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» Origin and character of the name Madina. Madina - the meaning of the name

Origin and character of the name Madina. Madina - the meaning of the name

This name evokes associations with hot eastern countries. But sometimes it can be found among Europeans. What is the meaning of the name Madina? Let's find out!

Origin of the name Madina

This female name is of Arabic origin. It was formed from the name of the second holy city of Muslims after Mecca - Medina. It spread throughout the world during the formation and development of Islam.

Meaning of the name

From Arabic this name is translated as “giving strength.”

Characteristics of the name

Little Madina is a typical choleric person. She has a lively, cheerful disposition, is not averse to being capricious, easily flares up, but just as easily leaves. Madina is easy to offend, but she is not vindictive. In just a matter of minutes, she forgets about the quarrel and moves on with her life as if nothing had happened. The girl has a kind and sympathetic heart, she takes pleasure in taking care of younger family members and pets.

At school Madinka is distinguished by her diligence. But she lacks attention and perseverance. During breaks, she definitely needs to run and play to her heart's content, otherwise the acquired knowledge will not be absorbed, and studying will turn into routine and monotonous work.

Madina's energy and love for regular changes of activity and environment will remain with her into adulthood. She cannot stay in one place all the time. She should spend her vacations away from her family, and change jobs as she moves up the career ladder. Madina is suitable for creative professions, as well as work related to business trips and relocations. A girl can achieve great success in scientific activities. If Madina has a lot of money, her generosity can reach its climax. She is reluctant to spend money on herself, but is happy to help her loved ones and spoil her friends and family.

In the company of friends, the girl is the undisputed leader, a broad soul. She knows how to carry on a conversation on any topic. But he does not reveal friendly secrets under any circumstances. Loves noisy companies, especially those in which representatives of the opposite sex are present.

Madina sees her future wife, first of all, as a like-minded person. She is attracted by the presence of common interests, easy-going, sense of humor, and optimism. The girl enters the new social role of wife with great difficulty. Traditional ideas about marriage and family seem too narrow to her. As a rule, when she is married, she is not limited to just taking care of the house and children, but continues to build a career or pay attention to her favorite activities. Madina's children grow up to be comprehensively developed individuals.

Madina's health is mediocre. With age, there may be problems with the heart, blood vessels and joints.

Name compatibility

Madina has the best prospects with Grigory, Kirill, Victor, Arkady and Vladislav. Not the best choice - Stepan, Boris, Ilya, Stanislav and Peter.

The name Madina in history

1. Madina (Madeleine) Kane is a Scandinavian singer and model.

2. M. Salamova is a Norwegian writer of Russian origin.

What does the name Madina mean?
What does the name Madina mean? This name evokes associations with hot eastern countries. But sometimes it can be found among Europeans. What is the meaning of the name Madina? Let's find out! Origin


The meaning of the name Madina, origin, character and fate of the name Madina

Meaning of the name Madina - interpretation

Madina is a female name, about the origin of which experts put forward several versions. Some people believe that it has Arabic roots and is an abbreviated name for the village of Madinat an-Nabi, the same place where the Prophet Muhammad was born. In this case, the name is translated as “big city.” There is a Greek version that says Madina is another version of the name Madlina, meaning “giver of strength.”

Name Madina in other languages

Years later

Madina already at an early age strives to become the best and wants to be in the spotlight. The girl is inquisitive, reads a lot, and studies well. She quickly makes friends, as she is friendly and sociable. Despite his age, he easily achieves his goals.

Already in childhood, she begins to show persistence in achieving goals, so parents should monitor this quality, guiding Madina in the right direction. By type of temperament, the fair sex who bears this name is choleric.

She inherits the behavioral characteristics of her mother, although in appearance she is very similar to her father. If necessary, Madina is able to play out the necessary emotions in order to achieve what she wants. She knows how to think in the right direction and is smart beyond her years.

The girl is characterized by maximalism and intolerance. She strives to be independent, and quarrels can flare up on this basis, even critical ones, even leaving home. This girl feels the need for sparkle and shine - in noisy companies and parties.

He is interested in everything that happens around him and easily adapts to any life situation. Although many people are drawn to Madina, the girl does not offer friendship to everyone, being selective in her choice of friends. However, she is kind and always responds to requests for help.

She is characterized by unpredictability in her actions, is extremely independent, knows how to set goals for herself, and easily achieves them. Spontaneous actions, quick changes of plans, mood swings are normal behavior for this lady, only with age she becomes calmer.

Adult Madina is somewhat unpredictable in her actions, impulsive, but has a business acumen that allows her to move towards her intended goal. Controversial and stubborn, she continues to fight for leadership and independence.

Madina is an active and energetic woman who will always develop and act. Endowed with qualities that allow her to find a way out of the most difficult situations and quickly adapts to changing conditions. Self-confident, purposeful, temperamental.

Meaning of the name Madina. Interpretation of the name.

The name Madina has many versions of origin and they will be discussed in our article. Each version of the origin also corresponds to the meaning of the name, so there will be several of them too.

The first version is the Arabic version of the origin of the name Madina. According to this version, the name Madina is only a slightly modified name for the city of Medina. Medina, in turn, is translated as “big city”. No matter how strange it may be, but according to this version the meaning of the name Madina is “big city”. The city of Medina is considered one of the holy places in Islam and is closely associated with the name of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (Muhamet).

The second version of the origin of the name can be called the Greek version. According to this version, the name Madina is a modified Greek name Madlina. If so, then the meaning of the name Madina is “giving strength”, since this is what the name Madlina means in translation.

Well, the last version of the origin of the name will be the version of English origin. According to it, it is believed that the name Madina comes from the name Maden. This translated means “happy” or “lucky”, and the meaning of the name Madina appropriate.

The meaning of the name Madina for a girl

Madina is growing up as an intelligent, serious and at the same time bright person. Girls named Madina are very independent and bold in their opinions. This imposes certain restrictions on the methods of their upbringing. For Madina, the ability to argue her point of view is very important, and she wants the same from those around her. The girl knows how to get along with people and loves being the center of attention. Madina is growing responsive and is ready to help those in need free of charge.

Madina usually studies well. This is a talented child, especially in areas that require a creative approach. She is successful in all subjects, but still loves the humanities more. Although Madina is usually good at mathematics too. It must be remembered that, for example, in India, mathematics was classified as a humanities science, as it required extraordinary imagination. Madina reads a lot, especially as a teenager. At the same age he can begin to write poetry. Her creative energy constantly requires outlet.

For the most part, the health of a girl named Madina is not satisfactory. There are indeed several weak points in her health. Madina has a tendency to diseases of the cardiovascular system. The girl should play sports, but of course after consulting with doctors. In any case, if you have any health difficulties, you should contact a professional.

Short name Madina

Madinka, Madyusha, Madyushka, Maddi, Dina, Dinka, Inna.

Diminutive pet names

Madinochka, Madinushka, Madinchik, Madinka, Madichka.

Name Madina in English

In English the name Madina is written as Madina.

Name Madina for international passport— MADINA.

Translation of the name Madina into other languages

in Arabic - المدينة المنورة (al-Madinah al-Munawwarah).
in Chinese - 麥地那
in French - Medina

Characteristics of the name Madina

Adult Madina is characterized by confidence and purposefulness of actions. She has strong leadership abilities and this is visible to the naked eye. Madina is a rather unpredictable person. She usually takes a long time to make decisions, but periodically makes completely rash actions. Madina's intuition saves her from troubles. She, even without much thought, often makes the right decisions.

Madina can work in any field. Her choice of profession is completely unpredictable. Quite often, after studying, Madina chooses a completely different profession. However, there is still a certain pattern associated with Madina’s work. She usually works around men. She is a pleasant employee and is not capable of all kinds of internal friction in the team.

Family plays one of the most important roles in Madina’s life. She is preparing for marriage for a long time, and therefore get married quite late. Madina is very demanding and will not agree to anything less than a “prince.” A true reward awaits the husband in the form of such a wife, since Madina is a wonderful housewife and a caring wife. It will create an indescribable atmosphere in the house. Madina is also a good mother. True, it is worth noting that Madina is very jealous, so the future husband should prepare to be under the constant control of his beloved.

The mystery of the name Madina

But Madina’s secret can be called lust for power. She may even have despotic behavior when she achieves a position in society. She should be more careful with this unpleasant feature of hers, since such behavior does not lead to anything good.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Light steel and Green.

Stone- Irminite (blue or blue jasper).

Meaning of the name Madina
Find out the full meaning of the name Madina today


A person’s name is his calling card, which determines his character and luck. What does the name Madina mean, what hidden meaning does it carry? We'll talk about this below.

Meaning of the name Madina

Madina is an Arabian city that has a long history. The origin and history of the name Madina has several versions. One version of the name is its identity with the name of the city of Madinat an-Nabi, which is located in Medina. This city is considered the cradle of the Prophet Muhammad and has sacred significance, which is why the name Madina is revered in Muslim countries.

The origin and history of the name Madina also have Greek roots, according to which it is translated as “giving strength.” According to this historical theory, the name was formed from the name Madlin, which has Greek roots.

Read also Orthodox girl name

There is also another historical theory about the origin of the name - it may come from Magdalena, who is mentioned in the Gospel. It, in turn, came from the name of the settlement on Lake Galilee - Magdala.

There is also an English version of the origin of the name Madina. What does the name Madina mean according to this version? “Lucky, lucky,” as it comes from the male name Maden. The zodiac sign characteristic of Madina is Leo. Her name day falls on the twenty-sixth of March, the thirteenth of October, the thirteenth of December.

The character and fate of Madina

The meaning of the name Madina determines her main character traits. This name is ruled by one, it is a number that is characteristic of active and purposeful people who are accustomed to achieving their goals by any means. She is always the first in solving complex problems, she is not afraid of the difficulties that befall her, they give her confidence in her own abilities and in the ability to always come to the aid of friends.

Unfortunately, the girl is inferior to her business colleagues in planning; it is not her calling to manage financial matters. Therefore, it should not enter into competition in this industry. She often makes rather impulsive decisions and simply moves ahead, so she is not advised to take on negotiations herself, because she is terrible in anger and can break things in the heat of the moment.

Since Madina is quite efficient, her superiors should not worry about whether the orders will be completed. They will not only be completed, but also double-checked. She picks up new types of work quite quickly and learns easily. She may have several higher educations and know several languages, but she will not succeed as a leader because she does not have flexibility in character.

It’s easier for her to do everything herself than to shift the solution to her problems onto someone else’s shoulders. Madina’s character and fate largely depend on her, since the girl is not particularly keen to change anything about herself, she will quickly distance herself from those around her so as not to correspond to their stereotypes. In adolescence, he can simply run away from home and not regret it one bit.

Madina's career and business

Thanks to her self-confidence and determination, Madina has been a leader since childhood, but such character traits are hardly good for a true lady. At the same time, she is very talented, everything she takes on turns out perfectly. At school she achieves great success, as she works tirelessly.

The best type of profession for her would be a creative profession. She needs to combine active work with active recreation. She is more impressed by male company and does not like gossip. Men's sports will also appeal to her. She often evokes envy and jealousy with her independence and individuality.

Her straightforwardness plays a cruel joke on her, but in the industry of advertising, PR, television and journalism, she will ideally succeed as a specialist, thanks to her tough character qualities. She loves noisy parties, but huge groups oppress her, so it’s easier for her to lock herself in her studio and paint pictures and write poetry.

Madina's love, family

Madina chooses strong and independent men to match herself. She looks closely at a man for a long time before entering into a relationship with him. He loves to flirt and can even have a holiday romance. Most of all she loves handsome and stately men.

If she has already tied the knot, then her chosen one will be provided with everything. And attention and care. She will not bother him unnecessarily, but will rather take care of the house. Her children are always well-groomed and study in the best educational institutions. The family and its home are an example for many to follow.

She tries to find a common language with all members of her family, and at the same time she can raise the child herself. She will not tolerate humiliation and insults from a man; it is easier for her to answer for everything herself than to endure the whining of a weak, weak-willed husband.

She often seeks to control all family affairs, which causes the indignation of her significant other. At the same time, she passionately loves her man. I’m ready to create romance for him every day. Their family is envied by many, because it rests on the fragile shoulders of a woman who is always in a good mood and always supportive of others.

My husband dotes on Madina because she is a wonderful mother, wife and lover. Medina may have several children, and she will try to pay equal attention to each of them.

Patience in communication allows her to establish wonderful relationships with her husband’s family. She cooks well and is always happy to have guests. At the same time, she has so many acquaintances that she will not disappear in a foreign city without a card, she will simply call one of her friends and ask for help. She herself is always open to conversation and provides attention to everyone who needs it.

Madina should not cross the road. She will not make a scandal, she will simply do it her way, and at the same time she will remember the insult for a long time. She does not forgive betrayal, so the husband who cheated on her will be removed from the family and children. The man will no longer be able to win her trust. With such integrity, she is open and merciful to people.

The meaning of the name Madina: what does the name mean, what character does it endow with? Origin and history of the name Madina, the fate of its owner
The meaning of the name Madina: character, fate of a person named Madina,

Knowing your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well dressed,” smart, respectable. Sometimes your appearance can serve as a kind of shield for you, allowing you to isolate yourself from people with whom communication with you is currently undesirable for some reason. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, endears you and evokes sympathy.

Compatibility of the name Madina, manifestation in love

Madina, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to put your feelings into forms that cannot but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

For a bright and temperamental girl, the meaning of the name Madina has a special interpretation. The strong qualities that its owner is endowed with sometimes cause conflicting feelings in the girl, which she will have to learn to cope with.

A sweet and brave young lady loves to be the center of attention. A girl, without hesitation, can recite rhymes or sing funny songs while standing on a stool in the presence of a large number of relatives. The little lady prefers to be among adults, listening to conversations with a serious look and, like an experienced grandmother, commenting on other people's words and stories. Feels a colossal need in society.

Among her friends, Madinka is the brightest and bravest, and is considered the “ringleader” in the company. Sometimes her ideas can be so risky that not everyone will agree to such adventures. By nature, the girl is a fighter for justice; she will not calmly watch how someone is wronged undeservedly.

Since childhood, the meaning of the name Madina for a child is revealed by such qualities as perseverance and an incredible desire to achieve a cherished goal. She will definitely achieve her goal. This quality will remain in girls in youth, slightly modified depending on parental upbringing.

A stately young lady strives to stand out among her friends, to show everyone her unusualness and individuality. Leadership qualities, which began to manifest themselves from childhood, begin to strengthen in the young person, acquiring important importance for her.

In her youth, the meaning of the name Madina for a girl takes on a new meaning. Youthful maximalism and intolerance manifest themselves very violently in a young person. Very often, relatives with whom relations do not go well during this period fall under Madina’s hot hand: feeling their autonomy and independence, it is difficult for her to obey and listen even to her parents’ words.

Spontaneous actions, quick changes in plans, mood swings, radical changes in appearance - this is the normal behavior of a young lady. If parents try to interfere in a girl’s life, a huge scandal may break out, the climax of which may be the young lady leaving home.


The girl chooses her life partner very pickily and for a long time. This means that she gets married only when she is in love or is in an interesting position.

Sexually, he opens up easily, trying to get maximum pleasure from the process. Loves experiments and can dominate in bed. She has the grace of a cat and loves to admire herself and her body during intimacy.

Often he chooses a chosen one with a lighter character, preferring to dominate the relationship. She loves attention, therefore she is flirtatious and seductive, she loves male attention. The girl knows how to attract not only men’s, but also everyone’s attention; her seductive gait, sexy (not vulgar) manner of dressing and ability to carry herself catches the eye of both boys and girls.


She loves children and respects her husband. The woman always has food cleaned and prepared. Pays great attention to the cleanliness and decoration of the premises. He likes to collect and collect valuable things, often figurines and jewelry.

She prefers work to home, believing that only in this case can a woman take care of herself and look attractive and interesting to her husband. Raises children using the carrot and stick method, often using the former.

The woman develops rather unfriendly relations with her husband’s relatives, which indicates a desire to live separately. Since the girl does not allow anyone into her affairs and everyday life, trying to see her chosen one’s parents as little as possible. But she tries not to express her feelings to her husband.

Business and career

A woman does not like competition, neither among friends nor at work. He treats his competitor as his blood enemy, often overestimating his capabilities. The young lady has golden hands and a moderate sense of beauty, which means she can be a hairdresser, makeup artist, massage therapist, supervisor, flight attendant, costume designer, TV presenter. Easily establishes relationships in a team and tries not to participate in all sorts of adventures and conspiracies.

Traits such as luck and integrity will help a woman realize herself in the positions of prosecutor, lawyer, and deputy.

Origin of the name Madina

The origin of the name Madina has three versions. In the first hypothesis, where the name came from,
stands for the Arab city of Medina, the etymological translation of which sounds like “big city”. According to the second version, the female name Madina was derived from the Greek Madlina, whose name means “giving strength.”

The last hypothesis is the English story, according to which Madina was transformed from the male name Maden (Madenn, Madeni), which means “happy, fortified, lucky.”

Characteristics of the name Madina

The characteristics of the name Madina, as well as its meaning, include all the pros and cons of the child’s character. Often, future parents, when choosing a suitable name for a child, try to compare all the character traits of the future child, focusing on the optimal ratio of positive and negative aspects of character.

Character advantages for a child are: determination, desire to be the center of attention, firmness, active leadership position.

Among the disadvantages in character, the main ones are considered to be: explosiveness, unstable emotional state, desire to stand out from the crowd over others, “donkey” stubbornness.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – diamond, ruby.
  • Name days - December 13, October 13, March 26.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign – Leo, Virgo, Taurus.
  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • Color – yellow, red, burgundy.
  • Metal – gold.

The secret of the name Madina reveals the meaning of the bearer's talismans and amulets, providing lasting protection and protection.

Famous people

  • Madina Sadvakasova (1979) is a popular Kazakh singer and TV presenter. In the past, she was a soloist of the Presidential Orchestra and the Gulder Ensemble. A psychologist by training.
  • Madina Saralp (1976) is a Kabardian clothing designer who has her own salon in Nalchik, which sells designer outfits, accessories, jewelry and various small items for the interior.

Different languages

The translation of the name Madina into other languages ​​is similar to its Russian counterpart. In English it is written Madina,Medina, in Arabic المدينة المنورة (al-Madinah al-Munawwarah), in French – Madina.

In Japanese, the name Madina is read as メディナ(Medina), in Chinese - 麥地那(Mài dì nà)

Name forms

  • Full name: Madina.
  • Options - Medina, Magdalena, male form - Madinat,
  • Derivatives (diminutive and short form): Medina. Dina, Mida, Madinochka, Medusya, Maddi, Madin.
  • Declension of the name Madina-Madina-Madine-Madina-Madina-Medine.
  • In the Orthodox faith, there is no patron saint named Madina.

What does the name Madina mean: a city in Arabia (the name Madina is of Muslim origin).

If we look at the general etymology of the word, the name comes from the name of a city in Arabia. But this name has many in other languages, which we will certainly try to consider in our linguistic review of names of Arabic origin.

If we take an ancient Greek dictionary or simply have sufficient horizons to interpret the myths of ancient Greece, then we can definitely say that the meaning of the name Madina is “giving strength.”

According to the English version of the word, this name was derived from the name "Maden", which means "Giver of strength and hope"

Madina's Angel Day: The name Madina celebrates her name day three times a year:

  • 26 March
  • October 13
  • December 13th

Zodiac named after Madina: Leo.

Character of the name Madina: Madina is a person who is ready for change. She knows that self-development is the key to success, and she successfully uses this rule in her life. She is eccentric and ready to do anything to achieve her goal, except, of course, for a crime against her moral component - Madina is unable to betray a person or cause him any harm. You can be sure of this.

Developing her own business does not play into Madina’s hands at all - she is not a leader by nature. This statement applies to both family and business activities. However, she can perfectly carry out orders or even serve as deputy director if appropriate orders are received from higher-ups.

Human behavior in various areas of life

Madina’s business and career: Madina is a very purposeful and intelligent person who tries to make the most of her time - this applies not only to useful activities such as studying and similar mechanisms that an organized person uses to achieve his long-standing goal, no. It could be discos, a fitness club and even travel, for which Madina can always find time

The girl is very unpredictable, she often prefers male teams to female ones and may often not trust people. She uses her charm solely so that the people around her finally realize their happy situation and stop arguing, using to their detriment the time given to them, which can be spent on becoming even better and much more professional in their work activities, which gives her no rest.

Madina’s love and marriage: Even if Madina chooses her beloved for a very long time and has long despaired of finding her ideal, this only warms up the universe more in order to give her that same ideal at the right time and in the right place. Such is the fate of a girl with this name.

The name Madina can be translated as “giving strength” and “forming cities”, in both cases we can trace those magical and hope-giving qualities that people tried to convey through the names of certain objects. Naturally, given the charm with which people named other objects, they treated names extremely diligently and never left names without meaning. In the Japanese language alone, the name Madina can be written in 3 combinations of characters, each of which, however, will mean a concept associated with the granting of strength and with the formation of new skills that occur in the life of a given person.

Girls with this name inherited their self-confidence and determination from goddesses described in the mythology of various countries with approximately the same etymological root present in the name of the person. They were like that too and could turn the whole world upside down with just one effort of their will for a while.

Character Facts

Since childhood, Madina has developed a strong sense of justice and kindness; she is not going to put up with injustice not only in relation to herself, but also in relation to her immediate environment. However, she occasionally turns a blind eye to her own manifestations of aggressive and unfair attitudes towards other people who interfere with her. But she will never directly oppose a person who does nothing wrong to her; this is what distinguishes her from many representatives of our modern society. who are ready to do anything for a decent position and position in society.

It is very important for a young person to work at home; it is at home that she realizes her importance and begins to perform exactly the activities that are important to her. Also, family adaptability is very important for Madina; she does not like people who do not care about family life.

She is not a confrontational girl and starts a family quite quickly. However, it is absolutely difficult for her to start a family; she needs to think everything over and conduct a direct analysis of her environment in order to choose the best candidate for this.

The person has a positive attitude towards the fact that her husband will dominate their life together, but she does not want to see at her disposal that same “mama’s boy” who has been so carefully described as an already established archetype on the “Russian folklore Internet”, as he has been dubbed Internet researchers.

She loves discos very much, is fond of various parties in her youth and can be a very extravagant person who cannot imagine her life without various social gatherings. It is noteworthy that closer to adulthood, such events, with the wave of a magic wand, can melt in the head of a not quite young person named Madina.

The girl is very unpredictable and does not pose a danger to her competitors if she herself is not in harmony with her own subconscious. It has already been proven that professions associated with the creative intervention of the subconscious in the already common activities of people are very well suited for Muddy: designer, architect, artist. But other professions may also suit a girl: restorer, realtor, bank employee, hairdresser.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Madina prefers to work directly with representatives of the stronger sex, even if there are girls in the team, the girl prefers to communicate with men, they understand the girl much better. It is also not difficult for Madina to come to a common denominator with team members if conflicts begin, since the young lady grew up as a very diplomatic person from childhood and is capable of good deeds for the sake of the common good and maintaining relationships in a disparate team.

The man Madina chose must be very lucky for a number of reasons: Madina is a stunning beauty who knows how to be a good housewife, and Madina is a very loyal person. But not only for this reason, but also because becoming the chosen person for Madina is an almost impossible task; she can look for her chosen man for years and still not choose exactly her man.

Usually Madina does not live with her mother-in-law, avoids the harsh intervention of other women in her family management, and especially does not tolerate interference in the economic sphere of her life. She considers herself a pretty good housewife, and this interference can greatly hinder her self-esteem, which often fluctuates. Such a quarrel may also serve as a basis for tough self-analysis of a girl named Madina.

Communication with peers is very important for her, however, the decisive opinion for her is not the opinion of her friends, but directly the opinion of her subconscious. Brainstorming, or rather its results, will always play a greater role for Madina than some everyday chatter.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Madina is a beautiful feminine name, popular in countries professing Islam. Among the representatives of the name there are many famous talented women. Madina Biktagirova is a Soviet and Russian track and field athlete specializing in long-distance running. Singer and TV presenter Madina Sadvakasova, who in 2011 was awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Madina Sultangazina is a restaurateur, founder of restaurants of a new food format.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    Versions of the origin of the name:

    1. 1. According to the first version, the name Madina is of Arabic origin. This is a distorted name for the Muslim holy city of Medina, which means “big city.”
    2. 2. There is an alternative view that the name comes from the Greek name Madlina and means “giving strength.”
    3. 3. The third version talks about the English origin of the name. Madina is the feminine form of the male name Maden, translated as “happy”, “lucky”.

    Name forms: Madisha, Disha, Maddi, Dina.

    Signs and symbols

    To unravel the mystery of the name, you should turn to astrology and numerology.

    Sign, mascot or symbol Interpretation
    Patron planet - SunThe sun symbolizes inner harmony, willpower and the desire for leadership. The protection of the Sun bestows a person with luck, material well-being and fame
    Talisman stone - blue jasperThe mineral has positive energy and shares it with its owner. A talisman made of blue jasper enhances a person’s charm and intuition, protects him from the evil eye and damage
    Name number - onePeople with name number 1 are successful and lucky. They have creative potential that needs to be developed from childhood. They are not afraid of difficulties and boldly go towards their dreams, achieving success in life
    Color - redRed color characterizes kind and sympathetic people. They are always ready to help in difficult times. However, they expect gratitude, and if it doesn't come, they can be very offended
    Plant - roseThe rose represents love, femininity and beauty. A flower in the house helps maintain peace, love and harmony in it. Rose cleanses the room of negative impulses and brings sincerity and warmth into relationships between family members.


    Madina is growing up as a kind and cheerful child with a strong character. She loves to be the center of attention and has demonstrated her independence since childhood. Parents should encourage their daughter's initiative and not indulge her whims, otherwise she will grow up to be a selfish person.

    The girl is sociable, easily makes new acquaintances and quickly finds friends. She demonstrates success in her studies and often receives praise from teachers. She takes a special interest in the humanities, and in her free time she enjoys creativity. It contains great creative potential that needs to be developed.

    With age, Madina’s character manifests qualities such as determination, perseverance and perseverance in achieving her goals. She is unshakable in her views and has her own opinion on any issue. A woman knows how to subjugate people to her will, but she does it softly and unobtrusively. Her destiny will be happy if she surrounds herself with loving people who, in times of difficulty, will support her and instill in her confidence in her abilities.

    Characteristics of Madina:


    As a child, Madina was in good health. She easily tolerates viral and infectious diseases and rarely complains of feeling unwell. As she ages, she may experience digestive problems due to excessive consumption of fatty and junk foods.

    Weak points in the body are the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.

    Interests and hobbies

    Madina is a versatile person with a broad outlook. She loves to read and draw, and is interested in art and cinema. In her free time, she enjoys visiting museums, exhibitions and theater performances.

    The main hobby in a girl’s life is travel. Getting to know new places, culture and way of life charges her with positive energy and inspires her to new achievements.

    Love and family

    Madina takes a responsible approach to choosing a life partner, so she gets married late. It is important for her to meet a person who will truly love her and treat her with respect. To win a girl’s heart, a man must give her signs of attention: compliments, gifts and romantic surprises. Madina's ideal husband is a handsome, successful man with a good sense of humor.

    Sex for Madina is an important part of a relationship. She is a sexy and passionate lover who knows how to please her partner.

    Marriage will reveal in a woman the secret facets of her personality, invisible to the prying eye. She will become a wonderful housewife, love and harmony will reign in her home. Madina takes care of her husband and children, giving them her love and affection. If she has to make a choice, she will be able to give up work for the sake of her family and will devote her free time to self-development.

    Good compatibility with:

    • Alexander;
    • Mark;
    • Daniel;
    • Timothy.

    Low likelihood of a happy relationship with:

    • Anton;
    • Leo;
    • Oleg;
    • Vyacheslav.

    Profession and career

    Madina can build a career in different fields of activity. She is smart, determined and quick-witted, and takes her professional responsibilities responsibly. If she sets a goal for herself, she will make every effort to achieve it. A woman does not gossip or intrigue at work, so she has good relationships with colleagues.

    Professions that are most successful for Madina:

    • art critic;
    • artist;
    • designer;
    • hairdresser-stylist;
    • Researcher.

    Opening her own business will bring success to a woman only if she finds experienced partners. It is not advisable for her to do business on her own, since she does not know how to make long-term work plans and calculate possible risks.