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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Presentation for primary classes "Project on the Russian language. A story about the word." Project on the Russian language “A story about a word” Project Message on the Russian language a story about a word

Presentation for primary classes "Project on the Russian language. A story about the word." Project on the Russian language “A story about a word” Project Message on the Russian language a story about a word

Project on the Russian language “A story about a word” The project was completed by a 3rd grade student of the MKOU secondary school in the village of Bezvodnoe Kugergin Daniil

Man has found words for everything he has discovered in the universe. S. Ya. Marshak. Let's see what words “surround” the word “water”.

PHRASEOLOGISTS A storm in a teacup - great excitement over an insignificant reason. You can't spill the water - great friends, about strong friendship. He took some water into his mouth and remained silent and did not want to answer. Carrying water in a sieve is a waste of time. Like two drops of water – very similar, indistinguishable. .

Cognate words - Water - aquatic, diver, waterfall, watery. .

Riddles drink me, pour me. Everyone needs me. Who am I? I am a cloud, and a fog, And a stream, and an ocean, And I fly, and I run, And I can be glass!

Lexical meaning of the word WATER Water is sea, river, lake space. Water is a clear, colorless liquid that is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Water – streams, jets, waves, water mass. Water is a drink (to quench thirst or medicinal).

Combination of the word Muddy, azure, hot, icy, warm, cold, stormy, living, healing, holy, swamp, healing, mineral, ground, rain, boiled, river, spring, (water).

Synonyms and antonyms – Synonyms: liquid, drink, moisture. -Antonyms: land, earth, fire. .

Proverbs Water does not flow under a lying stone. They carry water to the offended. The stream feeds the river, the river feeds the sea. . Pour from empty to empty. Don't spit in the well: you'll need to drink the water. .

Sentence with this word We are 70% water. Water is one of the four elements on Earth. Water is the source of life. Clean water is the key to health. In the desert it rains very rarely, so there is very little water.

  • What can we tell you about the word? Let's see what words “surround” the word frost.

1. Lexical meaning of the word:
Severe cold (with air temperature below 0°).
Cold, winter weather.

2. Similar words: frost, frost, frost, frosty, freeze.

3. Synonyms: frost, cold, cold.
Antonyms: frost - heat, frost - heat.
Phraseologism: Frost on the skin (on the back) hurts (runs through, goes). There is a chill caused by a feeling of fear and excitement.

4. Combination words: strong, cruel, first, January, Russian, Siberian... (frosts).

5. Proverb. The frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.
Mystery. Draws without hands, bites without teeth.

6. Sentences with this word.
Frost flashed. And we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter. (A. Pushkin)

Make up the same page with a word. Illustrate your page. Share your chosen word in class.


We pronounce: [zar'a]
We write down: for rya (dictionary word).

A polysemantic word.

1. Lexical meaning of the word dawn:

1. Bright illumination of the horizon before sunrise and after sunset.

2. The time of appearance of this illumination on the horizon.

3. (translated) The beginning, origin, early time of something (usually pleasant, joyful, desired).

4. (military (also dawn)) A military signal on a drum, bugle or trumpet during the hours of rising and going to bed.

5. (military) military ceremony.

6. (nerd. (also dawn)) A genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Apiaceae family with yellowish flowers; lovage

Direct meaning: A new dawn was breaking in the east.
Figurative meaning: At the dawn of history - the Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians.

2. Similar words: dawn, lightning, lightning, illuminate, illuminated, glow, robin.

3. Synonyms: dawn, early, before the dew.
Antonyms: late, sunset.
neither light nor dawn
(very early in the morning) from dawn to dawn(from early morning to late evening).

4. Word compatibility: morning, evening, ruddy, scarlet, crimson... (dawn)

5. Proverbs:

The dawn will shower you with gold.
As is the evening dawn, so is another day.
I can't get enough of a shirt to sleep through the dawn.


The red girl looks in the mirror. (Dawn)

6. Sentences with this word.

The pale dawn is just glimmering,
I watch the snowflakes flicker. (A. Blok)

I see the edge of heaven in the vast distance
And a clear dawn. (Z. Gippius)

The sky is wide, wide.
The dawn looks tired. (Z. Gippius)

We pronounce [language]

write down the language

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    An organ in the oral cavity that is an organ of taste, and in humans it also contributes to the formation of sounds in speech.

    In a bell: a metal rod that produces ringing by striking the walls.

    A system of verbal expression of thoughts, which has a certain sound and grammatical structure and serves as a means of communication in human society.

    Similar words: linguistic, lingual

    Synonyms: dialect, dialect, dialect;


Swallow your tongue (be silent, refuse to speak)

Hold your tongue (shut up, don’t say too much)

Tongue scratching (wasting time chatting)

    Matching words: Russian language, English language, native language.


There is honey on the tongue, and ice under the tongue.

Don't be hasty with your tongue, be hasty with your actions.

Talk with your tongue, but don’t give your hands free reign


Always in your mouth, never swallowed.

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have said anything.

    Sentence with this word.

Language is an amazing tool through which people, communicating with each other, convey their thoughts to each other (L. Uspensky)

Completed by: Schneider Vadim,

student of grade 3 "B"

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [cat]

write down cat

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    A domestic mammal from the cat family, which also includes the tiger and lion.

    In the old days: a belt whip with several tails.

    Similar words: feline, feline, cat

    Synonyms: pussy, kitty, pussy


How a cat and a dog live (constantly quarreling, fighting)

Cats are scratching their souls (some people feel sad, restless, anxious)

Looking for a black cat in a dark room (about the futility of actions)

    Matching words: black, beautiful, purebred, smart


A kind word also pleases the cat.


What kind of animal is playing with me? -

Doesn't moo, doesn't neigh, doesn't bark.

Attacks the balls

Hides claws in paws

    Sentence with this word.

My cat purrs and this hints that I should caress her. Our cat has mischievous turquoise eyes.

Completed by: Filipova Lyubov, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

say [clouds]

Recording the cloud

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    Accumulation of condensed water vapor in the air (cirrus, cumulus clouds)

    A continuous mass of small volatile particles of something (smoke, dust)

    Similar words: cloud, cloudy, cloudy, transcendental, cloudy, cloudy.

    Synonyms: cloud, fog


As if I fell from a cloud (suddenly)

You can’t hide under a cloud, and you can’t go into the water (be patient)

The water in the clouds is dark (the future is unknown)

Clouds above your heads, fogs under your feet (the future is unknown)

    Matching words: big, white, heavy, fluffy, wet.


And it rains from a cloud, not just from a cloud.

The heavens are dressed with clouds, surrounded by rainbows.

The devil followed the clouds, but was cut short.


    White Mountain

Lighter than a feather.

    The sky is a blue river,

Islands in it….(clouds)

    White sheet

I walked all over the earth.

    White wool

Floated somewhere.

    Literary material.

    The clouds are pure cotton wool,

And they fly, they fly somewhere.

    I'm sunbathing on the beach.

A river splashes nearby.

They're floating above me

Clouds one after another.

    Sentence with this word.

And the clouds will come into the sky, and the river will become dark and foam.

Completed by: Maria Kotova, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [skask]

record ska h ka

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    Similar words:

    Antonyms: fairy tale - reality


A fairy tale about a white bull (endless repetition of the same thing)

    Matching words:

Good fairy tale, folk tale, literary fairy tale


The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a lesson in it for good fellows


I don’t walk and I don’t fly,
Just try and catch up!
I can be golden.
Come on, look into a fairy tale!

Guess (answer): Fish

    Sentence with this word.

For my birthday, my mother bought me “Russian Folk Tales”

Completed by: Nikitin Ivan, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

Pronounce [gyro]

write g e Roy

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    A hero is a person who is distinguished by his courage, valor and accomplishes a feat.

    Hero of the Great Patriotic War.

    Similar words: hero, heroism, heroic

    Synonyms: hero, brave, daring

    Antonyms: hero is a coward


Hero of our time.

    Matching words: bold, strong, courageous, lyrical


Not the hero who expects a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.


This fabulous hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

    Sentence with this word.

And I’ll tell you, I won’t hide it -

In this book, here or there,

What a hero should say

I speak personally myself.

I am responsible for everything around me,

And notice, if you didn’t notice,

Like Terkin, my hero,

Sometimes it speaks for me.

Completed by: Nikita Kurchakov, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [heat]

write down the heat

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    Strong warm day (with air temperature above 0)

    Warm summer weather

    Similar words: hot, hot

    Synonyms: warm, sultry

    Antonyms: heat - frost


Neither hot nor cold (all the same, indifferent)

    Matching words: sultry, unbearable,

unprecedented, summer


The heat makes the water boil.

Set the steam - set the heat - set the bath - set the head wash.


These months are brothers
So similar, even too similar -
And the heat and the rains,
Even just names! -
I saw the difference
Only in the letters "en" and "el"!

Guess (answer): July

    Sentence with this word.

Summer has come and the heat has entered the city.

Completed by: Ivan Petrusevich, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [snack]

recording the dream G

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    Precipitation in winter.

    Water in a solid state.

    Similar words: snowball, snowflake, snowy, snowfall, snowy, snowy.

    Synonyms: snowball, powder, winter, snowman, snowfall

    Antonyms: snow - rain


Out of the blue.

    Matching words: strong, large, first


Winter will pass, and the snow will melt, and what is sown will come back.

The swan flies towards the snow, and the goose towards the rain.

A crooked birch tree will not hold the snow, a bad person will not keep his word.

    Sentence with this word.

White fluffy snow.

Spinning in the air.

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

(I.Z. Surikov “Winter”)

Completed by: Savinok Denis, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [skask]

record ska h ka

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    genre of oral folk art

    fiction, false story

    Similar words: fairy tale, storyteller, fabulous, fairy tale

    Synonyms: fairy tale, story

    Antonyms: fairy tale - reality


Old wives' tales (fiction, nonsense)

    Matching words:

Kind, interesting, magical, everyday.


The fairy tale is a lie, but it contains a hint for good fellows and a lesson.

The tale is told quickly, but the deed is not done soon.


Mothers read to their children before bed.

All furry
The mustachioed one herself,
Sleeps during the day
And he tells fairy tales
And at night he wanders,
He goes hunting.

    Sentence with this word.

Every girl dreams of getting into a real fairy tale and become a princess

Completed by: Ksenia Nikitina, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [maros]

write m O ro h

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    severe cold with air temperature below 0 degrees.

    cold, winter weather.

    Similar words: frost, frosty, frosty, frosty, freezing

    Synonyms: frost, chill, cold

    Antonyms: frost - heat, frost - heat


Frost on the skin (on the back), it hurts (runs, walks).

There is a chill caused by a feeling of fear and excitement.

    Matching words: strong, cruel, first, January, Russian, Siberian


The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand


Draws without hands, bites without teeth.

The days have become shorter.
It rained at night.
And the glazier came -
Puddles glassed
Answer (Frost)

    Sentence with this word.

Frost flashed.

And we are glad

Mother's pranks are winter.

Completed by: Ilyushina Yana,

student of grade 3 "B"

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [weighed]

write down the weight e lo

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    Challenging and fun.

    Full of fun, full of fun.

    About the state of fun, joy in which someone is.

    Similar words: fun, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, amuse, merry fellow, cheerfulness.

    Synonyms: funny, hilarious, playful, amusing, delighted, curly, joyful, lively,

    Antonyms: fun - sad


Fun until you drop (very fun)


If the owner is not having fun, then the guest is bored.

Life is fun for a merry person.

Life is fun today, and tomorrow will be more fun.

    Sentence with this word.

It's fun to walk through the open spaces together.

Completed by: Anna Kolchanova, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [biryoza]

write down b e reza

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    Deciduous tree with white (less often dark) bark and heart-shaped leaves;

    A deciduous tree with thin pinkish-brown branches, smooth white bark covered with dark stripes.

    Similar words: birch, birch, birch, boletus, birch, birch bark, birch bark, birch bark.


Birch porridge (rozgi).

Give birch porridge (punish with rods, flog, flog).

Birch stump (stupid, fool).

    Matching words: thin, white, spring, curly.


The birch tree is no good: where it stands, it makes noise.

When the birch tree begins to bloom, these are oats.


    Girls in the clearing

in white shirts,

in green shawls.

    The sisters are standing in the field,

The hats are green, the dresses are white.

    Sentence with this word.

Our grandfather hung a bird's house - a nest box - on a young birch tree.

Completed by: Bozhenok Christina, student of grade 3 “B”

Project “Story about the Word”

We pronounce [varabey]

write in O R O hit

    Lexical meaning of the word:

    A small bird with brownish-gray plumage, usually living near residential buildings.

    Similar words: sparrows, little sparrow, baby sparrow, passerine, sparrow.


Shot (old) sparrow.

The sparrow is knee-deep.

The sparrow's step is small and short.

    Matching words: brave, cunning, annoying, nimble, daring.


The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

The sparrow chirps at the cat too.

An old bird is not caught with chaff.


    Loves grains

Chirping in the sun.

    In a gray feather coat

And in the cold he is a hero,

Jumps and frolics on the fly

Not an eagle, but still a bird.

    Sentence with this word.

Where did you have lunch, sparrow?

At the zoo with the animals.

Completed by: Elena Klyubina, student of grade 3 “B”

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bushevetskaya

Primary School"

Project “Story about the Word”

(Russian language 3rd grade)

Prepared by 3rd grade students

Head - primary school teacher

Fedorova Larisa Zinovievna

Project goals:

find out the lexical meaning of a word;

choose synonyms and antonyms for it;

find related words, phraseological units;

from additional literature, select proverbs, riddles, signs related to winter.

The next Russian language project in 3rd grade is called “Project about the word.” In order to describe any chosen word, students were given a plan. According to this plan, they had to consistently describe the word.


Lexical meaning of the word.

Synonyms and antonyms for this word.

Find related words.

Select phraseological units, if available.

Find proverbs about the word.

Pick up the riddles.

Signs associated with this word.

Write excerpts of poems where the chosen word appears.

Come up with a sentence using the chosen word.

For the sample in class we chose the word"WINTER".

Lexical meaning of the word "winter".

The coldest time of the year, coming after autumn and giving way to spring. Harsh winter. Snowy winter.

Old Slavonic - winter.

Lithuanian - ziema.

Greek - chion (snow).

In the Old Russian language the word was used from the 11th century. It came from the Old Church Slavonic language. The adjective winter has been known since the 10th-12th centuries. The original meaning of the word is “time of rains”, “time of snow”.

2.Synonym- winter.
Antonym - summer.

3. Related words formed from the root “zim”.

Winter - winterer, winter, wintering, wintering, wintering.

4. Phraseologisms

1). How many years, how many winters (haven’t seen each other; colloquial fam., said when dating) - a very long time ago [a pun based on the double meaning of the word years - years and seasons].

How many years, how many winters, old man, haven’t seen each other!

2). Where crayfish spend the winter - an expression of threat.

5. Proverbs.

Fear the wolf in winter, and fear the fly in summer.

Winter scares summer, but it still melts.

Winter builds summer.

Winter freezes the idler.

There is no change between winter and summer.

The winter wind is a helper to the frost - it makes it even colder.

6. Riddles.

I will paint the branches with white paint,
I will throw silver on your roof.
Warm winds will come in spring
And they will drive me out of the yard. (Winter)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And as he leaves he sheds tears. (Winter)

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

7. Signs about winter.

If a cat in the house stands up on its hind legs and starts scratching the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.

If the most severe frosts of the entire winter occur on the Epiphany holiday, then the year will be fruitful.

Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw.

Trees in the forest are cracking - before a strong cold

Firewood burns with a bang - it means frost.

A bullfinch chirping under the window in winter means a thaw.

If smoke comes out of the chimney in a column, it will get colder.

On which day of winter there will be a storm, on the corresponding day of summer there will be rain.

8. Poems about winter.

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.

Fedor Tyutchev


Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer!
I. Chernitskaya


Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window.

A.S. Pushkin

9. Sentences with the word “winter”.

This year the winter promises to be snowy and frosty.

It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, its time has passed.

To describe a wordstudents chose words such as“WIND”, “DOG”, “CAT”, “WATER”.

Guselnikova Carolina.

I chose the word “WIND”.

Wind is a flow of air. Which moves quickly parallel to the earth's surface. On earth, wind is a flow of air that moves primarily in a horizontal direction.

Breeze. Windy. Weathered.

Synonyms - storm, tornado, hurricane, storm, whirlwind. Antonyms - calm, calm.

Proverb: The wind blows and covers its tracks.

Proverb: Don't waste your words.

Riddle - it’s not the horse that’s walking in the field. Flying in the field, but not a bird.

Sign - thunder in winter - to strong winds.

Phraseologisms are the wind in your head, as if blown away by the wind. How the wind blew it.

The wind flies from the north

Yellow autumn is on its way.

The wind carries clouds in the sky,

The first snow will fall to the ground.

Golden leaf fall

He will lie down behind the garden. (Gurina I.)

There was a strong wind this morning.

Dmitriev Ruslan chose the word “DOG”

A dog is a domestic animal from the family of carnivorous mammals, Dog, canine, dog breeder. which also include the wolf, fox, etc.

Dog, doggy.. doggie, dog breeder, dogging.

Synonyms: mongrel, dog, puppy, pug.

Proverbs and sayings.

It is a sin to call a dog by a human name.

They only kiss the dog on the face, otherwise it will get fleas.

Lightning does not strike houses where a black dog lives.

In the hut there is a pie, and in the yard there is a roll.

Don't tease a dog - it won't bite.

Not all dogs that bark bite.

If you are sitting on an elephant, there is nothing to be afraid of a dog.

A phraseological unit is like a dog in a manger (it doesn’t use it itself and doesn’t give it to others).

Verse - a bulldog growls at a taxi driver:

“I won’t give you anything!”

Bulldog runs after a taxi

And the taxi is from him.

I walked slowly down the street. And the dog ran ahead of me.

Krivenkov Dmitry. The word "CAT".

Cat -1). a domestic animal that catches mice and rats. Female cat.

2).This is a predatory mammal of the cat family.

3). Belt whip with multiple tails.

4). Small anchorspec.

5). A type of iron spikes worn on shoes for climbing poles on steep slopes.

2. Cat person, cat lady, kitty, cat.

3. Synonym: pussy, kitty, kisulya, cat, scratchy, murka.

Antonym - Rat, mouse. Dog.

4. Signs. The cat is washing itself - inviting guests.

5. Riddle.

Comes up to us purring

Drinks milk from a bowl

She can be wild.

We call her…….

6. Proverbs and sayings.

The cat knows whose meat it ate.

A kind word also pleases the cat.

At night all cats are gray.

7.Phraseological units.

Like a cat and a dog. (constantly quarreling, feuding).

Cats are scratching at the soul (Someone is sad, restless)

Looking for a black cat in a dark room (On the futility of actions).


Cats try to live independently

They always land on their feet,

Cats have grace, intelligence and stature,

We need to take cats as an example.

Likhotkin Dmitry spoke about the word “WATER”.

Water is a liquid substance.

Water, water, water.

Synonym: sputum.

Puzzles. It flies to the bottom in droplets, and to the top - invisible. On a hot day it is the most desirable.

Proverbs and sayings. April with water. May with grass. Without water, the mill does not turn.

Phraseologisms. Like he filled his mouth with water (he’s silent, doesn’t say anything).

Water is a natural gift

Water in the seas and oceans,

Lakes, rivers and ponds.

And we can’t do without her

Neither in villages nor in cities.

Appreciate water, take care:

This is the natural gift we have been given.