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» Common sapling. Herb for weight loss. In folk medicine

Common sapling. Herb for weight loss. In folk medicine

Syn: waterhemp, eupatorium, royal grass, hemp, horsemane, fog.

Purple sapling is a perennial plant with tall, straight bluish-green stems, equally large leaves and small pink flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences. Poskonnik has diuretic, choleretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, sedative and anthelmintic properties.

The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

Formula of the purple sable flower: * H(0)L(5)T(5)P(2).

In medicine

Purple sapling is not a pharmacopoeial plant, but is listed in the Register of Medicines of the Russian Federation as a homeopathic drug. Scientists have found that the plant has a sedative, diuretic and choleretic effect, can act as an expectorant, and its medicinal properties also include anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic.

Contraindications and side effects

Purple sapling has a number of contraindications. Due to the high content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the chemical composition of the plant, it is hepatotoxic when taken for a long time, and therefore is not recommended for people with various liver diseases. Pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents under 18 years of age should not take poskonnik. Before taking poskonnik, you should consult your doctor. An overdose of sapwood causes nausea and vomiting.

In gardening

Purple sapling is a popular perennial ornamental plant with a large landscape size. It is unpretentious, responsive to fertilizing, prefers sunny places and can become a luxurious background for a bright mixborder or take a central place in a circular flower garden. Gardeners combine it with dahlias, phlox, asters, geraniums and low grasses. Purple sapling and other low-growing species of saplings are often mixed to decorate the banks of ponds. The plant looks beautiful in bouquets and lasts a long time when cut.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, sapling extract is used. It is added to sunscreens, as well as creams, lotions and gels with an SPF factor. This extract is also a component of various products designed to care for problem skin.


Purple sapling (lat. Eupatorium purpureum) is one of the species included in the genus of perennial plants Sapling (lat. Eupatorium) of the Compositae family, also known as Asteraceae (lat. Asteraceae). There are more than 500 different species in the genus, of which no more than 50 grow in the territory of the former USSR. The most famous species of sapling, introduced into culture along with purple sapling, are hemp sapling (lat. Eupatorium cannabinum), Glen sapling (lat. Eupatorium glehnii) and wrinkled sapling (lat. Eupatorium rugosa).

Botanical description

Purple sapling is a perennial plant with a short, dense, weakly creeping rhizome and straight, often bluish-green, tall stems reaching a height of one and a half meters. Large, hairy, oval-lanceolate leaves of the sapling have serrated edges, arranged in whorls of 3-5 pieces. The small flowers are often light pink, but are also white, gray-pink, pink-violet, purple and lilac-purple. They have a delicate, barely perceptible aroma, similar to the aroma of vanilla. The formula of the purple sapling flower is * H(0)L(5)T(5)P(2). Flowers are collected in 2-12 pieces in corymbose inflorescences, reaching 20 cm in width. The fruits of the sapling are angular achenes with a white tuft; the seeds of the sapling ripen in September.


Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The medicinal raw materials are the roots of the plant, and less commonly, the grass of the purple sapling. The roots are harvested in early autumn, after the sapling has faded. They are dug out using small shovels, cleared of soil and dried in well-ventilated areas. Most often, sapling root is sold in powder form. The plant's grass is harvested during flowering, that is, from July to August, by cutting it with garden shears or a sickle and drying it, spreading it in a thin layer in the shade.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of sapwood is considered poorly understood. The plant contains up to 1% essential oils, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, sesquiterpene lactones, higher fatty acids, resins, coumaric, ferulic, chlorogenic, ascorbic and caffeic acids, carbohydrates, including glucose, inulin and fructose, as well as minerals such as iron phosphate, silicon dioxide, potassium chloride, sodium and calcium.

Pharmacological properties

The medicinal effect of purple sapling is subject to further study. Scientists explain the effectiveness of the plant as a diuretic, anthelmintic and choleretic agent by its complex chemical composition. Thus, the anti-inflammatory activity of the plant is associated with the presence of ascorbic acid and the flavonoid euparin. Sesquiterpene lactones are responsible for the expectorant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of sap.

Use in folk medicine

Purple sapling has found application in folk medicine. The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant made it effective for various diseases of the bladder and kidneys, such as nephritis and pyelonephritis, urethritis, and enuresis. Poskonnik is recommended to be taken for urinary and cholelithiasis; it is used to treat pancreatitis, hepatitis, cystitis, hepatocholecystitis and cholangitis. The diuretic effect of the plant is used for dropsy of various origins and ascites. The expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties of sapwood have made it popular for respiratory infections and diseases of the respiratory system, including bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia. Poskonnik is used against helminths. Herbalists suggest treating gout, rheumatism and arthrosis with sapwood. Externally, decoction and infusion of the plant treat wounds, inflammation, and purulent formations.

Historical reference

The Latin name of the Poskonnika genus - Eupatorium - was given to the plant in honor of the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator. Carl Linnaeus believed that sapwood was part of the antidote that the king took for fear of poisoning. The Russian name of the herb is due to the fact that its leaves are similar to those of hemp, the males of which were called “poskony” in Rus'.


1. Knyazeva T.P. “A million flowers on your site”, Moscow, OLMA Media Group, 2009 – 145 p.

2. Golovkin B.N., Kitaeva L.A., Nemchenko E.P. “Ornamental plants of the USSR”, Moscow, Mysl, 1986 - 300 - 301 p.

Hello, dear friends!

When they talk about choleretic herbs, many people think of immortelle; when it comes to colds, flu and coughs, then only coltsfoot and linden blossom come to mind, but to calm your nerves and sleep better, of course, you need to drink valerian and motherwort. What else?

It also grows in our meadows, along quiet rivers, “fog-grass”. No one will say for sure where the name came from. Perhaps because the smoky pink clusters of flowers look majestically and mysteriously through the fog of the morning haze.

And most likely, because the plant has been in the shadow of medicine for many centuries, its healing properties have not yet been fully determined, and our knowledge about it is vague.

Scientifically this flower is called. In folk medicine it has several names - sedach, noble hemp, royal grass, king's grass, horse's mane, cunigond's grass. Why royal? Maybe because it looks regal among the low grass, or maybe because its healing power is quite worthy of queens.

Sedach is a strong choleretic, antiviral, antipyretic and sedative. Taking an infusion of herbs not only helps lower blood pressure, but also effectively reduces cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, sedach is one of the best anti-sclerotic herbs.

Since ancient times, tea has been brewed from it, which has a slightly bitter taste. The drink was successful in North America, where it is prepared from perforated sapwood, which has similar properties. This plant was used by early American settlers, who had to live in wooden huts with dirt floors where it was cold and damp. They drank a cup of this tea at night to warm up and calm their nerves. Perforated sapling is one of the best remedies for treating colds. The American Indians used it primarily to treat influenza fever, but it also relieves headaches and fever by increasing the production of sweat. At one time, sapwood was called “joe-pie” - in honor of a New England doctor who treated typhus with it.

In 1874, the Dutch physician Girard von Schmidt wrote a short work, “On the Cure of Cancer.” In this work, he reported that he brought the guaco plant from Dutch India, which he used to cure the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas of tongue cancer. By the way, Indian guaco in appearance is very similar to the hemp saplings that grow in our country. And I think it’s no coincidence that in Russian medicine, poultices made from sapling grass have long been used in the treatment of tumors. In confirmation of this: recently, a substance called eupatoriopicrin, which has an antitumor effect, was discovered in the European saplings. Further, interest in the hemp-like plant was revived when immunostimulants were discovered in it, increasing the body’s resistance to viral infections.

The use of “fog-herb” in Russian medicine is much wider. It cures not only a runny nose and incipient flu conditions, but also bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Increasing bile secretion by more than 25%, the plant is successfully used for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, cholecystitis, hepatitis and compensation for hepatic cirrhosis. The infusion is drunk for rheumatic pain and arthritis.

In my practice of herbal medicine, I have repeatedly achieved success using hemp sap for kidney diseases: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney stones. Sedach is effective for any swelling and dropsy localized in the abdominal cavity and lower extremities. An alcohol tincture of the roots is a surefire remedy for prostatitis and cystitis.

In addition to its diuretic properties, I would like to note its laxative effect. An aqueous infusion of the herb and a decoction of the roots enhances the activity of the stomach and intestines; they are useful for bloating, gastritis, lack of appetite and dry mouth.

“When you have a cough, grind the hemp-like sapwood in a mortar and mix its juice with boiling milk; strain and drink.”

The great ancient physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna) noted its effectiveness at the onset of “fox” and “snake” illnesses. “Fox disease” - baldness, “snake disease” - severe peeling of the skin (possibly ichthyosis). In his opinion:

“The squeezed juice of the sapling, if you drink it with smokeberry juice, as well as its flowers, are useful for jarab and scabies, but the juice has a stronger effect.”

Jarab is either an erymatous-flaky form of scab or psoriasis. And further Ibn Sina notes:

“They give it to drink with wine, and it helps against ulcers in the intestines... Sapwood juice will help when the mucus is salty (for old people) or when yellow bile overcomes.”

According to a report by academician Ivan Lepekhin in 1789, sapwood was used in the area around the city of Murom against rabies. He wrote that there

“... excellent herbs grew. Between them, most of the space was occupied by hemp, to which residents have refuge during a frenzy resulting from the bite of a rabid dog or a poisonous reptile...”

I would especially like to note the external use of the plant: freshly crushed leaves are an effective compress for dilating the capillaries of the skin of the nose and cheeks. The procedure must be repeated every other day.

Doses for oral administration: pour 3 teaspoons of the herb into 2 cups of boiling water, leave overnight. Drink in 3 doses on an empty stomach. Use for hypertension, cholesterolemia, neurosis, insomnia, flu, fever.

Pour one teaspoon of root powder into half a glass of water and take it at night as a choleretic and laxative.

Pour 70 - 80 g of root powder into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, strain. Take 40 drops per glass of water for prostate diseases and cystitis.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you: no flu epidemic will affect you in the future, stress will not plunge you into the abyss of depression if you have royal herb tea on hand. And she is very close - behind a veil of fog.


herbalist at the Blagovest Center for Traditional Medicine

Was one of the most famous medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Recipes for using window saplings dating back to the 13th century have been found. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find information about the action and use of this herb in modern sources. Interest inhemp-like saplingperked up when immunostimulants were discovered in it, increasing the body’s resistance to viral infections.

In our folk medicine, the aerial parts hemp-like sapling used for colds, anemia, diabetes, liver diseases, as a tonic and immunostimulant. For skin diseases - exudative atopic dermatitis, acne. Externally for purulent wounds. The leaves are used to make tea and infusion for gargling. Recently, a substance called eupatoriopicrin, which has an antitumor effect, was discovered in the plant.

Herb for weight loss

But perhaps the most popular use among herbalists is as a herbs for weight loss. I have been using this property in my practice for a long time. I can say with confidence that in combination with a balanced diet and reasonable physical activity, the use of this herb gives excellent results. It is noticed that the action hemp sapling as herbs for weight loss most effective for women before menopause. During menopause, the use of this herb allows you to maintain a stable weight.

Application of hemp-like sapling:

Flowers are used for infusion. Brew a full tablespoon of dried flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water, preferably in a thermos. Drink during the day, 4-5 doses, without mixing with food. I will give a recipe from the herbalist L. Goroshinskaya: 4 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials (flowers) pour 1 liter of white grape wine, leave for 2-3 weeks. Drink 50 ml twice a day after meals.


Collect during flowering, but before full bloom. Blooms from July to August. Grows in swampy damp places.

December 1, 2011

Sill grass is a perennial that can decorate any composition in landscape design. If you follow simple recommendations for caring for a flowering plant, it will not only delight the eye for a long time, but will also help cure various diseases.

Appearance of the plant and its types

The sapling belongs to the Astrov family and grows in the form of a herbaceous subshrub. Beautiful is common in European countries, found in America, Asia and southern Africa. There are also annual representatives in the wild. Most often, sapwood grows near rivers, other bodies of water, and in swampy areas.

The composition of purple sapling has not been fully studied. It contains saccharides, resins, vitamin C, fatty acids, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, and esters. The plant contains many minerals: calcium and sodium compounds, iron salts, silicon oxide, potassium chloride.

Popularly it is also called royal grass and dead nettle, hemp, cape grass or fog. After wintering, the plant wakes up quite late, because it needs stable warm weather. Despite this, the window sill quickly grows and becomes covered with leaves.

Plant types:

The purple variety is most often grown in gardens. This plant has healing properties and is used in medicine.

Sapling grass: medicinal properties

According to legend, the genus Poskonnik or Eupatorium received its name from the Pontic king. Ruler Eupator used the herb as an antidote.

The Indians were the first to use this plant as a medicine. They were used to treat typhus and other diseases. Now the poskonnik is held in high esteem by folk healers. It is added to many dietary supplements, tinctures, decoctions, and ointments are prepared based on it. The herb, crushed and steamed in boiling water, is applied as a compress against tumors. An infusion of sapwood improves digestion and quickly puts you on your feet in case of colds and flu.

Application in cosmetology

Officinalis contains special substances that can protect the skin from exposure to aggressive ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is often included in sunscreen oils and creams.

Also, from the plant extract, products are prepared for lightening pigmented areas, healing, and regenerating the epidermis. Thanks to its pronounced antibacterial properties, the plant cleanses the skin well from inflammation, pustules, acne, and also narrows capillaries.

Treatment with sapwood

In order for the plant to bring the desired result, it must be prepared correctly. This is the only way you can significantly improve your health in a short time.

For hypertension and high cholesterol

To prepare a medicinal infusion you need to put in a minimum of effort and time. All you need is 6 g of chopped aerial parts of the plant, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, and cover with a lid. Leave this mixture for 12 hours to infuse well, then strain. Drink 50 ml of infusion before going to bed.

Laxative recipe

To obtain this medicine, you will need 2 tablespoons of the plant's rhizome crushed into powder and 100 ml of water (not hot). The main component must be stirred in water and strained. Drink in the morning before meals.

Recipe for sapwood tincture for weight loss

This remedy is prepared by adding 8 grams of dry royal herb to one liter of drink, stirring, leaving for 12 hours, after which the tincture of the sapling must be strained. The course of therapy is 1 month. You need to take 50 grams orally after meals.

Against flu, colds

To get a medicinal decoction from the saplings, you need to take 12 tbsp. l. chopped stems, flowers and leaves of the plant. The herb is mixed with a liter of boiled water. Leave for extraction of useful substances for half an hour, filter, consume three times a day before meals (30 minutes before). You should drink no more than 250 ml of infusion per day.

Contraindications and possible harm from the use of purple sapling

Posonnik, like many other plants, have their contraindications. Alkaloids contained in the shrub, when consumed for a long time, accumulate and can have a toxic effect on the liver in the presence of its serious pathologies.

Also contraindications for treatment with purple sapling are:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy, so as not to provoke a miscarriage;
  • lactation period;
  • plant allergy.

Tinctures and other sapwood-based products should not be used by persons under 18 years of age. Before starting treatment, consultation with a doctor is required.

Do not exceed the recommended dosage so as not to harm your health, otherwise toxic compounds may negatively affect the kidneys. In Europe in the Middle Ages, several thousand people died due to the fact that they confused saplings with ordinary nettles and used them for cooking. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful.

Video about the beautiful doctor Pokonnik

Latin name - Eupatorium spp..

“When you have a cough, grind the hemp-like sapwood in a mortar and mix its juice with boiling milk; strain and drink.” Doctors' recipe from Wales, 13th century.

Pokonnik - application, medicinal properties

The medicinal plant E. purpureum, a popular medicinal plant among American Indians, was at one time called “joe-pie” - in honor of a New England doctor who used it to treat typhus. Perforated sapling (E.perfoliatum) is now prescribed for influenza. Interest in their European relative, E. cannabinum, revived when immunostimulants were discovered in it, increasing the body's resistance to viral infections.


Bitter, pungent, drying: cool or cold depending on the type.


Tannins, bitterness, flavonoids, sesquiterpene lactones.

Application and medicinal properties.

E. CANNABIUM: antipyretic, diuretic, antiscorbutic, laxative, tonic, choleretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, antirheumatic, immunostimulating. E. PURPUREUM: diuretic, antirheumatic.

Healing parts of the plant

AERIAL PARTS OF E. CANNABINUM. They are used for colds accompanied by fever, and externally for purulent wounds. Recently, a substance called eupatoriopicrin was discovered in the plant, which is believed to have antitumor effects. The grass is collected during flowering in autumn.

ROOT. Acts primarily as a diuretic; useful for urolithiasis. Also taken for prostate diseases, menstrual pain and to ease childbirth. Collected in the fall.

Application in medicine.

ABOVE PARTS. INfusion Drink for rheumatic pain and arthritis. A stronger infusion serves as a laxative and is used for liver failure.

TINCTURE For colds with fever and flu, take 5 drops, adding to the collections for the treatment of catarrh (including, for example, elderberry and ivy budra).

ROOT. PURPUREUM BREW Drink during painful menstruation and (little by little) during childbirth. For infections of the urinary system it has a cleansing effect.

TINCTURE Drink 2-3 ml 3 times a day for cystitis, the presence of sand in the urinary system, and vaginal discharge caused by infection. For diseases of the prostate gland, it is combined with white jasmine.

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