Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics: examples, solutions, explanations. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Physics: examples, solutions, explanations Number of points for each task of the Unified State Exam in Physics

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics: examples, solutions, explanations. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Physics: examples, solutions, explanations Number of points for each task of the Unified State Exam in Physics

In 2017, control measurement materials in physics will undergo significant changes.

Tasks with a choice of one correct answer have been excluded from the options and tasks with a short answer have been added. In this regard, a new structure of part 1 of the examination paper was proposed, and part 2 was left unchanged.

When making changes to the structure of the examination work, the general conceptual approaches to assessing educational achievements were preserved. In particular, the total score for completing all tasks of the examination work remained unchanged, the distribution of maximum points for completing tasks of different levels of complexity and the approximate distribution of the number of tasks by sections of the school physics course and methods of activity were preserved. Each version of the examination paper tests content elements from all sections of the school physics course, and tasks of different difficulty levels are offered for each section. The priority when designing a CMM is the need to test the types of activities provided for by the standard: mastering the conceptual apparatus of a physics course, mastering methodological skills, applying knowledge in explaining physical processes and solving problems.

The exam version will consist of two parts and will include 31 tasks. Part 1 will contain 23 short-answer items, including self-report items that require a number, two numbers, or a word, as well as matching and multiple choice items that require answers to be written as a sequence of numbers. Part 2 will contain 8 tasks united by a common type of activity - problem solving. Of these, 3 tasks with a short answer (24–26) and 5 tasks (29–31), for which you need to provide a detailed answer.

The work will include tasks of three difficulty levels. Basic level tasks are included in part 1 of the work (18 tasks, of which 13 tasks with the answer recorded in the form of a number, two numbers or a word, and 5 matching and multiple choice tasks). Among the tasks of the basic level, tasks are distinguished whose content corresponds to the standard of the basic level. The minimum number of Unified State Examination points in physics, confirming that a graduate has mastered a secondary (full) general education program in physics, is established based on the requirements for mastering the basic level standard.

The use of tasks of increased and high levels of complexity in the examination work allows us to assess the degree of preparedness of a student to continue his education at a university. Advanced-level tasks are distributed between parts 1 and 2 of the examination paper: 5 short-answer tasks in part 1, 3 short-answer tasks and 1 long-answer task in part 2. The last four tasks of part 2 are tasks of a high level of complexity.

Part 1 The examination work will include two blocks of tasks: the first tests the mastery of the conceptual apparatus of the school physics course, and the second tests the mastery of methodological skills. The first block includes 21 tasks, which are grouped based on thematic affiliation: 7 tasks on mechanics, 5 tasks on MCT and thermodynamics, 6 tasks on electrodynamics and 3 on quantum physics.

The group of tasks for each section begins with tasks with an independent formulation of the answer in the form of a number, two numbers or a word, then comes a multiple choice task (two correct answers out of five proposed), and at the end - tasks on changing physical quantities in various processes and establishing a correspondence between physical quantities and graphs or formulas in which the answer is written as a set of two numbers.

Multiple choice and matching tasks are 2-point and can be based on any content elements in this section. It is clear that in the same version, all tasks related to one section will test different content elements and relate to different topics of this section.

The thematic sections on mechanics and electrodynamics present all three types of these tasks; in the section on molecular physics - 2 tasks (one of them is for multiple choice, and the other is either for changes in physical quantities in processes or for correspondence); in the section on quantum physics there is only 1 task on changing physical quantities or matching. Particular attention should be paid to multiple choice tasks 5, 11 and 16, which assess the ability to explain the studied phenomena and processes and interpret the results of various studies presented in the form of tables or graphs. Below is an example of such a mechanics task.

You should pay attention to the change in the forms of individual task lines. Task 13 to determine the direction of vector physical quantities (Coulomb force, electric field strength, magnetic induction, Ampere force, Lorentz force, etc.) is offered with a short answer in the form of a word. In this case, possible answer options are indicated in the text of the task. An example of such a task is given below.

In the section on quantum physics, I would like to draw your attention to task 19, which tests knowledge about the structure of the atom, the atomic nucleus, or nuclear reactions. This assignment has changed its presentation form. The answer, which is two numbers, must first be written down in the proposed table, and then transferred to answer form No. 1 without spaces or additional characters. Below is an example of such a task form.

At the end of Part 1, 2 tasks of a basic level of complexity will be offered, testing various methodological skills and relating to different sections of physics. Task 22, using photographs or drawings of measuring instruments, is aimed at testing the ability to record instrument readings when measuring physical quantities, taking into account the absolute measurement error. The absolute measurement error is specified in the text of the task: either in the form of half the division value, or in the form of the division value (depending on the accuracy of the device). An example of such a task is given below.

Task 23 tests the ability to choose equipment for conducting an experiment according to a given hypothesis. In this model, the form of presentation of the task has changed, and now it is a multiple choice task (two elements out of five proposed), but is scored 1 point if both elements of the answer are correctly indicated. Three different models of tasks can be offered: a choice of two drawings, graphically representing the corresponding settings for the experiments; to select two rows in a table that describes the characteristics of the experimental setup, and to select the names of two pieces of equipment or instruments that are necessary to carry out the specified experiment. Below is an example of one such task.

Part 2 work is devoted to problem solving. This is traditionally the most significant result of mastering a high school physics course and the most popular activity in further study of the subject at a university.

In this part, KIM 2017 will have 8 different tasks: 3 calculation problems with an independent recording of a numerical answer of an increased level of complexity and 5 problems with a detailed answer, of which one is qualitative and four are calculation ones.

At the same time, on the one hand, the same not very significant content elements are not used in different tasks in one version, on the other hand, the application of fundamental conservation laws can be found in two or three tasks. If we consider the “linking” of the topics of tasks to their position in the option, then at position 28 there will always be a task on mechanics, at position 29 - on MCT and thermodynamics, at position 30 - on electrodynamics, and at position 31 - mainly on quantum physics (if only the material of quantum physics will not be involved in the qualitative problem at position 27).

The complexity of tasks is determined by both the nature of the activity and the context. In calculation problems of an increased level of complexity (24–26), the use of a studied algorithm for solving the problem is assumed and typical educational situations are proposed that students encountered during the learning process and in which explicitly specified physical models are used. In these tasks, preference is given to standard formulations, and their selection will be carried out primarily with a focus on an open bank of tasks.

The first of the tasks with a detailed answer is a qualitative problem, the solution of which is a logically structured explanation based on physical laws and regularities. For calculation problems of a high level of complexity, an analysis of all stages of the solution is required, so they are offered in the form of tasks 28–31 with a detailed answer. Here, modified situations are used, in which it is necessary to operate with a larger number of laws and formulas than in standard problems, to introduce additional justifications in the solution process, or completely new situations that have not previously been encountered in educational literature and require serious activity in the analysis of physical processes and independent choice of a physical model to solve the problem.

So, winter is in full swing, and it becomes clear that the exams are only a few months away. Many graduates began preparing in the 9th or 10th grade and have a wealth of knowledge, but you are not one of them. What to do if there is nothing left before the main exam in your life?
To pass the threshold in physics, you need to score 9 primary points (36 secondary), i.e. solve 9 basic level problems. But passing the passing grade does not guarantee admission to at least some university. Therefore, you need to set a goal to overcome the fifty-point mark.

To prepare for the exam in such a short time, you need to seek help from a tutor. But it often happens that tutors have recruited enough students and do not want to take more, or refuse due to late application. There may be two options here: turning to websites for selecting a tutor, or turning to an online tutor, and self-preparation.

It should be noted in advance that even lessons with a tutor should be regular - three lessons a week for 1-1.5 hours.
If there was an appeal to a master of his craft, then the tutor himself coordinates the student’s preparation.

If a student, for one reason or another, cannot turn to a professional for help, do not give up.Self-preparation for examscan be no less effective if carefully planned.

First, you should download the demo version of the Unified State Exam in Physics, which contains three sections: demo version, specification and codifier. The codifier contains the table “List of content elements tested at the unified state exam in physics", By which should be prepared. Each element contained in the above table must be worked out in detail: the theory has been mastered and tasks typical for the Unified State Exam have been solved. Formulas should be written out separately and analyzed in detail: you should know the name of the law to which the formula belongs, what each letter means, and, of course, you need to remember the formula.

To memorize formulas, you should use several methods, for example: simply rewriting formulas, pronouncing their contents, solving very easy problems using a specific formula (you can even solve self-composed problems in your head). The student can choose the most effective method from his own, because can know which memory is more developed.
Memorizing formulas will be faster and easier if you repeat the formulas at least once a week, otherwise all the material you have learned will be forgotten before the exams.

Websites that provide collections of tasks for each section being tested provide invaluable assistance in preparation. These problems are real problems from demos, practice tests, and the Unified State Exam itself over the past years.

Despite the relatively short time, preparation sessions should be systematic and useful. The student should select the topics that are easiest for him and prepare for them. This is done so that the student is confident of passing the exam, even if not with high scores. Most often, the last few problems of the first part are very easy, you should pay attention to them. Thermodynamics and molecular physics are most often considered difficult and are “thrown out” from the list of easy topics. But molecular physics and thermodynamics in the first part of the Unified State Exam are very easy.

Trial testing is carried out by many universities in February-March. You should sign up for it to test your acquired knowledge and feel the atmosphere of the exam.

You should prepare for the Unified State Exam regularly, preferably daily. Classes from time to time will not bring success.
There are 4 months left before the exam. Spending this time profitably means opening your way to university. We wish you success on this path!

Sign up for lessons with online tutor Olga Sergeevna and prepare for everything!

website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

dateUnified State Exam
Early period
March 20 (Wed)geography, literature
March 22 (Fri)Russian language
March 25 (Mon)history, chemistry
March 27 (Wed)foreign languages ​​(oral)
March 29 (Fri)mathematics B, P
April 1 (Mon)foreign languages, biology, physics
April 3 (Wed)social studies, computer science and ICT
April 5 (Fri)reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
April 8 (Mon)reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wed)reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
Main stage
May 27 (Mon)geography, literature
May 29 (Wed)mathematics B, P
May 31 (Fri)history, chemistry
June 3 (Mon)Russian language
June 5 (Wed)foreign languages ​​(written), physics
June 7 (Fri)foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 8 (Sat)foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 10 (Mon)social science
June 13 (Thu)biology, computer science and ICT
June 17 (Mon)Reserve: geography, literature
June 18 (Tue)Reserve: history, physics
June 20 (Thu)Reserve: biology, computer science and ICT, chemistry
June 24 (Mon)Reserve: mathematics B, P
June 26 (Wed)Reserve: Russian language
June 27 (Thu)Reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 28 (Fri)Reserve: social studies, foreign languages ​​(written)
July 1 (Mon)Reserve: for all academic subjects

The number of participants in the Unified State Exam in Physics in 2018 (main day) was 150,650 people, including 99.1% of current year graduates. The number of exam participants is comparable to the previous year (155,281 people), but lower than the number in 2016 (167,472 people). In percentage terms, the number of participants in the Unified State Exam in physics amounted to 23% of the total number of graduates, which is slightly lower than last year. A slight decrease in the number of students taking the Unified State Exam in physics may be due to the increase in universities accepting computer science as an entrance test.

The largest number of Unified State Examination participants in physics is noted in Moscow (10,668), Moscow region (6546), St. Petersburg (5652), the Republic of Bashkortostan (5271) and Krasnodar Territory (5060).

The average USE score in physics in 2018 was 53.22, which is comparable to last year’s figure (53.16 test points). The maximum test score was scored by 269 exam participants from 44 constituent entities of the Russian Federation; in the previous year, there were 278 people with 100 points. The minimum Unified State Exam score in physics in 2018, as in 2017, was 36 tb, but in the primary scores this amounted to 11 points, compared to 9 primary scores in the previous year. The share of exam participants who did not exceed the minimum score in 2018 was 5.9%, which is slightly higher than those who did not reach the minimum limit in 2017 (3.79%).

Compared to the two previous years, the proportion of poorly prepared participants increased slightly (21-40 thousand). The share of high-scorers (61-100 thousand points) increased, reaching the maximum values ​​in three years. This allows us to talk about increased differentiation in the training of graduates and an increase in the quality of training of students studying a specialized course in physics.

In 2018, the percentage of exam participants who scored 81-100 points was 5.61%, which is higher than in 2017 (4.94%). For the Unified State Exam in Physics, the range from 61 to 100 test points is significant, which demonstrates the readiness of graduates to successfully continue their education at universities. This year this group of graduates has increased compared to the previous year and amounted to 24.22%.

More detailed analytical and methodological materials for the 2018 Unified State Exam are available here.

Our website contains about 3,000 tasks to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics in 2019. The general outline of the examination work is presented below.


Designation of the level of difficulty of the task: B - basic, P - advanced, V - high.

Content elements and activities tested

Task difficulty level

Maximum score for completing the task

Exercise 1. Uniform linear motion, uniformly accelerated linear motion, circular motion
Task 2. Newton's laws, law of universal gravitation, Hooke's law, friction force
Task 3. Law of conservation of momentum, kinetic and potential energy, work and power of force, law of conservation of mechanical energy
Task 4. The equilibrium condition of a rigid body, Pascal's law, Archimedes' force, mathematical and spring pendulums, mechanical waves, sound
Task 5. Mechanics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of experimental results presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 6. Mechanics (changes in physical quantities in processes)
Task 7. Mechanics (establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities; between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 8. Relationship between pressure and average kinetic energy, absolute temperature, relationship between temperature and average kinetic energy, Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation, isoprocesses
Task 9. Work in thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, efficiency of a heat engine
Task 10. Relative air humidity, amount of heat
Task 11. MCT, thermodynamics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of experimental results presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 12. MKT, thermodynamics (changes in physical quantities in processes; establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 13. The principle of superposition of electric fields, the magnetic field of a current-carrying conductor, Ampere force, Lorentz force, Lenz rule (determination of direction)
Task 14. Law of conservation of electric charge, Coulomb's law, capacitor, current strength, Ohm's law for a section of a circuit, series and parallel connection of conductors, work and current power, Joule-Lenz law
Task 15. Magnetic induction vector flux, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, inductance, magnetic field energy of a current coil, oscillatory circuit, laws of reflection and refraction of light, ray path in a lens
Task 16. Electrodynamics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of experimental results presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 17. Electrodynamics (changes in physical quantities in processes)
Task 18. Electrodynamics and fundamentals of SRT (establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 19. Planetary model of the atom. Nucleon model of the nucleus. Nuclear reactions.
Task 20. Photons, line spectra, the law of radioactive decay
Task 21. Quantum physics (changes in physical quantities in processes; establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 22.
Task 23. Mechanics - quantum physics (methods of scientific knowledge)
Task 24. Elements of astrophysics: Solar system, stars, galaxies
Task 25. Mechanics, molecular physics (calculation problem)
Task 26. Molecular physics, electrodynamics (calculation problem)
Task 27.
Task 28 (C1). Mechanics - quantum physics (qualitative problem)
Task 29 (C2). Mechanics (calculation problem)
Task 30 (C3). Molecular physics (calculation problem)
Task 31 (C4). Electrodynamics (calculation problem)
Task 32 (C5). Electrodynamics, quantum physics (calculation problem)

Correspondence between minimum raw scores and 2019 minimum test scores. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. .


The order of Rosobrnadzor established a minimum number of points confirming that exam participants have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education. PHYSICS THRESHOLD: 11 primary points (36 test points).

You can download the forms in high quality using the link.


During the physics exam, it is allowed to use a non-programmable calculator (for any student) with the ability to calculate trigonometric functions (cos, sin, tg) and a ruler; reference materials that can be used during the exam are given to each USE participant along with the text of his exam paper.

The Unified State Exam in Physics is an exam of choice for graduates and is intended for differentiation when entering higher educational institutions. For these purposes, the work includes tasks of three difficulty levels. Completing tasks at a basic level of complexity allows you to assess the level of mastery of the most significant content elements of a high school physics course and mastery of the most important types of activities. The use of tasks of increased and high levels of complexity in the Unified State Exam allows us to assess the degree of preparation of a student to continue his education at a university.

Each version of the examination paper consists of 2 parts and includes 32 tasks, differing in form and level of difficulty (see table).

Part 1 contains 24 tasks, of which 9 tasks with choosing and recording the number of the correct answer and 15 tasks with a short answer, including tasks with independently recording the answer in the form of a number, as well as matching and multiple choice tasks in which answers are required write as a sequence of numbers.

Part 2 contains 8 tasks united by a common activity - problem solving. Of these, 3 tasks with a short answer (25–27) and 5 tasks (28–32), for which you need to provide a detailed answer.

Number of tasks

Maximum Primary Score

Percentage of maximum primary score

Type of tasks

Distribution of tasks by topic

When developing the content of CMM, the need to test the assimilation of knowledge in the following sections of the physics course is taken into account:

  • Mechanics(kinematics, dynamics, statics, conservation laws in mechanics, mechanical vibrations and waves);
  • Molecular physics(molecular kinetic theory, thermodynamics);
  • Electrodynamics and fundamentals of SRT(electric field, direct current, magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic oscillations and waves, optics, fundamentals of SRT);
  • The quantum physics(wave-particle duality, atomic physics, physics of the atomic nucleus)

The total number of tasks in the examination paper for each section is approximately proportional to its content and the teaching time allocated for studying this section in the school physics course.

Distribution of tasks by difficulty level

The examination paper presents tasks of different difficulty levels: basic, advanced and high.

Basic level tasks are included in part 1 of the work (19 tasks, of which 9 tasks with choosing and recording the number of the correct answer and 10 tasks with a short answer). These are simple tasks that test your understanding of the most important physical concepts, models, phenomena and laws.

Advanced level tasks are distributed between the first and second parts of the examination paper: 5 short-answer tasks in part 1, 3 short-answer tasks and 1 long-answer task in part 2. These tasks are aimed at testing the ability to use the concepts and laws of physics to apply one -two laws (formulas) on any of the topics of the school physics course.

The four problems in Part 2 are high-difficulty problems that test the ability to use the laws and theories of physics in a changed or new situation. Completing such tasks requires the application of knowledge from two or three sections of physics at once, i.e., a high level of training.

Difficulty levels of tasks

Grading system

The task involving selecting and recording the number of the correct answer is considered completed if the answer number recorded in form No. 1 matches the correct answer. Each of these tasks is worth 1 point.

A short answer task is considered completed if the answer recorded in form No. 1 coincides with the correct answer.

Tasks 3–5, 10, 15, 16, 21 of part 1 and tasks 25–27 of part 2 are scored 1 point.

Tasks 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 22 and 24 of Part 1 are scored 2 points if both elements of the answer are correct; 1 point if an error was made in indicating one of the elements of the answer, and 0 points if two errors were made.

Answers to tasks with choosing and recording the number of the correct answer and a short answer are processed automatically after scanning answer forms No. 1.

A task with a detailed answer is assessed by two experts taking into account the correctness and completeness of the answer. The maximum initial score for tasks with a detailed answer is 3 points. For each task, detailed instructions are provided for experts, which indicate what each point is awarded for - from zero to the maximum point. In the exam version, before each type of task, instructions are given that provide general requirements for the preparation of answers.

Exam duration and equipment

The entire examination work will be completed 235 minutes. The approximate time to complete tasks of various parts of the work is:

  • for each multiple-choice task – 2–5 minutes;
  • for each task with a short answer – 3–5 minutes;
  • for each task with a detailed answer - from 15 to 25 minutes.

Used non-programmable calculator(for each student) with the ability to calculate trigonometric functions (cos, sin, tg) and a ruler. The list of additional devices and materials, the use of which is permitted for the Unified State Examination, is approved by Rosobrnadzor.

Physics! For many modern schoolchildren, this sounds like something scary, incomprehensible and of no practical interest. However, the development of science, technology, and information technology is a consequence of discoveries in this particular field of science. Therefore, most school graduates need to choose physics as their Unified State Examination exam. In addition, children need to remember that physics is the science of nature, i.e. about what surrounds us. Whether you are studying theory or solving a problem, you always need to imagine how this or that process occurs in real life.

Graduates have been taking the Unified State Exam in Physics since 2003. Over the past 14 years, the structure of the Unified State Exam has undergone a lot of changes and the coming year 2017 will not be an exception. Let's list some of them.

In 2017, the exam program remains unchanged. The code remains the same.

Big changes will occur in Part 1 of the Unified State Examination in Physics. Part 2 will be completely preserved in its current form (3 tasks with a short answer + 5 tasks with a detailed solution).

What will change in part 1?

From options will go away completely multiple-choice tasks (1 of 4) – 9 tasks.

The number of tasks with a short answer and tasks where you need to choose 2 correct answers out of 5 will increase. The total number of tasks in part 1 is 23 tasks (from 24).

The tasks in the sections in Part 1 are distributed almost the same as before:

  • Mechanics – 7 tasks
  • Molecular Physics – 5 tasks
  • Electrodynamics – 6 tasks
  • Quantum physics – 3 tasks (was 4)
  • Methodology – 2 tasks
Total: 23 tasks (was 24).

Within the section, tasks will be arranged depending on their form. In task 13 this may not coincide with the sequence of presentation of the material.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Physics in 2017

Job No. Assignment form Point
1 Short answer 1
2 Short answer 1
3 Short answer 1
4 Short answer 1
5 Choose 2 correct answers out of 5 2
6 2
7 2
8 Short answer 1
9 Short answer 1
10 Short answer 1
11 Choose 2 correct answers out of 5 2
12 2
13 Short answer (direction determination) 1
14 Short answer 1
15 Short answer 1
16 Choose 2 correct answers out of 5 2
17 “Will increase / decrease / remain unchanged” 2
18 Correspondence “graph – value” or “value – formula” 2
19 Short answer (structure of an atom or its nucleus) 1
20 Short answer 1
21 “Increase / decrease / will not change” or the correspondence “graph - value” or “value - formula” 2

Total points for Part 1: 10 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 2 = 32
Total points for Part 2: 3 + 5×3 = 18
The total amount of primary points in the option: 32 + 18 = 50 (same as now).

Examples of problem solving

Sample task 13

Two long straight conductors perpendicular to the plane of the figure carry equal currents in opposite directions. What is the direction of the magnetic field induction vector of the conductors at point A (right, left, up, down, towards us, away from us)?

Answer: down.

Sample task 19

Indicate the number of protons and the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the polonium isotope 214 84 Po

Answer: 84 protons, 130 neutrons.

Good luck on the exam!