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» Raising the ground level in an area with trees. How to properly fill a site: what to pay attention to

Raising the ground level in an area with trees. How to properly fill a site: what to pay attention to

Not everyone is lucky enough to build a country house or dacha on a flat, fairly elevated area. Many sites are far from ideal - they are located in lowlands, swampy, damaged by uneven surfaces or construction debris left over from demolished buildings. In this case, the construction of a new house should begin not with laying the foundation, but much earlier - with raising and leveling the territory. How to properly raise a plot of land in a country house or for a country house? What is the best way to sprinkle it? Find out the answers from our article.

Where to start?

Any work must begin with planning. Therefore, before filling the area, think everything over clearly. Where will the house be located? How will the paths be laid, flower beds, beds and lawns laid out? Will there be a garden, parking, pond? After all, technologies and materials for backfilling should be selected depending on the further use of the raised area.

As a rule, owners of land (dacha plots or for private residential development) first have two questions:

  1. Does my area need to be sprinkled?
  2. When is the best time to backfill?

We answer. The area needs to be filled if:

  • it is located in a low-lying area and is constantly flooded, groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth;
  • there are depressions, elevations and internal voids on the territory that interfere with construction and landscaping;
  • there are wetlands in the area that almost never dry out (this happens not only in low-lying areas);
  • neighboring areas (or roads) are much higher than yours;
  • the top layer of soil is heavily clogged, which prevents its intended use (this could be broken glass and other building materials from old buildings, extensive stains of fuels and lubricants, etc.);
  • The site has a serious slope.

Filling should ideally be carried out before construction begins. But there are times when it is necessary to raise a site with an already built house or cottage. Then the task becomes more complicated, because you need to take into account the buildings located on the territory, ready-made paths and platforms, growing trees, etc.

True, there is a plus - a lot of unnecessary soil usually remains from construction, which can be used for backfilling. This allows you to save some money. But here we will get acquainted with the simplest option and tell you how to raise the level of an area where there is nothing necessary or useful yet.

Stages of territory development

Before raising the soil at your summer cottage, you should do some preparatory work. The step-by-step development of the territory looks like this:

  1. Backfill planning.
  2. Demolition of old buildings (if any).
  3. Clearing the area.
  4. Creation of drainage (if necessary).
  5. Filling the area.

The most important stage here is planning. You need to thoroughly study the features of your site (similar work is carried out by specialist surveyors). Determine the groundwater level and soil type. To do this, it is enough to drill one well - from it you can “see” the entire soil profile. Important points:

  • Top layer of soil. If it is fertile soil, determine its thickness. During further work, it will be more profitable to remove this layer and place it outside the site. After raising the area to the desired level with less valuable materials, you can fill the top of the area with this removed soil and not spend money on buying new fertile soil. If the top layer is unsuitable for growing plants (for example, it is heavily littered), it is better to leave it in place and carry out surface filling.
  • Layer of clay. It happens that an area is constantly swamped not because of its low location, but because the clay layer under the soil does not allow moisture to pass down. As a result, everything around has dried out long ago, and some “spots” or entire large areas remain swampy. How to properly raise a site in such a swampy area? First of all, find out the thickness of the “impenetrable” clay layer. If the clay layer is not very thick, it should be removed and taken away, replacing it with sand or a sand-gravel mixture. In this way, it is possible to solve the problem of swampiness without raising the site itself to a greater height. If the clay goes in a thick layer to great depths, you will have to organize good drainage.

In addition to the soil profile, when choosing a strategy for filling a site, it is necessary to take into account its topography. Draw a map or write down the heights and sizes of depressions and hills. You must know exactly where and how high you need to raise your site.

If the territory is very complex (swampy, with a high groundwater level, internal voids), it is better to invite a specialist to plan it. He will be able to more accurately assess all the conditions and tell you how to properly fill your site. When planning independently, it is easy to make a mistake, and this leads to large unnecessary costs.

The second important point is drainage. As a rule, in areas with high groundwater and/or peaty soils, filling alone is not enough. No matter how much sand and soil you pour in there, the moisture will not go away, and the buildings will gradually “float”. In this case, it is simply necessary to create a drainage system. It can be of two types:

  • open (ditches, channels, trenches around the perimeter or along the site);
  • closed (a system of pipes in the ground that collects water into special drainage wells).

Arrangement of the drainage system is a separate difficult issue. We will not consider it in detail, we will only say that it is also worth inviting a specialist to design complex drainage.

The better to raise the area: materials for backfilling

The soil (sand, crushed stone) for backfilling is selected based on several parameters:

  • Dump height. If you are thinking about how and what to raise your summer cottage plot by 20-30 cm, then the best answer would be good fertile soil. It is expensive, but in a small area it will cost relatively little. But when you need to raise the level of the site to a meter, it’s worth saving money and at the same time creating drainage. Then secondary crushed stone, broken brick, and a sand-gravel mixture will be suitable for the lower layers of the fill. And only on top will you have to pour good soil to the required thickness.
  • Further use of the territory. As a rule, plots for dachas and private houses are used unevenly. There are buildings, driveways, lawns, gardens, and beds. They require different types of backfill (this is why it is so important to first carefully plan the site, and only then begin to raise it).
  • Your financial capabilities. Of course, you can pour at least a meter of crushed stone or rich, fertile soil. But this is economically unjustified. For the lower layers or those corners of the site that “don’t care”, it is more profitable to use the cheapest materials rather than adding more. For example, excavated soil is perfect - it can be obtained cheaply or even free if large-scale construction is underway near your site. As a rule, developers are forced to dispose of soil removed during excavation. Some of them will be happy to transport several dozen cars of unnecessary land to your site.

You will also have to calculate at least the approximate amount of soil for backfilling. How to do it? On average, 100 cubic meters are needed to raise 1 hectare of land by 1 m. m of material (regular loam with sandy loam). If you need a much smaller height, use the following figures for calculations: 10 sq. m of territory can be raised by 10 cm by scattering 1 cubic meter over it. m of soil. And do not forget that after compaction and over time, the filling layer will settle by 30-60%.

A few more tips on how best to fill the area and its individual parts:

  • In wetlands, it is advisable to first pour sand under the beds and lawn - it will provide good drainage. Then - a layer of fertile soil. For beds you need at least 30 cm, and for a lawn 10-15 cm is enough.
  • It is advisable to pour crushed stone under parking lots and driveways. But it's quite expensive. If large loads are not expected, then you can use cheap soil, for example, excavation. It is also suitable for pedestrian paths and outbuildings.
  • For serious buildings (house, dacha), it would be ideal to make a good sand cushion (but not sand and gravel).
  • Many people use clay when filling a site with their own hands. It is dense and therefore less susceptible to shrinkage. But such a layer does not allow water to pass through. As a result, the owners create a problem for themselves - the site rises, but does not dry out for a long time after each rain or snow.
  • An inexpensive option for the lower layers of fill is construction waste - broken bricks, concrete, etc. But keep in mind: the larger the elements of such material, the more it will sag over time. And it’s not a fact that it will settle smoothly.
  • According to experts, ideally, the first layer of backfill should be filled with the same soil that already exists on the site. For example, if the area is loam, add loam. This creates a strong bond between the old layer and the bedding. But if you pour heavy materials (crushed stone, broken concrete), they will gradually “sink” into the lighter base. Sand, on the contrary, will simply be washed away with water.

Geotextiles are sometimes used between different layers of bedding. This material does not allow different fractions of the soil to mix, “sink” and “wash away”. But geotextiles are not a cheap pleasure, and their use does not always improve the result of backfilling. In this matter, it is better to consult a specialist.

How to fill a site?

There are two types of backfill:

  1. Superficial. The brought soil (sand, crushed stone) is simply poured onto the cleared area and then leveled.
  2. With excavation. First, the top layer of soil is removed, then the area is covered with brought material. The removed soil, depending on its value, is laid out on the bedding as a top layer or taken away for disposal.

The type of backfill is selected at the work planning stage. We will dwell in more detail on the second option, since it is more complicated. What should be done?

  1. Clear the area of ​​unnecessary buildings, plants, large debris, roots, etc.
  2. Remove a layer of fertile soil (in the non-chernozem zone this is only 10-20 cm). Place the removed soil in a safe place.
  3. Install a drainage system.
  4. Build a strip foundation around the perimeter, which will be 5-10 cm above the level of the finished fill. Why is it needed? Before raising a piece of land, you need to make sure that the poured materials do not “float” anywhere in the future. And the concrete foundation will play the role of a reliable fence here. You can refuse it only if all the areas around your site are already higher than your future fill.
  5. When the foundation hardens, begin filling the area. Filling is carried out in layers, 10-15 cm, with mandatory compaction of each layer (it is better to use a vibrating plate, since it is very difficult to compact soil manually). First lay all the lower layers (loam, crushed stone or sand), then wait a few weeks until they shrink by 2-3 cm. Only then fill in the last, fertile layer. But this is the ideal option. If there is not enough time, you can lay all the layers without pauses, but with obligatory tamping.
  6. To prevent the finished filling from “floating” from the rains and to hold on better, sow it with winter rye or any other plants with branched roots.

This completes the process of raising the site. After completion of the work, the soil will continue to shrink for some time (up to several months). But on it you can already arrange lawns, flower beds, beds, plant trees and build a house.

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Not all owners of suburban areas are lucky with the relief. Ideally flat areas are not found today as often as we would like. The construction boom that has swept the country has baffled many regional authorities. Therefore, land for the construction of private houses outside the city began to be issued in problem areas: in lowlands, on slopes, swampy, littered. And this did not discourage developers, because the problem can be solved by filling the site. What it is, how it is carried out, what materials are used - everything is in this article.

Where to begin

First of all, two questions need to be resolved:

    According to what principles it is determined that the site will have to be filled in in any case.

    When make dumping.

The answer to the first question.

    The selected area is located in the lowlands. During the rainy season and melting snow, it is constantly flooded. High groundwater level.

    The territory contains not only depressions and lowlands, but also heights, which interfere with landscaping in the compartment.

    If part of the site is swampy and even in the summer heat it does not dry out.

    If passing through the village the road is higher. The same applies to neighboring areas.

    If the soil on the territory of a summer cottage littered: household waste, used building materials, extensive contamination with fuels and lubricants, etc.

    Strong slope.

The answer to the second question is that backfilling is best done before construction begins. Here the time of year does not matter. Sometimes there are problem areas where some buildings have already been erected. In this case, leveling processes are more difficult to carry out. But there is also a plus - from the construction, the soil selected for the foundation remains, which is used for backfilling. That is, there is a certain amount of savings. But in this article we will talk about areas where construction has not yet been carried out.

Development of a suburban area

Before proceeding directly to leveling the territory, it is necessary to carry out a significant amount of preparatory work in stages. Here is the phased development plan:

    if there are old buildings, then they demolished;

    carry out clearing;

    carry out layout;

    if there is a need, they lay it drainage system;

    and herself backfill.

From the entire list presented, an important point is planning. First of all, geodetic surveys are carried out. That is, they call surveyors who drill a well and determine the groundwater level and soil composition. It’s clear from the UGV. If it is high, then you will have to lay drainage. But what does the composition of the soil give?

Firstly, this concerns the soil - the fertile layer. It is not recommended to fall asleep. Therefore, before starting leveling work, it is removed. Therefore, it is very important to know the thickness of the soil layer.

Typically the soil is removed and dumped off-site. After backfilling, it is backfilled into place. Even when carrying out a large volume of excavation work of this type, it is more profitable than purchasing fertile land externally and bringing it to your own site. If the soil is unsuitable for further improvement, for example, it is as littered as possible, then there is no point in touching it.

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Secondly, much will depend on what kind of soil is located under the fertile layer. If it is clay, then it is probably what caused the waterlogging. After all, it is known that clay practically does not allow water to pass through it. In the surveyor's report, attention should be paid to the thickness of the clay layer. If it is insignificant, then the best option is to remove it and take it away. Then fill the area with sand or gravel-sand mixture. And fill it with soil on top. If the thickness of the clay layer is significant, then there is no point in touching it. The problem will have to be solved by constructing a drainage system.

And one more point regarding the planning of a suburban area. Here, too, you cannot do without a specialist. This concerns the terrain. That is, on the territory of the dacha there are always depressions and hills. So you need to accurately determine their depth and height accordingly. This is necessary in order to determine the thickness of the filling layer. If the differences are high enough, it is probably worth using the services of a bulldozer or grader to level the area as much as possible.

And the last thing is drainage. This engineering system is usually installed in swampy areas and at high groundwater levels. You can’t do without it, even if you fill it in a large layer. The moisture will still tend to rise. As for drainage, these are either open ditches or pipework throughout the entire area, laid below the groundwater level. Drainage is a broad topic; we will not discuss it in this article.

There are a few more points that need to be taken into account when thinking through the layout. This is the location of the main house and household buildings, car areas, paths and alleys. Will a pond be built on the territory of the summer cottage, where lawns and flower beds, a garden and a vegetable garden will be located? This is an important point, because it determines what technology will be used for filling, and what materials will be used for this.

Materials for filling

In fact, materials are selected taking into account two criteria:

    height fills;

    for what object it is produced.

For example, if the thickness of the leveling layer does not exceed 40 cm, then it is ideal to fill the area with soil, meaning fertile. Today there are companies that produce soil, so purchasing such soil is not a problem. It costs a lot of money, and transportation is not cheap. But this is the only option.

Someone may be thinking about whether to cut off the fertile layer somewhere in a waste area, so to speak, a no-man's land. Remember one thing: all land belongs to the state. Any work carried out on it must have a license or permit. If there is none, then you can’t touch the ground. If you start exporting soil without permission, you will be caught, fined, forced to take the soil back, and perhaps a criminal case will be opened.

Let's return to the dumping. So, if the thickness of the leveling layer exceeds the figure indicated above, then it is better to fill it in two layers. The bottom one is made of cheap materials on which plants cannot live. The top is fertile soil.

For example, the bottom layer is filling the area with crushed stone (recycled, that is, used), broken bricks, sand and gravel mixture, excavated soil, etc. Note the excavated soil. If major construction is taking place near your suburban area, then when digging a pit, the soil is considered waste material. Its builders must dispose of it. Therefore, it costs a penny, and you can even buy it for free. And if your site is located closer than the territory where the excavated soil is disposed of, then the builders will be very happy to drop off several cars for you with their transport.

Regarding the amount of material required. The calculation is quite simple. It is based on the thickness of the applied layer. For example, to fill 1 m² with a height of 1 m, you will need 1 m³ of fill material. But keep in mind the fact that sand, soil, crushed stone or gravel will shrink by 30-60% over time under the influence of various loads. That is, sand and soil will sink more than broken bricks, gravel or crushed stone.

    At the sites for green spaces Be sure to backfill with sand. Under beds, the sand layer should not be less than 30 cm, under lawns within 10-15 cm.

    Under the driveways, under car areas, under paths it is better to fill crushed stone. However, it should be noted that this material is expensive. Therefore, so-called secondary crushed stone is used. This is a granular material obtained by crushing construction waste. Brick, concrete structures, asphalt, etc. are used as raw materials.

    What kind of crushed stone is needed for backfilling a summer cottage plot - a question asked by many private developers. It is better to lay a fraction of 20-40 mm under driveways and platforms, and 5-20 mm under sidewalks. Take into account the fact that bedding made from large granules shrinks more, and it is not a fact that the settlement will occur evenly.

    Better for heavy buildings add sand.

    Experts recommend The fill should be made of the same material as the soil on the site. For example, if the soil at a construction site is loamy, then it is better to add loam. A strong bond is formed between the layers, which means that the surface of the new layer will not sag. For example, if crushed stone is poured onto loam, the stones will simply begin to “sink” into the softer material under the influence of loads.

    Many people make a mistake using clay as a filler. This material is dense, it does not allow water to pass through it well, so there is a possibility of the formation of wetlands. If there is no other material, then the clay will have to be mixed with sand.

    Some experts recommend between backfill layers lay geotextiles. This non-woven material does not allow materials located in different layers to mix. But geotextiles are not a cheap material. And its installation does not always lead to a high quality of the final result. In any case, you need to consult a specialist.

Video description

The video shows how the problem area was filled with geotextiles:

How to make bedding

It should be immediately noted that there are two options for backfilling.

    Surface. That is, the material for leveling the territory of a suburban area is simply delivered and leveled.

    Deep. To do this, the fertile soil is removed, fill material is brought in, and the removed soil is poured on top of the latter.

The backfill option is selected at the planning stage. The first one is the simplest, so let’s talk about the second one.

    Clearing the area suburban area: demolish buildings, remove large debris, dig up trees and shrubs along with their roots.

    Remove the fertile layer and store it nearby outside the site. For example, the depth of fertile soil in non-black earth areas is 10-20 cm.

    Lay a drainage system.

    Along the perimeter of the site build a strip foundation a height that will be 5-10 cm higher than the height of the fill. The foundation structure is necessary so that the imported fill material does not “float away” during subsequent operation. The foundation can be abandoned only if the area around the site is higher.

    All is ready, you can start dumping. The materials purchased for backfilling are laid out in layers of 10-15 cm, which are compacted. Before applying the top layer, you need to give it 2-3 days so that the bottom layer can settle at least a little completely.

    Experts recommend immediately building on such a site don't study. It is necessary to give at least a year for the laid layers to take their final form. At the same time, it is recommended to plant plants with a branched root system, for example, winter rye, throughout the entire territory. It will help increase the density and strength of the earth. Although in areas where it is planned to organize a lawn or flower beds, a garden or a vegetable garden, landscaping work can be carried out. There is no point in waiting in this case.

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The content of the article:

Raising the level of a land plot is the filling of soil in order to eliminate problems associated with the unsuccessful location of the plot. Sometimes they are located in lowlands, wetlands or areas full of construction waste. In this case, the arrangement begins with measures to raise and level the terrain. We'll talk about how to do the job correctly in this article.

Reasons for raising the level of the site

In many cases, the need to raise the soil is not always obvious the first time. To make a decision, you need to study the following points:

  • The proximity of groundwater to the surface and the danger of waterlogging or erosion of the fertile layer.
  • The presence of hills and deep depressions that complicate operation. For example, lamps in the lower part of the territory do not reach the top, and plants on a hill are likely to die from periodic sliding of the soil.
  • The site is located on a large slope.
There are also plots that require mandatory elevation. They can be divided into the following types:
  1. Landscape with hilly topography above sea level. It is most often found in the mountains. To solve the problem it is necessary to fill in large depressions.
  2. Land below sea level. It is characterized by swampiness and the presence of salt marshes. The soil is raised to prevent water from reaching the foundation and to preserve the productivity of the garden. But it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, because wetlands often have a thick layer of silt and are rich in elements beneficial to plants.
  3. Plot of land below ground level. Such plots must be improved to avoid flooding from high neighboring areas. After the rains, the area will be constantly in water. Another trouble is the release of groundwater to the surface.
There aren't many lifting options. Backfilling is done in two ways:
  • Surface. The soil is poured onto the prepared site, leveled and compacted.
  • With excavation. Part of the soil is removed, and the vacated space is filled with brought material. A fertile ball, removed at the beginning of work or brought in, is poured on top of the plot.

Technology for raising the site level

The work of arranging the allotment is usually carried out first, even before the construction of the house begins. If such a decision is made after many years of operation, the task becomes more complicated, because you have to take into account the location of already constructed buildings, paths, green spaces, etc. Let's consider the simplest case of raising a section, when nothing interferes with the process.

Selecting soil for backfilling

The technology for performing the work depends on several factors, the main ones being the height of the site and its purpose.

Rules for choosing soil for backfilling:

  1. If the additional layer is less than 30 cm, the best option is to use fertile soil taken from neighboring hills. It is poured in the right place and compacted with a vibrating plate.
  2. If it is necessary to pour more than 30 cm of earth, create intermediate layers of sand and gravel. They are laid in layers, between which fertilizers are poured. The stones are covered with a fertile layer on top.
  3. The foundation for outbuildings or paths is made of sandy loam or clay. If the intermediate ball turns out to be very high, construction waste can be used. In this case, it is necessary to remember that large waste will settle, and not always evenly.
  4. If there are parking lots or roads, use crushed stone that can withstand heavy loads. If no trucks are expected, fill in cheaper excavated soil.
  5. Create a sand cushion under permanent buildings, without gravel.
  6. Based on the experience of construction work, it is recommended to fill the first ball with the same soil that is on the site. In this way, a strong connection is created between the new and untouched land. If you pour construction material waste onto soft soil, it will simply fall through and the sand will be washed away with water.
  7. To prevent one material from absorbing another, geotextiles are used. But this coverage is not cheap and will require large financial investments.
  8. When lifting to a height of up to 1 m, it is uneconomical to use only expensive fertile soil. You can first fill in construction waste - broken bricks, pieces of concrete, which will ensure the drainage of excess water. Waste can be collected free of charge if there is major construction going on nearby. Very often, builders do not know how to get rid of garbage, and quickly agree to bring several truckloads of unnecessary junk.
  9. Pour the soil to a level that is slightly higher than the cords stretched at the beginning of work. This is due to soil shrinkage, which will appear after the first rain. The amount of subsidence is also influenced by the density of the layers, their thickness and other factors.

Preliminary work

If you cannot decide how to raise the level of a land plot, analyze it - study the topography, soil composition, the presence of groundwater, the distance to the nearest body of water.

The most qualitative research will be carried out by surveyors, but the main characteristics can be determined independently:

  • Often, to make a decision, it is enough to drill a well and inspect a section of the soil.
  • If possible, observe the construction work taking place nearby. The presence of water in technical recesses will make it possible to determine at what depth it is located and in what direction it flows. Also, observation will allow you to determine the type of soil without excavating on your own territory.
  • It is recommended to create a site map showing elevations and depressions. Using it you can determine how much soil is needed for backfilling, in what place to add it and at what height.
Before raising the level of the area, clear it of debris and remove any remaining trees. Build a foundation around the perimeter of the sector that will not allow water to wash away the fill material. It is possible to refuse it if the ground level of the nearest plots is higher than yours.

The foundation is built as follows:

  1. Dig a trench at least 20 cm deep along the edges of the area.
  2. Install wooden formwork. It is made of boards 30-40 cm thick, which are fixed with stakes every 0.5-1 m. The height of the fence should ensure that the foundation protrudes above the neighboring area (the difference in height is at the discretion of the owner).
  3. Fill the formwork with cement-sand mortar, for the preparation of which the components are taken in the following proportion: cement - 1 part, sand - 3 parts, gravel 0.5 parts. Within a week, the solution will gain up to 70% strength if the ambient temperature is 15-20 degrees.

Sprinkling soil

To roughly calculate the amount of soil required for backfilling, you can use our recommendations: to raise one hundred square meters by 1 m, you will need 100 m 3 of soil (loam with sandy loam). On smaller areas, the consumption is different: to raise a platform of 10 m by 2-10 cm you will need 1 m 3 of soil. When determining the backfill height, it is necessary to take into account that over time the earth will settle by 30-60%.

To create a new site level, perform the following operations:

  • Remove the fertile layer of soil and move it outside the area to be leveled. Save it, and in the future you will not have to spend money on buying new fertile land. If useful soil is missing or covered with debris, it is better not to remove it, but to fill it with an intermediate layer.
  • When finalizing part of the territory, place pegs along its perimeter and across this area in 2 m increments, aligning their surfaces in a horizontal plane. Stretch a cord between them, along which you can adjust the surface. Further work depends on the thickness of the poured soil.
  • If the estimated height does not exceed 30 cm, lay the soil in layers of 5-10 cm, compact it with a vibrating plate and fill it with water. A day after watering, pour in the next ball and repeat the procedure. The top layer should remain fertile soil, removed before starting work, or brought.
  • Tilt the surface at a slight angle (no more than 3 degrees) so that water does not linger.
If the problem area occupies a large area, it will not be possible to complete the work without heavy equipment. You will need a bulldozer with a hinged blade that can cut the earth from one place and move it to another.

In this case, the work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the top ball with a bulldozer and move it off site.
  2. Cut off the protrusions with a knife and fill the depressions to the specified marks.
  3. The advantage of using a bulldozer is that it performs the task on any difficult surface, on hills, in the beds of dry streams, etc.
  4. Plow the area twice - in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
  5. Cultivate the area with a cultivator, also in straight and transverse directions.
  6. Compact the top layer with a barrel of water.
  7. At the final stage, sow the plot with grass and cover it with a thin layer of fertile soil.
  8. Then compact again.
This completes the process of raising the allotment. Over the course of several months, the land will still settle, but the territory can already be exploited - construction work can be carried out, trees can be planted, and a vegetable garden can be arranged.

Lawns are very common in summer cottages, and at first glance they are very easy to create. In fact, creating a beautiful grass area is not such an easy task. Before raising the ground level of an area to create a lawn, examine the condition of the plot to determine the feasibility of raising it.

If there is constant flooding, you should make sure that there is no clay under the fertile layer. It will not allow water to escape, even if the groundwater is deep. If a clay layer is detected, it must be removed and covered with sand and chernozem on top. If the clay layer is very thick and cannot be removed, create a good drainage system.

If there is a road above the lawn area, it is better to raise the level with sandy soil. To prevent it from being washed away, dig concrete slabs around the perimeter of the lawn to a depth of at least 20 cm, and they should protrude 3-4 cm above the soil.

First, dig a hole 30-40 cm deep, then pour sand in a layer of 10-12 cm. It should be strongly compacted using a vibrating plate. The loose mass helps to quickly remove excess moisture. Pour the previously removed soil on top, as a result of which the level will rise by at least 5-6 cm. To plant grass, fill the area with special fertile soil into which the seeds are poured.

The total thickness of the layer under the lawn can reach 20 cm. Under the garden beds, the layer should be at least 30 cm.

Drainage for a swampy area

Raising the level of a site in marshy areas may not lead to the desired result. To get rid of excess moisture, you will need an effective water drainage system. In our case, it is performed in the form of trenches through which moisture is drained outside the plot.

There are open and closed drainage. An open system is the simplest option for draining a site. These are ditches up to 0.7 m deep and about 0.6 m wide with a slope in one direction. A layer of crushed stone and sand 10-15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom. Water seeps through the walls of the trench and flows out independently in the desired direction.

A closed system is more complex to implement. It will require factory-made drainage pipes. The trenches are made with a slope of 7 cm over a length of 1 m. It is recommended to direct the water towards the lowest place or into the pool.

Near buildings, ditches are dug along the perimeter of the buildings. They can be placed frequently in garden plots, especially if clay soils are present. The depth depends on the composition of the soil. For clays and loams, ditches are dug up to 1 m. In any case, they should be located below the freezing level of the soil characteristic of the area. It is better to dig ditches in the form of a “herringbone” - one central trench and several additional ones that connect to it. The main line carries water outside the site.

A cushion of crushed stone and sand is poured onto the bottom of the ditch. After installing the pipeline, cover it with geotextile to protect it from dirt getting inside. From above everything is covered with sand, crushed stone and fertile soil. Highways are usually decorated to provide an aesthetic appearance.

How to raise the level of a site - watch the video:

The disappointment of an unsuccessfully located site quickly passes if you approach the problem correctly. To obtain a beautiful and comfortable recreation area, it is necessary to study the features of the technology for raising the level of the site and make considerable physical efforts to implement the plan.

In the photo: filling the area with sand

During spring melting of snow or periods of heavy rain, many suburban areas are subject to flooding. This is expressed in the formation of puddles on the surface of the earth or the loss of bearing capacity of the soil (the earth is too soft). The need to fill up a ditch or raise a plot in a dacha may also arise due to a constant high level of groundwater, when even in the hot summer months the water level in the well is close to the surface. In any case, the abundance of water negatively affects the foundation of buildings, the root system of plants and the appearance of lawn grass.

To eliminate such problems, the ZEMLECHIST company carries out raising of the site at the dacha. We offer filling the territory with various types of soil to increase the filtering properties of the soil or generally improve the relief.

Prices for land filling

Changing the elevation marks on the site requires carrying out a high-altitude survey with a level and determining the volume of soil filling. It is very difficult to determine volumes by eye, and even more so over the phone, but to determine the preliminary cost, the ZEMLECHIST company uses its own method of average calculations. To find out the price for raising your site, just call the numbers on the website or leave a request in the form below. You can also calculate the estimate yourself using the prices from the table below.

"Before" and "after" raising the site.

Moving the slider to the sides, see how the level of the area has changed after adding soil. Click the right and left arrows to view different examples of work.

Materials for backfilling a plot in a dacha

The choice of materials for raising a site at the dacha depends on the goals set and is carried out after an inspection of the area by an engineer. In most cases, the best solution is to pour a layer of sand, but if the area is large and the height of the site is raised, this can be expensive. Then, instead of sand, you can use sand soil or any other leveling soil - sandy loam, loam, clay - to fill the area.

Filling the area with fertile soil

Raising the area to a height of more than 10 cm with fertile soil is not recommended for two reasons. Firstly, the material of good composition is expensive, this can hit the budget. Secondly, fertile soil is usually quite loose. And for normal growth and fixation of plants, including lawn grass, the root system needs to cling to something. A layer 7–10 cm thick is sufficient for nutrition, and a layer of denser soil underneath is desirable. Sandy soil or loam is just suitable for these purposes. Thus, the area can be raised with less expensive material, and covered with fertilization on top.

When is it necessary to raise a plot of land in a dacha?

1) The site is swampy; there is a lot of water in the ground all year round.

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This happens when the site is located in a lowland or the groundwater level in this area is close to the surface of the earth. In any case, filling the area will literally allow you to rise above the water. The higher the area rises, the drier it will be. In the case of wetlands, it is difficult to predict the required volume of soil, because during filling it can sink under its own weight and further compact the underlying layers.

2) The area is below the level of the road or neighboring property.

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In fact, such an area also turns out to be in a lowland, which means water from higher areas will flow onto it. Moreover, flooding may not occur all the time, namely during heavy rain or seasonal snow melting, when the influx of water is significant. By measuring the area of ​​the site and the required average rise, the volume of soil for filling is calculated, and a reserve for compaction is added.

3) The site has a strong slope; it is necessary to raise the lower edge to the level of the upper one.

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The problem can be solved by importing leveling soil or sand soil in the required volume with its subsequent shrinkage during the year. At the same time, there is an important nuance: how the height difference will be strengthened. This can be a natural slope from the ground, if free space allows or the construction of a retaining wall is required. The decision must be made at the site survey stage and included in the final estimate for filling the site.

Technological features of raising a plot in a dacha

All work on the site must be completed before filling. Even before starting, it is advisable to lay the foundation of large objects, taking into account the future ground level.

The activities assume the following sequence:

  1. Complete cleaning of the area.
  2. Removing the top fertile layer of soil (if necessary).
  3. If necessary, install a strip foundation for a fence around the perimeter of the site. The tape acts as a retaining wall and must be poured taking into account future soil pressure. It should be 5–10 cm above the planned ground level.
  4. Direct delivery and distribution of soil on the site. It is carried out mechanically or manually. To raise a plot of land in a dacha, it is recommended to fill with a slight slope - no more than 3 cm/m. This is necessary for the natural drainage of rain and melt water.
  5. Arrangement of drainage systems. These can be either simple trenches or special utility lines.

In the photo: the flooded area before backfilling

In the photo: the work of equipment when raising the site

In the photo: the area after filling

Professional approach to site elevation

Raising a plot of land in a dacha requires professional measurement of heights with a level and correct calculation of backfill volumes. In complex cases (for example, multi-level areas), we perform calculations in the GeoniCS software package and build a cartogram of the movement of earth masses. It is quite difficult to determine the elevation height of the site, much less the required volume of soil, by eye. That is why you should trust an operation of such complexity only to professionals.

My grandfather was allocated a garden plot in 1980. The dacha is already 4 acres! At that time, luxury and the dream of many. When the euphoria passed, it turned out that a place for a garden was allocated in a lowland and after heavy rains or melting snow, rice could be grown on it. Kidding.

All the fruit trees got wet during the winter and almost all efforts to create a picturesque corner of nature came to naught. More than thirty years have passed, I already have children, and we decided to defeat the elements, raise a garden plot, build a new house and come here to relax in the lap of nature.

We looked through a lot of literature on raising areas and decided to do it like in Holland, fortunately they are experts at such tricks. Here's what we got...

Here in the photo is the house that my grandfather erected on the site back in the 80s. More precisely, it is an extension to an extension to the small original house. No matter how hard we tried to jack it up, nothing worked, so we made a drastic decision - to demolish it!

Because it is beautiful only on the outside, but inside there is eternal dampness, mold and the absence of the benefits of civilization.