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» Sentences with phraseological units. Sentences with phraseological units - decoration of Russian speech Find phraseological units and make a sentence

Sentences with phraseological units. Sentences with phraseological units - decoration of Russian speech Find phraseological units and make a sentence

In most languages, there are lexical units called phraseological units. They are interesting because they often create difficulties during translation or turn out to be completely untranslatable. Let's try to understand such a phenomenon as phraseological units in the Russian language, and their role in written and spoken speech.

The lexical composition of the Russian language consists not only of individual words denoting objects, positive and negative signs and actions, but also of welded combinations.

A phraseological phrase is a historically established stable expression that has a holistic meaning.

  • roll up your sleeves - work hard;
  • as he looked into the water - he foresaw the future;
  • porridge in the head - confusion in thoughts;
  • blood with milk - a healthy, strongly built person.

A number of signs will help you find phraseological units:

Phraseological units can have correspondences among free phrases. Thus, biting one’s tongue (to shut up, refrain from speaking) can also be used in its literal meaning.

The question arises of how to determine in what meaning a stable expression is used. Context will help. Compare: I already wanted to confess everything, but I bit my tongue in time (figurative) / The bus shook so hard that I bit my tongue (direct).

If you have doubts whether you understand the definition of a phraseological unit correctly, you can always look in special dictionaries of the Russian language or, as a last resort, go to the Wikipedia portal and look there.

Types of phraseological units

Different phraseological units have different degrees of cohesion of elements, that is, the dependence of the components of the phrase on each other.

On this basis, the following groups are distinguished in the language:

  • Fusions. In such phrases, the words included in them have lost their original meaning, and therefore the general meaning does not follow from the semantics of its constituent elements. For example, starve a worm: the general meaning of “snack” does not consist of the meanings of the word “starve” (starve to death) and the word “worm” (small worm). Phraseological adjuncts are also expressions that contain an obsolete word. Often the meaning of this word is either unknown to a wide range of people or lost. Such expressions include, for example, getting into trouble (finding yourself in an unpleasant position), playing around (doing nothing), without hesitation (without doubting at all), etc. Most people do not know what prosak or baklushi are, but everyone knows the meaning of phraseological units using these words.
  • Unity. This group of phraseological units consists of such statements, the meaning of which is partly related to the semantics of the words included in it, used in a figurative, figurative meaning. For example, to go into one’s shell means “to retire”: this combination is based on the image of a snail going into its shell. If adhesions have lost their imagery, then unities are perceived as paths. Among phraseological unities, figurative comparisons are distinguished - like a bath leaf, like a mountain from the shoulders; epithets - iron discipline, raspberry ringing; hyperboles – mountains of gold, seas of pleasure; – there was no poppy dew in my mouth, as big as my little finger. Phraseological unity may be based on a pun or joke: a donut hole (emptiness), a sleeve from a vest (nothing). Sometimes they are based on a play of antonyms: both old and young, here and there, and laughter and sin.
  • Combinations. In such phraseological units of the Russian language, one of the components of a stable expression is limited in its use. For example, to cry bitterly: the word bitterly is used only with the word cry; lower your gaze (head): the word lowered with other words is not used.
  • Expressions. This type includes popular expressions, proverbs and sayings: happy people do not watch the clock; to be or not to be, a man in a case, without difficulty it is not possible to take a fish out of a pond.

Origin of phraseological units

Russian phraseology has developed over many centuries, and its composition continues to expand today. In this regard, it becomes interesting where certain phraseological units came from in the language.

Let's look at what groups phraseological units are divided into from the point of view of their origin.

Most of them are originally Russian. Among them are:

  1. Common Slavic: to show off (to deceive), it pours like buckets (about heavy rain).
  2. East Slavic: deaf grouse (hard of hearing person), under Tsar Gorokh (a very long time ago).
  3. Actually, Russians: talk their teeth (lie, inventing long and complicated stories), and cheap and cheerful.

Many stable expressions came to our language from the Bible and are associated with biblical stories: Babylonian pandemonium (confusion, turmoil) refers to the legend of the Babylonian confusion of languages, throwing pearls before swine (telling an ignorant person information that he can neither understand nor appreciate ) is an inaccurate translation of the biblical quote “throwing pearls before swine.”

Note! There are phraseological dictionaries of etymological type, where you can find out the origin of a stable phrase. For example, “Etymological Phraseological Dictionary” by N.I. Shansky. Conventional phraseology dictionaries do not provide such information.

Some phraseological units are based on legends and facts of antiquity.

Thus, the apple of discord (the cause of a dispute, strife) refers to the myth of Paris and Helen, the Augean stables (a very dirty room, a terrible mess) came from the myth of the exploits of Hercules, Sisyphus' labor (hard, meaningless work) refers to the myth of Sisyphus.

Many stable phrases came from the speech of representatives of various professions: without a hitch (without interference or problems), cut like a nut (to win a complete victory) - from the speech of carpenters; to play the first violin (to be the leader of something) - from the speech of the musicians.

Borrowings from European languages ​​occurred in two directions:

  1. From fiction: Abandon hope, ye who enter here (A. Dante), the princess and the pea (G. H. Andersen);
  2. Using the tracing method, that is, literal translation into Russian: honeymoon (French la lune de miel), time is money (English time is money).

Modern phraseological units are new stable expressions that have appeared in the language over the past couple of decades.

They have many sources: from rethinking existing units to borrowing from different languages, mainly from English.

Such stable turnovers, as a rule, exist among young people. Let's give a few examples: go on a diet in the sense of temporarily giving up the use of obscene words; complete bezandenstend – a situation of misunderstanding of something; to get caught for sharps means to go to prison (the similarity of the sharp sign with a bars is shown).

The fate of such set expressions is not yet clear; they are not enshrined in dictionaries and have a rather narrow range of speakers.

The role of phraseological units in a sentence

In a sentence, a phraseological unit is one member: subject, predicate, object, circumstance, definition or interjection.

  1. Nominal phraseological units are formed mainly by a combination of a noun and an adjective, which means they act as a subject or object in a sentence: golden hands, sea wolf.
  2. Verbal phraseological units, as a rule, perform the function of a predicate in a sentence: bring to light (expose), put your soul into it (do something in good faith, with full dedication).
  3. Adverbial types, just like adverbs, play the role of circumstances in a sentence. Please note: the constituent statements can be expressed by different parts of speech, in addition to the adverb, but still retain the general meaning of the circumstance. Examples: at the top of your lungs, to the depths of your soul, just around the corner.
  4. The definition is played by phrases denoting the attribute of an object: blood with milk.
  5. There are also interjection phraseological units that express the emotions of the speaker: no fluff, no feather!, the hell with it!

Let’s look at what questions a phraseological turn of phrase can answer:

  • If a stable expression answers the question who? or what?, then he plays the role of the subject. I kept waiting for the (what?) promised land to open to me.
  • Questions about the indirect cases of a noun indicate that the phraseological unit is an addition. Layout can be called (what?) the cornerstone of building a house.
  • Questions what to do?/what to do?, as a rule, show a phraseological unit-predicate. Pavel Ivanovich once again (what did he do?) got into trouble because of his new hobby.
  • If it answers questions how? When? Where? Where? where? For what? Why? how?, then it acts as a circumstance. Valentina valued her senior dispatcher (how?) worth her weight in gold.

Advice! To determine which part of a sentence is a phraseological unit, ask a question to the entire expression, and not to its part.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Phraseology is a source of imagery, and the skillful use of its units makes our speech more expressive. However, phraseological units must be used with caution.

Ignorance of the meaning of a set expression, its origin and scope of use often leads to mistakes and misunderstandings, and inaccurate transmission of the components of a phraseological unit indicates low linguistic literacy.

To avoid getting into trouble, do not use phraseological units that you doubt, and consult dictionaries more often.

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Please write 5 sentences with phraseological units. and got the best answer

Answer from Simply (((SEREGA)))[guru]

The brother was beside himself with rage.

My grandfather has golden hands.

Answer from Kiril Patalakh[newbie]
Thank you

Answer from G-10.ru_order[newbie]
10 sentences with phraseological units

Answer from Lev Andronov[newbie]
The train should arrive any minute.
You can't cook porridge with guys like that.
The brother was beside himself with rage.
During rehearsal, the singer lost his voice.
This time the boys returned from fishing empty-handed.
Yegor sat neither alive nor dead, awaiting punishment.
Keep what I told you secret.
My grandfather has golden hands.
The train should arrive any minute.
You can't cook porridge with guys like that.
The brother was beside himself with rage.
During rehearsal, the singer lost his voice.
This time the boys returned from fishing empty-handed.
Yegor sat neither alive nor dead, awaiting punishment.
Keep what I told you secret.
My grandfather has golden hands.
The train should arrive any minute.
You can't cook porridge with guys like that.
The brother was beside himself with rage.
During rehearsal, the singer lost his voice.
This time the boys returned from fishing empty-handed.
Yegor sat neither alive nor dead, awaiting punishment.
Keep what I told you secret.
My grandfather has golden hands.
The train should arrive any minute.
You can't cook porridge with guys like that.
The brother was beside himself with rage.
During rehearsal, the singer lost his voice.
This time the boys returned from fishing empty-handed.
Yegor sat neither alive nor dead, awaiting punishment.
Keep what I told you secret.
My grandfather has golden hands.

Answer from Anya Martynenko[newbie]

And Vaska listens and eats! (ignore reproaches).

It’s written all over the water whether I’ll be a celebrity! (Unlikely event) .
Here's to you, grandma, and St. George's Day! (Annoyance or surprise).
Grief is girded with bast! (Extreme poverty) .
Keep the stone in your bosom.
Bring to white heat. (Annoy to the limit).

Not everyone can fish in troubled waters. (Take advantage of difficulties).
Our friend was distinguished by his ability to make a Solomonic decision. (very wise).

Answer from Kate *-*[newbie]

Answer from Alesya -[newbie]
many of my friends spend the entire holidays fighting boklusha

Answer from Ivan Sergeevich[newbie]
return the toy any minute

Answer from Ksenia Geeva[newbie]
The boys ran and their heels sparkled.
My dad has golden hands.
My friends and I are inseparable.
The fighter said: “The food cried like a cat.”
Their work is careless.
The train should arrive any minute

Answer from Andrey Fokin[newbie]
crocodile tears

Answer from MARIANNA BARBANAKOVA[newbie]
To be in seventh heaven.

Answer from Land Feed[newbie]
They don't spill water

Answer from Anastasia Kolomytseva[newbie]
Money cried like a cat, All the pain disappeared as if by hand,

Answer from Alexey Nepomnyashchikh[newbie]
Then everyone got together and exposed this gossiper, who had not said a word of truth about anyone.

Answer from Marina Semenova[newbie]
We need sentences with phraseological phrases having: neither this nor that, neither light nor dawn, neither give nor take, neither fish nor meat

Answer from Gosha Sevosty[newbie]

Answer from Lol lol[newbie]
My dad has a steady hand

Answer from Masha Sungurova[newbie]

Answer from Evil Zaya[newbie]
how the cat cried!
work carelessly!
according to Emelya and a hat!
What goes around comes around!
The spool is small but expensive!

Answer from Olmira[guru]
Treat the matter reluctantly, carelessly.
Feel cheap.
And Vaska listens and eats! (ignore the reproaches).
To be in seventh heaven.
It’s written all over the water whether I’ll be a celebrity! (Unlikely event).
Here's to you, grandma, and St. George's Day! (Annoyance or surprise).
Grief is girded with bast! (Extreme poverty).
Keep the stone in your bosom.
Bring to white heat. (Annoy to the limit).
Remember it once and for all, or better yet, write it down!
It's a long and wasteful drive - to slurp jelly seven miles away!
How can we be sinless, because even the sun has spots!
Petka was late and showed up for the head examination.
Not everyone can fish in troubled waters. (Take advantage of difficulties).
Our friend was distinguished by his ability to make a Solomonic decision. (very wise).

The Russian language has one feature that distinguishes it from other languages ​​of the world. This is a large group of means of artistic expression, widely represented in the works of classic literature. These, among other things, are sentences with phraseological units that are widely used in our speech.

stumbling block

A phraseological unit is a speech pattern in which words are used in a figurative meaning. It can only be found in Russian. Phraseologisms do not have an author; they are perceived as a natural treasure of the language that came from the depths of centuries. Sentences with phraseological units are a kind of stumbling block that confuses foreigners, because we have heard and understood this language model since childhood.

Phraseologism is associated with vocabulary. This is necessarily a phrase whose meaning is understandable only in general. It cannot be divided into its component parts without losing its meaning.

Basically, phraseological units are constructed in such a way that they reflect our history, work, customs and traditions of our ancestors (“to kick the bucket” - to mess around).

Some phraseological units came from folk songs, proverbs, and fairy tales (“to shed burning tears”).

Some are related to professions. “A teaspoon per hour,” the health workers prescribed the medicine, but now it means “not enough”; “to leave the stage,” the artists said, and now we use this expression when someone retires from business or loses popularity.

We have many expressions taken from antiquity and other languages. Such are the “prodigal son” from the Bible, the “Achilles heel” from mythology, “to be or not to be” from the classics.

Various options

A phraseological unit is equal in meaning to one synonymous word. It will show what a phraseological unit is in a sentence. It can be expressed by different parts of speech, which affects the syntactic role of the phraseological unit. One thing is certain: he will fill this role as a whole.

As a means of expressiveness, phraseological units are interesting because they are based on metaphors, hyperboles, litotes, and comparisons. Sentences with phraseological units are unusual. The beauty of these combinations is determined by their mythological imagery (“sword of Damocles”), and at times by a certain sublimity (“to cherish like the apple of your eye”).

Phraseologisms are used in a sentence to enhance its clarity and imagery (“Ariadne’s thread”), create the desired tonality (“in the middle of nowhere”), give the text an expressive coloring (“without a king in my head”), and convey the author’s feelings (“hanging my ears ").

Sentences with phraseological units, these ready-made speech units, are familiar to us from childhood; we learn to use them appropriately, making speech colorful and rich in content, since they are capable of introducing additional shades.

"Zest" of the Russian language

Phraseological units are characterized by accuracy, brightness, imagery; their content includes all aspects of human life, its properties, and the characters of people. Therefore, this lexical unit is one of the means of decorating speech and is a favorite technique of classical writers.

If you analyze the meaning of a phraseological unit and the word that can replace it, you can see how inferior individual words are compared to the whole unit: writing like a chicken with its paw is sloppy, wrapping it around your finger is deceiving, like a cat cried - not enough, and others.

“Gleb looked sad at the board and blushed...” - agree, it sounds a bit dry, the thought is somehow incomplete.

As we see in this example, the purpose of a phraseological unit is to enhance the impression of what was said. A sentence in which the means of expression is a phraseological unit maintains the interest of the addressee and affects not only the mind, but also the feelings.

In the world of phraseological units

Phraseologisms have firmly entered our lives “and no nails”; we “from young to old” use them in our speech, sometimes even without noticing it. We don’t have “black sheep” who don’t know what phraseological units are. “A lot of water has passed under the bridge since” they appeared in the Russian language, but we “can’t raise our hand” to put them “on the back burner.” Their use enriches our speech, endows it with bright, colorful emotions, and makes statements memorable. It's like a balm for the soul.

The composition of phraseological units is stable: you cannot replace words in them at will; these are ready-made expressions that require memorization. Sentences with phraseological units (examples of some expressions are given in the article) have been with us “from an early age” and help us “find a common language” with our interlocutor.

What sentences can be made with phraseological units, examples?

    You need to walk a little, the house is just two steps away from the road.

    In his footsteps many came.

    All these people worked under pressure.

    Actor squeezed out a tear from the audience.

    Nastya to us seventh water on jelly.

    We got up neither light nor dawn and went into the forest to pick mushrooms.

    This person neither fish nor fowl.

    Our studio works like a clock.

    This news was for us like a bolt from the blue!

    People gathered in the square, there's nowhere for the apple to fall.

    And you don't blink your eyes.

    The boy knew math like the back of my hand.

    He worked tirelessly, but there is a result.

    Climber gave my heart mountains.

    And our neighbor not too badass, agile man!

    So as not to get into trouble, sit at home.

    As time went at a snail's pace It seemed like morning would never come.

    I will offer several suggestions that are suitable for appropriate vocabulary tasks in Russian lessons for different grades. Depending on the complexity of the sentence and the nature of the phraseological unit, choose them for students of a particular class:

    1) When preparing a marinade, you need to find that golden mean that will give the marinade itself an irresistible taste and will not kill the taste of the natural product.

    2) You’ve become lazy lately, you’re not studying, and you’re smokin’ the sky.

    3) Don’t lose face, Vanya, perform properly.

    4) I’m not going to pat you on the head, Vika, for such tricks.

    5) I’m ready to fall into the ground when you swear.

    6) Don’t lead me by the nose, I see right through you.

    7) They don’t work carelessly at the cleanup event, even though this event does not bring profit.

    8) I’ve been explaining the rule to you for an hour, but you don’t care.

    So, examples of phraseological units in sentences:

    • I saw an advertisement on the Internet - you invest money in the site for a month and in the bag- in 30 days you will receive three times more!
    • No, for me investment projects are the Forbidden fruit- the mind does not allow them to believe.
    • I am these hypes and investments I know it by heart I'm sure everything will be fine!
    • You'll see - we'll get the maximum, like the cat cried.
  • My neighbor advised me not to wash dirty linen in public.

    The chicken became shed crocodile tears.

    The staff were not averse today pull the cat's tail.

    The doctor promised put this patient on your feet.

    He was late for school, so he ran along the road from everyone but G.

    My sister loves to make mountains out of molehills.

    Coming to work, dad felt out of place.

    What do I have? written on the forehead What can I do for everyone?

    Masha was ready fall underground out of shame.

    Some things I am capable of catch on the fly.

    Lyubochka preferred these words pout your lips.

    After physical education, in a physics lesson, the guys had mess in my head.

    The proposals were as follows.

    My brother and I are like two peas in a pod.

    In some cases, beluga howling does not help.

    Having worked hard now, you can live happily later.

    Petka was shining as if he had a crown of thorns on his head.

    every person is drawn to return to his own home.

    A quitter will always nod off in class.

    I lied about three times and got lost in three trees of lies.

    My brother is stubborn as a donkey, cunning as a fox and resourceful as hell.

    I don’t like going to the store because my eyes widen from the abundance of beautiful toys.

    The most beautiful girl in the class plays the first violin.

    I navigate the forest like a fish in water.

    Until the first roosters Today we did not sleep waiting for the guests to arrive, but they never showed up.

    — Grandfather grumbled that he didn’t need this rusty bicycle, like a dog's fifth leg, however, he continued to tinker with the bike.

    — Stop it kick your ass“Children, get started with your homework already,” my mother said very sternly.

    - My darling, what are you doing? hung his nose? All problems can be solved if you don’t panic! - the grandmother said to her grandson.

    - When they advise me bite your tongue, I am very offended because I always speak to the point.

    - Petka, you tell me don't speak your teeth“But tell the truth, otherwise it will be bad for you,” Seryoga threatened the red one against lying to Petka.

    Phraseologisms are actually studied in school from the earliest grades. In an earlier period of learning - as individual expressions, well-known sayings. And then - as a systematic phenomenon and as a set of established combinations.

    The teacher can offer work with any phraseological unit, the meaning of which is not too adult. Making sentences with phraseological units is quite an exciting activity:

    1. Vitaly Nikitich, I’ve been screaming at you for half an hour, and you’ve just taken water into your mouth.
    2. Comrade speakers, I ask you to bite your tongue when they talk about eternal values, but you only have jokes on your mind.
    3. Why, Aristarkh Ivanovich, have you eaten too much henbane, or what?
    4. Guys, stop beating yourself up, it’s time to go water the seedlings!
    5. Laughing out loud in Ivanovo is not very civilized.
    6. And your lip is not stupid, Lena, look how meticulously you choose your friends...
  • Unscrupulous people grab without a twinge of conscience.

    I despise those who walks over heads.

    Moral suppression is very likely take to the grave.

    Employees work with a sense of duty tirelessly.

    Victims hate their abusers to the core.

    Comrade left this world in the prime of life.

    The dean called the student a few words.

    While the teacher is not in the office, you can sharpen the laces.

    These ladies are friends from school.

    This wonderful psychotherapist has healed many broken hearts.

    Valentina went to a monastery and became Christ's bride.

    This baby beyond his years serious and smart.

    Unfortunately, domestic violence happens a lot. behind closed doors.

    How touching veal tenderness!

    Confused, the girl began red as a lobster.

    Without moral support, the poor thing would be completely lost heart.

    People who are insecure about themselves don't count on anything.

    Impressionable individuals can be seriously and for a long time unsettle impudence and swagger.

  • Phraseologisms or catchphrases decorate our speech and make it rich. After all, some moments simply cannot be expressed in words, you look for phrases, and in this case, phraseological units come in very handy.

    Examples of sentences with phraseological units:

    1. At my mom's skillful fingers- they can do everything - cook deliciously, create comfort in the house, sew, knit, embroider...
    2. This team is working rolling up my sleeves- quickly, efficiently and with soul.
    3. He's already five minutes to doctor.
    4. We are already waiting for him half an hour.
    5. Volodya does everything carelessly.
    6. After that he and when it's cold it blows.
    7. Vladik in mathematics, like fish in water.
    8. Baby spinning under your feet, prevents mom from preparing dinner.
    9. Finally, at the age of forty, he got to his feet.
    10. Yes, he needs this thing like a dog's fifth paw.
    11. We don't need talk teeth.
    12. This attitude towards loved ones won't do any good.
  • Sentences with phraseological units:

    1. Anna Petrovna succeeded withdraw Egor on clean water.
    2. Wash dirty linen in public Mom didn’t want to, so she didn’t tell the neighbor anything.
    3. A wonderful remedy helped the pain too as if taken away by hand.
    4. Stop it for me fool one's head!
    5. After Mitya proposed to her, Nastya was on the seventh sky from happiness.
    6. Peter didn't have no stake, no yard, but still he was considered a good groom for her.
    7. This is not a certificate, but Filkina's diploma.
    8. The uninvited guests had to leave empty-handed.
    9. Dad promised to remake the dog's kennel after the rain on Thursday.
    10. And how could she do this goof up in front of the workers?

The Russian language is so mobile and flexible that it allows you to use many special speech techniques: proverbs, sayings, metaphors and much more. Separately, I would like to talk about what a phraseological unit is.

Phraseologisms are phrases whose meaning can embellish speech and give it a special emotional connotation. A phraseological phrase is indivisible in meaning, that is, it has a common meaning of all the words included in it. Each word separately does not carry such an information load. It is better to consider examples with an explanation of phraseological units.

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The horse didn't lie

Ordinary speech would be dry and less emotional if there were no special lexical units in it - phraseological units. For example, you could say, “I felt really angry.” Or you can say it this way: “I was as angry as a dog.” The listener has completely different associative images in his mind. The brain perceives the image of an angry dog ​​instantly, at the level of a reflex. Life experience accumulated in the subconscious takes its toll.

Or this example of a phrase: “I have not yet started doing the intended work.” It sounds much better: “I haven’t had a horse lying around yet.” For a foreigner to understand this is a real headache! What kind of horse and why didn’t he lie down? And a Russian person instantly grasps the essence of the speaker’s problem.

Phraseologism “one foot here - the other - there” very often used in speech. It is literally impossible for a person's feet to be in different places at the same time! But it means that the speaker is already on the way and is rushing very quickly and is about to arrive at the right place.

Interesting observation. Phraseological phrases sometimes reduce the severity of perception of a negative action and enhance the positive.

Whose authorship?

Many people think about origin of set expressions. Phraseologisms have no authors. Or so, the authors are the people. In the process of life and accumulation of experience, people apply their knowledge, transforming it into new forms.

The origin of vivid figures of speech is also associated with literary and historical facts. Everyone has an idea about the exploits of Hercules, and in particular about one of them - how quickly the strong man was able to clear the stables of King Augeas. The hero showed resourcefulness and quickly dealt with an extremely difficult task. He accomplished the seemingly impossible! So it was customary for the people to say: “I’ll go clean up the Augean stables...” Or: “What a good fellow, he cleaned the Augean stables!”

In addition to the “lying horse”, an interesting phrase is about "buried dog". Example: “So that’s where the dog is buried!” This means that a solution has finally been found to a problem or issue that has been nagging for a long time. The topic of the origin of popular expressions with this animal is very popular. There are stories of dogs whose graves served as a kind of memory for their owners (they were lost, and then found).

In Russian speech, everyone who deserves punishment is “poured on the first day.” This came from a school where students were caned. The punishment was effective and the student behaved well until the start of the next month of school (until the 1st).

Let's go through phraseological units

Introducing a small list of figures of speech for reference. They are most often used in relation to a specific person:

Phraseologisms in sentences

There is also many other catchphrases. It's interesting to look at examples.

  1. It's time to wash your hands of it. This sentence means that the time has come to step away from the problem, to indicate your non-involvement in it.
  2. In life, he liked to “go with the flow.” The hero is passive and lived according to the will of circumstances, without resisting them in any way.
  3. My worries are a dime a dozen. There is a lot to do.
  4. Relatives came to visit - “the seventh water on jelly.” Here the degree of relationship is very blurred, there is no way to figure out who belongs to whom and by whom.
  5. He got married according to the principle “don’t drink water off your face.” This is a sad story, here is an attempt to love the inner world of a person, implying that not everything is in order with his appearance.
  6. See you "after the rain on Thursday." This sentence has the meaning: we will never see each other, and it also shows a disdainful attitude towards the person.
  7. In his stories he liked to “build up the atmosphere.” Here we are talking about a person who clearly exaggerates the complexity and horror of events in his narratives, heating up the situation.
  8. We left home “without a sip.” The meaning of the phraseological unit: I had to return without earnings, profit or any other result previously planned.

The given examples show how vividly, briefly and succinctly phraseological units can characterize some situations. They also add nuances of sound and semantic accents to speech. Origin may not matter. Moreover, the lexical meaning of phraseological units is integral and is perceived as a short signal of an associative series stored in human memory.

About labor

Let's talk about phraseological units that mention job or profession. People have written a lot of sayings, fables and other lexical forms about work. Let us give examples of phraseological units and their meanings.

Phraseologisms for children

Work and acquaintance with phraseological units starts already at school. Children are taught to understand set expressions and be able to explain them. In their native speech lessons, younger schoolchildren practice constructing statements using phraseological units. In this way, they enrich their vocabulary and vocabulary knowledge. Children learn to explain phraseological units with one short word or related phrase.

Phraseologisms are quite simple to understand and memorize, according to the age of primary school children. Let's look at examples:

  • shut your mouth (shut up);
  • keep your mouth shut (keep a secret);
  • not to believe your ears (to be surprised by what you hear);
  • nod off (fall asleep);
  • lead by the nose (deceive);
  • fly headlong (run quickly) and others.

The use of phraseological units in elementary school contributes to their development "sense of language", inherent in the Russian person. Forms imaginative thinking, the speed of creating thought forms. Aphorisms are compiled from pictures or work is done with texts.

In Russian language lessons, students complete written assignments in which they replace phraseological units with one word (insert the missing word).

In literary reading lessons, they learn to compare images of fairy-tale characters with phraseological phrases. For example, Emelya - “lies and doesn’t blow a breath”.

When studying mathematics, they analyze stable phrases: “square head”, “two inches from the pot” and others.

Phraseological units are applicable in various fields of activity, areas of knowledge, and life situations. The main thing is to understand their meaning! A true connoisseur of the Russian language will definitely use catchphrases in his speech, both for his own pleasure (he will create a picture) and for a “cunning catchphrase.”