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» Feast of the Blessing of Honey. Honey Savior - the holiday of the consecration of honey

Feast of the Blessing of Honey. Honey Savior - the holiday of the consecration of honey

Marina Chizhova

  • Where did the tradition come from?
  • What is the meaning of the blessing of fruits?
  • Monastic charter
  • What and when is it customary to consecrate?
  • What is the essence of the holidays?
  • Superstitions associated with tradition

Did it happen that, having learned about your eating apples before the Apple Savior, your “strongly believing” Orthodox friends looked at you askance? And when it was mentioned that you eat May honey long before August 14, they began to regard you as a non-church person, almost an “unchrist”? If this happened, then you did not escape the fate of almost all people interested in the essence, and not the shell of church teaching, who are faced with granite solid wall modern ritual belief. What is true and what is fiction in the generally pious tradition of the consecration of earthly fruits? Let's try to find out.

Where did the tradition come from?

The pious tradition of bringing fruit as a blessing to God came to us from Old Testament times, that is, it was known even before the Nativity of Christ. It is clear that there was no Apple or Honey Spa at that time. It was necessary to bring the firstfruits (that is, the first harvest) of all fruits important for human life. For example, the book of Leviticus says: If you bring a grain offering to the Lord of the firstfruits, you shall offer an offering of your firstfruits of the ears...

The purpose of such an offering was to thank God for His mercies and bounties, for helping to grow and harvest such a harvest. As we see, in those days people well understood that they owe everything they have to God, and they did not forget to thank Him for this.

What is the meaning of the blessing of fruits?

And today the meaning of bringing fruit to the temple, including the blessing of apples and honey, has not changed significantly. This is a pious tradition that has come down to us, although in many ways in a distorted form. It is completely justified and commendable when a person brings to the temple the first harvest, something that he grew or collected himself, in order to thank God for this and ask for His blessing for further work.

As we have noticed, in this way a person’s work itself is blessed; he is in the correct understanding that without the Lord he cannot “do anything.” Moreover, it should be noted that they bring exactly those products that they grew or obtained themselves. Therefore, in the case of purchased fruits and grapes, this meaning, of course, is completely lost.

Second important point: Outwardly, the essence of thanksgiving, as a rule, was expressed in the fact that a person left a symbolic part of the brought harvest in the temple. This tradition, you see, is rarely observed in our country. Usually, we leave with what we come with, and at the same time we even feel like we’ve “winned,” since the fruits are now also revealed and sanctified. How much spiritual meaning is hidden in such a pious “deal”, let everyone judge for themselves.

Monastic charter

Now let's touch on the issue of not eating apples before Apple Spas and honey, respectively - before Honey. This tradition does indeed take place, but only with the blessing of the abbot, in monasteries. Moreover, it exists only for the purpose of humbling those who are there in obedience, completely cutting off self-will, for abstinence and discipline. Here is what is said about this in the Typikon on August 19:

If anyone takes a bunch from the brethren before the calico holiday, then let him accept the prohibition of disobedience, and let him not taste the bunch through the whole month of August, as if he despised the commanded statute; as a result of this, others will also learn to obey the rules of the holy fathers.

Let us note that we are talking here only about grapes, and nothing is said about the consecration of apples. However, what follows is a small disclaimer on which to dwell: This rule applies to figs and other vegetables, as their times will sometimes be ripe.

From this we see that the choice of fruits for consecration is dictated climatic conditions: where anything is ripe by this time, it is consecrated. That is why in Jerusalem and Greece it is customary to bless grapes on August 19, and here we bless apples. Moreover, in some monasteries, if the apples ripen earlier, they can be blessed earlier so that the harvest does not go to waste. This is exactly what they did sometimes in some villages in Rus'.

There is no connection specifically to the Feast of the Transfiguration. Previously, if the fruits did not have time to ripen, they were consecrated on the Dormition. And in Australia they do this at Candlemas.

What and when is it customary to consecrate?

What products and when is it customary to consecrate?

  • August 14 - the so-called Honey Savior among the common people, it is customary to consecrate honey from the new harvest, cereals and various useful herbs, flowers (but not specifically poppy).
  • August 19 Fruits (apples, pears, grapes) are blessed in the temple, which is why the second Savior received the name Apple.

What is the essence of the holidays?

In fact, there are more than enough reasons to come to church these days, in addition to the consecration of fruits, and they are significant. August 14- as many as four holidays:

  • Removal of the Trees of the Life-Giving Cross (in memory of the Constantinople tradition of removing the Cross for protection from disease);
  • To the All-Merciful Savior and Mother of God (in honor of the miraculous help to Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and deliverance from foreign hordes);
  • the Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees, their mothers and teachers, who suffered for their faith from the pagans;
  • Day of the Baptism of Rus', because Grand Duke It was on this day that Vladimir received holy baptism.

As you can see, the name Honey Savior in the context of these holidays is not determined by anything and sounds blasphemous. The name “Poppy” sounds even more mocking and, by stupid consonance, the non-church tradition of consecrating the poppy on this day, and not at all with a pious purpose.

August 19 We are celebrating the twelfth holiday - the Transfiguration of the Lord. On this day, it is more appropriate to remember the Lord, transfigured in glory on Tabor, and not to think about the earthly fruits brought for sanctification.

The Akathist for the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord can be found here.

Is it possible to eat unconsecrated honey and apples?

From all of the above, at least two conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, if you live in a city and do not have a dacha or an apiary, the blessing of apples and honey in the temple does not have much spiritual meaning for you at all. Secondly, it is obligatory not to eat these products until the moment of their consecration, perhaps only in two cases:

  1. if you live in a monastery according to the appropriate charter;
  2. if you have a special blessing from your confessor for this.

In other situations, there will be no sin in this: you can eat new honey and apples, or you can not eat them. Many priests, on the contrary, believe that much great sin it will happen if the ripened fruits - the gifts of God - simply disappear for this reason. Moreover, in no case should you condemn those who eat these products before the Apple Savior. Remember the words of the Apostle Paul:

He who eats, do not disparage the one who does not eat; and whoever does not eat, do not condemn the one who eats: because God has accepted him. Who are you, judging another man's slave? Before his Lord he stands or falls; and God is able to restore it... Whoever eats eats for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God. And whoever does not eat does not eat for the Lord, and thanks God.

It is also interesting to note that most often the strict tradition of not eating honey and apples before the Honey and Apple Savior is adhered to by those people who usually do not observe the obligatory fasts established by the Church or do not keep them so strictly. Therein lies a great discrepancy, a paradox. After all, if a person has decided to fulfill some unimportant part of the Charter, then it is logical that he must fully and uncompromisingly implement all the others, and more important ones.

Finally, the tradition of blessing fruits and honey, as often happens with us, is closely intertwined in the popular consciousness with a lot of nonsense and superstitions. Moreover, they have become so firmly established in everyday life that sometimes absolutely unthinkable things are accepted as the true teaching of the Church. The already mentioned consecration of poppy and various “miraculous” herbs in Honey Spas is clean water paganism. It has nothing to do with Orthodoxy, but on the contrary, it discredits the faith itself.

There are also many superstitions associated with the reason why you should not eat apples until August 19th. This even gave rise to such a church joke about how Adam and Eve angered God - by eating an apple before the Second Savior. By the way, it should be noted that our ban on apples has nothing to do with the history of the Fall. We still don’t even know exactly what kind of fruit it was on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but it’s definitely not an apple, as is commonly believed: the Bible only says “fruit” and does not specify which one.

But our people have come up with a lot of magical hoaxes, especially related to apples. So, for example, for some reason, those who had an abortion are especially prohibited from eating them before the Apple Savior - otherwise this sin will supposedly never be forgiven. You might think that if a woman does not eat apples, then this sin alone will be forgiven.

There is also one superstition that if parents abstain from apples before the Second Savior, then in heaven their children will receive gifts - heavenly apples. And how many stories have they come up with about what to do with the cores from the blessed fruits! In a word, what nonsense people will come up with in order not to think about the main thing.

There are, however, fewer stories associated with consecrated honey. It seems that the only thing they came up with about it was that after its consecration on August 14, honey acquires some special miraculous power that can defeat all diseases. But, to tell the whole truth, honey has this property even without consecration at the Honey Savior - this is one of the healthiest products, which is essentially a natural pharmacy for humans.

So after this, trust the experienced church grandmothers-“healers”. One thing is certain: it cannot Orthodox faith rely only on miraculous “honey” and consecrated stubs. What everyone can verify from personal experience.

- Why did God expel Adam and Eve from paradise?
- It’s because they’re too late to get to Spa...

Church joke

I’ll say right away that everything that’s less-than-feminine is my very private opinion, which is very strongly with the layered-living tradition.

Everyone, even non-church people, hears the names: “Me-do-vy Savior”, “Yab-loch-ny Savior” (there is also “Ore-ho- vyy" or "Bread" - 29 August). Everyone knows that these days in the church are special for the consecration of honey and apples, according to -those crowds of people come to temples to “bless” them.

But it seems to me that the words themselves: “Me-do-vy Savior”, “Yab-loch-ny Savior” are blasphemous. Savior is not the name of the day of the week, it is Christ. He cannot be honey, apple or nut. He may be “sweet-chay-shim,” as the church calls Him in e-zia (in the aka-fi-ste Jesus-su Sweet-chay-she-mu), but not fruit -to-you. Giving birth-names to the day of the origin of the Honest Trees of Life th Kre-sta of the Gos-under-nya (14 August) and Pre-ob-ra-zhe-niya of the Gos-under-nya (19 August-gu-sta) we simply kill Hri -one hundred of these holidays. What's left? Med-dok and yab-lo-ko... After all, any normal priest will confirm this: what is the percentage of Christians who came to these days in the temple to glorify the Savior Christ, in comparison with the crowd of pagans who came to sanctify the product, which rye “you shouldn’t have eaten before the spa”? A very small percentage. But this doesn’t worry us very much, because after the pagans there are honey and fruits left on the tables... As they sometimes love to say: “It’s not for us to judge who has any faith.” May be. But it is up to us, the sacred ones, to teach Christians to turn away from pagan views.
Personally, I would generally abstain from the consecration of honey and apples (you can throw your rotten stub at me) . What's the point of this? I don’t know when pa-sech-ni-ki and sa-do-vo-dy come to the temple for their harvest, so that -to thank God for His gifts and to sacrifice to Him and the Church a small part of one’s labors. Yes, in this case, the sanctification of fruits has a Christian meaning. But when townsfolk run to the market for honey or yab-lo-ka-mi in order to sanctify them later, then why is this necessary? ? What's the point? And performing meaningless actions is not Christian.
They also often like to point out that we sanctify apples because, according to the rules, they can only be eaten according to after Pre-ob-ra-zhe-niya. But the charter is pi-san for the mo-na-khov, who by this time have no fruits, then bring them to God in the temple, consecrated, and then eaten at the meal. That's why the monk, who chews until the end of the day, commits the sin of secret poisoning and disobedience to the regulations. This is the meaning of this action - in the re-creation of mo-na-khov, in the b-go-chi-nii. But what does all this have to do with the world? No way. It only helps to strengthen the language. After all, there are countries in which (it’s scary to say) there are no apples... How can they, the poor, be? Special-but-for-them?
I was given the information that in Australia the right-glorious people sanctify fruits on... The Lord’s Day, for in the Southern Peninsula the fruits ripen by this time. And no matter what, they live without “yab-loch-no-go spa”...
But we will never change this tradition. For if all the sanctifications of ku-li-chi-kov, yay-chek, yab-lo-chek (and in some places and ma-ka, che-ver-go-howl with -if and other miracles), then who will bring us up-to-the-way and prop-up?.. That's right, one-on-one time -me-til dea-kon And-drey Ku-ra-ev: “The church lives on money-gi-ate-i-stov”...
Who cares about the ancestral sanctification tradition but is sacred, then I know the first lines of my notes.

Priest Alexy

"Savior" is a shortened form of the word "Savior", and the three above mentioned church holiday somehow connected with Jesus Christ. The date of the First Savior is also no coincidence - according to the old style, it falls on August 1, the hottest time of the year, when all kinds of diseases spread. And in order to protect themselves from them, people venerated the Cross on which Jesus was crucified and drank blessed water. A little later on the same day, honey began to be blessed, as well as medicinal herbs and poppy

The tradition of lighting honey is not associated with the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior; it was accepted in the Church, since the honey of the new harvest is a gift from God, and by bringing it to the Temple for consecration, people thank God for His mercy.

And although the tradition of lighting honey is not associated with the holiday of the All-Merciful Savior, the Church accepted it, since the honey of the new harvest, ripening for this day, is a gift from God, and by bringing it to the Temple for consecration, people thank God for His mercy.

According to folk customs, after the honey was blessed, they began to eat it, making Lenten baked goods from it, to which blessed poppy seeds were also added. It was also customary to treat those in need with honey. “On the first day of the Savior, even a beggar will try honey,” people said.

But before you consecrate honey, you need to make sure that you have purchased high-quality natural product, which actually has health benefits.

Conventionally, honey is divided into buckwheat (dark and transparent), linden (thick and light), acacia (liquid and light), fireweed (white) and flower (all the rest). Proper honey is considered to be one that contains only nectar from flowers and plants collected by bees in natural conditions. It is quite difficult for a simple buyer to determine by eye whether a person interfered in the process of creating honey, but there are two proven ways to determine the quality of this product.

Conventionally, honey is divided into buckwheat (dark and transparent), linden (thick and light), acacia (liquid and light), fireweed (white) and flower (all the rest).

Firstly, experts advise that before buying honey, pour it with a spoon from one container to another. High-quality honey will flow in a thin, continuous stream, and if you turn the spoon over several times, this stream will wrap around it.

Secondly, you can dip a simple soft pencil in a drop of honey. Good honey should not darken due to this. In addition, high-quality honey, when rubbed with your fingers, is absorbed into the skin without forming lumps.

If you buy honey not from familiar beekeepers, but in a store or at a fair, then pay attention to what is written on the packaging. GOST standards for honey are 54644-2011, 19702-2001, as well as new editions, in particular 31766-2012 for monofloral varieties, of which this GOST contains three: sunflower, linden and buckwheat, notes Roskontrol.

Most honeys are candied several months after bottling. But if the bottling date was last year, and the honey is liquid, then you should think about it.

Do not buy honey if there is white film, liquid or if there is noticeable separation of the product in the jar.

Normal weight of one liter of honey at room temperature- about 1,400 grams excluding containers, but if the honey is heavier, this may indicate that it contains foreign impurities.

And remember: high-quality honey cannot be cheap. A The best way To avoid counterfeiting is to purchase honey in combs.

Starting with the Honey Savior, the Assumption Fast touches on another Savior - Apple (August 19), and immediately after it the Nut or Bread Savior is celebrated (August 29).

As Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh said, “unlike what many believe and feel, a period of spiritual tension (say, during Great Lent or fasting), the Dormition Fast is a time of joy, because it is a time of returning home, a time when we can come to life. The Dormition Fast should be a time when we shake off everything that has become dilapidated and dead in us, in order to gain the ability to live - to live with all the spaciousness, with all the depth and intensity to which we are called.”

IN Orthodox calendar the dates of four multi-day fasts are indicated. The Assumption Fast is considered the shortest, but at the same time one of the strictest. Why it is called that and how it was established, how many days it lasts and what you can eat during this time - read about it further. We will also talk about the main holidays of this period, the consecration of honey and apples.

How to eat during the Assumption Fast?

This fast lasts only two weeks: from August 14 to 27. But in terms of severity he can be compared with the Great.

  • According to the monastery charter, the Lenten menu excludes meat, dairy products, and eggs.
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday it is customary to eat bread, vegetables and fruits.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday - hot food, but without oil.
  • On Saturday and Sunday, boiled food with vegetable oil is allowed.

And only on the Transfiguration of the Lord it is customary to eat fish.

But believers do not feel painful during fasting. Their meal is enriched with all kinds of vitamins, which are found in sufficient quantities in vegetables, berries, fruits and honey, which is consecrated on the first day of the Dormition Lent - on the Feast of the Transfer of the Honest Trees, better known among the people as the Honey Savior.

We have already written about whether it is possible to eat fruits and honey before consecration in the article “Is it possible to eat apples and honey before the Honey and Apple Savior?” .

But the main rule of fasting, which priests often remember, is not to eat each other, that is, do not quarrel, do not offend, do not humiliate, do not slander, and so on.

All other regulations of the monastic charter should be correlated with the state of one’s own health and living conditions. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, the sick and travelers will not be able to fast strictly. Therefore, they should discuss the nuances of nutrition with the confessor or priest to whom they turn.

When and in honor of what was the Assumption Fast established?

The fast got its name because it precedes the Feast of the Assumption Mother of God. According to legend, the Most Holy Theotokos knew that the Son would soon take Her to Himself, and therefore she prepared for this event.

Many saints point out that the Virgin Mary intensified fasting and prayer not for Her own sake, but for the sake of all humanity, which she adopted in the person of the Apostle John the Theologian.

For example, Simeon of Thessalonica, a 15th-century saint, wrote:

The August (Assumption) fast was established in honor of the Mother of God's Word, who, having learned of Her repose, as always labored and fasted for us, although, being holy and immaculate, she had no need for fasting; So She especially prayed for us when she intended to move from this life to the future and when Her blessed soul had to unite with Her son through the Divine Spirit. And therefore we must fast and sing Her praises, imitating Her life and thereby awakening Her to prayer for us.

Therefore, believers, observing the Dormition Fast and being in prayer, thank the Most Holy Theotokos for Her help and care.
In fact, we find the first mention of Christians fasting before the Assumption in a conversation by Leo the Great, delivered back in 450.

The establishment was officially confirmed by the Council of Constantinople in 1166.

The removal of the honorable trees and the Transfiguration of the Lord: the consecration of honey and fruits

During the period from August 14 to 27, two important Christian holidays fall, better known among the people as the Honey and Apple Savior. The very word “Savior” indicates that these holidays are dedicated to our Savior - Jesus Christ.

Destruction of honest trees or Honey Savior?

On August 14, the first day of the Dormition Lent, the Church celebrates removal of the honorable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord . This holiday was established in Constantinople. Since people were often sick in August, believers and the clergy walked through the streets of the city on August 14 procession, carrying with him the Cross of the Lord. This grace sanctified the city, so illnesses stopped.

In the Russian Church this day was designated by another holiday - the date Baptism of Rus' . Although we celebrate the Day of the Baptism of Rus' on July 28 (on the day of memory of Prince Vladimir), in fact Kyiv was baptized on August 1 (new style 14) 988.

In folklore tradition, the day of August 14 is known as “Honey Savior” and “Makovei”. Therefore, people bring new harvest honey and all kinds of herbs to the temple for blessing. Many people believe that the poppy must be blessed. But is it?

“Macobean” and Maccabees - do they have anything in common?

On the first day of the Dormition Lent, another holiday falls - Memorial Day of the Seven Maccabees Martyrs . These saints lived before the birth of Christ in Judea and suffered because they did not break the law - they did not eat unclean food. They suffered martyrdom in front of their own mother.

But there is no connection between the Maccabean martyrs and the consecration of the poppy. Therefore, believers should not worry so much about where to get this plant for a bouquet. You can buy a ready-made bouquet from different plants or collect it from your favorite flowers and medicinal herbs, because on August 14, different medicinal plants and new harvest honey.

In ancient times there was a tradition of bringing some harvested for consecration in the temple - God Himself blessed this harvest. Accordingly, a significant part of what was brought was left in the church. These products were then distributed to the poor.

Today, the pious tradition of consecration remains, but, nevertheless, almost no one leaves honey, herbs or fruits in the temple. Some come to church only to consecrate something. This approach is nothing more than a misunderstanding of church customs. For Orthodox prayer and the Liturgy should always come first; the consecration of water, Easter cakes or fruits is only an addition to the holiday.

Not just Apple Spas

On August 19, the Church celebrates one of the most important Orthodox holidays . On this day, Jesus Christ, together with the three apostles - Peter, John and James - ascended Mount Tabor. There the disciples saw the transformed Lord - the whole Christ shone with an unearthly light.

This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to Him (Matt. 17:5).

The Liturgy on this day is especially filled with this Divine light; the white vestments of the priests also symbolically point to the light of Christ.

This holiday also becomes an edification for the believer, because each of us is called to transformation - the achievement of holiness.

An addition to the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the consecration of the fruits of the new harvest. Since in Rus' these were mainly apples, the day itself was called Apple Savior. But it is important not to forget: the blessing of fruit baskets is only an addition to the holiday, and not its purpose.

Dormition ≠ death

The Dormition Fast ends on the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Therefore, on August 28, if it is not Wednesday or Friday, you can eat any food.

The very same day Orthodox tradition depicted as a bright holiday, and not a mourning day for the burial of the Virgin Mary.

Why? Yes, because the Most Holy Theotokos seemed to have not died, but fallen asleep. And the Son took Her to Himself to Heaven. Moreover, he took me not only mentally, but also physically. Now She is with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven and does not stop praying for people.

Priest Evgeniy Popichenko talks about observing the Dormition Fast:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

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On August 28, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Assumption Holy Mother of God. Why is the holiday called the Dormition, and not death? Do Catholics have this day? What does legend say about the history of the holiday? What is the basis for the veneration of the Virgin Mary as the intercessor for the entire human race? Read about it further.

August 14 at church calendar- a holiday with a not very clear name “The Origin (Wearing) of the Trees of the Cross of the Lord” and the beginning of the Dormition Fast. And in the folk calendar - the honey Savior or the poppy Savior. Honey fairs are already unfolding in Moscow. The products of “nomadic” apiaries have even migrated to Red Square, and you have to choose meticulously so as not to take sugar syrup home or to church instead of honey - also sweet, of course, but useless.

The church name of the August holiday is explained by the fact that in Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) during this hot time, calling on God for help in the fight against epidemics, they walked around the city with a piece of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. In Rus' at this time, new wells were blessed and old ones were cleaned, and they also went in religious processions to lakes and springs - they blessed the water. Therefore, the holiday was also called “Spas on Water”, or “wet Spas”.

“Honey” and “poppy” names were born in peasant life: it was believed that from this day bees stopped carrying honey from flowers, so beekeepers began to pump out honey or carry honeycombs of a new collection to the church for consecration. After this, everyone was treated to honey. The proverb says that “for the first time, even a beggar will try honey.” Strict guardians of folk customs began to eat honey from the new harvest only on August 14th. By this time the poppy was considered ripe. Housewives baked honey gingerbreads, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, pies, buns, buns with poppy seeds for the holiday.

Today you can rarely be sure that the honey came to the counter directly from the apiary. The American Encyclopedia of Beekeeping says: “Whoever is looking for pure honey should buy it in combs.” Chairman of the Presidium of the Belgorod Beekeepers Society Vladimir Sarana told Izvestia how to distinguish real honey from the surrogate, when it has already been poured into barrels and jars. “Under no circumstances should honey be selected for its transparency,” warns the beekeeper. It is better to check the humidity: the lower it is, the better. You can’t take a refractometer with you to the market, but if the honey, when poured in a thin stream, forms a column, then there is not enough water in it, and if there is a depression on the surface under the stream, it is not ripe, there is too much liquid in it. Such honey may soon ferment or sour.

Most reliable choice- taste: in Russia there are about 150 types of honey plants, honey has a different taste range. “Whether honey is suitable for you personally can only be determined by taste,” says the beekeeper. When real honey is poured into a glass jar, there is an electric crackling sound; if there are no discharges, they pour you disguised jam, says Vladimir Sarana. Also, without leaving the counter, you can drop a little honey on the back of your hand. Real honey, unlike sugar syrup, is absorbed into the skin; the honey will stop sticking after a couple of minutes, and the syrup will remain sticky after ten - so go wash your hands. Especially for Izvestia readers, the beekeeper shared a secret: take matches with you to the market and drip honey onto the flame. Real honey does not smoke, but sugar syrup produces black soot.

Before being taken to market, candied honey is often heated to make it liquid and clear again. This method can be used to “reanimate” honey at home in a water bath, but you just need to make sure that the temperature does not rise to 50 degrees. Directly upon purchase, an experienced person will recognize overheated honey by taste: it loses its aroma and aftertaste. When excessively overheated, honey even forms a substance that is toxic to bees and harmful to humans, which gives it a specific taste. If you leave honey in the sun for a day, it will also lose its quality. It should be stored in the dark, in a tightly closed container made of glass or aluminum. Honey absorbs odors well - and you risk getting a delicacy with the aroma of grated horseradish standing nearby.

Today, cheap Chinese raw sugar honey is imported into Russia in large quantities. “This is sugar syrup passed through a bee,” Vladimir Sarana explained to Izvestia. “It’s sweet, but it doesn’t contain trace elements from flower nectar.” In Russia, Chinese raw materials are heated and flavored - the so-called sea buckthorn honey, strawberry honey, and so on are obtained. “The bee does not land on sea buckthorn at all; this plant is pollinated by the wind. This is a surrogate, but everything is in order with the documents. We even checked it in the laboratory - and it turned out that the composition complies with GOST. But our GOST is no longer used in the world - its indicators are easy to falsify,” warns Vladimir Sarana. According to the beekeeper, the only criterion for the quality of honey on the market is the conscience of the beekeeper. The most honest names are “meadow” or “forbs”. In such honey and useful substances most.

On August 19, the day of Transfiguration, the Savior of the Apples will come: the fruits of the new harvest will be blessed in the church. Since the tradition came from Greece, it is customary to bless grapes, and in Russia - apples, but this does not mean that you cannot bring apricots, pears and even carrots to the temple (just remember to wash them). The Church Slavonic language, in which the prayer for consecration is read, does not distinguish between vegetables and fruits at all.

Once upon a time, before the consecration, peasants did not eat apples from the new harvest. Nowadays, not every parishioner sanctifies the fruits of his own farming - rather we're talking about about imported fruits. If you don’t eat them before the Transfiguration, when should you start the “apple fast”? Those who did not intend to observe this custom need not worry: baking a charlotte or crunching an apple is not a sin.

The third Savior - nut, bread or Savior on canvas - will come on August 29. In the church on this day they pray in front of the icon “Savior Not Made by Hands,” and the people celebrate it as a day of thanksgiving to God for their daily bread.