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» Planting winter garlic in spring in Siberia. We plant garlic in the spring. Main varieties of spring garlic

Planting winter garlic in spring in Siberia. We plant garlic in the spring. Main varieties of spring garlic

Garlic is one of the most famous allium plants, which is at the same time a vegetable, a spice and a medicine.

Although not everyone can call themselves fans of its pungent taste, no one can reject or dispute its healing properties.

At the same time, humanity has been growing garlic for many millennia, and for each of us it has become an ordinary plant that can easily be found in every garden.

But today we will try not to delve into the specifics of how useful it is and how best to use it, but will tell you about the secrets of planting this plant in the spring, caring for it and protecting it from various pests.

How to fill your supplies with spring garlic: what you need to know about planting

Spring garlic is the one that is planted in the spring. Usually we are accustomed to the fact that this plant is planted for the winter, then its yields are much higher, both in quantity and quality.

At the same time, winter garlic has a much shorter shelf life - it deteriorates and dries out very quickly, and only in rare cases is it possible to preserve such garlic at least until spring. For this reason, gardeners decided to try planting this plant in the spring, which made it possible to significantly extend the storage period of its harvests.

Of course, low yield The result of this method of planting allows many to consider it ineffective, but such statements are counterbalanced by others who are convinced of the higher healing properties of spring garlic.

Preparing to plant garlic in the spring and creating good conditions for its growth

As for the conditions that need to be created for the growth of garlic, the two most important factors should be taken into account: the type of soil and the air temperature at the time of planting this plant.

As for the soil, light types are best suited here. These include light and medium loamy soils. They have the ability to easily pass moisture, but also not retain it for a long time. Also, a big advantage of such soils is their ability to well saturate the roots of garlic with nutrients.

It is also important how fertilized the soil is. In this regard, it is recommended to start preparing it in the fall. In particular, a large amount of organic fertilizer is added to it, which will begin to decompose and nourish the soil just in time for the garlic to begin to grow.

Never plant garlic, especially spring garlic, on acidic soils, which will greatly inhibit the growth and development of this plant. It is recommended to lime such soils, lowering the acidity level to 6-7 pH.

With regard to temperature conditions, it is also necessary to address the characteristics of the soil. In particular, you need to remember that garlic is a cold-resistant crop, so its roots can begin to grow even at +1ºС.

Of course, the most optimal temperature will be +8-12ºС, and also at this temperature the above-ground part of the described plant is already capable of growing. However, there is one small nuance: if the air and soil temperatures are high, the ground part may greatly outstrip the root part in growth, and then the bulb may practically not form. Thus, you need to be very careful with the timing of planting and under no circumstances delay it.

The sooner you plant this garlic, the better it will perform. Don’t be afraid that it will freeze, be afraid that it won’t bring you any harvest at all.

Another important condition is the presence of moisture for the garlic clove to root. In its absence, it can simply remain in the soil for a very long period of time and not begin to grow. And this can happen especially often in the spring, when the soil is not so much poorly saturated with moisture, but rather it quickly evaporates from the ground.

When exactly should garlic be planted in spring?

There is no point in delaying planting garlic on the territory of Ukraine or the middle climatic zone of Russia. This is due to the fact that it grows quite slowly and simply may not have time to ripen in such a short period of warm time. And given the resistance of this plant to cold, it can be planted very early.

However, usually this process is carried out at the end of the second ten days of April or at the beginning of the third. That is, it would be ideal to plant garlic from April 7 to April 14. Of course, each spring is different in its own way, with periods of retreat of frost and arrival of warmth, so sometimes garlic is planted earlier in the spring. In the latter case, the resulting yields will be practically no different from winter garlic.

What is special about preparing soil for garlic: we share secrets and main rules

We have already mentioned what type of soil you need to plant garlic in. However, in agriculture, an equally important issue is the change of crops on the soil. In particular, it is under no circumstances recommended to grow garlic in the same place where it was grown last year, or onions, or even potatoes. It is most acceptable for him to be planted after cucumbers, zucchini or cabbage. In this case, the soil will not be greatly depleted in terms of nutrients for garlic.

You can start preparing the soil for garlic in the fall by carefully digging it up and fertilizing it with organic matter. However, it will still have to be processed again in the fall. At least a day before planting, it is also dug up, and the digging should be deep, to the entire bayonet of the shovel. In the process, the remnants of all last year’s weeds and those that have already begun to grow this year are also removed from the soil. In general, soil that is well prepared for planting garlic should be well loosened, clean and leveled.

Preparing the garlic itself for planting: which material will be more successful?

We think that everyone knows about how exactly garlic reproduces. This is done with the help of its cloves, which are planted in the soil, germinate and form a full-fledged head of this plant. But in order for all this to happen successfully, it is worth properly preparing the initial planting material - the cloves themselves.

When separating the cloves from the head, it is worth selecting the largest and thickest ones that can produce a good harvest. In order to strengthen its strength for future growth, the clove is placed in warm water before planting.

Also, to make it even better stimulate growth processes, water can be replaced with a solution of nitroammophoska. The concentration of such a solution should not be strong; usually no more than one teaspoon is used per bucket of water. You don’t need to keep them in water for a very long time; one night will be enough if you start planting in the morning.

Let's share a few more tips from experienced gardeners:

  • Before planting, garlic cloves can be treated with salt or potassium permanganate. These substances enhance its stability and increase productivity. However, even without such actions, good harvests of autumn garlic are almost always achieved.
  • Garlic can also be propagated using seeds. They usually form on the shoots of the stems by the time it is almost time to harvest. However, in this case, the harvest will not be obtained in the year of planting. After all, only one head with very weak teeth grows from the seeds, which is intended for planting next year.

Garlic Planting Pattern: How Much Space Does This Plant Need for Optimal Growth?

Of course, garlic is not a large tree with a developed root system, and its feeding area may not be very large. The only important thing is that before planting, the cloves should be re-sorted again, putting the larger ones in one direction and the smaller ones in the other.

Since large cloves can form larger heads, they need to be planted more widely. Between two cloves you should leave a space of 10-12 centimeters, but between their rows - about 16-20 centimeters. The same cloves that are smaller in size can be planted more densely, up to two times.

This landing pattern is quite convenient. It allows you to immediately sort the harvest into those garlic that will be used throughout the year for food and for other purposes and those that will become seeds for planting in the future.

As for planting garlic in spring, it is worth considering the following:

  • There is no need to bury the cloves too deeply, as we are used to doing when planting winter garlic. After all, this can significantly prolong the process of plant convergence, delaying their growth and development. This method of planting is more similar to planting onions, if we talk about the depth of immersion of the seeds in the soil - only 1-2 centimeters.
  • The clove is placed in the soil with the bottom down, since it is from the bottom that garlic roots will form in the future.
  • There is no need to compact the soil too much after planting. At the same time, it is advised not to plant spring garlic by pressing it into the soil, which will compact the soil and negatively affect the growth of the root system. It is best to prepare shallow vertical trenches along the entire length of the row in advance, lower the cloves into them and carefully cover them with soil.
  • It is important to water the soil with already planted garlic again, but this should be done if the soil really needs moisture.

Gardener's advice: The space between rows of garlic can be put to good use. Cabbage or rutabaga seedlings are often sown between the rows of this plant. Since the seedlings grow very quickly and require subsequent replanting, they will not cause any harm to the garlic, but will seriously save on garden space.

Harvesting spring garlic: when to start and how to store it properly?

With good care and appropriate weather conditions, spring garlic ripens without problems by the end of August or in the first ten days of September, that is, much later than winter garlic.

But still, if weather conditions permit, and the stems do not yet seem dry enough to you, you can keep it in the soil much longer. This is believed to significantly increase the pungency of the resulting crop.

The bulbs should be easily pulled out of the soil by the stem, but if the soil is dense and they become damaged, it is better to dig them up. After this, they can be dried either directly in the garden, if the weather permits, or under some kind of canopy - the main thing is that there is good air ventilation.

Usually for storage remove the tops, however, it can be preserved by using it to weave wreaths of garlic - the kind you could see in your grandmothers or in the national interiors of Ukrainian huts.

Storage methods There are two types of garlic:

  • The warm method, in which the crop is stored at a temperature no higher than 18ºC, but it is also impossible to lower it below this level.
  • The cold method involves leaving the garlic in a room where the temperature is constantly around 3ºC.

Caring for spring garlic: how to increase productivity and provide the plant with protection from pests?

Although it is not difficult to care for it in general, it must be done. The reason for this lies in the existence of a large number of pests of this plant and diseases that can damage it.

Also, with the help of a year, you can significantly improve soil fertility and neutralize the disadvantages of weather conditions.

We increase the resistance of garlic, protecting against pests and diseases

Despite the specificity of the smell and taste of the fruits of this plant, it can be damaged by many pests and diseases. Among them are many fungal diseases, neck rot, onion fly, and black mold.

In general, garlic is able to resist them well on its own, but it is still worth being attentive to the plant and if signs of some disease appear, immediately apply measures to combat it.

Good feeding and regular loosening of the soil. Also, it is very important to select healthy material for planting, and after harvesting, carefully inspect it, dry it and get rid of damaged heads.

However, only specific actions to combat its larvae can help fight a pest such as the field fly: solutions of tobacco or salt are used.

Caring for the soil in which garlic grows

Caring for the soil involves constantly loosening it and removing weeds. Thanks to this, it will be much easier for the roots to develop, and nutrients and moisture will flow to them faster.

Weeds also pose a great danger to the grape bush, since they are capable of “stealing” nutrients from the soil and are sources of various diseases and pests.

Fertilizing spring garlic: what fertilizers are best to use?

You can start fertilizing garlic immediately after germination, scattering handfuls of humus between its rows. When the plant begins to form bulbs, closer to mid-July, complex fertilizers can be used.

In particular, phosphorus and potassium have a very good effect on the growth of garlic; superphosphate is also often used. You don’t need to use a lot of these fertilizers per bucket of water: one tablespoon will be enough for the first pair, and 2 for the second pair. If the soil is very poor and not fertile enough, then fertilizing is carried out even every week, although the norm is 2 times a month.

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Garlic is a popular plant for planting among gardeners and gardeners. Planting garlic in the spring is more reasonable, because garlic planted in the fall has a very short shelf life. If planted in spring, the harvest may last until the summer of next year. But are there any special rules for planting? In what places and how is it best to plant garlic? This article will discuss the most important issues related to planting garlic in the spring.

Garlic planted in spring is called spring garlic. Depending on the region, when planting, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions.

Planting work should begin around the end of April or early May only after the snow has melted, when the soil has already warmed up to plus five degrees. Planting time will depend on the region and climatic conditions. For example, when planting garlic in the Moscow region, you will need to wait until April, but in a warm region it will be possible to plant seedlings at the end of March.

General rules for boarding

Now let's talk about the main rules for planting garlic plants in the spring:

  1. The risk of frost must be excluded. If the soil is not warmed to +5 degrees, then the garlic simply may not germinate because it will freeze. Depending on the climate and region, planting can begin in mid-April and continue until early May. You also cannot miss the right moment for planting; if you plant garlic late, it may not grow or may not have time to ripen.
  2. Before planting, it is imperative to sort the cloves into three piles: the first pile contains small ones, the second is medium-sized, and the third is the largest. The fact is that cloves of the same size should be planted in one row, so you can harvest garlic from one bed, which ripens at the same time. The size of the cloves will greatly influence the speed at which the garlic will grow and the ripening time.
  3. Before spring planting, garlic must be sprouted in advance. To do this, select healthy, sorted cloves and soak them in warm water for several hours. The water in which the garlic is soaked should be slightly colored with copper sulfate. Copper sulfate helps destroy bacteria and pathogenic larvae on seedlings. Then, after 2-3 hours, wrap the seedlings in a slightly damp cloth. There is a special vegetable compartment in the refrigerator, where you need to store the seedlings until the sprouts are released.
  4. The depth of the hole for planting garlic should not exceed 3 centimeters, otherwise it will be very difficult for the garlic to germinate. The first garlic sprouts are very small, so it is difficult for them to break through the thick layer of soil. The harvest will also take a very long time to ripen.
  5. The land is also specially prepared for planting garlic cloves. First of all, the rows selected for planting garlic are watered with a weakly prepared solution of copper sulfate. One tablespoon of copper sulfate is dissolved in a bucket. Preparations and products containing copper or cuprum are used against various diseases and pests.
  6. Sunlight is very important for the garlic plant, so the cloves should be planted in a sunny or slightly shaded area, where it is warm.
  7. To prevent the garlic plant from starting to rot, it should be planted not in muddy or wet soil, but in moist soil.
  8. Under no circumstances should you plant several crops back to back. Garlic will not tolerate neighbors such as onions and cucumbers. The cloves should be planted 6-8 centimeters from each other, and there should be a distance of 10 to 15 centimeters between the beds.
  9. It would be a mistake to plant winter garlic in the spring. Winter garlic will, of course, also produce a harvest, but its taste, quantity and size will not be the same as if it were planted in the autumn.
  10. The seed should be constantly updated, otherwise there will be a high risk of garlic contracting white rot.
  11. The roots of sprouted garlic should not be damaged when planting, so do not press the clove into the soil under any circumstances.

Selecting a location

Medium loamy soil, chernozem, and light loamy soil are well suited for planting garlic. Soil with high acidity will lead to diseases of garlic plants.

You cannot plant garlic cloves in places where onions, potatoes, cucumbers or tomatoes were previously planted; garlic also does not tolerate them as planting neighbors.

The places where currants, zucchini, gooseberries, legumes, strawberries, raspberries or cabbage grew in previous years are perfect for planting. Since garlic is an onion crop, it should be planted in different places every year.

The main thing is to choose a warm place that is well lit by the sun, where the garlic will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. The selected place should be dug up, then the bed should be loosened, absolutely all weeds should be removed and watered generously with a solution prepared in a bucket of water mixed with three tablespoons of ordinary salt. The soil will be ready for planting garlic cloves within two days after the procedures have been completed.

Preparation of planting material

Simply planting garlic cloves in the soil will not be enough. Planting material must first be prepared. If the seed is processed correctly, then this will have a positive effect on the length of storage of the crop and its quantity.

Preparation will consist of three steps: calibration, disinfection and germination:

  1. Calibration consists of sorting the garlic cloves. If spring garlic is carefully calibrated, then it will produce fruits that are excellent in quantity and quality. First of all, cracked, damaged, small and irregularly shaped cloves should be removed from the pile. It is best to select dense, healthy, large, whole seedlings for planting.
  2. Disinfection. To disinfect seedlings you need to prepare a solution. Mix 400 grams of wood ash with 2 liters of water, boil the solution for half an hour and cool it. After this, the seed is kept in this solution for one and a half hours.
  3. Germination. If you germinate seedlings of spring garlic, you will be pleased with the results when planting in the spring. Germination should be done as follows: soak the seedlings in water colored with copper sulfate for two hours. Then wrap them in a damp cloth and put them in a plastic bag. The procedure takes only a few days and must be carried out at room temperature.

Preparing soil and beds

The garlic plant will not be afraid of cold weather, so it can germinate even if the temperature is slightly above zero degrees. Therefore, the seed must be ready in advance for spring, and planting work must be carried out on time.

If you are late with planting, the garlic simply will not have time to ripen. If you plant garlic on time and follow all the general planting rules, then garlic will delight you with an excellent harvest by the end of the month of August or by the beginning of September.

This plant has a very weak root system, so the soil where garlic is planted must be moist.

You should choose a neutral soil. Slightly acidic soil must be diluted with wood ash. Two weeks before you start planting, nourish the soil with compost or humus. Humus will lead to rapid growth of the crop, because it is a source of organic substances. Then take a rake, dig and loosen the soil.

Spring sowing should be done in rows. Garlic cloves should be planted 5 centimeters apart. The depth of the furrow should not be more than 4 centimeters. If you have chosen a large variety of garlic, then you can plant it at a distance of 8 centimeters from each other. Dip a clove of garlic into the hole, sprinkle with soil and lightly pat on top.

Mulch the soil to prevent it from drying out. Regular dry grass or dry pine needles work well for mulching.

Ammonium sulfate can be used as a fertilizer, which helps crops protect themselves from pests. Place two tablespoons in a ten-liter bucket of water. You can re-fertilize with ammonium sulfate in the month of July.

Plant garlic cloves in moist soil. The bottom of the clove should be placed at the bottom. At first, if there is no rain, additional watering of the seedlings may be required. With proper care, the first shoots will appear within two weeks.


Below are step-by-step instructions on how to sow.

  1. Small grooves should be made in the garden bed.
  2. It is best to fill the bottom of the trench with sand or ash. This will reduce the risk of the garlic cloves rotting.
  3. We carefully begin to lay out the garlic along the groove we have made.
  4. The teeth are buried strictly vertically.
  5. Gently sprinkle the cloves with soil.
  6. Slap the top gently with your fingers.


There are some rules for caring for garlic:

  1. Since the garlic plant prefers moist soil, watering should not be neglected. For 4 weeks after the garlic is planted, it should continue to be watered. After this period, it will be possible to water the plants only in severe drought. But make sure there is no excess moisture, otherwise the root system will be damaged.
  2. The soil should be fertilized. In order for garlic cloves to form, phosphorus and potassium will be needed. 60 grams of potassium sulfate or 100 grams of superphosphate will be enough for 10 square meters. Of course, the type of soil will determine how many times you should fertilize the soil and what to feed it with. For chernozem, fertilizing is not necessary, because it contains almost everything necessary for good growth and maturation. And those who live in the Moscow region are required to enrich the soil every ten days.
  3. To maintain constant air circulation in the soil, you should loosen it from time to time.
  4. Weeds must be eliminated, otherwise the powerful root system of weeds will not allow full-fledged bulbs to form.
  5. To obtain the best harvest, garlic is fertilized with nitrogenous fertilizers. A couple of weeks after sowing, when the first shoots appear, the soil can be fertilized with potassium chloride. The time for the second feeding comes when the garlic bulbs form.


Garlic is a plant that can cure many diseases! Even the flu can recede under its onslaught. We are sure that absolutely every owner of a country plot has a desire to plant this crop. Therefore, you should know how to plant winter and spring garlic in the spring.

Required Tools

Is it possible to plant garlic in the spring and how to do it?

When answering whether garlic is planted in the spring, one can say that this time is considered the best season for doing the work. In this case, it is necessary to begin work immediately after winter - preferably in March or mid-April. You should carefully choose a location. After all, for example, beds where onions or potatoes previously grew are not suitable. It is much better to choose beds where you previously planted cabbage, zucchini or cucumbers.

Tips from experts:

  • Before you start planting, you need to water the bed with a solution of table salt: 3 tablespoons of salt per 10 liter bucket of water;
  • Garlic loves water, but you shouldn’t flood the garden, because the root system can get sick if there is high humidity;
  • Despite the fact that this crop is cold-resistant, wait until the temperature rises above +5 °C, otherwise the above-ground part of the plant will not form properly.

Spring garlic: can it be planted in the spring?

Take note: you shouldn’t be too slow with planting this type of “green crop,” since in our climate, if planted too late, it may not ripen before the winter cold. You also need to try to remember what crops grew in the garden before. For example, if these were legumes, pumpkin, cucumbers, cabbage, then you can start working, but if the bed was occupied by potatoes or you planted them there, there is no need to plant garlic here.

Two days before the work is completed, we cultivate the ground: using a shovel, we carry out digging, combining the work with the complete removal of weeds, leveling the soil and loosening it.

The onions themselves also require a little preparation: we remove small specimens (they can be used for “seeds”), inspect the remaining ones for damage or diseases - this kind of garlic should not be used for planting. Before planting, soak the garlic in warm liquid with the addition of nitroammophoska - the solution will help activate all processes in the “organism” of the onion.

Before planting, “break up” the bed. This is necessary to leave 10 cm between large bulbs, but small ones can be planted more densely. This way, when harvesting, you will not get confused and will be able to immediately sort your harvest. The bulbs should not be planted too deep - 5-7 cm is enough. In just two weeks, the first sprouts of garlic will appear above the surface of the soil.

Planting garlic in spring: winter crops

It is best to plant winter garlic in the fall, but it is not always possible to meet the deadline, and therefore we can carry out the work in the spring, the main thing is to try to do it as early as possible. The soil must be moist, at a temperature not lower than 15 °C. For the convenience of further caring for garlic, it is advisable to prepare the bed in advance - we make grooves across it, leaving about 20 cm between the rows of garlic, but up to 15 cm between the cloves themselves. The optimal number of plants per square meter will be approximately 50 pieces.

The planting depth is approximately 2.5 clove heights. This is why you also need to sort your plants by size. The sequence of planting the crop is as follows:

  • First we make furrows in the garden bed;
  • We fill the bottom of the trenches with ash or sand, which will reduce the risk of rotting of the cloves;
  • We lay the garlic along the groove, but it is not recommended to “burrow” it into the ground, because the grown root system can stick out of the ground, which threatens the plants freezing.

By the way, planting winter garlic can also be done in the spring; the main thing is to strictly adhere to the timing of the work so that the plants have time to fully ripen. Knowing how to plant garlic in the spring and doing this work correctly, you will get a rich “green” harvest that can protect you from the most severe ARVI and flu in winter.

Literally in two weeks, when the first plant shoots appear, you can start feeding. It is best to use organic matter - humus or chicken droppings. If it’s a hot season outside, don’t forget about watering. In this case, it is best to carry out the work in the evening, and before the next watering it is advisable to loosen the soil a little so that a crust does not form on the ground. This can lead to the fact that air will not flow to the root system, which will negatively affect the development of the plant.

When growing garlic, do not forget that:

  • This crop prefers fertile soil, however, a high concentration of nutrients can lead to plant death, so when adding organic matter, try to use ash;
  • Garlic requires loamy soil, and high levels of acidity can lead to plant disease;
  • Don't forget about white rot, a disease that causes mold to appear on garlic bulbs. To prevent this from happening, follow a number of primitive measures. These include updating planting material, disinfecting garlic before planting, and using solutions and remedies against diseases. After all, many can switch to garlic, which means that without proper control of the infection, you can lose your garden.

Understanding how to plant winter garlic in the spring, you can easily reap a good harvest without putting much effort into it.

Garlic is present in every garden plot; you can’t live without it. Thanks to its qualities and taste, it has unchanging popularity. This article will tell you about planting this crop, we will find out how to properly plant garlic in spring or autumn, what is the best way to fertilize the plant and how to water it.

Is it possible to plant garlic in the spring and when is the best time to do it?

Theoretically, this crop can be planted twice a year, in autumn and spring. Autumn planting gives a good harvest, with a rich taste, but such a harvest is difficult to store. Spring planting is the most optimal; such a crop is oriented towards long-term storage and is resistant to diseases.

How to plant garlic correctly in spring

After the snow melts in the spring and the temperature approaches +5 degrees, you can plant this crop. April or May - determine the climatic conditions. The soil chosen for the ridge is also very important for planting. It is best to plant on loamy soil with weak acidity. The beds should be well lit; if there is not enough space on the plot, garlic can be planted with potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions. But it’s better not to combine it with peas and cabbage, as it will interfere with their growth.

Preparing for landing

Having chosen a place for planting, we begin preparatory work. For this, seed material is prepared:

  • Calibrated. This will bring the best harvest, the teeth are selected according to size, small and damaged ones are removed. For spring planting, only large and whole tines are needed.
  • Disinfected. It is carried out with an ash solution; for this, take 400 grams of ash per two liters, boil the solution for half an hour, after cooling, the planting material is soaked for an hour and a half.
  • Germinated. It is carried out at room temperature for two days; for this, the seeds are placed on damp gauze and wrapped in polyethylene. This point, to be honest, is not that important.

To make caring for garlic easier in the future, you need to prepare the soil. To do this, dig it thoroughly, removing weeds, and after leveling, spill it with a salt solution.

How to plant garlic in spring

You can plant garlic in spring in rows, with an interval of 20 centimeters, leaving 10 centimeters between the seeds. Planting depth is 5-6 centimeters. Sprouted garlic is planted with care so as not to damage the root system.

Planting garlic in spring in open ground

Fertilizing the soil

When planting in the spring, garlic is fed with chicken droppings or humus. You can prepare solutions for fertilizing yourself; to do this, dissolve phosphorus and potassium in a bucket of water, one tablespoon at a time. Feeding the plant is determined by the type of soil. For chernozem, the procedure is carried out once every two weeks, poor soils are fed every week.

Caring for Garlic

It consists of timely loosening and weeding, with regular watering. Maintenance tasks are made easier by mulching, while you don’t have to loosen the soil and weed less often. Mulch with sawdust or peat.

Weeding garlic

During the growing season, the crop needs abundant watering; when the bulbs begin to ripen, watering should be moderate. Excess moisture will lead to diseases and damping of garlic; a month before harvesting, you need to stop watering altogether.

Let's sum it up

It is important not only to know how and where garlic is planted, but also to know about pests and diseases that can destroy the crop. Ammonium sulfate, which needs to be used to treat the soil twice a season, will help protect the fruits. Specialized medications help against onion flies.

The crop is not pulled out, but dug out of the ground. These are all the points you need to know about when planting in spring.

Video: How to plant garlic

Garlic has always been held in high esteem by gardeners as one of their favorite spices. Garlic is good both fresh and dried. It is added to marinades, pickles and other preserves. Harvesting begins in mid-summer, when the peel becomes dry. After collection, the heads are dried and stored. Most beginners and even experienced gardeners will have a lot of questions about when is the best time to plant garlic and how to do it correctly.

Planting garlic determines its yield and harvest time. Therefore, it is so important to choose the optimal time and follow all recommendations. Let's start with the most important thing - preparing the soil.

Preparing the soil for planting garlic

Garlic is a garden crop that can be planted in the ground twice a year. Good yields should be expected from winter planting - when you plant a spicy crop in late autumn.

Most experienced gardeners do just this, because only winter garlic will have high yields. If you were unable to plant it in the fall, you still have a chance to do it in early spring. Of course, the spring garlic harvest is different from the winter one. But this is not the main thing, because with the onset of spring you will have a lot of work in the garden, and, as always, there is not enough time for everything. That is why it is advisable not to postpone this part of the work until spring, but it is best to plant garlic in the fall.

It is best to prepare the furrow for replanting in advance. For autumn planting of garlic, you need to prepare the soil at the end of August. Approximately 1.5 months before planting.

Since garlic really loves organic bait, you don’t have to skimp on fertilizers. It is allowed to add 1 bucket of humus or compost per 1m2. In addition, it is allowed to add mineral fertilizers to the soil, and with the onset of heat - nitrogen fertilizers. You can add peat, loam or sand.

Crop rotation plays a big role in site preparation. If you choose a place for selected garlic where nightshades previously grew, then do not expect a rich harvest. In addition, garlic can get fusarium.

Excellent predecessor crops are zucchini, pumpkin and legumes. But remember that garlic will not do very well next to legumes. You also need to take into account the fact that you cannot plant garlic in the same place every year - there will not be a good harvest.

Before planting, you need to prepare the soil: treat the ground with a salt solution. For 1 bucket of water (warm only), you need to take 1 glass of salt (preferably coarse). First, the salt must be dissolved well in water and the beds watered with this solution. This watering will help get rid of pests. Pour salted water over the carrots and onions at the same time.

When planting garlic in the fall, choose only strong and healthy cloves. If there is at least one spoiled one in the head, set it aside - such a garlic will be useful for use in food.

It is not advisable to plant the bulbous plant in places fertilized with manure to avoid strong growth of green mass. As a result, the heads will be loose and not strong, and the green shoots, on the contrary, will be gorgeous.

Choose a site for planting garlic not in partial shade, but in an open area so that it is well lit. Rare planting of this garden crop can be done in partial shade.

The width of the bed for planting garlic is within a meter, the direction is western or eastern.

It is advisable to dig up the soil in advance (20 cm with a pitchfork), select all the weeds and small roots. To enrich the soil, you can add compost and fertilizers. Wood ash is good for growing garlic.

What is the best way to plant garlic?

A common variety for winter planting is purple with stripes. This variety is resistant to frost, it is unpretentious and can be stored for a long time (within 9 months). If you properly update the bulbs (every 3 years), you can achieve amazing results - garlic will delight you with an excellent harvest of up to 150 g!

It is best to buy material for planting at the local market. You need the garlic that is grown within your summer cottage (radius 50 km). When purchasing, choose the best garlic, large, undamaged and free of blemishes.

Pay attention to the bottom of the garlic - if you see an even, smooth cut, such garlic is not suitable for planting. Choose heads with roots.

When planning to plant garlic, you need to prepare it in advance. To do this, you need to disassemble the head into cloves, choosing only large and healthy ones. For a non-shooting variety of garlic, you need to choose cloves located in the outer tier and only large ones.

After the planting material has been prepared, soak the garlic in a solution of potassium permanganate or prepare copper sulfate (take 1 tablespoon of the product per 10 liters of water). Let the garlic sit in this solution for 24 hours. After soaking, it is important to dry the cloves well.

The optimal temperature for planting is +10 o C. For central Russia, garlic can be planted at the end of September. For the southern regions - at the end of October. Why is maintaining temperature so important? Garlic needs time to take root.

Many experienced gardeners are sure that green shoots should not be allowed to sprout after planting, so that the plant does not consume nutrients before the cold weather. But in practice it turned out that this does not affect the future harvest; sprouted cloves also produce good shoots with the onset of warm weather.

Planting winter garlic

To harvest a good garlic harvest, you need to know how to plant garlic correctly. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Rules for planting garlic:

  1. We make shallow furrows and water the soil generously.
  2. We make indentations of 6-8 cm.
  3. The distance between rows is 20-25 cm.
  4. Take a clove of garlic and insert it into the soil vertically, bottom down. You cannot lay the cloves on their sides; they may not germinate.
  5. If the teeth are small, then the distance between each one should be up to 5 cm; for large ones, allow more space - from 5 to 7 cm.
  6. To make it more convenient to apply fertilizer, leave a distance of 20 cm between the rows.
  7. Garlic cloves must not be pressed or screwed into the ground, otherwise, when they sprout, the roots themselves will push the garlic out. As a result, you will develop heads with very fine teeth.
  8. After you have planted garlic, you need to level the soil and add sawdust or peat. Laying spruce spruce branches is allowed.
  9. In dry autumn, the crop must be watered as often as possible, at least every 5 days.

A good harvest of garlic occurs when there is a lot of snow in the garden, so don’t be lazy to add snow to the place where your garlic is planted. Spread out branches of brushwood will help hold back the snow. Mulch and branches need to be removed with the onset of spring.

You can grow a garden crop in one place for no more than 2 years in a row, then you need to change the place. This is important because every year the garlic will become weaker and the heads will be small.

It is important that before planting you trace and free the cloves from the bottom. Deepen the cloves by 5-7 cm. However, if you did not have time to plant the garlic in time, you can deepen the cloves to protect them from frost.

Watch the video for planting garlic in the fall:

How to plant garlic in spring

You can plant garlic in the spring if you did not have time to plant this crop in the fall. This garlic is durable. Shelf life - 1-2 years. But you need to take into account that the harvest will not be so abundant.

In spring, the crop is planted very early, when the soil temperature has barely warmed up to +5 o C. Planting dates: late March - mid-April.

Before you start planting, you need to prepare the soil: dig the bed with a spade and level the ground with a rake. It is important that there are small sides on the sides of the bed - this way all the moisture for the garlic will be retained in the soil. Before planting garlic cloves, you need to generously water the soil with a strong salt solution (proportions: 3 tablespoons of coarse salt per 10 liters of water).

Garlic cannot be planted in the same place for the second time. Bad predecessors for garlic are onions and potatoes.

For planting, choose healthy heads with strong teeth. The head needs to be divided to select the best slices.

For planting, prepare furrows, the distance between the rows is 25 cm. The cloves should be stuck into the soil to a depth of no more than 3-5 cm. The step between the cloves is 10 cm. The tips should be above the ground.

Place the garlic with its bottom in the ground (the side where the cloves are attached to each other).

The finished bed needs to be covered with earth and dusted with sawdust. You can sprinkle with sand. By the way, try this interesting solution when planting: plant garlic in each prepared hole and immediately pour 1 tbsp. sand You can do this in an empty hole, and then add a little more sand when the slice is planted. Any bulbous crops cannot tolerate having water poured on them. The sand will just insulate the bulb from moisture.

After planting in the spring, garlic is not wrapped in film because it is frost-resistant.

As you can see, planting in autumn and spring is practically no different. The only thing you can do is wrap spring garlic in a damp cloth and leave it for 3 days. During this time, roots will appear. In addition, during spring planting, watering is required, especially in the first month after planting.

Garlic should be harvested when the leaves begin to turn yellow. The crop is carefully pulled out of the ground and placed on the beds so that the heads dry out. The leaves will dry out and the nutrients will return to the bulb.

The correct approach is that after harvesting, the garlic is collected in a bunch, tied and hung to dry in a cool, shaded place (an attic will do). Dry garlic can be placed in linen bags and hung for long-term storage.

Watch the video for spring planting of garlic:

Methods for planting garlic

We looked at the traditional way of planting garlic. We offer a creative option that is popular with experienced gardeners.

For planting you will need a metal pipe of suitable diameter. There is no need to make a groove, just press down in the place where you plan to plant the garlic clove with a pipe to make a hole. Pour ash inside the hole, and then lower the clove. Place soil on top and cover with rotted manure.

If you wish, you can improve the device for planting garlic and weld a step transversely to the pipe. When you walk along the bed, insert the tube into the ground and press it onto the transverse step with your foot - you get a depression. All that remains is to move on, maintaining a certain distance between the cloves (within 10 cm). Place a clove of garlic into the resulting holes and cover with soil.

How to care for garlic

Caring for garlic is not difficult - you need to moisten the soil in time, weed out weeds, and loosen the soil. It is also important to protect the plant from diseases and pests.

Around the end of June, garlic produces arrows. It is advisable to collect them in time so that they do not stretch out. If the plant “went” into the arrow, then the bulb will be small.

It is also undesirable to allow garlic to overripe, since then the scales will open and the heads will crumble. This garlic cannot be stored.

If you find yellow leaves, or if they begin to fall off, this does not mean that the plant is sick; you need to water the soil more often.

Fusarium blight is a common disease of garlic. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and a whitish coating appears on them, this means that the garlic is affected by a fungus. You should not eat contaminated garlic - it is dangerous to your health.