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» Mediterranean garden plants. Landscaping in the Mediterranean style. Decor and accessories that emphasize style

Mediterranean garden plants. Landscaping in the Mediterranean style. Decor and accessories that emphasize style

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We associate the Mediterranean with a warm climate, bright sun, bright colors and great mood. Creating a garden in this style, we get a paradise for relaxation, work and simple enjoyment of life. In our article, we will introduce you closer to the Mediterranean style of the garden, tell you what plants, architecture and decor items are used in it, give some tips on arranging your site so that it is filled with warmth, comfort and peace.

Varieties of Mediterranean garden style

This style has some varieties that differ from each other.

  • Italian garden. Such a garden has a strict layout and a traditional Italian look. It uses symmetry, straight lines, paths and reservoirs of geometric shapes. The territory is divided into zones, which are demarcated with hedges or pergolas with clematis, climbing roses or other liana-like ornamental plants. An Italian garden is laid out on an uneven area with hills, curvature or slope. All the shortcomings of the garden are decorated with plants, decorative objects, fountains, stairs, passages and paths. In separate zones, a fountain or pond, a grotto or a chandelier with benches are installed. In a garden of this style, you can often see columns, large flower pots made of stone, antique amphoras, bas-reliefs or garden figures. Of the plants, thuja and boxwood are most often found, which are cut in the form of a ball or spiral, as well as topiary.
  • mediterranean provence. A distinctive feature of this garden is the presence of plantings of lavender. It can be seen in separate pots, and as a lawn and in plantings with roses. The aroma of her flowers spreads over the entire garden, calms and puts thoughts in order. Also, such a garden is characterized by freedom of design, the absence of straight lines, the natural arrangement of plants. Forged objects are used as decor and additions to the garden: sofas, benches, tables, stairs, fences. Sofas and benches are covered with soft pillows with ornaments from the symbols of Provence - a rooster and lavender.
  • Greek garden. In a garden of this style, snow-white, olive, azure or terracotta color is used. It has many seating areas and nooks, covered with pergolas or climbing plants, where you can hide from the scorching sun and enjoy socializing with friends or being alone. Among the items you can always see a large table and comfortable chairs. All furniture is made from woven bamboo, wicker or rattan. The windows of gazebos and summer buildings are decorated with light curtains that will protect from the sun and heating indoors. Boxwood, thuja or juniper are planted from plants. They are grown in pots for portability and winter storage. Such plants can change the image of the garden and serve as a shelter in certain areas. In addition, they serve as a beautiful background for flowering plants with a bright color. In Greek gardens, they make a zone for growing cultivated plants such as onions, garlic, lettuce, parsley, sorrel, basil, saffron, dill, celery, coriander and others.

Features of the Mediterranean style

In gardens of this style, the essential attributes are:

  • Stone or wicker furniture.
  • Forged benches are decorated with pillows.
  • Ceramic pots with and without plants.
  • Statues of ancient gods.
  • Sundial.
  • Fountain, pond.
  • Pergolas.
  • Stone paths.
  • Marble finish.
  • Mosaic compositions, colored glass.
  • Metal baskets or vines for fruit.

Since there are many gardens by the sea in the Mediterranean, sea shells, pebbles and sea stones are often used for their decoration. Stony uneven terrain requires the use of natural stone of different fractions and colors. Often it is marble chips or sea pebbles.

In a garden of this style, the components of Roman, ancient Greek and modern art are skillfully combined. This gives him the right to be considered one of the most colorful styles of landscape design. In it you can see forged or wicker furniture in light colors, ceramic containers for plants or decorations: flowerpots, pots, amphoras, molds. They are located throughout the territory, some of them are dug in half or laid at an angle, giving them the look of antiquity. The whole garden is designed in a single harmonious style, adhering to one concept.


Given that the Mediterranean climate is different from ours, plants should be selected that will look southern, but can be grown in our region.

Most often in such gardens you can see citrus and palm trees. They are planted in large pots and cleaned indoors for the winter. Topiaries and hedges are made from, and of various types. They also make individual figures in the form of a ball, cone or spiral.

To create shaded areas and vertical plantings, as well as to decorate buildings and objects, liana-like plants are used:, tecomu. They braid arbors and supports and have a spectacular appearance during flowering.

Many exotic plants are planted in separate pots, which are transferred to a separate room for the winter. These include:, olive, and others. Such plants will not only decorate the garden, but also give useful fruits.

Shrubs are planted as hedges or as separate elements. These are such as:, and others.

A garden of this style is not complete without flowers, which are planted in large numbers. They tend to be bright and fragrant. Annual and perennial plants are planted:,,, gloria, and others.

A separate place is reserved for fragrant herbs such as:,

A large role in the garden is played by water elements: a pool, a fountain, a pond, a water cascade, a stream. They are located in the recreation area, not far from the gazebo or bench in such a way that you get a good overview from the place of relaxation. The noise of falling water and the coolness from the pond will add even more comfort and enjoyment.

In some places of the garden, amphorae and pots decorated with flowers are installed. They are installed directly or under a slope, they make chips and cracks, giving the appearance of antiquity. Antique sculptures and ceramics are emphasized by plants and stand out against the general background with bright spots.

Another common element of the garden is the patio. It is located on the south side of the garden. In the original, such a platform offers a view of the sea, but in our region, instead of the sea, there can be a beautiful view of the garden, hill or lawn. To create the effect of the close presence of the sea, furniture and some items are decorated in a marine style, painted in white and blue.

Making out the platform and the gazebo, natural materials are used: reed, tiles, straw. The overall picture is complemented by sun loungers, rocking chairs and beach umbrellas.

An obligatory subject in a garden of this style are Greek or Roman sculptures that repeat the originals.

The beauty of the surrounding nature of the southern seas rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Having been there at least once, many want to implement something similar on their site. Of course, citrus tree species or pomegranates will not take root in the open ground of the middle lane. However, the Mediterranean style in landscape design is quite possible to create through a variety of attributes, small architectural forms and plants that feel comfortable in colder climates.

Mediterranean style in landscape design is characterized by an abundance of climbing, ampelous and green plants, mixed with stone paths, and forged furniture and accessories.

The advantage of the Mediterranean style in the landscape, among other things, is the possibility of its use on only 4-6 acres of land.

A narrow and long section in this case is not a disadvantage and does not interfere with the creation of a closed patio. Terraces will give characteristic features to the arrangement of the relief. A sense of privacy will be created by a whitewashed stone or brick fence, or even better -.

When paving paths, massive concrete slabs should be avoided. It is better to replace them with natural stone or terracotta tiles. The gaps between the cover are usually sown with drought-resistant grass. Lightweight, with straight lines and clear shapes, made of light woods, is more suitable for such a design. In the center of the patio, you can install a fountain or build a tiny pond: this style is very reserved about the use of water.

The Mediterranean design is full of wrought iron garden furniture and painted wood benches. Of the attributes, the most popular are various vessels made of ceramics: flower pots, vases, amphorae. In summer, flowerpots with greenhouse trees are taken out on the patio: oleander, laurel, a small thuja. Pots with geraniums and miniature roses will look good there.

In the garden, in addition to the usual fruit trees, they plant chestnut, varietal mountain ash and conifers - cedar, pine, juniper, western thuja. Of the shrubs, boxwood, euonymus, viburnum Buldenezh, honeysuckle are suitable. If the climate permits, cultivated grape varieties are chosen for. For the same purpose, girlish or Amur grapes are planted, as well as hops, clematis, sweet peas.

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Where to start the arrangement?

As always, they preliminarily draw up a project and prepare materials and tools. To build a gazebo you will need:

  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • pegs for marking;
  • twine;
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • a beam of three meters in length made of oak or larch 100x100 mm;
  • timber 50x100 mm;
  • crushed stone;
  • some bitumen or tar;
  • lining;
  • concrete mortar;
  • roofing material.

When arranging the roof, depending on the chosen project, a wide variety of materials can be used, starting with canvas, bundles of river reed or straw, ending with soft tiles.

For the Mediterranean style, a small pond with stone trim and an abundance of plants will be a good addition.

Materials for creating terraces, hedges, paths and decorative elements in the Mediterranean style:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • seashells;
  • brick or natural stone;
  • ceramic tile:
  • in addition, finished products are selected:
  • clay pots;
  • terracotta vases;
  • sculptures;
  • the fountain;
  • garden furniture;
  • wrought iron pergolas;
  • fabric for decoration.

Finally, seedlings of trees and shrubs, seeds and seedlings of flowers and herbs are prepared. The ideal option for clearings is lavender, but if the climate is not suitable, it can be replaced with other flowers - scepter-shaped mullein or speedwell. The atmosphere of the Mediterranean is created by plants of blue, purple, orange and red colors, planted in large groups and forming bright spots around the perimeter of the property.

A large number of ceramic containers of various shapes are used for planting flowers and herbs, as well as individual decorative elements. They are half buried in the ground in a lying position or simply placed throughout the garden. On a well-warmed area, you can grow a lawn of herbs. These are mint, lemon balm, sage, lavender, chicory, different types of steppe onions. And, of course, parsley, dill and borage. Evaporating essential oils in the sun, they create a pleasant and healthy atmosphere.

The Mediterranean style of landscape design unites many countries that, despite their geographical proximity, differ in culture and history. This is the romantic garden architecture of France, Greek terraces, Italian classical style, exotic Spain.

But all these countries are associated with hot sunny summers, blue seas and spicy herbs, so the Mediterranean-style garden is suitable for lovers of the south who prefer a relaxed holiday surrounded by fragrant herbs and flowering bushes.

This garden-architectural style is an excellent proposition for small areas, as it does not require a lot of lush greenery and lawns.

Site selection

To create a Mediterranean landscape, several main factors must be taken into account, the most important of which are good illumination of the site and its protection from strong winds. A small garden surrounded by a stone wall or hedge is ideal. Rough terrain has its advantages, as it allows you to create terraces that are characteristic of this style.

Color palette combination

In the Mediterranean regions, the color scheme plays a big role, therefore, in creating a design, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the harmonious combination of color and space.

It should be dominated by natural warm tones of pink, yellow, brown, which boldly contrast with areas of blue, purple, lilac and blue.

You can also opt for a more subtle version reminiscent of French Provence, opting for a palette of whites, blues and pastels without bright accents.

What plants to plant in a Mediterranean garden?

The vegetation of the Mediterranean climate is rich in colors, shapes and smells. But when choosing plants for this style, it is necessary to take into account certain limitations associated with the climate of the middle zone, since many southern crops do not tolerate frost well, and some simply do not survive in winter.

However, many of the plants that grow in our climate are ideal for this style, and some varieties of thermophilic species have adapted well in cool conditions. For good growth of crops that are predominantly drought tolerant, it is very important that the soil has good water permeability.

The southern nature of the garden is emphasized by such evergreen shrubs as: boxwood, rhododendron, privet, representatives of coniferous cultures. To achieve the landscape of the southern oasis, also use columnar plantings, for example, Blue Arrow juniper, cypresses, pyramidal arborvitae, yew varieties. In warmer regions, you can try planting pine or dwarf pine.

An important element of this garden design are flowering shrubs and creepers. Favorites here are buddley, hibiscus, rhododendron, yucca, honeysuckle, wisteria, ivy. A bright accent is created by multi-colored hydrangea bushes in large terracotta pots that can be placed in partial shade. Here you can buy any variety of hydrangea to decorate the garden.

It is impossible to imagine a southern garden without spicy herbs that give Mediterranean design a unique atmosphere and aroma.
Lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano are indispensable cultures of the southern landscape that give Mediterranean design a unique flavor.

Do not forget also about such plants as sunflowers, catnip, yarrow, santolina, nasturtium, pelargonium, stonecrop, young, cereals. Ampelous flowers in hanging baskets add additional bright accents.

Place a layer of fine gravel around the plantings. Rocky mulch perfectly reveals the beauty and individuality of cultures. Between the stones on the paths and in the masonry of the fences, plant ground cover plants, such as mazus, erinus or thyme.

Materials and small architecture

The landscape style of the southern regions involves the use of such natural materials as sandstone, limestone, light gravel, stones, concrete pavements, terracotta, mosaic fragments. Here you will not find polished and shiny elements. This style is characterized by artificially aged, matte surfaces, rough masonry.

The Mediterranean style design provides a place to relax. Usually this is a small wrought-iron table with elegant chairs or gazebos covered with ivy, roses or covered with white canvas, patios with various awnings. The bench in the garden should be small, preferably made of stone with bright colorful cushions.

An important addition is the variety of vases, jugs, small pots or boxes for herbs and flowers, preferably made of clay, terracotta, stoneware or wood. Clay pots with bright flower arrangements are loosely set on stairs, terraces or in the back of the garden to give the impression of a slight mess. Small fountains are also typical elements of small architecture for this type of garden.

Mediterranean garden care

To maintain the decorativeness of the site, it is enough to take care of the plants, depending on their requirements. The main difficulty lies in maintaining comfortable conditions for southern crops. In this case, it is preferable to grow them in a container and bring them indoors in the fall.

Bushes that are sensitive to frost, especially flowering ones, are covered with agrofiber for the winter and mulched with a thick layer of soil, which protects the root ball from damage. Perennial grasses, especially taller ones, also require shelter for the winter. Their stems are cut and then covered with leaves or spruce branches.

The chic nature of the Mediterranean rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Those who were lucky enough to visit the southern sea coast often want to build something similar on their site. Of course, it is pointless to plant citrus fruits of trees in our climatic conditions, since they will not be able to take root. However, if you adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean style in landscape design, then using the appropriate attributes, plants and architectural forms, it is quite possible to translate your plans into reality.

Mediterranean style in landscape design is characterized by an abundance of climbing, ampelous and green plants, mixed with stone paths, and forged furniture and accessories.

The Mediterranean style in landscape design is characterized by climbing, green plants, stone paths, and wrought-iron furniture. The great advantage of the Mediterranean style in the landscape lies in the possibility of arranging its modest territory (4-6 acres of land).

A narrow and long section in this case is not considered an obstacle to creating a patio - a patio. Terraces give characteristic features to the arrangement of the relief. A whitewashed brick or stone fence will help create a sense of privacy. A high hedge would also be appropriate for this style.

At the time of paving the tracks, large massive slabs should be avoided. An alternative to them will be natural stone or terracotta tiles. To fill the gaps between the coating, grass is suitable, which is resistant to drought. As for the gazebo, a design made of light woods, with clear shapes and strict lines, is ideal for Mediterranean landscape design. In the center of the patio, you can place a flashlight or make a mini-pond: this style is very reserved about the use of water.

Mediterranean design favors an abundance of wrought iron garden furniture and wooden benches. As decorative elements, ceramic vessels are ideal. As the latter, flower pots, vases, amphoras can be used.

With the onset of warm days, flowerpots can be installed on the patio, in which greenhouse trees are planted. As a rule, this is oleander, thuja of modest size, laurel. Pots with geraniums and small roses will be appropriate there.

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Tape flower bed or elongated single border

In addition to ordinary fruit trees, you can plant chestnut, varietal mountain ash, coniferous trees (cedar, juniper, etc.) in the garden. As for shrubs, honeysuckle, boxwood, euonymus are ideal for the patio. If the climate is favorable, for the decoration of the gazebo, you can give preference to cultivated grape varieties. To do this, you can also plant girlish or Amur grapes, hops, clematis.

Before proceeding with the arrangement, you need to draw up a project and prepare all the necessary materials and tools. To build a gazebo you will need:

Design plan for a cottage plot in the Mediterranean style.
  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • pegs for marking;
  • twine;
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • oak or larch timber (3 m, 100x100 mm);
  • timber 50x100 mm;
  • crushed stone;
  • bitumen or tar;
  • lining;
  • concrete mortar;
  • roofing material.

Various materials can be used to create a roof. It all depends on which project was chosen. You can equip the roof using canvas, river reed, straw, tiles.

It is also necessary to prepare materials for creating terraces, paths, decorative elements and hedges in the Mediterranean style:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • seashells;
  • brick or natural stone;
  • ceramic tiles.

You will also need finished products:

  • clay pots;
  • terracotta vases;
  • sculptures;
  • the fountain;
  • terracotta vases;
  • sculptures;
  • the fountain;
  • garden furniture;
  • wrought iron pergolas;
  • fabric for decoration.

To create a patio, you also need to prepare seedlings of trees and shrubs, seeds, seedlings of flowers. The ideal option for clearings is lavender. However, if the climate does not allow growing this plant, it can be replaced with scepter-shaped mullein or speedwell.

The atmosphere of the Mediterranean will help to create plants in a certain color scheme. It is appropriate to give preference to purple, orange, blue and red shades. They can be planted in large groups, which will form bright spots around the perimeter of the site.

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Do-it-yourself water cascades on a slope: tips for gardeners

For the Mediterranean style, a small pond with stone trim and an abundance of plants will be a good addition.

A huge number of ceramic containers of various shapes are used for planting flowers, herbs. Such vessels can also act as separate decorative elements.

In the supine position, they are half buried in the ground or placed throughout the territory. In a place that is well warmed by the sun, you can grow a lawn of herbs. As the latter, mint, lavender, chicory, sage, parsley, dill are ideal. Under the influence of sunlight, these plants will evaporate essential oils, which will create a special atmosphere in the garden.

Small architectural forms

When it comes to creating a Mediterranean-style relief, natural or man-made terraces need to be done so that their undermining is not washed away by rain. It is advisable to place them on a reliable solid foundation. As a rule, they are a layer of compacted gravel and sand on top of it, a flat stone dug into the ground.

If the support is made of wood, its lower part must be treated with a protective agent. With a slight difference in height, it is better to make one large terrace than to divide it into small segments.

You can decorate the garden with antique-style sculptures. In this case, you need not go too far with their number. During the arrangement, you will have to adhere to certain proportions. The Mediterranean style is characterized by paved areas that are connected by stone paths, as well as the absence of lawns. The division of the site into zones by means of trellises and pergolas is approved.

A simple pavilion for relaxation can be built from several pergolas and light textile drapery. Metal structures or structures independently knocked together from lining should be positioned so that they form a square or polygon. The area under them is tiled or covered with gravel. If a gazebo is being built, then it is important that there are no walls and any decor in it. As a rule, this is an ordinary canopy, the main design element of which will be the fabric. To protect it from the wind, you can place it near shrub plantings.

Mediterranean flavor is unusually attractive. He is out of time. The scorching sun, the cloudless bright blue sky, the enticing blue sea, the aromas of spicy herbs and the greenery of cypress trees soaring upwards - all this seems like a wonderful fairy tale, which has no place in central Russia.

All you need to know

Of course, it is impossible to fully reproduce the panorama of the southern garden on your garden plot - climatic conditions still play a decisive role - but it is quite possible to try to get as close to your dream as possible. It is simply necessary to strictly observe a few principles in the creation and care of a Mediterranean garden.

First you need to correctly determine its place. Only a sunny, well-warmed area can be considered as the basis for the southern corner. Neither the shape nor the size of this territory play an important role. "All natural!" - this is the motto of the Mediterranean. First of all, it concerns paving in the garden. We choose frost-resistant natural tiles in warm terracotta shades, which, if necessary, are ideally combined with various natural materials: brick, stone, gravel.

Mediterranean garden in a small area

Even a small area on the south side of the house or an open south-facing terrace can be safely used to make your dream of a Mediterranean garden come true.

Of course, your garden will acquire a southern character when southern plants appear in it. But they are not suitable for growing in open ground, but using them as tubs or pots is a win-win option.

The inhabitants of the dry and hot Mediterranean are drought-resistant plants with pubescent gray-ashy leaves. This is the olive - the symbol of Middle-earth. It can grow for years in containers and even pots, and also bear fruit, provided that there are at least two of these trees on your site. Of course, it is strange to dream of an olive grove in our conditions, but on a hot day, almost any enthusiastic gardener can afford to enjoy the coolness in the shade of dense silvery olive leaves.

Yes, and talking about the tenderness of olive trees is somehow not entirely correct. They are unpretentious, perfectly tolerate drought, resistant to low temperatures within -8 ° C. Care for them is mainly expressed in the regular pruning of elongated shoots, which otherwise become thin and spoil the appearance of the plant.

Good neighbors of olives in the southern garden will be citrus fruits. Lemon, tangerine and orange trees thrive in wide pots and are sure to fill your garden with a refreshing scent. And who wouldn’t be pleased with the prospect of tasting overseas fruits grown on their own, such a non-Mediterranean site?!

Oleander symphony in a mediterranean garden

The real decoration of any garden, especially the southern one, will be another pot culture - a lush, long-blooming oleander. Evergreen shrub with lanceolate, leathery, dark green, up to 20

cm in length with leaves resembling willow or willow leaves, it will require a lot of strength and patience from you before it surprises you with the color of its flowers: white, red, pink or lilac. True southerner, oleander

exists only under the sun. This is the main condition for its prosperity. Take care also of the soil mixture (suitable with a slightly alkaline reaction), regular top dressing and watering regime - it does not tolerate even a slight drying of the soil. Unlike the olive, only faded, old and weak shoots are cut out from the oleander. Heavy pruning can harm the flowering of this plant.

Mediterranean plants living in tubs and pots need to provide good drainage. Usually expanded clay or pebbles play its role. Transplanting plants into the soil mixture on? add drainage material.

When the hot summer rings out, do not forget to transfer all tub plants to the house or winter garden. Place them in well-lit, cool (10-12°C) places. Let them have, though their own, but winter.

Mediterranean garden on a large plot

For decoration in the Mediterranean style of large areas, we choose frost-resistant plants. They are not necessarily southern, but they will definitely create a southern flavor. All sorts of conifers, especially columnar forms, will be an excellent substitute for sensitive cypresses: varieties of thuja western "Smaragd", rocky juniper (Juniperus scopulorum "Blue Arrow") or common juniper (Juniperus communis "Hibernica").

Do not deprive the attention of deciduous and evergreen shrubs: boxwood, holly mahonia, wrinkled viburnum, Fortune's euonymus. Evergreens can be supplemented with herbaceous perennials and annuals. Along with the traditional

and petunias and pelargoniums, which perfectly tolerate a sunny location, also plant spicy crops: veiny and Fassen catnip, silver lavender, oregano, lemon balm, sage.

The feathery leaves of tannic sumac resemble palm leaves. White locust will bring back memories of leisurely southern walks, and fragrant roses are an indispensable attribute of a Mediterranean garden of any size.

It is preferable to plant English shrub roses: they are frost-resistant, resistant to pests and diseases, they have a long flowering period and a wonderful aroma. Varieties "Falstaff", "Heritage", "Rhapsody in Blue" will fill the garden with a rich aroma of honey, wine and pear.

Ground cover roses located along the edges of the flower garden will bring special charm. The contrast of red (“Hello”) and white (“Blanc Meillandecor”) will flash against the background of the dense greenery of the Mediterranean garden.

A mixborder will complete the composition with perennials planted in it with different foliage shapes: linear (filamentous yucca, irises, cereals, daylilies), rounded (bergenia, geranium, geyhera) and openwork (yarrow meadowsweet, cornflower). Euphorbia, stonecrop and sunflower should also take their rightful place in the Mediterranean-style garden. The Mediterranean garden is distinguished by an abundance of all kinds of garden attributes: elegant metal furniture, various sculptures and sculptures, ceramic vessels, flowerpots, fountains and fountains, terracotta pots of various sizes. The only thing to remember is that there should be a measure in everything. Do not overload a small area of ​​the garden with a large number of decorative items.

Let the corner of the Mediterranean you have created be filled with sun, pleasant aromas and light coolness. Let it be a good reason to remember the Mediterranean holidays or, on the contrary, invite you on an unforgettable journey to the country of your dreams. Remember that "we were born to make a fairy tale come true" ...