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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Practical recommendations: how to make the school newspaper interesting. How to make a table for a schoolchild: ideas, drawings with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photos and videos School table for two children

Practical recommendations: how to make the school newspaper interesting. How to make a table for a schoolchild: ideas, drawings with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photos and videos School table for two children

Schoolchildren are a separate category of persons who have the right to receive various benefits. This applies to children studying in a general education institution that has state accreditation. A student's student card allows him to enjoy preferential travel conditions.

A document for moving around the city must be presented at each entrance to transport. It must contain the student’s details and also include his photograph. After the expiration date, an extension is required, otherwise the document will be considered invalid.

To enjoy benefits, parents need to submit documents for their registration on time. This will save a lot of money in the family budget. Moreover, it is not difficult to do.

Types of federal benefits

It is the responsibility of all regions to implement federal laws that provide schoolchildren with a list of various benefits. presented as:

  • providing travel discounts;
  • issuing benefits;
  • free meals for children from ;
  • discounted visits to cultural institutions;
  • free medical care;
  • obtaining vouchers;
  • issuing school uniforms and stationery.

To use benefits, you must provide documentation that confirms the student’s right to assistance. The main thing is a certificate of completion of training at school.

Features of regional benefits

Many regions have rules for the provision of social assistance. Almost everywhere there is free or reduced travel, and not only schoolchildren, but also students can use it. To obtain assistance, documentary evidence is required.

In almost all regions, a student card is issued, which provides the right to preferential travel on transport. The student only needs to take the document with him at all times.

Who gets discounted travel?

In 2017, the following citizens can ride the train for free:

  • disabled children;
  • veterans, disabled people;
  • citizens who were prisoners of concentration camps.

In most regions, public transport compensation applies:

  • for pensioners;
  • for schoolchildren;
  • for students of secondary and higher institutions.

Each category of citizens needs to confirm their status, which is done with the help of documents. Students need to present certificates from school, and students of universities and colleges need to have a student ID with them.

Travel by railway transport

During the year, until June 15, discounted travel is available for persons over 10 years of age. To obtain a student's student card, several conditions must be met:

  • It is important for students aged 10-14 to submit a certificate from an educational institution;
  • Schoolchildren over 14 years of age must additionally submit a document that confirms their right to receive this benefit.

If these conditions are met, a student card is issued. During the academic year, except for summer holidays, the state provides a discount of 50% of the total cost of the ticket. In the summer, schoolchildren who are 10 years old or older are not provided with such assistance. This is due to the fact that there were many deceptions of Russian Railways employees. Graduates who are no longer students call themselves high school students to take advantage of discounted travel.

Rules for receiving discounts

Student passes include a discount on travel. But with the onset of 10 years, slightly different rules for receiving benefits apply:

  • The railway employee must provide a certificate confirming his studies at school;
  • take with you a document confirming the student’s identity and age;
  • When turning 14 years old, you must have a statement confirming your right to benefits.

What does the certificate say?

The certificate received at school has a generally accepted format. There should be information about the student and educational institution. The required information is:

  • Student's full name.
  • Legal address of the institution.
  • Details of the establishment.
  • Director's signature.
  • Seal.

Only when the document is completed correctly will it be used to receive a travel discount.

Ticket rules

To use a single student ID, you need to follow a few simple steps to register it:

  • you need to purchase a student ID form;
  • a black and white photograph of a schoolchild is pasted on the left, which should correspond to his age;
  • then the document is given to the office of the educational institution;
  • the secretary fills out the ticket, as well as affixes a seal and signature;
  • A student train ticket is issued within 24 hours.

The document is valid for 1 year, after which an extension is required, which is again done at the school office.

How to replace a school travel card?

A student card can be replaced with a travel card, which is provided for 1 type of transport, for example a bus. Then it will be impossible to travel by metro, tram, or trolleybus. In other cases, replacing the document will not be beneficial.

To purchase a bus ticket you will need:

  • school certificate;
  • copies of the student’s identity document;
  • money;
  • If the ticket is purchased by a parent, then his passport will be required.

School students aged 5-7 use a children's ticket. The price of a discounted metro ticket per month is 350 rubles, and for ground transport - 230 rubles. The pass serves as a discount for commuter transport during the academic year.

Registration of a social card

A social card is issued at each MFC, regardless of the territory of registration. To complete registration, you need a passport or birth certificate, a certificate from an educational institution. It is advisable to take a 3 x 4 cm photograph taken in the next six months. Children over 14 years of age have the right to submit documents independently. Parents must present a passport.

The card is issued after a month. During this period, you can obtain a temporary student card that allows you to travel by land. To do this, at the Mosgortrans ticket office you need to show a certificate from the MFC, a certificate from an educational institution.

Other types of benefits for schoolchildren

In addition to travel, schoolchildren are provided with other benefits. Primary school students eat free meals every day. For example, special categories of the population are offered additional assistance.

There are discounts for visiting museums for schoolchildren. From January 1, 2015, children under 18 years of age were allowed to visit federal museums for free. Regional institutions have their own visiting rules. There are no uniform standards in this case, so the price of tickets and the availability of benefits must be found out in advance.

For example, children under 16 years old do not have to pay anything to visit the Kremlin. If you go to museums, you need to pay 500 rubles. Visiting the State Tretyakov Gallery is free for children under 18 years of age, as well as for students.

Schoolchildren under 16 years old can go to the building of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts for free. Information about free museums can be found on the website of the Moscow Department of Culture.

Depending on the region, there may be other benefits. Discounted fares help reduce families' costs for these services. And if you wish, you can issue a ticket for any transport, the main thing is that you should always have the document with you.

Do you often find that you are the only one in the class who has yet to write down an assignment? Do you want to cope better with stress? You will be able to organize your study better if you have all the necessary supplies and start making reminders for yourself. A few organization tips, a little practice, and you'll be ready for any activities or tasks you encounter!


Get all the supplies you need

    Organize your pencil case. Believe it or not, a properly organized pencil case is a step towards becoming a good student. The neater your pencil case, the less time you'll spend looking for a pencil or pen, the faster you'll write down notes, and the more attentively you'll be able to listen to your teacher. Choose a school pencil case with multiple compartments so you can sort all your supplies into their proper place.

    • Your pencil case should have at least three pencils, three pens, an eraser and a highlighter. Depending on how you prefer to write in your notebook, you can also put different colored pens, colored markers and sticky notes in your pencil case.
  1. Organize your notes into different colored folders or different blocks/binders. It will be useful to organize one folder (or one notebook block) for each school subject so that all your notebooks, notes and notes do not get mixed up and get lost. Give each item a different color and label each folder or block/binder.

    In each folder or notebook, label a different section. For example, you can use colored dividers for a block notebook so that you can divide your independent work, lectures, and homework into blocks. This way, when your teacher asks you for your homework, you'll know exactly where it should be. Separating your notes will also help you sort them in chronological order, which will make it easier to study the subject later.

    Always know where your things are. There's no "right" or "wrong" way to organize your backpack—it's just important to know where everything is. Place all your items in one place and return them to their place after use. Even if the bell rings and you need to rush to recess, take a couple of seconds to put things back in their places so you can quickly find them.

    Prepare all the necessary supplies in advance. Preparation is a big part of the organizing process. If you run out of paper, pencils, or anything else, buy extra ones in advance or ask your parents about it. Put new pencils/paper and other things in a pencil case or briefcase so you don't forget them at home!

    • Always make sure that you have enough pencils, pens, paper and other office supplies - so that all these things are at hand. It is better to spend time not looking for these things or asking them to lend you them, but studying the subject.

Write reminders

  1. Write the dates on the pages. As soon as you start taking some notes or writing down homework, write the date at the top of the page and enter the same date in your diary. Make sure you see this date when you use your planner so you know exactly when your essay or other assignment is due.

    Don't forget about your responsibilities. Start a job or project as soon as you understand what's what. Do a little each day so you don't leave your assignments and projects to the last minute. If you do a little each day, you won't run into any surprises, you'll know exactly how long the project will take, and you'll be able to get it ready on time.

Any student class, from the youngest to the graduate, required place to study lessons.

Desk for schoolchildren should be functional, convenient and uncluttered. Most often chosen for children wooden desks.

Today, when from the first grade students work with computer, there should be room on the table for it too.

Manufacturing DIY school table - significant saving for the family budget. You can decorate the tabletop in the most incredible ways, and then the table you made yourself will look like an expensive designer thing.

School desk options

Table for first graders should be spacious so that there is enough space for textbooks and notebooks.

For more adult student, you can purchase or make a multifunctional table with retractable panel for keyboards and with many shelves or drawers on the surface.

It is very important that workplace the child was as comfortable as possible, and all the necessary for classes things were at hand.

School tables can be completely various in appearance and design - from simple angular and straight to creative

Folding table


Desk for schoolchildren

We won't consider typical desks that stood in all Russian apartments in the 90s of the last century. Such tables boring in execution.

Let's consider unusual table with A-shaped legs (trests) and solid long tabletop. You can use an old one as a countertop door canvas with a smooth surface.

Stages of work

Step 1. Draw and cut out table top. We process it with sandpaper or a grinding machine. You can make a special edging on the sides finishing edging, which is sold at any hardware store.

Note: with the edging, the width of the finished tabletop will be 72 cm!

Step 2. Cut 8 boards long no less 75 cm (if necessary, the edges will need to be trimmed with a jigsaw), sand them.

Step 3. Corner tilt boards for trestles should be such that the height of the legs in total with the thickness of the table top was 75 cm. To do this, cut out small bars, which will be located between the upper parts of the supports. The width between the lower parts should be 22 cm.

Step 4. In two boards 70 cm long drill two 9 mm holes (for mounting the trestle). The holes should be equal distance! Above retreat about 3.5–4 cm, it all depends on the width of the board. Drill holes in the middle of the upper part of the legs 9 mm. Furniture bolts we fasten legs and strengthen the structure self-tapping screws.

Note: The size of the bolts is 6 mm, and the diameter of the holes for them is 9 mm! This is necessary because the table legs are attached at an angle.

Step 5. At the bottom there is a goat we fix two bars long 19 cm. The height of the fastening of the bars is not less than 3 cm from the floor. On bars we lay two boards each that will serve shelf, We fix them with self-tapping screws.

Step 6. Having measured the distance between the goats, screw it on wooden blocks to prevent the tabletop from moving.

For the best sustainability It is recommended to use countertops dowels. To do this, drill holes in the supporting boards with a depth of 8 mm, and in table top – 22 mm. The dowels should be dipped in glue PVA and drive into the board, then carefully place the tabletop on them. For such massive table you need to make 2-3 dowels on each side.

Step 7 All wooden parts of the table should be handle impregnation. For a children's table you need to apply no less 3 layers(so that it is impervious to moisture). Each layer should fully dry out. After the last layer has dried, the table is painted or varnished. Can be mixed with varnish a little coloring to give it the desired color shade.

Note: The table can be decorated if desired. The best decorative technique for a children's table is: Just choose a cheerful picture or decorate the tabletop with images of your child's favorite characters.

School table for two children

Convenient and practical may be an option for two children angular table. Each child is provided with a work place and retractable drawers for storing educational supplies.
Tabletop width – 600 mm, thickness – from 16 mm.

Stages of work

Step 1. Execute sawing material or order it from a carpentry workshop.

Step 2. Collecting everything boxes. There should be 6 large ones (3 pieces for each table base) and 4 small drawers for various small items under the tabletop itself. Holes for confirmations drill using a Fostner drill. We nail hardboard to each box.

Note: confirmations can be replaced with ordinary self-tapping screws, but their connection is not so reliable.

Step 3. Using corner clamps assembling the cabinet. Fasten with self-tapping screws guides for boxes.

Step 4. We assemble the table. Tumbu and lateral We fasten the wall on top with small chipboard. Cover the part with a larger sheet rear walls. We install guides on small drawers and facades.

Step 5. In the same way we collect second the table that will longer due to two cabinets.

Step 6. We install the tabletop on short table. To do this, screw it onto small sheets.

Step 7 We attach the tabletop to second table.

Step 8 Install facades on large boxes, attach to them pens. We nail hardboard.

So that the child has comfortable work at a new desk, you should take account following:

    • Width The table for a child should be from 60 to 80 cm, length from 120 cm.
    • Boys require more workspace than girls.
    • Workplace It is recommended to organize a schoolchild near the window.
    • Definitely worth installing on a desktop lamp with bright lighting. For right-handers, the light should fall from the left, for left-handers - from the right.
    • The chair should be comfortable, it back - rigid with bending. Good decision - orthopedic armchair.
    • Screen monitor should be located during operation below eye level at an angle of 15-30 degrees.

  • Color spectrum The workplace should be selected based on the child’s wishes, but you should not make it too colorful and full of poisonous colors. A tacky table can distract child from doing homework. It is enough to choose bright accessories and furniture.
  • Accessories are worth choosing creative shapes: and the children's table should have its own zest. Business minimalism – not the best option for a child.

How to make a table for a schoolchild with your own hands, see video:

The school year has already begun, and are you still thinking about creating a comfortable workplace for your child? Look at our selection of tips and find out how to design an office for your child without significant expenses.

Table on supports. If adjustable tilt and height are important to you, choose a table with spacers. This design allows you to use a tabletop of any format and is convenient for those who actively write and draw. Support legs can be supplemented with shelves to accommodate boxes or baskets.

Supports with shelves and pull-out baskets are an equally practical solution. When installing such structures, remember that the height of the desktop should be about 73–75 cm, respectively, the height of the supports should be 70 cm.

A desk combined with a bench. This solution is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also practical: the bench serves as a support for the desk. You can use a cabinet with drawers as a second support, placing it under the other edge of the table or in the middle.

Hanging tabletop. Using a table without legs will help make the space of the room visually more spacious: this is the most ergonomic solution for small rooms. You can also add hanging modules with drawers there.

Spacious tabletop and several mobile cabinets. If you have to study a lot, install a comfortable long tabletop, and use the cabinets on wheels as a place to store school supplies and stationery.

A table connected to a bed is suitable for small apartments. One of the cabinets is both a support for the tabletop and the head of the bed. The second, with drawers, serves its intended purpose. If the cabinets are low, additional metal supports will be required to raise the tabletop to the desired height.

A corner table that doesn’t take up extra meters. Suitable in cases where more space is required: for example, if a child, in addition to studying, uses the workplace for his hobbies. The best place for such a table is by the window, so that the light falls at the right angle and from the right side.

Modules for school supplies. Small modules are more convenient than large cabinets because they allow you to quickly find the thing you need.

Table + shelves. The rack is one of the integral elements of the school
headset It is desirable that it blends in with the table. Typically, a shelving unit is a fairly spacious structure that can accommodate books, toys, hobby items, and much more.

Work place by the window. Quite a popular idea for decorating a workspace for a schoolchild. Place shelves on the sides and drawers at the bottom. Choose Roman or Japanese blinds to make your workspace as light as possible.

A loft bed is another popular solution for small rooms. Below is a work space, above is a sleeping area. This design is also suitable if both children are schoolchildren.

More free space. Even in the most cramped conditions, you can choose the optimal combination of furniture that suits your child. Alternatively, you can zone the workplace and the sleeping area using a chest of drawers, which can simultaneously serve as a support for the tabletop.

Retractable structures are convenient to use if two children of different ages live in a room, when one needs a full-fledged table, and the other needs a small space for activities.

You will find even more ideas in the group

How to make a school project: 7 simple ideas

The current school projects, provided for by the federal standard for elementary schools, are essentially a reincarnation of the “schoolchildren’s reports” that were prepared by parents themselves in elementary and middle grades. Since this was in the pre-computer era, they wrote with a pen on paper. Now, electronic boards, projectors and other equipment have appeared in classrooms, which allows you to replace reading on a piece of paper with a story, accompanied by a beautiful illustrative series.

A school project is very similar to research, but it does not require originality or any practical conclusions, explains Olga Uzorova. - It is enough to examine the object from different angles, although if you manage to find out something new, it will be even better.

Ask the teacher

Although student projects have been introduced everywhere and have become mandatory for everyone, no one knows exactly what a student must present. Requirements depend on teachers, school administration, and regional teaching centers. Therefore, in order not to put the child in an awkward position, it is worth agreeing with the teacher on the topic, content and requirements for the design of the project.

Somewhere, a second-grader is expected to have four or five pages of text, and somewhere else, no less than fifteen,” shares Olga Uzorova. - In addition, the teacher must then submit the best projects of his students to the competition. Because of this, he may ask, for example, to use more video. Or focus on infographics - teachers are usually given hints about which works will be highly rated by the jury at the next stage.

Select a topic

The teacher can suggest it, or you can formulate it yourself. In order not to rack your brains, it’s worth searching on the Internet - they are often posted by active teachers. For example, or. But you can show your imagination yourself. The most important thing is not to get carried away; the project is still a child’s project and, in theory, should be completed by the child himself. Therefore, the problems of quantum mechanics are probably not worth taking on. But, let’s say, “The best paper boat model” is quite suitable.

Reason for communication

The project is a new genre, few people understand it, much less know how to do it,” Olga Uzorova honestly admits. “That’s why it’s often done like this: mom sits down at the computer, retypes or copies a few pages from a high school textbook or Wikipedia, adds an introduction and conclusion, finds a couple of illustrations and copies them to a flash drive. And the student only has to memorize his short speech. This strategy will usually get you a good grade, but it should really only be used as a last resort. By doing this, parents deprive their child of the opportunity to learn to think at least a little independently, and from the early grades they teach them to deceive and pretend to study.

In fact, the whole family's work on a school project is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with the child and do a common cause together. Naturally, the student cannot be left alone with this task. Without methodological and organizational guidance and technical assistance from his parents, he himself is unlikely to be able to do anything. But when preparing a project, the student must be entrusted with a separate area of ​​work, clearly set the task and allow him to take on part of the intellectual work.

Help, but don't scold

If the project involves practical work, it should be entrusted to the student: it is the most interesting. Help prepare an experiment, observation, experiment. But here you need to be prepared for the fact that Murphy’s law will be confirmed: “Any, even the most accurate indication, will be understood exactly the opposite.”

It is very important that parents do not scold the child for failures or mistakes when preparing a project, Olga Uzorova insists. - Otherwise, he may lose motivation for any creative or analytical work forever. Restrain yourself, don’t create problems for yourself in the future.

Don't grumble!

It is clear that in their current form, projects are not the most successful option for assignments for schoolchildren, and besides, tired parents usually have to take the rap for their children, regrets Olga Uzorova. - But, nevertheless, please never say anything out loud that could form in the child or reveal your own negative attitude towards this work. If you want to express your dissatisfaction, do it in the kitchen in the evening. Or switch to a foreign language. Even if the teacher’s formulation of the problem is not very successful, this work can and should be interesting. But she will become like this only under one condition - if the whole family perceives her not as a burden, but as an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.

Children's Championship

Initially, it was assumed that the projects would be primarily carried out by the students themselves. In fact, it turned out that while some non-lazy and inquisitive schoolchildren are poring over their work, the parents are doing all the work for the rest. It is clear that a person who has become skilled in writing essays, term papers, diplomas and service reports over a long life will produce a much smoother and more “presentable” project than an honest but inexperienced second grader. As a result, those few who do everything honestly find themselves in a losing situation.

This is a vicious practice - this is how children get their first experience of hack work, explains Olga Uzorova. - Therefore, try to make sure that this is a student project. It is clear that doing it yourself can be much easier than helping a child, organizing it and explaining all the details. But let’s at least strive to ensure that the project competition is specifically for children.