Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Describe scientific research step by step using an example study. Methodological recommendations for the preparatory stage of the study. Definition of the conceptual, methodological apparatus of the study. Stages of research work

Describe scientific research step by step using an example study. Methodological recommendations for the preparatory stage of the study. Definition of the conceptual, methodological apparatus of the study. Stages of research work

The research design is the main idea that ties together all the structural elements of the methodology, determines the order of the research, its main stages.

In the research design, the following necessary elements are arranged in a logical order:

– purpose, objectives, research hypothesis;

– criteria, indicators of the development of a specific phenomenon, correlated with specific research methods;

– the sequence of application of these methods, the procedure for managing the progress of the research (experiment);

– the procedure for registering, accumulating and summarizing research material;

– the procedure and forms for presenting research results.

The design of the study also determines its stages. Typically, the study consists of three working stages.

The first stage includes:

– selection of a scientific problem and topic;

– determination of the object and subject of research, goals and main objectives;

– development of a research hypothesis.

The second stage of work contains:

– selection of methods and development of research methodology;

– directly special processes of scientific research itself;

– formulation of preliminary conclusions, their testing and clarification;

– justification of final conclusions and practical recommendations.

The third stage is the final one

It is based on the implementation of the obtained research results into practice. The work is presented in a literary form.

The logic of each study is specific. Any researcher proceeds from the nature of the scientific problem, the goals and objectives of the work, the specific information material that he has, the level of resource equipment for the research and his capabilities. Each working stage of the study has its own characteristic features.

The first stage consists of choosing an area of ​​research, and this very important choice is determined by both objective factors (relevance, novelty, prospects, value, etc.) and subjective ones (the experience of the researcher, his scientific and professional interest, abilities, inclinations, mentality, etc.).

The problem of scientific research is accepted as a category meaning something unknown in science that remains to be discovered and proven.

Subject. It reflects the scientific problem in its characteristic features. A successful, semantically accurate formulation of the topic clarifies the problem, outlines the scope of the study, and specifies the main idea, thereby creating the prerequisites for the success of the work as a whole.

Object of study. This is the set of connections, relationships and properties that exists objectively in theory and practice, requires some specific clarifications and serves as a source of information necessary for researchers.

Subject of study. This element is more specific and includes only those connections and relationships that are subject to direct study in this research work, establishing the boundaries of scientific research in each object.

In a scientific work, several research subjects can be distinguished, but there should not be many of them.

The purpose and objectives of the study follow from the subject of the research.

The goal is formulated briefly and extremely precisely, semantically expressing the main thing that the researcher intends to do. It is specified in detail and developed in the research objectives.

For example, research objectives in a scientific paper can be ranked as follows:

The first task, as a rule, is associated with identifying, clarifying, deepening, and methodological substantiation of the essence, nature, and structure of the object being studied.

The second is related to the analysis of the real state of the subject of research, dynamics, internal contradictions of development in time and space.

The third concerns the basic capabilities and abilities of transforming the subject of research, modeling, and experimental testing.

The fourth is associated with identifying directions, ways and means of increasing the efficiency of improving the phenomenon or process under study, i.e. with the practical aspects of scientific work, with the problem of managing the object under study.

There should not be many tasks in research work.

Hypothesis formulation.

Clarification of specific tasks is carried out in a creative search for particular problems and research questions, without solving which it is impossible to implement the methodological plan and solve the main problem.

For these purposes, special literature is studied, existing points of view and scientific positions are analyzed; those questions that can be solved with the help of existing scientific data are highlighted, and those whose solution represents a breakthrough into the unknown, a new step in the development of science and, therefore, requires fundamentally new approaches and knowledge that anticipate the main results of the study.

There are hypotheses:

a) descriptive (the existence of a phenomenon is assumed);

b) explanatory (revealing the reasons for it);

c) descriptive-explanatory.

The following specific requirements are imposed on a scientific hypothesis:

– it should not include too many provisions. As a rule, one basic thing, rarely more for special special needs;

– it cannot include concepts and categories that are not unambiguous and not understood by the researcher himself;

– when formulating a hypothesis, value judgments should be avoided; the hypothesis must correspond to the facts, be testable and applicable to a wide range of phenomena;

– impeccable stylistic design, logical simplicity, and respect for continuity are required.

Scientific hypotheses with varying levels of generality, in turn, can obviously be classified as instructive or deductive.

A deductive hypothesis, as a rule, is derived from already known relationships, provisions or theories from which the researcher starts.

In cases where the degree of reliability of the hypothesis can be determined by statistical analysis of the quantitative results of the experiment, it is recommended to formulate a null or negative hypothesis. With it, the researcher assumes that there is no relationship between the factors under study (it is equal to zero).

For example, when studying the structure of a specialist’s activity in any field, we are interested in the dependence of this structure on the level of education, work experience, age, and level of professional qualifications.

The null hypothesis consists of the assumption that no such relationship exists.

In this case, is it possible to obtain results in a scientific study that contradict the null hypothesis? If we obtain such facts, can they be considered random?

It is assumed that with such a formulation of questions, it is easier for the researcher to protect himself from a false interpretation of the final results of the experiment.

When formulating a hypothesis, it is important to be aware of whether we are doing it correctly, based on the formal characteristics of a good hypothesis:

a) the adequacy of the answer to the question or the correlation of conclusions with premises (sometimes researchers formulate a problem in a certain, one way, but the hypothesis does not correlate with it and leads the researcher away from the problem);

b) plausibility, i.e. correspondence to existing knowledge on a given problem (if there is no such correspondence, the new research turns out to be isolated from the general scientific theory);

c) verifiability.

The second stage of the study is of a clearly individualized nature and does not tolerate strictly regulated rules and regulations. Still, there are a number of fundamental issues that need to be taken into account.

In particular, the question of research methodology, since with its help the technical implementation of various methods is possible. It is not enough to list methods in a study; it is necessary to design and organize them into a system. There are no research methods in general, but there are specific methods for studying various objects, phenomena, and processes.

A methodology is a set of techniques, research methods, the order of their application and interpretation of the results obtained with its help. It depends on the nature of the object of study; methodology; objectives of the study; developed methods; general level of qualification of the researcher.

It is impossible to immediately draw up a research program and methodology:

Firstly, without understanding in what external phenomena the phenomenon being studied is manifested, what are the indicators, criteria for its development;

Secondly, without correlating research methods with different manifestations of the phenomenon under study.

Only if these conditions are met can one hope for reliable scientific results and conclusions.

During the study, a program is drawn up that should reflect:

– what phenomenon is being studied;

– by what indicators;

– what research criteria are applied;

– what research methods are used;

– the procedure and regulation of the researcher’s use of certain methods.

Thus, the methodology is a kind of research model, and unfolded over time. A certain set of methods is thought out by the researcher for each stage of the study. When choosing a methodology, many factors are taken into account and, above all, the subject, purpose, and objectives of the study.

The research methodology, despite its individuality, when solving a specific problem has a certain structure of specific components.

Main components of the research methodology:

– the theoretical and methodological part, the concept on the basis of which the entire methodology is built;

– studied phenomena, processes, signs, parameters, factors;

– subordination and coordination connections and dependencies between them;

– a set of methods used, their subordination and coordination;

– procedure and regulation of the application of methods and methodological techniques;

– sequence and technique for summarizing research results;

– composition, role and place of researchers in the process of implementing the research plan.

Skillful determination of the content of each structural element of the methodology, their relationship, mutual connection is the art of research.

A well-thought-out methodology organizes the research, ensures the receipt of the necessary factual material, based on the analysis of which scientific conclusions are drawn.

The implementation of the research methodology allows us to obtain preliminary theoretical and practical conclusions containing answers to the problems solved in the study.

These conclusions must meet the following methodological requirements:

– be comprehensively reasoned, summarizing the main results of the study;

– flow from the accumulated material, being a logical consequence of its analysis and generalization.

When formulating conclusions, it is very important for the researcher to avoid two common mistakes:

1) a kind of marking time, when very superficial, limited conclusions of a partial order are drawn from a large and capacious empirical material;

2) an unreasonably broad generalization of the results obtained, when unduly broad conclusions are drawn from insignificant factual material.

Academician I. P. Pavlov considered the following to be the leading personality traits of a research scientist:

– scientific consistency;

– the strength of knowledge of the basics of science and the desire from them to the heights of human knowledge;

– restraint, patience;

– willingness and ability to do rough work;

– ability to patiently accumulate facts;

– scientific modesty;

– willingness to devote his whole life to science.

Academician K.I. Scriabin noted in scientific creativity the special significance and importance of love for work, for science, for the chosen specialty.

The third stage is the implementation of the results obtained in practice with literary presentation of the work.

Literary design of research materials is an integral part of scientific research and seems to be a labor-intensive and very responsible task.

To isolate from the collected materials and formulate the main ideas, provisions, conclusions and recommendations in an accessible, sufficiently complete and accurate manner - this is the main thing that a researcher should strive for in the process of literary presentation of results and scientific materials.

Of course, not everyone succeeds right away, since the design of the work is always closely related to the refinement of certain provisions, clarification of logic, argumentation and elimination of gaps in the substantiation of the conclusions made, etc.

Much here depends not only on the degree of professional training, but also on the level of general development and personality of the researcher, his literary and analytical abilities, as well as the ability to formulate his thoughts.

When preparing scientific materials, the researcher should adhere to the following general rules:

– the title and content of chapters, as well as sections, must correspond to the topic of research and not go beyond its scope, the content of chapters must exhaust the topic, and the content of sections must exhaust the chapter as a whole;

– initially, having studied the material for writing the next section (chapter), it is necessary to think through its plan, leading ideas, argumentation system and record all this in writing, without losing sight of the logic of the entire work, then clarify, “polish” individual semantic parts and sentences, make the necessary additions, rearrangements, remove unnecessary things, carry out editorial and stylistic corrections;

– immediately clarify, check the format of references, compile a reference apparatus and a list of references (bibliographical references);

- do not rush into final editing, look at the material after some time, let it “sit down”, while some reasoning and conclusions, as practice shows, will seem poorly designed, unproven and insignificant, so you need to improve them or omit them, leave them only really necessary;

– avoid scientificity, playing at erudition, since the inclusion of a large number of references and the abuse of special terminology make it difficult for others to understand the researcher’s thoughts and make the presentation complex, therefore the presentation style should combine scientific rigor and efficiency, accessibility and expressiveness;

– depending on the content, the literary presentation of the material can be calm (without emotions), reasoned or polemical, critical, brief or detailed, detailed;

– before preparing the final version of materials for publication, test the work: review, examination, discussion at seminars, conferences, symposia with colleagues, etc., and then eliminate the shortcomings identified during testing.

Slide 1

Proof of the scientific nature of the fact. Stages of a scientific experiment using the example of studying the conditions for seed germination, research project Completed by students of grade 9b Supervisor: biology teacher Elena Nikolaevna Arsenyeva 2009 Municipal educational institution basic secondary school No. 19, Kostroma

Slide 2

The eternal tragedy of science: ugly facts kill beautiful hypotheses Huxley Thomas Henry

Slide 3

Science is one of the ways to study and understand the world around us. Signs of science: object and subject of research, methods, scientific language, theories, laws, concepts, communities of scientists, research and educational institutions. What fact can be considered scientific? What is the difference between scientific knowledge and non-scientific knowledge? Bigfoot UFO Loch Ness monster Structure of the Earth. photosynthesis Atomic structure

Slide 4

Scientific fact It can only be considered a result obtained during observations and experiments, verified by new observations and experiments. It is precisely because of the lack of the above that information in the media about Bigfoot and UFOs cannot be recognized as a scientific fact.

Slide 5

“Take nothing for granted” is the most important principle for every scientist. Science is a tool for understanding the world around us, a key that allows us to open the magic box of nature. Each science has its own research methods, but rejection of blind trust in authority is the main principle of the researcher. Biology is one of the ways to study and understand the world around us.

Slide 6

The scientific method (from the Greek “methodos” - path, way of knowing) is a set of techniques and operations used in constructing a system of scientific knowledge. The most important methods used in biology include accurate, careful, unbiased observation and experiment. - observation makes it possible to suggest the cause of a phenomenon, to put forward a hypothesis.

Slide 7

An experiment confirms or refutes an assumption (hypothesis). Must be accompanied by a control experience.

Slide 8

Stages of scientific research. 1. Observation of what happens in nature. 2. Raising a problematic question when understanding what is being observed, the goals and objectives of the study. 3. Making assumptions, hypotheses (from the Greek “hypothesis” - problematic, short-lived knowledge, assumption). 4.Development and conduct of experiments to test the hypotheses. Registration of qualitative and quantitative results. 5. Processing of the obtained results. 6. Analysis of the results obtained. 7. Formulation of conclusions. 8. Determination of the range of unresolved issues. 9. Presentation of the research results.

Slide 9

Comparison and analysis of the experiment. The assumption (hypothesis) is either refuted or confirmed.

Slide 10

Theory. Law. A tested hypothesis that can serve as the basis for correct predictions may be called a theory or law. The theory of atomic structure The law emphasizes the indisputability of a scientific fact, universality and great reliability. The law of conservation of mass of matter, discovered by M.V. Lomonosov.

Slide 11

Studying the stages of scientific research using the example of studying the conditions necessary for seed germination. 1. Research problem: What conditions are necessary for seed germination? Observations of the seeds showed that not all of them germinate. Obviously, in order for them to germinate, certain conditions are necessary.

Slide 12

2. Proposing hypotheses We can assume that for seed germination to occur - light - darkness - water - a certain temperature - air - soil

Slide 13

3. Design of the experiment 1. The sample should consist of 100 seeds of the same species to exclude randomness. 2. It is necessary to plant 6 seed samples under conditions that differ in only one characteristic.

Slide 14

4. Conducting the experiment Conditions: - air access - sufficient moisture - heat - light Results: after a day the seeds swelled. After 2 days, most of the seeds sprouted. 1 seed sample is placed in a vessel and half-moistened with water. Placed in a bright, warm place. Start of experiment After 2 days

Slide 15

2nd sample of seeds is placed in a vessel and filled with completely boiled water. Placed in a bright, warm place. Conditions: - air access is excluded - seeds are completely filled with boiled water - heat - light Results: the seeds did not germinate, but only swelled.

Slide 16

3 The seed sample is placed in a vessel with a sufficient amount of water. Placed in a dark, warm place. Conditions: - access to air - sufficient amount of moisture - warmth - placed in a dark place Results: after a day the seeds swelled. After 2 days, most of the seeds sprouted.

Slide 17

4, the seed sample is placed in a vessel and left dry. Conditions: - access to air - leave the seeds dry - heat - light Results: neither after a day nor after a week did the seeds germinate or even swell.

Slide 18

5th sample of seeds is kept at a temperature of 1 degree (in the refrigerator) Conditions: - access to air - sufficient amount of moisture - temperature 1 degree C - light Results: after a day the seeds swelled, but after a week they did not germinate.

Slide 19

6, a seed sample is placed in a vessel filled with moist soil. Placed in a warm place. Conditions: - access to air - sufficient amount of moisture - heat - light - soil Results: after a day the seeds swelled, after 2 days they took root, and after a week they sprouted. In 2 days In a week

Slide 20

5. Processing of results. Calculating the percentage of seed germination. 1. Of the 300 seeds that were in the conditions necessary for germination, only 230 germinated. Seed germination = 230: 300 = 0.7666 or 76.7% Why didn’t the rest of the seeds germinate?

Slide 21

Why, under favorable conditions, did some seeds not germinate? Having examined the ungerminated seeds through a magnifying glass, we saw that they had only swelled, but there was no embryo there. Conclusion: seeds without an embryo do not germinate under any conditions.

Slide 22

6. Analysis of results. 1. Light and soil are not necessary conditions for seed germination. 2. The most important conditions for seed germination are the presence of a full-fledged living embryo, water, heat, and air. Shoots appeared only in the presence of soil.

Proof of the scientific nature of the fact. Stages of a scientific experiment using the example of studying the conditions for seed germination, research project Completed by students of grade 9b Supervisor: biology teacher Elena Nikolaevna Arsenyeva 2009 Municipal educational institution basic secondary school 19, Kostroma

Science is one of the ways to study and understand the world around us. Signs of science: object and subject of research, methods, scientific language, theories, laws, concepts, communities of scientists, research and educational institutions. Signs of science: object and subject of research, methods, scientific language, theories, laws, concepts, communities of scientists, research and educational institutions. What fact can be considered scientific? What fact can be considered scientific? What is the difference between scientific knowledge and non-scientific knowledge? What is the difference between scientific knowledge and non-scientific knowledge? Bigfoot UFO Loch Ness monster Structure of the Earth. photosynthesis Atomic structure

Scientific fact It can only be considered a result obtained during observations and experiments, verified by new observations and experiments. It can only be considered the result obtained during observations and experiments, verified by new observations and experiments. It is precisely because of the lack of the above that information in the media about Bigfoot and UFOs cannot be recognized as a scientific fact. It is precisely because of the lack of the above that information in the media about Bigfoot and UFOs cannot be recognized as a scientific fact.

“Take nothing for granted” is the most important principle for every scientist. “Take nothing for granted” is the most important principle for every scientist. Science is a tool for understanding the world around us, a key that allows us to open the magic box of nature. Each science has its own research methods, but rejection of blind trust in authority is the main principle of the researcher. Biology is one of the ways to study and understand the world around us. Biology is one of the ways to study and understand the world around us.

The scientific method (from the Greek “methodos” - path, way of knowing) is a set of techniques and operations used in constructing a system of scientific knowledge. The most important methods used in biology include accurate, careful, unbiased observation and experiment. observation and experiment. - observation makes it possible to suggest the cause of a phenomenon, to put forward a hypothesis. - observation makes it possible to suggest the cause of a phenomenon, to put forward a hypothesis.

Stages of scientific research. 1. Observation of what happens in nature. 1. Observation of what happens in nature. 2. Raising a problematic question when understanding what is being observed, the goals and objectives of the study. 2. Raising a problematic question when understanding what is being observed, the goals and objectives of the study. 3. Making assumptions, hypotheses (from the Greek “hypothesis” - problematic, short-lived knowledge, assumption). 3. Making assumptions, hypotheses (from the Greek “hypothesis” - problematic, short-lived knowledge, assumption). 4. Development and conduct of experiments to test the hypotheses. Registration of qualitative and quantitative results. 4. Development and conduct of experiments to test the hypotheses. Registration of qualitative and quantitative results. 5. Processing of the obtained results. 5. Processing of the obtained results. 6. Analysis of the results obtained. 6. Analysis of the results obtained. 7. Formulation of conclusions. 7. Formulation of conclusions. 8. Determination of the range of unresolved issues. 8. Determination of the range of unresolved issues. 9. Presentation of the research results. 9. Presentation of the research results.

Theory. Law. A tested hypothesis that can serve as the basis for correct predictions may be called a theory or law. A tested hypothesis that can serve as the basis for correct predictions may be called a theory or law. Theory of atomic structure Theory of atomic structure The law emphasizes the indisputability of a scientific fact, universality and great reliability. The law emphasizes the indisputability of a scientific fact, its universality and greater reliability. The law of conservation of mass of matter, discovered by M.V. Lomonosov. The law of conservation of mass of matter, discovered by M.V. Lomonosov.

Studying the stages of scientific research using the example of studying the conditions necessary for seed germination. 1. Research problem: 1. Research problem: What conditions are necessary for seed germination? Observations of the seeds showed that not all of them germinate. Obviously, in order for them to germinate, certain conditions are necessary. Observations of the seeds showed that not all of them germinate. Obviously, in order for them to germinate, certain conditions are necessary.

2. Hypothesizing We can assume that for seeds to germinate, we can assume that for seeds to germinate, they need - light - light - darkness - darkness - water - water - a certain temperature - a certain temperature - air - air - soil - soil

3. Design of the experiment 1. The sample should consist of 100 seeds of the same species to exclude randomness. 1. The sample must consist of 100 seeds of one type to exclude randomness. 2. It is necessary to plant 6 seed samples under conditions that differ in only one characteristic. 2. It is necessary to plant 6 seed samples under conditions that differ in only one characteristic.

4. Conducting the experiment 4. Conducting the experiment Conditions: Conditions: - access to air - access to air - sufficient amount of moisture - sufficient amount of moisture - heat - heat - light - light Results: after a day the seeds swelled. After 2 days, most of the seeds sprouted. Results: within a day the seeds swelled. After 2 days, most of the seeds sprouted. 1 seed sample is placed in a vessel and half-moistened with water. Placed in a bright, warm place. Start of experiment After 2 days

2nd sample of seeds is placed in a vessel and filled with completely boiled water. Placed in a bright, warm place. Conditions: Conditions: - air access is excluded - air access is excluded - the seeds are filled with completely boiled water - the seeds are filled with completely boiled water - heat - heat - light - light the seeds have not sprouted, but only swollen. Results: the seeds did not germinate, but only swelled.

3 The seed sample is placed in a vessel with a sufficient amount of water. Placed in a dark, warm place. 3 The seed sample is placed in a vessel with a sufficient amount of water. Placed in a dark, warm place. Conditions: Conditions: - access to air - access to air - sufficient amount of moisture - sufficient amount of moisture - heat - heat - placed in a dark place - placed in a dark place Results: after a day the seeds swelled. After 2 days, most of the seeds sprouted.

4, the seed sample is placed in a vessel and left dry. Conditions: Conditions: - air access - air access - leave the seeds dry - leave the seeds dry - heat - heat - light - light Results: neither after a day nor after a week did the seeds germinate or even swell.

5th sample of seeds is kept at a temperature of 1 degree (in the refrigerator) Conditions: Conditions: - air access - air access - sufficient amount of moisture - sufficient amount of moisture - temperature 1 degree C - temperature 1 degree C - light - light Results: after a day the seeds swelled , but even after a week they did not germinate.

6, a seed sample is placed in a vessel filled with moist soil. Placed in a warm place. Conditions: Conditions: - access to air - access to air - sufficient amount of moisture - sufficient amount of moisture - heat - heat - light - light - soil - soil Results: after a day the seeds swelled, after 2 days they took root, and after a week they sprouted. In 2 days In a week

5. Processing of results. Calculating the percentage of seed germination. 1. Of the 300 seeds that were in the conditions necessary for germination, only 230 germinated. Of the 300 seeds that were in the conditions necessary for germination, only 230 germinated. Seed germination = 230: 300 = or 76.7% Seed germination = 230: 300 = or 76.7% Why didn’t the rest of the seeds germinate?

6. Analysis of results. 1. Light and soil are not necessary conditions for seed germination. 1. Light and soil are not necessary conditions for seed germination. 2. The most important conditions for seed germination are the presence of a full-fledged living embryo, water, heat, and air. 2. The most important conditions for seed germination are the presence of a full-fledged living embryo, water, heat, and air. Shoots appeared only in the presence of soil. Shoots appeared only in the presence of soil.

7. Conclusions obtained as a result of the experiment. Mandatory conditions for seed germination are: Mandatory conditions for seed germination are: 1. Air 1. Air 2. Moisture 2. Moisture 3. A certain temperature (heat) 3. A certain temperature (heat) 4. A living embryo 4. A living embryo They are not mandatory conditions for seed germination: Non-mandatory conditions for seed germination: 1. Light 1. Light 2. Soil 2. Soil

Processing the results. During the experiments, we took photographs. During the experiments, we took photographs. Discussed the results of the experiments. Discussed the results of the experiments. Found the necessary information on the Internet. Found the necessary information on the Internet. Formulated the work in the form of MS Word documents and Power Point presentations. Prepared work in the form of MS Word documents and Power Point presentations. MS Word documents MS Word documents

Informational resources. - Encyclopedia of amazing facts about the animal world. Articles. - Encyclopedia of amazing facts about the animal world. Articles Yunnat School. The project is dedicated to everyone who loves nature and strives to understand it. - Yunnat School. The project is dedicated to everyone who loves nature and strives to understand it A guide to the world of science for schoolchildren - A guide to the world of science for schoolchildren Bank of best teaching experience - Biology Bank of best teaching experience - Biology

Contact Information. Municipal educational institution basic secondary school Kostroma, st. Frunze, 5 Tel. (4942)

Program: ,

Lesson #2

Topic: “Research methods in biology.”


Educational: Introduce students to research methods in biology, consider the sequence of an experiment, and identify the difference between a hypothesis and a law or theory.

Developmental: Promote the development of intellectual skills and memory; continue the ability to compare and analyze, highlight the main points and give examples. Form a holistic picture of the world.

Educational: Contribute to the formation of a scientific worldview, implement environmental and aesthetic education, sex and labor education.

Equipment: Tables depicting the sequence of the experiment. Presentation.


I. Organizing time

II. Updating knowledge (10 minutes).

Work with cards (3 options): write a definition.

Option 1:

3. Write a definition:

Option 2:

1. What kingdoms are distinguished in living nature?

2. Why is modern biology considered a complex science?

3. Write a definition:

Botany, geobotany, ornithology, physiology, histology, ecology, biochemistry.

Option 3:

1. What kingdoms are distinguished in living nature?

2. Why is modern biology considered a complex science?

3. Write a definition:

Zoology, bryology, paleobotany, ethology, anatomy, genetics, biotechnology.

III. Learning new material (20 minutes).

In the last lesson, we looked at the concept of biology as a science in general. Today we will look at what methods are used in biology.

The topic of our lesson today: “Research methods in biology” ( slide 1 ). – notebook entry.

What research methods does this science of biology use?

Question: Before we start looking, let's define what science is?

Science is one of the ways to study and understand the world around us ( slide 2 ). Writing in a notebook.

Biology helps us understand the living world. We already know that people have been studying living nature since ancient times. First, they studied individual organisms, collected them, and compiled lists of plants and animals inhabiting different places. Usually this period of study of living organisms is called descriptive, and the discipline itself is called natural history. Natural history is the predecessor of biology.

What is the scientific method? The scientific method is a set of techniques and operations used in constructing a system of scientific knowledge. – notebook entry.

Biology is multifaceted and therefore requires systematic and versatile methods of study. The following research methods are distinguished: (slide 3 ).

For example, many biological studies take place directly in nature - observation, description, comparison. At the same time, a significant part of the research requires a laboratory. In laboratory conditions, biologists conduct experiments and carry out modeling. Historical methods of research are not alien to biology, because biology studies living organisms in development, and this development can last millions of years.

Let's look at each one separately: (write in notebook)

Observation (slide 4)

Deliberate, purposeful perception of objects and processes in order to understand its essential properties. Observation is the starting point of any natural science research. In biology this is especially noticeable, since the object of its study is man and the living nature around him. Observation as a method of collecting information is chronologically the very first research technique that appeared in the arsenal of biology; this method has not lost its significance to this day. Observations can be direct or indirect, they can be carried out with or without technical devices. So, an ornithologist sees a bird through binoculars and can hear it, or can record sounds with the device outside the range of the human ear.

Descriptive (slide 5)

To find out the essence of a phenomenon, a person must first collect factual information, and then describe it and present it for use by other generations. The essence of this method is to collect information, describe the characteristics and behavioral signs of the process or living organism being studied, and conduct research at the same time.
In the early period of the development of biology, it was the collection and description of facts that were the main methods of study. These same methods are still relevant today. Description is the result of interpretation of observations. For example, when writing a description of a found skeleton, a paleontologist will call certain bones vertebrae insofar as he uses the method of establishing an analogy with the skeletons of already known animals. Description is the main method of classical biology, based on observation. Later, the descriptive method formed the basis of the comparative and historical methods of biology. Correctly composed descriptions produced in different places at different times can be compared. This allows us to study the similarities and differences of organisms and their parts through comparison.

Comparative method (slide 6)

In the 18th century The comparative method became popular. It is based on the comparison and study of similar and different features of living organisms and their structure. This method is the basis of taxonomy. Thanks to him, a major generalization was discovered and the cell theory was created. This method is still popular today. Comparison is a comparison of organisms and their parts, finding similarities and differences (for example, you observe insects and notice that many of them have black and yellow stripes. Many people believe that these are all bees and wasps, so handle them carefully.

Historical (slide 7)

The historical method is used to study the patterns of appearance and development of organisms, the formation of their structure and functions.

Experiment (slide 8)

The purposeful study of phenomena under precisely established conditions, allowing them to be reproduced and observed. The full cycle of experimental research consists of several stages. Like observation, experimentation requires a clearly stated purpose for the study. Therefore, when starting an experiment, you need to determine its goals and objectives and think about the possible results. A scientific experiment must be well prepared and carefully conducted.

(Slide 9) So, as a result of observation and experiment, the researcher receives some knowledge about the external signs, properties of the object or phenomenon being studied, that is, new facts. The results obtained from observations and experiments must be verified by new observations and experiments. Only then can they be considered scientific facts. – recording the diagram in a notebook.

Let's write down the definitions of these methods: notebook entry (slide 10)

Observation - deliberate, purposeful perception of objects and processes in order to understand its essential properties;

Descriptive method - consists in describing objects and phenomena;

Comparison - comparison of organisms and their parts, finding similarities and differences;

Historical method – comparison of observation results with previously obtained results;

Experiment - purposeful study of phenomena under precisely established conditions, allowing to reproduce and observe these phenomena.

How does scientific research actually happen? (slide 11) - recording the diagram in a notebook.

Now let's look at the procedure for conducting a biological experiment: (slide 12) - writing in a notebook.

IV. Fixing the material (10 minutes). (slide 13).

Describe a scientific study step by step, using the example of studying the conditions necessary for seed germination (pp. 7-8).

V. Homework (slide 14).

§ 2. Describe the step-by-step implementation of a biological experiment on the topic:

Option I: “The influence of water pollution on the number of animals and plants”;

Option II: “The influence of different types and doses of fertilizers on certain varieties of cultivated plants.”

Scientific research- the process of studying and understanding reality, connections between individual environmental phenomena and their patterns. Cognition is a complex process. It, in essence, represents a movement towards more accurate and complete knowledge. This path can be followed with the help of scientific research.

In the field of applied sciences or technology there are stages of scientific research, which must be sequentially passed in the course of studying certain problems.

Most often, seven successive steps are distinguished, each of which characterizes the stages of scientific research. In short version structure and stages of scientific research look like this.

  1. First of all, it is necessary decide on the problem. This stage is not just about finding a problem, but about a clear and precise formulation of the research objectives, since the progress and effectiveness of the entire study largely depends on this.

At this stage, it is necessary to collect and process initial information, think over methods and means of solving problems.

  1. At the second stage it is necessary put forward and then justify an initial hypothesis. Typically, the development of a hypothesis is carried out on the basis of formulated tasks and analysis of the collected initial information. A hypothesis may have more than one option, and then you need to choose the most appropriate one. To clarify the working order hypothesis, experiments are carried out to more fully study the object.
  2. Third stage - theoretical research. It consists in the synthesis of patterns that are given in relation to the object under study. At this stage, further extraction of additional, new, not yet known patterns occurs with the help of the apparatus of various sciences.

At the level of theory is a generalization of phenomena, their connections,

obtaining more information to substantiate the working hypothesis.

  1. Experimental studies continue the theoretical as a scientific experiment, which is the most complex and time-consuming part of the study. Its goals may be different, since they depend on the nature of the entire study, as well as the sequence of its conduct.

In the case of a standard course and procedure for conducting research, the experimental part (experiment) is carried out after the stage of theoretical study of the problem. In this case, the experiment, as a rule, confirms the results of theoretical hypotheses. Sometimes after conducting an experiment, hypotheses are refuted.

In some cases, the order of the study changes. It happens that the third and fourth stages change places. Then the experiment can precede the theoretical part. This sequence is typical for exploratory research, when the theoretical basis is insufficient to put forward hypotheses. In this case, the theory is intended to generalize the results of experimental studies.

  1. Analysis of results and their comparison. This stage implies the need to compare the theoretical and experimental stages of scientific research to finally confirm the hypothesis and further formulate conclusions and consequences arising from it. Sometimes the result is negative, then the hypothesis has to be rejected.
  2. Final conclusions. The results are summed up, conclusions are formulated and their correspondence to the initially set task.
  3. Mastering the results. This stage is typical for technical work. It is a preparation for the industrial implementation of the research results.

These seven steps summarize the main stages of scientific research that must be completed from a working hypothesis to the implementation of research results in practice.