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» Adjective in superlative form. Superlative adjectives. Comparative degree of adjectives in Russian

Adjective in superlative form. Superlative adjectives. Comparative degree of adjectives in Russian

Which acts as the initial form: kind - kinder, more/less kind, kindest, kindest, kindest of all.

Expresses the attribute of a given object without comparison with the attribute of another object; it is neutral in relation to the degree of manifestation of the attribute.


Comparative forms indicate:

1. A characteristic that is manifested to a greater extent in one object than in another.

  • Elbrus higher Kazbek.
  • This first sound was followed by another, harder And lingering...
  • (I. S. Turgenev)
  • Further experiments were more complex than the previous ones.
  • (Academician I.P. Pavlov)

2. A feature that manifests itself differently in the same object at different times is contained either to a greater or to a lesser extent.

  • I am now more modest became in desires,
  • My life or you I dreamed of...
  • (S. A. Yesenin)
  • Faith has become more reserved what it was.

The comparative degree can be simple(consist of one word) and composite(consist of two words).

Comparative degree education

Adjective initial form Comparative degree means of education Comparative adjective




Simple form

-her (-to her)

sharp her (to her)

interesting her

more pointless

Adjectives with stems g, k, x, d, t, st






-e+ alternation of final consonant stem

hot e

hush e

dear e

younger e

steep e

Adjectives with suffixes - To -, -OK -(-ek -)

bottom to th

high ok

-e+ truncation of suffixes - To -, -OK -(-ek -)

bottom e

higher e



-she+ truncation of the final consonant of the stem g, k

share she

tone she



By - + -she(-e)

on higher

for more




from other bases







Compound form

words more, less


less weak


Qualitative adjectives with suffixes do not have a simple comparative form - sk -, -ov -, -l -, -n -(they don’t even have short forms!): friendly, mass, blood, emaciated, etc. This also includes adjectives with the suffix - To - such as fusible, bulky, heavy, individual non-derivative words (flat, decrepit, proud, sloping) and words denoting the colors of animals: brown, savrasy, etc.


Superlative forms indicate:

1. A characteristic that is manifested in a given object to the highest degree or more than in all other objects.

  • Elbrus - highest from the Caucasus mountains.
  • In this group Ivanov - the most capable And hardworking student.
  • you today the best.

2. The maximum degree of quality without comparison with other objects, including as part of stable expressions: the kindest soul, the worst enemy.

  • Arrived the most important stage in your life.
  • Everything needs to be figured out the smallest details.

Superlative education

Adjective initial form Educational means of superlatives Superlative adjective





Simple form

-aish -+ alternation of final consonant stem

watchman aishiy

Krutch aishiy

hush aishiy

high aishiy



-eish -

brave eishiy

wonderful eishiy

high ok


nai -+ -sh- (truncation of suffix - OK -)

nai - + -eish -


the most beautiful




from other bases






Compound form

the word is the most

the hardest

the most affordable



words most, least

most faithful

least fun




compare step. adj. + genitive case of the pronoun all - all

saddest of all

smarter than everyone else

the most interesting of all

Qualitative adjectives with suffixes do not form a simple superlative form - sk -, -n -, -ov -(-ev -), -To -, -ast -, -ist -: native, businesslike, loud, vociferous, colorful, spreading, thoroughbred, many words with suffixes - Liv -, -chiv -, -ovat - (-evat -): turbulent, talkative, whitish.

The article will help you understand what the comparative degree of adjectives is. It describes how to form its two forms - simple and compound.

What is the comparative degree of adjectives?

Comparative degree of adjectives in Russian– a grammatical category denoting a feature that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. Depending on the context of use, the feature called an adjective can manifest itself differently in the same object or differently in different objects. The comparative degree is inherent only in qualitative adjectives and is studied in grade 5 .

Examples of adjectives in the comparative degree: bolder, greener, hotter, more timid, more talkative, less bright, less funny.

How are the comparative degrees of adjectives formed?

When forming the comparative degree of adjectives, it is important to take into account that in the Russian language this morphological category is represented by two forms - simple(synthetic, consisting of one word) and composite(analytical, consisting of two words).

Formation of simple comparative degree of adjectives

The simple comparative degree of adjectives is formed in various ways:

  • The most common option is formation using suffixes -ee, -ee (long - longer, beautiful - more beautiful, sharp - sharper).
  • If the adjective stem ends in consonants: g, k, x, d, t, st, when forming a simple form, these consonants alternate, and the suffix is ​​added to the base itself -e (bright - brighter, quiet - quieter, expensive - more expensive).
  • For adjectives with bases on suffixes -k-, -ok- (-ek-), -g- the final suffix is ​​cut off and the suffix is ​​added to the stem -e (low - lower, high - higher, narrow - narrower, long - longer).
  • A limited number of adjectives are formed by adding a suffix to the stem -she (old - older, early - earlier).
  • In some cases, the simple form is formed by adding a prefix to the adjective stem By- and suffixes -she, -e(examples: smaller, younger, louder).
  • A number of adjectives form a simple form of the comparative degree of adjectives from other stems: good is better, bad is worse.

Exceptions. Adjectives that do not form a short form do not have a simple comparative degree:

  • With base on suffixes: -sk-, -ov-, -l-, -n- (enemy, advanced, emaciated, controversial);
  • Individual non-derivative adjectives (right, proud, timid);
  • Adjectives denoting the color of an animal (black, brown).

Formation of the compound comparative degree of adjectives

The compound form of the comparative degree of adjectives is formed by adding modal (auxiliary) words to the initial form of the adjective more, less (colder, prouder, less salty, heavier).

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Important! When forming a compound comparative degree, it is allowed to add modal words only to the initial form. Forms cleaner, less lighter are considered a serious mistake.


Qualitative adjectives differ in that they can denote a characteristic in varying degrees of its manifestation ( large – larger – largest). These forms are called degrees of comparison:



The paradigm of degrees of comparison also includes the adjective from which the forms of degrees of comparison are formed. The semantic basis of degrees of comparison is the quantitative assessment of the measure of the attribute. In the comparative degree paradigm, the original adjective is called the positive degree form.

Comparative degree (comparative) - denotes a quality that is found in one subject to a greater extent than in another, the name of which is put in the form of the gender or nominative case; the latter is preceded by a comparative conjunction How(truth is more valuable than gold).

Superlative degree (superlative) - denotes the highest degree of quality in a subject compared to another: most favorite writer; inflected like regular adjectives.

Comparative and superlative degrees can be expressed in simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical) forms.


The simple form of the comparative degree does not change by gender, number and case; and therefore you need to be able to distinguish it from the form of the comparative degree of the adverb. If a word of this type is syntactically related to a noun, then it will compare the degree of the adjective; if it is connected to a verb, then it will compare the degree of the adverb ( oak is stronger than birch– adj; he squeezed the handle tighter– adverb)

Comparative forms tend to be used in the position of a connective, i.e. in the role of a predicate, but can also be a definition.

Formed from the base of the original adjective using suffixes –ee(s) – bolder,whiter(productive way) or –e, -she – more expensive, richer(unproductive way).

From adjectives with a stem on k, g, x and some words based on d, t, st comparative degree is formed using the suffix -e(in this case, final consonant stems alternate with sibilants) ( loud - louder, quiet - quieter, steep - steeper). In adjectives on -OK And -To the producing stem is truncation, the remaining final consonant alternates with a sibilant or paired soft ( high - above, low - below).

Comparative forms with suffix –she single ( distant - further, early - earlier, long - longer).

From three adjectives the form is formed suppletive way ( small - less, good - better, bad - worse).

Comparative forms are not formed from adjectives that name characteristics that do not change according to degrees. Sometimes they are not formed in accordance with the usage and not the meaning ( dilapidated, alien, scanty).

The complex form of degrees of comparison is formed by adding the word more. Moreover, such combinations can also be formed with a short form ( faster, more red).


The simple form of the superlative degree has features in its meaning: in addition to the above basic meaning of the superiority of quality in an object compared to other objects, this form can denote the highest, extreme degree of quality in any object without comparison with others. In other words, it can denote a relatively high degree of quality: worst enemy, kindest creature.

The simple form is formed by adding a suffix –eysh (-aysh). Moreover, it is not formed from all adjectives; usually it is not found in those lexemes from which the comparative form is not formed. It may also be absent in those forms that have the form of a comparative degree. These are qualitative adjectives with suffixes –ast-, -ist, as well as many words with suffixes - liv-, -chiv-, -k-(narrow - narrower, hairy - hairier, silent - more silent).

A complex form is formed by combining a qualitative adjective and the word most. It is not related to lexical restrictions: the reddest, the kindest, the narrowest.

For adjectives with suffixes –ovat-(-evat-) no superlative form is formed, because the value of the incompleteness of the attribute is incompatible with the value of the high degree of the attribute ( the most deaf, the most deaf).

The superlative form denotes the highest degree of quality. Unlike the comparative degree, the superlative forms cannot express a comparative assessment of the degree of a characteristic in the same subject and in two subjects.

Adjectives in Russian. They are indispensable when it is necessary to compare one characteristic of an object or phenomenon with another. Let's try to understand the intricacies of this topic.


Before you start studying the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language,” you need to find out how this part of speech differs from all others. And it really has a lot of features. It is difficult to imagine our speech without this colorful, graceful group. With the help of adjectives we describe appearance (short, handsome, homely), character (kind, grumpy, difficult), age (young, elderly). However, not only human qualities, but also many other things can be represented with their help. For example, not a single work of art can do without the use of adjectives. And even more so the lyrics. Thanks to this part of speech, stories, poems, novels acquire expressiveness and imagery.

Helps to form such artistic means as epithets (dazzling beauty, wonderful morning), metaphors - heart of stone), comparisons (looks like the happiest; the sky is like azure watercolor).

A distinctive feature of adjectives is their ability to form short forms. The latter always play the role of a predicate in a sentence, which gives this part of speech another advantage - it gives dynamics to any text.

What is a degree?

Anyone who studies the Russian language faces this question. Degrees of comparison of adjectives are a characteristic that helps to compare one object with another.

For example, there are two balls in front of us. They are exactly the same, only one of them is slightly different in size. We need to compare them with each other and draw a conclusion: one ball more another. We can approach this issue from the other side and note that one ball less than the second one. In both cases, we used a word that characterizes the degree of comparison of these objects.

Now let’s add to our items another one of the same kind, but much larger. We need to differentiate it from others. How will we do this? Of course, use comparison. Only now you need to indicate that the third ball is immediately different from the first and second. In this case we will say that he biggest among them.

This is precisely why we need them. We will describe each of their types in detail below.


When we have an adjective in front of us that no one compares with anything, it is characterized by a positive degree. But if one object needs to be compared with another, then we will use the comparative degree of the adjective.

It has two subspecies. The first is called simple, or suffixal. This means that the word used in this degree has a suffix characteristic of it.

For example: This table chic. Neighbor's table more luxurious ours.

In the first case, the adjective is in the positive degree. In the second, the suffix “ee” was added to it and with the help of this they compared one table with another.

The second type is the composite degree. As the name suggests, its formation occurs not with the help of morphemes, but with the use of special words.

For example: This project is very successful. The last project was more successful.

The word “more” helps us compare one project to another.

Another example: We received valuable information. The previous one turned out to be less valuable.

Now, using the word “less”, we indicated a feature that manifested itself to a lesser extent.

It is worth remembering that degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language, regardless of variety, are formed only from Neither possessive nor relative have this ability.


In some situations, we need not just to compare one object or phenomenon with another, but to distinguish it from all others similar to it. And here the degrees of comparison of adjectives in Russian will also come to our aid. This degree of comparison is called excellent, which already implies the highest limit.

Like comparative, it has two varieties.

Using suffixes, a simple degree is formed.

For example: Ivanov strongest of all the athletes on the team.

The word “strong” with the suffix -eysh- formed and distinguished the athlete Ivanov from other members of the national team.

Next example: New tulle the most beautiful from those that I have seen.

In this case, the auxiliary word “most” gave this sentence the same meaning as in the previous example. This form is called compound.

Sometimes it can be accompanied by the prefix nai- for emphasis: the most beautiful.


In some cases, forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives have exceptions.

These include the words “good” and “bad.” When we begin to compare objects with their help, we will encounter some difficulties.

For example: We held good evening. Let's try to form a chain of degrees of comparison.

In a simple comparative we will see that the word “good” does not exist. It is replaced by “better.” And for the word “bad” we’ll choose “worse”. This phenomenon in Russian is called suppletivism of fundamentals. This means that the word needs to change dramatically in order to form a comparative degree.


Thus, we managed to find out not only the basics, but also some nuances on the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language.”

Now this rule will not cause you any difficulties, since it is not at all complicated.

> Degrees of comparison of adjectives

A grammatical feature of qualitative adjectives is the presence of degrees of comparison.

Degree of comparison is a grammatical category of adjectives that expresses differences in the degree of manifestation of quality. For example: strong - stronger, stronger, less strong, strongest, most powerful, least strong, strongest, strongest of all, strongest of all.

There are 3 degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives:

1) positive degree (positive),

2) comparative degree (comparative),

3) superlative degree (superlative).

Positive degree of comparison shows that a given feature of an object is not compared with a similar feature in another subject. The initial (initial) form of the adjective is considered as a positive degree, for example: fast, hospitable, carefree; stuffy, sad, light, petty, small, proud, decisive, brave, skillful, skillful, wonderful, charming, appropriate, instant.

comparative shows that a given feature of an object is manifested to a greater or lesser extent compared to a similar feature in another subject, for example: bolder, more daring, less daring; higher, higher, less tall.

The comparative degree serves as a means of comparison in quality:

Homogeneous items: This morning is cloudier than yesterday; the children's faces become happier when they see their mother;

- dissimilar objects with the same properties: melon is sweeter than watermelon; the son is taller than the father; sister younger than brother;

- the same subject: Before the session, students become more responsible and conscientious.

comparative is formed:

1) synthetically; suffixes are means of expressing the degree of comparison -ee- (-ey-), -e, -she-;

2) in an analytical way; means of expressing the degree of comparison are additional words more- less;

3) in a suppletive way; a means of expressing the degree of comparison is the change of bases: good - better, best; bad - worse, worst; small- less.

The comparative degree of an adjective has two forms: simple (synthetic) and compound (analytic).

Simple form of comparative degree

1) -ee(s): round- round-ee (round-ee); beautiful - beautiful-her (beautiful-her); long - long (long); extended - extended (extended);

2) -e, If:

a) the stem of the adjective ends in g, k, x, d, t,cm followed by alternation of the consonant stem: hot- hot; dear - dear; quiet- quiet; young-oh - younger; rich - rich; pure - purer;

b) the adjective has a suffix -k- (-ok-, -ek-) followed by truncation of the suffix and alternation of the consonant base: low - lower; narrow - narrow; high - higher; close - close;

3) -she if the adjective stem ends in g, k followed by truncation of these consonants: distant - farther; long - longer; thin-y - thin-she.

Forms of degrees of comparison on -ee(s), -e, -she By-, which brings the added value of mitigating the degree of dominance of quality; compare: more - more; more interesting - more interesting; more fun- more fun; closer- more crowded; heavier - heavier; tastier- tastier.

A number of adjectives have variant comparative forms: big - more, more; distant - further, further; long- longer, longer; late- later, later; early - earlier, earlier; small - less, smaller.

Not all qualitative adjectives form a simple comparative form.

These include:

1) adjectives with suffix -sk- (-esk-): comic, tragic, friendly, fraternal, sanctimonious;

2) some adjectives with suffix -n-: blood, tame, sick, early, extra;

3) adjectives with suffix -ov- (-ev-): gratuitous, business, ordinary, combat, mass;

4) many verbal adjectives with the suffix - l-: lethargic, rotten, tired, hoarse, hoarse;

5) some adjectives with a suffix -k-: unsteady, impudent, brittle, sticky, squishy, ​​timid, avid, tenacious, chilly;

6) some non-derivative adjectives: old, proud.

Complex comparative form is formed in all adjectives that name a characteristic that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. It is formed by adding additional words to the positive degree more, less; For example: more important, less affectionate.

Superlative shows that a given feature of an object is manifested to the greatest or least extent compared to a similar feature in another subject, for example: Supreme; deepest; the brightest; the narrowest; least sweet; most interesting; smarter than everyone else.

Superlatives also have synthetic and analytical form.

Simple superlative form is formed from the base of the positive degree of the adjective by adding suffixes:

1) -eysh-: white - white-eysh-y; rich-y - rich-eysh-y; brave - bravest; wonderful - wonderful;

2)-aysh- to adjectives with stems g, k, x and followed by alternating consonants: high - high - aish, deep - deep - aish, quiet - tish - aish.

There are some features in the formation of superlatives:

Adjective heavy forms superlatives with alternating w//g And k//h: heavy - heaviest;

Adjectives close, low form a superlative by adding a suffix with truncation of the productive stem and subsequent alternation of consonants h// and: close - closest, low - lowest.

In modern Russian, the simple superlative form has two meanings:

1. Top quality value which is inherent in a person or subject and for which this subject stands out from a number of similar ones. In the form of the superlative degree there is an indication of the circle of persons or objects from which they stand out with the highest degree of quality. This indication usually occurs in:

In the form of R.p. plural with prepositions from, among: the greatest of scientists; the most delicious of fruits; strongest among peers;

In the form of R.p. without prepositions: the most beautiful city in Europe; the most famous museum in the world; the country's widest river;

IN form T.v. plural with a pretext between: the greatest among generals;

- in the form of P.p. with prepositions in, on: the highest mountain in the world; the deepest lake on earth; the most beautiful place on the board; the largest lake in Siberia.

The use of superlatives is possible without any restrictions: sweetest person; main character; strongest athlete.

2. The value of the maximum degree of quality is beyond comparison with other items, For example: Above the forest stood the gentle glow of the mountain range. Herbs are the surest remedy for colds.

Superlative forms in -eysh-, -aysh- can be combined with attachment nai-, which introduces an additional intensifying value, cf., for example: the most difficult - the most difficult; the strictest - the strictest; the most interesting - the most interesting; deepest- deepest; complete - most complete.

Adjectives big, high, low, good, bad form the following superlative forms: greater, higher, lower, better, worse.

Not all qualitative adjectives form the simple superlative form.

These include:

1) adjectives with suffix -sk-, -esk-: brotherly friendly, enemy, demonic, hellish, ugly;

2) some adjectives with a suffix -n-: native, efficient, bloody, quarrelsome, excessive;

The most charming, the most sensitive, the sweetest, the thickest, the least broad, the least funny. This method is productive even for those adjectives that do not have a simple superlative form, for example: the most friendly, the most combative, the most flexible, the most efficient, the least friendly, the least flashy;

2) by adding words everyone Total to the simple form of the comparative degree of the adjective, for example: most important, sweetest of all.

One should distinguish from forms of degrees of comparison words of subjective quality assessment, which combine the designation of a feature with the expression of the speaker’s assessment of it. Words of subjective quality assessment express an emotional assessment of the designated attribute or indicate its real greater or lesser degree.

The words of subjective quality assessment are expressed in the following forms:

1) in adjectives with suffixes -enk- (-onk-), -yoshenek- (-oshenek-), -yokhonek- (-ohonek-), -yusenk-, For example: black, yellow, dry, white, happy, alone, tiny, thin;

2) in adjectives with suffixes -ushch- (-yusch-), -enn-: furious, huge, thin, fat, wide, tall;

3) in adjectives with prefixes arch-, pre-, times-, super-, ultra-: cheerful, arch-important, super-powerful, super-strong, super-cute, super-loud, ultra-modern;

4) in adjectives formed by pure or prefixal repetition: black-black, old-old; soft-soft; interesting-pretty interesting; tall-extreme.

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