Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Advantages of the 1C system. Software package "1C: Enterprise". comparative analysis, advantages and disadvantages Advantages of working in 1C

Advantages of the 1C system. Software package "1C: Enterprise". comparative analysis, advantages and disadvantages Advantages of working in 1C

Advantages and disadvantages of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system

Application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform are distinguished by an ergonomic interface, developed tools for constructing economic and analytical reporting, fundamentally new capabilities for analyzing and retrieving information, high scalability and performance, modern approaches to integration, and ease of system administration. All this takes solutions for the public sector to a new level of automation.

The new modern interface design makes it easy to learn application solutions for beginners and high speed for experienced users:

– significant acceleration of mass input of information thanks to the line input function and effective use of the keyboard;

– convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists;

– control the visibility and order of columns;

– setting up selection and sorting;

– printing lists;

– maximum use of available screen space to display information;

– mechanism of design styles.

The standard configuration “Accounting for a budgetary institution” implements the most common accounting schemes and can be used in most budgetary institutions. To reflect the accounting specifics of a particular institution, the standard configuration can be changed. The program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8" has a launch mode "Configurator", which provides:

– setting up the system for various types of accounting;

– implementation of any accounting methodology;

– organization of any directories and documents of arbitrary structure;

– customizing the appearance of information entry forms;

– customizing the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using the built-in language;

– wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, drawings;

– the ability to visually present information in the form of diagrams;

– quick configuration changes using visual development tools.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 system provides scalability of application solutions, ranging from the simplest to the multifunctional. The program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8" can be used in the following options:

– single-user for small institutions or personal use;

– file for multi-user work, ensures ease of installation and operation;

– client-server version of work based on a three-level architecture. Provides reliable storage and efficient processing of data when a large number of users work simultaneously.

The program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8" has ample opportunities for interaction with other applications and provides:

– downloading exchange rates from the Internet;

– loading address classifiers;

– exchange data with other applications via text files, DBF files and XML documents.

The program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8" provides convenient tools for administration:

– setting up user access rights based on the role mechanism, assigning the user interface and language;

– setting up the division of access to data by user workstations (roles);

– log of user actions and system events;

– the ability to upload and download an information base;

– tools for installing and updating the platform and application solutions.

What are the disadvantages of the new interface model “1C:Enterprise 8”? Like any innovation designed to seriously change the familiar picture of the world, the main drawback is its unfamiliarity. Unfortunately, no new opportunities and new degrees of freedom are given for free.

Implementation « 1C: Enterprise" is the first and most important step towards automation of the company. There are several options for the implementation procedure with their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's briefly consider the main ones.

Without a doubt, the most common is a dedicated file server. Even an ordinary powerful PC can act in this capacity, although it is preferable to use a server, at least an entry-level one. A server OS or operating system for a workstation is installed on a dedicated server, after which shared user access to the folder where the 1C: Enterprise database will be stored is configured.

Among the undoubted advantages of this option are ease of implementation and a high level of accessibility. Among the disadvantages are the likelihood of problems with system performance as the number of users increases, as well as not very high reliability due to restrictions imposed on file databases.

For large organizations that require fairly high security, performance, and reliability requirements, the best option would be implementation of 1C using an industrial SQL Server DBMS. The use of specialized software from Microsoft also implies a higher level of investment in the company's infrastructure. This includes the use of a licensed Windows Server server system and the need to purchase additional server equipment. Finally, the version of 1C: Enterprise for SQL server itself is more expensive.

However, the advantages that this method promises automation 1C, outweigh the high cost. The SQL Server DBMS does not require re-indexing in the event of various failures, it has sufficient performance, is safe and reliable, has built-in backup tools, and also protects information from unauthorized access.

In addition to the high cost, the disadvantage of this option is the high requirements for the quality of implementation. That is, an insufficiently qualified system administrator may well reduce all the above-described advantages to zero.

If the load on the database of such a server seriously increases, its performance may not be enough, and then the solution may be to allocate an additional server with Server + SQL Server software configurations.

The main disadvantage of this option is the complexity of administration.

In some cases, it is necessary to organize remote access to the server. In this case automation 1C involves solving two additional problems: configuring the network appropriately and ensuring acceptable performance. Network configuration can be done in various ways (encryption, filtering by IP addresses, authorization using a USB token).

This will require the purchase of special system software and hardware to ensure routing of VPN connections, security of information transfer, etc. Microsoft has a good product for this kind of task - ISA Server 2006. In any case, the implementation of 1C and the integration of this product does not cause any particular difficulties, which is facilitated by the presence of detailed documentation.

From a performance point of view, the most promising solution for connecting offices is to use a terminal server. But the requirements for professionally and competently performed work on setting up 1C and all its components are increasing many times over, and this must be taken into account when choosing an implementing company.

As a rule, the terminal server is included in the Windows Server distribution, but client licenses will need to be purchased separately. You should also be aware that these licenses will need to be activated on the terminal connection server, and registration can occur either for a specific user or for a specific device.

With option implementation of 1C Based on a terminal server, the use of client licenses provides the system with additional flexibility - if a user is able to log into the system using different computers, a single client license can be applied to them. Unlike device licenses, CALs are not stored in the computer registry and can only be installed on a Windows Server Terminal Services server.

Microsoft ISA Server 2006 is a solution that combines Web caching, application-level firewall, and private virtual network management and organization. Using this software allows you to improve the performance of your organization's local network. A server license is purchased without restrictions regarding the number of processors on the server and the number of system users.

We continue what we have already done a lot.

Chernomyrdin V.S.

Not long ago, a client once again approached me with a well-known problem. His company installed 1C updates. And the work stopped because the program stopped working correctly. I think everyone who has encountered software products from 1C as a programmer or user is very familiar with this situation.

Of course, in this particular case, I tried to solve all the problems as quickly as possible, and, as a result, the office work returned to normal. But even in this situation, I received a lot of negativity from the client. And then I thought about why so many problems constantly arise with 1C software products, why there is so much negativity from clients, and why 1C programmers themselves are often disliked, including by other programmers?

In this article, I decided to offer my version of the reasons that lead to such negativity. I will try to use as few specific terms as possible so that the text is understandable to as many readers as possible.

At the same time, for some time I myself was exclusively engaged in 1C programming, and today I very actively use software products from 1C in my work, and I am very grateful to this company for giving me the opportunity to earn money, including for me.

But on the other hand, I believe that the reasons for the negativity also need to be understood. At least in order not to leave it all at the level of intuition and emotions.

How did 1C start? Let's remember!

Personally, I started working with 1C software from version 6.0. In my opinion, this program was a little more complicated than the various accounting options that were kept in Excel spreadsheets.

It was replaced by the 7th version, including its most successful release - 1C 7.7. It was already a fairly powerful software product, which became very widespread throughout the post-Soviet space. By this time, most users were so accustomed to working with 1C that the ability to use these programs became one of the conditions for hiring accountants, various office personnel, as well as managers, storekeepers, etc.

In principle, 1C 7.7 quite successfully solved problems associated with various types of accounting. Moreover, this software product is still used in some cases, which also indicates its popularity.

Now this software amazes with the breadth of its capabilities and at the same time the complexity of the system.

Today the 1C company provides an entire ecosystem for its clients:

  • Powerful platform for developers.
  • Environment for maintaining various types of accounting and analytics
  • Possibility of connecting various commercial equipment
  • Widest network of partners
  • Multifunctional CMS for website creation
At the same time, together and separately, all components of this ecosystem do not function in the best way. Often problems arise, failures in work, additional time and money are required, which, of course, causes rejection.

1C updates: how it works

I would like to briefly remind you how software products of the 1C family work today. In most cases, the user purchases one or more software products, consisting of a platform and an application written on this platform - the so-called configuration.

Next, the programmer adjusts the operation of the selected configurations to the needs of a particular company, often installs additional plugins, refines certain reports, creates new documents that participate as internal document flow in this company, etc.

At the same time, both in the platform and in any configuration there is a fairly large number of bugs from the developer. And the system itself is so complex and voluminous that fixing these bugs with the help of a 1C programmer is very difficult and, most importantly, unprofitable for the end user. Moreover, both the platform and the configurations themselves are distinguished by such an unpleasant quality as the lack of modularity.

As a result, you have to install updates to fix bugs. In this case, the entire platform and/or configuration is updated each time. Naturally, such a solution takes a lot of time, and if we are talking about configuration, then settings, additional plugins and other modifications carried out by the programmer will most likely have to be done again.

But this is not the saddest thing in the situation with 1C updates. The saddest thing is that the developer’s website shows that updates are released very often, sometimes even 3-4 times a month. In some cases, unimportant errors are corrected, in others - serious bugs related to the operation of the entire system.

Each new version is an addition of functionality and a kind of “patch” to the bugs of the previous one, which corrects old errors, but almost always introduces new ones. Therefore, installing updates is a mostly unpredictable process.

Lack of modularity: why is it so important

First, let's talk directly about the platform. 1C programmers know how cumbersome it has become. I already wrote about the lack of modularity above. The product code contains so-called subsystems, but they do not meet the requirements of modularity, and therefore are simply some kind of attempt to structure the code.

Why do I personally find the lack of modularity to be a problem? Let's understand it with an example. Let's say there is a need to refine some functions necessary for the successful operation of Trade Management or to make changes to the means of storing balances. But in the 1C platform everything is interconnected, and therefore you also have to drag out updates to work with salaries, accounting, etc. and so on.

In the absence of modularity, in order to make even the smallest changes, you have to study the entire array, the entire platform.

At the same time, the 1C platform is very large and cumbersome. Today it contains so much that at first it even evokes admiration because of the wealth of possibilities. But as you use this platform, the admiration quickly wears off. 1C developers, in an effort to make the program universal, added many different features to the platform.

And now you get at the same time a powerful tool, a convenient visual interface and... many problems and bugs due to the complexity of the system.

Let me give you another example. Let's say for my work I only need Trade. The company does not use anything else, neither the mobile interface, nor accounting, nor the online store, nor any other components. But no matter what, when I receive updates, I receive the entire platform, including the functionality necessary for the operation of those components that I do not use. Those. Despite the fact that I use Commerce, and the updates are designed to work with Accounting, I have to download and install the entire platform.

Licensing policy and bugs in the system

When updating the platform, quite often users are faced with the fact that license keys stop working. If you have not personally encountered such a situation, just type in the search engine “1C stopped working after the update” and you will see how widespread this problem is.

So, imagine the situation. There is a company that employs, for example, 30 people. After the update, the program stopped accepting license keys. The company's work is paralyzed. The company suffers losses.

An important problem: the unpredictability of the platform's behavior when updating.

In addition to the fact that the license often fails, after updating the platform it may contain new functionality, which may also not work correctly. But you can only check the quality of work and identify new bugs in a new version of the program in practice, i.e. in progress.

Let me remind you that the platform is very large and cumbersome, and therefore it is simply unrealistic to test it with a programmer in a short time. And all this must be taken into account with each update.

So, the situation for the programmer looks like this:

  • Every time I update, I get a lot of clutter because the platform is completely updated and there is no way to remove or not install tools that won't be used in the future.
  • And yet updates are necessary, since this is the only opportunity to “cure” current bugs that are known or have not yet been identified by the programmer
  • Moreover, a new update usually carries new bugs that will be fixed in the next version.
Thus, the circle is closed. And the programmer has to install new versions time after time, despite the new problems that they bring.

Why are there so many bugs?

The main reason for the abundance of bugs, in my humble opinion, is the complexity of the system. Remember, now the 1C platform is available for Windows 32 and 64 bit, for Linux, server version, mobile, etc. The complexity of maintenance is very high, and as practice shows, 1C developers simply cannot cope with maintenance.

Due to the lack of modularity, additional difficulties also arise, since it is practically impossible to identify all errors and debug such a cumbersome software product. As a result, new updates are constantly being released.

Another very important reason for the constant presence of bugs and the situation with them is the lack of competition. In fact, 1C is now a monopolist.

Of course, alternative software products are being created, some of them are quite decent. But so far all of them are applied solutions capable of solving certain problems, while 1C is a whole ecosystem.

Moreover, the 1C company is distinguished by very powerful and aggressive marketing; everyone knows about this software.

That is why I claim that today 1C does not have a worthy competitor in the post-Soviet space. And the lack of competition always leads to a decrease in the quality of the product itself, which we see in the example of 1C: constant “raw” updates, constant bugs, lack of detailed documentation for updates, etc.
Therefore, I personally advise all my clients not to update unless absolutely necessary. By the way, I myself received the same advice from one of the people who were at the origins of 1C.

Of course, the current version definitely has some bugs, but if you work in it without problems, then these bugs are not critical for you. It is impossible to predict what will happen in the new version. Therefore, updates should be installed only when it becomes really necessary for work.

Flagships. Typical configurations

The 1C software product line is based on standard configurations. There are quite a lot of ready-made boxed solutions presented on the 1C website.

But the majority of users use only 4 configurations:

  • Enterprise accounting
  • Trade management
  • Manufacturing plant management
  • Salary and HR management
And each of the configurations has the same disadvantages as the platform:
  • Lack of modularity
  • Bulky and many unnecessary functions
  • New bugs in new versions
  • Unpredictable update results
Moreover, for each update, you need to analyze what exactly was updated, carry out the update itself, and re-configure the configuration. But configuration updates also come out so often that it becomes problematic to understand them.

In addition, due to the lack of modularity, you often have to update, even if the changes affect functions that you do not use. Simply because an error in this functionality can lead to incorrect operation of other modules.

If we talk about Trade, my practice shows that in fact people use no more than 30% of the total functionality of this component. The situation is similar in other typical configurations. In pursuit of implementing the maximum number of features, developers have created very cumbersome and complex products in which everything is interconnected, and therefore even disabling unnecessary functionality is not always possible.

For example, when updating Trade, the developers added a new bonus system. The client does not use bonuses at all. He doesn't need them. But if you try to disable these bonuses, the discount system begins to work incorrectly. I encountered this situation in practice. Of course, solving this problem required the help of a programmer.

Lately, I have come to the conclusion that, after completing a project, I advise all clients not to update at all. I configured everything as needed for work, together with the client and his employees we tested the configuration and made sure that everything worked well. Therefore, there is no need to update the configuration until the need for major changes arises.

Aggressive marketing and its results

Very often my clients install updates against my advice. Why is this happening?
Programmer motivation
1C programmers are interested in the client updating the software as often as possible. It's simply beneficial for them. Each time you update, you will need to re-configure the configuration. Therefore, with the help of updates, they literally receive income out of thin air.

Imagine a situation where a company operates in some configuration without updates calmly and reliably. But there was a need, for example, to create another report or install additional processing. Naturally, in this case they turn to a specialist.

What happens next? A 1C programmer comes and sees that the program has not been updated for a long time. He tells the client how bad this is, explains that without updates he will not be able to set up the report the customer needs or perform other work, scares him with the large number of errors that are in the old version, etc. and so on. In general, it convinces the client to buy and install updates.

In fact, in most cases there is no objective need for updates. But the amount of work the programmer does and, accordingly, his fee increases significantly. By the way, this is why many users have a negative attitude towards 1C programmers. From their point of view, they pay 90% of the amount to the programmer for something that worked perfectly before he started working, i.e. they have to pay for the same functionality several times.

Aggressive marketing from 1C
The 1C company itself is also interested in ensuring that users are updated as often as possible. As a result, users often receive reminders about new updates, warnings about the need to update the platform or configuration. But at the same time, the site does not have sufficiently detailed information about what exactly the user will receive in case of an update, what bugs have been fixed, what features have appeared. Those. It is impossible to objectively assess the need to install a particular update. As a result, many users update just to be on the safe side.

Disadvantages of service and franchising

I believe that there is practically no customer service in the 1C company. The company does an excellent job in sales; it really has a very aggressive and, admittedly, effective marketing policy. But if you need maintenance, you will face a lot of difficulties.

There is a whole section on the 1C website where you can find certified partners in your region who provide maintenance services for 1C software products. These partners have been certified and pay affiliate fees. It would seem that everything is in order.

But in fact, the 1C company practically does not work with partners:

  • In order for a company to receive partner status, it is enough to have a certified specialist on staff.
  • Subsequently, no one conducts repeated checks or exams. Therefore, a certified programmer may be the only specialist, and completely different people will come to serve you, or he may quit altogether, but the company does not lose its partner status.
  • 1C practically does not work with partners, does not provide training, and does not control the quality of work.
The result of such a policy is known to many. The presence of a particular company in the list of 1C partners does not guarantee quality service.

I have already mentioned that 1C is a whole ecosystem. In some ways it can even be compared to Apple. There is a whole system built there, consisting of hardware, software and resellers. 1C also has a platform, there are configurations, there are certified resellers.

But if Apple very strictly controls quality at all stages - from production to the work of partners, and the highest quality is one of the important competitive advantages for this brand, then in the 1C company everything is completely different. There is practically no service here, no one controls the work of partners, as a result, the quality of post-sale work with the software is very low.

It is also interesting that the 1C company directs its marketing efforts primarily to consumers of the product, i.e. on users. And working with configurations is completely focused on programmers. As a result, one thing is advertised, but in practice it turns out that the buyer received something completely different.

And here the reasons for the negativity towards 1C programmers and the software product itself also appear.
When I stopped working only with 1C and started doing business consulting, I started using a variety of software products in my work. These were sites on Drupal, and systems like ZOHO CRM, ATOL RMK, Redmine, and many other systems. And almost all of these services and programs do not require constant and frequent updates. And when updating there are not so many problems.

While the 1C company makes money in two directions: on sales and on constant updates. But what does the client have to do with it? He is forced to pay and upgrade, since there is no other choice. Moreover, all products used in the enterprise have to be updated simultaneously.

For example, if you use Trade, a really useful update has been released for it that fixes some bug that is relevant to you, you will definitely need to update Accounting as well. Because data exchange is only possible between identical configuration versions. If you decide to leave Accounting without updating, then uploading documents from Trade to Accounting will no longer work for you.

As a result, the client is forced to use a system that constantly breaks down and regularly pay to restore it. Of course, the client becomes negative. But he cannot switch to some other software product, he simply does not see a worthy alternative.

Yes, there are other accounting systems in our country, some of them are even gradually catching up with 1C in terms of capabilities. But marketing is a great thing! Therefore, the client does not see an alternative, and, despite the constant negativity, makes another payment.

1C: Bitrix - difficulties, features, marketing

Another product that is traditionally classified as part of the 1C line is the 1C-Bitrix website management system. At the same time, many users are confident that it is enough to buy Bitrix, and all issues of integrating the site and data into 1C will be resolved.

A user who buys 1C software products and orders a website on 1C-Bitrix sees a common brand and is confident that these are products of the same line that will always work together without problems.
In fact, CMS Bitrix is ​​a separate product that was developed by specialists who have nothing to do with the 1C company. Later, integration tools with 1C line products were added to this CMS, and a new name “1C-Bitrix” appeared. This happened because the 1C company bought a large stake in Bitrix and decided to use this CMS along with its software.

What was the result?
Integration of the online store database and 1C software products is indeed provided. But it is very complex, and without the help of a specialist it is almost impossible to set up data exchange, and it is very, very difficult to change.

Moreover, the programmers who set up 1C for you will not be able to install and configure Bitrix. Here you will need a web programmer, a Bitrix specialist. The integration is partly configured by 1C programmers, partly by Bitrix specialists. And there are cases when the user does not know who to contact at all.

For example, I had this situation. After the latest updates, my client’s data exchange with the site stopped working. I turned to a 1C specialist, but he was unable to help us, since, in his opinion, the problem was on Bitrix’s side. We turned to a Bitrix programmer. He also threw up his hands and said that the problem, most likely, was still on the 1C side. Data exchange with the site did not work for about 2 weeks. The client was forced to manually download prices and balances and unload orders from the website. In the end, we were lucky. I contacted a programmer who knew both Bitrix and 1C, and he set up the exchange module.

Bitrix and 1C: different systems, common shortcomings
Web developers who are familiar with the latest versions of Bitrix will understand me now. Just like 1C software products, the latest versions of Bitrix have become very powerful, with extensive capabilities, but at the same time unnecessarily complex. Nowadays, without the help of an administrator (web programmer) in Bitrix, a user most often cannot even set up new categories in the product catalog, since to organize an intelligent search it is necessary to set your own parameters for each type of product.

At the same time, you need different specialists to maintain the website and 1C programs. After all, these are different products. They are used for different purposes, have different platforms, and require knowledge of different technologies to work with them.

Instead of a resume

So let's summarize. Software products of the 1C line cause negativity among specialists for the following reasons:
  • High system complexity
  • Lack of modularity
  • Bugs in every update
  • Lack of detailed documentation for updates
  • Unpredictable result of installing updates
All this applies to both the platform and any 1C configuration.

Negativity from users is caused by:

  • Unpredictable results from installing updates. The program may stop working at any time. However, due to bugs in previous versions, updates are necessary.
  • Both the 1C company and the programmer need to pay for updates. At the same time, the advantages visible to the user are in most cases insignificant, and most of the costs have to be paid for restoring the functionality of the program after installing a new version.
The negativity towards 1C programmers also becomes clear:
  • Users transfer some of the negativity about the program to the specialist. After all, it is the 1C programmer who receives payment for installing updates and setting up configurations.
  • Programmers who work in other areas understand that often their colleagues specializing in 1C receive money, in essence, for “selling air.” This is especially noticeable when updates are imposed on the client by the specialists themselves.
  • Due to the lack of control on the part of 1C, random people are engaged in servicing software products, which also does not contribute to a positive image.
These are the conclusions I personally made. Perhaps I’m not entirely right about something, perhaps I missed something. In any case, I decided to write this article not for the sake of criticism as such, but in order to understand for what reasons clients may have a negative attitude towards 1C line programs and towards 1C programmers.

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“1C: Accounting” is one of the most popular and widespread accounting programs today. Many recognize it as the most convenient of all existing ones. This program is designed to facilitate and automate accounting and tax accounting.

"1C: Accounting" can work with MC Office and browsers. Stores a lot of reports, analytics and freelance programs. Here is 1C Accounting 8 Prof, one of its latest versions, which is a good example of quality.

Considering the pros and cons of this program, it is worth recognizing that opinions about it are divided. "1C: Accounting" is not suitable for solving all problems. For some enterprises, this is the only and most correct program; for others, its capabilities may not be enough.

Considering the advantages of the 1C: Accounting program, it is worth noting the main points:

1. The program is designed to account for all types of enterprise activities.
2. The program does not require prior training or special knowledge.
3. The most labor-intensive calculations are automated.
4. The program strictly complies with the law.
5. The program carries out accounting documentation for various enterprises.
6. The program allows you to adjust indicators manually.
7. The program has a built-in service, thanks to which reports can be sent via the Internet.

So, no matter what type of activity the enterprise is engaged in, accounting and tax accounting can be performed using the 1C: Accounting program. This program has a built-in reference book, so you don’t have to waste time on staff training. When filling out reporting documents, most of them will be done automatically. Automation of complex calculations allows you to significantly save time. All accounting and tax data are in one entry. The program includes all forms of reporting that comply with regulatory documents and provisions of laws and regulations of the Tax Code. All regulatory databases are updated in a timely manner. The program can be customized for a personal user. For example, the most labor-intensive processes can be carried out on a powerful computer - a server, and the results can be sent to all users. The 1C: Accounting program arrives already configured for the local network. It is possible to work via a web client from anywhere.

Like any other program, 1C: Accounting also has a number of disadvantages. The main one is the need to refine the program for each specific enterprise.

When choosing an accounting program, you need to take into account all the positive and negative aspects. Compare all software and choose the most convenient and correct product.

Any production computer program is designed to more rationally organize the work process, reduce the time for entering and processing data, and analyzing it. For example, without the 1c: Accounting program it is already quite difficult to imagine the activities of any enterprise. This is a necessary tool for effective company management and successful business.

Advantages of using the 1c program

Using the 1C program in an enterprise provides many advantages over other methods of data processing. What are its main advantages?

  • The ability to automate the processing of all primary documents received during the supply and sale of products, organizing thorough and reliable accounting of fixed assets and other assets.
  • Prompt and correct calculation of salaries for employees, consolidation of all payments into a single system and their payment in accordance with the established schedule.
  • Each enterprise has certain tax obligations to the state, and failure to pay them on time and errors in calculations entail unpleasant prospects for debt, fines and penalties. If you correctly enter the necessary data and use the 1c program, taxes will be calculated correctly, and declarations will be filled out correctly and accurately.
  • It becomes possible to quickly obtain any information about the company’s activities not only from accounting employees, but also from managers at various levels. You can quickly and easily find out any data: about sales amounts or receipt of funds into an account, expenses for paying taxes or payroll. If a manager wants to keep control of his business and keep abreast of all matters, it is enough to take advantage of the program’s capabilities.

Why is it necessary to implement new editions of the 1c program?

The program structures all primary information, which is then used in various reporting. Each new version introduces changes and additions that improve the work of each accountant, which reduces manual labor to a minimum and allows you to automate the work of the accounting service as a whole.

Properly organized accounting work and its automation using 1C products directly affects the success of the enterprise and its profitability, so you should not underestimate the effectiveness of the program, much less ignore it.