Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Subject Olympiads for elementary school. International distance competitions and olympiads

Subject Olympiads for elementary school. International distance competitions and olympiads

Olympics primary school always existed at different times. In different schools, different cities. As long as there are enthusiastic teachers, there will be various Olympiads.

In 1995, a circle of primary classes was opened for the first time at the Small Mekhmat. In the spring of 1996, for the first time, the idea arose to hold something like an Olympiad for the members of the circle. All sorts of mathematical holidays have already been held, but there the guys participated in teams of different ages, but I wanted to give them the opportunity to work individually.

And for the first time in March 1996, the Primary School Olympiad of the Small Mekhmat was held. The Olympiad was held in an oral-written format. That is, the task was written on the blackboard and the children were asked to write it down on paper. But, since very young children also participated in the Olympiad, after the child declared that he had solved and wrote down the problem, the teacher approached him (then it was the head of the circle - Elena Yurievna Ivanova) and asked to explain what was written in the solution.

Then, in 1996, only 15 people participated in the Olympiad, and no one was awarded prizes, the winners were given certificates and shook hands. But the guys were still happy.

Unfortunately, the conditions of the first Olympiads have not been preserved. We will be grateful if suddenly someone in the archives finds the conditions and he will share with us.

Inspired by the success, in the spring of 1997 it was decided to hold the Olympiad again. This year, the texts of the problems were typed, and each participant received his own condition. If in the first Olympiad the conditions were the same for everyone, then this year there were two options: for grades 1-2 and for grades 3-5. (In these years, a gradual transition to a four-year system of education in elementary school began and grade 4 in many schools began to disappear, turning into grade 5.) Already 22 schoolchildren took part in the second Olympiad, and not only circles, but also several schoolchildren who did not participate in the work of the circle. So to speak, for the company with friends.

The circle gradually grew, gradually turning into not one, but several. In 1999, for the first time in the Primary School Olympiad, a variant appeared separately for the 5th grade. Then the 5th grade olympiads were not held and the 5th graders - the participants of the olympiad were exclusively members of the circle.
Later, the 5th grade Olympiad spun off into an independent one and changed a lot. You can read about it in the 5th grade Olympiad section. Here we will continue the conversation about elementary school.

Until 2005, the Olympiad was held at the Small Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, being in fact a competition for circle members. In March 2005, for the first time, the Olympiad moved from the walls of Moscow State University to DNTTM and occupied an entire floor on one of the Sundays. Then for the first time there were already 85 participants and the work did not have time to check in one day. At the same time, for the first time, together with the diplomas, the first prizes from the DNTTM and the Small Mekhmat appeared.

The story of the Olympics elementary school will definitely continue...

All-Russian competitions for schoolchildren became extremely popular in 2018 - 2019 academic year from talented students of Russian schools. Our students are eager to take part in remote activities that are offered to them in various areas. Where else, on the vast expanses of the Internet, can you tell your talent and get that well-deserved award that you could only dream of before. And since the desire to participate in thematic competitions for schoolchildren is so great, then it's time to learn more about them, and then choose one of them for yourself in order to successfully debut and receive a winner's diploma.

All-Russian competitions for primary school students

In 2018 - 2019, it is planned to conduct new remote contests. Considering that kids of this age love to draw, crafts will be offered creative tasks in these areas. Each child will be able to show their creativity if parents or teachers help them to arrange the work correctly, send necessary materials site administrators. The results of some competitions have already been held. Applications are being accepted for new competitions in 2016. You can take part in them and become the lucky winner.

All-Russian competitions for students in grades 5 - 9 (secondary school)

Taking into account the fact that the main activity in the middle level is educational activity, I would like to offer schoolchildren participation in subject competitions, where they can show their abilities, knowledge of individual disciplines. Participation in school activities interesting, but children want to go beyond these limits and tell about themselves far beyond hometown or a small village. All-Russian competitions for middle school students help those who participate in them to prove themselves. It is these activities that help maintain schoolchildren's interest in those subjects that are studied at school, and at the same time stimulate the independence of schoolchildren, their activity, and initiative. Indeed, in order to adequately prove oneself in the All-Russian competition for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, one must be able to work with additional literature, look for desired material on the Internet, draw up the finished work, taking into account the requirements specified in the regulation. At the same time, there is close cooperation of students in groups, interaction between the student and the teacher, between children and parents. It was at this time that some schoolchildren discover their talents for creating projects, presentations on interesting topics, by writing creative works(poems, essays), to create collages, drawings, posters.

Electronic school Znanik is the organizer of all-Russian competitions in mathematics, Russian language and computer science, as well as meta-subject competitions for elementary schools.

All competitions are absentee and the presence of participants is not required. Everyone can register in our system for free and download the tasks of the competitions on the dates of their holding. Solutions are scanned (photographed) and placed in the office without any difficulties.

Students take part in the competition. However, registration is open and encouraged by both teachers and parents. You have the right to act as representatives of your children and students, declaring them as wards. The number of wards is not limited. A number of our teachers apply for competitions up to 80 or more children.

Why students need it:

  • interesting and often unusual tasks,
  • a rare opportunity to compete with peers from all regions of the country,
  • obtaining a certificate (diploma) confirming merit.

Why is this important for parents and educators:

  • active participation in the development and success of children,
  • professional incentives for active teachers,
  • increase in class ratings,
  • extracurricular educational work of schoolchildren,
  • training and unobtrusive control in the form of a competition.

Competitions for this academic year are over. But you can get notified about their start in the following, just leave your contact details:

Take part for free:

Take part in a competition very simple! To do this, after reading the terms of participation, you need:

  • register (how to register);
  • download assignments (how to download conditions);
  • upload your solution before the end of the competition (how to upload your work);
  • view and download the participant certificate ();
  • download author's solution from personal account after the end of the competition.

Take an expanded participation:

Difference from free membership

  • expert review of your work by our jury,
  • analysis of your work
  • participation in the overall rating of the event,
  • an electronic certificate or diploma indicating the points scored,

For expanded participation, you need to pay the registration fee specified in the conditions of a particular competition.

How to talk about the competition at school

There is a special page for each competition on the site, which contains posters and other information materials. We invite teachers to download the posters and post them in the school. In addition, on the same page you can find announcements about the competition and a news template for posting on the school website or on the teacher's page.

Teachers can help children get involved: register students (as an educator) or children (as a parent), pay the registration fee for them, upload their solutions. More information about these opportunities is written in the instructions for teachers and parents. You register as a teacher or parent and then follow the instructions for working with wards.

About school

The Zanika e-school is a federal educational project supported by the ASI, which has passed the examination of the Ministry of Education and Science, FIRO, and is registered by Roskomnadzor. Founded 9 years ago by MIPT graduates, international Olympiads, it brought together practicing teachers the highest category, methodologists - Soros laureates, trainers of Olympiads. More than 60 thousand teachers, 85 regions of the country, hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren are involved in work with Znanika. Doing best practices education available to everyone.

Olympiad tasks with answers in mathematics for grades 1-4

Olympiad in mathematics in elementary school

Description: The material is a task for the Olympiad in mathematics from grades 1 to 4. After tasks on parallels answers and points for them are given. These tasks can also be used in mathematics lessons to develop logical thinking.

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 1

1. Three brothers have two sisters. How many children are in the family? Circle the correct answer:

5 9 6

2. Which is heavier: 1 kilogram of cotton wool or 1 kilogram of iron? Circle the correct answer:

cotton wool equally

3. You can put 2 kilograms of food in the bag. How many bags should mom have if she wants to buy 4 kilograms of potatoes and a 1 kilogram melon?

Write an answer._________________________

4. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are in the yard?

Write an answer. __________________

5. Put the signs + or -to get the correct equality:

7 * 4 * 2 * 5 = 10

10 * 4 * 3 * 8 = 1

6. The staircase consists of 7 steps. Which step is in the middle?

7. The log was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts did you make? Circle the correct answer:

3 2 4

8. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs behind, 2 legs in front. How many legs does an animal have?

Write an answer:_________________________________

9. Three girls were preparing Christmas decorations for the New Year. The three of them worked for 3 hours. How many hours did each of them work?

Write an answer:_________________________

10. The sum of three even numbers is 12. Write these numbers if you know that the terms are not equal to each other.

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 2

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. A turkey weighs 12 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg? (1 point) Answer:________________

2. The cage of the rabbits was closed, but 24 legs were visible through the bottom hole, and 12 rabbit ears through the top hole. So how many rabbits were in the cage? (3 points) Answer: ___________________

3. Anya, Zhenya and Nina test received different marks, but they did not have deuces. Guess what grade each of the girls received, if Anya does not have “3”, Nina does not have “3” and not “5” (3 points).

Answer: Anya ___, Nina ____, Zhenya _____.

4. From the numbers 21, 19, 30, 25, 12, 7, 15, 6, 27, select three such numbers, the sum of which will be equal to 50 (2 points). Answer:___________________________.

5. Pinocchio has less than 20 gold coins. He can arrange these coins into piles of two, three and four coins. How many coins does Pinocchio have? (3 points) Answer: __________.

6. Write down all two-digit numbers in which the number of units by four more number tens? (1 case - 1 point) _________________________.

7. Katya, Galya and Olya hid each toy while playing. They played with a bear cub, a bunny and an elephant. It is known that Katya did not hide the bunny, and Olya did not hide either the bunny or the bear cub. Who has what toy? (3 points)

Answer: Katya ____________________, Galya ____________________, Olya _____________________.

8. Three girls, when asked how old they were, answered as follows: Masha: “Together with Natasha, I am 21 years old”, Natasha: “I am 4 years younger than Tamara”, Tamara: “The three of us together are 34 years old”. How old is each of the girls? (5 points)

Answer: Masha _________, Natasha ____________, Tamara ___________.

9. Insert the missing signs of mathematical operations. (1 example - 2 points)

1 2 3 4 5 = 5 1 2 3 4 5 = 7

10. Continue the series of numbers (2 points)

20, 18, 19, 17, 18, 16, 17, ...., ...., ....

1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29, ...., ....

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 3

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How long does it take to cook 5 eggs?

(1 point)________________.

2. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on 10 hands? (1 point) _________.

3. The doctor gave the sick girl 3 tablets and told her to take them every half an hour. She strictly followed the doctor's instructions. How long did the pills prescribed by the doctor last? (1 point)_____________.

4. A square with a side of 6 cm was bent from a piece of wire. Then they unbent the wire, and bent a triangle out of it with equal sides. What is the length of the side of the triangle? (1 point)____________________.

5. Kolya, Vasya and Borya played checkers. Each of them played only 2 games. How many games were played in total? (2 points)________________.

6. How many two-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1,2,3, provided that the numbers in the number entry will not be repeated? List all these numbers. (2 points) ___________________________________________.

7. There were 9 sheets of paper. Some of them were cut into three parts. There were 15 sheets in total. How many sheets of paper were cut? (3 points)__________.

8. In a five-story house, Vera lives above Petya, but below Glory, and Kolya lives below Petya. What floor does Vera live on if Kolya lives on the second floor? (3 points) __________________________________________.

9. 1 rubber band, 2 pencils and 3 notebooks cost 38 rubles. 3 rubber bands, 2 pencils and 1 notebook cost 22 rubles. How much does a set of eraser, pencil and notepad cost? (4 points)__________________________________

10. Niels flew in a flock on the back of a goose Martin. He noticed that the formation of the flock resembles a triangle: the leader is in front, then 2 geese, in the third row 3 geese, etc. The flock stopped for the night on an ice floe. Niels saw that the arrangement of the geese this time resembled a square consisting of rows, each row had the same number of geese, and the number of geese in each row was equal to the number of rows. There are less than 50 geese in a flock. How many geese are in a flock? (6 points)_______________________________

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 4

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. Sitting at the window of the train car, the boy began to count telegraph poles. He counted 10 pillars. How far did the train travel during this time if the distance between the posts is 50 m? (1 point)__________________________.

2. One clock is 25 minutes behind, showing 1 hour 50 minutes. What time does the other clock show if it advances by 15 minutes? (2 points) _________________________.

3. What are the sides of a rectangle whose area is 12 cm and the perimeter is 26 cm? (1 point)__________________________________.

4. How much will it turn out if you add the largest odd two-digit number and the smallest even three-digit number? (1 point)_______________________.

5. Find a pattern in each chain of numbers and fill in the missing numbers

(1 chain - 1 point):

1) 3, 6, __, 12, 15, 18.

2) 1, 8, 11, 18, ___, 28, 31.

3) 2, 2, 4, 4, ___, 6, 8, 8.

4) 24, 21, ___, 15, 12.

5) 65, 60, 55, ____, 45, 40, 35.

6. Write the smallest four-digit number in which all digits are different. (1 point)____________________________.

7. Three girlfriends - Vera, Olya and Tanya went to the forest for berries. For picking berries they had a basket, a basket and a bucket. It is known that Olya was not with a basket and not with a basket, Vera was not with a basket. What did each girl take with her to pick berries? (3 points) Vera - ______________, Tanya - ______________, Olya - _______________.

8. A motorcyclist traveled 980 km in three days. In the first two days he traveled 725 km, while on the second day he traveled 123 km more than on the third day. How many kilometers did he drive on each of those three days? (4 points)

I day _______, II day _______, III day _______.

9. Write in numbers a number consisting of 22 million 22 thousand 22 hundreds and 22 units. (2 points)________________________________.

10. 240 students from Moscow and Orel arrived at the tourist camp. There were 125 boys among the arrivals, of which 65 were Muscovites. Among the students who arrived from Orel, there were 53 girls. How many students arrived from Moscow in total? (4 points)_____________.


1 class

1) 5 (1 point)

2) Equally (1 point)

3) 3 packs (2 points)

4) 2 cats (1 point)

5) 1 example - 1 point

6) fourth (1 point)

7) 2 (1 point)

8) 4 legs (2 points)

9) 3 hours (2 points)

10) 2+4+6=12 (2 points)

Grade 2

1) 12 kg (1 point)

2) 6 rabbits (3 points)

3) Anya has 5, Nina has 4, Zhenya has 3 (3 points)

4) 19+6+25=50 (2 points)

5) 12 coins (3 points)

6) 15, 26, 37, 48, 59 (1 case - 1 point)

7) Olya has an elephant, Katya has a teddy bear, Gali has a bunny (3 points)

8) Masha is 12 years old, Natasha is 9 years old, Tamara is 13 years old (5 points)

9) 9.1+2+3+4-5= 5 1+2+3+-4+5=7 (1 example - 2 points)

10) …10. 15, 16, 14 (2 points)


3rd grade

1) 4 minutes (1 point)

2) 50 (1 point)

3) for 1 hour (1 point)

4) 8cm (1 point)

5) 3 parties. (K-V, K-B, V-B) 2 points

6) 12.13, 21.23, 31.32 (2 points)

7) 3 sheets (3 points)

8) 4th floor - Vera (3 points)

9) 15 rubles, because 4 rubber bands, 4 pencils and 4 notepads 38+22=60(RUB) One set costs 60: 4=15(RUB) (4 points)

10) 36 geese (6 points)

4th grade:

1. 50 x 9=450 (m) (1 point)

2. 1 hour 50 minutes + 25 minutes = 2 hours 15 minutes (2 points)

2 hours 15 min+15 min=2 hours 30 min

3. The sides of the rectangle are 12 cm and 1 cm. (1 point)

4.199 (1 point)

5.1) 9; 2)21; 3)6; 4)18; 5) 50; (1 chain - 1 point)

6. 1023 (1 point)

7. Vera was with a basket, Olya - with a bucket, Tanya - with a basket. (3 points)

8. (4 points)

1) 980 - 725 = 255 (km) - traveled on the third day;

2) 255 + 123 = 378 (km) - traveled on the second day;

3) 725 - 378 = 347 (km) - drove on the first day.

Answer: on the first day, the motorcyclist traveled 347 km, on the second - 378, on the third - 255 km.

9. 22 024 222 (2 points)

10. (4 points)

1) 240-125=115 girls from Moscow and Orel

2) 115-53=62 girls from Moscow

3) 65+62=127 children from Moscow

A good education of children in primary school is a starting point for successful further education. Therefore, the way they learn a particular subject and acquire some skills in the first school years It is very important to constantly test, and do this not only on the example of doing homework. Our Aida website invites elementary school teachers to involve their wards in various Olympiads that take place online. Olympiads are blitz tests on various topics, consisting of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Their results appear immediately after the child answers the last question. Upon successful completion of the Olympiad, he can take first, second, third place, receive the status of a laureate or participant.

Olympiads involve accepting works from students who are divided into categories. The works are considered by the competitive jury within two days, after which the participants are informed of the result. This can also be the first, second, third place, the place of the participant or laureate. The number of winners in Olympiads for elementary school students is unlimited, and every child can successfully pass them. The main thing is that he be well prepared and have not only subject, but also general knowledge.

Why Olympiads are useful for elementary school students

Olympiads allow you to test how deeply children learn information on a particular subject, how they navigate in the world around them and what abilities prevail in them. In addition, they instill in the child communication skills, demonstrate his psychological state, broaden his horizons, stimulate interest in the sciences.

Regular participation in the Olympiads develops logical thinking child, makes him more active, collective, creates a desire for competition, increases the amount of knowledge, instills a desire to learn more about something specific.

Why is it worth involving children in the Olympiad?

Olympiads for elementary school students on our website are free of charge, but they involve obtaining diplomas of the first, second, third degree, certificates of laureates, participants, which cost one hundred rubles. They are issued in the surname, name, patronymic of the participant, have an individual number, include the date of issue and the results of the Olympiad. Such diplomas are proof that the student has a good intellect, creative abilities, and an excellent memory. They are a reward for the child for his first victories and give hope for a promising future.

Olympiads for elementary school students reveal their potential, help them learn arithmetic, writing, literacy, help teachers identify the most gifted children. In addition, they are also useful for teachers, as they show their professionalism, competence, ability to teach their subject in an accessible way, and help them quickly and successfully pass certification.

How to qualify as a teacher through the active participation of students

The diploma that elementary school students receive after the Olympiad on our website contains the data of their leader. It can be attached to the portfolio and provided to the certification commission for advanced training. Such diplomas are evidence that the teacher has professional talent and deserves to be assigned a new category and a salary increase. And this, in turn, opens up new career prospects and encourages further growth teachers as professionals.