Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Complete walkthrough - achievements. How to open demonic doors in the game "Fable: The lost chapters"? What is the name of the archaeologist in the game fable

Complete walkthrough - achievements. How to open demonic doors in the game "Fable: The lost chapters"? What is the name of the archaeologist in the game fable

The huge stone face sticking out of the rock is a demonic door. Behind each door lies a small uninhabited cave or grotto with a chest containing a treasure inside. You can’t just walk through the door - the stone face will come to life and ask a riddle. Whoever finds the answer will get the treasure.

There are fifteen doors in total.

.Heroes"" Guild. “Your path is dark. Only light will dispel the darkness. And you’re not bright enough.” You might think that the door wants the hero to become famous for his kindness. In fact, everything is much simpler: after completing training in the guild, the hero will receive a lamp. Use it on the door. In the cave you will find books, an elixir of life and a tattoo.

. Greatwood Gorge. “Commit an act of great atrocity before me, and I will reveal myself.” The door will let the hero in if he is evil on his own or if he leads several NPCs to the door and kills them. There is, however, an easier way - you have to most brazenly eat a dozen portions of chicken in front of the door. Leeroy's reward will be a good, sharp axe.

. Greatwood Caves. The task is difficult - you need to be in front of a door with a combo multiplier of fourteen or higher. Use the Hobby Cave and the Troll to score a thirty-fold multiplier. Without an energy shield, this will be difficult to do. You can use the services of a troll next to the cave. The reward for your efforts is a cleaver with a built-in zipper.

.Darkwood Marshes. "Let my guards test your strength." Defeat several groups of hobbs (five times four hobbs) and the door will let you through. This is very easy to do, and the hero will be rewarded with a dark set of clothes.

. Barrow Fields. The door only respects dense heroes. To get through it, you need to become “fat” - eat a lot of pies, fish or meat. In the cave the hero will find an elixir of will.

. Witchwood Stones. “Only those who know my name will be able to pass. And only one person in the Avo temple knows him.” The door is connected to the story quest. The demon's name is HITS - the name must be “typed” on four columns. The hero will receive a ruby, a sapphire, meat, a vial of resurrection, books, a tattoo and chain mail pants.

. Knothole Glade. A demon with a bias towards masochism. It will open only to those who hit the stone face well with an arrow. What you have on hand should be enough - the main thing is to tighten the bowstring well. Inside the cave is the elixir of life.

. Gray House. The demon will not open the door until you marry Lady Gray. If you choose another option for completing the quest, the door will not open at all. However, who needs this axe, even if it is silver and sharp...

. Rose Cottage. The demon is in a romantic mood and asks the hero for a gift as a sign of serious intentions. There are only crazy people around... Give the demon a rose or a box of chocolates. In the cave there is a set of very elegant light armor that will help you break more than one female NPC heart in Albion.

. Abandoned Road. A demon who has fallen into insanity wants to be visited by old acquaintances - a brave knight with sparkling armor, an evil magician in a dark robe and a robber. In order for the door to open, you need to talk to the demon first in the Bright Plate suit, then in the Dark Will User""s Outfit and finally in the Bandit Outfit (you will receive it during the quest). Inside is a good mace for wizards. Look for costumes from merchants.

. Lychfield Graveyard. Another plot door. To enter it, you need to find four things belonging to the dead Knight of Nostro. There is no reward.

. Headsman's Hill. You will discover this door only during Lady Gray's quest - and only during the battle with the black Grom. It will open and release you into the big world when you defeat Thunder. There will be no reward.

. The Darkwood Bordello. They won't let you in until you lie down ten times. Well, what can I recommend... Visit a brothel. Behind the door is a pimp's cap.

. Lookout Point. Story door. Only unlocks after you defeat the Jack of Blades for the first time. Inside are four puzzles and the Fiery Heart artifact.

. Necropolis. The schizophrenic demon wants to become a chest and will ask the hero for silver keys. All. You shouldn't go to her if you haven't opened all the chests in Albion. The reward for lost keys is a good fire sword.

Information sources:

  • - walkthrough of the game “Fable: The lost chapters”;
  • - walkthrough of the game “Fable: The lost chapters”.

Additionally on Guenon:

There are 15 Demon Doors in Fable Anniversary, which hold valuable items ranging from legendary weapons to viable potions to even unlocking entirely new areas or dimensions.

Fable Anniversary Demon Doors Locations

The 15 demon doors in Fable Anniversary are very essential and must be opened any time in the game. Opening all the 15 doors unlocks the achievement ‘Open Saysmemiddlefinger’ which has 20 game score. You can claim this achievement by opening all the doors or telling them the best of you.

Another perk of opening all the demon doors is the treasures and legendary weapons that are locked inside of them. These weapons and treasure are absolutely necessary for your in-game progress as these are some of the most useful weapons, at least towards the start of the game and even later on.

These demon doors also have Special armor, useful books and essential potions locked away inside of them. Most of these doors are opened by answering the riddles in whatever way they are to be solved, while the others are opened by defeating the guardians of the demon doors.

In order to unlock a Demon Door, players might have to solve a contextual puzzle or fight off a certain demon. These doors look exactly like normal doors with an engraved bearded man.

And like every other collectible in the game, the game will automatically save your progression after entering a Demon Door.

Demon Door #1 – The Library Arcanum

Location: Heroes' Guild
Clue: Your path is dark. Only a light will reveal it. And you are not bright enough.
Solution: Simply, turn on the lamp and be done with it. However, note that you will not be able to open this door after you accept the ‘Try to Stop Jack of Blads’ quest.
Prize: Making Friends, Book of Spells, Howl Tattoo, and Elixir of Life

Demon Door #2 – The Arboretum

Location: Greatwood Gorge
Clue: This is the deal. You perform an act of great evil in my sight, and I’ll pop open.
Solution: You can open this door by doing anything evil or anything that crunches the stomach. Actually, it has to be something that gives you a lot of negative character points. You can lure a few villagers to the locations -as there are none present there already, and kill them in front of the door or just eat 11 Crunchy Chicks while facing the door and you will get the following rewards.
Prize: Wellow's Pickhammer

Demon Door #3 – Darkwood Sanctum

Location: Darkwood Marshes
Clue: Beware, traveler – I block the way to all but the most combat-hardened. If you request, my Guardians will test your mettle in combat. Meet their challenge, and the reward I hide is yours.
Solution: You will have to kill the Hobbes to complete the challenge. This is not a very difficult door to. Simply defeat the Hobbes in battle, they will be coming in waves so, be ready and the door will open up.
Prize: Dark Will User's Outfit

Demon Door #4 – The Old Kingdom Spring

Location: Barrow Fields
Clue: Oh no, not again. Another bony adventurer seeking to plunder my riches. I'm not interested in your meaner frame. Get some meat on you! I want beefy! Blubbery! Plump! Porcine! Stop being a slave to public perception, and treat yourself. Pies, meat, beer, anything; but lots of it! Eat yourself large, and you’ll be welcome here!
Solution: For this one, keep on eating until you get fat. But, note that vegetables will not make you fat but eating meat and drinking beer will. So, consume load of meat and drink up beer to guzzle it down and the challenge will be completed.
Prize: Will Master's Elixir

Demon Door #5 – The Secret Haven

Location: Rose Cottage
Clue: I never open on a first date. My heart has been broken too many times before. I could only let someone who really loved me through.
Solution: There are multiple ways of opening this one. The door is single and you are charming! Give it a gift like flowers or chocolates. Or maybe ask it to marry you but that is not recommended as it is very expensive.
Prize: Bright Will User's Outfit

Demon Door #6 – The Butterfly House

Location: Greatwood Caves
Clue: I need to see your Combat Multiplier get higher before I swing ajar.
Solution: To get past this challenge, you will have to make your multiplier reach at least 14 and get back to the door. In order to achieve that, go to the cave nearby with Hobbes in it. Fight them to get your multiplier to 25 at least as moving from one location to another lowers the multiplier. Just interact with the door with a 14+ multiplier and it’ll let you in.
Prize: Cutlass Bluetane

Demon Door #7 – Witchwood Cavern

Location: Witchwood Stones
Clue: I only open to those who know my name. If you know it, find and hit the magic stones to spell it out. Only one person knows my name, but I doubt you’ll find him. Even at the Temple of Avo.
Solution: Create the word, ‘HITS’ and that’s pretty much it! But if you spell wrong, two balverines will spawn and attack you.
Prize: Health Augmentation, Chainmail leggings, and a couple of books

Demon Door #8 – The Hidden Corpse

Location: Knothole Glade
Clue: If you can hurt my face with an arrow, I’ll crack wide open for you.
Solution: This one is pretty simple and there are multiple ways of opening this door. All you need to do is to equip a crossbow and arrow and then shoot straight in the face of the bearded man. You can use the longbow or the crossbow with an Ebony quality or higher. Adversely, you can shoot it with an Oak crossbow or longbow while using the Multi-Arrow Spell. You can even hit it with a Fireball Spell of Level 2.
Prize: Elixir of Life

Demon Door #9 – The Bitter Shrine

Location: Abandoned Road
Clue: What? Oh. You’re not one of them, are you? My eyesight’s not what it’s used to be. One was a gallant knight. His plate armor was so shiny. Probably what did my eyes in? Then there was an evil mage, wore the darkest magical robes you ever saw. The last was a rogue – a bandit bit like the chaps here.
Solution: You need to wear Bright Plate Outfit and get back to the door. After this, wear Dark Will User’s Outfit and Bandit Outfit respectively and reach the door to complete this puzzle.
Prize: Dollmaster's Mace

Demon Door #10 – Gibbet Woods

Location: Headsman's Hill
Clue: Only by defeating another Hero in combat will I open for you. Got that? I mean, how simple are you?
Solution: I can't even count how many times the game asks you to beat Thunder. The poor soul! Anyway, you get the idea. Beat and defeat Thunder during Mayor’s invitation quest and the door will open. However, if you choose to expose Lady Grey's actions rather than marrying her, then the door will not be opened. It will be inaccessible for you from here on.
Prize: Mana Augmentation and Thunder's Helmet

Demon Door #11 – The Lost Garden

Location: Gray House
Clue: Single men not allowed. You need a ball and chain. A posh one with a title.
Solution: Now that you have done with beating Thunder, time to marry Lady Gray. Get married to her and the door will embrace you.
Prize: Ronok Ax

Demon Door #12 – Old Graveyard Path

Location: Lychfield Graveyard
Clue: Leave me alone, you organic pustule. I only open for Nostro, the ancient guardian of the door. Not for you. And not for that rancid grave keeper.
Solution: This puzzle requires you to go out and find all the pieces of Nostro’s armor and get them back to his skeleton. This door is opened as part of the storyline.
Prize: Bargate Prison entrance

Demon Door #13 – Prophet's Chamber

Location: Lookout Point
Clue: You bear the mask of Jack of Blades. The Prophets had foreseen the coming of such a legend among Heroes. The rise of the summoners in the Northern Wastes marks the arrival of a new threat to all things living. We have long dreaded this portent. Behind my walls lies the Fire Heart. There you will speak to the Prophets who watch over it. You may enter now. But be aware of the beating of the Heart. It has burned many before you.
Solution: Solve the puzzle by following this pattern:

U, D, U, U, D, U, R, L, U, R, R, R.

R, U, R, L, D, U, L, U, U, R, R, R.

U, U, R, U, D, R, U, D, R, D, D, L, L, L.

R, R, R, U, U, U, L, L, L, D, D, R, U, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U.

U, U, U, R, R, R, L, D, U, D, D, U, D, D, U, D, R, L, L, L.

Prize: The Fire Heart

Demon Door #14 – Bleached Bone Island

Location: The Necropolis
Clue: I never wanted to be a Demon Door. All this waiting around. All the riddles. It's no life. Oh, if only I’d been born a Silver Key chest. I just love those little Silver keys. So shiny…So silver…I’d do anything for some of my own. Give me yours, please? I'll let you through and everything.
Solution: I would highly recommend getting all the Silver Chests opened prior to getting to this door as the door will demand all of your Silver Keys and they will NOT get to you. You have to give all the Silver keys to the door, but if you have avoided obtaining any of the keys before encountering the door, then the door will let you in anyways.
Prize: The Bereaver

Demon Door #15 – The Desolate Abbey

Location: Darkwood Bordello
Clue: It’s a hard life being a stone door. Do you know when I last had a physical relationship? No? Try ‘never.’ So, I’ve decided to live vicariously. Now, I only open to “men of the world”, and I’m afraid you haven’t even left the house yet. Come back when you're a real stud.
Solution: You will have to have sex at least 10 times to open this door.
Prize: Pimp Hat.

Let us know in the comments if you found anything missing or confusing?

Here are all the doors: Demon Door No. 1.
Location: Guild of Heroes.
Conditions: First level of kindness.
Completion: To enter you need to be at least a little kind.
Reward: Two books, a tattoo and an elixir of life.

Demon Door No. 2.
Location: Greatwood Gorge.
Conditions: Do evil.
Completion: In order for the door to open, you need to have a lot of evil points. If you don't have enough anger, take at least four people from one of the settlements and order them to follow you. Go with them to the door and kill all four in front of her eyes. When this condition is met, the door will open.
Reward: Wellow's Pickhammer (cost - 29400 gold coins, damage - 120, weight - Light, Piercing Augmentation, Piercing Augmentation).

Demon Door No. 3.
Location: Rose Cottage.
Conditions: Like it.
Execution: If you have chocolate or any other similar item in the “gifts” section, drag it to the menu and, going to the door, give it to her.
Reward: Full set of Will User's Bright Outfit (cost - 1417, armor - 487).

Demon Door No. 4.
Location: Greatwood Caves.
Conditions: "Combat Multiplier" above 14.
Fulfillment: It is best to go to the caves and destroy the dwarfs in batches, but do not forget that when you change location, the “combat multiplier” will decrease by half. Take your time to fulfill these conditions, because to fulfill them you will need a powerful weapon and a strong fighter, whose characteristics are designed mainly for close combat.
Reward: The Cutlass Bluetane (cost – 40425 gold coins, damage – 165, weight – Light, Lightning Augmentation).

Demon Door No. 5.
Location: Darkwood Marshes.
Conditions: Test by combat.
Completion: In order for the door to open, you need to defeat 16 dwarfs, which appear four times in 4 copies. Kill them and enter.
Reward: Full set of Dark Will User’s Outfit (cost – 1395, armor – 487).

Demon Door No. 6.
Location: The Darkwood Bordello.
Conditions: Become a love machine.
Fulfillment: In order for the door to open, you need a lot of experience in intimate relationships, namely, to have sex with people of the opposite sex 10 times. Luckily you are in the right place and have many women to choose from.
Reward: Pimp Hat.

Demon Door No. 7.
Location: Barrow Fields.
Conditions: Be above average weight.
Execution: The door will not let you in if you are thin. In order to get fat, eat about 50 units of food, which should include beer and meat.
Reward: Will master's elixir.

Demon Door No. 8.
Location: Gray House.
Conditions: Must marry Lady Gray (Mayor of Bowerstone).
Completion: Complete the "Mayor's Invitation" quest and marry Lady Gray. When entering the door, be careful - there are explosive plants growing near the chest. Hit one of them - the rest will detonate from the blast wave.
Reward: Ronok the Axe (cost – 36750 gold coins, damage – 165, weight – Light, Sharpening Augmentation, Silver Augmentation).

Demon Door No. 9.
Location: The Clifftop Path.
Conditions: Have several complete sets of clothes.
Completion: In order for the door to open, you must first be wearing the Bright Pletemail Suit, then the Assassin Outfit and finally the Dark Will User's Outfit. Fulfill these conditions and the door will open.
Reward: The Dollmaster’s Mace (cost – 33075 gold coins, damage – 135, weight – Light, Mana Augmentation).

Demon Door No. 10.
Location: Knotehole Glade.
Conditions: Hit the door with an arrow.
Fulfillment: One of the simplest conditions for opening doors. Pick up the bow, hold LMB to draw the string, then press RMB to manually aim, aim the crosshairs at the face of the door and shoot. The force with which the arrow hits the door does not matter - the main thing is to hit it.
Reward: Elixir of life.

Demon Door No. 11.
Location: Necropolis.
Conditions: Give over ALL silver keys.
Fulfillment: If by this time you have collected a small number of keys, then give them away without delay. However, I warn you - the game is not worth the candle. The sword stored in the chest behind this door is not so good that it will be deprived of the silver keys. The same Solus Greatsword, which you can buy in Bowerstone North, will cost you much less, and it has more damage (29 units) and an order of magnitude higher number of improvements.
Reward: The Bereaver (cost – 69825 gold coins, damage – 285

. Heroes" Guild.“Your path is dark. Only light will dispel the darkness. And you’re not bright enough.” You might think that the door wants the hero to become famous for his kindness. In fact, everything is much simpler: after completing training in the guild, the hero will receive a lamp. Use it on the door. In the cave you will find books, an elixir of life and a tattoo.

Notes from a werewolf: “And then for some reason I flew. Probably the weather was good for flying.”

. Greatwood Gorge.“Commit an act of great atrocity before me, and I will reveal myself.” The door will let the hero in if he is evil on his own or if he leads several NPCs to the door and kills them. There is, however, an easier way - you have to most brazenly eat a dozen portions of chicken in front of the door. Leeroy's reward will be a good, sharp axe.

. Greatwood Caves. The task is difficult - you need to be in front of a door with a combo multiplier of fourteen or higher. Use the Hobby Cave and the Troll to score a thirty-fold multiplier. Without an energy shield, this will be difficult to do. You can use the services of a troll next to the cave. The reward for your efforts is a cleaver with a built-in zipper.

. Darkwood Marshes."Let my guards test your strength." Defeat several groups of hobbs (five times four hobbs) and the door will let you through. This is very easy to do, and the hero will be rewarded with a dark set of clothes.

. Barrow Fields. The door only respects dense heroes. To get through it, you need to become “fat” - eat a lot of pies, fish or meat. In the cave the hero will find an elixir of will.

. Witchwood Stones.“Only those who know my name will be able to pass. And only one person in the Avo temple knows him.” The door is connected to the story quest. The demon's name is HITS - the name must be “typed” on four columns. The hero will receive a ruby, a sapphire, meat, a vial of resurrection, books, a tattoo and chain mail pants.

. Knothole Glade. A demon with a bias towards masochism. It will open only to those who hit the stone face well with an arrow. What you have should be enough - the main thing is to tighten the bowstring well. Inside the cave is the elixir of life.

. Gray House. The demon will not open the door until you marry Lady Gray. If you choose another option for completing the quest, the door will not open at all. However, who needs this axe, even if it is silver and sharp...

. Rose Cottage. The demon is in a romantic mood and asks the hero for a gift as a sign of serious intentions. There are only crazy people around... Give the demon a rose or a box of chocolates. In the cave there is a set of very elegant light armor that will help you break more than one female NPC heart in Albion.

. Abandoned Road. A demon who has fallen into insanity wants to be visited by old acquaintances - a brave knight with sparkling armor, an evil magician in a dark robe and a robber. In order for the door to open, you need to talk to the demon first in the Bright Plate suit, then in the Dark Will User's Outfit and, finally, in the Bandit Outfit (you will receive it during the quest). Inside is a good mace for wizards. Look for the suits from traders.

. Lychfield Graveyard. Another plot door. To enter it, you need to find four things belonging to the dead Knight of Nostro. There is no reward.

. Headsman's Hill. You will discover this door only during Lady Gray's quest - and only during the battle with the black Grom. It will open and release you into the big world when you defeat Thunder. There will be no reward.

. The Darkwood Bordello. They won't let you in until you lie down ten times. Well, what can I recommend... Visit a brothel. Behind the door is a pimp's cap.

. Lookout Point. Story door. Only unlocks after you defeat the Jack of Blades for the first time. Inside are four puzzles and the Fiery Heart artifact.

. Necropolis. The schizophrenic demon wants to become a chest and will ask the hero for silver keys. All. You shouldn't go to her if you haven't opened all the chests in Albion. The reward for lost keys is a good fire sword.

Location: Heroes Guild

Mystery:“Your path is dark. Only light will dispel the darkness. And you are not light enough.”
Performance: You can open the door only after completing your training at the Guild of Heroes, since only after that you will receive the Lamp. Light it and the door will let you through.
Hidden treasures: Elixir of Longevity, a couple of books and a card with a tattoo.

Location: Greatwood Caves

Mystery:"Before I open up, increase your combat multiplier."
Performance: You need to increase your combat multiplier to 14, or higher. The “Material Shield” spell will help you a lot with this; while protecting it, enemy attacks do not reset the combat multiplier. At the initial stages it will be difficult to fulfill the door condition; you can try to do this in the Hobbs' Cave, but remember, the combat multiplier is reset by half when moving from location to location.
Hidden treasures: Legendary weapon "The Cutlass Bluetane".

Location: Greatwood Gorge

Mystery: The door requires the hero to commit evil acts.
Performance: You have to be one hundred percent evil, or lead three or four people to the door and kill them in front of it, or eat ten crispy chickens in front of the door.
Hidden treasures: Legendary weapon Wellow's Pickhamme.

Location: Darkwood Marshes

Mystery:"Let my guards test your strength."
Performance: It's simple, you need to destroy the five groups of hobbs that have appeared.
Hidden treasures: Will Dark Armor Set.

Location: Barrow Fields

Mystery:"Oh no, another skinny hero."
Performance: You need to have “Obese” (Gigantic) in the “Physique” column. In general, eat more pies and lamb, and the door will let you through.
Hidden treasures: Elixir of Witchcraft (Will Master).

Location: Witchwood Stones

Mystery:"Only those who know my name will be able to pass. And only one person in the Avo Temple knows it."
Performance: To open the door, you need to knock out the word HITS from the stones located near the door (fortunately, when you click on a stone, a letter appears that sounds when you hit it).
Hidden treasures: Resurrection potion, sapphire, chain mail pants, ruby, books, tattoo card.

Location: Knothole Glade

Mystery:"Before I open, wound my face with an arrow."
Performance: Shoot her between the eyes with a bow or crossbow so that she knows that there is no point in asking for any nonsense, and the door will open. If it doesn’t work out, then upgrade your power characteristics a little.
Hidden treasures: Elixir of Life.

Location: Gray House

Mystery: You need to marry Lady Gray.
Performance: Marry Lady Gray - the mayor of Bowerstone.
Hidden treasures: Legendary weapon - Ronok the Ax.

Location: Rose Cottage

Mystery: The door asks for a sign of attention.
Performance: So, stop! You don't need to kiss her, just give her a gift, like a box of chocolates.
Hidden treasures: Will Bright Armor Set.

Location: Abandoned Road

Mystery: The door wants to meet his old acquaintances - the Light Knight, the Dark Magician and the Bandit.
Performance: There is no need to go looking for them in Albion, just first approach her in a light plate set, then in the armor of a dark magician and, finally, in the armor of a bandit.
Hidden treasures: Legendary weapon Dellmaster's Mace.

Location: Deadman's Field (Lychfield Graveyard)

Mystery: You need to find the armor, helmet, sword and shield of the Knight Nostro.
Performance: Find Nostro's armor, helmet, sword and shield, all of them are in the same location.
Hidden treasures: No, because the door is a plot door.

Location: Headsman's Hill

Mystery: The door requires you to defeat Thunderbolt.
Performance: You will be able to open it only when you fulfill the conditions for marrying Lady Gray, or rather, when you fall down the cliff together with Thunderbolt. Defeat Thunderbolt and the door will open.
Hidden treasures: No, because through the door you will enter the Gibbet Woods location.