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» Industrial raising of geese for meat. What can a goose “offer”? Geese breeding as a business: where to start and how to succeed

Industrial raising of geese for meat. What can a goose “offer”? Geese breeding as a business: where to start and how to succeed

Choose the breed that best suits your goals. Study the features of breeding geese and draw up a business plan.

Main risks

The main danger is common diseases to which geese are susceptible. The cause may be improper living conditions and contaminated feed, infections and bacteria. If you plan to breed poultry in large quantities for profit, it is very important to study the characteristics of each breed. Risks can be reduced through a set of measures:

  • regular veterinary examinations;
  • purchasing young animals in specialized nurseries;
  • strict adherence to maintenance rules;
  • use of vitamins and quality feed;
  • providing outdoor exercise.


Despite the fact that there are techniques for raising geese without access to fresh grass and water, it is better to look for a site in the countryside. It must be located at a sufficient distance from the city.

The presence of grazing increases the immunity and fertility of birds, they gain weight faster, and the quality of down improves. The cost of maintenance is much lower. The area of ​​the plot directly depends on the number of geese in the flock. Grazing is calculated based on the norm of 10 m² per goose.

The presence of a reservoir is not necessary, but is highly desirable. If there is no natural river or lake in the selected area, arrange an artificial pond. Its area is calculated based on the norm of 0.2 m² per goose. The banks should be sown with grass.

There are requirements of Rospotrebnadzor regarding the remoteness of the reservoir from residential buildings. They should be found out in advance, otherwise you will have to re-equip your site to obtain product certificates.

If you do not own the desired area, experts recommend starting with renting abandoned farms or bankrupt state farms. This way you can test your business idea at minimal cost.


The room for keeping geese should be spacious. The norm is 1 m² for four birds. Geese are not afraid of the cold. But the temperature in the poultry house should not fall below +10°C, for some breeding breeds - not below +28°C. This means that additional heating will be needed for the winter. The best option– floor insulation, since these birds’ feet suffer the most from the cold. Drafts and dampness are not allowed in the wintering room. Install shelves with nests, drinkers and feeders.

Chicks require additional heating. It is recommended to buy an incubator as soon as possible and infrared lamps, equip special room for goslings. Costs of 60,000-70,000 rubles will be reimbursed not only by reducing the loss of chicks, but will also make it possible to earn money from their sale.

Also, a special room should be equipped for storing feed in winter period. By spring, their cost increases sharply. You should save supplies from the fall until the first greenery appears, when the geese can go out to graze. This means that it is important to equip the room efficient ventilation and protect it from excessive moisture.

To freeze carcasses you need an industrial freezer. First you can search affordable option, second-hand. If you plan to prepare feed yourself, you need a mini-tractor with a trailer. In any case, transport should be purchased as soon as possible - delivery of products always falls on the shoulders of the supplier.

On average, setting up a poultry house and purchasing equipment for keeping 1,000 geese will cost 200,000-250,000 rubles.


A flock of 300-400 geese can be looked after by 2-3 people. As a rule, such volumes are typical for family farms. As the number of birds increases, it is necessary to hire workers to feed and thoroughly clean the house.

Large poultry farms hire veterinarians. If your farm is small, enter into an agreement with a qualified specialist. His regular presence on the farm is necessary. It is very important to carry out timely examinations, vaccinations of birds and enrichment of the diet with vitamin supplements.

Documents and licenses

You can register as an LLC or a peasant (farm) enterprise. It all depends on the size of the business. Regardless of how you plan to sell your products, certification is required.

You must request documentation from the nursery when purchasing your first geese. Your farm must also be inspected by the veterinary service and the SES to ensure compliance with all requirements. In the future, such checks will be carried out regularly.

In the case of registering a peasant farm, about 25,000 rubles should be prepared for paperwork.


In summer, geese get their main food from grazing. The presence of fresh greens in the diet is very important for these birds. But it is also necessary to feed them with grains and special feed. The calculation depends on the breed.

Most farms reduce their livestock numbers to a maximum in the fall. This is due to the fact that by autumn the goslings reach the age of 2-3 months and an average weight of 4-6 kg. At this age and after summer grazing, meat has the highest performance nutritional value. Profitability is about 115%.

Leaving birds for the winter reduces your profitability by 7% each month. This is influenced by 2 factors - the cost of feed for the winter period and a decrease in the nutritional value of meat.

Supplies of grain and mixed feed should be calculated based on the norm of 0.5 kg per bird per day. Be sure to add vitamins, about 70 g per day.

Keeping birds in winter makes sense if you plan to sell goslings. Even with an incubator and heat lamps for the chicks, they survive better if a goose is nearby. But breeds intended for fattening are not suitable for this method of earning money. To breed goslings, you should buy breeding birds.


Profitability depends on many factors - breed, cost of maintenance and the period in which you sell the meat. On average, 1 kg of goose meat costs 250-290 rubles. Each bird produces about 600 g of fluff, average price– 1,200 rubles. Separately, it is worth mentioning goose liver - food factories buy it very willingly to make pates. average cost 1 kg – 600 rubles.

The demand for goose eggs is limited to farms wanting to update the breed. If you plan to sell goslings, then depending on the breed, one chick costs 60-120 rubles. Don't forget about droppings - they are eagerly bought as fertilizer.

In general, payback can be achieved in 1 season. In the case of large farms, this period lasts 2-3 years.


The method of product promotion depends on the size of the farm. A small farm sells poultry at local markets or offers meat to local retail chains. A poultry carcass is sold much cheaper than cut up and frozen parts - wings, necks, legs, fillets.

Buying down from wholesale companies does not allow you to make a decent profit. Sewing pillows and blankets is easy. If your region has a problem with unemployment, this idea will be very useful.

It's worth thinking about Foie Gras, it's made from liver. In many European countries, this delicacy is prohibited due to the inhumane way of feeding birds, which allows them to achieve high fat content and tender liver. But in Russia there is no prohibiting legislation, and this product is in great demand.


Geese breeding is a promising business area. High profitability will be ensured by attention to nuances and an integrated approach.

Geese farming is not a very popular branch of poultry farming, although they are a source of dietary meat. The article explains how profitable it is to engage in goose farming: it gives a business plan for breeding geese, recommendations on where to start. In addition, a video was posted about a farm where they are engaged in goose farming.

Geese are not only profitable to breed, but also interesting to watch. They are very intelligent birds that treat their owners with respect. Another advantage is the ease of maintenance: these birds are unpretentious to conditions and food. Geese, unlike other birds, can find their own food.

Geese are a great business

Raising geese is beneficial not only household, but also for sale on the market. This could very well become a family business. One adult goose produces approximately 6 kilograms of meat, with an average of 2.5 kilograms of high-quality goose fat. Its liver is highly valued by culinary specialists as a delicacy. Goose liver pate is comparable in nutritional value and price to black caviar.

Feathers and down of birds have water-repellent and heat-conducting qualities that can even be compared with eider down. If you raise a goose for 2 months, you can get up to a kilogram of young goose meat. Geese are not picky eaters; they can browse grass all day and eat food scraps.

Where to start organizing farm for raising geese? The main thing is to understand the basics of breeding technology. This is naturally long and labor-intensive process, however, the possibility of preparing your own goose for the table is New Year worth the effort.

Business plan for a goose breeding farm

A goose farm starts with a business plan. First you need to draw up a project, calculate income and expenses. The drawn up business plan can be used to guide the further organization of the farm.

Land for maintenance

To raise healthy geese, it is advisable to breed them away from the city. To do this, it is recommended to buy a plot of land that is located as far as possible from the city limits. If you plan to walk your herd, then the area should be large sizes. It is also advisable that there be some body of water nearby. If you have about 300 individuals, then you need about a 40-meter area that overlooks the meadow.

Poultry purchase

To prevent raising geese from becoming a depressing chore instead of a pleasure, you need to decide what breed you want to raise on your goose farm. Today there are more than 35 breeds, differing not only in egg production and productivity, but also in conditions favorable for their breeding.

For example, the Arzamas breed is one of the ancient breeds, originally bred for fighting. Over time, instead of the fighting direction, the breed acquired qualities that were perfect for the meat direction.

The Chinese breed stands out primarily for its small size. But, despite their size, they have high egg production and increased endurance. The offspring obtained from crossing a Chinese goose and an Italian, Kholmogory or Toulouse gander has high fattening characteristics and a rate of weight gain. This combination of characteristics in the breed gives an advantage over other breeds. They can be grown at special conditions like broiler geese.

The Italian breed is very popular in Western countries, however, it appeared on the territory of the CIS during Soviet times thanks to Czechoslovakia. When fattened, the breed exhibits high characteristics for both meat and liver production. The young animals show active growth, and the geese make good hens.

Feeding goslings must begin from the first days of life. The first days you need to feed at least 6 times a day. The diet may consist of good quality feed. Ideal if it has already been tested. Also suitable for feeding is a ground grain mixture of wheat, rolled oats, peas, corn and buckwheat. You can add chopped boiled eggs or cottage cheese to this mixture. You can add chopped clover, nettle and other herbs. The ratio of grain and herbs should be 1:1.

After 4 days, you can add cake and root vegetables to the diet. The most important thing is to provide wet food without being sticky, which can clog the nostrils and cause inflammation. Fine gravel should be poured into separate feeders, and ground shells and chalk should be added to the food.

If you plan to breed geese for meat, then you need to feed them intensively and not allow them to roam. Both greens and fortified food should be given. Mineral additives such as chalk, shell and salt must be added to the grain part. If you stick to this feeding, then for one 70-day goose there are up to 12 kilograms of grain and 24 kilograms of greens. IN summer period Geese can be raised in the wild. Why you should build a pen: sow grass, equip it with feeders to provide additional feed. You should also provide drinking bowls and bathing containers.

Sales of finished products

There are no problems with the sale of finished goose products. Although this area of ​​business is in demand, there are still few competitors on the market. You can not be afraid of competition and count on profitable and fast trading. Goose meat can be sold to restaurant kitchens or supplied to store shelves.

The most profitable thing would be to open your own outlet, where it will be possible to sell eggs and goose meat. If you install appropriate equipment on your farm, you can expand the range of products from goose meat, liver and fat.

Goose farm is profitable business, which can bring big profits.

Video “Daniil Penchalov about the goose farm”

In this video the owner goose farm Daniil Penchalov talks about his farm and the benefits of breeding geese.

And eggs. The business of growing it has a high level of profitability and brings good income. The bird is unpretentious in food and can be kept on pastures with sparse vegetation. The lifespan of a goose is 6-8 years. This indicator is very important for poultry breeding.

Raising geese is a very attractive option for business development in rural areas. The necessary conditions for breeding poultry are:

  • Availability of a reservoir. To keep 100 geese, its area must be at least 50 square meters. m.
  • Availability of pasture. To create it, mixed-grass meadows are chosen. The area of ​​a pasture depends on the amount of vegetation on it.

In villages and hamlets that do not have a natural body of water, birds are built for bathing. artificial pond or install large swimming pool. The greatest demand for goose meat occurs around New Year and Christmas. A large number of they traditionally want to see the country's residents in their festive table baked goose. The cost of this bird, weighing 8-9 kg, during this period is 1500-1800 rubles, and sometimes it is higher. During the year, goose meat has a steady demand, but its price level is significantly lower.

Bird down is in demand in textile industry. It is considered the best for making pillows. On average, one goose produces 0.5 kg of down and feathers. Farmers can take it to factories or make their own pillows for sale. Goose is in no way inferior in taste to chicken. They are eaten and used for breeding. The sale of young goslings brings additional income to farmers.

Another source of income for farmers is goose droppings. It is readily purchased by summer residents to fertilize their vegetable plots. The great advantage of the goose breeding business is the ease of caring for the birds. The production cycle of cultivation takes from 5 to 6 months.

When choosing a breed of geese for breeding on farms and peasant farms, factors such as climatic conditions area in which they are supposed to be bred, as well as their productivity, resistance to various types diseases and feeding habits.

Many farmers prefer to breed goslings themselves. Very important criterion When choosing a bird breed, they consider such an indicator as the ability to reproduce themselves. Only a few geese have become widespread in farms and peasant households.

The best breeds of geese for breeding on farms and peasant farms:

Name of goose breed Characteristics
Kholmogorskaya The weight of an adult male is 12 kg, females - 8 kg. Egg production - 30 eggs per year. Egg weight – 180-200 g.

Advantages: rapid growth and weight gain, unpretentiousness, high level immunity, good taste of meat

Flaws: low egg production rate.

Content requirements: warmth, cleanliness, room area for 1 goose at least 1 sq.m.

The weight of an adult male is 8 kg, females are 7 kg. Egg production - 50 eggs per year. Egg weight - 140-170 g.

Advantages: good cold tolerance, productivity, high level of immunity and survival, do not require special feed, have tasty meat.

Flaws: predisposition to hymenolepiasis, small weight.

Content requirement: the obligatory presence of a reservoir and pasture, the construction of nests on a warm floor in dark corners, always the presence of only clean water in the drinking bowl.

Toulouse The weight of an adult male is 10 kg, females - 6 kg. Egg production - 35 eggs per year. Egg weight - 170-190 g.

Advantages: fast growth, tasty meat, high productivity

Flaws: demanding on content, sensitive to high humidity.

Content requirements: the temperature in the goose barn should not fall below +20 degrees, the room should be dry and ventilated.

Tula The weight of an adult male is 8 kg, females are 5.5 kg. Egg production - 25 eggs per year. Egg weight - 140-150 g.

Advantages: endurance, strong immunity, high productivity, tasty meat.

Flaws: slow growth, low egg production, low weight.

Content requirements: presence of water meadows.

Maintenance costs

The cost of maintaining 100 geese includes not only the cost of feeding them, but also the cost of organizing a business. They include expenses for the purchase and registration of land for running a farm or peasant enterprise, the construction of a goose barn and the acquisition of breeding goslings. If there is no natural reservoir, you will have to spend money on building a pond or swimming pool.

Another cost item is the registration of state registration of a farm or peasant enterprise. This is necessary to receive state support and subsequent sale of products through retail chains. A goose flock of 100 heads belongs to mini-farms. An approximate calculation of the costs of organizing a business to grow it will be:

  • The fee for registering a peasant farm is 800 rubles.
  • The costs of purchasing land or renting a plot depend on the region of business development and the area of ​​the plot.
  • The cost of purchasing young animals depends on the selected breed and consists of the cost of purchasing goslings and overhead costs for their transportation to the breeding site. On average, this costs farmers 25-30 thousand rubles.
  • The costs of building a goose barn and pond depend on their size and the cost of building materials in each specific area.
The practice of organizing private goose mini-farms shows that the cost of organizing a business for breeding 100 geese is on average 120-150 thousand rubles, excluding the cost of acquiring land.

Land for peasant farms

Agricultural land can be used to organize peasant farms. Their cost is significantly lower than all other categories of land. There are two ways to purchase a plot of land - buy or lease.

Buy or rent

Issues related to the transfer of state land for lease are regulated by Federal Law No. 74. An application for the allocation of land for the development of peasant farms must be submitted to the authorities local government. The village administration will review it and select sites for lease. According to current legislation, they must hold open tenders, the participants of which can be not only Russians, but also foreign citizens.

Such auctions are held by local administrations on a regular basis. All information about them is posted in the public domain, indicating the initial cost of the lot and the conditions for participation in the auction. In cases where only 1 applicant for a land plot takes part in the auction, it is considered invalid. The plot is leased to a single bidder at the initial cost established at the auction.

State land is transferred to tenants for free use. Instead of rent they pay land tax. The term of long-term land lease is 49 years. The law provides for the redemption procedure land allotment, transfer of the right to lease it by inheritance and withdrawal in case of inappropriate use.

On agricultural lands transferred for the management of peasant farms, it is permitted to erect residential buildings for family residence and outbuildings for raising livestock and poultry.

Cost of acquiring land for peasant farms

The price of land is determined by such indicators as its cadastral and market value. It depends on the distance of the site from transport communications, soil quality and demand. Within one region you can find lands whose prices differ from each other by significant amounts. The cost of agricultural land in different regions ranges from 5 to 100 thousand rubles per hundred square meters.

Buildings on agricultural lands

According to Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Peasant Farming”, adopted in 2003, farmers independently determine the composition of buildings on the site intended for their activities. A necessary condition their construction is to obtain a building permit. This procedure is provided for by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The building area should not exceed the size necessary for geese grazing. The size of the gooseneck is determined based on the standards for keeping poultry and is depending on the breed 0.8 -1 sq. meter per head.

Geese pasture size

The size of the pasture territory depends not only on the number of geese planned for rearing, but also on their breed, as well as the quality of the grass growing on it. In places where there is a reservoir, the size of the pasture can be halved.

The average area for grazing geese in the absence of grazing and sparse vegetation is approximately 25 acres per 100 heads.

When feeding poultry, the size of such a pasture can be reduced by a third. It is best to use areas remote from cities for creating a goose farm. significant distances. The price of such plots is usually not very high.

Requirements for a gooseneck

The basic requirements for a room for keeping geese can be formulated as: warmth, dryness, cleanliness and flow fresh air. The site for building a goose barn is chosen on an elevated place next to a pond and pasture. The best option The location of the gooseneck is the direction of its façade to the south. In the same direction it is necessary to arrange a pen for walking geese in winter time.

To protect the gooseneck from rodents, its foundation is made of concrete and rises to a height from the ground surface of at least 25 cm. A protective trench is dug along the perimeter of the gooseneck. When pouring the foundation, it is added to the concrete broken glass. The frame for the walls of the goose barn is erected from timber with a section of 100*100 or a metal corner 70*70.

For wall cladding, boards 25-30 cm thick are sufficient. In areas with harsh climates, they are insulated. Clay or plywood can be used as interior wall decoration. It is best to sheathe the outside of the gooseneck with OSB. The floors are made from boards with a section of 25*100 or 25*150. dry sawdust or wood shavings are poured on top of them.

The number of windows in a building should not exceed 10% of the surface of the walls. It is best to arrange them on the south side. sunlight very important for the growth of geese. Doors in the room must be insulated. Can be used for roofing soft tiles, roofing felt or slate.


You can calculate the estimate for the construction of a gooseneck yourself. It depends on the amount of building materials needed for the construction of the gooseneck, their price, delivery costs and prices for the services of hired workers. You can reduce the cost of the estimate by using only your own labor and the cheapest materials in the construction of the gooseneck. For example, replacing edged board to unedged. The price of building materials classified as illiquid goods is significantly lower. Very often their main difference from standard materials is only a deviation from generally accepted sizes.


For year-round cultivation Geese will require special equipment to heat the room for their maintenance. The number of heating devices depends on the area of ​​the heated room. The approximate cost of safe heating devices is from 2,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles. You will also have to spend money on:

  • lamps - from 250 rubles per piece;
  • feeders - from 3000 rubles per piece;
  • vacuum drinkers- from 1200 rubles per piece.

You can make these devices yourself. For feeding and cleaning the room you will need the following equipment:

  • buckets - 150-300 rubles per piece;
  • rakes - from 800 rubles per piece;
  • shovel - from 600 rubles per piece;
  • brooms - from 150 rubles per piece.

The cost of an incubator for hatching chicks is from 3,500 rubles, ovoscopes for determining the quality of eggs are from 500 rubles.

Breeding geese

Breeding geese on a farm is quite painstaking work. It is impossible to do this without certain knowledge.

The goose flock is formed through selective selection over a significant period of time.

Forming a Pack

Main principle herd formation - The gander must not be related to the goose. Kinship between birds significantly reduces the number of broods. A herd is formed at the rate of 4 geese per 1 gander. The breeding flock must be kept separately from other birds. They must have their own grazing.


To replenish the herd, young animals from 9 months old are selected. When selecting a bird for breeding, attention is paid to its appearance and molting. Selected geese should have no signs of deformity or visible defects. The weight of the bird should not be, depending on the breed, less than 4-7 kg. The change of feathers in geese indicates their high egg production. A healthy bird always produces only dark color.

Hatching chicks

Chicks can be hatched using an incubator or a brood hen. The choice of method depends on the reproductive needs of the geese and the ability of the geese to hatch eggs. Sometimes hens are brought in to help them.


To hatch goslings in an incubator, use smooth eggs without cracks or scratches. Before laying, they are treated with a 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution. Before turning on the incubator, water is poured into a special tray included in its design. You can lay eggs for hatching only after they have been in the room for at least 6-8 hours.

Number of chicks

From laying 40-50 eggs into an incubator, 25-30 chicks hatch. When the goose begins to sit on the nest, 10-12 eggs can be placed under it. She will hatch them for 28 days. All this time, the gander will be next to the goose. The number of goslings bred to replenish the flock depends on the farmer’s need for them and the egg production of the geese. It varies among different breeds from 30 to 60 eggs per year

Hatching in an incubator

Many geese are not good brood hens. You cannot do without an incubator when farming geese. The size and number of incubators depends on the need for hatching goslings.

Types of incubators

Industrially produced incubators can be divided into three large groups:

  • Household. Loading capacity from 7 to 240 eggs.
  • Professional. Loading volume from 200 to 300 eggs.
  • Industrial. Load capacity from 1000 eggs.

Professional incubators may be the best option for peasant farms.


In the first days of life, goslings are fed at least 6 times a day with special feed. If it is not available, you can prepare the feed mixture yourself.

Food for goslings: features

Ideal for geese is a mixture prepared on the basis of ground wheat grain. Rolled oats, ground peas, buckwheat and corn are added to it. Very often they are mixed with finely chopped boiled eggs and cottage cheese. In a 1:1 ratio, crushed clover or nettle is added to the feed mixture.

On the 4th day of life of goslings, cake and root vegetables are included in their feeding diet. In the absence of grass, special vitamins are added to the feed.

Diet for a month

The monthly summer diet of a flock of 100 geese consists of approximately 2100 kg of green feed, 1500 kg of root vegetables, 2100 kg of grass meal.

In winter, geese are fed with compound feed, to which vitamins, yeast, eggs or cottage cheese, salt and phosphates are added.

Gosling diet

In the first weeks of life, goslings can be fed with special granulated food. After they reach the age of 1 month, you can switch to sprouted grain.


Breeding geese can become one of the areas of organizing a business in the countryside. At the right approach to the point, it can not only generate income, but also provide the family with meat, eggs and down for pillows.

The practice of breeding geese in peasant farms shows that the profitability of the business depends on the breed of bird and ranges from 80 to 100%. This means that every ruble invested in geese breeding brings the investor 0.8-1 ruble of net income for the poultry growing cycle.

Sales of products

To sell poultry meat through a distribution network, you will need to issue a product certificate in the GOST R system. To sell goose meat on the market, a veterinary certificate is sufficient. The cost of goose meat on the Russian domestic market depends on the region of sales and ranges from 150 to 250 rubles per kg.

Pros and cons of this type of business

Among the advantages of this type of business, one can note such as its accessibility, high level of profitability, quick payback period for investments, small size investment amounts. Disadvantages include: risks of poultry mortality, the need for pasture and a reservoir.

Especially geese, is considered a profitable field of activity. A goose farm does not require large investments and brings a stable income. Besides this type birds are resistant to diseases, unpretentious in keeping and feeding. Geese as a business are very common, because this bird is bred in various climatic zones due to its hardiness.

When starting to breed geese as a business, you must understand that you will need a flock of at least 500 heads. This is enough to make a noticeable profit, but not enough to take serious risks. A smaller herd will only be additional income, not a business.

Business registration

Like any business related to food products, the goose business is no exception. Certification is required for poultry meat and its liver.

List of required documentation:

  • registration, OKVED code 01.24 – Breeding poultry;
  • permission to open, issued by Rospotrebnadzor and fire supervision;
  • certificate of compliance with veterinary standards of the premises, issued by veterinarians;
  • a product certificate is also issued by a veterinarian.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs through professional intermediaries will cost 4,000 rub.. Additionally, you need to pay a state fee - 800 rub.

Business areas

The first option of this business is incubation of geese for the purpose of their further sale. To do this, you need to buy an incubator and consider the breeding features. The eggs are kept in the incubator for up to 30 days; the birds are sold at one day old, three days old or one week old.

Second direction - breeding for meat. As a rule, geese grow up to 75 days of age. One individual consumes approximately 12 kg of grain, 3 kg of other feed and about 30 kg of greens. At the age of 10 weeks, a large individual weighs 4.5 - 5.5 kg. The cost of adult individuals is 200-300 rubles. for 1 kg.

This option also includes the sale of goose liver, a fairly popular delicacy. A very expensive pate can be made from it. If this option interests you, consider breeding special breeds for fatty liver.

When organizing a farm, it is advisable to implement both options. Most of the geese are slaughtered, and the strongest ones are left “for the tribe.”

Where to begin?

First, you need to create a detailed one. Perhaps a novice entrepreneur will need help in drawing it up. Keep in mind that at this stage it is important to calculate everything down to the smallest detail.

Second, choose a breed.

The most popular breeds for industrial breeding:

Experts recommend starting raising geese as a business with one breed, and over time expanding farms to include other breeds. Usually the Legart breed is preferred. Pay attention to the region in which you plan to open a goose farm. Different breeds Suitable for different climates:

  • southern climate – Gorky, Romny breeds;
  • temperate climate, high humidity - Ural (Shadrinsky).

Farm land

Place your farm away from the city. Choosing suitable land for geese farming as a business plays an important role if you plan to engage in grazing geese farming. There are several requirements for the land:

  • the presence of a reservoir nearby (possibly one-piece) - at least 100 sq.m. for 500 heads;
  • the presence of pasture (grass can be sown) with an amount of 10 m per individual, they eat about 2 kg; when feeding with compound feed, much less space is needed;
  • distance from dwellings due to high noise levels and low aggressiveness of birds.


The next step is to decide where to raise the geese. It is important that the room is spacious, warm and dry. Considering that birds like to spend more time outside where they graze. In winter, only very coldy they are indoors. Thanks to their thick down, they can withstand the cold well. The beak and legs are very sensitive to cold, so bedding is required in the gooseneck.

It is easier to start a business in an old cowshed or poultry house, but investments are needed to restore the building.

Premises requirements:

  • area – 75 sq.m. for 500 heads;
  • room heating: minimum 8ºС ( warm room promotes weight gain), insulated floor;
  • passage height – 2 m, wall height – 1.5 m;
  • dry, no drafts, moderate humidity;
  • bedding 30 cm (hay – 500 kg, sprinkled with superphosphate to prepare the litter for further use);
  • the possibility of dividing the room into parts (for the main birds, laying eggs, young animals, lively ones)

Disinfect and clean the premises regularly.

The part of the room reserved for geese with eggs includes additional partitions that do not allow them to see each other. Take care of the lush bedding and cover it with goose down.

Purchase of birds, selection of pairs

The average cost of geese is 90 rubles.

Buy only certified birds, otherwise there will be complications during product certification.

Most birds sold are only suitable for fattening for slaughter. They are not suitable for breeding. Start your business with fattening, and gradually you can start breeding your own flock of geese.

In Russia you can find pure breeds for forming a herd. They are offered by 3 factories:

  • Pyatnitsky;
  • Lindovsky;
  • Priirtyshsky.


Feed adult geese 3 times a day:

  • 7:00 – ⅓ sprouted grains, flour mixture;
  • 15:00 – raw sugar beets, boiled potatoes; mineral feed;
  • 20:00 – remaining flour and grain.

Daily food intake for an adult:

  • sugar beets + potatoes – 500 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • hay flour – 150 g;
  • grain – at least 70 g;
  • mineral feed – 25 g.

Concentrated feed is often added to this.

The purchase of feed does not exceed 40% of the cost of a goose.

Feeding geese, 3 to 5 days old, every 2 hours. The diet includes: nettles, clover, cereal grasses, leguminous plants, dandelions, cottage cheese chicken eggs, crushed wheat, oatmeal, barley.

Feeding geese, 1 month old: eat a lot of greens and grains.

Pay special attention to abundant feeding during mating to increase egg production.

Herd breeding

The business plan for a goose farm involves not only raising geese, but also breeding them to form a herd. For such purposes, adhere to several rules:

  • selection of a pair without family ties, it is best to buy birds from different breeders;
  • the male must have more weight than the female and be stronger;
  • the presence of flight feathers of the 1st and 2nd order, on the tails - the same number of lower and upper tail feathers;
  • per one male (will be useful for breeding up to 10 years) 4 – 5 itself;
  • annually replenish the business with young animals, their number in the herd is up to 30%%
  • egg laying - from February to March, immediately collect the eggs and place them in a warm room, placing them vertically, with the sharp end down; turn over daily; shelf life – up to 1 month;
  • if a goose does not hatch eggs well, it can be replaced with another one;
  • try to keep the brood more or less the same age;
  • on days 10–27, unsuitable eggs are rejected;
  • Sprinkle the eggs with water for 28 days, the chicks will appear on 30 - 31 days.

If hatching eggs doesn't work out, use an incubator.

Watch a video of how geese are bred in the Shushensky district

Equipment for goose farm

The goose farm room must maintain a stable temperature. To do this, heating is necessary. General heating is not enough for incubator goslings; heat them with a brooder.

A brooder is a box-like structure in which chicks are kept warm and spend their first weeks of life. Serves as a substitute for a hen.

You can make the design yourself, but it’s better to buy it ready brooder, the reliability of which will not be in doubt. The cost starts from 6,000 rubles. They are equipped with heating lamps, temperature regulators, feeders, and drinking bowls.

For adult birds, also stock up on drinking bowls and feeders. The cost depends on the volume: starting from 1,600 rubles. up to 2,800 rub.

Sales of products

When writing a business plan, think everything through possible ways implementation finished products. There will be no problems with the sale of live geese and carcasses. Meat is purchased by supermarkets, food outlets, restaurants and processing factories. In addition, there is still little competition in this area.

An additional source of income can be the sale of fluff, feathers, and goose droppings in the form of fertilizer. When you have established business connections and sorted out all the details, open additional production, for example, a small workshop for sewing pillows and duvets.

One goose weighing up to 10 kg brings:

ProductsCost, rub.
Pooh, 600 g.1200
Feathers, 40 pcs.250 per kg.
Litter, 1 kg/day12

At proper organization entrepreneurship, if no force majeure circumstances arise, breeding geese as a business will pay off in the first year. Then you can expand your business.

Financial investments

Geese breeding – great option family business. To start, buy 500 chicks. The prices for them are different, for each you will pay at least 90 rubles. Additional expenses will include the purchase of feed, mixtures of grains and other feeds. It is ideal to buy the first 500 pieces in the spring, when they can already be grown into fresh greens.

It is important to build a premises, which will require an average of 300,000 rubles. If you only need to renovate the old premises, reduce this figure by at least two times. In addition, you will need to purchase a high-quality incubator (80–200 thousand rubles).

IN in this case it is assumed that the area for grazing geese is the property of the businessman. If you don't have land plot, add a considerable amount to purchase or rent it. With absence necessary funds You can take out a loan, and besides, it is developed in our country.

Total initial investment:

You can save on hay by harvesting it yourself. For 500 geese you need 500 kg. hay, it’s about 3,500 rubles.

Profit calculation

Expect market weight (8 kg) in 3–4 months.

1 goose produces up to 8 goslings per year.

The average cost of goose meat is 350 rubles = 2,450 rubles. for the goose

1 kg. liver = 500 rub.

1 kg. liver foie gras = 850 rub.

Down, feather = 1,450 rub.

Litter = 1,000–1,500 rub.

Business profitability: 75–100%

Payback of breeding geese: 1–3 years.

Stable profit will be in 14 months.

Extra Income Ideas

Turkey breeding

At present, turkeys are very popular among poultry farmers, the breeding of which for some people is a source of high-quality dietary meat, and for others - highly profitable business. By providing turkeys with comfortable and stable living conditions, you will receive good profits from the sale of turkey meat, young animals, down and eggs. – a very relevant direction, since today the trend of taking care of one’s health and eating low-calorie foods is gaining increasing momentum.

Quail breeding

Keeping quail is no more difficult than any other type of bird. In addition, they do not take up much space and require special care. The only condition for normal egg production of quails is strict adherence to temperature and light modes, the use of special food containing protein. Otherwise, these are quite unpretentious birds. is one of the simplest and most profitable business options in the field of poultry farming. In addition, there is still little competition in Russia.


Animal meat is no less in demand on the market than poultry meat. Perhaps it is not so healthy and dietary, but true lovers cannot refuse pig meat. Read more about the features of organizing a business for raising pigs. Let us only note that pig farming is the most profitable area of ​​livestock farming.

Organizing your own farm for raising and breeding geese may not be a bad idea. The goose is an unpretentious bird, is not afraid of the cold and is indiscriminate in its food. On some farms, geese are grazed at temperatures down to -20 degrees. With the correct feeding ration, only 1.5 kg of feed is consumed per 1 kg of bird growth. By the age of two months, young animals can weigh 4 kilograms and are ready for sale. Goose meat is very tasty and highly valued by consumers. Hence the price – 250 rubles/kg. Of course, with the right approach, your own goose farm cannot be unprofitable...

How much do goose farms earn?

There are a lot of options for generating income from a farm for breeding and raising geese:

  • sale of goose carcass;
  • sale of eggs;
  • sale of young goose, including day-old goose;
  • sale of breeding stock (adult goose);
  • sale of offal;
  • sales of feathers;
  • sale of feed for geese (mixed feed) and equipment for farms (cages, drinking bowls, etc.).

How much can you earn from own farm? Goose meat on the market in a number of regions costs, on average, 250 rubles/kg. In Moscow, you will not find prices below 400 rubles/kg. Selling just one 4 kg carcass will bring you about 1,600 rubles. We sold 1,000 carcasses and earned 1.6 million rubles.

A day-old gosling costs between 130-170 rubles, and each day it is kept increases the price by 6 rubles. We sold 10 thousand goslings and received an income of 1.3 - 1.7 million rubles.

Your farm's most expensive product is goose liver. The retail price of this delicacy often exceeds 900 rubles/kg. An average of 250 grams of liver is obtained from one adult goose. Accordingly, from 1000 geese we will get approximately 250 kg of liver, from the sale of which we will earn up to 220 thousand rubles.

It becomes clear that even a small farm with a working herd of 2000 - 3000 geese can generate good income.

When to start?

Many farmers choose a seasonal scheme for raising goose. This is a cheaper option in terms of starting and quite effective. The herd is raised in warm time year, which means that the cost of heating the premises is eliminated. In addition, in the summer, most of the diet consists of succulent and green feed from natural pastures, which reduces the cost of fattening.

One of the disadvantages of seasonal rearing is that the receipt of farm products always coincides with the season of lower meat prices, since many farmers also use this method of rearing. Another disadvantage is that by the beginning of the season you have to additionally complete the herd, purchase young stock (not cheap), re-look for distribution channels for the products, and so on. Also, the farm cannot make money from selling young animals, since the production of day-old goslings begins in winter. In this regard, an all-season farm has some advantages.

Conditions for keeping geese

To maintain a flock of geese of 1000 heads, you will need a room with an area of ​​750 square meters. m. The norm for one goose is about 1.5 square meters. m. In addition, some part of the area is allocated for utility room. If you are building a summer farm to keep geese, you can construct a regular shed with thin walls. Construction costs in this case will not exceed 400 thousand rubles. While arranging premises for all-season keeping of a herd will require somewhat higher costs for construction material(foam blocks or cinder blocks). Construction of a building of similar size will cost 1.0 - 1.5 million rubles.

Among other things, you will have to incur some costs for arranging the premises: purchasing feeders, drinking bowls, bedding material, arranging nests, and so on.

It is also necessary to organize a slaughterhouse on the farm, where poultry will be slaughtered and processed. With it you need to install and refrigeration equipment, where poultry carcasses and eggs will be stored until they are sold.

Which breed should I choose?

The choice of goose breed depends on the direction of the farm. If the farm's specialization is the sale of young geese, then it is most profitable to keep egg-laying breeds of geese. First of all, these are Lindovsky and Chinese geese. These are industrial birds that have high egg production and egg fertility and hatch goslings themselves.

If your goal is the production of goose meat, then the leaders here will be such breeds as: large gray, Kholmogory, Toulouse, Gorky. The carcasses of geese of these breeds are very large. An adult goose gains weight up to 12 kg. Just 6 weeks after birth, the Kholmogory goose weighs 4 kg and is ready for sale. Some farmers do not advise using large breeds as the basis for a commercial herd. The fact is that such breeds have a reduced egg production (no more than 80 eggs per year) and hatch goslings very poorly: the geese crush the eggs with their weight.

Current issues in raising goose

Geese usually lay eggs between January and July. But for industrial farming it is important to get as many eggs as possible. Therefore, there are ways to make a goose lay eggs more often, which increases egg production by 1.5 times. To do this, in mid-July the geese are transferred to a shortened daylight hours. They are put to “sleep” at three o’clock in the afternoon, driven into a dark room. Geese are kept in this mode for up to 20 days. It seems to the bird that winter has come, which means spring is just around the corner - it’s time to breed. Starting in September, the goose begins active egg laying, which lasts 3.5-4 months. The next egg-laying period begins in March.

If you are going to breed goslings, then it is important to take into account such an indicator as the hatching rate of goslings. As a rule, out of 100 eggs, on average, only 70 goslings are hatched (hatch rate is 0.7). Thus, if you plan to get 1000 goslings, this will require laying 1428 eggs (1000/0.7).

There are certain subtleties with the selection of parent stock. For breeding, much attention is paid to the formation of parental pairs. The most egg-laying geese and the healthiest meat geese are selected for breeding. Duration of breeding use is about 6-8 years.

According to the age composition of the herd, it is necessary to adhere to the following principle: young animals - 30%, overfledged geese - 25%, geese aged 3 years - 20% and older geese - 25%.

Organizational matters

To maintain the operation of the farm, you will have to hire an appropriate number of workers. Although geese are herd birds and do not require special control, there is still a lot of work on the farm, without which the farm cannot exist. Feeding and watering, walking the herd, transferring young animals, cleaning up litter and collecting eggs, incubating and slaughtering birds - all this is done by farm workers. To service a farm of 1000 heads, 2-3 workers will be required.

Among other things, the farm will need a spacious car, which will transport the farm’s products to the places of sale. Appropriate funds may be required to purchase it.

Finally, you need to decide on the organizational form of the economy. You can sell your products to stores only if you are an entrepreneur. The most suitable form is peasant farming. Registration of a peasant farm requires a minimum package of documents (similar to opening an individual entrepreneur) and takes only 5 working days. As a taxation system, the most suitable one is the Unified Agricultural Tax, a unified agricultural tax, in which the farmer pays a tax of only 6% of the organization’s profit.