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» Why do grape leaves have holes? Photos, descriptions and means of controlling grape pests. The most common and dangerous pests

Why do grape leaves have holes? Photos, descriptions and means of controlling grape pests. The most common and dangerous pests

Summer residents often notice that the sheets are covered with holes. different sizes. This is especially troubling for those who use grape leaves for food and makes homemade preparations using them. However, in fact, concern should arise in any case, because this indicates that something bad is happening to the plant, seriously affecting its full development. Such phenomena can cause significant harm by changing vital processes, which will delay the formation of fruits, and may even completely damage the grape bush and have to be removed.

Pest infestation

Of course, first of all, you need to regularly spray the vineyards with preparations to prevent such a situation. If insects appear immediately, you should try to destroy them immediately. Treatment is mainly carried out with ready-made preparations sold in gardening stores and solutions that can be prepared based on what you have at home. It's about about organic substances. So, you can use karbofos, use “Fufanon”, “BI-58”, “Iskra”, “Omite”, “Confidor”, “preparation 30”, “Apollo”, “Nitrafen”, “Akkaritsid”, “Neoron”, "Aktellik".

As improvised means, they use spraying with boiling water, watering the vines with a solution made from wood ash, potassium permanganate, vitriol and even a garlic mixture. However, all this is effective in case initial stages infections, a large number of individuals can only be destroyed with chemicals!

An integral stage of grape cultivation is to protect the crop from various diseases that affect different parts of the plant, including leaves. It is believed that the most effective method control is the use of chemicals. However, they contaminate the berries and soil with harmful residues and are often quite expensive. A reasonable alternative to pesticides can be folk remedies, which are no less effective both in terms of treating most diseases and preventing them.

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    Black spot

    The disease is caused by a fungus and can affect all organs of the plant. The development of the disease occurs most intensively in places with high levels of humidity. On the foliage, the disease is presented in the form of black dots, which are located near the veins. Gradually, these marks increase in size, forming lacerated wounds on the leaf blades with a light border on the sides. The leaf soon weakens and curls develop on its surface. Then the foliage turns yellow and falls off prematurely.

    The disease is difficult to treat folk remedies. In this regard, without the use of chemicals, they are limited to severe pruning of the plant.

    Leaf rubella

    This grape leaf disease also belongs to the fungal category and occurs in areas with insufficient irrigation. Another cause of the disease is mineral deficiency nutrients. Rubella first infects the lower leaves and gradually reaches the upper parts of the grape plant. In white varieties, the foliage is covered with brown-yellow spots. Black varieties develop burgundy markings on the foliage.

    U experienced gardeners It is customary to fight against the disease with the help of ash and laundry soap dark colors, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. The treatment procedure must be carried out every one and a half weeks throughout the growing season.

    Alternaria blight

    The fungus that causes the disease successfully develops and spreads in warm weather in waterlogged areas. In the first stages, the disease affects the foliage. Marks form on the surface of the plates, in the center of which necrotic spots are observed. Sheet for a short time becomes dark, and after rain it is covered with a gray coating, consisting mainly of fungal spores. If on at this stage the disease will not be cured, it will spread to the fruits, which will become covered with a film gray, and subsequently to other plant organs.

    Of the folk remedies against the disease, the most widely used is cow dung, 3 kilograms of which are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. Not only the foliage, but also the fruits and stems should be thoroughly treated with the resulting solution.


    The disease is also known as downy mildew. In the early stages, the foliage becomes covered with light oily marks. After a short period of time, a mycelium forms on the underside of the leaf blade, which can be recognized by its white fluff.

    Very effective means against the disease is a decoction of garlic heads (100 grams per ten-liter container of water). It would also be useful to plant dill near the grapes. This plant reduces the risk of occurrence and intensity of development and spread of the disease.

    5 grams of potassium permanganate are stirred in a bucket of water. At the same time, wood ash is prepared and pre-sifted in advance. The back side of the leaf blade is sprayed with the solution, and then, while the foliage is still wet, it is covered with ash.

    A kilogram of ash is diluted in a bucket of water and the solution is infused for a week. After this period, you should strain the solution and use it to process grapes. The procedure usually begins in July and is carried out every week and a half. Thanks to this product, they not only achieve protection against mildew, but also accelerate the ripening process and increase the sugar content in fruits.


    In a number of sources, it is bred under the name “powdery mildew”. Forms on the foliage white coating, changing color to dark over time. Brownish-dark marks form. The foliage soon dries out and falls off, and the disease affects the fruits and stems.

    Folk remedies against the disease include a milk solution (a liter of milk per 10 liters of water), which is used to treat grapes at least once a month. To others effective means is 40 grams soda ash, which are dissolved in a 10-liter container of water. In this case, it is possible to replace soda with 5 grams of potassium permanganate.

    It is also recommended to mow a small amount of fresh herbs and place it in a dark, moist place. After some time, the hay will begin to mold and take on a pronounced grayish color. Then this entire mass is placed in a pre-prepared container and filled with water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and filtered. The resulting liquid can be used to carry out preventive treatments against powdery mildew.

    2-3 kg of fresh cow manure is diluted in 10 liters of water and infused for two days. After this period, the solution is filtered and a teaspoon of urea is added to it. The mixture is treated with leaf blades on both sides.

    5 grams of potassium permanganate are diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed on the plants.

    Take 35-40 grams of lye, dilute it in a liter of water and mix thoroughly. Then 40 grams are poured into the solution liquid soap. The output is a mixture, which is filled into a spray bottle and sprayed on the bushes.


    It is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of grapes. It occurs in several forms:

    • non-infectious;
    • infectious;
    • edaphic.

    Non-infectious chlorosis

    In the first case, the manifestation of the disease occurs in the form of small-sized formations yellow spots. Their number increases exponentially, and soon they begin to merge into larger formations. As a result, only the veins remain green on the leaf, and the rest of the plate becomes yellow. The cause of the disease is most often alkaline reaction soil.

    Infectious chlorosis

    The infectious type of the disease is caused by a virus spread through pests (such as grape itch) or infected planting material, and manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the veins. The foliage soon takes on a mosaic appearance (hence the second name of the disease - mosaic disease). The disease is practically untreatable, and the best thing to do in such a situation is to remove and destroy the affected vine in a fire.

    The edaphic type develops in stressful situations when the plant suffers excessive waterlogging, drought or low temperatures. As soon as the stress factor disappears, the culture returns to normal.

    The disease is poorly treatable with folk remedies. The only thing that can be recommended against chlorosis is not to resort to the use of manure, since it increases negative impact lime Instead, you should use sapropel, peat or composts.

    The disease is often confused with non-infectious chlorosis due to similar symptoms. You can clarify the diagnosis by cutting off a thick stem or trunk. In the case of fusarium, dead vessels can be clearly visible on the cut, and the wood will have a characteristic pink color.

    To treat the disease, marigolds should be collected during their flowering period. Half a bucket of dried flowers is diluted in 10 liters of water and left for two days. After this, the solution is ready for its intended use.

    A third of the empty bucket is filled with fresh cow dung and three liters of water is added on top. The resulting mixture is infused for three days. Then it is filtered and the bucket with the solution is filled with clean water.

    3 kg of wood ash is diluted in a bucket of boiling water and left for two days. The resulting solution is used to treat the trunk sector of the plant.

White, pink. People use black grape varieties for different purposes. On summer cottages Grapes are mainly grown for fresh consumption, making juices and aromatic homemade wine. To obtain good harvest, it is necessary to study not only the rules of planting and care, but also to find out the weak points of plants, their enemies and diseases. We offer site visitors a series of articles about pests and diseases of grapes to help them learn how to prevent diseases in a timely manner and provide assistance to their garden pets. Each article describes in detail several diseases and methods of effective control.

Non-communicable diseases

These are grape diseases caused by poor growing conditions, and not by the activity of harmful living organisms.


There is an infectious one (more on this below, in another section). With chlorosis, leaves lose green color due to a violation of the synthesis of chlorophyll - the green pigment. Other pigments in chromoplasts are preserved, so the leaves acquire a light yellow, creamy, whitish color. Caused by a lack of iron in the plant. At the same time, the plate itself turns yellow, the veins remain green for some time. To check the diagnosis, apply a strip, sign or symbol to the leaf with a solution of iron chelate (citric acid iron). After a few hours, the leaf turns green at the site of application.

The most common causes of non-infectious chlorosis are the following:

  • Soil salinization.
  • Excess moisture.
  • Excessive content of copper, manganese, phosphorus, and lime in the soil compared to iron.

Under such conditions, the absorption of iron from the soil is disrupted, which leads to chlorosis. Grape chlorosis is treated 3-4 foliar feeding solutions of iron preparations, the cheapest is iron sulfate. It is convenient to combine fertilizing with the addition of other microelements, stimulants and medicinal drugs.


The viticulture zone does not always have the proper amount of moisture for plants. The lack of water is externally expressed as follows.

Shoots – growth and development slow down sharply, the crowns become dull, wither, and dry out.

Mustache – they become woody, dry out, starting from the ends, and fall off.

Leaves - turn yellow massively, starting from the edges lower leaves, may thicken, curl, or fall off.

Berries - in early spring the ovary falls off. When there is drought in the pea phase, they wither and dry out, starting from the bottom of the bunch. Drought during the filling phase causes a characteristic lesion: darkening and browning of part of the berry, as if pressed with a fingernail. When the skin is removed, the inside is healthy. As a result, the berries dry out like raisins, but alas, they become inedible.

Winter drought is accompanied by cracking of the soil, with small roots being torn apart.

Control measures
– watering and preserving moisture in the soil: mulching; shelter for the winter with soil; fine loosening in order to disrupt the capillaries of the top layer of soil, thereby complicating evaporation. into the root zone through specially dug tubes is preferable: more economical and effective.


During the hottest months, grape bunches may become overheated. sun rays. The berries look like they have been scalded by boiling water, but later they wrinkle and dry out. They are noticeably hot when touched. The leaves look like they have been under a heated iron: they dry out green and turn brown over time. Leaves with damaged petioles are the first to suffer: they have difficulty supplying water to reduce the temperature. All damage is only on the sunny side of the bush, while such a picture does not happen with infectious diseases. The bush tries to protect itself by intensively evaporating water to cool itself. Does not grow, does not accumulate nutrients.

Control measures. The main thing is the presence of a sufficient amount of water, therefore - watering, mulching, destroying the soil crust fur. processing. In hot weather, we throw all the freshly grown shoots with a “visor” on sunny side. You can cover the damaged bunches with everything that is available: newspapers, leaves, etc. We do not mow the rows, we will wait to restore beauty until the weather is cooler. When laying, choose a row spacing such that the rows sufficiently shade each other.

Infectious diseases of grapes

Mildew (downy mildew, pernosporosis)

Perhaps the most common disease. The pathogen overwinters in soil and plant debris, is resistant to any weather, persists for 2-5 years, and spores are carried by wind up to 100 km. In the spring, oospores germinate, with the help of flagella in tiny drops of moisture (dew, watering, rain) they reach the stomata and germinate into plants, where they penetrate living cells, destroying them. Treatment with contact fungicides after the fungus has germinated inside the plant is ineffective.

After penetration, thin threads of the fungus - hyphae - develop inside the plant, and spore-bearing organs move out at night. There are so many of them that to humans it looks like an easily erasable gray coating on the lower surface of the leaf. Top part the leaves acquire an oily tint, initially small, with a light center, the spots on the leaf increase, gradually merging.

Yellowish elongated spots appear on the shoots, gradually acquiring a brown color. Affected berries dry out in dry weather, and rot and mold in wet weather. With late infection of the berries, bluish-gray depressed spots appear near the stalk, and eventually the berries warp, rot, and fall off. Complete loss of harvest is possible.

Control measures– repeated treatment with fungicides.

The first is carried out before signs of the disease appear!

We use the rule of 3 tens: temperature 10 ˚С, shoot length 10 cm, precipitation 10 mm. The conditions are met - it's time to process. Subsequent treatments depend on the weather. In a year favorable for the disease, the number of treatments can reach 6-8...

Prevention. First of all - selection resistant varieties. But you shouldn’t get your hopes up too much, this doesn’t completely eliminate the problem: in bad years, the development of the disease on resistant and non-resistant varieties differs in the speed of spread, and a little more in the severity and percentage of the crop destroyed. So, most likely, you will still have to process it.

Oidium, or powdery mildew of grapes.

As the grapes begin to grow, stunted shoots and leaves appear. Such leaves curl. Leaves, berries, and clusters look as if they are sprinkled with flour, hence the name of the disease. This coating is the thinnest threads of a fungus. It is attached to the plant by special suckers called appressoria. Of these, haustoria are injected into the berries, through which the fungus feeds. The growth of berries with the simultaneous destruction of the walls leads to ruptures, exposing the seeds. Constrictions appear at the edges of the hyphae; these pieces are easily torn off and carried by the wind. Once on other vines, they germinate and infect new bushes.

In case of partial damage, when part of the grapes are used for wine, sorting is necessary with the selection of damaged berries. Otherwise, the wine will have a moldy taste, which is completely unappreciated by connoisseurs...

Measures to combat grape oidium. Proper, well-ventilated formation of grapes and destruction of vegetation between rows helps prevent or reduce the disease. Fungicides and copper preparations that help against mildew are not suitable for treating powdery mildew of grapes. Sulfur preparations have an excellent effect. How smaller particles sulfur - so much the better. Powdered sulfur for pollination must be stored properly so that it does not stick together into piles, always in a dry place. Processing temperature matters. The air must be heated to 20 ˚С, otherwise it will not work. At the same time, in extreme heat, burns are possible; in hot summers, we process the plantings in the morning or evening hours. It is good to use special pastes from colloidal sulfur when making tank mixtures against mildew and oidium. In this case, we save time and effort by reducing the number of treatments.

Anthracnose of grapes (bird's eye disease, hail disease).

The disease is activated after heavy rains with hail, hence one of the names. On the leaves it is manifested by the appearance of small dry brown spots surrounded by a darker border. Later, the middle of the spot dies, turns gray, and often breaks. Leaves become full of holes. Depressed spots with a dark border appear on the shoots, the shoots dry out and break. Similar spots, gray-brown, depressed, with a dark border, appear on the berries. It looks a little like the image of a bird's eye, which explains another name for it.

Control measures.
When grapes are infected with anthracnose, we treat them with copper preparations or systemic fungicides. It’s not for nothing that the disease is called hail disease; after heavy rain with hail, we immediately treat it. Without delay and regardless of the time since the previous one.

The grapes need our care, otherwise it is difficult to hope for a good harvest. It is clear that this only includes spraying with drugs. Correct fit, pruning, fertilizing, watering - everything matters. Strong, secured nutrients the plant resists any diseases better.

Fighting grape diseases - video

Summer residents often notice that grape leaves are covered with holes of different sizes. This is especially worrying for those who eat grape leaves and make homemade preparations using them. However, in fact, concern should arise in any case, because this indicates that something bad is happening to the plant, seriously affecting its full development. Such phenomena can cause significant harm by changing vital processes, which will delay the formation of fruits, and may even completely damage the grape bush and have to be removed.

Pest infestation

Of course, first of all, you need to regularly spray the vineyards with preparations to prevent such a situation. If insects appear immediately, you should try to destroy them immediately. Treatment is mainly carried out with ready-made preparations sold in gardening stores and solutions that can be prepared based on what you have at home. We are talking about organic substances. So, you can use karbofos, use “Fufanon”, “BI-58”, “Iskra”, “Omite”, “Confidor”, “preparation 30”, “Apollo”, “Nitrafen”, “Akkaritsid”, “Neoron”, "Aktellik".

As improvised means, they use spraying with boiling water, watering the vines with a solution made from wood ash, potassium permanganate, vitriol and even a garlic mixture. However, all this is effective in the case of the initial stages of infection; a large number of individuals can only be destroyed with chemicals!

Quite often, summer residents note such a problem as the presence of holes on the leaves of grapes. No matter what influenced the development of these symptoms, you need to start treatment as early as possible. Most often, these traces are left by various pests. Knowing who makes holes in the leaves of the grapes, it will be possible to react in time and save the plant.


Grape flea beetle

Grape flea beetle

On their lower side, eggs are formed, which are laid in 30-40 pieces. To combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with insecticides. Iskra, Fufanon, Karbofos are suitable for this. Such treatments must be performed all the time as soon as holes form on the leaves. Also, leaves can also

Mining moth

This pest is dangerous because it can produce two generations in one season. Appearance he is represented in the form of a small red butterfly. It begins to become active in May and affects newly blossoming leaves.

Mining moth

After defeat, the leaves form yellow plaque, they become lethargic, causing them to die. ABOUT As a result, productivity decreases. To combat this pest, you must use Confidor.

If you notice moths in winter or autumn, then to combat them you will have to dig up the area and remove all plant debris from the beds. For this reason, they may also

Grape cushion

Grape cushion

To combat the pest, it is necessary to use Nitrofen or Preparation 30 before the leaves bloom. When it is necessary to treat pests at the growing season, then BI-58 is suitable. If there are only a few grapes, then the affected leaves can be removed manually. But how to treat diseases of Mildew grapes, and by what means, you can learn from this

Grape mosquito

It's pretty small insect, which should be feared for its larvae. After 7 days of their formation, they infect the leaves and leaf veins. As a result, characteristic swellings are formed.

Grape mosquito

The danger of this pest is that its larvae, after damaging the leaves, fall to the ground and can hide there for the winter. It will also be useful to know what to do on grape leaves when


Grape bushes can be affected by the following types of beetles:


It is better to carry out preventive treatments on grapes in a timely manner, since if the plant is severely damaged, it can be very difficult to save it.

Scented woodborer

This insect resembles a gray butterfly. It harms not only grapes, but also other fruit trees. The insect is distinguished by its high fertility.

Scented woodborer

The butterfly makes burrows up to 60 cm inside the shoots. If such burrows are found, it is necessary to cut off the branches to healthy tissue and burn the affected vine. But is it possible to spray grapes during flowering in order to overcome this problem?


These pests cause great harm not only to plants, but also to animals. But the following types of mites remain dangerous for grapes:

  • grape spider mite;
  • felt mite;
  • European red.

But what is the most effective remedy for bud mites on currants, what is it called and what is the cost?

When fighting ticks, it is worth removing the affected bark and treating the damaged areas with insecticides.

leaf roller

  • Bunch leaf roller;
  • Biennial leaf roller;
  • Grape.

These pests attack all parts of the grapes. As soon as the butterfly gnaws the leaves, they immediately begin to rot. All clusters are characterized unpleasant smell and rotting.

leaf roller

If the leaves are damaged by the biennial leaf beetle, then neighboring buds and ovaries become infected.

To combat these pests you need to:

  1. Remove leftovers various plants and foliage.
  2. Spray grapes with insecticide.
  3. If caterpillars appear, you can use biological products.


This name includes two insects at once: mealy bug and comstock. They are very difficult to eradicate, and they are also too dangerous. They are brought along with planting material from eastern and far eastern countries.

How to deal with the problem

Of course, it is very important to notice the defeat in time and direct all efforts to fight the pest. But it is best to carry out prevention in time. It involves compliance with all rules of agricultural technology. In addition, it is worth choosing those grape varieties that are least affected by the pest.

It is very important to treat grapes with biological products in a timely manner. Every gardener is required to regularly inspect leaves to detect lesions. If you notice diseased and dried shoots, you should remove them immediately. Fallen leaves should not remain on the ground for a long time. Such simple measures allow you to get a rich harvest and not use chemicals which are so dangerous for humans. But what frost-resistant grape varieties exist for Siberia, and which are resistant to pests, this will help you understand

In the video, the leaves of the grapes have a small hole: