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» Correct home iconostasis. Corner shelf for icons - a sincere gift and a home-made interior element

Correct home iconostasis. Corner shelf for icons - a sincere gift and a home-made interior element

Home iconostases represent a kind of small church for a believing Orthodox Christian. They should be given a special place in their home where they can calmly pray in front of the images.

History of the red corner

Home iconostases appeared in Ancient Rus'. A whole corner was set aside for them, which was called red (i.e. beautiful). In this place, icons were placed, candles and lamps were lit. In the morning and evening, as well as at times of special spiritual need, household members said their prayers here.

The iconostasis of those times was a multi-tiered shelf on which a god was hung - a small curtain that covered the images of saints and the Savior on the sides. The icons were hidden under the gospel - a special cloth that was pulled back only during prayer. It was no coincidence that such a tradition appeared in Rus'. It is known that the first image of the Savior would have been created by Himself, according to His will of God: after Jesus sprinkled his face with water and wiped it with ubrus (cloth), His face remained on this canvas. He sent this painting to the sick ruler of Asia Minor, Abgar, thanks to which he was healed. After this, the prince gave the order to nail the sacred board over the gates of the city. After 900 years, the sacred image was transferred to Constantinople. Now every year on August 29, Orthodox Christians celebrate the feast of the discovery of the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands and consecrate hand-woven fabrics.

What else was placed on the shelf for images?

Home iconostasis of those times were also intended for storing holy water and prosphora. The household hid the Gospel and memorial books (special books in which the names of all the deceased and living Orthodox Christians of this family were kept) behind the god. Particularly skilled needlewomen created doves (as a symbol of the Holy Spirit) from scrap materials and hung them from the iconostasis. In the red corner it was obligatory to have lamps and candles, which were lit during home services.

A similar small temple was in every Orthodox home until the 1917 revolution. After the Bolsheviks came to power, people continued to pray, but they did it in secret. Therefore, from the richly decorated home iconostases, only a few images remained, which people carefully hid from prying eyes, fearing persecution. The modern red corner is somewhat different from the one created by our ancestors, since many of the traditions of its creation have simply been forgotten.

Create your own red corner

What the home iconostasis will be like depends only on the owners of the house. However, remember to follow the following rules:

  • Holy images must be installed far from technology (TV, computer, etc.) - the farther from everything worldly, the better.
  • There should be enough space in front of the icons so that worshipers do not feel crowded. And during prayer, it is better to place church books (prayer books, the Gospel) on a folding lectern (stand).
  • You should not place icons individually on bookshelves, in cabinets, while crowding these images with other worldly objects: souvenirs, pictures, etc. This is strictly prohibited, since by doing so we show disrespect for God. After all, for some reason, many people put photographs of people we love and care about, especially those who have left this world, in the most prominent place, without cluttering them with unnecessary objects. The same should be done with icons, showing love and respect for holy images.

The difference between icons and paintings

If you have reproductions of paintings at home that reflect biblical scenes, you should not install them on the iconostasis.

The main difference between a holy image and painting is that in the first case, through icons we communicate with the Lord. And since the iconostasis is a sacred place intended for solitude in prayer, the inclusion of reproductions in it would be simply inappropriate.

Icons cannot be hung on the wall next to posters of celebrities - by doing this we insult holy images, putting them on a par with earthly idols.

It is better to place home iconostases in the eastern part of the house, since this part of the world has special significance in Orthodoxy.

For example, it is known that the Lord created a paradise for people in the eastern part of Eden. And the Gospel says that just as lightning comes from the east to the very west, so the Lord comes from Heaven. The church altar is also located in the eastern part. If the windows face this side, the home iconostasis, a photo of which you will find in this article, is installed in any other suitable place.

Which shelf should I buy?

Whether you create home iconostases with your own hands from wood or purchase them from a furniture store or church shop is entirely up to you. If you want to buy a shelf, do it in specialized Orthodox stores. There is a wider assortment of iconostases, and the sellers will always advise and help with the choice. Based on the material, they can be divided into wooden and plywood. They can be single-tiered or multi-tiered, straight or angular. There are even solid iconostases that already contain holy images. But such shelves are mostly made only to order. To understand what such a home iconostasis looks like, the photo is presented in this article.

If you decide to create a real red corner, choose multi-tiered shelves. On them it will be much easier to recreate a majestic wall with holy images, like those installed in temples. Whether your home iconostasis will be angular or straight depends on where it will be placed (on the wall or in the corner of the room).

What icons are needed?

First of all, every home should have images of the Savior, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Of all the icons of Our Lord, the half-length Image of the Almighty is most preferable for home prayer. On this one he holds in his left hand an open book in which is written “A new commandment I give to you: love one another.” With his right hand the Lord baptizes the person praying.

Among the images of the Mother of God, the Russian people especially loved icons such as “Tenderness” and “Hodegetria” (Guide). In the first image, the Virgin Mary holds a baby in her arms, who gently hugs her neck and presses her to her cheek. The most famous icon of this type is the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Its distinctive feature is that the baby’s left heel is completely turned outward. In the image of Hodegetria, the Mother of God is depicted with a baby, who holds a bundle in her right hand, and with her left hand she overshadows all those praying. A striking example of this image is the Kazan Icon, “Quick to Hear,” and “Helper of Sinners.”

Additional images

In addition to these main icons, on the home iconostasis you need to put images of saints after whom your family members are named. It is also advisable to purchase an icon of the healer Panteleimon - a healer of mental and physical illnesses. The choice of other images depends entirely on the needs of the household. For example, you can purchase an image of Peter and Fevronia, to whom they pray for family well-being. Before they ask for help in learning and good endeavors. Unmarried women can pray before the image of Xenia of St. Petersburg, who, by the will of God, became a helper to people in matters of marriage.

Recently, in many homes, one of the central icons has become the image of the blessed old lady Matrona of Moscow. Even after her earthly death, she helps in everything those who come to her at the Intercession Church or to her grave at the Danilovskoye Cemetery, or simply turn to Matrona in home prayers. Many people have already received healing and help from her. It was not for nothing that she said: “Come to me and tell me everything as if you were alive.” By this, Matrona meant that her earthly death does not mean a spiritual death: after all, she is still with us.

Home iconostasis. How to arrange icons

The correct placement of images in the space allocated for them is very important. The Crucifix is ​​placed above the iconostasis. It can be purchased at a church store or made from wood yourself. On the next tier there should be images of the Savior, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the bottom shelf. In this case, the image of the Lord should be in the middle, on the right (right) is the Virgin Mary, and on the left (on the left) is St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

A little lower they place icons of saints revered by the family. On the last tier you can place a bottle of holy water, candles and the Gospel.

Making the corner red

You can decorate your home iconostasis with fresh flowers and willow branches after the Twelfth Feast - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. And on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, shelves with images are framed with birch branches, as a symbol of the grace of the power of God.

You can also install reproductions of images on the shelf for icons. They must first be consecrated and then added to the home iconostasis. Embroider an icon case (frame) for them with beads, and then they will look harmonious with other icons.

Making a shelf

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a stand for images, or all the models that you have come across did not appeal to you or are not suitable (for example, a small number of tiers, limited space, etc.), then do-it-yourself homemade iconostasis, photos of which are presented in the article , you can make it yourself. For a standard three-tier iconostasis you will need wooden boards, a drill and screws. In order to assemble it, you need to create drawings of a home iconostasis. Using them, you can easily calculate the dimensions of the wooden panels, which will depend on the number of icons located on the iconostasis.

Simple process

The most basic stand for holy images can be made from plywood. First you need to attach the icons to it with screws in accordance with the heavenly hierarchy. After this, you should make a chasuble for the icons - this is a special frame that frames the images. It can be created from embroidered fabric or from beads and beads. This will give the icon shelf a festive and solemn look. This is how you can make a homemade iconostasis with your own hands. Photos of similar works in this article will help you in its design.

Thus, the creation of a small church at home is not so much a prerequisite for the life of an Orthodox Christian, but rather his spiritual impulse and desire. After all, those who believe and love the Lord always want to turn to him in prayer both during the liturgy and at home services. It doesn’t matter whether your iconostasis is made of expensive materials and filled with gilded images, or whether you yourself created it manually, collecting holy images. The main value is your faith and desire for spiritual improvement.

They hid it from prying eyes. It was dangerous to show them off. The time was communist-atheistic. That’s why we’ve lost the culture of faith; we don’t know where the icons should be in the apartment. There seems to be no secret to this. Place it wherever you like. But the icons are different, and each has its own approach. Let's figure out what is the correct arrangement of icons in the apartment.

Ancient traditions

Christianity is over a thousand years old. In the old days, icons were considered of great value. By the way, not every family owned such a relic, and if there were images in the house, they cherished them like the apple of their eye. In ancient times, no one thought about where icons should be located in an apartment. We have seen them since childhood and absorbed the traditions with our mother’s milk. The image was placed in. This does not mean the color scheme of the place, but its essence. “Red” meant “ceremonial”, “solemn” and the like. And the corner, because the layout of the hut was simple. There were not windows on all walls. The lighting was poor, only candles and torches. The red corner was the one that received more sun. As a rule, it was located in the eastern part of the building. And the windows were planned in advance so that light would fall on this festive, ceremonial corner from both sides. The place was decorated as best they could. The girls made towels and napkins on winter evenings, embroidered, and weaved. Flowers were placed nearby in warm weather. And they always lit the lamp. It was not appropriate for holy images to be in the shadows. You, dear reader, are probably wondering why icons were treated this way.

What is an image for a person?

It is necessary to make a small digression. Think about what image means to you personally? Those who are interested in where icons should be placed in an apartment are apparently believers. Images are not just pretty pictures. From them, people who once lived look at the believer, who managed to remain faithful to the Lord, to become part of the proof of his rightness and love for humanity. But they are all fundamentally different from all kinds of gurus who are usually worshiped. Remember: Christ said that he came to people to give light, to show the way to righteousness. He called me to follow the path he pointed out, to feel and understand it with my heart. And those people whose faces we hang on the wall realized this and embodied it as best they could during their lifetime.

Icons are portraits of loved ones, whom a believer wants to be like, from whom he takes example. That is, these are spiritual friends and patrons. Would you hide a respected and dear person in a dusty closet? Of course not. If he comes to visit, put him in the best place, treat him and entertain him with an interesting conversation. The images are not even visitors, but family members, revered and loved by everyone. This attitude used to be passed down as normal rules of behavior. That’s why people didn’t ask themselves where the icons should be in the apartment. They were given the red corner, the most elegant, light and clean.

How the iconostasis is arranged now

The church rules requiring that the images be kept in the eastern part of the building have now practically lost their force. Father, seeing that the icons are in a different place, will not make a remark. That is, you can put it where it is convenient. However, there are still a number of requirements for the location. When you are thinking about where icons should be placed in your apartment, do not forget about their religious content. It is inappropriate to keep secular paintings or books of dubious nature nearby. It is also recommended to make the red corner away from TVs and computers. These devices are considered incompatible with spiritual reflection and prayer. Usually icons are used to appeal to the Lord. Therefore, they need to be positioned so that there is enough space nearby for all family members. The prayer is said in solitude; pushing around at this moment is not accepted. Therefore, the owner of the house knows better where the icons should be in the apartment. The photo above illustrates one of the options.

How to arrange images correctly

An iconostasis can be built from an ordinary shelf or a small table with high legs. Place images on it and arrange books of religious content, if any. It is permissible and desirable to decorate the iconostasis with napkins and towels of your own making. Nowadays, handicrafts are not in honor; people buy beautiful products in the store. But while working on a special napkin for the iconostasis, you will begin to think about God, which will benefit your soul. In the past, at least, this is exactly what they did. Look at your red corner: is there not enough light there? It would be nice to place special lamps nearby. Don’t forget to wipe the dust regularly, and sometimes light candles or a lamp. It is recommended to keep the Mother of God in the house. The face of a guardian angel is also often placed nearby. It is the saint whose name you bear from birth or baptism (sometimes they are different).

Where should the Seven Shots icon be located in the apartment?

Let's talk about special cases of arrangement of holy faces. Believers have a special relationship with some icons. It is believed that they protect from misfortunes, enemy influence, and evil passions. For example, executives often hang them in their offices. These people are confident that the Mother of God will protect them from intriguers and competitors. At home, it is recommended to hang such an icon above the front door. The clergy say that the face of the Mother of God will take away an uninvited guest with bad intentions from the house. In addition, they say that Semistrelnaya protects owners from negative thoughts, quarrels, mutual accusations and scandals. And opposite the front door it is recommended to hang the “Trinity” icon. It clears visitors of bad intentions.

Children's room: where should icons be located in the room?

Often mothers and fathers think about how to protect their child from the evil eye, disease and other manifestations of the devil. Icons are best suited for this. You can hang them in your baby's room. It is advisable to place the image of the Virgin Mary in the eastern corner of the room. Follow the rules above. That is, hang the icon away from broadcasting electronic devices. The holy face in the room will certainly arouse the child’s interest in faith. Teach him to pray, tell him what icons mean to people. Probably, this way we will gradually be able to regain the ancient traditions of spiritual education. What do you think?

Quantity and quality are different categories. It is naive to believe that the more sacred images in the home of an Orthodox Christian, the more pious his life. An unsystematized collection of icons, reproductions, and wall church calendars that occupies a significant part of the living space can often have a completely opposite effect on a person’s spiritual life. Firstly, thoughtless collecting can turn into empty collecting, where there is no question of the prayerful purpose of the icon.

Secondly (and this is the main thing), in this case there is a distortion of the concept of home as a dwelling, as the material basis of the Orthodox family. “My house will be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13) - this is about a temple that was created for prayer and the performance of the Sacraments. The house is a continuation of the temple, nothing more; a home is, first of all, a family hearth; There is prayer in the house, but private prayer; There is a Church in the house, but the Church is small, domestic, family. The principle of hierarchy (that is, the subordination of the lower to the higher), reflecting Heavenly harmony and order, is also present in earthly life. Therefore, it is unacceptable to mix the ontologically different concepts of temple and home. However, there must be icons in the house. In sufficient quantity, but within reasonable limits.

In the past, every Orthodox family, both peasant and urban, always had a shelf with icons, or an entire home iconostasis, in the most prominent place in their home.

The place where the icons were placed was called the front corner, red corner, holy corner, shrine, icon case or ark. For an Orthodox Christian, an icon is not only an image of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints and events from Sacred and Church history. An icon is a sacred image, that is, separated from the realities of everyday life, not mixed with everyday life and intended only for communication with God. Therefore, the main purpose of the icon is prayer. An icon is a window from the heavenly world into our world - the world below; it is a revelation of God in lines and colors. Thus, an icon is not just a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation, but a shrine; a shrine that unites all family members during joint prayer, for joint prayer is possible only when mutual insults are forgiven and complete unity is achieved between the people standing in front of the icon. Of course, at the present time, when the place of the icon in the house has been taken by the television - a kind of window into the motley world of human passions, the traditions of joint prayer at home, the meaning of the family icon, and the awareness of one’s family as a small Church have been largely lost.

Therefore, an Orthodox Christian living in a modern city apartment often has questions: what icons should be in the house? How to place them correctly? Is it possible to use reproductions of icons? What to do with old icons that have fallen into disrepair? Some of these questions should only be given an unambiguous answer; while answering others, you can do without any strict recommendations.


In a free and accessible place. The laconicism of such an answer is caused not by the lack of canonical requirements, but by the realities of life. Of course, it is advisable to place icons on the eastern wall of the room, because the east as a theological concept has a special meaning in Orthodoxy. And the Lord God planted a paradise in Eden in the east, and placed there the man whom he had created (Gen. 2:8). Look, O Jerusalem, to the east, and see the joy coming to you from God (Bar. 4:36). And the spirit lifted me up, and brought me to the eastern gate of the house of the Lord, which faces the east (Ezek. 11:1). ...for just as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:27).

But what to do if the house is oriented so that there are windows or doors in the east? In this case, you can use the southern, northern or western walls of the home. The main thing is that there is enough free space in front of the icons, so that the worshipers do not feel crowded when praying together. And for books needed during prayer, it is convenient to use a folding portable lectern. When choosing a place for a home iconostasis, it is necessary to avoid the close proximity of icons to a TV, tape recorder and other household appliances. Technical devices belong to our time, they are momentary, their purpose does not correspond to the purpose of sacred images and, if possible, they should not be combined together.

True, there may be exceptions here. For example, in the editorial departments of Orthodox publishing houses, the proximity of an icon and a computer is quite acceptable. And if the author or employee works from home, then the icon placed near the computer serves as confirmation that this technique is used to spread the Good News, that this human-made instrument serves as a conductor of God’s will. Icons should not be allowed to be mixed with decorative objects of a secular nature: figurines, panels made of various materials, etc. It is inappropriate to place an icon on a bookshelf next to books, the content of which either has nothing in common with Orthodox truths, or is even contrary to the Christian preaching of love and mercy.

It is completely unacceptable for icons to be adjacent to posters or wall calendars with photographs of the idols of this century - rock musicians, athletes or political figures. This not only reduces the importance of venerating sacred images to an unacceptable level, but also puts holy icons on a par with the idols of the modern world. An example from the practice of priest Sergius Nikolaev, author of the brochure “Icons in Our House”, shows how such an attitude towards a shrine affects the spiritual state of the family: “Last year they invited me to serve a prayer service in one house, where, according to the owners, there was " not good". Despite the fact that the house was consecrated, some kind of oppression was felt in it. Walking around the rooms with holy water, I noticed the room of the young men, the sons of the owner, where an artistically executed poster dedicated to a famous rock band hung on the wall. Moreover, it is known for its satanic orientation.

After the prayer service, over tea, I carefully, knowing about the fanatical devotion of some young people to their idols, tried to explain that “bad things” in the house could well come from even such posters, that such images seemed to be trying to resist the shrine. The young man stood up silently and removed the painting in question from the wall. The choice was made right there” (Priest Sergius Nikolaev. Icons in our house. M. 1997, pp. 7-8). ...give the Lord glory to His name. Take the gift, go before Him, worship the Lord in the splendor of His shrine (1 Chron. 16, 29) - this is what the Holy Scripture says about the proper attitude towards the shrine dedicated to the Lord. The home iconostasis can be decorated with fresh flowers, and large, separately hanging icons are often, according to tradition, framed with towels. This tradition dates back to antiquity and has
According to Tradition, the lifetime image of the Savior miraculously appeared to help a suffering person: Christ, having washed his face, wiped himself with a clean handkerchief (ubrus), on which His Face was displayed, and sent this handkerchief to the leprosy King Abgar of Asia Minor in the city of Edessa. The healed ruler and his subjects accepted Christianity, and the Image Not Made by Hands was nailed to a “non-rotting board” and placed above the city gates. The day when the Church remembers the transfer of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople in 944 (August 29, new style), was previously popularly called the “canvas” or “linen Savior,” and in some places homespun linens and towels were blessed on this holiday.

These towels were decorated with rich embroidery and were intended specifically for the shrine. The icons were also framed with towels, which the owners of the house used during water blessing services and weddings. So, for example, after the water-blessing prayer, when the priest generously sprinkled holy water on the worshipers, people wiped their faces with special towels, which were then placed in the red corner. After the celebration of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, branches of willow consecrated in the church are placed near the icons, which, according to tradition, are kept until the next Palm Sunday.

On the Day of the Holy Trinity or Pentecost, it is customary to decorate homes and icons with birch branches, which symbolize the prosperous Church, carrying the grace-filled power of the Holy Spirit. There should not be paintings or reproductions of paintings between the icons. A painting, even if it has a religious content, such as “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by Alexander Ivanov or “The Sistine Madonna” by Raphael, is not a canonical icon.


The painting is an artistic image created by the artist’s creative imagination, which is a unique form of conveying one’s own worldview. The worldview, in turn, depends on objective reasons: the specific historical situation, the political system, the prevailing moral norms and life principles in society. An icon, as we have already mentioned, is a revelation of God, expressed in the language of lines and colors. A revelation that is given both to the entire Church and to an individual. The worldview of the icon painter is the worldview of the Church. An icon is outside of time, outside of prevailing tastes, it is a symbol of otherness in our world. The painting is characterized by a clearly expressed individuality of the author, a unique pictorial style, specific composition techniques, and a characteristic color scheme. The authorship of the icon painter is deliberately hidden, since the icon is a cathedral creation; Icon painting is not self-expression, but service and ascetic work.

The picture should be emotional, since art is a form of cognition and reflection of the surrounding world through feelings; the picture belongs to the spiritual world. The icon painter’s brush is dispassionate: personal emotions should not take place. In the liturgical life of the Church, the icon, like the manner of reading prayers by the psalmist, is devoid of external emotions. Empathy with spoken words and perception of iconographic symbols occur on a spiritual level. A painting is a means of communicating with the author, with his ideas and experiences, which can be purely individual or express the characteristic mindset of his time. An icon is a means of communication with God and His saints. Sometimes among the icons in the red corner you can find photographs or reproductions of photographs of priests, elders, people of righteous, godly life. Is this acceptable? If you strictly follow the canonical requirements, then, of course, no. You should not mix iconographic images of saints and photographic portraits. An icon tells us about a saint in his glorified, transfigured state, while a photograph, even if a person is later glorified as a saint, shows a specific moment in his earthly life, a separate stage of ascent to the higher heights of the spirit. Such photographs are of course needed in the house, but they should be placed away from the icons. Previously, along with prayer icons - sacred images, in houses, especially peasant ones, there were also pious images: lithographs of churches, views of the Holy Land, as well as popular prints, which in a naive, but bright, figurative form, told about serious subjects.

Currently, a variety of church wall calendars with reproductions of icons have appeared. They should be treated as a convenient form of printed material for an Orthodox Christian, since such calendars contain the necessary instructions regarding holidays and fasting days. But the reproduction itself, at the end of the year, can be pasted onto a solid base, consecrated in the church according to the rite of blessing the icon, and placed in the home iconostasis.


It is imperative to have an icon of the Savior and an icon of the Mother of God. Images of the Lord Jesus Christ, as evidence of the Incarnation and Salvation of the human race, and the Mother of God, as the most perfect of earthly people, worthy of complete deification, and revered as the most honest Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim (Song of Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos) - are necessary for the home where they live Orthodox Christians.

Among the images of the Savior, a half-length image of the Lord Almighty is usually chosen for home prayer. A characteristic feature of this iconographic type is the image of the blessing hand of the Lord and an open or closed book. The theological meaning of this image is that the Lord appears here as the Provider of the world, as the Arbiter of the destinies of this world, the Giver of truth, to whom people’s gaze is directed with faith and hope. Therefore, images of the Lord Pantocrator or, in Greek, Pantocrator, are always given a significant place in the painting of the temple, and on portable icons, and, of course, in the house. From the iconography of the Mother of God, icons such as “Tenderness” and “Hodegetria” are most often chosen. The iconographic type “Tenderness” or, in Greek, Eleusa, goes back, according to legend, to the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke. It is he who is considered the author of the images, the lists of which subsequently spread throughout the Orthodox world. A characteristic feature of this iconography is the contact of the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God, which symbolizes the connection of the heavenly and the earthly, the special relationship between the Creator and His creation, expressed by such an endless love of the Creator for people that He gives His Son to be slaughtered in atonement for human sins.

Of the icons of the “Tenderness” type, the most common are:
Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God,
Don Icon of the Mother of God,
Icon "Baby Leaping"
icon “Recovery of the Dead”,
icon “It is worthy to eat”,
Igorevskaya Icon of the Mother of God,
Kasperovskaya Icon of the Mother of God,
Korsun Icon of the Mother of God,
Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God,
Tolga Icon of the Mother of God,
Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God,
Yaroslavl Icon of the Mother of God. "Hodegetria" translated from Greek means "Guide". The true path is the path to Christ. On icons like “Hodegetria” this is evidenced by the gesture of the right hand of the Mother of God, which points us to the Infant Christ. Among the miraculous icons of this type, the most famous are:
Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God,
Georgian icon of the Mother of God,
Iveron Icon of the Mother of God,
“Three-handed” icon,
Icon "Quick to Hear"
Kazan Icon of the Mother of God,
Kozelytsanskaya Icon of the Mother of God,
Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God,
Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God,
Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God. Of course, if holiday dates for the family are days of honoring any icons of the Savior or the Mother of God, for example, the Image of the Lord Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands or the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign,” then it is good to have these icons in the house, as well as images of saints whose names worn by family members. For those who have the opportunity to place a larger number of icons in the house, you can supplement your iconostasis with images of revered local saints and, of course, the great saints of the Russian land. In the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy, a special veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has been strengthened, whose icons are found in almost every Orthodox family. It should be noted that, along with the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has always occupied a central place in the home of an Orthodox Christian. Among the people, Saint Nicholas is revered as a saint endowed with special grace. This is largely due to the fact that, according to the church charter, every Thursday of the week, along with the holy apostles, the church offers prayers to St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the miracle worker.

Among the images of the holy prophets of God one can single out Elijah, among the apostles - the supreme ones Peter and Paul. Of the images of martyrs for the faith of Christ, the most common icons are those of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, as well as the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. For completeness and completeness of the home iconostasis, it is desirable to have images of the holy Evangelists, St. John the Baptist, the archangels Gabriel and Michael and icons of the holidays.

The choice of icons for the home is always individual. And the best assistant here is the priest - the confessor of the family, and it is to him, or any other clergyman, that you should turn to for advice. Regarding reproductions of icons and color photographs from them, we can say that sometimes it is more reasonable to have a good reproduction than a painted icon, but of poor quality. The icon painter’s attitude towards his work must be extremely demanding. Just as a priest has no right to perform the liturgy without proper preparation, so an icon painter must approach his service with full responsibility.

Unfortunately, both in the past and now you can often find vulgar crafts that have nothing to do with the icon. Therefore, if the image does not evoke a feeling of inner reverence and a sense of contact with the shrine, if it is questionable in its theological content and unprofessional in its execution technique, then it is better to refrain from such an acquisition. And reproductions of canonical icons, pasted onto a solid base and consecrated in the church, will take their rightful place in the home iconostasis. A purely practical question often arises: How to paste a paper reproduction without damaging it? Here are some useful tips. If the reproduction is made on thick paper or cardboard, then to glue it to a solid base - a board or multi-layer plywood, it is advisable to use glue that does not contain water and, accordingly, does not deform the paper, for example, Moment glue. If the reproduction is on thin paper, then you can use PVA glue, but in this case the paper should be moistened with water, wait until the water is absorbed and the paper loses its elasticity, and only then apply the glue. You need to press the reproduction onto the base through a clean sheet of paper so as not to stain the image. After gluing, the reproduction can be coated with a thin layer of drying oil or varnish, but this should be done with caution, as some varnishes destroy printing inks.

It should be taken into account that printing inks tend to fade under the active influence of direct sunlight, therefore, an icon made by your own hands and consecrated in the Church must be protected from their influence.


For a home shrine, you can limit yourself to only a few basic rules. For example, if icons are hung haphazardly, asymmetrically, without a thoughtful composition, then this causes a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with their placement, a desire to change everything, which very often distracts from prayer.

It is also necessary to remember the principle of hierarchy: do not place, for example, an icon of a locally revered saint above the icon of the Holy Trinity, the Savior, the Mother of God, and the apostles. The icon of the Savior should be to the right of the one ahead, and the Mother of God should be on the left (as in the classical iconostasis). When selecting icons, make sure that they are uniform in their artistic manner of execution, try not to allow a variety of styles. What should you do if your family has a particularly revered icon that is passed down by inheritance, but it is not quite canonically painted or has some loss of paint? If the imperfections of the image do not seriously distort the image of the Lord, the Mother of God or a saint, such an icon can be made the center of a home iconostasis or, if space allows, placed on a lectern under the shrine, because such an image is a shrine for all family members.

One of the indicators of the level of spiritual development of an Orthodox Christian is his attitude towards the shrine. What should be the attitude towards the shrine? Holiness, as one of the properties of God (Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts! (Isa. 6:3)) is reflected both in the saints of God and in physical objects. Therefore, the veneration of holy people, sacred objects and images, as well as one’s own desire for genuine communion with God and transfiguration - phenomena of the same order. Be holy before Me, for I am holy, the Lord... (Lev. 20:26) By the way family members treat the icon in front of which their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers offered prayers to the Lord, one can judge about the degree of churching of people, and about their piety. The veneration of the family icon has always been special. After baptism, the baby was brought to the icon and the priest or the owner of the house read prayers. With the icon, parents blessed the children for study, for a long trip, for public service. Giving consent at the wedding, the parents also blessed the newlyweds with an icon. And the person’s departure from life took place under the icons. The well-known expression “dispersed, at least take away the saints" is evidence of a conscientious attitude towards icons.

Quarrels, inappropriate behavior or domestic scandals are unacceptable in front of images of saints. But an Orthodox Christian’s careful and reverent attitude towards the icon should not develop into unacceptable forms of worship. Correct veneration of sacred images must be cultivated from a very early age. It is always necessary to remember that an icon is an image, sacred, but still only an image. And one should not confuse such concepts as image - the image itself, and the prototype - the one who is depicted. What can a distorted, non-Orthodox view of the veneration of holy icons lead to? To the distortion of spiritual life, both of an individual person, and to discord within the Church. An example of this is the heresy of the iconoclasts, which arose in the 7th century. The reasons for the emergence of this heresy were serious theological disputes about the possibility and legitimacy of depicting the Second Person of the Holy Trinity - God the Word in the flesh.

The reason was also the political interests of some Byzantine emperors, who sought an alliance with strong Arab states and tried to abolish the veneration of icons to please Muslims - opponents of holy icons. But not only that. One of the reasons for the spread of heresy was the extremely ugly, bordering on idolatry, forms of veneration of sacred images that existed in the church life of that time. Not feeling the difference between the image and the prototype, believers often revered not the face depicted on the icon, but the object itself - the board and paints, which was a profanation of icon veneration and was associated with the lowest types of paganism. Undoubtedly, this served as a temptation for many Christians and led to disastrous consequences for their spiritual life. That is why a tendency arose among the intellectual elite of that time to abandon such forms of veneration of sacred images. Opponents of such icon painting preferred to abandon it altogether in order to preserve the purity of Orthodoxy and, in their opinion, to “protect,” in their opinion, the ignorant part of Christians from the destruction of paganism.

Of course, such views of opponents of distorted icon veneration were fraught with a serious danger: the very truth of the Incarnation was called into question, since the very existence of the icon is based on the reality of the incarnation of God the Word. The Fathers of the VII Ecumenical Council, who condemned the heresy of the iconoclasts, taught: “...and to honor them (icons) with kisses and reverent worship, not true, according to our faith, worship of God, which befits the only Divine nature, but veneration in that image, like the image of the Honest and the Life-giving Cross and the Holy Gospel and other shrines, honor is given with incense and the lighting of candles, as was the pious custom of the ancients. For the honor given to the image passes to the prototype, and those who worship the icon worship the being depicted on it. Thus, the teaching of our holy fathers is confirmed, this is the tradition of the Catholic Church, who received the Gospel from end to end of the earth” (Book of the Rules of the Holy Apostles, Holy Councils of Ecumenical and Local, and the Holy Fathers. M., 1893, pp. 5-6). It is advisable to crown a home iconostasis with a cross; crosses are also placed on doorposts. The cross is a shrine for an Orthodox Christian. This is a symbol of the salvation of all humanity from eternal death. The 73rd Rule of the Council of Trulle, held in 691, testifies to the importance of venerating images of the holy cross: “Since the life-giving cross has shown us salvation, every care must be taken to pay due respect to that by which we were saved from the ancient fall. ..” (Quoted from: Sandler E. Genesis and theology of the icon. Magazine “Symbol”, No. 18, Paris, 1987, p. 27).

During prayer in front of the icons, it is good to light the lamp, and on holidays and Sundays, let it burn throughout the day. In multi-room city apartments, the iconostasis for common family prayer is usually placed in the larger room, while in others it is necessary to place at least one icon. If an Orthodox family eats in the kitchen, then an icon is needed there for prayer before and after the meal. It makes the most sense to place an icon of the Savior in the kitchen, since the prayer of thanks after a meal is addressed to Him: “We thank You, Christ our God...”. And one last thing. What to do if the icon has fallen into disrepair and cannot be restored? Such an icon, even if it is not consecrated, in no case should simply be thrown away: a shrine, even if it has lost its original appearance, must always be treated with reverence. Previously, they dealt with old icons in the following way: until a certain state, the old icon was kept in a shrine behind other icons, and if the paints on the icon were completely erased over time, then it was released with the flow of the river.

Nowadays, of course, this is not worth doing; the dilapidated icon must be taken to the church, where it will be burned in the church oven. If this is not possible, then you should burn the icon yourself and bury the ashes in a place that will not be desecrated: for example, in a cemetery or under a tree in the garden. We must remember: if damage to an icon occurred due to careless storage, this is a sin that must be confessed. The faces looking at us from the icons belong to eternity; looking at them, offering them prayer, asking for their intercession, we - residents of the world below - must always remember our Creator and Savior; about His eternal call to repentance, to self-improvement and deification of every human soul. Through the eyes of His saints, the Lord looks at us from the icons, testifying that everything is possible for a person who walks in His ways.


If the altar is the part of the temple where the greatest Sacrament of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ is performed, compared with the heavenly world, then the iconostasis, the faces of which look at those praying, is a figurative – in lines and colors – expression of this world. The high iconostasis, which the Byzantine Church did not know, which was finally formed in the Russian Church by the 16th century, served not so much as a visible reflection of the main events of the entire Sacred History, but rather embodied the idea of ​​​​the unity of two worlds - heavenly and earthly, expressed the desire of man for God, and God for man . The classic Russian high iconostasis consists of five tiers or rows, or, in other words, ranks.

Scheme of the high iconostasis

1 – Royal Doors (a – “Annunciation”, b, c, d, e – evangelists);
2 – “The Last Supper”; 3 – icon of the Savior; 4 – icon of the Mother of God;
5 – northern gate; 6 – South Gate; 7 – icon of the local row;
8 – temple icon;
I – forefather row; II – prophetic series; III – festive row;
IV – Deesis order.

The first is the ancestral one, located under the cross, at the very top. This is an image of the Old Testament Church, which had not yet received the Law. The forefathers from Adam to Moses are depicted here. In the center of this row is the icon of the “Old Testament Trinity” - a symbol of the eternal advice of the Holy Trinity on the self-sacrifice of God the Word in atonement for the Fall of man. The icon “Hospitality of Abraham” (or “Appearance to Abraham at the Oak of Mamre”), which is also placed in the center of the forefathers’ row, has a different theological meaning - it is an agreement concluded by God with man. The second row is prophetic. This is the Church, which has already received the Law and through the prophets proclaims the Mother of God, from whom Christ will be incarnate. That is why in the center of this row there is the “Sign” icon, depicting the Mother of God with her hands raised in prayer and with the Child of God in her bosom. The third - festive - series tells about the events of the New Testament time: from the Nativity of the Virgin Mary to the Exaltation of the Cross. The fourth, deesis (or otherwise deisis) rite is the prayer of the entire Church to Christ; a prayer that is happening now and which will end at the Last Judgment. In the center is the icon “Savior in Power,” representing Christ as the formidable judge of the entire universe; on the left and right are images of the Most Holy Theotokos, St. John the Baptist, archangels, apostles and saints. In the next, local row, there are icons of the Savior and the Mother of God (on the sides of the Royal Doors), then on the North and South Gates there are images of archangels or holy deacons. Temple icon - the icon of the holiday or saint in whose honor the temple is consecrated, is always located to the right of the icon of the Savior (for those facing the altar), immediately behind the South Gate. The “Last Supper” icon is placed above the Royal Doors as a symbol of the sacrament of the Eucharist, and on the gates themselves there is the “Annunciation” and images of the holy evangelists. Sometimes icons of Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, the creators of the Divine Liturgy, are depicted on the Royal Doors.

Since time immemorial, the home corner iconostasis has become an integral part of any Russian home.

If there were no icons in the hut, then such people were considered non-Christians and stayed away from them.

Many centuries have passed and today the tradition of having your own “red corner” still remains relevant.

History of the red corner

Every person has heard the phrase “red corner” or “God’s place”. However, not everyone knows why this place received such a name and how correctly it was located. You can often hear the answer that this is the right corner from the door. But it is not always the case.

Ethnographers claim that in past times, “God’s place” was located diagonally from the stove. And this was done for a reason. The word red was associated with spring, summer and warmth, so they tried to place icons more on the south or east side.

The north and west for the ancient Slavs were comparable to death, evil spirits and bitter winter. A little later, these stereotypes diverged, and people began to simply create cozy corners with numerous icons.

Where and how to make a home iconostasis

According to church traditions, the iconostasis is placed on the east side, so first in an apartment or house you need to find a corner exactly looking east. If it is not possible to use the desired angle, then you need to find one close to it.

Since not everyone manages to adhere to these conditions, they were made optional. Usually the iconostasis is placed in a large spacious room so that at least 2 people can fit there. You cannot have a TV or computer nearby.

How to arrange icons

A standard iconostasis should consist of 5 rows and the icons should be arranged in a certain order:

  1. A cross must be placed at the head of all icons.
  2. In the center is an icon of Jesus Christ. The faces of the Holy Trinity are placed a little lower.
  3. To the right of the icon of Christ is the Mother of God. And only then can you place other saints at the request.

It’s best when the red corner consists of icons that are similar in style. But this is difficult to do, because usually the icons are either donated or the required design was not found. But this does not play a big role; the most important thing is to create a holy place with faith and love in the heart.

Do it yourself

Once the correct angle is found and all requirements are met, you can begin to install the iconostasis. Making an iconostasis yourself at home is not at all difficult and does not require any special skill or skill.

What is required to make a three-level cabinet:

  1. The base can be various types of materials: PVC panels, plywood, wood.
  2. It is also important to make a correct sketch of the future product. Here everything depends on your imagination.
  3. For a corner iconostasis, you need to cut 3 triangular-shaped shelves from the panels and connect them together at a distance convenient for you.
  4. Don’t forget to leave enough space between the shelf levels. This is important so that the burning candles do not heat up the shelf and cause it to burn.
  5. To hang the iconostasis on the wall, no recommendations are needed. It is important to remember that the images of saints should be right before your eyes.
  6. If the icons are located on hanging shelves, then you can put a small coffee table underneath for candles, books and lamps.

You can also place holy water and scriptures there.

Stand for holy images made of plywood

Shelf parameters and design may vary. It is important that the icons you need are placed there. This plywood shelf will be made with dimensions of 30x35x4 cm. What you will need for this:

  1. Pine board measuring 1.5-2.0 cm thick and 15 cm wide.
  2. Prepared glued board to form the bottom of the cabinet, 1.5 cm thick and 21 cm wide.
  3. Small pieces and birch plywood for sketching.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. A jigsaw is best if it is electric.
  7. Drill and drill bits.
  8. Milling table.
  9. Lathe.
  10. Pencil and meter ruler.

First, we draw and prepare future templates from fiberboard. This is done simply:

  • We make a drawing on the fiberboard in natural volume and cut them out using a jigsaw.
  • Next, we sand it with sandpaper to the parameters we need.
  • We delimit the places for screws on the templates.
  • We take the prepared blanks, transfer them to plywood and cut them out using a jigsaw and grind off the irregularities.
  • The result should be: side, side and bottom.
  • Now mark the holes with a pencil. There should be 2 of them on the bottom, 3 on the side, 4 on the side. We drill out the marked places and get holes for connecting the template to the workpiece.

The last step is to attach the template to the workpiece using self-tapping screws.

The sides and sides are cut down in the same way, and 6 holes are marked: 2 on the bottom, 2 for the side, 2 for the side.

Now using the machine we make 2 identical parts.

The next step is to grind out round beams measuring 1.5 cm and saw it into 6 parts 1.5 cm long. And in the center of each of them we make holes.

Make each cylinder smooth using sandpaper.

First, we twist the bottom point by point using self-tapping screws 41mm long.

If everything is calculated correctly, then the bottoms and sides will be exactly in the middle of the ends.

Then all the sides are attached to the bottom with the 3 cylinders made. Self-tapping screws are placed on the bottom side and cylinders are strung on them and screwed directly into the side.

When the cabinet is ready, we apply a layer of drying oil or varnish to it to preserve its strength and beauty. Now you can hang the finished iconostasis on the wall. Such a cabinet will be appropriate for every apartment.

Options for homemade shelves for icons

In addition to this shelf for icons, you can make many others, using other sketches:

The iconostasis is a spiritual place where we can thank God for everything we have and simply pray for the health and forgiveness of those close to us. The most important thing is that the “red corner” does not turn into an interior item. It must be done and installed solely with faith and love in the heart.

How to make an iconostasis with your own hands, see the following video: