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» Pepper seedlings: diseases and pests. Why do the leaves of bell pepper seedlings turn yellow, curl and fall off, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies: what to do, how to get rid of them? What should you do if pimples appear on pepper seedlings? What are these white bumps?

Pepper seedlings: diseases and pests. Why do the leaves of bell pepper seedlings turn yellow, curl and fall off, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies: what to do, how to get rid of them? What should you do if pimples appear on pepper seedlings? What are these white bumps?

Sweet pepper is one of the vegetable crops that is suitable both for consumption raw and for preparing salads, main dishes, and for preservation. But in order to get a rich harvest, you must initially properly grow and prepare seedlings for open ground.

And during this period, you can encounter various troubles, since the culture is quite delicate and demanding of conditions. For example, most often farmers notice that strange white pimples appear on pepper seedlings. What causes this phenomenon and how to eliminate it - we will look at all the reasons in detail in this article.

The main factors that provoke such damage to seedlings are:

  1. Incorrect care. This is due to either excess soil moisture, or lack of light and fresh air, or both reasons in combination.
  2. Diseases. Peppers are most often affected by pests such as spider mites, scale insects, and aphids.

Why are pimples on peppers dangerous?

Each of the causes of damage to pepper seedlings in the form of pimples carries a certain threat.

Improper care

With excess humidity and lack of light, the leaves begin to “swell” and pimples form on the pepper seedlings. All this ultimately leads to Oedema disease, or popularly called “dropsy of peppers.”

It is not difficult to distinguish this phenomenon - several leaves are covered with dense, watery-looking tubercles that look like warts or white mold.

At the same time, part of the root system dies off, and if the care of the seedlings is not adjusted in time, they may eventually die completely. If timely measures are taken, the situation can be corrected and the plants will recover.

Spider mite

This is a sucking arachnid insect. Of all the species of this pest, peppers are most often affected by one - Tetranychus urticae. It pierces the leaves and sucks the juice from them, and then weaves a web and lays its eggs in it. The larvae hatch within 25 days.

The first signs of infection are precisely the strange pimples on the pepper seedlings. If you don’t figure out the reason, then you will see how the foliage takes on a marble hue, some individual leaves are completely covered with cobwebs.

As a result of the activity of this pest on seedlings, plants die, since they do not yet have enough strength to fight. If the spider mite infects already adult individuals in the open ground, then this is fraught with a loss of more than half the harvest.


There are 2 types of pests here - the scale insect itself and the false scale insect. On the plant, both species look like brown-brown-yellow plaques or strange pimples. The danger of these pests is that they suck the juice from the leaves, depriving the plant of nutrients. The leaves eventually turn yellow, dry out, fall off, and the young and still fragile plants themselves die.

Important! It only takes a couple of hours for the larvae of a common scale insect to hatch from their eggs, so infection and damage to pepper seedlings occurs literally at lightning speed.


Aphids are another fast-growing pest that infests the surface of both stems and leaves. Like other insects, aphids feed on the sap of seedlings, very quickly rendering them completely unviable.

What to do? Control measures to eliminate pimples

The measures that will be appropriate if pimples appear on the leaves of peppers depend on the specific cause. Therefore, deal with it first. Next, act according to the situation, focusing on the recommendations proposed below.

Unsuitable conditions of detention

The simplest case in which it is enough to accurately organize the correct regime for maintaining seedlings.

What to do to remove pimples:

  1. Carefully remove damaged leaves - they cannot be restored.
  2. Reduce watering over the next 2 weeks, using a dosage slightly lower than standard. It is better to use the method of watering from a syringe directly under the roots of plants or watering into trays. If this is usually done once every 2-3 days, now the interval can be doubled.
  3. Move containers with seedlings to a brighter area with good access to sunlight.


To combat spider mites, which have caused the appearance of strange pimples on pepper seedlings, different methods are suitable.

If everything is in order with watering and care, create conditions of high humidity for several days.

For this:

  1. Water the seedlings generously.
  2. Cover with plastic wrap for 3 days.
  3. Make sure that the seedlings themselves are not damaged during this period.

You can effectively get rid of this pest using special preparations.

The following tools help a lot:

  • "Akarin";
  • "Sunmite";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Vermitek".

Prepare solutions strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. The procedure is carried out twice with an interval of a week. The foliage is sprayed on both sides.

Important! Please note that the mite can migrate, including to indoor plants. Therefore, place containers with seedlings at a remote distance or, better yet, in another room.

Aphids and scale insects

If the reason that pimples appear on the pepper leaves is aphids or scale insects, take immediate action. Start by manually cleaning the foliage to remove pests using an unnecessary toothbrush.

  1. Wash the leaves with a soap solution made from 5 g of shavings and 1 liter of water.
  2. Spray the seedlings with a solution of 20 g of liquid soap, a few drops of ammonia and 2 liters of water.
  3. Prepare a solution of wood ash or tobacco dust and water. Proportion: 1 cup of powder to 1 liter of water. Infuse the mixture to combat aphids and scale insects for 1 day. To strengthen the mixture, you can add 1 tbsp immediately before pollination. liquid soap. The treatment is performed every morning for several days in a row until a clear result is noticeable.

Also use special chemicals.

In this case, the following will be effective:

  • "Confidor";
  • "Karbofos";
  • "Aktara";
  • "Fury";
  • "Aktelik";
  • "Phosbecide."

Prevention measures

To avoid any more problems with pepper seedlings, either in the form of strange pimples or other signs of disease or plant death, follow the following preventive measures.

General rules:

  1. Sowing seedlings as early as possible.
  2. Maintain distances between individuals.
  3. Water with warm, preferably settled water.
  4. Normalize the temperature for seedlings and provide good access to sunlight.
  5. Don't forget to loosen the soil.

Choosing the right soil

Ready-made store-bought soil mixtures, which contain all the necessary substances, are excellent for growing pepper seedlings.

If you use land from your site, then:

  • Do not use soil on which nightshade crops grew last year.
  • The soil after garlic, carrots or onions, mustard, and rye is good.
  • Add peat and ash to the soil - usually take 1 part of the additives for twice the volume of the soil itself.

Disease Prevention

Any disease does not arise out of nowhere.

Most often there are certain prerequisites for this, for example:

  1. Contaminated soil. To eliminate this factor, be sure to disinfect the soil before planting seeds, regardless of whether it is soil from your garden or purchased. Choose any convenient method for this - calcination, steaming, treatment with potassium permanganate, freezing.
  2. Infected seed. Treating the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting will help protect seedlings from pests. Usually, potassium permanganate powder is diluted 3-5 g in 10 liters of water. Soak the planting material in the disinfectant mixture for about half an hour. An ash solution is also suitable, for the preparation of which you take 2 tbsp. powder per 1 liter of liquid. You can also use special preparations, for example, Albit, Baktofit.


To prevent the appearance of pimples on the leaves after transplanting into open ground, you need to harden off pepper seedlings only when the leaves become sufficiently dense and elastic. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite: all the seedlings will die.

Rules of procedure:

  1. Temperature - 10-12C.
  2. The first 2-3 times the seedlings are taken out into the open air for a maximum of 2-3 hours. Further, each time the hardening time is extended by 1 hour. Finally, leave it overnight.
  3. Plants are placed not in the sun, but in the shade.


The root system of peppers is very delicate, so picking is done extremely carefully, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Carry out the first picking no earlier than 2 full-fledged leaves are formed - approximately a month after planting the seeds.
  2. Disinfect the container into which you will transplant the seedlings. Peat pots are best suited for this purpose, as they also serve as food for peppers.
  3. Prepare a suitable soil mixture, taking into account the recommendations above.
  4. Take the plants by the top and lower them into the new hole approximately 5 cm.
  5. Lightly tamp the soil and water the seedlings.

Top dressing

  1. The first feeding of peppers for their full development is carried out on the 14th day after picking. The second one is in another 10 days.
  2. The most effective preparations for feeding seedlings are “Krepysh”, “Lux”, “Agricola”, “Fertika”.

Attentive attitude to seedlings and ensuring normal conditions for their development is the key to a good harvest in the future. Therefore, do not ignore the necessary care measures and react promptly if pimples or other damage suddenly appear on the leaves of peppers.

Why do pimples appear on pepper seedlings? Is it a disease, improper care or pests? How will the pepper seedlings behave later? Will the presence of pimples affect the quality of the fruit?

Pimples appeared on pepper seedlings

Each pepper seedling has its own characteristics, and pimples are no exception. But it is possible to determine what it is. If the pimples are brown and remain in place the entire time you observe them, then the seedlings have been affected scale insect. If scale insects are present, they may also be green or cream in color.

Viral diseases of pepper seedlings

Viral diseases of pepper seedlings are activated in an unfavorable environment. For example, pepper is located at low air temperatures and high humid air. There may be another option: too moist soil, dim lighting. Correct problems in care, water in moderate portions and regularly, monitor how the pepper seedlings behave. If the problem gradually begins to disappear, then after some time you can expect its complete disappearance. In the future, continue proper care and you will not lose your crops.

It also happens that the pepper does not want to recover. If the problem is definitely a viral or, perhaps, bacterial disease, then you need to cut off the damaged areas - leaves, shoots, roots - treat them with biological preparations, close the wounds with wood ash powder.

Further care of pepper seedlings

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Back in February, the hardworking summer resident is preparing for the summer season. With love, he buys the best soil for seedlings, takes out his seeds from the bins or buys elite varieties, plants the seeds and rejoices at the appearance of shoots and the first leaves. And when the peppers that have sprouted together have grown a little and begin to hurt, this greatly upsets the summer resident, who has invested love and the best expectations from a rich harvest. Having encountered a seedling disease for the first time, he begins to look for clues on the Internet, posting photographs and describing the problem.

Pimples on peppers can appear for various reasons.

There are often cries for help regarding pimples on young pepper leaves. If pimples appear on the leaves of your pepper seedlings, there may be different reasons, we will try to help you and consider different options. To avoid or minimize seedling diseases, preventive measures are necessary. All nightshade peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants are susceptible to the same diseases. Agronomists recommend not to neglect crop rotation, not to plant nightshades in the same place for up to 3 years, taking breaks.

Preparing soil and seeds - healthy seedlings

Before you start growing healthy and strong seedlings, you need to carefully prepare the ground for planting seeds. If you take your own land, take it not after the nightshades, but it is advisable that onions or garlic or carrots grow on it before that. And after harvesting, ideally, green manures (mustard, rye, rapeseed, etc.) were also sown, which enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its quality. But even in this case, it is better to prepare the soil for planting by adding compost or rotted manure, sand for looseness, whatever the specific crop requires.

Pepper loves the addition of peat and wood ash. It is necessary to disinfect the land from diseases.

If the soil was bought in the best stores and it is beautifully written there how it is saturated with microelements and useful substances, taken from the best points on planet Earth from under the most melted glaciers and so on, you can believe it, but it is better to steam and disinfect this valuable soil. Often it is packaged when changing soil in greenhouses and the soil, in addition to added fertilizers, is full of a bunch of diseases. How to steam the soil correctly?

There are several methods; in country conditions you can steam it in a water bath for half an hour; at home, it is recommended to heat it in an oven no higher than 70 degrees for half an hour. You can use freezing in winter by exposing the soil to low temperatures, or pour the soil for seedlings well with a hot solution of potassium permanganate until it evaporates completely.

Store-bought soil should be steamed in a water bath.

Seed preparation

Seedling diseases do not come from nowhere. Their suppliers are contaminated soil and seeds. If you want to avoid the questions “what are those pimples on the leaves of my pepper?” - take preventive measures. This will significantly reduce the risk of disease and bring the desired harvest closer. Seeds, either your own or purchased, must be disinfected, or, as experienced gardeners say, “etched.” How to do it? To disinfect seeds, it is recommended to immerse them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30-40 minutes.

You can disinfect with ready-made, low-toxic means: “Baktofit”, “Albit” or a solution of ash in the ratio of 1 liter of water to 2 tablespoons of wood ash. Place the seeds in the solution for 5 hours in a gauze bag. If you follow these simple manipulations, the risk of getting pepper seedling diseases will be minimal. But if the disease already exists and the information is late, we will look into it.

Baktofit effectively destroys fungi and bacteria

Pimples on peppers

What are these pimples on the leaves of tender pepper seedlings? Let's consider the options. The most harmless of the options is that you overwater your seedlings and there is not enough light for them. In such a situation, swelling of the leaves occurs, Oedema. This problem is more common in greenhouses; you need to reduce watering and reduce humidity by ventilation. At home, it is enough to change the conditions, reduce watering and change the place to a sunnier one, and the problem will disappear.

Another cause with similar symptoms of the disease is spider mites. First, “pimples” appear on the pepper leaves, similar to white bubbles, then the spread intensifies, and cobwebs appear. The mite is destructive to seedlings. One of the methods to combat it is to create conditions of high humidity in which the tick dies. Water the plant generously and cover with polyethylene for 3 days. Make sure that the pepper itself is not damaged or burned in this shake from the high temperatures of the “greenhouse”.

Of the ready-made chemical preparations suitable for tick control:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Akarin;
  • Vermitek;
  • Sunmite.

When moisturizing spraying, carry out the procedure in the morning or evening, otherwise droplets of water can burn the pepper leaves with the help of the sun and you will puzzle over the cause of new, burnt spots.

Spider mites on pepper leaves

Aphids, scale insects, and false scale insects can cause tubercles or pimples on the foliage of young peppers. These pests can move from indoor plants even if you have prepared the soil and seeds. Aphids and scale insects are characterized by the appearance of honeydew secreted by them - a sticky liquid on the leaf. The false scale insect does not secrete such a secretion, and it can only be distinguished by easily separating it from the shell. How to protect a plant from these pests? A soap-ammonia solution works effectively. Add 20 grams of liquid soap and ammonia to 2 liters of water and treat the plant.

Of the ready-made chemical preparations, the following are effective:

  • Karbafos;
  • Fury;
  • Confidor;
  • Aktara.

The scale insect itself must be cleaned off manually, using a toothbrush or a cloth moistened with an alcohol (soap) solution. After removing the pest, it is necessary to treat it with Aktelik and Fosbecid solutions. The use of neem oil is recommended, promising a good effect against pests.

Hardening of seedlings

It is not necessary to harden off pepper seedlings until the leaves become dense, as they are extremely sensitive to strong drops in temperature. It is enough for the temperature to drop to + 12, and the young leaves will instantly wither and eventually die. It should be remembered that any seedlings will grow slower in the cold. You can only take the plant out into a closed balcony and in sunny weather. To prevent the soil from drying out, it is necessary to ensure regular watering and spraying.

You can only harden off strong and well-formed pepper seedlings.

Important points when growing

  • it is necessary to start sowing pepper as early as possible;
  • be sure to maintain distances between plants;
  • pick up sprouted seedlings in a timely manner, trying not to damage the root system;
  • carry out frequent spraying;
  • water abundantly with warm water;
  • observe the temperature regime;
  • selection of high-quality soil for sowing seeds;
  • timely loosening of the soil;
  • during the fertilization period, observe the dosage of drugs;
  • It is necessary to plant the plant in areas where there is no shade. The more sun, the better for peppers;
  • If necessary, tie up the plant.

You can’t be protected from all diseases, but forewarned means forearmed. For a gardener, you need to know preventative measures, methods of control and get a good harvest of pepper through labor.

Avoid epidemics in your garden, and if this happens, try to provide the necessary assistance to your plants in a timely manner.

The post Diseases of pepper seedlings: leaves with pimples appeared first by SeloMoe.

There are many diseases of pepper seedlings. Read the article about how to get rid of pests and diseases of green crops.

Bell pepper is a plant with a long growth period. Therefore, first, seedlings are grown from seeds, and then the plant is planted in the ground. The quality of the seedlings determines what the vegetable harvest will be.

  • Young seedlings are susceptible to various diseases.
  • Diseases of pepper seedlings can be infectious or non-infectious.
  • Non-infectious diseases or damage have a negative effect only on the plant itself - a broken twig, a fallen flower. Seedlings of any plant suffer from non-infectious diseases if agrotechnical practices are not followed. This may also be a violation of the temperature regime, a lack or excess of nutrients, or a lack of timely watering.
  • Infectious diseases are transmitted to other crops and can infect them. These are various fungal rot, viral diseases, bacterial spotting.
  • Infectious diseases are more difficult to transmit by plants. But you can get rid of this problem using known methods.

When a gardener notices aphids on the leaves, panic begins. After all, you want the harvest to be good. How to control aphids on pepper seedlings - methods:

  • Pyrethrum- plants of the chamomile species. If you plant it near a crop, the aphids will disappear forever. Pyrethrum produces deadly substances for such insects.
  • ladybugs are predators for aphids that eat them. To attract these insects to your site, you need to plant yarrow.
  • Spraying crops with aphids with different solutions: garlic with laundry soap- Pour 250 grams of garlic into 2 liters of boiling water. Add 20 grams of grated laundry soap and dissolve well. Pour the resulting mixture with 8 liters of water. For spraying, take 2 liters of infusion and dissolve in 10 liters of water.
  • Dry mustard- Brew 30 grams of this powder in 250 grams of water. Leave for two days in a closed jar. Then add water up to 10 liters and spray the plants with this solution.
  • Soda with laundry soap- Dissolve a tablespoon of soda and 30 grams of soap in 1 liter of water. There is no need to infuse this solution; immediately spray the young leaves and stems.

Choose one of the presented methods of combating aphids, and help the seedlings cope with such a serious disease.

Yellow leaves on seedlings indicate a lack of nutrients. If the leaves on top turn yellow, the plant lacks iron, manganese, and zinc. When the lower leaves turn yellow, there is a lack of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. What to do in this case? Do the following:

  • Fertilize the soil with a ready-made complex with microelements. It can be bought in special stores.
  • Take the shell of one egg and crush it well in a mortar. Apply one pinch of the resulting powder under each bush.
  • Hide plants from direct sunlight.

If pepper seedlings still turn yellow, pay attention to waterlogging of the soil. The seedlings first dried out and then turned yellow - insufficient watering. The seedlings have turned yellow, but have not dried out, stop watering for a couple of days.

Important: When seedlings are planted in peat pots, you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. The walls of this container quickly become dry, so water the plants in small portions every day.

If the leaves of young peppers begin to curl, this must be corrected immediately. The reason for this phenomenon may be a lack of nutrients in the soil. But the main one is pests. Why do the top leaves of pepper seedlings curl: what to treat with?

  • Spider mites and aphids- in addition to curls on the leaves, there is a slight yellowing of the leaf. Onion tincture will help: pour 1 cup of onion peel with a liter of hot water. Leave for 24 hours and then spray the plants. Repeat the procedure after 5 days.
  • Larvae in the soil— the leaves are strongly curled, but the plant develops normally and dies only by mid-March. Take action immediately: make a pink solution of potassium permanganate and pour it over the seedlings. To prevent this from happening again, water the soil with boiling water before planting.

Important: Leaf curling often occurs due to uneven growth of different parts of the leaf. In this case, you do not need to do anything. Over time, this problem will disappear on its own.

When a gardener grows seedlings, he tries to do everything so that they develop well. But problems with plant growth often arise, and I want to immediately help the green crop. What to do when pepper seedlings have stopped growing?

  • Root and basal rot- stop watering for several days. Then water as usual, but not too much.
  • Suberization of root tissues- treat the soil with a special solution from the store: Fitosporin or Baikal Em-1.
  • Using high-moor peat instead of soil- it can only be used as a component to ordinary land. Seedlings can be grown in peat only in the first weeks. Then it needs to be transplanted into the ground.

In order to grow good seedlings, you need a lot of experience. Gradually, from year to year, every gardener gains this experience and rejoices at the new rich harvest.

Fighting spider mites is difficult and painstaking work. The tick quickly adapts to chemicals, but insecticides have no effect on it. How to get rid of spider mites on pepper seedlings?

One effective method was described above. If it doesn't help, use insectoacaricidal preparations. They enter the tick's intestines and infect the pest. These drugs are sold in garden supply stores.

Advice: To protect a young plant from this disease, take preventive measures.

Prevention consists of treating the beds with an infusion of calendula and marigolds. Soak 400 grams of flowers of these plants in two liters of water. Leave for 3 days. Then dilute the resulting infusion to 4 liters and spray the seedlings with it.

The juicy and green leaves of pepper seedlings attract many pests. Who can eat pepper seedlings? What to process? You can see the following pests on damaged leaves:

  • naked slug- this pest eats the plant if it is planted in a greenhouse. Treat the green crop with a solution of water (1 liter) and ammonia (1 tablespoon).
  • On the leaves of already grown seedlings you can see the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle. They need to be removed from the leaves and destroyed. Spray the seedlings with a water infusion of dry celandine leaves.
  • Large insects can eat up seedlings that are already planted in the ground. Mole crickets and cutworms should be combated using special biological products.
  • Sprout fly- dangerous in the first phase of plant life. Spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Tip: Start pest control as early as possible. A visual inspection of the beds will help to detect insects; damaged plants are immediately noticeable.

Before planting the plant in purchased soil, you need to steam the soil well. At home, this can be done using a water bath or a regular oven. The temperature in the oven should be no more than 70 degrees. This will help get rid of various microorganisms and pest larvae.

But, if pimples do appear on the pepper seedlings, what should you do in this case? Adviсe:

  • Waterlogging of the soil and lack of light- reduce watering and reduce humidity in the room through ventilation.
  • Spider mite— first the pimples appear, and then the cobwebs. Ways to combat this pest were described above. You can create conditions of high humidity. Water the seedlings and cover with film for 3 days. But make sure that such a greenhouse does not damage the seedlings themselves.
  • Shchitovka is a pest that has a detrimental effect on young pepper leaves. Prepare the following solution: dissolve 20 grams of liquid soap and ammonia in 2 liters of cold water. Treat the leaves of the plant.

Try different pest control methods. This will help you find your own method of curing young leaves from diseases.

It is visually difficult to determine why pepper seedlings wither. You will have to remove one plant from the ground to see the cause of the disease. Possible reasons for the appearance of limp leaves:

  • Water stagnation. If the drainage holes are scanty, excess moisture does not leave after watering - the soil is oversaturated, the roots are suffocating.
  • Dry indoor air. The seedlings should be kept warm, but it is forbidden to place them near the radiator. Move the container with the young culture to another location.
  • Drafts. If the seedlings are on a windowsill, cold air streams may hit the plants. Change the location of pots with seedlings or stop drafts.
  • Insufficient watering. When inspecting the crop, you saw sluggish or dried roots; urgently water the rest of the seedlings. Water it more often to keep the soil moderately saturated with moisture.

Often, in order for seedlings to stop withering, you just need to move the boxes or pots with plants to another place.

Due to improper care, a disease such as black leg occurs. What to do if the leg of the pepper seedlings turns black? Reasons and tips on how to get rid of the problem:

  • Excessive watering or stagnation of water in the container with planted crops - water the seedlings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Watering should be done less frequently than usual.
  • Fusarium fungal disease- occurs if the soil has been poorly disinfected. If you notice the disease immediately, transplant the plants into another box with treated soil.
  • Overheat— move the containers with seedlings to another place, and the problem will disappear.
  • Direct sunlight can burn leaves and dry out the soil. If the sun shines on your seedlings during the day, move them to another place or cover the young shoots with paper.

Water the seedlings with humates or humic acids. You can purchase them in specialized stores.

Whitefly is a white midge. Such a dangerous pest can destroy a plant in a couple of weeks. Loves warmth and high humidity. If larvae appear, then it is much more difficult to fight this pest. Therefore, it is important to notice the insect as early as possible. How to get rid of whiteflies on pepper seedlings? Adviсe:

  • Remove and destroy any damaged leaves; they may contain larvae.
  • Natural enemies of this pest are lacewings and ladybugs. Read above how you can attract these beneficial insects to your site.
  • Spray the plants with insecticides - Aktara. Don't forget about safety measures: gloves, respirator and goggles.
  • Glue traps for flies - place them at a distance of up to 1 meter from each other.
  • Low air temperature - a cool room will help destroy the pest.

Tip: If there are not too many pests, you can spray the seedlings with garlic infusion: leave 150 grams of chopped garlic in 1 liter of water for a week. Then dilute 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of concentrate in 1 liter of water.

Powdery mildew is a disease that affects the entire plant and is characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the leaves. At first, the plaque is noticeable only on one or several leaves, then the area affected by the disease increases. How to treat pepper seedlings if there is a white coating on the leaves? Adviсe:

  • Inspect all plants and remove affected leaves.
  • Iodine solution will help cope with the disease - dilute 5 drops of iodine in 0.5 liters of water and sprinkle the leaves.
  • Fungicidal agents— sold in specialized stores (Abiga-Pik, Acrobat MC, Alirin B and others).
  • Weak solution of potassium permanganate helps fight many pests and plant diseases.
  • Soda solution— Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Add 20 grams of crushed household goods. soap Mix all ingredients thoroughly and spray the seedlings.
  • Replace the soil in the box and replant the plants in new soil.

Good care and constant inspection of plants will help identify diseases in the early stages. This will make pest control much easier.

As the plants grow, they begin to touch each other and become shaded by leaves. Each culture begins to fight for living space and stretch upward. What to do if pepper seedlings stretch out? Adviсe:

  • It is good to harden seedlings. In the first few days after the first leaves appear, the air temperature in the room during the day should be up to 18 degrees, and at night - up to 15 degrees. If the air temperature is high, root growth stops and stem and leaf growth begins.
  • Water the seedlings after the true leaves appear.
  • Pick the plant in a timely manner, removing the lower part of the main root of the crop.

If you follow all the tips on caring for seedlings, exterminating pests and doing the picking correctly, you can get a rich harvest of peppers. A vegetable grown with your own hands will be tastier and healthier than one bought at the market or in a supermarket.

Video: Causes of death of pepper seedlings