Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Latest inventions in the world. What useful and interesting things have been invented in Russia in recent years? The concept of “invention”: points of view

Latest inventions in the world. What useful and interesting things have been invented in Russia in recent years? The concept of “invention”: points of view

Don’t renounce prison or pay, people say... Many famous actors and directors have experienced the truth of this saying the hard way... Someone got down to business, as they say, someone was put under criminal repression by the system... In the list of acting crimes - theft, banditry, antiques trading, rape and even homosexuality... So, which of the actors was imprisoned for what?

Beautiful actress Valentin Malyavin accused of murder...

... husband, actor Stas Zhdanko...

According to investigators, on April 12, 1978, they had a quarrel after drinking alcohol. And, allegedly, Malyavina stabbed her husband, as a result of which he died...

The actress claimed that Stas injured himself... But in 1983, Malyavina was nevertheless convicted under Article 103 “Intentional murder.” She served five of the nine required years, after which she was amnestied “for exemplary behavior”...

Seryozha Shevkunenko born into a “cinema” family. His father worked as the director of the Second Creative Association of the Mosfilm film studio, his mother worked there... In 1973, Sergei starred in the film “Dagger”, in 1974 in “The Bronze Bird”, and in 1975 in the film “The Lost Expedition”... It began brilliantly the career of the young talent was suddenly stopped after a banal fight. The Gagarinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the young artist to one year in prison under Article 206 Part II for “hooliganism with particular insolence and cruelty.”

Sergei served his first tour, like all subsequent ones, “from bell to bell.” Upon release, he got a job at Mosfilm as a lighting technician, but a year later, in 1978, he was jailed again for stealing snacks from the Mosfilm buffet, which the tipsy company lacked. This time the sentence was even more severe. Sergei was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Then 4.5 years for theft and possession of drugs and 1.5 years for disobedience to camp authorities and repeated violation of the regime.

In prison, Sergei Shevkunenko acquired the nicknames “Chief” and “Actor” and considerable authority in criminal circles. In 1989 he got married, but it just so happened that in the same year he again received a year for possession of weapons, 49 days after his release, another arrest for possession of stolen icons and new term- 3 years. Sergei served his fifth term in a special maximum security Vladimir colony as a repeat offender...

Upon release, Shevkunenko went into business. IN short term The chief put together a team that began to control a number of points in the Mosfilmovskaya Street area. The Chief's group became part of the Ossetian criminal group, which specialized in banditry, extortion and kidnapping. She is also known for her successful financial transactions. In February 1995, Shevkunenko was killed.

At the same time as Sergei Shevkunenko, another actor was serving his third term in the Vladimir colony - Nikolai Lvovich Godovikov, who starred in the films “Republic of SHKID”, “ White sun deserts”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”….

Nikolai Godovikov lived in petty theft since childhood. When he started filming, something was constantly disappearing on set: equipment, personal belongings... Later he started burglary. The police called him a “noble thief” because he “cleaned” only the rich.

In addition to being convicted of theft, he had served time for banditry and parasitism. The last time Godovikov ended up in the zone was after a serious stab wound and barely survived.

Archil Gomiashvili, Ostap Bender from Gaidai’s film “The Twelve Chairs”...I was imprisoned several times for hooliganism and theft.

In 1943, Gomiashvili got a job at the Tbilisi Russian Drama Theater. Griboedova. One night, he and a friend cut the leather from all the chairs and sold it to a shoemaker. The friends were arrested. Archil received two years in a correctional camp near Tbilisi...

Once upon a time the Satire Theater, where the actor served Vladimir Dolinsky, was preparing to go on tour to Sweden. In the years Soviet power It was allowed to exchange no more than 30 US dollars for a trip to a capitalist country. When the trip failed, Dolinsky sold this modest amount with a profit of 200 rubles, which at that time was the monthly salary of a skilled worker...

After this, Vladimir began to engage in currency speculation, and in 1973 he was “caught” by the KGB. He spent a year in the Lefortovo detention center and then received five years in prison. At the request of many famous actors, Dolinsky’s sentence was reduced to 4 years.

Boris Yurchenko, who played in the film “The Living and the Dead,” was in prison for hooliganism in his youth. Once, after drinking heavily with friends, he beat a man very badly. Witnesses to the crime called the police, and the guy was restrained on the spot.

Boris spent a year in Butyrka, working as a servant in the catering department. He came out, almost immediately returned to cinema, got married and starred in several dozen films.

Actor Igor Petrenko At the age of 15 he was involved in a murder. His friend Sasha, who owed another friend 100,000 rubles, suggested removing the creditor. The victim was shot, and the apartment was vandalized, simulating a robbery.

The next day the criminals were tied up...

Petrenko was given eight years probation, taking into account his age at the time of the crime and positive reviews about him at the Shchepkinsky Theater School - he had already become a student.

Famous comedian Saveliy Kramarov He made his living by walking with a friend to remote churches in Pskov and Novgorod and luring out icons for next to nothing. Smuggled some things abroad...

The friends were caught and kept in police custody for several days. But then they released me due to influential acquaintances’ efforts. When the artist emigrated to the USA, he was obliged to leave all his antiques in the USSR. Savely had to sell the most valuable things and use the proceeds to purchase unique stamps. He hid them between the pages of a family album and took them to the West.

In the summer of 1997, the actor Victor Kosykh, who as a child played such famous roles as Kostya Inochkin from “Welcome, or No Trespassing”, and Danka from “The Elusive Avengers”, became the unwitting culprit of the tragedy.

Together with his son, he was driving his Zhiguli in the Moscow metro area “Vladykino”. Suddenly pedestrians began to cross his path. Victor was forced to turn sharply to the side summer cafe. As a result, three men sitting at the tables were injured.

Kosykh himself was taken to the trauma department with numerous bruises, his son received a concussion. The court acquitted the actor.

Georgy Yumatov in March 1994, he shot a janitor with a hunting rifle who was helping the actor bury his beloved dog Frosya, who had died the day before.

Yumatov, according to Article 103 of the Criminal Code, faced imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years. But the lawyer was able to prove that the janitor was the first to attack the actor with a knife. As a result, two months later Georgy Alexandrovich was released from Matrosskaya Tishina on his own recognizance. Then, as a front-line soldier, he was granted an amnesty on the 50th anniversary of the Victory, and at the end of 1995 the case was closed.

Alexey Katyshev- Ivanushka from the film fairy tales of the legendary Alexander Rowe - recalled with a shudder: “Once I and two friends got very drunk in the company of two girls. One lady left, but the second stayed. Well, my friends even... They regarded this as consent to a closer acquaintance. At that time I was sleeping in the next room. And a couple of days later I was arrested on charges of rape...”

Fortunately, the girl withdrew the statement from the police in exchange for the consent of one of the rapists to marry her. In this way, the actor managed to avoid a criminal record...

Actor Arkady Shalolashvili worked at the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg. He starred in 18 films, the most famous of which are “The Island of Lost Ships”, “A Lost Cause”, “He Came on Memorial Day”, “Three Percent Risk”... Unfortunately, he used his talent not only on stage and on the silver screen, but also for criminal purposes. Part of the criminal group of the Sediuk brothers, better known as Kolya-Karate and McKenna, he used his acting and directing talent to defraud businessmen and did it brilliantly. Members of the gang, which included more than 100 fighters, greatly respected Shalolashvili and called him nothing less than Arkady Palych. When he was arrested, the following interceded for him famous people, like Mikhail Boyarsky and Konstantin Raikin. Around 1995, Arkady Shalolashvili died of cirrhosis.

December 17, 1973 film director Sergei Parajanov was arrested on charges of homosexuality with the use of violence (Article 122, parts 1, 2 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR)…

Parajanov was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but could have served a long term - Sergei Iosifovich was accused of five articles of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR, which he allegedly violated, in particular, “nationalism”, “speculation in antiques”, “violence against members of the CPSU” ...

At the heart of Parajanov’s case, his friends and biographers say, is a joint action by the cultural department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the republican KGB. It turns out that Parajanov constantly reviled some employee of the Central Committee in the field of culture... The authorities acted very carefully - they imprisoned Parajanov for homosexuality. They say that in the USSR this is punishable by law... and there is no politics...

On September 8, 1947, actress Zoya Fedorova was sentenced to 25 years in a forced labor colony. Talk

 18:50 08 September 2017

On September 8, 1947, actress Zoya Fedorova was sentenced to 25 years in a forced labor colony. They say that one cannot swear off scrip and prison. Both can overtake anyone: both a peasant and a superstar. So nothing human is alien to celebrities. We have prepared for you a selection of famous actors who ended up behind bars at different periods of their careers.

Zoya Fedorova

The whole life of the great Soviet actress Zoya Fedorova is like a film drama. It had everything: success and fame, great love and a romantic relationship with a foreigner, the happiness of motherhood, arrest, torture in prison and death at the hands of a cold-blooded killer.

The path of young Zoya began in pre-revolutionary Russia. After 1917, the whole family (3 daughters, son, father and mother) moved to Moscow, where the head of the family made a rapid career in the Bolshevik Party. The girl already begins to like theater, but her family is against her hobbies; as a result, young Zoya Fedorova, at the age of 17, begins working at Gosstrakh.

In the 1920s, Zoya meets her first love - Kirill Prove. In 1927, the almost bookish novel was interrupted by the arrest of the young man and his accusation of espionage. Following Kirill, Fedorova is taken into custody; the girl was suspected of aiding an English spy. The case was closed in November of the same year due to insufficient evidence.

After a series of failures, periods when the girl was completely cut out of pictures, it would seem that the time has come white stripe. The actress's main debut was her role in the film "Accordion" (1933). After the release of the film, the talented actress receives many offers from directors. One after another, pictures with her participation come out. The actress is in demand and famous, her success is overshadowed by grief in the family - Zoya's father is arrested. Despite his personal acquaintance with Lenin, the man became a victim of slander and, on charges, he faced more than 10 years in prison.

In the photo: Zoya Fedorova in the film “Girlfriends” 1936

To help her father, Zoya made an appointment with Lavrenty Beria. Having a weakness for beautiful actresses, he invites her to the mansion. The father was released in the summer of 1941, and Zoya received the right to turn to Beria for help at any time.

In December 1946, the actress was arrested and accused of waging hostile propaganda, creating an anti-Soviet group, making malicious attacks against the Soviet government, and even being ready to carry out terrorist acts against the leadership. The actress turns to Beria for help, but she cannot avoid monstrous charges and a heavy sentence. Zoya Fedorova is sentenced to 25 years in a reinforced camp regime.

Only in 1955 was Zoya Fedorova rehabilitated, and after a while the charges were completely dropped.

In the photo: Zoya Fedorova in the film "Wedding in Malinovka"

On December 11, 1981, the actress was found dead in her apartment. The cause of death was a shot to the head. It is unknown who shot Zoya Fedorova, the mystery of her death remains unsolved.

Tatiana Okunevskaya

Tatyana Okunevskaya did not wait for leniency from fate and the authorities. After the girl graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute, Tatyana began acting at the Moscow Realistic Theater. In August 1937, her father was arrested and less than two weeks later executed at the Butovo training ground.

In 1937-1938, Tatyana Okunevskaya worked at the Gorky Theater; at the same time, the girl actively acted in films. Her main debut is still called main role in the film “Pyshka” directed by Mikhail Romm, which was released in 1934.

On November 13, 1948, Okunevskaya was arrested under Article 58.10 - anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda. As Okunevskaya claimed, during the arrest she was allegedly not presented with any warrant, but was shown a short note: “You are subject to arrest. Abakumov."

Okunevskaya's daughter claims that her mother was arrested for having an affair with a foreigner, whom she does not name, and that an arrest warrant was presented when her mother was arrested. According to her testimony, no note from Abakumov was presented to her mother during her arrest. After her arrest, the actress spent 13 months in a common cell, then she was sentenced to 10 years and sent to Steplag in Dzhezkazgan, later she served time in Kargopollag, Vyatlag.

In 1954, Okunevskaya was released from the camp and returned to the troupe of the theater. Lenin Komsomol, where she worked until 1959.

A fearless woman at the age of 86 decided to plastic surgery. This was a fatal step: she was diagnosed with a severe infection (hepatitis), and Tatyana Kirillovna struggled with the disease for almost two years. Tatyana Okunevskaya died on May 15, 2002.

Valentina Malyavina

This is a woman with a very difficult fate - all-Union fame after the release of the film “Ivan’s Childhood”, a sea of ​​fans, a lot of leading roles, and a few years later trial, prison and oblivion. Moreover, at the beginning of the 21st century, Valentina Alexandrovna, after an accidental injury, became completely blind and now lives in a special shelter, where visitors are almost not allowed.

The young actress made her screen debut in the romantic melodrama “First Date.” And the very next work, the role of paramedic Maria in the military film “Ivan’s Childhood,” made Malyavina a real star of the Soviet screen. The production drama “Morning Trains”, the film about the Second World War “The Tunnel”, the light comedy “Literature Lesson” and the musical humorous fairy tale “The Deer King” were also very popular with viewers.

In one of the performances of Hamlet, Valentina saw the already popular actor Alexander Kaidanovsky. After the performance, they met and the amorous woman immediately became interested in the fatal handsome man, but fatal passion with constant quarrels did not give perfect union. It is Kaidanovsky who introduces Valentina to the young actor Stanislav Zhdanko, who will turn the artist’s entire life upside down.

In the photo: Valentina Malyavina and Alexander Kaidanovsky

For the first time she saw a young man, who was 12 years younger than her, on the stage of the student theater at the Shchukin School. During subsequent communication, it turned out that the young man had long been selflessly in love with Malyavina and even hung her photo in his room above his bed. Their romance was short, stormy and incredibly tragic.

The young man wanted to quickly ascend to the star Olympus, and then suddenly the role on which he was betting was taken away from him. Stanislav began to experience depression, which Valentina and her husband did not want to see, so they drowned the surrounding problems in wine.

Another evening spent drinking alcohol ended in tragedy. In 1978, Stanislav Zhdanko was found with a knife in his heart. Initially, the police considered the incident a suicide. But five years later, after repeated petitions from the mother of the deceased, the case was raised again, and Valentina Malyavina was accused of premeditated murder. The court sentenced her to nine years in prison. But neither during the investigation, nor in the courtroom, nor subsequently after the amnesty in connection with the seventieth anniversary of Soviet power, the actress did not admit her guilt and insisted on the version of suicide.

Today, the once famous actress Malyavina lives in a boarding house for science veterans, where wealthy friends were able to place her. Is not ordinary house for the elderly, and an institution of high comfort with excellent medical and social services, but under a very strict regime. Visitors cannot get there without special permission, residents have no connection with the outside world - they are not even allowed to use the telephone, and they only go out for walks accompanied by staff. Valentina Aleksandrovna, who has almost completely lost her sight, spends most of her time in this boarding house.

Sergey Shevkunenko

Seryozha Shevkunenko was born into a “cinema” family. His father worked as the director of the Second Creative Association of the Mosfilm film studio, his mother worked there... In 1973, Sergei starred in the film "Dagger", in 1974 - in "The Bronze Bird", and in 1975 in the film "The Lost Expedition" ... Brilliant The young talent's beginning career was suddenly stopped after a banal fight. The Gagarinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the young artist to one year in prison under Article 206 Part II for “hooliganism with particular insolence and cruelty.”

Sergei served his first term, like all subsequent ones, “from bell to bell.” Upon release, he got a job at Mosfilm as a lighting technician, but a year later, in 1978, he was jailed again for stealing snacks from the Mosfilm buffet, which the tipsy company lacked. This time the sentence was even more severe. Sergei was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Then 4.5 years for theft and possession of drugs, then 1.5 years for disobedience to camp authorities and repeated violation of the regime.

In prison, Sergei Shevkunenko acquired the nicknames “Chief” and “Actor” and considerable authority in criminal circles. In 1989, he got married, but it just so happened that in the same year he again received a year for possession of weapons, 49 days after his release, another arrest for possession of stolen icons and a new sentence of 3 years. Sergei served his fifth term in a special maximum security Vladimir colony as a repeat offender...

Upon release, Shevkunenko went into business. In a short time, the Chief put together a team that began to control a number of points in the Mosfilmovskaya Street area. The Chief's group became part of the Ossetian criminal group, which specialized in banditry, extortion and kidnapping. She is also known for her successful financial transactions. In February 1995, Shevkunenko was killed.

Spartak Mishulin

The Mishulin family lived in the very center of Moscow - on Nastasinsky Lane. Spartak with early years was passionate about theater and dreamed of becoming an artist. In 1937, Anna Mishulina was arrested as an enemy of the people and exiled to Tashkent, Spartak remained in the care of his uncle Alexander Mishulin, who served as rector of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the party.

In 1941, Spartak Mishulin entered the special artillery school in Anzhero-Sudzhensk. After studying at the artillery school, he suffered for art - he was convicted by denunciation of “stealing” light bulbs (for reasons of extreme necessity, for a performance), then he was caught stealing a book from the library and using portraits of the leader as writing paper, for which he was sentenced to imprisonment. Served three years. But even in the camp he did not stop doing amateur activities.

In the early 1950s, after failing to enter GITIS, Spartak Mishulin was sent to the auxiliary staff of the Kalinin Drama Theater; After graduating from the theater studio at this theater and playing about 40 roles in the first five years of work on stage, Mishulin joined the troupe of the Omsk Drama Theater.

In 1960 he was invited to the Satire Theater, where he served continuously for 45 years. The actor became widely famous thanks to the very first episodes of the television series “Zucchini “13 Chairs””, in which he played the role of Pan Director. His popularity increased even more after playing the role of Tarakanov in the film “Property of the Republic”, as well as the demonstration on television of the Satire Theater’s performances “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof” and “Little Comedies big house“, but especially after playing the role of Said in Vladimir Motyl’s film “White Sun of the Desert”.

Spartak Mishulin died on July 17, 2005, at the age of 79, from heart failure.

Nikolay Godovikov

Nikolai Godovikov - Petrukha from the famous film "White Sun of the Desert", has been a petty thief since childhood. When he started filming, something was constantly disappearing on the set: either equipment, or personal belongings... Later he became involved in burglaries. The police called him a “noble thief” because he “cleaned” only the rich.

In addition to being convicted of theft, he had served time for banditry and parasitism. The last time Godovikov ended up in the zone was after a serious stab wound and barely survived.

Archil Gomiashvili

He who played the role of Ostap Bender from Gaidai’s film “The Twelve Chairs” was imprisoned several times for hooliganism and theft.

In 1943, Gomiashvili got a job at the Tbilisi Russian Drama Theater. Griboedova. One night, he and a friend cut the leather from all the chairs and sold it to a shoemaker. The friends were arrested. Archil received two years in a correctional camp near Tbilisi...

Vladimir Dolinsky

One day, the Satire Theater, where actor Vladimir Dolinsky served, was preparing to go on tour to Sweden. During the years of Soviet power, it was allowed to exchange no more than 30 US dollars for a trip to a capitalist country. When the trip failed, Dolinsky sold this modest amount with a profit of 200 rubles, which at that time was the monthly salary of a skilled worker...

After this, Vladimir began to engage in currency speculation and in 1973 he was “caught” by the KGB. He spent a year in the Lefortovo detention center and then received five years in prison. At the request of many famous actors, Dolinsky’s sentence was reduced to 4 years.

Boris Yurchenko

Boris Yurchenko, who played in the film “The Living and the Dead,” was in prison for hooliganism in his youth. Once, after drinking heavily with friends, he beat a man very badly. Witnesses to the crime called the police, and the guy was restrained on the spot.

Boris spent a year in Butyrka, working as a servant in the catering department. He came out, almost immediately returned to cinema, got married and starred in several dozen films.

Georgy Yumatov

In March 1994, Georgy Yumatov shot a janitor who was helping the actor bury his beloved dog Frosya, who had died the day before, with a hunting rifle.

Yumatov, according to Article 103 of the Criminal Code, faced imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years. But the lawyer was able to prove that the janitor was the first to attack the actor with a knife. As a result, two months later, Georgy Alexandrovich was released from Matrosskaya Tishina on a written undertaking not to leave. Then, as a front-line soldier, he was granted an amnesty on the 50th anniversary of the Victory, and at the end of 1995 the case was closed.

Arkady Shalolashvili

Actor Arkady Shalolashvili worked at the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg. He starred in 18 films, the most famous of which are “The Island of Lost Ships”, “A Lost Cause”, “He Came on Memorial Day”, “Three Percent Risk”... Unfortunately, he used his talent not only on stage and the silver screen, but also in for criminal purposes. Part of the criminal group of the Sediuk brothers, better known as Kolya-Karate and McKenna, he used his acting and directing talent to defraud businessmen and did it brilliantly.

Members of the gang, which included more than 100 fighters, greatly respected Shalolashvili and called him nothing less than Arkady Palych. When he was arrested, such famous people as Mikhail Boyarsky and Konstantin Raikin interceded on his behalf. In 1995, Arkady Shalolashvili died from cirrhosis of the liver.

Sergei Parajanov

On December 17, 1973, film director Sergei Parajanov was arrested on charges of homosexuality with the use of violence (Article 122, parts 1, 2 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR)

Parajanov was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but could have served a long term - Sergei Iosifovich was accused under five articles of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR, which he allegedly violated, in particular, “nationalism”, “speculation in antiques”, “violence against members of the CPSU” ...

At the heart of Parajanov’s case, his friends and biographers say, is a joint action by the cultural department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the republican KGB. It turns out that Parajanov constantly reviled some employee of the Central Committee in the field of culture... The authorities acted very carefully - they imprisoned Parajanov for homosexuality. They say that in the USSR this is punishable by law... and there is no politics...

Georgy Zhzhenov

Georgy Stepanovich's brother Boris was convicted of not going to the mourning demonstration after the murder of Kirov. The family was deported, but Zhzhenov refused the deportation and was arrested. Thanks to the efforts of S.A. Gerasimova was released and began working at the Lenfilm film studio.

The actor’s late roles and the popularity that came to the actor already in adulthood are the result of life’s difficulties that George and his family dealt with for most of his adult life.

On December 23, 2009, the Presnensky Court of Moscow will begin considering a criminal case against the famous actor Vladislav Galkin, accused of hooliganism and resisting police officers.

Sergei Parajanov (1924-1990) - Soviet director, among his works are the films “Flower on the Stone”, “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”, “The Color of Pomegranates”, “The Legend of the Suram Fortress”, “Ashik-Kerib”, etc.

On December 17, 1973, film director Sergei Parajanov was arrested on charges of sodomy with the use of violence (Article 122, parts 1, 2 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR). Shortly before this, in a conversation with a journalist from a Danish newspaper, he stated that two dozen members of the CPSU Central Committee sought his favor. Naturally, he said this as a joke, but the interview was replicated all over the world. When this became known in the Kremlin, the order was given to imprison Sergei Parajanov. Parajanov was sentenced to five years in prison. Thanks to an international protest campaign, Parajanov was released in December 1977.

Vladimir Dolinsky (1944) - Russian actor, among his film works are the films “An Ordinary Miracle” (1978), “That Same Munchausen” (1979), “Game for Millions” (1991), “Police Academy 7: Mission to Moscow” (1994), “Poor Sasha” (1997) “Silver Lily of the Valley” (2000) “Waiting for a Miracle” (2007) “Wolf Messing” (2009), etc.

In 1973, Vladimir Dolinsky was arrested and charged under Article 88, Part 2, of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR - currency fraud, which in the era of the USSR was considered a serious crime. He spent a year in the Lefortovo detention center and then received five years in prison. At the request of many famous actors, Dolinsky’s sentence was reduced to 4 years. In 1977, Vladimir Dolinsky was released.

Sergei Shevkunenko (1959-1995) - Soviet actor, known for the films “Dirk”, “The Bronze Bird”, “The Lost Expedition”.
In 1976, the Gagarinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the young artist under Article 206 Part 2 for “hooliganism with particular insolence and cruelty” to one year in prison.

In 1978, Shevkunenko was sentenced to four years in prison for stealing snacks from the Mosfilm buffet (Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR), but a year later he was released for good behavior. In 1979, Sergei Shevkunenko received a new sentence - four years in prison (under articles 89, 210 (involvement of minors in criminal activity) and 144 (burglary) of the RSFSR Criminal Code). Shevkunenko spent almost the entire next decade in prison, increasing his sentence with new crimes: in 1983, barely released, he was again convicted of theft (4 years), tried to escape, but was caught and added a new one to his previous term - 1.5 years . In 1988, Shevkunenko was released from prison as a group II disabled person (he was diagnosed with tuberculosis). In 1989, he received a year for weapons possession. In 1991, Shevkunenko was released, but after 49 days he was arrested again. For possession of stolen icons, he was sentenced to three years in prison. Shevkunenko served his fifth term in a special high-security Vladimir colony as a repeat offender.

In places of imprisonment, Sergei Shevkunenko acquired the nicknames “Chief” and “Actor” and gained significant authority in the criminal environment - he became a “statist”. This level in the criminal hierarchy precedes the title of thief in law.

Upon his release in 1994, Shevkunenko led a criminal gang. Shevkunenko’s people specialized in racketeering, hostage kidnapping, car theft, and drug trafficking.

In February 1995, Sergei Shevkunenko was killed.

Valentina Malyavina (1941) - Honored Artist of Russia (1993), among her film works are such films as “Ivan’s Childhood”, “The Deer King”, “Red Square”, “A Woman for All”, “Autumn Temptations”.

In 1978, Valentina Malyavina was accused of murdering her husband, actor Stas Zhdanko. According to investigators, on April 12, 1978, they had a quarrel after drinking alcohol. And, allegedly, Malyavina stabbed her husband, as a result of which he died. The actress claimed that Stas injured himself.

At first the case was closed. Five years later, in 1983, the case was lifted from the archives. The initiator of this was Nikolai Popkov, a friend of Stas. A trial was held again, in which Malyavina was found guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced to 9 years under Article 103 of the Criminal Code.

Valentina Malyavina spent four years in prison. In January 1987, she was amnestied and released.

Nikolai Godovikov (1950) - Soviet actor who starred in the films “Republic of SHKID”, “White Sun of the Desert”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”.

Nikolai Godovikov lived in petty theft since childhood and was registered with the police as difficult to educate.

In 1979, Godovikov was sentenced under Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “for parasitism” to one year in prison. Released in March 1980.
In subsequent years, Nikolai Godovikov was convicted twice for theft: in 1980 he was sentenced to four years, in 1991 - to 2.5 years in prison. Godovikov spent his third term in the Vladimir maximum security colony for repeat offenders.

In 2000, Nikolai Godovikov, after a long break, again starred in films - in the series “National Security Agent” (the “Bigfoot” series).

Georgy Yumatov (1926-1997) - Soviet actor, National artist RSFSR (1982), starred in such films as “Young Guard” (1948), “Admiral Ushakov” (1953), “Cruelty” (1959), “Officers” (1971), “Petrovka, 38” (1979), “Ogareva , 6" (1980) and "TASS is authorized to declare" (1984), etc.

On March 6, 1994, Georgy Yumatov shot a janitor who was helping the actor bury his beloved dog Frosya, who had died the day before, with a hunting rifle.

Yumatov, according to Article 103 of the Criminal Code, faced imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years. But after the lawyer was able to prove that his client’s actions were not premeditated murder, but went beyond the scope of necessary defense, two months after his arrest, Georgy Alexandrovich was released from Matrosskaya Tishina on his own recognizance. Then, as a front-line soldier, he was granted an amnesty on the 50th anniversary of the Victory, and at the end of 1995 the case was closed.

Igor Petrenko (1977) - Russian actor, known for the films “Star”, “Driver for Vera”, “Taras Bulba”, etc.

In 1992, Igor Petrenko was involved in a murder. His friend Sasha, who owed another friend 100 thousand rubles, suggested removing the creditor. The victim was shot, and the apartment was vandalized, simulating a robbery. The next day the criminals were arrested. Igor Petrenko spent about a year in the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center, and then was released pending trial. In 1997, the court sentenced Petrenko to 8 years in prison and considered it possible not to carry out the sentence, but to impose a suspended sentence with probationary period three years.

Marat Fattakhov is a former artist of the Taganka Theater.

In February 2007, the Moscow Regional Court sentenced 33-year-old Marat Fattakhov, accused of murder. As the investigation established, the actor brutally dealt with his wife, co-owner of the Parisian Life club, 36-year-old Liya Fattakhova. The investigation lasted almost 4 years. Marat Fattakhov was sentenced to 12 years in prison in a maximum security colony. In addition, he was ordered to pay 3 million rubles in compensation for moral damage to his wife’s daughter from her first marriage.

The verdict in the case was not passed for 4 years, since the defendant had a depressive syndrome, and all this time he was treated in a psychiatric hospital. But a repeated examination showed that Marat Fattakhov is healthy and can stand trial.

Pavel Nazarov is a Russian actor, performer of leading roles in the films “Independent Life”, “Freeze - Die - Resurrect”, which were awarded prestigious awards at the Cannes Film Festival in the early 1990s.

In March 2008, by decision of the Vologda Regional Court, 10 young people were convicted of organizing a criminal community, among whom was the famous St. Petersburg actor Pavel Nazarov.

As established during the investigation, at the beginning of 2006, the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the Vologda Region received information about another channel for the supply of hashish and ecstasy to Vologda. A Lithuanian citizen was detained on suspicion of organizing this drug supply channel in Vologda. During an inspection of his car, garage box and rented apartment, drug control officers discovered more than 13 kg of hashish and 500 ecstasy tablets. Several more people were later detained.

Actor Nazarov received four years in prison to serve his sentence in a maximum security colony.

Dmitry Gogolin is a Russian actor who starred in the TV series “Cops. Streets of Broken Lanterns" and " destructive force", as well as in the film "Text, or apology for a commentary."

In February 2008, Gogolin was detained by law enforcement officers at the Ladozhsky railway station in St. Petersburg. He aroused the suspicions of the police with his inappropriate behavior. At the duty station, during a personal search, about 1 kg of hashish was found in the actor’s backpack. The actor was taken into custody and kept in prison for two months. pre-trial detention center"Crosses".

In April 2008, the Krasnogvardeisky District Court of St. Petersburg sentenced Dmitry Gogolin to four years probation for possession and sale of narcotic drugs on an especially large scale. The lenience of the sentence is explained by the fact that the court took into account mitigating circumstances. The defendant was released right in the courtroom.

Marius Shtandel (1990) - Russian actor, starred in the films “Bastards”, “Indigo”, etc.

In the winter of 2008, Marius Standel was detained on a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Law enforcement agencies found 20 grams of the synthetic drug amphetamine in the possession of the 17-year-old film actor. A criminal case was opened against the actor for illegal acquisition, storage and transportation without the purpose of selling narcotic drugs on a particularly large scale. This is punishable by law with a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

In July 2008, Marius Standel was sentenced to three years of suspended imprisonment. The Moscow Meshchansky Court took into account that the accused had a positive character at his place of study at evening school, had no comments from teachers, took an active part in public life and worked in a film company as a young actor. Also in favor of Standel were his age and the fact that this was his first time being brought to criminal responsibility.

Philip Yalovega (1974) - actor of the Kostroma Drama Theater. A.N. Ostrovsky.

In November 2009, Philip Yalovega was found guilty of committing the murder of two persons in order to conceal another crime and attempted theft (clauses “a”, “k”, part 2 of article 105, part 3 of article 30, part. 1 Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The investigation established that in March 2008, the actor, while intoxicated, began to choke during a quarrel and then stabbed a resident of the city of Kostroma 6 times. After this, Yalovega, fearing that the victim’s neighbor would be able to identify him, stabbed her 14 times. Having stolen property of one of the victims worth more than 14 thousand rubles, the attacker fled the scene, but was detained not far from the crime scene.

The court sentenced Philip Yalovega to 16 years and 1 month of imprisonment to be served in a maximum security colony.

Although some Hollywood celebrities live like kings, sometimes even they are arrested, convicted and punished for indecent acts.

This is a list of actors who have committed crimes and spent anywhere from 30 days to SEVERAL YEARS in prison.

Have we all forgotten about the terrible long-term drug and alcohol abuse? Iron Man» Robert Downey Jr.?

Or extremely cruel story Mark Wahlberg (teenage thug from Boston)?

But which of the most famous actors was arrested and sentenced to real time in prison?

1. Robert Downey Jr. tops our list. In 1999-2000, he spent nearly a year in a California drug abuse facility and state prison after several parole violations.

2. When he was 16, Mark Wahlberg attacked a Vietnamese man with a stick, beating him unconscious while insulting his race. Wahlberg was sentenced to two years in prison for attempted murder and served 45 days in jail.

3. In 1987, Oscar winner Sean Penn had to spend 60 days in jail after attacking a photographer. Thanks to his ex-wife Madonna, who did not press charges of domestic violence, he served only part of his sentence (33 days).

4. In 1997, Christian Slater was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend and a police officer while intoxicated. After pleading guilty, he spent three months in jail and then three months in rehab.

5. Actress Lil Kim was sentenced to two years for perjury in court.

6. In 2007, Hollywood actor Kiefer Sutherland was sentenced to 48 days for drunk driving.

7. Ja Rule (Jeffrey Atkins) spent more than two years in prison for illegal gun possession.

8. In 2016, Dustin Diamond was sentenced to four months for socially dangerous behavior and carrying a bladed weapon.

9. In the 1960s, Danny Trejo spent several years in prison for assault, burglary and drug possession.

10. Actor and comedian Tim Allen was sentenced to five years for possession of a large quantity of drugs. Released early after two and a half years for assisting the police.

11. In 2013, Lauryn Hill spent three months in federal prison for tax evasion.

12. In 1994, rapper 50 Cent spent six months in a prison camp on drug charges.

13. Actor OJ Simpson spent 33 years in prison for assault and kidnapping.

14. In 2007, actor Tom Sizemore spent nine months in prison for possession of methamphetamine.

15. In 2009, the House of Lies actor spent more than six months in prison for weapons possession.

16. In 2014, Chris Brown spent several months in prison for brutally attacking his girlfriend Rihanna.

17. In 2003, Indian actress Monica Bedi spent two years in a Portuguese prison for using false documents. She was later convicted of a similar offense in her home country.

18. In the 1990s, Mike Tyson served three years in prison after being convicted of raping an 18-year-old girl. The undisputed champion and actor claims he was falsely accused.

19. In 2010, actor Shelley Malil was found guilty of murdering his girlfriend and sentenced to life imprisonment. He is currently incarcerated at Ironwood Prison in California.

20. When he was 17 years old, Charles S. Dutton was involved in a fight that resulted in a man's death. He was convicted of manslaughter and spent seven years in prison. He was later arrested for possession of a firearm and sentenced to three years behind bars.

21. From 2006 to 2007, Indian actor Sanjay Dutt spent seven months in prison for possession of a firearm. He is currently in jail for the 1993 armed attacks in Mumbai.

22. Lillo Brancato Jr. spent eight years in prison for burglary and second-degree murder. Released from prison in 2013.

23. Actor Jamie Waylett from the Harry Potter film series was sentenced to two years in prison in 2012 after taking part in the riots. During his arrest, he was found with a Molotov cocktail in his hands and in a state of drug intoxication.

24. In 1993, actor Keanu Reeves was convicted of drunk driving.

25. In 1986, Kurt Cobain was convicted of climbing onto the roof of an abandoned building in Aberdeen, Washington.