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» Origin and meaning of the name Amin. Amina: the meaning of the name. Amin's name is origin and mystery. Name Amin in English

Origin and meaning of the name Amin. Amina: the meaning of the name. Amin's name is origin and mystery. Name Amin in English

Full name:

Similar names:

Church name: -

Meaning: reliable, faithful, honest

The meaning of the name Amin - interpretation

The name Amin has Muslim roots. This is often the name given to girls in Kazakh, Ossetian and Arab families. This name belonged to the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, therefore, in its interpretation, the character traits of this woman are used. The first version of the meaning is “honest”, “reliable”, “devoted”, the second is “calm”, the third is “safe”. In other languages, there are such varieties of this name as Emina and Aminat.

Amin's name in other languages

Astrology named after Amin

Favorable day: Friday

Years later

Little Aminochka is a real fidget and fidget, she never sits still and is constantly busy with something. From childhood, this child differs from his peers in composure and some kind of special perseverance.

To some of her peers, she may seem unnecessarily strict and impregnable. Despite her young age, Amina is always extremely concentrated, knows what she wants, and calculates everything in advance. She does it perfectly thanks to her analytical mindset.

The girl has a sensitive soul, it is very easy to offend her. Because of this, sudden mood swings are possible. Most Amin are very sociable, like to be in a children's company, and they have a lot of friends.

In adolescence, Amina, with her unstable behavior, can piss off friends, parents and other relatives. First, she agrees with the decision, and after 5 minutes she takes it with hostility.

Male character traits in a girl often repel young people. Fortitude is combined in this extraordinary personality with selfishness and selfishness. This is a generous, obstinate and devoted person.

The girl is not devoid of organizational skills, she is able to solve the most complex tasks. Some Amins are responsive, rush to help offended and deprived people, they can warm a homeless kitten.

Amina has a great intuition, always telling her the right way out of the situation. She does not tolerate flattery and subtly feels lies. Always respected by colleagues and superiors.

Responsibility and efficiency allow her to be in good standing. At home, she is a wonderful hostess, loves and knows how to cook well, maintains cleanliness and order. Amina appreciates friendship very much and does not lose friendly ties throughout her life.

Having married, she does not completely immerse herself in the family, but finds time to meet with her friends. This woman is one of those people who are always successful. She will lend a shoulder in a difficult situation, support and help in deed or words. She is very attached to her parents and never forgets to visit them.

Amina's character

Such a rare quality today as kindness has been present in this woman since childhood. Knowing this, people who want to cry in the vest often come to her, and Amina cannot refuse them. Success in everything is the creed of a woman with this name.

If someone is in trouble, this woman will be the first to come to the rescue, no matter how hard it may be for her. Natural responsiveness does not allow her to say "no", and many unfulfilling individuals abuse this.

Negative qualities include excessive vulnerability, increased sensitivity and resentment. Amina's inherent sense of humor allows her to laugh at others, but not at herself.

The desire for independence for a woman with the musical name Amina does not help as much as hinders. Without taking into account someone else's opinion, she can flare up, say too much and ruin the relationship.

Amina's fate

Thanks to her natural intelligence and the ability to grasp everything on the fly, Amina is an excellent student at school, and then successfully masters the most prestigious professions. she has no shortage of philanthropy, she works a lot and sometimes to the detriment of her personal life. Therefore, sometimes her marriage does not work out - her husband simply does not have enough attention. To avoid this, Amina, having married, must prioritize and decide what is more important to her.

Amina really appreciates those people with whom you can be yourself. If they are not surrounded by a woman, she feels misunderstood and lonely. She just needs to be understood and sympathized with. A woman reveals her feelings only to those who are dear to her.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Amina usually makes a good career. As an employee, she is indispensable: she is smart and punctual, learns quickly and has a diplomatic character. The ability to present herself, tact and a flexible mind help her to lead important projects.

The authorities trust her to negotiate, conclude serious contracts, and communicate with VIP clients. Amina is a valuable worker, so she quickly climbs the career ladder. If he completely immerses himself in work, over time he can become the head of the company.

Perseverance and determination will help her conquer any heights. But not all women with this name are ready to sacrifice family well-being, therefore they are content with a middle-level position.

Marriage and family

When she gets married, she turns into an ideal wife. Her children are always well-fed and cleanly dressed, the apartment is in order, her husband does not have a soul in her. Even the mother-in-law - and she adores her daughter-in-law. All relatives love Amina, seeing her kindness and care for her family.

A successful marriage is possible with a man who will put up with having a job in his wife's life. Sometimes a woman is forced to work in the evenings, as she is completely devoted to her beloved work and is rooting for him with all her heart.

Sex and love

In her youth, love for Amina is not in the first place, she goes headlong into her career. As she grows older, she realizes that for true happiness she needs a dear and beloved person. She does not find him right away, but realizing that it is he, she will not back down and will do everything to attract his attention. Affectionate and caring, she demands the same from her partner. And if he doesn’t get it, he quickly becomes disappointed and loses interest in him.

In sex, she is a sensual and attentive partner. A man should be assertive and demonstrate his superiority to Amina. A woman will be happy to take part in a role-playing game in which the partner demonstrates physical strength and dexterity.


The weak point of a woman is the digestive system. A woman should be more attentive to nutrition, limit foods that irritate the stomach and intestines, and avoid snacking on the go.

Proper nutrition will help with the exacerbation of many diseases, and Amina should remember this.

Interests and hobbies

Amina's kindness and cordiality do not allow her to pass by an abandoned animal. In her apartment you can see a whole zoo.

Inspired, she buys a hamster, a parrot or a guinea pig, but she does not have time to properly care for them because of her workload. Over time, the pet is given to friends, and after a while Amina gets a new one in the hope that this one is more unpretentious.

Amina or Aminat (arab. آمنة) is a female name that came to us from the Arabic language. The name has received the greatest distribution in the cultures professing Islam. The beliefs and legends associated with Amina are fascinating, and the fortitude of women with this name can only be envied.

origin of the name Amin

Amina is believed to be the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. The main character traits and strong-willed qualities that accompany the name are collected based on her personality. Despite the symbolic differences in the interpretation of the name in different languages, Amina always refers to "reliability" and "calmness":

  • Amina in Arabic: "honest, faithful, reliable";
  • Emine in Turkic: "faithful";
  • Aminat, Eminat in Dagestan means "located in a calm, safe place."

Often the name Amin is given to the youngest daughter in the family.

There are two pronunciation options: with an emphasis on the first syllable (آمنة) - the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, translated as "safe"; with emphasis on the second syllable (أمينة) - "faithful, reliable."

Name Forms

The beauty of the name Amin is only emphasized by the abbreviations that are used among family and friends: Mina, Ammi, Amish, Ammun. Diminutive forms - Aminushka, Aminka, Amishka, Musya, Minochka, Umeina.

Photo gallery: famous women named Amina

Amina Anshba - winner of the tournament in Tashkent ITF under 18 President of Mauritius Amina Gurib-Fakim ​​Amina Mohammed - First Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Amina Zaripova - Russian rhythmic gymnast

Related names for Amina are Emine, Aminat, Eminat, Omina.

Since the name came from the Arabic language and has a direct connection with Islam, there is no church analogue. At baptism, Amina will receive a different name from the worldly one.

Table: spellings of the name Amin in other languages

When filling out forms for a passport, use the Amina transliteration.

A harmonious combination of a name and patronymic is the key to a good integration of a child into society. The name Amin is combined with patronymics:

Characteristics and influence of the name

Little Amins show unprecedented friendliness, quickly become attached to people, showing high confidence. Quite often, relatives and friends use meekness of temper to manipulate the child. Amina love parentsThey try to support and help them in everything. Father and mother, older relatives obey unconditionally, without trying to think logically about the nature of the requests.

Little Amina is very obedient, which is why older relatives can begin to manipulate the child

The girls are artistic, among their peers they are overly theatrical, compensating for home meekness. In the circle of the same age, Aminas stand out not only for this - perseverance and high concentration of attention help them achieve tremendous success in their studies. Amina is a "book" child, she draws knowledge about the world around her not from reckless experiments and stuffed cones, but from the wisdom of previous generations.

Having matured, Amina becomes a reliable support not only for the family, but also at work. Preserving the childish property of becoming attached to people, in adulthood she is a devoted friend and faithful comrade-in-arms. Old weaknesses pass from childhood to maturity - those around them use Amina's kindness for selfish purposes. But meekness of temper is also transformed into the ability to confidently go towards the intended goal, finding a common language and skillfully reaching compromises.

Perseverance also transforms in adulthood, turning Amina into a workaholic. It is important to remember that Amina, who has gone to work with her head, does not show indifference to loved ones, but simply cannot switch from work to personal life on her own. A close circle should show understanding and attention in order to distract Amina in time for rest or joint activities not related to work.

According to Khigir, Amina is a lifesaver, witty, able to come up with a solution to almost any problem in a short time. Despite her inherent ambition, meanness or deceit should not be expected - Amina achieves everything on her own.

Amina grows up and becomes a workaholic, it is important for her to be able to switch from work to rest

Table: compatibility in love, sexuality and marriage

The name Amin has certain astrological correspondences.

Table: correspondences and satellites for the name Amin

When analyzing the corresponding elements, it is easy to see that they are associated with friendship, family, peacefulness. Iris is a flower of friendship, respect, trust, and forget-me-not - constancy and fidelity. The chestnut tree symbolizes wisdom, higher providence, care.

Copper, one of the symbols of Venus, stands for softness, suppleness, striving for spiritual growth. Aquamarine carries a symbol of friendship, courage, justice. Carnelian symbolizes the desire for family happiness. All elements indicate the warmth of the soul, the open friendliness that Aminas show to others. People with a similar set of characteristics want to keep in the inner circle.

Amines prefer to stay among people close to them.

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name of Amin

The name affects the fate of a person, affects the perception of the outside world and the internal state. It consists of letters, each of which carries its own message, meaning and energy:

Characteristics of the name Amin

The name carries a certain message and internal energy, but the season of birth also has a considerable influence on a person. So, Aminas born in the cold season are impulsive, inconsistent in their decisions and affections. Girls are less susceptible to external influence, more selfish in their desires and actions. "Winter" Amines are very quick-tempered and independent.

Born in autumn, Aminas are prudent, collected, and highly value their own time. They have a strong intuition, quick orientation in unexpected situations. In everyday life, they will rule, creating comfortable conditions just for themselves.

In contrast, Amins born in the warm season are more lucky, peaceful, and pliable. The priority for them is the family and connection with it, love relationships and spiritual development.

Amines, which were born in the warm season, are more lucky, peaceful, pliable

Table: Amin's horoscope

AriesAminas born under the sign of Aries are punchy, purposeful, active. They try everything on the tooth, lead relatives and colleagues to new achievements. Amina-Aries compromise less, which is why relationships often suffer.
TaurusAminas born in the sign of Taurus prefer to remain a mystery, to maintain a small distance even with those closest to them. The workaholism inherent in the name is revealed in full force, becoming truly uncontrollable.
TwinsAmina-Gemini - artistic, restless, sociable. Their main character trait is curiosity. Given Amina's basic inclination to learn everything new, Gemini Amina will acquire knowledge at the speed of light, easily assimilate it and immediately put it into practice.
CancerAmines-Cancers are the most secretive of all the signs of the Zodiac. If there are no insightful people in their environment who can discern Amina's true feelings and thoughts behind secrecy, then girls and women with this name risk being left alone. Over the years, Amina-Raki learn to open up and show their attitude in a comfortable way, but in childhood and adolescence, problems can arise with this.
a lionAminas born in the sign of Leo most reveal their peace-loving nature. They are charismatic, do not lose heart and know exactly how to dispel other people's sorrows. At the same time, Amina-Lions do not sit still, all the time striving for new heights and achievements.
VirgoAmins, born under the sign of Virgo, strive for spiritual harmony, they are altruists in matters of emotional support. The reverse side is commercialism, which grows out of the desire to get well on your own and provide comfortable conditions for your loved ones.
ScalesAminas born in the sign of Libra are more in the clouds and strive for an unattainable ideal. In their youth, they are often left with a broken heart, lost dreams and friends, but over the years they learn to strike a balance between ideals and reality. Amina-Libra is amorous, but incapable of a harmonious combination of work and relationships - one thing will definitely outweigh.
ScorpionThose born in the sign of Scorpio are smart beyond their years, they know what the soul desires. They have an acutely developed intuition, leadership qualities and a punchy character.
SagittariusAmin-Sagittarius are purposeful, they clearly know what they want and immediately begin to get it. Such people will strive for new experiences and experiences, often risking their own head.
CapricornAmines-Capricorns are ambiguous. Sometimes this is a Capricorn-homebody without much ambition, who cares about the well-being of the family, rather than career growth or achievement. And sometimes it's Capricorn-workaholic, forgetting about loved ones. The trap is that Amina-Capricorn is the worst version of the workaholic. In an effort to do the best, they forget that sometimes a kind word and attention is more important than a new car or a trip to the sea.
AquariusAminas born under the sign of Aquarius are good analysts and strategists. Applying their own experience in any situation, they are able to quickly identify weaknesses in the action plan and correct them. Amines-Aquarians are sociable and stable in attachments and reactions.
FishAmina-Pisces most of all suffer from gullibility and the desire to do well to their loved ones. Like all Pisces, Amines cannot immediately find a balance between personal ambitions and strangers, often giving preference to the latter.

The most prosperous signs of the Zodiac for the name Amin are Taurus and Libra.

famous people in history

Famous women with the name Amin are approximately equally divided into two groups - artists and thinkers. The duality of nature, which the name implies, creates a solid foundation for development in any area. One way or another, Amins are at the helm, directing the team or their own business to success.

  • Amina Wadud - professor of Islamic studies at the University of Virginia, the first woman who was allowed to conduct Muslim religious ceremonies as an imam;
  • Amina Zaripova - Russian rhythmic gymnast, multiple world champion, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics;
  • Aminath Rani Kilegefan - Princess Regent of the Republic of Maldives in 1754–1757;
  • Amina Afzali - politician in Afghanistan, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs in 2010;
  • Amina Lemriny el-Ouhabi - Moroccan human rights activist;
  • Amina Rakhim is a Kazakh tennis player.

Photo gallery: popular women named Amina

Amina Akhmadova - singer Amina Okueva - doctor, civil activist Amina Ozdamirova - Chechen rock singer Amina OZ

Amina in creativity

Unusual names, such as Amina, are often displayed in poetry and prose, songs. The rhymes for the name Amin are rather monosyllabic, but the masters of words will be able to accurately fit them into the poetic canvas. Rhymes for this name can be the following words:

  • jasmine;
  • ruby;
  • letters;
  • beautiful;
  • avalanche.

Amina is often found in songs. Those who prefer listening to music to reading or want to make a musical bouquet for Amina should pay attention to the following compositions: Taulan Tambiev - “My dear Amina”; Gabriella Ferrone MHD - Amina; Tamila Sagaipova - "Amina".

Amina Rubinacci, a fashion house in Naples, is famous for its cashmere products. Its founder, Amina Rubinacci, began her career as a fashion designer in the Yves Saint Laurent team, and then went free swimming and has been creating elegant jackets, shirts and pullovers for more than 50 years.

Strong in spirit, Aminas still remain vulnerable and in need of understanding. Reliable companions in life, Amina will help to establish a workflow, provide comfort in the house and will not leave you in difficult times. A harmonious combination of diligence and determination allows Amina to build the world according to her patterns, to study everything that her soul lies in, and at the same time not to forget to take care of her loved ones.

Even decades ago, the meaning of the name was the key to information that helps to simplify life and make it more enjoyable. People, choosing names for their offspring, tried to study everything that could somehow reveal the secrets of the future, avoid mistakes or difficulties, and relieve their beloved child from worries. Amina, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls - knowing what the name chosen by relatives can turn into in life, it is quite easy to stop all difficulties in advance, and for this you just need to study the ancient information.

The meaning of the name Amina for a girl briefly

How to start choosing a name for your baby? If you carefully study the ancient sources that tell in detail about the secret meanings of names and the features associated with them, you can find out how to do it right. The first thing that is required of parents is to study the meaning laid down originally, many centuries ago. It is on this that too much can depend - the choice of profession, the vicissitudes of fate, even the daughter's family life.

Amina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - what can old books, mythology, church literature tell about? Adults should remember that if they manage to find out the secret meaning of the name, with its help you can easily determine how the girl's life will develop further. Often, the secret meaning informs what advantages or undesirable features the character of the baby will differ. It is better for parents not to refuse a wonderful opportunity to correct the negative traits of their daughter - at an early age it is quite simple to do this if you apply the right upbringing.

The meaning of the name Amin for a girl cannot be briefly explained - the Arabs, who gave the world this beautiful name, have several meanings. The first is "reliable" or "true". The second is longer and more intricate - "the one that has a calm disposition." No matter what interpretation the relatives choose for themselves, it does not bode well for the baby, so you can safely choose this melodic name for your baby.

What does the name Amina mean for a girl according to the church calendar

Despite the abundance of different sources that have been tremblingly kept for many centuries, often even with the help of these old books, parents manage to make a mistake when choosing a name for their offspring. In order to completely eliminate the possibility of error, it is recommended to use Orthodox literature for this, in which you can find a lot of interesting and useful things for the child's relatives. Most often, only two books are used for these purposes - the church calendar and the calendar. Here you can find not only information about the secret meaning inherent in the name, but also information about the saints who will patronize the child throughout his life.

Amina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - what can Orthodox literature tell about? Usually, in addition to the meaning of the name, parents are interested in information about character traits, patron saints, events that may occur in the near future or even throughout life.

What does the name Amina mean for a girl according to the church calendar? You should not search for interesting information in Orthodox literature - there is nothing about this name here. You should not be upset that the child does not have a patron saint - if you ask God for this, he will certainly protect the baby from trouble, help in making decisions, and prevent danger.

The secret of the name of Amin - interesting information

Will the secret of the name of Amin be of interest to the relatives of the crumbs? Often they are interested in where exactly this name came from, and who wore it. If you carefully study Arabic mythology, which has many fascinating legends and stories, you will notice that the first memories of this name appeared in ancient times. Some legends contain information that the mother of the Prophet Muhammad herself was the first owner of this name. It was she who raised the greatest man, who is revered by all Arab countries, has been worshiping him for millennia. The name Amin is evidence of how much the mother of the prophet is honored, because it is widespread throughout the world and has not lost popularity for hundreds of years.

If you turn to the ancient horoscopes, you can find a lot of useful information for relatives about this ancient name. You should definitely study the information about which zodiac sign patronizes the girl. Well, if she managed to be born under the sign of Taurus or Libra - this guarantees a happy future and pleasant events.

The origin of the name Amin and its meaning for children

Could the origin of the name Amin and its meaning for children be important, and will it not have any impact on the future awaiting the child? You can find a lot of interesting things in ancient books, but usually it tells about the secret meaning of the name, character and events, and only a little attention is paid to the country from which the name spread. From this it can be determined that the origin is practically irrelevant and relatives should not choose a name for their offspring, guided by its roots, which stretch back to ancient times.

More important may be the meaning that almost every name has. Only it can play an important role in the life of a child. Relatives should not forget that a lot depends on them, so you definitely need to study the meaning, figure out how to properly apply your knowledge. If you do not carelessly treat old information, you can greatly facilitate the life of your offspring, cope with his shortcomings, and even help with the choice of specialty.

The character of a girl named Amina

What features, positive or negative, will the character of a girl named Amina differ in? Adults from childhood will notice her virtues, which will not be so few. Among them, attention will be paid to such positive qualities:

  1. activity;
  2. responsibility;
  3. optimism;
  4. goodwill;
  5. attentiveness;
  6. wit;
  7. the desire to learn, develop;
  8. diligence.

Since childhood, Amina has shown another remarkable quality - the ability to accumulate experience. Often she learns even from her mistakes. Wrong decisions or wrong actions are useful for her - she never repeats them and remembers them for life.

Among the shortcomings, independence can be noted, which can bring a lot of trouble not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. Amina hardly submits to discipline, can get out of control of parents or teachers. At work, this can also cause difficulties - she can disobey the authorities in making an important decision and do as she wants. Quite often, this costs her work - managers do not tolerate subordinates who at any time can do as they please.

The fate of a girl named Amina

What twists and turns can the fate of a girl named Amina abound? Often her life goes by quite normally, without difficulties, danger, problems, especially if she learns to obey discipline. Professions, among which Amina will certainly find her calling:

  1. culinary specialist;
  2. seamstress;
  3. teacher;
  4. doctor;
  5. manager;
  6. restaurateur;
  7. accountant.

Amina will not be in a hurry to start a family, preferring first to live for her own pleasure. Only after she provides herself financially, she can decide to take an important step - she will accept a marriage proposal from a person who likes her. There will be no misunderstandings or quarrels between the spouses - all decisions will certainly be made jointly.

Short form of the name Amin. Aminochka, Aminka, Aminyusik, Aminushka, Amishka, Amish, Amuna, Musya, Mina, Minka.
Synonyms of the name Amin. Aminat, Omina, Emina, Emine, Aminya, Aminat, Eminat.
Origin of the name Amin The name Amin is Muslim, Ossetian, Kazakh.

The name Amin is of Arabic origin and has various interpretations. This name was borne by the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, and therefore the translation of the name comes from the main features of her character. The first version of the interpretation is “reliable, honest, faithful”, the second is “with a calm disposition”, and the latest is “located in a calm, safe place”.

Paired male them - Amin, Emin. In some languages, the name Amin is pronounced as Aminat, although Aminat is also an independent independent name. More often you can find variants of the pronunciation of this name as Emina, Emine. In Dagestan, you can hear how a girl will be called Aminat or Eminat.

Amina grows up as a collected and mobile girl. She is often persistent, rarely compromises. An analytical mindset helps Amina to calculate everything to the smallest detail. From the outside, the owner of this name seems impregnable. At the same time, she is sociable, easily finds a common language with people. Amina's mood swings are connected with her vulnerable soul and sensitive nature. She tries to control her emotional state.

"Winter" Amina is characterized by instability of behavior. Her willingness to give in can be replaced by a stubborn desire not to compromise. Amina has a masculine character. She is strong-willed, often selfish.

Amina's responsiveness awakens the sympathy of other people for her. She has excellent organizational skills. Thoroughly approaches the solution of any problems. May flare up. In everything he shows his independence.

"Autumn" Amina is characterized by prudence. She is always collected and appreciates her time. Her intuition rarely fails her. This woman knows how to behave in any situation. She can quickly recognize the attitude of colleagues at work and management. Amina is an independent person. She will be a good housewife in the house. She achieves success, both at work and at home. Since childhood, Amina has been surrounded by friends. Married life is in no way able to affect their long-term communication. Amina loves pets. But it does not always properly care for them.

You can always rely on this woman. She is a caring daughter, a devoted friend and a reliable worker. Amina is always ready to help. This quality is abused by many.

Amina gets a good education. She is a multifaceted person. This woman reads a lot, understands humor perfectly. Amina is hardworking, dedicated to her work and stubbornly goes to her goal. Thanks to her abilities and perseverance, Amina is moving up the career ladder. Work can take up all her free time.

Amina must not forget about her personal life. She needs understanding. She has such qualities as touchiness and vulnerability. Amina loves her family. Attaches quickly to people. Thanks to his sociability and ease of communication, he wins the sympathy of his interlocutors.

Name day Amina

Amina does not celebrate her birthday.

Notable people named Amina

  • Amina Wadud ((born 1952) the first woman in history to conduct Muslim religious ceremonies as an imam, professor of Islamic studies at the University of Virginia at Richmond)
  • Amina Zaripova ((born 1976) Russian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises, multiple world champion, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics)
  • Amina Pasha kyzy Dilbazi ((1919 - 2010) Azerbaijani Soviet dancer, choreographer, People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1959))
  • Amina Figarova (jazz pianist and composer, considered one of the most talented composers in Europe)
  • Amina Goodwin ((1867 - 1942) English pianist)
  • Amina Umurzakova ((1919 - 2006) theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1966))

Unusually gentle, calm and reasonable. The meaning of the name Amin gives its owner flexibility and artistry. Talent, gullibility and friendliness are very skillfully combined in the character of the girl.

The child is very affectionate, so for a long time the young lady keeps old things and toys, which she is not going to get rid of. The girl treats her parents with obedience and reverence, maintaining respect for them throughout her life.

Among peers, a young princess can be capricious and theatrical, but in the circle of adults she behaves with restraint and shyness. It is important for a girl to express her own thoughts, as well as the opportunity to develop creatively.

He studies well and diligently, loves to read books, and spends all his free time reading. And thanks to the reading, the child forms his own idea of ​​life, from a young age the girl can easily express her opinion and has excellent speech. She pays a lot of attention to self-development, which in the end will certainly lead to success.

Already from a young age, the meaning of the name Amin takes on a new perspective - the responsiveness of a young person, the ability to correctly offer her help and, despite her tenderness and femininity, the confidence and reliability emanating from the girl, very easily resonates in the soul of others.

The sensitivity and excessive gullibility of a young lady is often a way for cunning people to use the services and friendliness of a young lady for their own selfish purposes. However, malice and forgivingness allows the young lady not to get hung up on such things.

With age, a small and quiet girl grows into a beautiful, educated, well-read and witty woman, with whom it is easy and comfortable to be around.

Friends appreciate the beauty for her reliability, responsiveness. However, not only among relatives, the young lady inspires confidence, but a similar feeling flares up in people who are practically unfamiliar with her.


In love, the interpretation of the female name Amin has a special meaning. A woman is easily vulnerable, which means that if the first love experience of a young person was negative, then she closes herself and begins to manifest herself in a career field.

For a girl, a clear manifestation of attention and care from her young man is very important; she pays attention to even small signs of sympathy. In relationships, she is very faithful, does not give reasons for jealousy herself and does not tolerate showdowns about someone else's "wrong" behavior.

A woman will appeal to a man who cares not only about the picture, but also about its fullness, the opportunity to talk with the chosen one on various, including intellectual, topics.


In everyday life, a woman is an excellent hostess and mother who will do everything for the child. This means that for Amina, the comfort and well-being of the household comes first.

Clean, tidy and tidy in everyday life. She is hospitable and kind-hearted, loves to receive guests, which she does very well. With a happy marriage, a woman, being a housewife, flourishes, becomes even more tender, more attractive and more confident.

If the first time a woman fails to start a family, it will take a long time before she decides to try again. And all the time and effort that she sincerely wanted to devote to the family will be spent on building a career.

Business and career

Business acumen and the ability to present themselves allow the girl to reveal herself in a career. In business, the meaning of the name Amin characterizes its bearer as a kind of shark, but the shark is friendly, strict and trusting.

The girl manages to successfully negotiate, leaving behind a light and pleasant impression. A hard worker in life, which means that she will deny herself a lot in order to succeed. He does not tolerate leaving unfinished work or halfway "jumping" from the development of the project, this is the case when there is an innate trait in the character and the ability to complete the work begun.

The incredible sociability and sociability of a woman helps to achieve a positive result even in the presence of controversial issues.

origin of the name Amin

The history of the origin of the name has Arabic roots. Amina, whose name in etymological translation from Arabic means "presence of security", "worthy of trust", fully justifies this divination. In Arab families, Amina was called the girl who was born the third or fourth child in the family.

If you look at where the name came from, there are no Orthodox saints.

Characteristics of the name Amin

Thinking about the name of their future child, potential parents turn mountains of literature in order to decide on the name of their future child. When choosing, great importance is given to the characterization of the name Amin, which, like the overwhelming majority, has its pros and cons of character.

Among the advantages of character, the following can be noted: commitment, conscientiousness, sociability, reliability, femininity, the ability to win over oneself, decency, reverence for relatives and friends. Also, not the last place in the character is occupied by such traits as: responsiveness, the ability to bring things to the end, reliability, healthy ambition.

There are very few cons of the girl’s character, the most pronounced are: vulnerability, resentment, irascibility.

Mystery of the name

Men looking for the key to a woman's heart and the desire to make their chosen one happy should take into account the secret of the name Amin, which takes into account the most important aspects in the life of his bearer. Thanks to information, it is possible to strengthen or weaken the most pronounced character traits of a young person.

  • Stone - talisman - aquamarine, carnelian, emerald
  • Metal - copper
  • Flower - iris
  • Name days are not celebrated, there are no Orthodox calendars
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Virgo, Cancer, Pisces.
  • Planet - patron - Venus
  • Color - pink, yellow, green
  • Lucky day - Friday

Famous people

  • Amina Zaripova (1976) - Russian athlete in rhythmic gymnastics. On account of the gymnast repeated world championships, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics.
  • Amina Akhmadova (1985) is a famous Caucasian singer.
  • Amina Andreeva (1987) is a Moscow party girl and frequenter of clubs and parties, known for the scandalous reality show "Vacation in Mexico", held on the MTV channel. I am sure that the beauty of a woman is of great importance in moving towards a dream.

Different languages

The name Amin is translated and written in different languages ​​in almost the same way. In English, the translation of names will be as follows - Amina, in French, German, Polish, Spanish and Italian, "Amina" is written similarly - Amina, in Ukrainian - Amina.

Amina's name in Chinese is 阿米纳 (Ā mǐ nà), in Japanese it is アミナ (Amina).

Name Forms

  • Full name is Amina.
  • Abbreviated and diminutive: Aminochka, Aminka, Aminyusik, Aminushka, Musya, Mina, Minka.
  • Name derivatives: Amishka, Amish, Amuna.
  • Declension of the name: it is declined like all nouns that end in the letter “a” in the word: Amina-Amin-Aminy.
  • There is no name of Amin in Orthodoxy, and there is no name day date in the church calendar.
  • Options: consonant with the male name Amin.