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» Gas connection according to new rules - has it become easier? Gas connection to a private home Connection to a gas pipeline

Gas connection according to new rules - has it become easier? Gas connection to a private home Connection to a gas pipeline

Are you planning to connect to the centralized gas supply system? This is a justified decision, because the cost of pipeline methane in Russia is cheaper than any other fuel. However, gas pipelines still need to be brought into the house from the nearest main line, which, you see, can be quite an expensive undertaking.

We will help you understand the nuances of organizing supplies of natural gas and tell you how to calculate your natural gas needs and how to find out how much it costs to connect gas to a private home. Detailed examples of calculations and possible costs during commissioning are discussed in our article.

Preliminary calculations will allow you to plan expenses and outline an action plan for introducing gas into your home in the future. The formulas given below in the article, together with visual photo instructions and thematic videos, will help you independently calculate the cost of connection and find out whether it will really be profitable to use gas supply in your case.

According to the terms of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation for No. 1314 of December 30, 2013, in force since March 2014, the homeowner is not obliged to independently resolve issues of connecting his estate to the gas pipeline.

Coordination of the passage of the gas pipeline through the lands of other owners, and the resolution of other “gas” issues have become the complete prerogative of the gas distribution organization (abbreviated as GRO).

It is OblGaz or RaiGaz that are obliged to bring the gas pipeline to the boundaries of the applicant’s site according to the completed application.

Technical conditions for connecting gas to a private home, as well as the price of gasification, are part of the agreement with the gas distribution company.

Before, before the Decree №1314 , The technical specifications were a separate document that served as justification for the design and construction of the gas pipeline. Now the technical conditions are only an annex to the gasification agreement, i.e. not an independent document.

Please note that the technical conditions provided upon request by the homeowner within two weeks are preliminary.

By providing them, the gas distribution organization only informs about the admissibility of gasification and this data cannot be used for the construction of a gas pipeline. However, preliminary specifications are necessary only for industrial consumers with methane consumption over 300 m 3 /h.

Categories of gasified objects

According to Decree No. 1314 of the Russian Government, homeowners need to find out how much it costs now by contacting the regional gas distribution service.

First of all, household expenses for technological connection depend on the volume of gasification work. In this regard, three categories of capital objects have been defined.

These include small business enterprises whose technological equipment consumes no more than 15 m 3 /h of a mixture of propane and butane. Those. The smallest fee for connecting to the gas distribution network is charged to cottages with an area of ​​less than 300 m2 and small enterprises from the public utility area.

The installation work on connecting the gas pipeline will be completed at the border of the site. Gas wiring
pipes for household consuming equipment on its territory are carried out according to a separate project

The possible scope of work on installation to a household of the first category is limited:

  • the greatest distance from the main gas distributor to gas-consuming equipment is less than 200 m;
  • gas pressure in the gas supply source is up to 0.3 MPa.

In addition, the laying of inlet gas pipelines is carried out without building reduction points (pressure reduction) for main natural gas.

Gas pipeline connection fee for objects of the first category is 20,000-50,000 rubles(clause 8 of the appendix to the order of the FTS of the Russian Federation No. 101-e/3 dated April 28, 2014). The exact price is determined by the local gas distribution organization according to the conditions in the given territory, but cannot exceed 50,000 rubles.

Second category of objects. The objects of the second category include households whose connection requires gas distribution pipelines and/or the creation of main gas reduction points. Their estimated gas consumption is higher than the norm for first category facilities; a higher gas supply pressure is required (i.e. 0.6 MPa or more), etc.

Compliance with the cost of connection in the first category is observed if the pipeline is installed in
low pressure gas main. If gas reduction is needed, the connection price will exceed 50 thousand rubles.

In the private residential sector, properties falling into the second category usually have an area of ​​over 300 m 2. For their gasification, standardized tariff rates are used, calculated according to the methodology developed by the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation (appendix to order No. 101-e/3 of April 28, 2014).

Please note that applicants for natural or artificial gas consumption volumes of 300 m 3 /h and above are required to coordinate gas connections with a gas distribution facility that has a technological connection with the contractor’s gas pipeline.

The approval of tariff amounts for gas connections to households of the second category is carried out by the local executive authority of the Regional Energy Commission (i.e., the regional energy commission).

Third category of objects. Capital construction projects of the third category include farms that require an individual gasification project. For them, the amount is determined according to the design and estimate documentation, which has previously passed the examination.

The amount of gasification costs for households of the third category is established by the Regional Energy Commission, which relates to the location of the household connected to the main gas.

Prices for laying a gas pipeline along the section from the border entry point vary from company to company.
However, it is worth considering the need for numerous approvals for a gas project. With an experienced performing company, full-fledged gasification will happen faster

The following conditions are considered to be characteristic features of applicants’ facilities in need of gasification:

  • planned natural gas consumption from 500 m 3 /h;
  • work on connecting to the gas main requires the pipeline to be routed through forested areas, through rocky soils, swamps and water obstacles;
  • gas pipeline installation work requires passing through obstacles that force the use of horizontal directional drilling.

Those. according to government decree No. 1314 There are virtually no fixed prices for technological connection of applicants to the gas network. The cost of gasification work depends on a number of conditions that determine its size within the framework of the relevant methods of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation.

Calculation of maximum hourly gas consumption

Owners of private farmsteads may well be guided by a gas consumption rate of 5 m 3 /h (the first category of gasified farms) - this volume is most often sufficient for domestic use.

However, it is possible to independently calculate the approximate gas consumption of heating equipment using the formula:

B=q 10 3 /n p 1.163 8000,

  • B– natural gas consumption by household equipment, m 3 /h;
  • q– heat performance of gas-consuming equipment, kW;
  • n n– efficiency of gas-consuming equipment (usually 90-92%);
  • 1,163 – the value of the conversion factor from kW to kcal;
  • 8000 – calorific value of natural gas (lower), kcal/nm 3 .

Using this formula, we calculate the peak consumption of heating equipment. For example, the heated area of ​​a cottage is 120 m2 and it is planned to use a 12 kW boiler with an efficiency of 90% to heat it.

B=12·1000/0.9·1.163·8000=12000:8373.6=1.5 m 3 /h (rounded)

The thermal power of other household appliances must be found out from the technical data sheets. A gas four-burner stove with oven, for example, usually has 10 kW of power.

Then its peak gas consumption will be (efficiency is not taken into account):

B=10·1000/1.163·8000= 10000:9304=1.1 m3/h (rounded)

By calculating the maximum consumption of natural gas per hour for each consumer in the house and summing it up, we obtain the value of the required gas consumption per hour (MRG) for the entire household.

Gas connection cost calculation

Work on a is divided into two groups of tasks - connecting the gas pipeline from the gas distribution network to the applicant’s site and bringing the gas pipeline through the site to the consuming equipment.

However, the gas distribution organization (if it is permissible to connect a household to the gas pipeline) is only responsible for laying the gas pipeline to the border of the site.

The internal section of the gas pipeline is designed and created for a fee, and not necessarily by the same company that was engaged in supplying gas pipes to the site.

PVC pipes marked with a yellow stripe can be used to create low-level gas pipelines
pressure. The only way for them to communicate should be underground.

The amount required to install a gas pipeline to the site for households of the first category will not exceed 50,000 rubles. For other categories, the cost of installing a gas pipeline is determined by calculating standardized tariff rates according to the formulas specified in Chapter III of the Appendix to Order No. 101-e/3yu of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation.

As for how much the plot costs, the size of the final cost depends entirely on the regional and territorial location of the property.

For example, the approximate composition and amount of the estimate for installing a gas pipeline from the border outlet to gas consumers inside the house in the Moscow region are as follows:

  • Preparation of the design geological basis(site topography plan), its approval by government departments - 20,000-35,000 rubles.
  • Development of a gas supply project– 35,000-55,000 rub. Its price depends on the pressure in the supply gas pipeline and the number of gas-consuming equipment.
  • Project approval gas supply– 15,000-30,000 rub. This amount contains payments for invoices of enterprises and services, whose approval is required. For example, 5,000 rubles are paid to the regional architecture of MSK, to MOESK (electricity) - 5,000 rubles, Mosoblgaz - 4,000 rubles. etc.
  • Project registration and its technical supervision at Mosoblgaz will amount to 5% of the amount of work on gas pipeline installation.

Next comes the construction and installation work according to the finished and agreed upon project, which determines their cost. For example, for a cottage with an area of ​​no more than 300 m2, the price of these works can be 165,000-250,000 rubles. depending on the complexity of the device and system connection.

Costs of putting the gas pipeline into operation

The actual construction of gas communications on the site does not mean the end of costs. The gas pipeline still needs to be put into operation, otherwise it cannot be used.

To commission a gas pipeline at the site, you need:

  • control shooting (preparation, registration) – 15,000-35,000 rub.. The shorter the gas pipeline, the cheaper the CIS;
  • inspection of ventilation ducts and chimneys in the form of a report - approximately 5,000 rub.;
  • grounding of the boiler (protocol and sketch of the circuit) – order 5,000 rub.;
  • inspection of insulating connections in the form of a report - 7,000 rub. for each;
  • verification of executive and technical documentation – 4,000 rub.;
  • calling Mosoblgaz inspectors - approximately 3,000 rub.;
  • preparation of a gas inlet service agreement - up to 2,000 rub.;
  • re-approval of the project will cost a maximum of 4,000 rub..

Upon completion of work on the operational commissioning of the gas pipeline, it is necessary to draw up executive and technical documentation at the local gas service distribution zone, sign it at the gas service trust and submit it to the archives.

Next, make an entry for gas insertion and initial start-up. For the Moscow region, the costs of ITD and launching the gas pipeline will be about 35,000-5,0000 rubles.

Gas connection price in Russian regions

The costs are largely related to its location. The largest amount for connecting to the gas network will have to be paid to homeowners in the Moscow region - 400,000-700,000 rubles. (most expensive within the boundaries of Moscow).

For owners of country cottages in the Leningrad region, gas installation will cost less than in the capital region - around 300,000 rubles.

If the applicant wishes to install a gas pipeline under rivers, highways, etc. – it’s possible. But application
horizontal directional drilling will increase costs for gasification of households

Gasification is the cheapest in the European regions of the Russian Federation, where the installation of a gas pipeline on a site can be carried out for 70,000-120,000 rubles. And in the Nizhny Novgorod region, connecting a home gas network to a natural gas main costs approximately 150,000-200,000 rubles.

In the regions of eastern Russia, the gas pipeline network is poorly developed, since there are significantly fewer industrial centers there than in the western regions. For example, in the Novosibirsk region, the costs of private homeowners for gasification will be at least 200,000 rubles.

The most difficult situation with gas pipelines is in the regions of the Far East, where there are very few gas pipelines. Local owners of plots, even if they belong to the first category of applicants, will spend an average of 200,000-250,000 rubles. for gas supply to your cottage.

Affiliation of the centralized gas pipeline

Most of the low pressure in Russia belongs to local gas distribution centers, i.e. state-owned enterprises responsible for gas supply and gasification in the region. But the closest gas pipeline to the area in need of natural gas may not be state-owned, but departmental or private communications.

Costs for a reduction unit, and even more so for a gas fuel distribution complex for one
households will be extremely large. It is more rational to agree on their installation with neighbors by pooling

For example, in settlements relatively remote from regional centers, gas pipelines often belong to local residents on the basis of a partnership agreement. Also in dacha settlements, where gas supply networks, as well as other local infrastructure, are private, owned by dacha associations.

Negotiations on connecting to such gas networks will have to be done with their owners, and government tariffs will most likely not suit them.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1. A guide for homeowners on how to gasify their property:

Video #2. Consecutive stages of connecting a gas pipeline to a private household:

To find out the actual situation with gasification of your site, there is no need to waste time. By contacting your local gas distribution organization, you can establish the connection itself and determine its cost. Still, it is cheaper to heat a house with natural gas than with wood or coal.

Would you like to tell us how much it cost you to connect main gas to a private home, or tell us how long it took to obtain permits from the administration? Please write comments in the block below. Here you can ask questions or point out flaws in the article.

The cost of gas heating of a country house is significantly lower than electric heating, and, of course, such “heat” is less troublesome and dirty than wood heating. However, the “pathways” leading explosive fuel into the home require compliance with a number of regulations and are strictly controlled. As a result of the difficulties of coordination and the total cost of connection, the opportunity to use a cheap energy resource often slips through the cracks.

If your country property is many years old, and you have no idea where the gas main is, this is not a topic for you. After all, most likely, the many-kilometer path to a cheap energy resource will turn out to be too expensive, with difficult thresholds to overcome, such as the inviolability of private property and dependence on the decisions of local governments. Because laying a pipeline from a gas main to a house on private lands will require written consent from each of the owners. And crossing a gas pipeline across a road, especially across a federal highway or railroad track, can be a complicated and incredibly expensive undertaking. In such a situation, it is worth considering as an option autonomous gasification, that is, equipping the house with a gas holder - an underground tank for storing liquefied gas.

If a site for the construction of a country house is just being selected, then it makes sense to give preference to an area with connected communications. It is important that the pipe is not located somewhere nearby, but to a specific cottage community,

SNT or a rural settlement were issued technical conditions and your site was listed in them. Only in this case will it be possible to simplify to a minimum the complex series of approval procedures that must be gone through in order to private connections to the gas network.

Gasification of a private or country house - where to start

Technical specifications are an extremely important preface to the gas “epic”. They are necessary so that at the next stage, when designing a gas pipeline, all the features of the structure and terrain are taken into account. Obtaining technical conditions is a key point that determines the possibility of connection in principle.

Therefore, start the business by visiting the regional gas service or other nearest branch representing the interests of the owner of the gas pipeline, be sure to take with you your civil passport, title documents for the house and land, as well as a situational plan showing the location of the house in relation to the existing gasified development ( a copy certified by the architectural and planning department).

Talk to authorized persons, find out your chances of connection, apply for technical specifications. A positive solution will be possible only if there is a reserve of network capacity.

If you are just planning to build a house, you should not rush. After all, in order to start the process, you need a certificate of ownership of the house, or, in extreme cases, a certificate of ownership of an unfinished construction project.

That is, there must be walls, a roof, doors and windows behind which equipment can be installed. In addition, the validity period of both the technical conditions and the gasification project is limited, for example, in the Moscow region this period is 24 months. In case of delay, the installation of the gas pipeline and connection to the network will require repeating the first two stages. So consider when it is more convenient to submit an application, taking into account plans for completing construction and arranging life support systems.

To obtain specifications for a house with an area of ​​more than 300 m2, in addition to the specified documents, you will need a thermal engineering calculation performed by a design organization and determining annual gas consumption.

To install an underground gas pipeline, technical conditions for electrical and chemical protection are required. The fact is that soils in different places differ in structure, mobility, and corrosive activity, and it is not advisable to bury a pipe in the ground in every area. In addition, an underground gas pipeline will cost more than an aboveground one. However, this method does not affect the aesthetics of the landscape in any way and is less dangerous for the environment.

How to make a home gas supply plan (gasification project)

The development of design documentation for the gasification of a residential building, taking into account its planning solution, the quality of thermal insulation and other technical conditions, allows you to correctly calculate and optimally select gas equipment, as well as plan its distribution. The project includes a gas supply plan for the house, a list of materials and equipment. It is ordered from an authorized design organization that has a certificate issued by a self-regulatory organization for permission to carry out work on the design of gasification facilities. You can choose a design organization at your own discretion; in any case, you won’t have to look for it for long. All services involved in the chain of paperwork and gasification work closely interact with each other. And at any stage they will tell you what to do next and where to go.

Gasification design occurs in several stages. A design engineer will visit the site to take measurements. The placement of gas appliances in the rooms is coordinated with him, and brands of heating equipment are selected or specified. For operational safety reasons, certain requirements must be adhered to.

In cottages with an area of ​​200 m2 or more, a separate room is provided in the basement or on the first floor - a boiler room. In such a utility room it is advisable to make a pair of doors: one from the house, the other from the street. Then inspections by gas services and boiler maintenance will not disturb household members.

In small houses, the functions of heating and water supply are handled by a wall-mounted gas boiler (with a capacity of up to 30 kW), which can be installed in the kitchen. The power of a gas boiler can be approximately calculated using the formula: 1 kW is enough to heat 10 m2, in addition, up to 20% of the power should be allocated for heat loss. Installation of a gas stove is also provided for at the design stage. It is important to discuss in advance the nuances of the location of equipment inside the house, so that at the final stage, during acceptance, you do not have to redo anything. After all, gas appliances cannot be reinstalled in another location without the appropriate permission, and this is new paperwork. The gas pipeline is introduced into the house into the wall of the kitchen or boiler room.

In the course of further actions, it is necessary to purchase the selected equipment and provide its documentation to the design organization. And if suddenly you think that you can install and use a used stove or gas water heater, then this number may not work.

The duration of the project and its cost depend on the complexity of the gas supply to the house. The finished project is agreed upon with the gas seller in the region, as well as with land users through whose territory the gas pipeline will pass. From the moment you receive the finished project, you can calculate the approximate cost of gasification.

How a gas pipeline is built (connecting a gas line to a house)

With the finished project, you go to enter into an agreement with a contractor for laying a gas pipeline. Again, you will need to contact not just any organization, but one that has a license to carry out this type of activity, as well as a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of capital construction projects. First, they will give you an estimate, and if the amount suits you, you can discuss the terms and conclude an agreement. Well, if the cost of services seems too high, try to agree that you will undertake the work that does not require appropriate qualifications on your own shoulders. Moreover, it is advisable to write in the contract that full payment will be made only upon acceptance of the gas pipeline section by the commission.

Upon completion of the work, the contractor draws up as-built production and technical documentation. To accept a section of a gas pipeline, it is necessary to create a commission, which includes representatives from the gas industry organization, a construction organization, an inspector of architectural and construction supervision, an inspector from the Federal Service for Environmental and Nuclear Supervision, as well as a representative of the owner of the house. Proper and high-quality work done will not cause any complaints, and in this case, an acceptance certificate for the completed gas distribution system facility is drawn up. Well, if adjustments are required, the owner simply must be aware of all the problems and ways to solve them. Therefore, think about whether it is worth entrusting representative functions to your relatives just because they are sitting at home.

At the same time, that is, during the construction of the gas pipeline, you can enter into an agreement with an organization that provides services for the installation of heating equipment: installing a boiler, installing a chimney, laying out heating pipes, hanging heating radiators. An agreement is concluded with the same organization for the maintenance of the boiler, which will need to be provided for connection to the gas network.

Completion of gasification (gas connection to the house) is also an important stage

When all the equipment is installed, it remains to go through the stage of final approvals and procedures. For example, instructions on safety precautions for using gas and obtaining appropriate certificates for all adult residents of the house, without which the set of documents for connection is incomplete. And also conclude an agreement for the supply of gas to your home, that is, get into balance.

In addition, you will need to contact the service for tapping into the gas main. Then it’s time for a test run - checking the reliability of the installation of the equipment and the absence of gas leaks.

When the test run has been completed, you can open the valve, but not on your own, but by contacting the company with which the equipment service agreement has been signed, and under its control, begin operating the gas boiler. And submit the working draft with all the filed documents to the archives.

Conducting gas: Nuances

Which boiler to choose?

The choice of boiler depends on the size of the house and its operating conditions. Floor-standing models are able to heat large areas. For houses with a total area of ​​up to 200 m2, wall-mounted boilers (gas water heaters) installed in the kitchen are suitable. Boilers operating on natural draft are not affected by possible power outages.

But such models have a number of operating restrictions, for example, they do not allow you to regulate the temperature of the coolant. Smart electronic control of modern boiler models is powered from the electrical network and provides ample opportunities for choosing comfortable heating modes.

Gas heating - you will need a chimney!

One of the requirements for the installation of gas equipment is complete combustion of the fuel, which occurs with sufficient air access to the room. If ventilation, for example in the kitchen, is insufficient, choose a forced draft boiler (turbo model) and a coaxial chimney. This chimney is a pipe within a pipe. The outer pipe supplies fresh air, the inner pipe removes combustion products. The coaxial chimney exits directly through the wall.

A traditional chimney operating on natural air draft has its own requirements.

To ensure normal natural draft, the length of the chimney must be at least five meters and have a minimum of bends. To avoid the formation of condensation, the chimney is insulated. Its exit is made half a meter above the roof ridge.

And if the roof is made of flammable materials, such as straw or shingles, then this distance increases to one and a half meters. The internal diameter of the chimney must be no less than the diameter of the boiler neck. A certificate of compliance of the chimney with fire safety requirements is required for connection to the gas network.

We supply gas, we need a meter!

In private country houses, gas is paid based on consumption. Characteristics taken from the equipment specifications (boiler, gas stove, gas water heater) will help you choose a suitable meter. The total gas consumption is calculated from them. The resulting figure must correspond to the nominal flow rate of the meter, that is, its throughput. For example, with a total gas flow of 4.5 m 3 / h, we select a G-4 meter with a nominal flow of 4-6 m 3 / h. The device is installed in any convenient place where there is ventilation, and within a radius of one meter from heat and moisture. The distance from the gas meter to the electric meter must be at least 0.5 m.

Boiler installation - rules and regulations:

In rooms where gas equipment is installed, the ceiling height must be at least 2.4 m (2.2 m - with a boiler power of less than 60 kW), glazing area - 0.03 m2 per 1 m3, but not less than 0.8 m2. To install one gas boiler, a room convenient for maintenance is required with a volume of at least 7.5 m3, for two boilers - at least 15 m3. When installing boilers in basements and free-standing furnaces, as well as for boilers with a power of more than 60 kW, a gas detector is required. To install a two-burner gas stove, according to the standards, a room with a volume of at least 8 m 3 is required, for a four-burner stove - at least 15 m 3.

On a note:

The distance from the underground gas pipeline pipe to other communications (power lines, sewerage, water supply, wells) when laid in parallel should be at least 1 m. From buildings (including sheds and gazebos) you will need to retreat at least 2 m, and from trees - 1.5 m.

Low pressure gas pipelines are used to supply gas to private homes. With an above-ground installation method, such a gas pipeline requires supports and, with their help, can even cross neighboring lands. A gas pipe can always be distinguished from other communications by its bright yellow color.

Bottom line: Gasification - how to do it and how much it costs to supply gas

  • To connect gas to a private house or cottage, it requires a lot of effort and nerves and you need to go through the following stages: obtain technical specifications, order the development of a project, build a section of the gas pipeline and put it into operation.
  • The price for connecting gas largely depends on the length of the gas pipeline being built, because each meter costs on average from 500 to 1000 rubles, and gasification of a shared property will cost much less than a private property.
  • Before you start filling out paperwork for a gas connection alone, talk to your neighbors. Perhaps many will want to install gas into their home. Then the costs of gasification will be divided among several members of the CIS or another territorial association. Those wishing to join later will pay fees, which will compensate part of the costs for the “pioneers”.

A private house or permanent dacha is the dream of many city dwellers seeking relaxation, comfort and personal space. However, this type of building requires competent design of communications, one of which is a gas pipeline.

This is a complex and important process that ensures the comfort of your home. However, many are sure that this procedure is simply not affordable for them. Let's figure out how much it costs to supply gas to a private home.

In contact with

Why do you need gas in your home?

When building a private house, it is important to take care of heating and hot water supply. Gasification has a number of advantages compared to other methods:

  • affordable gas prices;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • no need to stockpile fuel.

We should not forget about the environmental friendliness of natural gas in comparison with the waste generated by burning wood or kerosene. If it is necessary to sell a private house, the owners of a gasified plot will be able to do it faster and more profitably.

Gasification procedure

Before supplying gas to a summer cottage, it is necessary to build a certain sequence of actions:

  1. To begin with, the owner of the site draws up the package of documents necessary to obtain permission to carry out work.
  2. Then you need to draw up the project and technical requirements.
  3. After receiving the documents, the customer selects a contractor and enters into an agreement with him.
  4. The company carries out all installation and construction work within the specified time frame.
  5. After organizing the system, an act on connecting the subscriber to the gas supply network is drawn up, a meter is installed and an agreement is concluded.

Preparation of documents

House owners are faced with the question of how to install gas, having arranged it according to all the rules. It is necessary to take care of the documentary preparation of work. To obtain permission to connect, you will need an impressive package of documents:

  1. A written application from the owner of the property requesting permission to carry out gasification.
  2. Passport and its photocopies.
  3. Ownership documents.
  4. Permission from neighbors (if the pipeline will pass through their areas).

Important! In this case, additional documentation will be the consent of the territorial authority, if necessary, to confirm the legality of the work being carried out and a copy of the technical passport for the facility.

Obtaining technical documentation

Before connecting gas to a private home, you should obtain technical specifications.

This is a document that gives permission to connect the house to a nearby gas main.

This is a kind of confirmation that the supplier company undertakes to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to the construction site.

To obtain this document, you must contact the gas supply company and submit the following documents:

  • passport;
  • documents on the right of ownership of the housing object and the site itself;
  • state land act;
  • site plan obtained from the chief architect of the area;
  • technical passport of house construction, which is issued by BTI.

After receiving permission, you can begin design work.

What is a project

A gas project for a private home is the most expensive part of the gasification process. To compile it, you should contact the city gas company or specialized companies that have permission to provide such services.

Project documentation must contain the following items:

  1. List of connected equipment and its technical characteristics.
  2. The location of equipment in the house, taking into account the rules, the construction of a chimney.
  3. Safety measures appropriate to the type of construction.

After receiving the project, you can proceed to selecting a contractor to carry out the work.

Carrying out installation work

How is gas supplied to a private house? To do this, an agreement is concluded with an organization that performs construction and installation work and has a license for it.

When choosing a contractor company, you should consider the following points:

  • cost of gasification of a private house;
  • turnaround time;
  • legal literacy of the proposed agreement.

To carry out the work itself, it is necessary to submit permits, as well as technical papers for the equipment.

The work consists of two directions:

  • installation of an external gas inlet pipeline;
  • installation of an internal gas system.

The duration of such work varies from company to company. On average, the period of direct technical pipe laying and connection is from 2 to 10 days, subject to the availability of permitting documents.

Prices for gas pipes

gas pipes

Methods for laying a gas pipeline

When laying a pipeline, the question arises where it will go. Usually neighbors do not mind if some of the communications are located on their property. However, sometimes there is a need to find out what gas on the boundary means? This is the location of pipes on the border of neighboring areas.

The gas pipeline can be laid in one of three ways:

  1. Underground. To do this, pipes are laid in specially prepared channels to a depth that meets the requirements necessary for the given area. A trenchless method of laying pipes using drilling equipment can also be used.
  2. Overground. In this case, the pipe structure is located above the ground surface. This method is considered cheaper, but requires the installation of supports for laying pipes and additional corrosion protection.
  3. Combined. The most commonly used method is in which a section of pipe can be underground and then come to the surface.

When carrying out work, it becomes difficult to choose exactly how to supply gas to the site. Tapping into a gas pipeline can be done in two ways:

  1. Cold tapping, which does not require system shutdown. It is usually used when connecting new users to the backbone.
  2. Welding is the traditional method of connecting to the main line. This technology requires not only preliminary shutdown of the gas pipeline, but also highly qualified specialists who will carry out the work.

The cost of connecting gas to a private home largely depends on the choice of connection method.

Basic rules for a secure connection:

  • Gas insertion into a private house from a low-pressure network should be carried out at values ​​in the range of 20-80 mm of water. Art.
  • When connecting with high pressure, you cannot start work before the level drops to an acceptable level. Otherwise, the use of specialized equipment will be required to carry out work in non-standard circumstances.
  • Welding and gas cutting are permitted in areas with pressure from 40 kg/cm to 150 kg/cm.
  • Only organizations that have permission for this type of activity have the right to carry out tapping.

The gasification process consists of several sequential operations:

  • Surface cleaning.
  • Connection marking.
  • Making the necessary holes.
  • Well treatment. Clay is used for this.
  • Installation of clay and asbestos plugs on finished holes.
  • Cooling the treated area.
  • Installation of a disconnecting unit made of disks and containers with viscous clay. To do this, first remove a fragment of the cut pipe.
  • Installation of a pipe for connecting a new pipe. To do this, weld the joints of the pipe and close the valve on it.
  • Installation and welding of a new pipe.

Important! During the installation of the gas pipeline, it is necessary to carefully check the tightness of seams and connections.

After completing the work and checking the quality of its implementation, the functioning of the gas pipeline system is resumed.

How much does it cost to supply gas to a private home? Every year, executive authorities set a limit on fees for connecting real estate to the gas distribution network.

The rate is calculated per unit of gas consumption per hour. It is broken down by various factors:

  • diameter of gas pipes;
  • features of gas outlet installation;
  • pipeline material;
  • power of the connected equipment (the maximum value is taken).

The rate varies depending on the territorial location of the property, if the laying conditions change.

The law regulating prices sets the limits for rates: the cost of work cannot be lower than 20 thousand rubles, but cannot exceed 50 thousand rubles. However, it also specifies the conditions for fulfilling this restriction:

  • the distance from the gas distribution center to the network should not exceed 200 meters;
  • the gas pipeline pressure according to the project does not exceed 0.3 MPa;
  • connection activities should not involve construction unrelated to the installation of the main gas piping system.

When calculating how much it costs to supply gas to a house, it is necessary to take into account the auxiliary costs stipulated in the contract:

  • expenses for conducting topographic survey of the site;
  • expenses associated with the development of the project and its approval;
  • the cost of purchasing equipment, pipes, adapters and other system elements;
  • expenses for construction work;
  • fare.

The payback period for the money spent is from 5 to 8 years.

How to supply gas to a private house for free? At the moment, there is no completely free way to gasify a house.

But even in this case, funds will be required to purchase devices and connect them.

On average, the owner of a private home may face the following prices:

  1. Filling out an application and collecting primary documentation ranges from 8 to 50 thousand rubles.
  2. The project and its approval are estimated at an amount from 3 to 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Construction work (laying pipes) will cost 2–5 thousand rubles per meter.
  4. Pipe insertion may require costs of up to 15 thousand rubles.
  5. An inspection to check the readiness of the gas pipeline system will cost from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.

Prices vary depending on the location of the house, climatic conditions, and the level of companies that carry out the work.

Unauthorized connection to the gas pipeline

Before connecting gas to a private home, you need to complete a lot of paperwork. However, this stage cannot be avoided. Unauthorized actions always lead to problems. Unauthorized connection to gas supply equipment entails not only administrative, but also criminal liability. Administrative liability is considered the most lenient punishment option.

The fine for unauthorized tapping may be:

  • for individuals – from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities – in the range from 100 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • for officials – 30–80 thousand rubles.

If the theft of natural gas is proven, the person can be charged under Article 158 of the Criminal Code, which provides for imprisonment for up to two years.

Important! The worst scenario is considered to be circumstances in which people may suffer. Moreover, various injuries can occur during installation work and after an unauthorized gas supply to a private home.

In the first case, uncontrolled work can provoke emergency situations.

Incorrectly installed outlets are not safe and reliable, which, if handled carelessly, can cause a gas explosion.

In this case, utility workers, users or passers-by may suffer injuries and burns.

In the worst case scenario, a fatal emergency could occur.

If this happens, the culprit may be charged with unintentional actions resulting in death. Such a crime is punishable by up to five years in prison.

In the second case, illegally connected equipment is not marked on special maps of utility services. Accidents and accidents may occur if excavations begin in places where unauthorized pipes are located.

Proper execution of all necessary papers, timely payment for services and compliance with all technical requirements for connecting to the gas supply system will allow you to forget about the problem of heating and providing your family with hot water for many years.

Our company will help supply gas to a house in the Moscow region on a turnkey basis. We will solve any of your questions. We offer not only timely completion of all work, but also the best prices on the market and consistently high quality customer service.

The problem of gasification bypasses residents of urban high-rise buildings, since they already have electricity, water, gas, and heating. It’s a different matter with a private house or dacha in the suburbs of the Moscow region. Beginning bring gas into the house, it is important to calculate the price in advance and select a highly qualified contractor. Often you have to deal with a very small amount of information on the Internet about the price of bringing gas to a house in the Moscow region. The procedure for connecting gas to a private house requires not only construction skills. It is not enough to buy a pipe, bury it in the ground and connect to the gas supply system. To supply gas to a house, it is necessary to collect documentation, develop a gasification plan, go to multiple authorities for approval, and ensure that inspectors visit. Precautions must be taken to ensure that the gas supply process provides the desired comfort and not problems in the future.

Common method bring gas to the house- supply from the central gas main. This is possible when the house is located close to the gas network. If there is no such thing nearby, this method will be expensive and troublesome. An alternative method is autonomous gasification using gas cylinders.

1. Price for obtaining technical specifications

To supply gas by connecting to the central pipeline, it is necessary to obtain permits for the design and gasification of the house. In addition to the permit, you will need technical conditions - a document for gasification, which includes technical requirements for the gas pipeline and equipment, descriptions of the conditions for the location of the building, a list of procedures for gasification of the property. The market price in the Moscow region for this type of work ranges from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles. The cost is determined by the requested maximum hourly gas consumption.
When requesting up to 5 cubic meters/hour, the price will most likely be about 10 thousand, or even free, as for example in the Energo-Partner company
If the flow rate is more than 5 cubic meters per hour, then you will have to perform a thermal technical calculation, the price of which varies from 10,000 -40,000 rubles.
When requesting more than 42 cubic meters per hour for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, approval of limits will be required from Gazpromtransgaz-Moscow. And the application to the central office of Mosoblgaz is submitted in 2 stages. The price for such a case will be from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.

So, to obtain technical conditions for gasification, it is necessary to collect the necessary documentation.
Situation one: the property has already been put into operation. To obtain a permit you will need:
a document confirming the ownership of a house or dacha (donation agreement, purchase and sale agreement, right to inherit real estate);
a document confirming the registration of rights to real estate;
act and permission to put into operation a house or cottage;
technical passport of a house or cottage.
Situation two: the object (house, dacha) has not been put into operation (at the construction stage):
document on the ownership of the land plot on which the object is located (donation agreement, purchase and sale agreement, lease with unlimited rights, right of inheritance);
land plot location plan;
permission for construction and design on this land plot.

2. Price for a gas supply project for a house in the Moscow region

The second step is preparing a gasification project for suburban real estate. The project is being prepared by a special licensed organization. It involves the installation of equipment necessary for gas supply and is carried out on the basis of existing technical conditions. It is important to consider the qualitative characteristics of the equipment even before preparing such a project. To select equipment, it is necessary to calculate how much gas will be consumed. The gasification project must be agreed upon with the organization that issued the technical specifications. Pay attention to the requirements for premises that are being gasified: the presence of good natural lighting for work (the glazing area must be at least 3% of the volume of the room), high-quality ventilation. In addition, to install a gas boiler, a room with an area of ​​at least 15 cubic meters is required. The project must provide for the protection of the gas pipeline from corrosion and lightning.
Design prices again depend on the hourly gas consumption and the pressure in the source gas pipeline. In addition, the price is affected by the number of objects to which gas needs to be supplied. The price can be viewed via the link

3. Price for Construction and installation work

When all issues regarding documentation and design have been agreed upon, you can move on to the practical side of the issue - installation of the gas pipeline. This should be done by an organization that has a license to carry out such work. An agreement is concluded with such an organization and the gas supply company, after which you can proceed to supplying the gas pipeline to the house. You can carry out these manipulations yourself or hire a special team that will help with paperwork and build the gas pipeline.

The price is calculated according to the project and can range from 150,000 rubles to 500,000 rubles.

Direct work on the construction of a gas pipeline consists of the following actions:

A trench with a sand cushion is dug under the underground gas pipeline;
- using the base unit, the gas pipeline exits near the house;
- a steel intra-house gas pipeline is installed from the base unit into the house;
- a gas metering unit and a gas leakage sensor with a valve are installed in the combustion room;
- a lowering valve with a tap is mounted to each gas appliance.

The gas pipeline is checked for reliability and tightness by pressure testing and holding under pressure. It is necessary to check that all necessary equipment is available before supplying gas to the house. After the inspection, they sign a certificate of completion of work and a certificate of commissioning of the gas pipeline.

To start gas through a constructed gas pipeline, you need to sign the following agreements: an agreement for the maintenance of the gas pipeline, for the supply of gas and for the start-up of gas. The period for signing these agreements is a month. After successful completion of all work, the house will become truly comfortable and cozy.

Centralized supply of natural gas to a house gives its owner a number of advantages in solving the issue of heating and hot water supply. Indeed, in our country, it is precisely when burning gas that the generated thermal energy has a minimal cost compared to burning liquid fuel and consuming electricity. Of course, heating with wood or coal is cheaper, but much more difficult in the physical sense.

If there is no gas in the house yet, but the village is gasified, you need to connect the building to the centralized gas supply.

Connecting gas to a private home: where to start?

The rules and procedure for connecting residential buildings to centralized gas supply are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 of December 30, 2013. It doesn’t matter whether the house has been put into operation, is under reconstruction, is under construction, or there is only a plot for construction and a project. You can begin work on connecting to the gas pipeline at any time.

Please note: all issues related to connecting gas to a private house can only be resolved by its owner or the owner’s representative, acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

Connection to the gas pipeline

  • To connect to the gas pipeline, you need to contact its owner. If there are several gas pipelines in close proximity to your home, you need to select the nearest gas pipeline and contact its owner with an application, or rather, a request for the issuance of technical conditions for connection. In this case, it is necessary to submit documents confirming ownership of the house and land.
  • Within 14 working days, technical conditions for connection must be issued or a written justified refusal must be given.
  • Having received the technical conditions and studied them, the owner makes a decision on the further feasibility of gasification, and, if it is positive, submits an application (request) to conclude an agreement for connection to the gas pipeline.
  • The organization that owns the gas pipeline, within 30 days of receiving the application, must send the applicant a draft connection agreement, and he, in turn, must sign it (also within 30 days) and send one copy to the owner of the gas pipeline.
  • After signing the contract, both parties (the owner of the house and the gas distribution organization) carry out all activities stipulated by the technical conditions for the connection.
  • Upon completion of all work, the parties sign an act on connecting the house to the gas pipeline.

For owners of small houses with a gas consumption level of less than 300 m3 per hour, the law provides for a simplified connection procedure, without obtaining technical conditions. The owner of the house just needs to apply for connection immediately.

Calculation of consumption is made taking into account all gas appliances installed in the house: heating boiler, water heater, hob, convector, fireplace, etc.

In this case, the maximum level of gas consumption specified in the technical data sheets of the devices used is summed up. One more important point: the power of the heating boiler must correspond to the area of ​​the house. If the owner of a property with an area of ​​100 m2 presents technical. passport for a 2 kW boiler, then the calculation will include not its maximum flow rate, but the average flow rate of a boiler with a thermal power of at least 10 kW.

The technical conditions received by the owner of the house upon first contacting the owner of the gas pipeline must include the following information:

  • Maximum permissible gas consumption per hour
  • connection period
  • period of validity of technical conditions

If the owner of the house decided to connect to this particular gas pipeline and submitted a corresponding application, he will be given updated technical conditions, which will indicate:

  • information about the gas pipeline and the nominal gas pressure in it
  • gas pipe material requirements
  • requirements for metering devices and equipment

What should a home owner do to connect gas?

The gas distribution company supplies gas only to the border of the owner’s property. The gas pipeline from the border of the site to the entrance to the house is the property of the owner of the house. The owner of the house installs it himself. This will require a project, which can be developed by a gas supply company or a design organization that has the appropriate license.

If the project is ordered from a gas supply company, then all issues of its approval will be carried out by the employees of this organization. The development of the project is necessarily stipulated in the gas connection agreement. The following documents may additionally be requested from the owner of the house:

  • House project
  • topographic survey of the site
  • layout diagram of the communications section

The owner of the house can submit his own project made by a third-party organization, but in this case it must be agreed upon with the gas distribution organization. The project may have to be coordinated with a number of third-party organizations (electricity networks, water utilities, etc.)

After approval of the project, the owner of the house lays out the gas pipeline along his site in accordance with the design documentation. The organization supplying gas accepts it for operation and connects the gas.

The law sets a deadline for gas connection: no more than 2 years should pass from the moment the contract is concluded to the start-up.