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» Voronkova program 5 9. Speech therapy support for primary schoolchildren with mental retardation based on the use of folklore material Add to cart

Voronkova program 5 9. Speech therapy support for primary schoolchildren with mental retardation based on the use of folklore material Add to cart

Explanatory note

Curricula for grades V-IX of special (correctional) general education schools of the VIII type (for mentally retarded children) determine the content of subjects and remedial courses, the sequence of its completion by year of study.

The following programs are presented in general education subjects:

    in the Russian language: reading and speech development, grammar, spelling and speech development;

    in natural history;


    in biology: inanimate nature, plants, humans;

    in geography: an initial course in physical geography, the nature of our Motherland, the geography of continents and oceans, the geography of Russia, the geography of our area, elementary astronomy;

    in the history of the Fatherland and social studies;

    in fine arts;

    in singing and music;

    in physical education.

The correctional block is represented by a program for social and domestic orientation (SBO).

Correctional and group classes are conducted according to individual plans.

The programs take into account the characteristics of the cognitive activity of mentally retarded children. They are aimed at the diversified development of students’ personality, promote their mental development, and provide civic, moral, labor, aesthetic and physical education. The programs contain material that helps students achieve the level of general educational knowledge and skills that they need for social adaptation.

In the programs, the principle of correctional training is the leading principle. They specify ways and means of correcting deficiencies in general, speech, physical development and moral education of mentally retarded children in the process of mastering each academic subject. Particular attention is paid to the correction of specific disorders existing in individual students, to the correction of the entire personality as a whole.

Teaching mentally retarded students is educational in nature. The abnormal condition of the child makes it difficult to solve the problems of education, but does not remove them. When selecting program educational material, the need to develop such character traits and the entire personality as a whole was taken into account that will help graduates become useful members of society.

Explanatory notes for programs in all subjects provide basic methodological recommendations on the specifics of training, forms and methods of organizing the educational process. The curricula formulate the basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of students.

These programs for most academic subjects are basic, on the basis of which regional programs should be developed.

Subjects of the Federation must develop special programs for native language and Russian as a state language for schools where instruction is conducted in the national language.

Taking into account historical, geographical, natural, environmental, and national characteristics, each region can make additions and changes to the content of individual subjects, reflecting these characteristics.

At the same time, the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students by year of study may vary depending on local conditions, existing experience and traditions. However, for graduates of special (correctional) general education schools of the VIII type, they must be identical to the requirements of the basic program.


Explanatory note

At a school for mentally retarded children in senior (5-9) grades, tasks are carried out that are solved in junior grades, but on more complex verbal and conceptual material. Students must:

    master the skills of correct, fluent and expressive reading of works or excerpts from the works of Russian and foreign classics and modern writers that are accessible to their understanding;

    obtain fairly strong literate writing skills by studying an elementary grammar course;

    learn to correctly and consistently express your thoughts orally and in writing;

    be socially adapted in terms of general development and the formation of moral qualities.

The special task of correcting the speech and thinking of schoolchildren with mental retardation is an integral part of the educational process and is solved in the formation of their knowledge, skills, and personality development.


In reading lessons in grades 5-9, students continue to develop reading techniques: accuracy, fluency, expressiveness based on an understanding of the material being read. This is due to the fact that not all high school students are sufficiently proficient in these skills. In addition, studying each work of fiction causes them difficulties in reading it and understanding the content. After all, the recommended works are of different genres and when working with them, great methodological variability is required.

Mentally retarded schoolchildren find it difficult to perceive the biographical data of writers, especially their creative path, presented even in a simplified version. They often identify the biography of a writer with the biography of the heroes of the works they read. In historical works, students have difficulty perceiving the events described and do not always understand the words and expressions used by the author to convey this or that fact or the hero’s actions.

In reading lessons, in addition to improving reading techniques and understanding the content of works of art, much attention is paid to the development of students' speech and their thinking.

Schoolchildren learn to answer questions; convey the content of what you read completely, correctly and consistently; briefly retell the main events set out in the work; name the main and secondary characters, give them characteristics, adequately evaluate their actions and actions; establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and relationships; draw conclusions and generalizations, including emotional ones.

This requires serious methodological preparation of the teacher for the lesson for each work of art, helps to solve the problem of moral education of students, their understanding of the correspondence of the described events to life situations.

Grammar and spelling

In the process of studying grammar and spelling, schoolchildren develop oral and written speech, develop practically significant spelling and punctuation skills, and develop an interest in their native language. The elementary grammar course is aimed at correcting the higher mental functions of students in order to more successfully implement their mental and speech development.

Sounds and letters

In grades 5-9, work on sound-letter analysis continues. Students master the spelling of significant parts of a word and various parts of speech. Much attention is paid to phonetic analysis.

Word. From the 5th grade, a systematic study of the elementary course of grammar and spelling begins. The main topics are word composition and parts of speech.

The study of the composition of a word and the word-forming role of significant parts of a word is aimed at enriching and activating students’ vocabulary. During the exercises, spelling skills are developed (uniform spelling of vowels and consonants in the root of the word and prefix). Morphemic parsing is of great importance for mastering spelling. comparative analysis words that are different in pronunciation, similar in spelling (selection of nests of related words), etc.

Parts of speech are studied to the extent that students need to develop practical skills in oral and written speech - enriching and activating the vocabulary, developing literate writing skills.

Offer. The study of sentences is of particular importance for preparing a student with mental retardation for self-

a worthwhile life, to communication. This topic is included in the curriculum of all years of study. It is necessary to organize the work so that, in the process of exercises, students develop the skills of constructing simple sentences of varying degrees of prevalence and complex sentences. At the same time, spelling and punctuation skills are strengthened.

Coherent speech. Much attention is paid to the development of coherent written speech skills, since the ability of schoolchildren with mental retardation to express their thoughts in writing is very limited. In this regard, constant work is being carried out on the development of their phonemic hearing and correct pronunciation, enriching and clarifying vocabulary, teaching sentence construction, coherent oral and written expression in grades 2-4. Preparatory exercises - answers to sequentially posed questions, captions under a series of drawings, work with deformed text - create the basis that allows students in grades 5-9 to master such types of work as presentation and composition.

In these same classes, students are taught business writing skills. Training is carried out in two directions: students receive samples and practice preparing business papers (forms, receipts, etc.); at the same time, it provides for the formation of skills for a clear, correct, logical and fairly brief presentation of one’s thoughts in writing (when drawing up an autobiography, statement, receipt, etc.).

Graphic skills Students' skills are developed primarily in grades 2-4, although attention to clear and accurate writing should also occur in higher grades.


5th grade

(4 hours per week)

Approximate topics

Stories, articles, poems about the past of our people, about their heroism in labor and military exploits; about political events in the life of the country; about the work of people, their attitude towards the Motherland, towards each other; about native nature and caring attitude towards it, about the life of animals.

Reading Skills

Correct, conscious reading aloud in whole words in compliance with the norms of literary pronunciation. Work on reading fluency and expressiveness: pace and intonation corresponding to the content and meaning of the text (pauses, logical stress, tone of voice), “dramatization” (reading by roles).

Reading “to yourself” while completing tasks.

With the help of a teacher, identifying the main idea of ​​a work of art, identifying attitudes towards the actions of the characters. The choice of words and expressions characterizing characters, events, pictures of nature. Finding incomprehensible words and expressions in the text, using an interlinear dictionary.

Answers to questions about the text.

Dividing the text into parts with the help of the teacher. Title parts of the text and, with the help of the teacher, draw up a plan in the form of narrative and interrogative sentences.

Retelling according to plan. Using words and figures of speech from the text when retelling. Transferring the content of the illustrations to the work according to the teacher’s questions.

Independent reading of simple stories with the completion of various teacher tasks: find the answer to the question posed, prepare for retelling, expressive reading.

Memorizing poems.

extracurricular reading 1

Formation of reading independence of schoolchildren. Selecting a children's book from the school library on a topic indicated by the teacher, reading articles from children's newspapers and magazines. Conversations about what has been read, reading and retelling interesting passages, collective writing of short reviews of books, analysis of record sheets for extracurricular reading.

"An extracurricular reading lesson is held once a month

    Russian folk tales.

    Tales of the peoples of the world.

    P. P. Bazhov“Malachite Box”, “Silver Hoof”, “Sun Stone”, “Mining Master”.

    V. V. Bianki“Tiger-Five-Stripes”, “Cute Snow Maiden”, “Fly and the Beast”, “Musical Canary”, “Brave Vanya”.

    A. M. Volkov“The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Seven Underground Kings”, “Oorfene Deuce and His Wooden Soldiers”.

    A. P. Gaidar"Chuk and Gek."

    B. S. Zhitkov“Fire at Sea”, “Flood”, “Collapse”, “On an Ice Floe”, “Compass”.

    D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak“About the mosquito Komarovich, a long nose”, “A tale about Kozyavochka”, “A tale about how the last fly lived”, “A tale about a brave hare - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail”.

    N. N. Nosov“Dreamers”, “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”, “Cucumbers”, “Merry Family”.

10. V. A. Oseeva"The Magic Word", "Blue Leaves", "Bad". \\.K.G. Paustovsky"The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle."

    E. A. Permyak"Seven hundred and seventy-seven masters."

    B. N. Polevoy"Son of the Regiment."

    M. M. Prishvin“Fox Bread”, “Golden Meadow”, “Yarik”, “Ants”, “In the Land of Grandfather Mazai”.

Basic requirements for students' knowledge and skills" " Students should be able to:

answer teacher's questions;

retell the text according to plan with the help of the teacher, texts that are simple in content - independently. Students should know:

memorize 6-10 poems.

- natural history;
- mathematics;

- singing and music;
- physical education.


Read completely

Educational programs for grades 5-9 of special (correctional) educational schools of type VIII (for children with intellectual disabilities) determine the content of subjects and remedial courses, the sequence of its completion by year of study.
In general education subjects, programs are presented on:
- Russian language: reading and speech development, grammar, spelling and speech development;
- natural history;
- mathematics;
- natural science (biology): inanimate nature, plants, humans;
- geography: initial course physical geography, the nature of our Motherland, the geography of continents and oceans, the geography of Russia, the geography of our area, elementary astronomy;
- Russian history and social science;
- social and everyday orientation;
- singing and music;
- physical education.
The correctional block is represented by a program for social and domestic orientation (SBO).
Correctional and group classes are conducted according to individual plans.
The programs take into account the characteristics of the cognitive activity of children with intellectual disabilities. They are aimed at the diversified development of students’ personality, promote their mental development, and provide civic, moral, labor, aesthetic and physical education. The programs contain material that helps students achieve the level of general educational knowledge and skills that they need for social adaptation.


Department of Education of the Administration of the Nevelsk City District

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school in the village of Gornozavodsk

Nevelsky district of the Sakhalin region"


at the methodological association by the Director of the MBOU

teachers of Russian language and literature "Secondary school of Gornozavodsk"

Protocol No. 1 of August 30, 2017 ________________Kim Kyung Sung

Order No. 397a of 08/31/2017


On reading and speech development of type VIII


(name of academic subject/course)

Basic general education

(level, stage of education)


(program implementation period)

W e have been compiled on the basis of an exemplary program

Special (correctional) OU type VIII

on reading and speech development of type VIII by V.V. Voronkova

_________________________________________________ ____________________________

Sedykh O.V.


by whom (full name of the teacher who compiled the working curriculum)

Educational programs for grades 5-9 of special (correctional) educational schools of type VIII (for children with intellectual disabilities) determine the content of subjects and remedial courses, the sequence of its completion by year of study.

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Select UMK line

UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 9th class. UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 8th class. UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 7th class. UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9th grade. Depth UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9th grade. UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 8th grade. (depth). UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 8th grade. UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 7th class. UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 11th class. (bas/prof). UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 10th grade. (bas/prof). UMK Yu. V. Lebedev, 10th class. (bas/prof). UMK E. M. Rakovskaya, 8th grade. UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 9th grade. UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 8th grade. UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 7th grade. UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 11th class. (base). UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 10th grade. (base). UMC Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 4th class. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 3rd class. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 2nd class. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading, 9th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading, 6th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading, 5th grade. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokova) UMK Reading, 5th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading, 4th grade. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokova) UMK Reading, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading, 3rd grade. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokova) UMK Reading, 3rd grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Reading, 2nd class. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokova) UMK Reading, 1st class. (I type) UMK Artistic work/T. Ya. Shpikalova, 4th grade. UMK Artistic work/T. Ya. Shpikalova, 3rd grade. UMK Artistic work/T. Ya. Shpikalova, 2nd class. UMK Artistic work/T. Ya. Shpikalova, 1st class. UMK Oral speech , 4th grade. (VIII type I. M. Bgazhnokova) Educational and educational complex Oral speech, 3 classes. (VIII type I. M. Bgazhnokova) Educational and educational complex Oral speech, 2 classes. (VIII type I.M. Bgazhnokova) Educational and educational complex Oral speech, 1st class. (VIII type I.M. Bgazhnokova) UMK Technology, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Technology, 3rd class. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkova) UMK Technology, 2 classes. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Technology, 1st class. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) UMK T.Ya. Shpikalova, 8th class. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 7th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 6th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 5th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 4th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 3rd class. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 2nd class. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 1st class. UMK T. G. Khodot, 6th grade. UMK T. G. Khodot, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex T. A. Rudchenko, 4th grade. UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 3rd class. UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 2nd class. UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 1st class. UMK T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, 5th grade. UMK Solodovnikov, 11th class. (base). UMK Solodovnikov, 10th class. (base). Educational and educational complex S. N. Chistyakova, 8th grade. Educational and educational complex S. N. Chistyakova, 10th grade. Educational and educational complex S.K. Biryukova, 8th grade. Educational and training complex S. D. Ashurova, 5th grade. UMK S.V. Gromov, 9th grade. UMK S.V. Gromov, 8th grade. UMK S. V. Gromov, 7th class. UMK Russian language. Speech development, preparatory class. UMK Russian language. Speech development, 3rd grade. UMK Russian language. Speech development, 2nd grade. UMK Russian language. Speech development, 1st grade. UMK Russian language. Literacy training, 1st grade. (II type) UMK Russian language, 9th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 7th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 6th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 5th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 4th grade. (I type) UMK Russian language, 3rd class. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 3rd class. (II type) UMK Russian language, 2 classes. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Russian language, 2nd class. (II type) UMK Russian language, 1st class. (II type) UMK Revyakin, 8th grade. UMK Revyakin, 7th class. Educational and educational complex R. B. Sabatkoev, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex R. B. Sabatkoev, 10th grade. UMK Pronunciation, 4th grade. UMK Pronunciation, 3rd grade. UMK Pronunciation, 2 classes. UMK Pronunciation, 1st grade. UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 8th grade UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 7th grade UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 6th grade UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 5 grades UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 4 grades UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 3 grades UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 2 classes UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 1 class UMK Acquaintance with the surrounding world, 2 classes. (I type) UMK Acquaintance with the surrounding world, 1 class. (I type) UMK Familiarization with the surrounding world (preparatory). (I type) UMK Teaching literacy, 1st grade. (I.M. Bgazhnokova) Educational and educational complex Teaching literacy, 1st grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) Educational and educational complex O.S. Soroko-Tsyupa, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex O. E. Drozdova, 7th grade. (electronic) Educational and training complex O. V. Afanasyev, 9th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex O. V. Afanasyeva, 8th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex O. V. Afanasyeva, 7th class. (depth). Educational and educational complex O. V. Afanasyeva, 6th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex O. V. Afanasyeva, 11th class. (depth). Educational and educational complex O. V. Afanasyeva, 10th grade. (depth). UMK N. Ya. Vilenkina, 9th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex N. Ya. Vilenkina, 8th grade. Depth Educational and educational complex N. S. Rusina, 6th grade. Educational and educational complex N. A. Kondrashova, 9th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex N. A. Kondrashova, 8th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex N. A. Kondrashova, 7th grade. (depth). UMK N. A. Kondrashova and others, 11 classes. (depth). Educational and educational complex N. A. Kondrashova and others, 10th grade. (depth). UMK World of History, 6th grade. UMK Mathematics, Preparatory class (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 9th grade. (M. N. Perova, VIII type. V. V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 7th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 6th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 5th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 3rd grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 2nd class. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 1st class. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) Educational and educational complex M. Ya. Pratusevich, 11th class. (depth). UMK M. Ya. Pratusevich, 10th class. (depth). UMK M. Ya. Vilensky, 5th grade. UMK M. T. Baranov, 7th grade. UMK M. T. Baranov, 6th grade. UMK M. G. Akhmetzyanov, 5th grade. UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex L. S. Atanasyan, 8th grade. Educational and educational complex L. S. Atanasyan, 7th grade. Educational and educational complex L. P. Anastasova, 3rd class. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 8th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 7th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 7th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 6th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 6th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 5th grade. UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 11th class. (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 11th class. (base). Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 10th grade. (prof). Educational and educational complex L. N. Bogolyubov, 10th grade. (base). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, “Law”, 11th class. (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, “Law”, 10th grade. (prof). Educational and educational complex L. N. Aleksashkina, 11th class. (elect). Educational and educational complex L. M. Rybchenkova, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex L. M. Rybchenkova, 8th grade. Educational and educational complex L. M. Rybchenkova, 7th class. Educational and educational complex L. M. Rybchenkova, 6th grade. Educational and educational complex L. M. Rybchenkova, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex L. M. Zelenina, 4th grade. Educational and educational complex L. M. Zelenina, 3rd class. Educational and educational complex L. M. Zelenina, 2nd class. Educational and educational complex L. M. Zelenina, 1st class. Educational and educational complex L. I. Tigranova, 6th grade. Educational and educational complex L.I. Tigranova, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex L. I. Tigranova, 2nd class. Educational and educational complex L. I. Tigranova, 1st class. Educational and educational complex L. G. Sayakhova, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex L.V. Polyakova, 4th grade. Educational and educational complex L.V. Polyakova, 3rd class. Educational and educational complex L.V. Polyakova, 2nd class. Educational and educational complex L.V. Polyakova, 1st class. UMK L.V. Polyakov, 11th class. UMK L.V. Polyakov, 10th grade. Educational and educational complex L.V. Kibireva, 8th grade. Educational and educational complex L.V. Kibireva, 7th grade. Educational and educational complex L.V. Kibireva, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex L. A. Trostentsova, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex L. A. Trostentsova, 8th grade. UMK History of the Fatherland, 8th grade. UMK History of the Fatherland, 7th grade. UMK Fine Arts. 2 classes (VIII type I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Fine arts. 1 class (VIII type I.M. Bgazhnokov) Educational and training complex I.A. Viner, 2nd class. UMK I.A. Wiener, 1st class. UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 9th grade. (elect). UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 11th class. (elect). UMK I. N. Vereshchagina, III class. (depth). UMK I. N. Vereshchagina, II class. (depth). Educational and educational complex I. N. Vereshchagina, 5th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex I. N. Vereshchagina, 4th grade. (depth). Educational and training complex I. N. Vereshchagina, 3rd class. (depth). UMK I. N. Vereshchagina, 2nd class. (depth). Educational and training complex I. N. Vereshchagina, 1st class. (depth). UMK I. L. Bim, 9th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 8th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 7th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 6th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 5th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 4th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 3rd class. UMK I. L. Bim, 2nd class. UMK I. L. Bim, 11th grade. (basic) UMK I. L. Bim, 11th class. UMK I. L. Bim, 10th grade. (basic) UMC I. L. Bim, 10th grade. Educational and educational complex I.K. Toporov, 5th grade. UMK I. K. Kikoin, 10th grade. UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 11th class. (base). UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 10th grade. (base). UMK I.V. Anurova et al., 6th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex Z. N. Nikitenko, 3rd class. Educational and educational complex Z. N. Nikitenko, 2nd class. Educational and educational complex Z. N. Nikitenko, 1st class. UMK Living World, 3rd grade. (IIIV type by I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Living World, 2nd class. (IIIV type by I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Living World, 1st class. (IIIV view by I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK E.A. Bazhanova, 1st class. UMK E. Yu. Sergeev, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex E. S. Korolkova, 7th grade. Educational and educational complex E. E. Lipova, 5th grade. (depth). UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 4th grade. UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 3rd class. UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 2nd class. UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 1st class. UMK E. V. Efremova, 7th class. Educational and educational complex E.V. Agibalova, 6th grade. UMK E. A. "Agricultural labor", 5th grade. Educational and educational complex D.K. Belyaev, 11th class. (basic) Educational and educational complex D. K. Belyaev, 10th grade. (basic) UMK Geography, 9th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Geography, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Geography, 7th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Geography, 6th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) UMK G.P. Sergeev. Art, 9th grade. UMK G. P. Sergeev. Art, 8th grade. UMK G. P. Sergeeva, 7th class. Educational and educational complex G. P. Sergeeva, 6th class. Educational and training complex G. P. Sergeeva, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex G. P. Sergeeva, 1st class. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 9th grade. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 8th grade. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 11th class. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 10th grade. UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 9th grade. UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 8th grade. UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 7th class. Educational and educational complex G. V. Dorofeev, 6th class. Educational and educational complex G.V. Dorofeev, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex G. V. Dorofeev, 4th grade. UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 3rd class. Educational and educational complex G.V. Dorofeev, 2nd class. UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 1st class. UMK Vedyushkin, 6th class. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 9th grade. Educational and training complex V. Ya. Korovin, 8th grade. Educational and training complex V. Ya. Korovin, 7th grade. Educational and training complex V. Ya. Korovin, 6th grade. Educational and training complex V. Ya. Korovin, 5th grade. UMK V. F. Chertov, 9th grade. UMK V. F. Chertov, 8th grade. UMK V. F. Chertov, 7th grade. UMK V. F. Chertov, 6th grade. UMK V.F. Chertov, 5th grade. UMK V. F. Grekov, 11th class. (base). Educational and educational complex V.F. Grekov, 10th grade. (base). Educational and educational complex of V. F. Butuzov, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex of V.F. Butuzov, 8th grade. Educational and training complex V.F. Butuzov, 7th grade. Educational and educational complex of V.F. Butuzov, 10th grade. Educational and educational complex V. P. Maksakovsky, 10th grade. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 9th grade. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 8th grade. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 7th grade. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 6th grade. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 5th grade. (1st year of study) UMC V. P. Kuzovlev, 5th grade. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 4th grade. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 3rd class. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 2nd class. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 11th class. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 10th grade. UMK V. P. Zhuravlev, 11th class. (bas/prof). Educational and educational complex V. N. Chernyakova, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex V. L. Baburin, 11th class. (elect). UMK V.K. Shumny, 10th grade. UMK V.I. Ukolova, 5th grade. UMK V.I. Ukolova, 10th grade. UMK V.I. Lyakh, 8th grade. UMK V.I. Lyakh, 4th grade. UMK V.I. Lyakh, 10th grade. UMK V.I. Lyakh, 1st class. UMK V. I. Korovin, 10th grade. (bas/prof). UMK V. G. Marantsman, 9th grade. UMK V. G. Marantsman, 8th grade. UMK V. G. Marantsman, 7th grade. UMK V. G. Marantsman, 6th grade. UMK V. G. Marantsman, 5th grade. UMK V. G. Marantsman, 11th class. (bas/prof). UMK V. G. Marantzman, 10th grade. (bas/prof). UMK V.V. Zhumaeva, 9th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) Teaching and learning complex by V.B. Sukhov (prepared). (I type) Educational and educational complex V. A. Shestakov, 9th grade. UMK V. A. Shestakov, 11th class. (prof). UMK Biology, 9th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Biology, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Biology, 7th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Biology, 6th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Road Traffic Safety / Ed. A.T. Smirnova, 5th class. UMK Road Traffic Safety / Ed. A. T. Smirnova, 10th grade. UMK BDD/P.V.Izhevsky, 1st class. UMK A.O. Chubaryan, 11th class. (prof). UMK A.G. Gein, 9th grade. UMK A.G. Gein, 8th grade. UMK A.G. Gein, 7th class. UMK A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 8th grade. UMK A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 7th class. UMK A.F. Nikitin, 9th grade. UMK A.F. Nikitin, 10th grade. (right). UMC A. T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov, 11 kl. (basic/professional) UMC A. T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov, 10 kl. (basic/professional) UMK A. T. Smirnov, 9th grade. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 8th grade. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 7th grade. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 6th grade. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 5th grade. UMK A.P. Matveev, 8th grade. UMK A.P. Matveev, 6th grade. UMK A.P. Matveev, 5th grade. UMK A.P. Matveev, 3rd class. UMK A.P. Matveev, 2nd class. UMK A.P. Matveev, 1st class. UMK A. N. Sakharov, 7th grade. UMK A. N. Sakharov, 6th grade. UMK A. N. Sakharov, 10th grade. (prof). Educational and educational complex of A. N. Kolmogorov, 11th grade (base) Educational and educational complex of A. N. Kolmogorov, 10th grade. (base). Educational and training complex A.L. Semenov, 4th grade. Educational and training complex A. L. Semenov, 3rd class. UMK A. L. Semenov, 7th grade. UMK A. L. Semenov, 6th grade. UMK A. L. Semenov, 5th grade. UMC A.K. Reading, 7th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) Educational and educational complex A.I. Gorshkov, 11th class. (elect). UMK A. I. Vlasenkov, 11th class. (bas/prof). UMK A. I. Vlasenkov, 11th class. (base). UMK A. I. Vlasenkov, 10th grade. (bas/prof). UMK A. I. Vlasenkov, 10th grade. (base). UMK A. I. Alekseev, 9th grade. UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 9th grade. (depth). UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 9th grade. UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 8th grade. (depth). UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 8th grade. UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 7th grade. UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 11th class. (prof/deep). UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 11th class. (bas/prof). UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 10th grade. (prof/deep). UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 10th grade. (bas/prof). UMK A.G. Gein, 9th grade. UMK A.G. Gein, 8th grade. UMK A. G. Gein, 11th class. (bas/prof). UMK A. G. Gein, 10th grade. (bas/prof). UMK A.V. Filippov, 11th class. (base). UMK A.V. Filippov, 10th grade. (base). UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 9th grade. UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 8th grade. UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 7th grade. UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 10th grade. (bas/prof). UMK A. A. Ulunyan, 11th class. UMK A. A. Preobrazhensky, 6th grade. UMK A. A. Murashova, 11th class. (elect). Educational and educational complex A. A. Levandovsky, 8th grade. UMK A. A. Kuznetsov, 8th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov. Peoples of Russia, 9th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov, 9th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov, 8th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov, 7th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov, 6th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov, 10th grade. (elect). UMK A. A. Voinova et al., 4th grade. (depth). UMK A. A. Voinova et al., 3rd class. (depth). UMK A. A. Voinova et al., 2 classes. (depth). UMK A. A. Vigasin, 6th grade. UMK A. A. Vigasin, 5th grade. UMK "I am a citizen of Russia" L.V. Polyakov, 5th class. (electronic) Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 4th grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 3rd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 2nd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 1st grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 4th grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 3rd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 2nd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 1st class. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 4th grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 3rd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 2nd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 1st grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 4th grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 3rd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 2nd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 1st class. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" V. G. Goretsky, 1st class. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 4th grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 3rd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 2nd grade. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 1st class. Educational and educational complex "Oleg Gabrielyan's School", 10th grade. Educational complex "French in perspective" E. M. Beregovskaya and others, 4th grade. (depth). Educational complex "French in perspective" N. M. Kasatkina and others, 3rd class. (depth). Educational complex "French in perspective" N. M. Kasatkina and others, 2nd class. (depth). Educational and training complex "French in perspective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 9th grade. (depth). Educational complex "French in perspective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 8th grade. (depth). Educational and training complex "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligina, 7th class. (depth). Educational complex "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligina, 6th grade. (depth). Educational complex "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligina, 5th grade. (depth). Educational complex "French in perspective" G.I. Bubnova and others, 11th class. (depth). Educational complex "French in perspective" G.I. Bubnova and others, 10th grade. (depth). UMK "Universum" S. V. Gromov, 11th class. UMK "Universum" S. V. Gromov, 10th grade. UMK "Technology. Sewing" 7th grade. UMK "Technology. Plumbing" 6th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 9th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 8th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 7th grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 9th grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 8th grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 7th grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 6th grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 5th grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 4th grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 3rd grade. Educational complex "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 2nd grade. UMK "Spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 11 kl. UMK "Spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 10 kl. UMK "Spheres". E. A. Bunimovich, 6th grade. UMK "Spheres". E. A. Bunimovich, 5th grade. UMK "Spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 8th grade. UMK "Spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 7th class. UMK "Spheres". IN AND. Ukolova, 5th grade. UMK "Spheres". V. P. Dronov, 9th grade. UMK "Spheres". V. P. Dronov, 8th grade. UMK "Spheres". V. I. Ukolova, 6th grade. UMK "Spheres". A.P. Kuznetsov, 7th grade. UMK "Spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 6th grade. UMK "Spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 5th grade. UMK "Spheres" Chemistry, 9th grade. UMK "Spheres" Chemistry, 8th grade. UMK "Spheres" Social studies 5th grade. UMK "Spheres" L.S. Belousov, A.Yu. Vatlin, 9th class. UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 7th grade. UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 6th grade. UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 5th grade. UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 11th class. (prof). UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 10-11 classes. (base). UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 10th grade. (prof). UMK "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 9th grade. UMK "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 8th grade. UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 9th grade. UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 8th grade. UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 7th grade. UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 9th grade. UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 8th grade. UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 7th grade. UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 6th grade. Educational and training complex "Blue Bird" E. M. Beregovskaya, 5th grade. Educational and training complex "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 9th grade. Educational and training complex "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 7th grade. Educational and training complex "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 6th grade. Educational and training complex "Agricultural labor", 8th grade. Educational and training complex "Agricultural labor", 7th class. Educational and training complex "Agricultural labor", 6th grade. Educational complex "Continuity" Educational complex "Polar Star". Yu. N. Gladky, 11th grade. UMK "Polar Star". Yu. N. Gladky, 10th grade. Educational complex "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 9th grade. Educational complex "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 8th grade. Educational complex "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 7th grade. Educational complex "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 6th grade. Educational complex "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5-6 classes. Educational complex "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5th grade. UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 4th grade. UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 3rd class. UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 2nd class. UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 1st class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 4th grade. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 4th grade. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 3rd class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 3rd class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 2nd class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 2nd class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 1st class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 1st class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 1st class. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 4th grade. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 3rd grade. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 2nd class. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 1st class. Educational complex "Fundamentals of Cooking", 10th grade. UMK "Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia", 5th grade. UMK "Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia", 4th grade. UMK "Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia", 4th grade. UMK "Objective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 11th class. UMK "Objective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 10th class. UMK "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 9th grade. (depth). UMK "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 8th grade. (depth). UMK "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 7th grade. (depth). UMK "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 6th grade. (depth). UMK "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 5th grade. (depth). UMK "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovleva, 11th class. (depth). UMK "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovleva, 10th grade. (depth). Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. S. Berdonosov, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. S. Berdonosov, 8th grade. Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 9th grade. Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 8th grade. Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 7th grade. Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 6th grade. Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 5th grade. Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 11th class. (bas/prof). Educational and training complex "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 10th grade. (basic/professional). Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" S. V. Novikov, 10th grade. (prof). Educational and training complex "MSU - school" N. S. Borisov, 10th grade. (base). - A. A. Levandovsky, 11th grade. (base). Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" L. S. Atanasyan, 11th class. (bas/prof). Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" L. S. Atanasyan, 10th grade. (bas/prof). Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" V. P. Smirnov, 11th class. (prof). Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" A. O. Soroko-Tsyupa, 11th grade. (base). Educational and educational complex "MSU - school" A. A. Levandovsky, 11th grade. (base). UMK "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 9th grade. UMK "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 8th grade. UMK "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 7th class. UMK "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 9th grade. (in-depth) Educational and educational complex "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 8th grade. (in-depth) Educational and training complex "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 7th class. (In-depth) Educational complex "Life Line". V.V. Pasechnik, 9th grade. UMK "Life Line". V.V. Pasechnik, 8th grade. UMK "Life Line". V.V. Pasechnik, 7th grade. UMK "Life Line". V.V. Pasechnik, 6th grade. UMK "Life Line". V.V. Pasechnik, grades 5-6, educational complex "Life Line". V.V. Pasechnik, 5th grade. UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 5th grade. UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 11th class. UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 10th grade. UMK "Contacts" G. I. Voronina, 11th class. Educational complex "Classical course" G. Ya. Myakishev, 11th class. Educational complex "Classical course" G. Ya. Myakishev, 10th grade. UMK "So, German!" N. D. Galskova, 11th class. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 9th grade. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 8th grade. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 7th grade. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 6th grade. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 5th grade. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 4th grade. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 3rd class. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 2nd class. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 11th class. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 10th grade. Educational complex "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 1st class. UMK "Zavtra" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 9th grade UMK "Zavtra" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 8th grade UMK "Zavtra" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 7th grade UMK "Zavtra" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 6th grade UMK "Zavtra" S.V. Kostyleva and others, grades 5-6 of educational complex "Zavtra" S.V. Kostyleva and others, 10th grade UMK "Business French" I. A. Golovanova, 10th grade. (elect). UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 9th grade. UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 8th grade. UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 7th grade. UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 6th grade. UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 5th grade. Educational and training complex "Geeks" G. V. Yatskovskaya, 5th grade. Educational and training complex "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 8th grade. UMK "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 7th grade. Educational and training complex "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 6th grade. Educational complex "Meetings" N.A. Selivanova and others, grades 8-9 Educational complex "Meetings" N.A. Selivanova and others, grade 7 Educational complex "Astronomy" E.P. Levitan, 11th grade. (Electrical) UMK "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 9th grade. UMK "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 8th grade. UMK "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 7th grade. UMK "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 11th class. UMK "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 10th class. Educational complex "English in Focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 9th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 8th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 7th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 6th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 5th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", O. V. Afanasyeva, 11th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", O. V. Afanasyeva, 10th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", N. I. Bykova, 4th grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", N. I. Bykova, 3rd grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", N. I. Bykova, 2nd grade. Educational complex "English in Focus", N. I. Bykova, 1st class. UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 11th grade. (angular). UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 10th grade. (angular). Educational complex "Binder's ABC", 5th grade. Russian language. Literacy training. (1) Russian language. Literacy training. (0) Russian language and literary reading, 4th grade. Russian language and literary reading, 3rd grade. Russian language and literary reading, 2nd grade. Russian language and literary reading, 1st class. Russian language (9) Russian language (8) Russian language (7) Russian language (6) Program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Fine arts, 5 years Program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Fine arts, 4 years Program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Fine arts, 3 years Natural history. (5) Continuity Familiarization with the surrounding world. Preparatory, 1st and 2nd grades. Guidelines(I and II types) Young Learners" Portfolio Wuthering Heights Wishes B2.2 Wishes B2.1 White Fang Welcome Starter b Welcome Starter a Welcome Plus 6 Welcome Plus 5 Welcome Plus 4 Welcome Plus 3 Welcome Plus 2 Welcome Plus 1 Welcome 3 Welcome 2 Welcome 1 Upstream Upper-Intermediate B2+ Upstream Proficiency C2 Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1 Upstream Level B1+ Upstream Intermediate B2 Upstream Elementary A2 Upstream Beginner A1+ Upstream Advanced C1 Upload 4 Upload 3 Upload 2 Upload 1 Treasure Island The Worms The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The Wind in the Willows The Wild Swans The Ugly Duckling The Time Machine The Tiger Shark The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Teacher's Basic Tools The Story of Santa Claus The Stone Flower The Speckled Band The Snow Queen The Shoemaker & his Guest The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf The Selfish Giant The Prisoner of Zenda The Prince and the Pauper The Portrait of Dorian Gray The Phantom of the Opera The Octopus The Nightingale & the Rose The Mysterious Island The Merchant of Venice The Maori People The Man in the Iron Mask The lost world The Loggerhead The Little Red Hen The Little Mermaid The Lion & the Mouse The Last of the Mohicans The Humpback Whale The Hound of the Baskervilles The Hare & the Tortoise The happy prince The Hammerhead Shark The Great White Shark The Golden Stone Saga II The Golden Stone Saga I The Giant turnip The Ghost The Frog Princess The Fisherman and the Fish The Father & his Sons The Creeping Man The Cracow Dragon The Canterville Ghost The Bottlenose Dolphin The Blue Scarab The Ant & the Cricket The Amazon Rainforest 2 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World The 7 Engineering Wonders of the Modern World Teaching Young Learners Swan Lake Successful Writing Upper-Intermediate Successful Writing Proficiency Successful Writing Intermediate Storytime Storyland Spark 4 (Monstertrackers) Spark 3 (Monstertrackers) Spark 2 (Monstertrackers) Spark 1 (Monstertrackers) Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs Sleeping Beauty Skills First: The Magic Pebble Skills First: The False Smile Skills First: The Castle by the Lake Skills Builder STARTER 2 Skills Builder STARTER 1 Skills Builder MOVERS 2 Skills Builder MOVERS 1 Skills Builder FLYERS 2 Skills Builder FLYERS 1 Sivka-Burka Simon Decker & the Secret Formula Set Sail 4 Set Sail 3 Set Sail 2 Set Sail 1 Romeo & Juliet Robinson Crusoe Robin Hood Reading Stars Reading & Writing Targets 3 Reading & Writing Targets 2 Reading & Writing Targets 1 Pygmalion Puss in Boots Pride & Prejudice Practice Tests for the PET Practice Tests for the KET Practice Tests for the BEC Vantage Practice Tests for the BEC Preliminary Practice Tests for the BEC Higher Peter Pan Perseus and Andromeda Orpheus Descending On Screen B2+ On Screen B2 Oliver Twist (illustrated readers) Oliver Twist (classic readers) New Patches for Old Mowgli Moby Dick Mission IELTS 1 Mission 2 Mission 1 Merry Christmas Macbeth Little Women Little Red Riding Hood Life Exchange Letterfun Kidnapped Journey to the Center of the Earth Jane Eyre Jack and the Beanstalk Interactive 2 Interactive 1 IELTS Practice Tests 2 IELTS Practice Tests 1 Henry Hippo Happy Rhymes 2 Happy Rhymes 1 Happy Hearts Starter Happy Hearts 2 Happy Hearts 1 Hansel & Gretel Hampton House Hamlet Hallo Happy Rhymes Great Expectations Grammarway 4 Grammarway 3 Grammarway 2 Grammarway 1 Grammar Targets 3 Grammar Targets 2 Grammar Targets 1 Good Wives Goldilocks and the Three Bears Gharial Crocodiles Game On Fun with English 6 Fun with English 5 Fun with English 4 Fun with English 3 Fun with English 2 Fun with English 1 Frankenstein FCE Use of English 2 FCE Use of English 1 FCE Practice Tests 2 FCE Practice Tests 1 FCE Practice Exam Papers 3 FCE Practice Exam Papers 2 FCE Practice Exam Papers 1 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 3 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 2 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 1 Fairyland Starter Fairyland 6 Fairyland 5 Fairyland 4 Fairyland 3 Fairyland 2 Fairyland 1 Excalibur Enterprise Plus Enterprise 4 Enterprise 3 Enterprise 2 Enterprise 1 Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Death Squad David Copperfield CPE Use of English 1 CPE Practice Tests 3 CPE Practice Tests 2 CPE Practice Tests 1 Count Vlad Click On Starter Click On 4 Click On 3 Click On 2 Click On 1 Cinderella Chicken Licken Business English Marketing and Sales Blockbuster 4 Blockbuster 3 Blockbuster 2 Blockbuster 1 Blackbeard's Treasure Black Beauty Beauty and the Beast Around the World in 80 Days Anna & the Dolphin Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Aladdin & the Magic Lamp Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary Access 4 Access 3 Access 2 Access 1 Aboriginal Australians A Trip to the Rainforest A Tale of Two Cities A Mirror, a Carpet & a Lemon A Midsummer Night's Dream A Good Turn of Phrase A Christmas Carol (illustrated reader) A Christmas Carol 20,000 leagues under the Sea "Success", 6 years "Success", 5 years "Success", 4 years "Success", 3 years "Rainbow", 6 years "Rainbow", 5 years "Rainbow", 4 years "Rainbow", 3 years "Rainbow" ", 2 years "From childhood to adolescence", 6 years "From childhood to adolescence", 4 years "From childhood to adolescence", 3 years "From childhood to adolescence", 1 year