Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» The distance between molecules in a gaseous substance. Physics. Molecules. Arrangement of molecules in gaseous, liquid and solid distance. their educational institutions are located

The distance between molecules in a gaseous substance. Physics. Molecules. Arrangement of molecules in gaseous, liquid and solid distance. their educational institutions are located

Only on the stomach:

1. in a state of coma;

2. with frequent vomiting;

3. in case of burns of the back and buttocks;

4. if damage is suspected spinal cord when only canvas stretchers are available.

Only on the back with legs raised or bent at the knees:

1. with penetrating wounds of the abdominal cavity;

2. with a large blood loss or suspicion of internal bleeding;

3. with fractures of the lower extremities.

In the “frog” position with a roller placed under the knees:

1. if a fracture of the pelvic bones is suspected;

2. in case of suspected fracture of the upper third of the femur, bones hip joint;

3. in case of suspected damage to the spine, spinal cord;

4. in case of injuries of the spine, pelvis, carry only on a solid stretcher, on a shield, on a door.

Only sitting or semi-sitting:

1. with penetrating wounds of the chest;

2. with neck injuries;

3. with difficulty breathing after drowning;

4. with fractures of the hands.

Immobilization in case of damage to the bones of the skull

Immobilization of the skull bones is the best way to use a cotton-gauze ring or create a depression from soft material at the head of the medical stretcher. The use of ladder tires is disadvantageous, since it is difficult for the victim to turn his head to the side when vomiting to prevent the vomit from entering the respiratory tract.

Of the standard tires, the Elansky tire is used. A layer of cotton wool is placed on the tire, and then putting it under the head and upper part back, bandaged to the head with a gauze bandage. The ribbons available on the tire are tied around the shoulders and on the chest. In the absence of tires, the victim with a fracture of the skull is placed on a stretcher to which he is tied, in order to avoid any movement whatsoever. Placed under the head and neck soft pillow or bedding, and a roller is made around the head from blankets or clothes.

Temporary fixation of jaw fractures is achieved by applying a sling-like bandage, which should bring the damaged jaw close to the healthy one.

To prevent tongue retraction, it is necessary to fix it by bandaging the tongue to the cheek. If the victim is unconscious, and it is not possible to strengthen the tongue, then the patient's head is turned to one side. It is even better in such cases to lay the patient face down, that is, on the stomach, and put a bundle of clothes or some dense object under the forehead and chest. With any method of fixing the tongue and laying the victim, such patients require constant monitoring.

Immobilization in case of damage to the upper limbs

When applying transport splints, the upper limb is usually given a certain position, namely: 1) the arm is more or less abducted at the shoulder joint and bent at the elbow under a straight or acute angle; 2) the palm in most cases is turned to the stomach; 3) the hand is slightly bent to the rear, the fingers are half-bent, for which a ball, a bandage or a dense lump of cotton wool wrapped in gauze is put into the palm of the patient, which the victim covers with his fingers. Fixing fingers in a straightened position is unacceptable.

In the absence of standard and improvised splints, the injured arm (fractures of the hand and forearm) should be hung on a scarf, and if the shoulder is fractured, it should be bandaged to the body.

Immobilization in case of damage to the lower extremities (thighs)

They take wire or wooden tires of 2 sizes, one long (from the armpit to the foot), the other short (from the crotch to the foot). Both tires are carefully lined with a cotton pad, and the wire ones are bent along the contours of the corresponding limb. Tires are tightly bandaged to the body and the injured leg, and the long one is laid along outer surface torso and legs, and a short one along inner surface legs, taking special care to place the foot at a right angle to the axis of the lower leg.

The bandage captures three joints: hip, knee and ankle.

Fractures of the lower leg

A mesh tire 1 m long is placed on the inner surface of the lower leg, and its end is bent with a horseshoe to cover the foot through the sole. The second tire of the same length is placed on the outer surface of the lower leg and tied with ribbons to the first tire. Both tires are bent along the contours of the leg and bandaged to it.

Foot fractures

A mesh tire 1 m long is bent at a right angle, bent along the contours of the back surface of the lower leg and given it the shape of a gutter if possible. The length of the tire is from the upper third of the lower leg to the ends of the toes (it is better if the tire protrudes 2-4 cm beyond the ends of the fingers). The tire is bandaged to the injured leg along its back and plantar surface. In the absence of wire busbars, strips of plywood or cardboard can be used. In these cases, two tires are needed: one of them is placed on the outer, the other on the inner surface of the foot and lower leg.

Transportation of the victim on a medical stretcher under the supervision of a medical professional is the most ideal way. However, in a number of situations, this issue has to be resolved independently by the persons providing emergency care. The main methods of transportation are shown in the figures: 11.23. - 11.28.

Rice. 11.23. Carrying the victim on the shoulder. With this method, the main load falls on the shoulder, spinal column, legs

is. 11. 24. Carrying the victim by one person on the back and on the back with the help of a strap. This method is the least tiring for the rescuer carrying the victim.

R is. 11.25. Transportation of the victim by dragging (on a tarpaulin, blanket, coat, etc.).

Rice. 11. 26. Carrying the victim with a strap

Rice. 11.27. The method of transporting the victim "one after the other."

Rice. 11. 28. Improvised stretcher from improvised means: a) from poles and two shirts; b) from poles and a coat with turned-out sleeves; c) from poles and rope

Transportation on stomach only:

1. In a state of coma;

2. With frequent vomiting;

3. In cases of burns of the back and buttocks;

4. If a spinal cord injury is suspected, when only a canvas stretcher is available.

Transportation only on the back with legs raised or bent at the knees:

1. With penetrating wounds of the abdominal cavity;

2. With a large blood loss or suspected internal bleeding;

3. With fractures of the lower extremities.

In the “frog” position with a roller placed under the knees:

1. If you suspect a fracture of the pelvic bones;

2. If you suspect a fracture of the upper third of the femur, the bones of the hip joint;

3. If you suspect damage to the spine, spinal cord;

4. In case of injuries of the spine, pelvis, carry only on a solid stretcher, on a shield, door or on vacuum mattresses

Transport only sitting or semi-sitting:

1. With penetrating wounds of the chest;

2. For neck injuries;

3. With difficulty breathing after drowning;

4. With fractures of the hands.

Tests for knowledge control Bleeding

1. Methods for temporarily stopping bleeding include: 1. Ligation of the vessel on the clamp; 2. Applying a tourniquet; 3. Electrocoagulation; 4. Stitching of the vessel.

2. A tourniquet in summer can lie continuously on a limb for no more than: 1. 20-30 minutes; 2. 1.5-2 hours; 3. 60 minutes;

3. Signs of pulmonary bleeding are: 1. Cough with rusty sputum, chills, 2. Discharge of blood from the mouth, no cough, 3. Vomiting the color of coffee grounds, pale skin, 4. Bright scarlet frothy blood coming out of the mouth synchronously with coughing shocks

4. Dark red blood flowing from the wound in a continuous stream is observed with ______bleeding:

1. Arterial, 2. Venous, 3. Capillary, 4. Parenchymal

5. Bleeding, in which scarlet pulsating blood is ejected from the wound is called:

1. Parenchymal, 2. Arterial, 3. Venous, 4. Capillary

6. Where to press the damaged carotid artery in case of injury to the lower part of the neck? 1. Above the wound. 2. Below the wound, 3. In the wound, 4. In any of the above places.

7. Secondary bleeding due to (one): 1. Secondary external damage to blood vessels;

2. Separation of a blood clot, due to rough manipulation or transportation; 3. Damage to the vessel at the time of injury; 4. Damage to nearby tissues

8. Actions when rendering first aid with arterial bleeding: 1. Raise the limb higher, apply a tight bandage; 2. Stop bleeding with a fist or finger, apply a hemostatic tourniquet, twist with an indication of the time of application; 3. Apply a tight bandage to the wound area, previously plugging the wound; 4. Treat the edges of the wound with a solution of iodine or alcohol, put cold on the wound area.

9. Signs of gastric bleeding are: 1. Cough with rusty sputum, chills;

2. Discharge of blood from the mouth, no cough; 3. Vomiting the color of coffee grounds, pale skin; 4. Bright scarlet frothy blood coming out of the mouth synchronously with coughing shocks.


1. The concept of a wound includes: 1. Damage to bones and tendons; 2. Violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes of the body; 3. The appearance of neoplasms on the skin; 4. The appearance of infectious foci on the skin.

2. The main actions in the provision of first aid for penetrating wounds of the abdomen are: 1. Reduction of internal organs in case of their loss, application of an aseptic dressing, transportation; 2. Applying an aseptic dressing to a wound (or prolapsed organs without their reduction), administration of analgesics, transportation; 3. Applying an aseptic bandage to the wound (or prolapsed organs); 4. Reposition of prolapsed organs in case of their prolapse, application of an aseptic bandage, administration of analgesics, transportation.

3. Clinical signs of bruised wounds are: 1. Widely divergent edges of the wound, visible bone, acute pain; 2. Jagged edges, profuse bleeding, acute pain; 3. Rough edges of the wound, significant damage to the tissues surrounding the wound, prolonged dull pain; 4. Smooth edges, profuse bleeding, prolonged pain.

4. Wounds most favorable for healing are (one): 1. firearms, 2. cut,

3. torn-bruised, 4. stabbed.

5. Wounds with closing edges bleeding slightly: 1. chopped, 2. torn, 3. chopped, 4. chopped

6. Wounds that are dangerous for the development of tetanus: 1 chopped, 2 torn, 3. chopped, 4. chopped

7. A set of measures aimed at preventing the entry of microorganisms into the wound is called: 1. Asepsis, 2. Antisepsis, 3. Disinfection, 4. Disinsection.

8. A set of measures aimed at the destruction of microorganisms in the wound and in the body as a whole is called: 1. Asepsis, 2. Antiseptics, 3. Disinfection, 4. Disinsection.

9. Lubricate with tincture of iodine: 1. Edges and bottom of the wound, 2. Bottom of the wound, 3. Skin around the wound, 4. Edges of the wound

» to calculate body mass index, smoker index, physical activity level, anthropometric indices and other indicators.


Prevent the development of abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, etc. Watch out: for men, it should not exceed 94 cm, for women - 80 cm.

healthy eating

To maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, do not consume more than 170 g per day (including red meat and poultry).


Stop smoking or don't start if you don't smoke - this will minimize the risk of developing obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and a number of other specific "smoker's diseases".

Health control

To monitor the health of the respiratory system, once a year, do a fluorography and be examined by a therapist.

Survey plan

Use " " to create your own schedule preventive examinations, testing and medical consultations.

healthy eating

Eat at least 300 g per week, including fatty varieties (mackerel, trout, salmon). The omega 3 acids contained in fish help in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Health control

To monitor the health of the endocrine system, periodically take a blood test for glucose.


Find the right specialist, medical institution, specialized organization in the field of health and healthy lifestyle in the "" section.


Prevent the development of chronic, fraught with a serious deterioration in well-being and a decrease in the quality of life: solve emerging problems in time, rest, get enough sleep, drive healthy lifestyle life.

healthy eating

To avoid problems with weight and blood glucose levels, limit consumption to 6 teaspoons per day (for women), 9 teaspoons per day (for men).

Anthropometric map

Keep track of your weight without going beyond the normal values ​​​​of the Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. "" will help you with this.

Health control

To monitor the health of the urinary system, take a blood and urine test once a year.

Health Index

Use " " to assess your lifestyle and its impact on the state of the body.

Health control

For health control digestive system Once a year, undergo an examination by a therapist, determine the body mass index and cholesterol level in the blood, at the age of over 50, be checked for colon cancer.

Physical condition map

Use " " to determine your level of physical development.

healthy eating

To diversify your diet with everyone essential trace elements, eat at least 300-400 g per day (fresh and cooked).

Negative impact

Find out all the risk factors that affect your health in the block " Negative impact».

health card

Fill out a questionnaire on organ systems, get a personal opinion on each of the systems and recommendations for health control.

Survey map

Use " " to store and interpret results laboratory research(blood tests, urine tests, etc.).

Excess weight

Keep track of your weight without going beyond the normal values ​​​​of the Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. Use "" to calculate and control BMI.

healthy eating

Do not consume more than 5 g (1 teaspoon) per day. This will protect you from problems with water-salt metabolism in the body.


Do not exceed 20 ml of ethanol for women and 30 ml of ethanol for men. This The best way minimize the harm from drinking alcohol.

Anthropometric map

Use " " to determine the body mass index, body type and identify problems with weight.

healthy eating

For digestive health and proper balance nutrients make the basis of your diet by eating at least 6-8 servings per day (300 ml of whole porridge and 200 g of bran bread).

health card

By filling out the "Health Card", you will receive full information about the state of your health.

Health control

To monitor the health of the cardiovascular system, once a year, undergo an examination by a therapist, regularly measure arterial pressure and take a blood test for cholesterol.


Visit the dentist at least once a year, treat your teeth in time and get rid of tartar, preventing the development of serious oral diseases.


Pass a series of useful informational tests in the "" section: the data obtained will help you detect problems or adjust your healthy lifestyle plan.

Health control

To monitor eye health, visit an ophthalmologist once every 2 years; after 40 years, determine intraocular pressure annually.

Physical activity

To prevent hypodynamia, increase your regular physical activity up to at least (150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week), try to move more.