes in hydrangea agricultural practices are:

  • Alkaline soil;
  • Lack of mineral elements;
  • Damage by pathogenic bacteria;
  • Garden pest attacks.

The main reason that green leaves become lighter is a decrease in the quality of the soil and a malnutrition of the plant. A sufficient level of soil acidity for hydrangea ranges from pH 4.0 to 6.5. It is very important to maintain this indicator at a normal level so that the plant is decorated not only with buds of inflorescences, but also with healthy green leaves.

When the acidity level changes above pH 6.5, the soil becomes overly alkaline and there is a high likelihood of chlorosis.

A distinctive feature of this phenomenon is that the main part of the leaves turns pale and becomes light green, while the veins retain their previous color. If it was not possible to avoid the appearance of chlorosis, it is necessary to restore the acid-base balance of the soil as quickly as possible.

Checking the acidity level of the substrate at home is not difficult.

To check the soil reaction you will need:

  • Litmus paper;
  • Container with water;
  • Sample of soil from under a bush.

This analysis is carried out using litmus paper, which can be purchased at a specialized flower shop. To carry out the test, you need to moisten a handful of soil with distilled water and attach a strip of paper to it.

Its coloring in red indicates high acidity of the soil; the appearance of blue color will indicate a neutral soil level. If the paper turns yellow, the substrate is slightly acidic, and a medium-acidic medium will show a pink stripe. The appearance of a green-blue tint indicates a pH level close to neutral.

It is necessary to make emergency adjustments, if the test result shows that the soil is not acidic enough, urgent action must be taken. To do this, just add ¼ teaspoon of citric acid to a bucket of water prepared for irrigation. You can also acidify the soil by adding a coniferous layer to the soil, or using ammonium sulfate or ferrous sulfate for this purpose.

Violation of the mineral balance in the soil

A lack or excess of minerals in the soil can also cause hydrangea leaves to turn white. Most often, the plant suffers from a lack of iron or nitrogen.

To prevent their deficiency, from the end of spring, the soil is fed twice a month with fertilizers containing these elements. Stop feeding this way by mid-summer. During the same period, the degree of watering of the hydrangea is also reduced.

Excessive addition of humus to the soil or watering the plant with hard lime water can also contribute to the appearance of a white tint in the color of the leaves.

Diseases of garden hydrangea

Another reason why hydrangeas have pale leaves may be powdery mildew. In fact, when such an infection occurs, the hydrangea leaves not only turn white, but become covered with a white coating.

Most often, powdery mildew appears when the soil and air are excessively moist.

The upper part of the leaves and stem is affected first. What to do if powdery plaque appears? First of all, protect the healthy part of the plant - pinch off damaged leaves and treat the bush with fungicides.

Such products as “Alirin-B”, “Topaz”, “Chistotsvet” are suitable. It is necessary to select a fungicide solution according to the degree of complexity of the hydrangea damage. If the appearance of “powdery mildew” is detected at an early stage, it is enough to thoroughly wash the infected leaves on both sides several times with a mixture of soap and copper sulfate.

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • Warm water – 10 l;
  • Copper sulfate – 15 g;
  • Laundry soap – 150 gr.

Garden pest attack

Insects such as spider mites, aphids, meadow bugs, and slugs also threaten hydrangeas by changing the color of the leaves due to the absorption of plant sap by pests. It is important to inspect the flowerbed as often as possible and at the first sign of insects to use preparations to kill them.
Leaf damage by spider mites is indicated by the presence of small yellow spots. Fungicides sold in specialized retail outlets will help cope with this problem. If pests are detected in a timely manner, more gentle methods are used - treating the leaves with a solution of mineral oil or soap.

When hydrangea is infested with aphids, a slight yellowing of the upper leaves of the bush most often appears. It is also important not to miss the initial stage of infection and thoroughly treat the leaves with a soap solution on both sides. In case of mass leaf disease, solutions such as “Akarin”, “Tobacco dust” or “Fitoverm” are used.

Methods to prevent hydrangea leaves from turning yellow

When purchasing hydrangea seedlings, you must carefully examine the leaves; any changes indicate improper metabolism or damage to the bush.

In order to prevent a large number of aggressive ultraviolet rays from reaching the leaves, you should select a semi-shaded area for planting hydrangeas.

When caring for hydrangea, it is important to monitor the level of acidity and moisture in the soil.

Watering is carried out in the summer once every three days with soft water. Weekly watering of one garden hydrangea bush should not contain less than 20 liters of water.

Hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, but excessive moisture in the flower bed is fraught with the appearance of pests and fungal infections.

In order to prevent the appearance of chlorosis, it is necessary to feed the shrub with iron-containing supplements twice a season. For this purpose, spraying with “Ferovit” or “Antichlorosis” solutions is carried out.

And yet, the main methods of preventing mass damage to hydrangea leaves are periodic inspection of the bush and checking the acidity level of the soil. Do not forget that in the initial stages of the problem it is easier to deal with the cause of blanching of hydrangea leaves.

During the growing season, hydrangea, like many other crops, is damaged by pests and diseases. Their development and spread are influenced by air temperature and humidity, irrigation regime, untimely application of fertilizers (feeding), and dense plantings.
Hydrangea diseases most often appear in conditions of high humidity. Thus, increased air humidity is favorable for the development of downy mildew. Yellow spots appear on the leaves, which darken over time. On the underside of the leaf blade, corresponding to the spots, you can see a coating. The development and spread of the disease is facilitated by the presence of drip moisture on the plant surface. If the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides.
During the growing season, various spots may be found on the leaves, for example, septoria. It is characterized by the appearance of small but numerous bordered brown spots of irregular shape, which later merge. As a result, the leaves dry out. High air humidity also contributes to the development of the disease. If there is a threat of infection, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of plants with fungicides.
In summer, brown spots may appear on the shoots, covered with a gray fluffy coating, which indicates the development of gray rot. Subsequently, the infection spreads to leaves and flowers. The development of the disease is facilitated by high air humidity, as well as dense plantings. To prevent the occurrence of this dangerous disease, the above information should be taken into account. If the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to treat with fungicides. If the disease is severe, the affected parts of the plants are removed and destroyed.

Video: Why do the leaves turn yellow? - Professor Pochemushkin

The development and spread of viral diseases is due to the fact that carriers of viral diseases are found among hydrangea pests. As a rule, spots of various shapes are observed on plants. Thus, ring-shaped spots on the leaves of this shrub may indicate the ring spot virus.
Another sign of the presence of a viral infection is deformation of the leaf blade (leaves wrinkle in separate areas). There are no drugs to combat viral diseases. The main methods of protection are the use of healthy planting material, removal and destruction of diseased plants, and control of insect vectors.
Improper care of plantings can also cause diseases. So, for example, excessive soil moisture most often leads to wilting. Its main symptoms are stunting, wilting, yellowing and drying of the lower leaves, darkening of the lower part of the stems, and browning of the roots. For prevention, it is necessary to water in a timely and correct manner.
Diseases can be not only infectious, but also non-infectious. Non-infectious diseases include chlorosis, when the surface of the leaf becomes lighter, but the veins remain green. As a rule, it manifests itself when there is a lack of iron in the soil. If symptoms of chlorosis are detected, it is necessary to balance the plant nutrition and fertilize it.

Signs of hydrangea damage
In summer, spider mites can be found on hydrangea leaves. These are very small arthropods belonging to the class of arachnids, the order of acariform mites. If the leaves are poorly populated, they can only be detected with a magnifying glass.
Small yellow spots appear in the places where they feed, which later merge. The leaves turn yellow and dry out. When the leaves are heavily infested, necrosis appears, and the naked eye can detect cobwebs and mites actively moving along them on the plants.
Distinctive biological characteristics of the pest are its affinity for elevated temperatures, high fertility and a large number of generations per season.
To suppress spider mites, the following must be taken into account: reducing daylight hours to 14 hours and setting the temperature at + 19°C contribute to the appearance of females that fall into a state of rest. After favorable conditions return, the females emerge from this state and lay eggs on the underside of the leaves.
When selecting drugs to combat spider mites, first of all, you need to know their characteristics according to the object of use. For these purposes, acaricides and insecto-acaricides should be used.
The second dangerous pest of hydrangea is aphids. The harmfulness of the insect lies in sucking juice from plants, contaminating the leaves with sugary secretions, which are subsequently colonized by sooty fungi. In addition, aphids are carriers of viral plant diseases. When the pest is heavily infested, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Insects form numerous colonies. They can be easily noticed if you pay attention to the underside of the leaf blade.
To reduce the number of this pest, it is necessary to destroy weeds, which are a reserve of insects, and in the event of a mass appearance of aphids, use insecticides.
During periods of high humidity and moderate temperatures, hydrangeas can be damaged by slugs. Most often they appear in dense plantings. These polyphagous pests damage plants by gnawing on foliage. To combat them, special drugs are used - molluscicides. They are produced in the form of granules, which need to be scattered on the surface of the soil near the plantings.
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Natalya Egorova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Do-It-Yourself Garden No. 6 2013

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However, sometimes gardeners have to deal with the fact that hydrangea leaves turn yellow. Why does this problem arise and how to behave correctly when you find yellow leaves on a hydrangea? Read about this in this article.

Reasons for yellowing of hydrangea leaves

Yellow leaves on hydrangea can appear for several reasons.

1. Excess moisture. Hydrangeas are actually moisture-loving plants, but even they lose their attractiveness with too much water. If hydrangea is overwatered, the leaves on its stems will turn yellow and begin to dry out.

2. Hydrangea is a heat-loving flower. Planting it in areas exposed to drafts will lead to the appearance of yellow leaves and rapid withering of the plant.

3. Many novice gardeners do not understand why hydrangea leaves turn yellow. It seems like care it is correct, and the watering is timely, and the place for planting is chosen correctly, but the leaves of the flower are still withered and ugly. The reason for this can be found in the lack of fertilizers. Perhaps the soil simply lacks nutrients and needs to be fertilized a little.

4. Yellow leaves of hydrangea can also appear due to abundant flowering. This plant prefers diffused color, and the flowering process can be regulated with the help of fertilizers. So, if the soil under hydrangeas is oversaturated with nitrogen, then they will have few inflorescences, but on the contrary, there will be a lot of green leaves.

5. To find out for sure why the hydrangea turns yellow, you need to check the flower for diseases. Yellowing of the foliage of this flower can be caused by powdery mildew. When it appears, a grayish coating in the form of spots is visible on the leaves.

6. Ring spot can also cause yellowing of hydrangea leaves. This virus causes light spots to appear on the young leaves of the flower. Sometimes deformation of the sheet plate occurs.

7. Another reason why hydrangea has yellow leaves is ascochyta spotting. It causes premature death of foliage.

What to do if the hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow?

What to do if hydrangea leaves turn yellow? This is a question that many gardeners who are faced with this problem ask themselves. The method of combating yellowing of foliage must be chosen in accordance with its cause. If the main negative factor is waterlogging, then it is necessary to reduce the number of waterings.

If hydrangea leaves turn yellow due to constant drafts, the plant must be replanted in a sunny and windless place. If hydrangea In this way it reacts to a lack of nutrients in the soil, you need to fertilize the plant.

In cases where the main cause of yellowing of the leaves is diseases and pests, it is necessary to treat the flower with special fungicidal preparations (for example, spray the hydrangea with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture).

Hydrangea leaves may turn yellow due to a lack of iron in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to restore the acidity of the soil using a solution of vinegar essence (1 teaspoon of essence dissolves in 10 liters of clean water). Instead of vinegar, citric or oxalic acid can be used.

Experts recommend eliminating iron deficiency in the soil using a special ferovit solution. It is also advisable to feed the hydrangea with microelements, since their deficiency can also cause yellowing and premature wilting of the leaves.