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» Why do the leaves of eggplants in a greenhouse wither, turn yellow and curl, what to do. Why do eggplant leaves dry? Why do eggplants dry in a greenhouse

Why do the leaves of eggplants in a greenhouse wither, turn yellow and curl, what to do. Why do eggplant leaves dry? Why do eggplants dry in a greenhouse

Do not rule out leaf wilting as a consequence of plant replanting. Since the growing conditions in pots at home and in the soil in a greenhouse are different, the plant must go through a period of adaptation and acclimatization. After the eggplant takes root in the new soil, the leaves will again become vigorous and greenish.

Why do eggplant leaves wither? Eggplant diseases


Nina Kurlykova writes: Thank you for all your videos. Last year, for the first time, such a thing happened to all my eggplant plants. The neighbor has the same thing. I was not lazy and did the following procedure. After cooking the kebabs, black coals remained. Their bucket has accumulated - 10 liters. Turned these coals into powder. With all her heart she took a handful and pollinated all the eggplant plants directly from below and above along the leaves. Of course it hit the ground. I saved my eggplants. They weighed up to 500g and I have never collected such an abundance. I’ve been growing eggplants for about 20 years. There were different varieties. I agree with you, I did not treat the seeds when sowing. This is the exact reason. Because I planted my eggplants in a warm bed after growing cucumbers. But my neighbor’s plants were all gone. Have a great harvest everyone.

Natalia Gerasichkina writes: Natasha! Thanks for the detailed answer.

Natalia Ivushina writes: Natalya, at first white spots appeared on my eggplant seedlings - as if sprinkled with ash. Then these spots began to darken, and holes appeared in the leaves (if you look at the light). Is this also root rot?

Elya Sh writes: Please look at the profile photo of the plant, it’s good, but the harvest is very weak

Lena Kaptyug writes: Hello))) Will trichodermin go to the root?? That's all there is so far))) We haven't come across Glyokladina at all)))

Also, the composition of the soil can be a prerequisite for withering. Eggplants grow well on crumbly soil with the highest content of mineral and organic fertilizers. With all this, they do not take root very well in beds where tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers previously grew.

Why do seedling leaves wither? Website "Garden World"


Larisa Kuryata writes: thanks for the video! My tomatoes now have the following problem: there are a lot of fruits, but the leaves have begun to dry out and the dry leaves are turning brown. Why? This hasn’t happened all summer, but as soon as the tomatoes begin to ripen, the bush dries up. I water moderately, there is no lack of moisture. HELP!

Taisiya Sumlinova writes: Is it possible to combine gliocladin and phytolavin?

Natalia Ivushina writes: Thank you very much for the video and for being specific about the names of the drugs. After all, now there is a lot of everything around and you don’t even know what to choose. Thank you very much again.

Lyuba Tsaplina writes: According to smart people: 80% of diseases of vegetable crops are transmitted by planting seeds and only the remaining 20% ​​can enter through the soil. Seeds must be disinfected before sowing. The best way is heat treatment.

zima2066 writes: Thanks for the video! Like!

Yellow leaves indicate a lack of sun, water or fertilizer. Eggplants are demanding of the sun, the lack of light and heat plays a negative role in their growth; it does not matter if they grow in a greenhouse or in open ground, which does not happen in our latitudes.

With proper watering and sufficient light and warmth, include a nitrogen component in the fertilizing. Treated with products to restore plant life. For these purposes, many use Epin, which can revive drooping seedlings. Or Kornevin, damage to the roots causes a lack of nutrients, the leaves turn yellow. Kornevin restores the roots. Eggplants do not have adventitious roots; loosening the soil requires care.



Anastasia Shkura

Anastasia Shkura writes: I can’t find information anywhere about what’s happening to my eggplants. White and striped varieties turn yellow, but not the leaves, but the fruits themselves, and green stripes have appeared on the classic purple varieties. The leaves look healthy and do not turn yellow or dry out. What's happening to them?

Spotting on foliage also occurs due to viral diseases: speckled, cucumber and tobacco mosaic. To avoid the appearance of these eggplant diseases, care should be taken to ensure proper crop rotation and regular control of weeds and residues of other plants. It is important to observe the temperature regime of water, air, soil, and not to over-moisten the soil.

Unfortunately, eggplant is a very vulnerable vegetable. It has many enemies, such as tobacco mosaic and late blight. The drugs Fitosporin and Zircon have proven themselves well in the fight against them. Preventive watering with solutions of these products will help protect eggplants from late blight and tobacco mosaic. And pre-sowing soil treatment with preparations containing copper will neutralize the soil.

Eggplants often suffer from fusarium blight. This fungal disease is destructive to the plant. The fungus, penetrating the crop through the root, affects the entire vascular system. This is why eggplants turn yellow in a greenhouse. This is the first sign of fusarium. Then the leaves wither and fall off. Because the vascular system is affected, the plant cannot be saved. On a cross section of the stem, you can see a change in the color of the vascular ring - it becomes brown, and on the root collar there is a pinkish coating of fungal spores. The cause of the problem may be contaminated seeds. In this case, you will need to change them. Failure to comply with agricultural practices for growing eggplants can also cause various viral infections. Therefore, the fight against them includes not only the treatment of crops with drugs, but also various agricultural techniques. How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse without viral diseases? Let's try to understand what preventive measures should be taken.

Slugs can also harm your crop, damaging not only the leaves, but also the fruits of the plants. For prevention, furrows are treated with slaked lime or a mixture of ash with lime and tobacco, ground into dust. Plant bushes are also pollinated with ground pepper.

Having decided to plant eggplants in your greenhouse, you must take care of disease prevention in advance. Then, most likely, you will be able to avoid yellowing of the leaves, their curling, and even insect attacks. It’s not for nothing that many consider growing eggplants to be an exam for gardeners.

Growing eggplants. Fighting eggplant diseases.


Svetlana Tyryshkina

Olga Ogorod writes: Thanks for the clarification. Using your advice for the first time in my life in the Moscow region, I eat eggplant.

Svetlana Tyryshkina writes: what's the secret? Why don’t you tell me what you’re using to process the eggplants now?

Eggplants, being very sensitive plants, react quite vividly and sharply to any changes in soil, air, and water. A step to the right, a step to the left and that’s it - the leaves turn yellow, curl, the inflorescences fall off, the local end of the world for eggplants. In this article we will figure out why eggplant leaves wither in the open ground, in a greenhouse, and also what to do about it.

Growing in a greenhouse, eggplants are practically not exposed to negative external conditions, such as strong wind, hail, rain, scorching sun, birds and most insects. However, there are a lot of dangers that affect the appearance of the plant and inside the greenhouse.

First of all, the leaves may wilt due to too high a temperature in the greenhouse. Despite the fact that eggplant is a heat-loving crop, an increase in temperature above 30°C has a negative effect on the functioning of the plant. Dry hot air causes the leaf blades to first wither and then die.

Lack of moisture in the soil is another reason for this behavior of eggplants. In order for all vegetative processes to work as expected, the vegetable needs regular watering with warm water. Without saturating it with moisture, nutrients and liquid are concentrated in the stems, roots and inflorescences.

An acute shortage of nitrogen fertilizers leads to the fact that eggplant leaves are depleted and do not receive the necessary complex of microelements to maintain a healthy shape. Nitrogen acts as a stimulant and regulator of adequate distribution of nutrients in any plant, so its deficiency disrupts the working pattern of eggplant development.

Do not rule out leaf wilting as a consequence of plant replanting. Since the growing conditions in pots at home and in the soil in a greenhouse are different, the plant must go through a period of adaptation and acclimatization. Once the eggplant has established itself in the new soil, the leaves will become vigorous and green again.

The composition of the soil can also cause wilting. Eggplants grow well in crumbly soil with a high content of mineral and organic fertilizers. However, they do not take root very well in beds where tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers previously grew.

Video “10 commandments for growing eggplants”

This video talks about ways to successfully grow eggplants.

Troubleshooting methods

What should you do if the eggplant leaves are withering? First of all, try to identify the cause or their complex, which thus harms the plant. If the air temperature is high, regular ventilation should be carried out in the greenhouse in order to naturally lower it. To enhance the effect, you can place containers with cold water around the perimeter of the greenhouse. As the water evaporates, the air will cool and also become humidified, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the growth of eggplants.

Insufficient watering and the use of cold water, as the cause of leaf wilting, requires a complete change in the gardener's habits. When planting a crop that loves abundant moisture, you should ensure that the soil does not dry out. As for the temperature of the water, focus primarily on the temperature of the earth. A significant difference in temperature leads to the development of fungal microflora, which provokes diseases such as: powdery mildew, downy mildew, anthracnose, copperhead, root and gray rot. This causes enormous damage to the eggplant’s root system; it can begin to rot. Remember - the water temperature should be equal to or slightly higher than the temperature of the ground in the greenhouse.

When growing absolutely any crops in a greenhouse, monitor the composition of fertilizers that are in the soil. Since mineral and organic materials make up the lion's share of healthy eggplant growth, a deficiency can have dire consequences. In case of nitrogen deficiency, it is important to carry out foliar or root feeding. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. Afterwards, water the plants in the greenhouse, at the rate of no more than 1 liter of liquid fertilizer per bush.

Be sure to follow crop rotation: do not plant eggplants twice in the same place or after potatoes, tomatoes, peppers. Cabbage and cucumbers are considered the best predecessors of eggplant. If you have lost sight of this point, then foliar fertilize the plants with organic fertilizers: chicken manure extract, boric acid, yeast solution.

When fungal diseases develop, it is necessary to treat all plants in the greenhouse with fungicidal preparations, for example, “Topsin-M”, “Trichodermin”, “Fitosporin”, etc. Depending on the type of disease, auxiliary treatment methods vary. So, with fusarium and late blight, it is important to remove all weeds, infected leaves and shoots, and then treat the plant with chemicals and onion peel infusion. For different types of rot (gray, white, root) - remove damaged parts of eggplants, treat the plants with Horus, Antrakol. In any case, it is important to monitor soil moisture, normal access to light and fertilizers.

The following are used as folk remedies to combat fungal diseases:

  • Onion peel infusion: 0.5 liters of onion peel are infused in 3 liters of hot water for 2-3 days. The resulting infusion is filtered before use.
  • Garlic infusion: grind 3 heads of garlic into a pulp, add 2 liters of hot water, leave for 8-12 hours. Before use, strain and dilute 1:3.
  • Whey: 1 liter of sour milk is diluted with 1 liter of water, left for 12-14 hours. Before use, strain and add 1-2 tablespoons of liquid soap.
  • Yeast solution: 10 g of dry yeast is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water, left for 2 days. Before use, dilute 1:10. You can also use 100 g of live yeast diluted in 10 liters of water, the solution is infused for 1-2 days, then filtered. Suitable for both foliar feeding and spraying of plants.

Video “Growing eggplants in a greenhouse”

Methods for growing eggplants in a greenhouse are discussed in detail in this video.

Eggplant is difficult to care for, so to reduce the influence of unfavorable factors, cultivation in a greenhouse is practiced. The method is used in areas characterized by drafts, strong winds, temperature changes, prolonged rains, and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. But even with reduced environmental exposure, it happens that the leaves of eggplants in the greenhouse wither. It is necessary to accurately determine the cause and eliminate it; delay can negatively affect the yield.

Causes of leaf wilting

When symptoms appear, you need to determine why it is happening. You should pay attention to the color of the aboveground part of the plant, the presence of yellowing, and necrotic lesions. It is important to consider how long ago the crop was planted.

Eggplants in a greenhouse wilt due to:

  • transferring seedlings to a new location;
  • high ambient temperature;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • large amounts of fertilizers;
  • acidic soil;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • using cold water for irrigation;
  • low humidity;
  • contracting an infection.

After transplanting the seedlings to a new growing location, a wilted state for a week is considered acceptable. Plants need to get used to new conditions, adapt to the soil and microclimate in the greenhouse.

Pre-hardening the seedlings will help reduce stress.

When grown in open ground, eggplants wilt due to dry air and direct sunlight. In greenhouse conditions, the opposite situation may arise when the humidity is too high and the temperature reaches unacceptable levels. Already at +28-30°C the crop will begin to gradually fade.

Eggplant seedlings need constant ventilation, and it is not advisable to plant them near the entrance to the greenhouse. Preliminary soil preparation is required. Increased acidity or applying too much fertilizer will cause damage to the tops. A lack of nitrogen is manifested by wilting and yellowing of the lower tier.

Violation of the watering regime

With a lack of liquid, the leaves wither and gradually dry out. It is important to pay attention to their color. If the main color is green, most likely the eggplants have suffered due to poor watering. The water temperature should be equal to or slightly higher than that in the soil. When using cold liquid for irrigation, the same phenomenon occurs.

Please note: if the humidity in the greenhouse is high, less water is needed. After the procedure, if necessary, loosen the resulting crust on the surface of the earth so that the root system of the plants receives enough oxygen.

Low humidity

The problem is not typical for growing eggplants in greenhouse conditions; usually the opposite situation occurs. But in the presence of low humidity, the leaves actually wither and dry out, as the liquid evaporates from their surface into the environment. If the temperature regime is disturbed, unfavorable factors will lead to weakening of the plants and infection with various types of infections.

Viral or fungal diseases

Infection of eggplants, which causes leaves to wither, can be diagnosed by additional signs - changes in color, the appearance of spots of a different color, changes in structure. Wilting is typical when a crop is infected with diseases:

  • – a fungal infection, manifested by blackening and thinning of the root collar, possibly the appearance of a gray coating. The plant withers when heavily infested. Favorable conditions – high humidity, dense plantings, sudden temperature changes. Affected seedlings should be removed immediately, the remaining seedlings should be treated with Fitosporin. You can pour Bordeaux mixture or a light solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkle the soil with ash and copper sulfate.
  • affects the vascular system, caused by fungi. When Fusarium wilt disease occurs, the roots rot first, then the infection rises along the stems to the leaves. The lower tier is the first to wither, while the edges of the remaining leaves become watery and light green and yellow spots appear. The vessels of the petioles weaken, the leaves hang along the stem. The provoking factor is sudden changes in temperature and humidity, lack of nutrients in the soil. Remove and burn diseased plants. For prevention, spray with Fundazol.
  • – the lower leaves wither, turn yellow, and the entire plant gradually becomes infected. In the early stages, the drugs Previkur, Vitaros or Topsin-M should be used for treatment; in the later stages, infected specimens should be removed and burned.
  • White spot the root system is affected. A whitish coating appears on the stem, the above-ground part first softens, then withers and dries. The disease appears on soils that have not been properly prepared, as well as with high acidity. It is provoked by watering with cold water. The disease has no cure.
  • manifests itself as light brown dry spots on the foliage with a dark edge. The size of the damage increases, they spread to the fruits, the plant withers and dies. The disease cannot be treated, so the bush must be immediately removed from the greenhouse and burned.
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Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with its consequences. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for growing eggplants:

  • Before planting seedlings, thoroughly clean the soil from plant residues, deoxidize if necessary, and apply fertilizer.
  • Before transferring to the greenhouse, young seedlings are hardened off for 2 weeks, gradually increasing the time spent in natural conditions.
  • Maintain the temperature in the greenhouse no higher than +25°C and ventilate as often as possible.
  • When watering, take into account air humidity and use warm water. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, especially for a long time.
  • Plantings should be periodically inspected for signs of infection or pest damage.
  • If plants wither, determine the cause and take measures to eliminate it.

Eggplants are very demanding to care for and require the creation of favorable growing conditions. Even a slight deviation from agricultural technology can have serious consequences for the harvest. A crop withers for several reasons; eliminating them at the initial stage of damage will help avoid undesirable consequences.

Kira Stoletova

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family. They love warmth and die when frozen. Before planting, you should understand the causes of possible diseases. Let's look at why eggplant leaves dry out and how to avoid this problem?

Why do eggplants dry in the greenhouse?

If dryness manifests itself in the greenhouse, the reason is an insufficient amount of microelements. The soil is not fertilized, dries out and is poorly moistened.

Nitrogen stimulates eggplant growth. This element is responsible for the normal development of vegetable crops. And if there is a lack of it, even if you water it correctly, provide normal lighting and maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse, the lower part of the bush will wither and dry out. It is necessary to immediately compensate for the nitrogen deficiency, and the seedlings will acquire a healthy appearance.

Why do eggplants dry out in the garden?

After transplanting from a greenhouse to open ground, the leaves of eggplant seedlings dry out very often. This is normal. This is how seedlings react to stress. This phenomenon is especially observed with a sharp change in temperature. The second reason why the leaves of eggplant seedlings dry is improper care of the sprouts in the initial stage of development. If you take good care of it in the future, the green and healthy appearance will return to the plants.

If the eggplants dry out at later stages, then the problem is due to improper care or disease. Improper care includes:

  • violation of crop rotation;
  • lack of lighting;
  • poor feeding;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of air;
  • temperature changes;
  • violation of the irrigation regime.

It is very important not to disturb crop rotation and follow the rules of sequential planting. This will help avoid poor plant development. All necessary nutrients will be retained in the soil.

Prolonged exposure to the sun also causes dryness. Ultraviolet light promotes the breakdown of chlorophyll. It is this element that allows plants to breathe and promotes photosynthesis. The top cover gets sunburned. At first it looks like yellow specks. Then it can go into complete drying. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how the beds are located on the field or in the greenhouse. To avoid burns, you can shade the windows in the room or arrange the beds in a different way. You can cover with paper or cloth during the hottest period from 12 to 15 hours of the day.

Types of leaf deformation and methods of control

Deformation can manifest itself in different ways. One type of deformation is its withering. This is the first signal before yellowing and further dryness.

Usually this phenomenon occurs on a bright sunny day, and later in the evening the bush can completely recover. If you notice a musty smell from the soil, the soil is overly moist. You need to dry it, skipping the next watering, and loosen the soil near the bush. If this happened in a greenhouse with seedlings, before planting them in a permanent place, then you can simply transfer the eggplants to another box and add new dry soil.

The leaves are the first to take the blow from the temperature difference. As a result, they can wither, lose elasticity, become stained, and later turn yellow and dry out. To avoid this in a greenhouse, you need to raise the pots with seedlings higher. Approximately 20 cm from the ground. To prevent this from happening in open ground, the required timing of transplanting seedlings or sowing seeds should be maintained.

The same conditions apply to hypothermia. Often, if the hardening is not done correctly, deformation occurs. Before the procedure, it is necessary to water the seedlings. Seedlings do not like cold water. You need to water with heated water. Otherwise, the leaf may curl, begin to dry out and die.

Another type of deformation is the appearance of black spots before the sprout completely dries. This causes a disease called Blackleg. Seedlings are completely removed. The remaining healthy shoots are sprinkled with ash. This will draw out excess water from the soil. Subsequently, Previcura is added.


Eggplant is susceptible to fungal and viral diseases, which also sometimes lead to its drying out. Such diseases include:

  • fusarium and gray rot;
  • speckled, cucumber or tobacco mosaic;
  • verticillium;
  • late blight

Fusarium and gray mold

Fusarium is one of the most unpleasant fungal diseases. The microorganism lives in the ground and attacks weak plants. It often gets into the ground along with poorly processed seeds. Fungi grow from spores and penetrate plants that were injured during transplanting or caring for them. Diseased plantings differ from healthy ones in their appearance:

  • are developmentally delayed;
  • a brown coating appears on the stem and on its cut;
  • pinkish roots;
  • pink tint of the basal part of the stem;
  • yellowed, dried out leaves with light veins at the edges;
  • cotyledon leaves are twisted into tubes.

Gray rot is distinguished by a white coating. At first it is fluffy, then it turns gray. The bush dies.

Late blight

Late blight first causes brown spots to appear on the lower leaves. The whole plant is sick: leaves, stems, and fruits, if they have already appeared. Gradually everything turns black.


The fungus Verticillium causes the disease vertisillosis. This is manifested by yellowing, dryness and falling off of the top cover. At first, the affected areas become variegated, the veins turn yellow. Then the disease takes over all vegetative parts. They begin to twist into a spiral, become dry and fall off. The lesions are similar to burns from boiling water. If you make a cut, you can see that the stem has turned brown inside.

Methods of combating viral and fungal diseases

To destroy the fungus, you need to use special store-bought products: Quadris, Antracol, Consent.

Phytosporin and Radomid work well. These are more radical means. After treatment, you need to expect results within 20-25 days.

Speckled, cucumber or tobacco mosaics are viral diseases. To prevent them from appearing, you need to follow the principles of crop rotation, weed well and remove plant debris between the beds. Incorrect watering temperature can also cause these diseases. Therefore, it is important to follow recommendations for watering, air and soil temperatures.

There is only one way to fight vertisillosis. Diseased seedlings or plants are burned. Under no circumstances should any leftovers be thrown into the compost, to avoid contamination of the entire compost pit and subsequent contamination of other vegetables.

Healthy vegetables need to be transplanted to another place. If these are seedlings, then a new, treated box of soil. Carry out subsequent treatment with fungicides. Such as Previkur, Rovral or Topsin.

Eggplant has large but very tender leaves. If agricultural practices are not followed, the leaves may begin to wither.

Most often, eggplant leaves wither for the following reasons:

  • transplanting seedlings into the ground;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • soil acidification;
  • plenty of sunlight;
  • fungal infections: verticillium and fusarium wilt.

What to do if eggplant leaves wither

  1. If the leaves wither immediately after replanting the plant, then there is no need to worry too much: this is how the process of getting used to the new conditions takes place. After a couple of weeks, the eggplants will get stronger. It is better to plant seedlings on a cloudy but warm day. To reduce stress for plants, harden the seedlings before planting and shade the bed from the sun for the first time.
  2. With sudden changes in temperature, eggplants begin to wither and become sick. Often, eggplants begin to be planted when the air temperature is already quite high, and the earth has not yet warmed up. This can lead to the fact that even if the plant does not die, it will either not produce a harvest, or the fruits will be small and few in number. Plant eggplants only when the threat of frost has passed and there will be little temperature variation between day and night.
  3. With too much watering and stagnation of water in the soil, the soil begins to acidify and the leaves wither. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil. To reduce soil acidity, it is recommended to use dolomite flour (a glass of flour per 1 sq.m.). Dolomite flour will not only reduce acidification, but also enrich the soil with calcium and magnesium.
  4. Eggplants love the sun and cannot thrive without it, but too much sunlight causes the leaves to become limp. If eggplants “come to life” on cloudy days, then the plantings need to be shaded. Place the eggplant beds in areas where the sun will illuminate them in the morning or evening.
  5. Fungal infections cause leaves to wilt. The most common are: verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt.

Verticillium wilt often develops on soils where excessive doses of nitrogen fertilizers and unrotted manure have been applied. It is characterized by leaf wilting from the edge to the center and affects eggplants at all stages of development. In the soil, fungi live on plant remains.

To prevent Verticillium wilt from infecting your eggplants, remove weeds regularly and do not overfeed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers. An infected plant can be treated with Vitaros or Previkur. A heavily infected plant should be burned.

Fusarium wilt develops with excessive watering and during periods of prolonged rain. With Fusarium wilt, it is mainly the lower leaves that wilt.

To prevent infection, be sure to disinfect gardening tools and seedling pots. Before planting, it is recommended to keep the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. Provide air circulation at the roots - this will reduce the risk of infection.

Leaves of eggplants wither in a greenhouse

Due to the difficulty of meeting all the conditions when growing eggplants in the ground, summer residents are increasingly choosing a greenhouse for this. In the greenhouse, eggplants will be protected from drafts, cold nights, frequent rains, and scorching sun. But it is in the greenhouse that eggplant leaves begin to wither due to high air humidity, excessive watering and lack of air.

Therefore, when growing eggplants in a greenhouse, you must follow several rules:

  1. To protect eggplants from sudden temperature changes and drafts, do not plant eggplants at the exit of the greenhouse.
  2. Since eggplants love air, ventilate the greenhouse regularly.
  3. Maintain moderation in watering and fertilizing.
