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» Birthday congratulations to a friend to the point of tears. How to congratulate your friend on her birthday in an original way? Happy Birthday greetings to your best friend: in poetry, prose, in your own words, SMS. Christian birthday wishes for brother

Birthday congratulations to a friend to the point of tears. How to congratulate your friend on her birthday in an original way? Happy Birthday greetings to your best friend: in poetry, prose, in your own words, SMS. Christian birthday wishes for brother

Happy birthday greetings to a friend that bring you to tears are something of a fantasy. In order to provoke a tear to roll down the birthday girl’s cheek, you need to present her with something special, something that will touch her to the depths of her soul and be remembered for a lifetime. This is exactly the effect that congratulatory poems can have, reflecting the boundless love and respect that you feel for the hero of the occasion.

But simply rhyming words is not enough - the rhymes need to be meaningful and beautiful. They can mention how dear the person is to you, your wishes, etc. At the same time, it is important to follow all the rules for composing rhymes, since otherwise the verse may sound ridiculous.

And if you are passionate about the idea of ​​presenting touching birthday greetings to your friend, but the words you wrote on paper stubbornly refuse to form rhymes, then you can use one of the congratulatory poems offered to you below. These are not stolen or copied works. This is an original work that we want to give to everyone who needs it. Take advantage of this opportunity and give bright and touching memories that will remain with her for the rest of her life.

Always fresh, like a spring day,
And hot like the summer heat.
And that's why it's your birthday
Always marked with warmth.

You are an optimist by nature.
Anyone can cope with adversity.
You got more than enough of everything
But you are not broken by fate.

Your soul is always open
It's easy and fun with you.
You have such power hidden within you,
What anyone would envy.

To you, friend, with admiration
I want to say a lot.
On the bright day of your birth
Let me make this wish:

May happiness be daily
Let love be like nectar
Let the soul remain unchanged
And the heart will be a rare gift.

I appreciate and respect you,
My words are not flattery at all.
Praise be to the Creator who is nearby
You, my friend, are with me.

My sister, my friend
How much you and I have gone through.
Always held on to each other
And that’s why we found our world.
But here it is again a holiday, a birthday
And you are beautiful as always
So let it be your time to bloom
It will be as eternal as a wave here.
So that your eyes glow with joy,
And my heart sang like a nightingale
So that the pulse beats faster with happiness
And the world moved on every day.

There is no one like you, friend,
Beautiful, sweet, kind, mischievous.
Let the sun shine for you alone
And let it give warmth to you alone.

May your wishes come true today,
And there will be less fuss in life,
And there will be more affectionate confessions,
And let there be more warmth.

On this day, my friend,
You were born.
It will be a great party
There will be a cake and a bouquet.
Let your whole life be like this,
How is your day today?
Let there be laughter and joy.
Let everything be without problems.

A friend is close, dear.
Friend island, peace grace.
After all, in our friendship there are only two,
And there is no point in looking for a third one.

Girlfriend, I wish you like myself:
A huge and cloudless dream -
Run after her, fly after her quickly! –
And grab the bright tails

Good luck and success in all matters,
Good health and joy for the soul,
Only sincere, sweet laughter,
After all, the holiday is always where you are!

I wish you to always be happy,
Shine with your smile.
To be smart, kind and beautiful,
Don't be discouraged, surprise everyone.

Let adversity pass you by,
And let your dreams come true
I wish you a happy birthday.
My friend is you!

It's your birthday today
Today you are especially sweet
And we hasten to voice our congratulations,
Which you may not have expected!
We want to wish you success sea,
Smiles, stars and silence of nights,
May trouble and sorrow pass you by,
The sadness and darkness of days gone by!

I wish you to dream continuously,
And look only upward!
And the cherished, desired goal,
You strive to achieve in life!

I'm inspiring you now
Girlfriend, be happy!
Happy birthday!
Success, love, warmth!

Thank you for adding to:

Girlfriend, on your birthday
I'm truly moved to tears...
I am so sincerely proud of you:
You are pleasant in appearance and in character!

And how many qualities are expensive?
It’s hidden in you - you can’t describe it!
I wish you all the riches of the earth,
Rise socially higher!

To succeed completely in everything,
Plunging envious people into a toad!
To want to sing out loud,
What so much happiness surrounds!

Happy birthday to my friend to tears

Friend, I confess seriously,
That I love you to tears!
You are important and dear to me,
Let your life be of duty!

So that you don't know for two hundred years
Need, despondency or troubles...
And it smelled of happiness and spring,
Share your joy with me!

Birthday is your holiday
For all those who love you!
We wish you happiness
Let it be immeasurable!

Girlfriend, know that this holiday
So dear to me, like your own!
I wish you a lot of happiness -
Please don't miss it...

Let it cover you
How fresh the sea wave is!
And God will triple the good in life,
He will give you everything in full:

Good luck, new purchases,
Women's health, love.
So that in winter in a new fur coat
My blood was boiling with joy!

Birthday words to a friend that bring her to tears

You and I are sincerely friendly,
They are more than friends to each other.
These feelings are important to me...
As well as our common merits...

I wish you warm winters,
In a fur coat made of fox or mink!
And spring love in the soul,
Well, at home - summer comfort!

On your birthday, like any other day,
No matter how the blizzard rages,
Be yourself
After all, there is no better person, friend!

I can't find a closer person
What are you doing, my dear friend!
Don’t know grief on your way,
May the angels protect you!

On your birthday I want to wish you
May the years bring only happiness.
If it gets difficult, shout and I’ll fly,
And we will overcome all adversity!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend to the point of tears

Your birthday is the best day.
And fate has tied us tightly together.
May the shadow never darken
Your face, beloved friend!

So much has happened to us
But no matter what changes in life,
You are dearer to me than a sister!
Let the wild winds blow,

You and I have each other,
My beloved friend.
And on your birthday, as always,
Let's divide the years into two.

Happy birthday, friend,
And I wish, loving with all my soul,
So that she does not know grief and illness,
And may fate bless you!

Best friend, for me you are like my own person! We have a lot in common, the main thing is that we understand and support each other! And today I want you to laugh and rejoice from the bottom of your heart! Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart and I do my best to have fun! First of all, I decorate your holiday with your favorite flowers and give you a souvenir! Let no forces be destined to separate us! Be happy and remain the brightest person throughout your long life! Let troubles and illnesses pass you by! I wish you not to be sad and have fun, relax and travel more often! And take me with you!

Happy birthday, I want to congratulate you, my dear friend, and express my warmest feelings. How grateful I am to fate, which gave us such a bright relationship, our sincere friendship. We understand each other perfectly, in jokes, in joys, and in sorrows. But not a word about the latter, they are not worth our attention on this delightful Holiday! Please accept my deepest wishes. Always be so cool and beautiful! You have so much charisma that it’s enough for all your friends. Always remain so simple and responsive. The interweaving of greatness and humanity gives you a special charm. Live long in health, happiness, luck! Everywhere: at home or at work - always be on top! May love always live in your heart, and may the people around you love you! But most importantly, the only person who is very dear to you, who lives in your heart and body! Don't part with your loved ones. And rely on me all your life!

I wish you good health and a charge of energy to accomplish everything you plan. Let it be in yours
Birthday will make all the dreams that we always keep secret come true.

Happy Birthday, my best friend! You are a bright and bright person! Let them present you today with a million scarlet roses and the same number of roses of all colors of the rainbow! And let them stand like cucumbers until your next birthday. Always bloom and smell, give beauty and tenderness to your loved one. May he be crazy about you forever! But in the sense that he will do great things for you and give generous gifts. Remain as strong in spirit and kind in heart. But don't forget about the thorns. Rose without them is like a Bugatti Veyron without an alarm system. On the topic, I wish you millions of green and the most sophisticated cars, as much as your heart desires! Let your dreams come true! Don't think about the years, they won't touch you. Laugh, may the days of your life be long! And let them be filled only with joyful and positive moments!

Happy birthday to my beloved friend prose
On this bright day, I wish you, my friend, all the highest rewards in life. Remain as purposeful and resourceful as you are.

It is very difficult to find a person whom you can completely trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything, and without whom you can no longer imagine your life. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person, you, my beloved and best friend! Happy Birthday to you, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there for you!

Happy Birthday to you, my beloved, best friend! I want to wish you good health, endless happiness, and great, mutual love. Always remain the same radiant, sincere and cheerful person. May all your cherished dreams come true on this wonderful day dreams. I am very proud that I have such a wonderful person in my life. Know that I am always ready to lend my shoulder in any situation. I want to thank you so much for your strong, true friendship! Together we are strong!

My dear, ________________ ! I wish you to be the happiest on your birthday! Everything you would like to receive, get it! Everything you would like to achieve, achieve it! Let everyone you love love you too! Happiness and goodness to you, my best friend in the world! - with love, _____ .

The best in the world, dear friend! I'm away on your birthday! And every now and then I remember you, and I can’t change anything! Life arranged everything the way it wanted, we scattered to different places. I just skillfully press the computer keys, and so I hope: you’re reading there! I wish you happiness, be protected by God, peace, love and good luck in everything! And may one day the roads intertwine and you knock quietly on my house!

My dear friend, you are inimitable and the best! Happy Birthday! And I wish you the best: Home comfort and warmth, luxury and prosperity, peace and happiness! Let illnesses, problems and misfortunes pass you by! May there always be peace in your soul, and love in your heart! May all your wishes come true, my beloved friend!

My good friend, happy birthday! You are wise, and you don’t like it when people fool you. Therefore, instead of boring wishes for a sea of ​​pink snot, I will tell you - always remain as you are! Salty tears are asking for - cry and pickle cucumbers, laughter is overwhelming - lie on the best beach in the world! Sincerity has bound us together, and our friendship has no end. I wish you many more faithful and good friends and colleagues. Career growth to you - the peaks of Everest! In addition, may you have an eternal lemur, but your loved one will not be a lemur, a cat and a primate = 2 in 1. May the hero of our time with the fortune of a billionaire love you, I wish you this 2 in 1 with all my heart! May you be lucky and may your happiness never fail! Live to a ripe old age, without knowing either doctors or fatigue!

Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! The years fly by quickly, but don’t count them, but your successes, and on your today’s Holiday, heartfelt wishes. Although you and I are a watershed, I will not pour water into the millstones of the mill of life, but I wish you grains of love, happiness and prosperity!!! Love and be loved, relax in Bali and Miami, live in grand style, not counting the greenery and flowers! Happiness means everything: health - hard, good luck everywhere, crying only when happy and laughing brightly, in general, enjoying life! What I sincerely wish for you, I hug you tightly and kiss your smooth cheeks. Always remain young in both soul and body! Do what you love and go boldly forward towards your dreams!

My beloved friend! We have been inseparable from each other since childhood. Neither years nor sorrow separate us. On the contrary, they unite us even more tightly. But don't let them ever bother you! The years have no power over you. Your soul is so young that it does not allow wrinkles to appear. And those that are around the eyes are from laughter and joy, they only decorate you! Let your eyes always shine with happiness, and not with bitter tears! Childhood friend, Happy Birthday! Remain as delightful throughout your long life without troubles or illnesses! Be always blooming and warm, like spring in the young month of April! May your loved ones, family and friends make you incredibly happy!!! Live in complete abundance, all the best to you - imaginable and inconceivable!! Relax where you want! Dream and everything will come true!

My best friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Always say always! May there always be sunshine, peace, friendship, chewing gum and... tights to boot! Laugh as radiantly as the sun! Peace throughout the world, in the country, at home and at work! Be friends with me and you will have many great friends! May fate protect you from a chair with chewing gum and from creases on your tights! Let only Cupid's arrows hit the target and give reciprocity and passion for a lifetime! Never say never. May there never be old age, illness, depression, stress! Let there never be meanness and betrayal, betrayal and deception from loved ones! Never cry from disappointment and suffering. Cry with happiness and wonderful news! Never think about bad things. Make all your wishes come true, at least today by blowing out the candles on the cake. Sweet life to you, highlights of pleasures and nuts of interesting hobbies!

Let everything that is good in you multiply a hundredfold, and let everything that upset you go into the past and not return again. A sea of ​​beautiful flowers and smiles for you, my dear. Strong friendship, family support, success in your endeavors and an ocean of immense love.

My beautiful and smart girl, my beloved friend, celebrates her birthday today!
I wish you beauty in everything, freedom and love. May all the opportunities in the world be at your feet, and may your abilities know no barriers. Don’t forget to dream and your dreams will come true, try to win and you will become a winner!
Health and patience, attention and luck to you, my dear!

Happy birthday to my friend on this joyful and bright day. Let the sun shine in your soul and let your hearts tremble joyfully. Let love warm you on cold days, and let respect and admiration reign at work. May your health always be as strong as a nut, and your smile as warm as a ray of sunshine. Live without knowing significant problems and bitter troubles.

You have become my best friend for a long time! I can’t imagine my life’s path without you! It’s so great that I have you and give me so much joy! Happy Birthday to you from the bottom of my heart, my beloved friend! I would like to wish that all your days bring you only pleasure and happy moments! So that your life becomes a continuous big holiday! You deserve a long and good life! Leave all troubles and illnesses to the past! Don't go back to him! New pleasant surprises of fate and travel await you! Take me with you and everything will be Okay! I kiss you warmly, dear!

May your intoxicating gaze become more and more beautiful every year, like good wine, may your bright smile always illuminate the path for those around you. Live so that every day there is a reason to smile, so that every moment your heart trembles joyfully with happiness and so that there is never bitterness in your soul.

Happy birthday. Dear, my beloved friend!
You are a real ray of sunshine for everyone around you. And I get your warmth as a best friend a little more than others. Thank you for this!
On your birthday, I sincerely wish you cheerfulness, light in your heart and simple feminine happiness!

Happy birthday to the most wonderful friend!
You are the kindest and most caring. Thank you for the fact that I can always rely on you and trust you. My dear, I am grateful to fate for giving us each other and connecting our lives with strong threads of friendship. Thank you for your loyalty and devotion. My good friend. Your next birthday has arrived.

Happy birthday! Beloved friend, today is your brightest and kindest holiday - your birthday! Look around - the world is beautiful and amazing, the doors of life and the secrets of existence are just beginning to open before you! Go ahead, become the master of your destiny!
Always be so beautiful and stunning! Only with such beautiful eyes can you see this wonderful world!

Today is a wonderful holiday for my best friend - her birthday. I congratulate you with all my heart and wish you all the best in life. I wish you good health, joy and great personal happiness.

May all troubles and sorrows disappear forever. May hope, faith and love never leave you. Stay, my friend, as young and beautiful. May every day be a holiday for you, may your dreams always come true. May the Lord protect you from all troubles. Girlfriend, you are the best and dearest to you. I am so lucky in my life that we have been friends with you since childhood. Let me congratulate you on your birthday today from the bottom of my heart.

May luck accompany you throughout life. All the best to you, joy and prosperity. Dear friend, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you great success in all your endeavors.

I wish you spiritual highs, inexhaustible vital energy, family well-being. May your life flow like a full river, may you always be lucky in everything. Good health to you, best friend, self-confidence and good luck in everything. Live and enjoy life for many, many years. May you be surrounded by reliable, loyal friends.

Be as wise, kind and beautiful. Let the melody of spring always ring in your soul. Dear friend, please accept my best wishes on your birthday. I wish you good health and happiness, may troubles and anxieties pass you by.

Happy birthday, my beautiful friend! Be every day the same as today, the most beautiful, cheerful and happy, surrounded by the attention and love of loved ones and dear people, showered with flowers and gifts! May your sorrows and worries be forgotten forever! Let illness, disappointment and stress pass you by! Let your home - palace be a full cup! Live easily and richly! Drive to world resorts in cool cars and with the only man you love who will give you all this! May your Guardian Angel protect you and your family on all the roads and milestones of life! Great success!!!

Every time you celebrate your birthday, my irreplaceable friend, I think about how great it is that our life paths have crossed and intertwined! It's bad and sad without you. You, me and all our friends are a great force, like ears of wheat, each individual ear can be broken, but not all together. Always remain as charming and cheerful, kind and sympathetic, open and generous! May the love you give us come back to you a hundredfold. May all the days of your long life be like a scattering of precious stones - bright, shiny and valuable!!! Let illnesses and stress be afraid to even touch you and always bypass you on the 10th road! Happy birsday, my dear! Have a great experience!

This birthday of yours, friend, is different from all previous ones! Now you can boast of great success. You have proven that you are strong, and you can handle all heights! Keep it up and rise even higher for the stars! However, don’t grab the stars from the sky, let them fall into your palms themselves, and you have time to make wishes. Also, your strength lies in women’s weaknesses! Let there be a prince who can fully satisfy them all! Let him ride on a white horse named Maybach and take you to the magical land of your eternal love! Inspiration and new impressions for you! Happy Birthday, dear friend! Always be so incomparably beautiful both externally and internally!!!

My friend, the most sincere and humorous, happy birthday to you! Let's do without jokes, I give you roses without thorns and a gift without sharp corners! And I’m waiting for a cake from you, the most amazing, tasty and fresh, to wish you to always remain the same, and also tender, like these white roses! Let everyone adore you, and live enjoying life! Be positive every day, even despite bad weather. Clear the clouds with your hands, but don’t let your friends or colleagues fool you! Much strength and patience, good luck and only bright impressions and pleasant experiences to you! Be healthy and rich all your life! And, most importantly, be happy, and don’t rush to grow old for 100 years, and then we’ll see what else you can wish for on that centennial anniversary!

Birthday wishes for a friend are an important part of a relationship between two people. There are many pleasant and beautiful congratulations that can be given: in prose, poetry, short, touching and in the form of SMS. Whatever congratulation you choose, the main thing is not to forget about your loved one’s holiday.

Having a good friend is a great blessing. This person will always share your feelings, worries, doubts and even failures. Congratulating a friend on her birthday is an important and necessary thing. In this way you can express your gratitude, show your love and devotion, give her a nice little thing and further strengthen your relationship.

Poems that are prepared especially for her and contain a special meaning will help you to congratulate your friend on her birthday in a very sensual and emotional way. You can congratulate your friend with poems in any of the following ways: write them on a postcard, say them in the form of a toast, or send them via SMS, the main thing is not to forget to show your attention.

How to congratulate a friend?

Congratulations-poems for a friend:

I’ll tell you from my heart, listen, dear...
In my words there is love and a bit of melancholy.
There are no friends like you, believe me.

We have experienced a lot and been through a lot!
I no longer know how to survive in this world without you.
I want to share my roads and paths with you.
It’s so good that you and I found each other in life,

I want you to drown in a sea of ​​passion and love!
I want us to be together every day and in a circle,
Luck and real dreams followed us.
Happy holiday to you, beloved friend!

Let my wishes become real.
Thank you for being there. when I'm really having a hard time,
I give you my love and admiration!

I know that you won’t find anyone like you!
And there is no one like you in the world.
I love the way you speak, you are silent, you just breathe,

Can I wait for you forever and listen to you forever
And even in calm silence, just sit!
I want you to feel light and hot from love,
And there was no reason or reason to suffer!
So that every day I could have surprises and gifts
Receive from loved ones every day!

May all your loved ones be with you forever,
And the day does not give disappointment and doubt.
May everything always end in success,
Everything will be in colors, since it's a birthday!

Oh, if you only knew how dear you are to me,
Listen, today I wish
So that your husband heals you all around,
The boss, so as not to burden you with work in future,

So that things go well and money flows,
May your ears and fingers become golden with gifts today.
I want life to spare you and love you,
May every day give only positivity and peace!

Congratulations on the birth of a friend are cool and funny

A friend is exactly the person with whom you can always joke. She will never be offended and will always gladly accept any congratulation, even one that contains a bit of humor. It is this quality that brings people together and makes them family to each other.

How to congratulate a close friend?

Congratulations on the jokes:

My beloved friend, dear friend!
Always flawless and fresh.
You're like a superstar - golden
Never go out forever!

I wish you a lot of love
That I was always lucky and “fortunate”.
May the road lead you to happiness
Don't let the years spoil you!

Always be an awesome friend
For me, for others, for friends.
Everything around will be “super” and “cool”
And life is more fun for you!

Yes, friend, you have become older today,
You have grown older and matured by a whole year.
Don't be afraid, you won't soon become scary,
Fat and big like a hippopotamus.

Don't laugh loudly, so that wrinkles
They didn’t hide your clear, kind eyes.
There are men around you anyway
They jump around like it’s the first time.

Be cheerful no matter your age
Be sweet, young at heart.
Don't rush to live, because the speed of life
He can get back at you!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend, humorous and funny

Even the funniest congratulations with beautiful but sarcastic words will be perceived by a good friend positively and with a kind heart.

How to congratulate a friend with humor on her birthday?

Congratulations with humor:

You're not just my girlfriend
You are beautiful, sweet as a darling.
Be confident and powerful
For men, your gaze should be dangerous.

Let there be more limousines in life,
Everyone is jealous of your aspen waist.
To be young at ninety
More thrilling adventures!

What can I wish for you, friend?
Probably a mink coat.

And even two, but so that at once,
Beautiful necklace with diamonds...
To go to parties in it
Become the brown envy of blondes,

So that you take your dream by the tail
And she didn’t lose her beauty!
I want you, my friend,
She didn’t become a decrepit old woman.

So that youth is preserved forever,
You are my favorite person!

Original congratulations on your friend’s birthday, funny wishes

Happy Birthday doesn't have to be like what's written in greeting cards. As a rule, such congratulations are monotonous and boring. If you add a touch of humor even to simple poems, the birthday person’s mood will significantly rise, and the holiday itself will become more fun.

How to congratulate your friend with a funny congratulation?

Funny congratulations:

You are my “fighting” friend,
On your birthday I wish you
Be a beautiful model from a picture,
To be loved by your soulmate,

There are stacks of men at your feet,
Grab happiness with your hands
A whole bag of pure greens,
House on the beach, diamonds scoop!

I want you, friend,
My wife was able to find her.
So that he is handsome and sweet
And I bought you a ring.

So that happiness bursts into your home,
So that all misfortunes disappear,
So that along the family path
You had someone to go with!

I definitely want a Ferrari,
It stood right under your big window.
So that everyone around you goes nuts,
They considered your life a wonderful sweet dream.

I want your dreams and dreams to come true
There were more cool suitors,
I want you not to doubt your friends
And I never knew anything bad.

Comic happy birthday greetings to a friend

Only a best friend can sincerely congratulate you with a dose of humor, irony and love. Such a congratulation will set the tone for the entire holiday and give a sea of ​​pleasant emotions for the whole day.

How to congratulate a friend in a comic form?

Comic and ironic congratulations:

Me and you - we are together like a family,
We have lived and gone through so much with you alone.
You are my good sister,
Not by blood, but by spirit and definitely.

I wish you from my heart
To be loved and desired more than anyone in the world.
There will be joy in life - I know that for sure,
There will be a handsome husband and handsome children...

Let time not spoil your figure,
Don't let cakes turn into calories.
I pour out my love for you,
And I want all your dreams to come true!

Your birthday has arrived,
We drink and have fun with friends.
There is food and treats on the table,
You need to keep your pants from bursting!

You are a wonderful and faithful friend,
Drink and eat to your heart's content.
We are already family to each other
And we are very friendly with you.

Let good luck happen every day,
And the shadow of sorrows and troubles bypasses.
Being happy is a difficult task
But you deserve to be happy more than anyone else!

Congratulations on the birth of a friend, beautiful, original poems

By congratulating a dear person with beautiful poems, you always give him tenderness, respect and love. This is one of the best ways to stand out from all your other friends and show how much your friend means to you. The most beautiful and tender poems with a touch of originality will come to the rescue.

best congratulations for a good friend

Poems with beautiful congratulations:

To my beloved devoted friend,
I would like to wish this
So that never worries and illnesses,
And troubles could not catch up with her.

Infinitely so that you would be loved,
So that the prince is good, so that the castle is huge
May you live carefree and beautifully
And your life seemed noble!

Your day has come, friend,
Today you are full of fabulous worries and worries.
Friends sit in a circle at the table,
Everyone is waiting for their turn.

I want the distant road
Anxiety and sadness surrounded you.

You are the only one with us and you cost a lot,
And your sorrows are also sorrows for us.

I want you to believe in miracles
We are your support, we are friends.
For example, I will always be with you,
You are my beloved family!

You know what I'll tell you, friend,
Today is your holiday, today is your birthday!
Let it always go in circles with you from now on
There is great luck in everything!

There are more sincere smiles
And there will be a lot of happiness along the way,
So that everything happens without mistakes,
May you drown in love!

Short birthday greetings to a friend in verse

Short congratulations for a friend on her birthday can become an integral part of the holiday. Such congratulations can easily be sent in the form of SMS, or simply written on a postcard. They are easy to understand and always bring a smile. By sending SMS congratulations to your friend, you show yourself as a respectful and close friend.

congratulatory SMS

Short congratulations:

Congratulations my dear
Be happy every day.
May love accompany you
And luck follows you like a shadow.

I wish you to be loved
On your birthday and always,
To be desirable and irresistible,
Let the years not make you old.

Let everything come true today
Your wishes and dreams.
Let everyone around you admire
From radiant beauty!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I say all my wishes,
May life treat you lovingly
And there are no doubts about her!

With your hot kiss,
I wish you a bright life!
Let your hopes be clear
Let the clothes be fashionable!

Congratulations my friend
Happy this bright holiday of yours.
I wish to find you a friend
May you always have plenty of intimacy!

I wanted to give you diamonds
But they are unlikely to compare with you.
Here is my gift, prepare the vase -
Flowers with champagne to get drunk!

Congratulations dear
You smell like a flower.
Live sadness and troubles without knowing
Well, don't forget me!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend from the bottom of my heart

Only a true best friend is able to convey all her feelings, all her love and devotion in birthday poems. Beautiful, sincere words will melt any ice of grievances, brighten the holiday and simply bring two people closer together.

How to sincerely congratulate a friend?

Heartfelt congratulations:

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I’ll tell you without shedding tears,
That I seriously adore you,
You are my support and joy.

Let it not become a stranger over the years
Our friendship, you are like a sister to me.
What grows strong between us
Consists of love and kindness.

I want you to be happy
And lived in her house in love,
So that your appearance is still as beautiful
Lived for a hundred years of yours.

Let all your dreams come true,
To the joy of loved ones, to the envy of enemies.
Let the beloved put all the roses
To your long beautiful legs.

We've probably known friendship forever,
We passed the joyful and the sad hand in hand.
And you became like family to me,
You have become a piece of my soul.

You and I have become one force
I want all your dreams to come true every hour.
In any battle you seemed invincible
And every day was pursued by happiness!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend to the point of tears, touching poems

Touching congratulations can make anyone, including your best friend, feel emotional. As a rule, touching congratulations that bring tears to tears are the best; they always remain in the memory and are treasured with trepidation for many years.

how to congratulate to the point of tears?

Congratulations to tears:

How can you not meet people in this world,
and it’s great that you are my friend.
I'll tell you from my heart frankly,
I cherish you, my love!

You are a loyal, kind person and that's the truth.,
I always come to you for competent advice and help,
I'm sure you'll give me everything I need
And you won’t let me drown in trouble in an instant!

It's great that we're celebrating a birthday.
Yours and we congratulate you!
My gratitude is your reward,
Reward for love and good deeds!

I wish that everything that exists will always be successful,
Things go to the joy of friends, to the evil of all enemies.

Let life not rush and be too hasty,
May everything around you bring goodness!

Not just a friend, my best friend,
How joyfully I congratulate you,
I love you with my soul and respect you!
And with my kind heart I wish you all the best!

May there be goodness in the house, may there be harmony in your family,
I want all your dreams to always come true.
I would give the whole world to you,
And I would give stars, if they fell from heaven...

I want you to smile, friend,
So that you are always happy,
So that you never suffer from illnesses
And so that the years don’t age you!

SMS happy birthday greetings to a friend, short and beautiful congratulations

There are situations when it is simply impossible to attend a birthday party. In such cases, it is worth sending a beautiful congratulatory SMS to your best friend to show your attention, respect and love.

SMS for a close friend on a holiday

SMS with congratulations:

You are a good friend to me,
On this holiday I would like to wish,
Be insured against all worldly ailments
And you won’t know loneliness with longing!

You are a bright and stylish beauty,
I give you a bag of love, warmth and affection,
So that your life floats like a boat
Along the river of happiness, as if in a sweet fairy tale!

On this birthday holiday, I
I want to wish you good luck.
So that you dance from your heart,
Gifts would be nice!

(Name), Happy birthday!
I wish you
The most joyful events
Both in life and in fate!!!

How to congratulate your friend on her birthday in prose, in your own words?

In order to congratulate your beloved friend, it is not necessary to look for suitable verses. You can congratulate her with your own beautiful words. Prose, as a rule, is always perceived as more sensual and soulful because without rhymes and consonances you can express all your feelings.

prosaic congratulations

Prosaic congratulations:

  • My dear friend, you are my kind, beloved and reliable man, you alarm protection, my support and my sincere joy. How joyful it is to realize that I have such a dear friend who can come and help at any moment, listen and advise, listen without envy or ridicule to all my life experiences and problems. Today not just a wonderful occasion you congratulate you and say warm words to you, but also thank you for being exactly who you are! Live with love, prosperity and understanding in your family. May God send the strongest guardian angel who will hug you tightly with his wings every day! I adore you !
  • Beloved (friend's name)! Today I rejoice at your holiday, more than yours. Know that this holiday is a joy for us. The world gave beautiful things to all your loved ones a man pure in heart and soul. Thank you for every good deed you do, for your endless understanding and support. I would like to say that there are people like you can't be found in the world anymore, they simply don't exist! Happy Birthday!
  • Dear friend, I want to congratulate you. You are wonderful person and therefore, everyone who is present at this holiday today loves you, and most importantly, appreciates and values ​​your good attitude. Thank you for everything you do for us every day, thank you for not forgetting and always lending a helping hand!

Several years ago, on this significant day, a sweet girl was born who became a ray of sunshine for her family and friends. Beloved friend, you are more than a sister. I sincerely wish you female happiness, so that life tirelessly gives you wonderful days and cheerful moments.

My beloved friend,
Thank you for being there.
So crazy and brave.
I can’t even count all the advantages.
I love your opinion and advice,
And the way you believe in a dream.
On your birthday verses
I will read it with love in my heart.
I want you to find happiness
I walked through life slowly.
Believe me, there will be no bad weather,
We will achieve everything by joking and laughing.

My girlfriend is my reflection, what to wish on your birthday. I so want you to be loved, and to have a reliable person with you, and of course, for you to appreciate him. I met, fell in love and forever! You know, nowadays it’s hard to believe a fairy tale, but don’t stop dreaming. After all, even after a gloomy and rainy day, the sun will come out again.

Birthday has come again and you are sad that you have grown up. Girlfriend, I love you as you are, and age is numbers on paper. Over the years you become wiser, sweeter and your beauty blooms like a rose. Let's hug quickly, because crazy life is just beginning!

Happy Birthday, girlfriend, my beloved dear person. May your life be filled with adventures, kisses, delicious ice cream, sweet dreams, warm hugs, swings, balloons, sea breeze and the feeling of flight.

Other congratulations

  • Happy birthday greetings to uncle in your own words

    Uncle, I look at you and admire you. You know how to always be positive and active. You know how to enjoy life. You love to joke. You never lose heart. I wish you to always remain in a great mood. I wish you to have everything you need.

  • Happy birthday greetings to a guy in your own words

    My beloved and unique person, happy birthday to you! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you health, good earnings, as well as new ideas for creativity

  • Beautiful congratulations to your husband on his birthday words

    This day is all for you. May you have many congratulations in the morning. Let the phone ring all day long and people come to congratulate you. I wish you a lot of strength, energy, enthusiasm. You are my beloved husband, with whom I enjoy living. I adore you!

  • Happy birthday greetings to your beloved nephew

    I know who is the most wonderful in the world, Whom I can compare with a cheerful song, Whom I love and in whom I believe, And for whom the doors to my house are open,

  • Short SMS congratulations to a girl on her birthday

    The most important thing in life is health and family, children's laughter and household chores, a beloved and caring husband, loyal friends and a good job. May you have all this and bring you joy and happiness.