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» Waxing moon in June July. Moon calendar. Moon phases. Lunar days

Waxing moon in June July. Moon calendar. Moon phases. Lunar days

All bodies in our world closely interact with each other, and the larger their size, the closer they are to each other, the stronger their mutual influence. Therefore, the Moon affects the tides of the sea, the growth rate of plants, the behavior of animals and the mood of people. Many people prefer to plan certain events in their lives, focusing on what the Moon is like at the moment: waxing or waning. This can be determined using a special lunar calendar.

What is a lunar calendar and how to use it

The Moon makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 28 days, this period is called a lunar month. It begins at the moment when the Moon is practically invisible in the sky. Visual increase The visible part of the Moon occurs within 2 weeks, they say that during this period the Moon “grows”. The waxing Moon increases in size day by day; when we see its full disk in the sky at night, the full moon will come. After that visible part The Moon's disk decreases again, and it becomes waning.

All these changes are reflected in a special lunar calendar. The lunar month consists of 28 lunar days, it is divided into 4 phases. In phases I and II, the Moon is considered growing or young, in the rest - waning.

Waxing Moon and its influence

If the Moon is waxing, it means the time has come for renewal and creation. Many people believe that new projects will be successful if they are started on the new moon. Movement, growth, change - all this is the growing Moon. Having learned from the lunar calendar what date the waxing Moon will be, you can open a new business or start an existing business. On the waxing Moon, new acquaintances become successful: people are more willing to make contact, and business connections established during this period become stronger. Romantic meetings also turn out to be productive: women perceive men less critically, and the latter see only good sides in their chosen ones.

Human health is also influenced by the waxing Moon: at this time the body is tuned to consumption, and not to restriction. During this period, any procedures aimed at restoring and strengthening health are favorable: vitamins are better absorbed, and medications bring more benefits. The body is able to work with full efficiency, so it is easier to tolerate increased physical exercise or intense mental activity. However, it is also undesirable to strain too much and waste strength, since the immune system is weaker at this time, and the ailments that arise are more difficult to bear.

It is called the growing (young) Moon.

Waxing Moon (young Moon) and its influence

The waxing Moon shows the way, accepts, builds, creates, accumulates energy, prevents the earth from accepting moisture, accumulates strength, has a positive effect on everything that can be saved, and helps to relax.

Growing Moon (young Moon) - health

On the young moon, all activities and procedures to restore and strengthen organs and body parts are favorable.

Everything that you want to introduce into the body, that strengthens and builds it, is doubly effective during these two weeks.

It is easier to eliminate deficiencies during a waxing Moon than during a waning Moon; it is especially useful at this time to make up for the lack of minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, calcium, and iron preparations work much better.

When the Moon is young, the body accumulates energy, gains strength, and it is undesirable to waste it at this time, since even a slight load can lead to exhaustion. At this time, the immune system is weaker, we have a harder time enduring even minor ailments, wounds bleed more and heal worse. As the crescent of the Moon increases, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operation decreases, wounds and injuries begin to heal worse. It leaves a lot of scars. The closer the day of the full moon, the stronger this influence.

With the waxing Moon, more fluid accumulates in the body and, in particular, in the legs; it is difficult to remove it even with diuretics. Any poisoning from a wasp sting to mushroom poisoning turns out to be very strong. But the body also perceives medicinal ointments much better during the young moon.

When the Moon is waxing, the body tries to assimilate the food it receives as much as possible and store as much as possible in reserve. With always the same eating habits, we feel a feeling of heaviness in our stomach much more often, and we gain weight more easily.

Therefore, you need to limit yourself in nutrition if you do not want to gain weight.

Growing Moon (young Moon) – beauty, hair cutting

When the moon is waxing, the body is tuned to absorb energy, to absorb and preserve everything that comes into it. The skin more easily accepts everything that nourishes it, that supplies it with the necessary substances - that is, nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks. Cutting your hair during the waxing moon is very favorable; hair cut at this time grows faster. Especially and , a and should be skipped.

Waxing Moon calendar for 2019 contains information about the dates and times of the beginning and end of the growing Moons.

Waxing Moon (young Moon) in the zodiac signs

Waxing Moon in Aries

This is a time of excessive emotional stress and overcoming various obstacles. Listen more to common sense and take care of your nerves.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

The motto of this period is “practicality”. You can successfully do any business that requires diligence and patience - from cleaning the apartment to making purchases. country house. Examination financial statements or inventory will go easier and more fun than usual.

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Favorable time for short trips, business meetings outside. Get a strong impression, notice a lot of interesting things, new ideas will appear.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

During the growing Moon in Cancer, you will especially need the help of other people. Feeding new ideas is necessary, but they all require careful consideration.

Waxing Moon in Leo

If you love jewelry, pay attention to these expensive trinkets. Visit salons and antique stores. During this period, aesthetic impressions from contemplating jewelry, as well as works of art, turn into new ideas.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

The time is boring, you may feel some emptiness in your head and soul. In each of us, even the busiest person, lies a vulnerable soul, susceptible to various human weaknesses, and the young Moon in Virgo once again reminds us of this.

Waxing Moon in Libra

These days we strive to distinguish between business and personal. It's time to sort out your relationships, so you just need to put aside your emotions and start with analysis.

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

This is a period of personal experiences. Deal with problems that require emotional stress. You can meet with friends and talk about your personal affairs.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

If you have been planning to travel abroad for a long time, but still haven’t gone, then it’s time to put everything aside for this trip. The young Moon in Sagittarius is a good time to combine business with pleasure.

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

At this time, there is clearly a surge in business activity. The main thing is to skillfully manage the resources given to you - an offer of promotion, salary increase, benefits, privilege, etc. The situation can become dramatic if you are not prepared for it.

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Think about charity. We must share with our neighbors, and this requires emotional contact with a person or group in need, and not just a transfer of funds.

Waxing Moon in Pisces

The best thing now is to throw yourself into work and not think about your well-being. Since taking medications during this period is very harmful, you can get poisoned.

The first New Moon of the summer will occur on June 24th. In order for luck to accompany you in everything on this day, you will have to try, since this time the new Moon will be far from the most harmless.

Astrologers note that the New Moon in Cancer can make you nervous. This can have a particularly strong impact on people who do not have clearly defined goals for the near future and, in particular, for June 24, 2017. It is advisable to stay in your comfort zone on this difficult day for all Zodiac Signs.

Financial and business areas

For those who are accustomed to putting money at the forefront, astrologers have prepared far from pleasant news. The fact is that Cancer and the New Moon have sharp opposition to each other. The energy of this constellation is dynamic and requires from people not so much action as desire. In this regard, Cancer is worse than Aries. The dissonance will be quite strong, so don't try to get the most out of yourself.

Solve your affairs gradually, without panic. The main thing now is not to make promises to your superiors and not to throw yourself into work. Fortunately, it will be Saturday, because on this day not everyone works and is active financially. This will be a very bad day for any work - both individual and team.

Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

The new moon is a time of respite, time out. Give your other half the opportunity to feel freedom. On June 24, astrologers do not recommend checking love compatibility, since such experiments are best carried out on harmonious and favorable days. On the New Moon, too many troubles can come unexpectedly.

This Saturday, experts advise staying in solitude. Sexual energy will drop sharply, so don’t expect any causeless outbursts of tenderness from your significant other. Everyone will be for themselves this New Moon, so the only positive thing will be the awareness and acceptance of this fact.

Mood and health during the New Moon

May good luck be with you today. Live according to the laws of the Universe - do not harm anyone, think about the good and cleanse yourself of negativity. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2017 06:22

The new moon is a special time when magical flows are especially strong. Using money signs and beliefs accumulated...

The new moon is a special day when many things can go uphill if you meet it correctly...

The full lunar cycle is 28 days. Each of them is divided into 4 parts: morning, afternoon, evening and night. Unlike a 24-hour solar day, a lunar day has 25 hours.

Change lunar phases affects emotional state person, his mood and performance. Some zodiac signs become depressed, become irritable and literally empty, while others experience a surge of strength, vigor and activity.

Moon in summer 2016. June

The new moon will appear in the sky on June 5 at 6:00. From the 6th to the 19th of the first summer month, the Moon will be in the waxing stage. The full moon can be observed on June 20 at 14:03. The celestial body will be in its waning phase on June 1-4 and June 20-30. The favorable period in June is 5, 6, 10, 12-14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 25-29. Unfavorable period in June 2016 – 2-4, 7, 9, 15, 16, 30.

Moon in the summer of 2016. July

The new moon will be visible on July 4th at 2:01 p.m. During the period from July 5 to July 19, the Moon will wax. The full month will appear in the sky on July 20 at 01:58. Periods of waning of the Moon in July of the current year: July 1-3, 21-31. Favorable days: 1-3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23-25, 27-29 July. Days that will not be favorable: July 4, 7, 12, 18, 21, 22, 26, 30.

Moon in the summer of 2016. August

August 2 at 23:44 - new moon. The moon will be in its waxing stage from August 3 to August 17. August 18 at 12:28 – full moon. The waning of the Earth's satellite is August 19-31. Favorable days last summer month: 2, 4, 7, 11-15, 17-19, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, unfavorable: 5, 8, 9, 20, 27, 30 August.

The influence of the Moon on gardening in the summer of 2016

The Moon in Cancer on June 6-7 favors replanting perennials indoor plants And fruit trees. Leo and Aquarius, on the contrary, are not conducive to planting or replanting plants. These days you should refrain from making global changes summer cottage. On days that bypass the full moon, all efforts should be directed toward weed control; weeds knocked down with a hoe or mowed on these days will not be an “eyesore” for the owners longer. When the Moon is in Aries, June 26-28, astrologers recommend planting only fast-growing crops. Beginning and end of month 3 and 30,31 – best time for disembarkation deciduous trees And ornamental shrubs. Plants established during this period of time will overwinter well.

Watering and fertilizing are the main garden concerns in July; they should be intensified on the 4th, 5th, 13-15th, 22nd, 23rd and 31st. During this period of time, plants will especially need abundant watering - the Moon is in water signs. When the night star is in the phase of air signs, 1.2, 10-12, 20-22, 29.30, astrologers do not recommend oversaturating the soil with moisture. On the eve of the new and full moon, July 4, 19 and 21, plants should be left alone without replanting. The best time for cultivating and spraying, as well as cutting flowers, is July 25-26 (Moon in Aries). Plants transplanted during this period will delight gardeners with rapid growth and a good harvest.

The waxing moon in August 2016 is a favorable time for harvesting. The stars recommend refraining from picking fruits and vegetables only on August 4, 5 and 6, when the Moon is in the sign of Pisces - the fruits will be tasteless and will quickly spoil. It is worth cultivating the soil on August 25, 26.

Seeds of parsley, dill and other greens, planted on August 7-8, will produce lush fruits by the end of the month.

During the stay of the Moon in Scorpio, August 9-11, you should refrain from spraying trees and shrubs with pesticides - there is a high probability of causing burns to the plants.

Moon calendar weddings for summer 2016

The waxing Moon in June, July and August 2016 is the best time to solemnly legitimize relationships.

Favorable days in June are numbers from 6 to 19. The most successful signs for a wedding are Pisces, Capricorn and Taurus.

In July, the Moon waxes from 5 to 19. Optimal days to create a family when the Moon is in Libra: July 10 and 12. 11.07 should be avoided; on this day the night luminary is in close proximity to the negative aspect with the Sun and is preparing for a phase change.

From the first days of August, the Moon will be in the waxing stage; it will be possible to go to the registry office from August 3 to August 18. Couples who get married will be especially happy and carefree: August 7th and 8th. These days you can get married in a church.

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The spring equinox will occur in 2019
on the day of the March Full Moon

The vernal equinox point will be passed on March 21 at 0:58, and the moment of the Full Moon will occur in 3 hours 45 minutes at 4:43 Moscow time

How the Moon is changing (growing) now

The moon has been waxing since the New Moon on March 6th.
March 14th at 13:27 The moon is in the First Quarter phase. This is the middle of the moon's current waxing period. At this time, exactly half of the lunar disk will be illuminated.
On March 21st at 4:43 am the Full Moon will occur and the Moon will begin to wane.

Spells for money, loans and deposits on the Moon

To make decisions on financial matters, it is very important to know what the moon is now.
If the Moon is growing, then today is a very attractive time for conspiracies to attract money and wealth. The waxing Moon favors obtaining credits and loans. Exclusively during lunar growth, one should make investments and financial investments, open bank deposits and enter into serious transactions aimed at making a profit.
If the Moon is waning now, then this is not the best best time For money conspiracies. In financial matters, the waning Moon is the time to give money: to repay debts and repay loans, as well as spend money on large purchases.

What kind of moon is that?

What is the Moon now you need to know for rational planning of your affairs.
If the Moon grows, then human activity increases under the influence of the Moon. The waxing Moon favors new and responsible undertakings. For a while lunar growth preference should be given to solving the highest priority tasks in terms of complexity and importance.
If the Moon is waning today, then the influence of the Moon reduces a person’s energy. The waning of the Moon is the time to complete the work started.