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» Fasting day according to zodiac sign. Fasting day for Scorpios. Good mood and cheerfulness to all zodiac signs

Fasting day according to zodiac sign. Fasting day for Scorpios. Good mood and cheerfulness to all zodiac signs

Diet and ways to lose weight

for zodiac signs

The newspaper "ASTROLOGIST" is 18 years old! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The newspaper "ASTROLOGIST" is 18 years old! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The newspaper "ASTROLOGIST" is 18 years old! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The newspaper "ASTROLOGIST" is 18 years old! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
For 18 years we have been teaching astrology internally and externally, conducting consultations with professional astrologers, publishing newspapers, magazines and books on astrology, developing and distributing computer astrological programs!

Veronica Tkachenko

The basic requirements for a diet can be deduced from a person’s belonging to any of elements - Fire, Air, Earth or Water.

Representatives fire signs(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) - it is better to limit food intake or not eat at all in the morning. Morning is the fiery phase of the day. At such a time, a person of the fire element must replenish himself with energy from space, and not pollute himself with food. The maximum amount of food can be taken at noon, up to 14 hours. For fasting days, it is better to choose the first phase of the Moon. Prolonged fasting, even with therapeutic purpose, is practically unacceptable. You always need a sufficient amount of complete protein in your diet. Proteins should not be mixed with carbohydrates. Your diet should have enough grains, fruits, and berries. You should limit sweet, spicy foods, milk porridges, mushrooms, tea, coffee.

Representatives air signs(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) can eat heavily in the morning - at 8 - 10 o'clock. After sunset you should not overeat. For weight loss, it is advisable to choose last days lunar month. Heat treatment of food is allowed; you can eat anything boiled or fried. Foods with sour, sweet and salty tastes are suitable for you, but bitter ones are not recommended. I recommend excluding potatoes, cottage cheese, coffee, mushrooms and watery vegetables from your diet - cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin.

Earth signs(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) should eat evenly throughout the day - early in the morning, at noon and in the evening before sunset. To lose weight, you should choose the third quarter of the Moon. A growing body should be fed intensively during the first quarter of the Moon. I recommend limiting butter and milk, millet and white bread, sweets and pickles. It is useful to eat lactic acid products, any vegetables and root vegetables, sweet fruits and berries.

For watermarks(Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios) have their own nutritional system, which depends on the phase of the Moon. On a growing one, you can eat as much as possible in the first half of the day, and on a waning one, you can eat more in the evening, after sunset. Cleansing fasting should be carried out 3 days before the full moon (representatives of the water element generally easily tolerate long-term fasting). Lard and sausage are not recommended in the diet. You should limit white bread, tea, coffee, onions, garlic. It is very good to eat “moon” fruits - watermelons, melons and sweet berries.

Now let’s look separately at the diet for the zodiac signs.

AriesFatty foods are contraindicated. You need lean meat (chicken) and vegetable proteins. The zodiac mineral of Aries is potassium phosphate. It is found in beets, celery, lettuce, cauliflower, apples, radishes, lemon, and walnuts. It is best to arrange a fasting day on Tuesday.

TaurusIt is necessary to refuse to eat in moments of anger, to eat less confectionery. The zodiac mineral of Taurus is potassium sulfate, it is present in beets, spinach, cabbage, and pumpkin. If Taurus wants to lose weight, he must follow a strict diet on Friday.

GeminiA varied diet is necessary even with proper low calorie diet. You should not give up protein foods - lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, cheese. The zodiac mineral of Gemini is potassium chloride. It is found in green peas, beets, corn, celery, apricots, peaches, and plums. A fasting day can be arranged on Wednesday.

U Rakov There is a tendency to overeat during periods of stress. Therefore, the fight against overweight- this is a task for life. Confectionery products must be excluded. The basis of nutrition is proteins and seafood, as well as various vegetables, fruits and herbs. The zodiac mineral is calcium fluoride. It is found in cheese, egg yolk, raisins, and rye bread. The best day for a strict diet is Monday.

a lionshould follow a diet rich in protein and limit the intake of sugar and starch. This sign should always have fresh fruits and vegetables on the table. The zodiac mineral is magnesium sulfate, which is found in abundance in apples, lettuce, plums, figs, and walnuts. A fasting day can be arranged on Sunday.

Virgoshould avoid foods that are poorly digested and irritate the intestinal walls. Virgos need to sit down at the table only in a good mood. The zodiac mineral of Virgo is potassium sulfate. It is found in grain bread, lettuce, chicory, cheese and beef. Wellness activities should be held on Wednesdays.

LibraDesserts and sweets should be avoided. This sign is recommended to eat simple foods rich in vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the hormonal system. The zodiac mineral is sodium phosphate. It is found in carrots, apples, peaches, and raisins. It's best for Libras to lose weight on Fridays.

ScorpiosFatty foods should be avoided. With any restrictions, Scorpio's diet should include dairy products, kefir and yogurt. The zodiac mineral is calcium sulfate. It is found in onions, garlic, mustard, cabbage, radishes, figs, and prunes. The fasting day for Scorpios is Tuesday.

Sagittarius You should limit yourself to eating fatty foods and numerous seasonings. This sign needs food from increased content vitamins B and C - soybeans, beans, egg yolks, whole grain bread, beef liver. The zodiac mineral is silicon dioxide, which is found in rice, oats, and in the peels of vegetables and fruits. The right day for fasting is Thursday.

Capricorns food with “yang” energy is always needed, which warms them from the inside. Even with low calorie diet You should not give up beets, carrots, eggs, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. The zodiac mineral of Capricorn is calcium phosphate, which is most abundant in cabbage, spinach, lentils, cucumbers, figs, and prunes. The fasting day for Capricorn is Saturday.

Aquarius Most of all, fruits and vegetables are needed, which contain the necessary vitamins to strengthen vascular system. The zodiac mineral is sodium chloride. Aquarius' diet should include enough cabbage, spinach, carrots, apples, and fish. Direct use table salt doesn't make sense. The fasting day for Aquarius is the same as for Capricorns - Saturday.

PiscesYou need to limit your intake of sugar and fat. It is recommended to eat salads from fresh vegetables, cucumbers, radishes more often, as well as walnuts and raisins. Ocean fish and seafood that contain iodine are suitable for a low-calorie diet. To lose weight, Pisces should diet on Thursday.

Those who were born under the auspices of the element AIR are lucky - by nature they have a fairly fast metabolism. Therefore, astrologers do not advise them to torment themselves with strict diets.

In order to maintain normal weight, it is enough to reduce the caloric content of the diet. It is not at all necessary to practice mathematical calculations of kilocalories and kilojoules. It is better to focus on the number of servings of food eaten. Here calculations are reduced to a minimum. It is enough to know that one serving is 200 grams, that is, the volume of one glass.

In order to get rid of excess weight, it is enough to eat five to six such glasses of varied food per day. The diet includes soups and cereals, mashed potatoes, a variety of meat products, fruits and vegetables. One limitation is that dishes should not be fatty or sweet.

In addition to five or six meals a day, you need to drink six to eight glasses per day clean water. Such a light and varied diet will provide the body with the necessary nutrients, microelements and vitamins, will help maintain good spirits and youth for many years.

Element of FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

Representatives of the fire element view eating as a ritual that can not only provide the body with energy and nutrients, but also overcome boredom and improve mood.

However, the habit of spending free time eating food, even if it is seeds or nuts, does not lead to good things. Representatives of the element of FIRE first of all need to find an interesting activity for themselves that will ensure the expenditure of excess energy and saturate them with positive emotions.

And of course, diet can play an important role. The representatives of the fire ELEMENT themselves are undisciplined. It is simply vital for them to accustom themselves to the main mass food products consume in the morning. It's not easy at first. To pamper yourself, you can initially eat your favorite dishes for breakfast, let them be cutlets or borscht.

Gradually the habit of eating breakfast will become established, then you can move on to more traditional dishes for breakfast: porridge, omelet, cheesecakes. Nutritionists advise starting the day with a piece of hard cheese, fruit salad, and whole grain bread.

Strictly determine the time for lunch and dinner, which should be no later than 19 hours. If in the intervals between main meals you are overtaken by a feeling of hunger, satisfy it with a glass of kefir, dry or fresh fruit.

And never eat to have fun, kill time or calm frayed nerves. Don't read while eating. Do not eat while watching TV or movies.

By eating regularly, in small portions, you will gradually get used to enjoying a small amount delicious dishes, you will become more picky about food, and you will be able to maintain a slim figure and health for a long time.

Element of WATER (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio).

Representatives of the water element are more susceptible to diseases of the endocrine glands than other signs. Before you get carried away with any changes in your diet, you should undergo an examination at a clinic and consult a doctor. If you really have some metabolic diseases, then diet changes will not work and can lead to serious consequences.

If everything is in order with your health, then first of all you should stop eating sweets and rich foods. But whole grain bread, cereals and durum pasta must be present in the diet. From a nutritional point of view, these are very valuable products, rich in plant fiber, which not only quickly causes a feeling of fullness, but also normalizes intestinal motility and restores its normal microflora.

Representatives of the WATER element have another vulnerable spot. As paradoxical as it may sound, their body is not able to cope with excess fluid, which is retained in the intercellular fluid, leading to edema.

Way out of the situation in in this case– restriction of liquid and table salt. Compotes from dried fruits, berry fruit drinks and green tea are useful.

Element of EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

Unlike other signs of the Zodiac, representatives of the EARTH element are the most scrupulous about their health.

But they are also able to avoid mistakes. As a rule, having noticed an increase in body weight, representatives of this element go on a starvation diet, that is, they practically stop eating food. By the way, it’s not difficult for them at all!

However, lost kilograms quickly return, but lost health does not.

Unfortunately, the metabolism of representatives of these zodiac signs is somewhat slow. And in order to make the digestive tract work more intensively, effort is needed. Best helper this contains fiber. It itself is not digested and until relatively recently was considered a completely useless waste product. Currently, the role of plant fiber cannot be underestimated. Among other things, it also helps eliminate heavy metals, carcinogens, and radionuclides from the body, thereby taking an active part in cancer prevention.

Therefore, a sufficient amount of fiber should always be present in your daily diet. This includes bread made from flour with the addition of whole grains, and raw vegetables, fruits, and wheat bran.

However, when consuming fiber, you must remember that once it enters the stomach and intestines, it can increase in volume up to five times. In order to avoid problems with digestion, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water (juice, fruit drink, herbal tea).

And in order to maintain your normal figure, it is enough to make one day a week a fasting day. Here are a few simple examples fasting day.

Milk day: 2 liters of milk, drink one glass after two hours.

Milk and curd day: 1.5 liters of milk and 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, consumed in small portions in six to seven doses.

Apple day: two kilograms of apples per day.

During any fasting day, it is permissible to consume several teaspoons of honey. The amount of liquid is not limited; you can additionally consume up to one and a half liters of water or green tea without sugar.

Spend fasting days regularly, exclude sweet and fatty foods - and you will always feel light and free.

Have a good mood and cheerfulness to all zodiac signs!

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I think this is very useful information.

Aries - A fasting day is best done on Tuesday.
Taurus - If Taurus wants to lose weight, he must follow a strict diet on Friday.
Gemini - A fasting day can be arranged on Wednesday.
Cancer - The best day for a strict diet is Monday.
Leo-Fasting day can be arranged on Sunday.
Virgo-Wellness events should be held on Wednesdays.
It is best for Libra-Libra to lose weight on Fridays.
Scorpios - Fasting day for Scorpios is Tuesday.
Sagittarius - A good day for fasting is Thursday.
Capricorns - The fasting day for Capricorn is Saturday.
Aquarius-The fasting day for Aquarius is the same as for Capricorns - Saturday.
Pisces - To lose weight, Pisces should diet on Thursday.

The great Michelangelo once said that creating a beautiful statue is easy - you just need to take a block of marble and simply cut off all that is unnecessary. And if we're talking about not about marble, but about a living, real human body? In winter we successfully hide everything overweight and centimeters with the help of all sorts of robes, shapewear, or shaping tights and much, much more.

From an astrological point of view, our optimal diet depends on which element you consider yourself to be: Fire, Air, Earth or Water.

Fire Signs:

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Power modes. You need to limit your food intake or not eat at all in the morning. Morning for you is the fiery phase of the day, Stop.. At such a time, a person of the fiery element should fill himself with energy from the cosmos itself, and not pollute himself with worldly food. The maximum amount of food can be taken even during the lunch break, until 14:00.

On a fasting day, it is better to choose the first phase of the moon - from the new moon to the 7th lunar day(you can find information about the phases of the moon in any tear-off calendar). Prolonged fasting of the body, even for therapeutic purposes, is practically unacceptable for you.

Diet. The main condition for you: a sufficient amount of complete protein (meat, eggs, beans. You also need a variety of cereals, fruits and berries, this is important for you. Separate meals are optimal for you, you should not mix proteins with carbohydrates. You should limit sweets, spicy foods , milk porridge, mushrooms, tea, coffee for you.

Air Signs:

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Diet. You can eat heavily in the morning - at 8-10 o'clock. At this time, your body most actively absorbs and processes food well, leaving no excess. You should not eat after sunset. For you, this period is ruled by the element of Air, feeding its wards with vital energy.

It is advisable to choose the last days of the lunar month as fasting days for weight loss; this is right for you.
The diet allows for heat treatment of food, you can eat everything boiled and fried, and this is normal. Foods with sour, sweet and salty tastes are suitable for air signs, but bitter ones are not recommended; they are of no use to you. We recommend excluding potatoes, cottage cheese, coffee, mushrooms and watery vegetables from your diet: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, this is right for you.

Earth signs:

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Diet. Representatives of these zodiac signs should eat sparingly throughout the day - early in the morning, at noon and in the evening before sunset.

Fasting days. For young Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, a strict diet is not necessary. You should eat heavily during the first quarter of the Moon.

Diet. We recommend that all earth signs, regardless of age, limit butter and milk, millet and white bread, sweets and pickles. It is useful to eat lactic acid products, any vegetables and root vegetables, sweet fruits and berries.

Water Signs:

Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Diet. The water signs of the Zodiac have their own nutritional system, which depends on the phases of the Moon. On a waxing Moon, you can eat as much as possible in the first half of the day, and on a waning Moon, you are allowed to eat more in the evening, after sunset, it will not be easy for you to figure it out.

Fasting days. Cleansing fasting should be carried out 3 days before the full moon (representatives of the water element generally easily tolerate long-term fasting).

Diet. In general, lard and sausage are not recommended. You should limit white bread, tea, coffee, onions, garlic. It is very good to eat “moon” fruits: watermelons, melons and sweet berries.

So you've decided to lose weight. Which diet to choose? Each zodiac sign has its own set of foods that should be excluded while losing weight. In any case, you should not give up foods that contain your zodiac mineral.


Avoid: fatty foods. You need lean meat (chicken), vegetable proteins.

Zodiac mineral: potassium phosphate. It is found in beets, celery, lettuce, radishes, cauliflower, as well as in apples, lemon, and walnuts.

Fasting day: Tuesday.


Refuse: from eating in moments of anger, eat less confectionery.

Zodiac mineral: potassium sulfate. It is present in beets, spinach, cabbage, and pumpkin.

Fasting day: Friday.


Avoid: high-calorie foods (sweets, fatty foods), but maintain variety. You should not give up protein foods: lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, cheese.

Zodiac mineral: potassium chloride, which is found in green peas, celery, beets, corn, plums, apricots and peaches.

Fasting day: Wednesday.


Avoid: Do not overeat during periods of stress. Therefore, the fight against excess weight is a lifelong task. Confectionery products must be excluded. The basis of nutrition is proteins and seafood, as well as various vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Zodiac mineral: calcium fluoride. It is found in cheese, egg yolk, raisins, and rye bread.

Fasting day: Monday.


Avoid: sugar, starch and foods rich in carbohydrates. There should always be fresh fruits and vegetables on your table.

Zodiac mineral: magnesium sulfate. It is found in abundance in apples, lettuce, plums, figs, and walnuts.

Fasting day: Sunday.


Avoid: food that is poorly digested and irritates the intestinal walls. Virgos need to sit down at the table only in a good mood.

Zodiac mineral: potassium sulfate. It is found in grain bread, lettuce, chicory, cheese and beef.

Fasting day: Wednesday.


Avoid: desserts and sweets. A simple diet rich in vitamins A and E, which are essential for the hormonal system, is recommended.

Zodiac mineral: sodium phosphate. It is found in carrots, apples, peaches, and raisins.

Fasting day: Friday.


Avoid: fatty foods. With any restrictions, Scorpio's diet should include dairy products, kefir and yogurt.

Zodiac mineral: calcium sulfate. It is found in onions, garlic, mustard, cabbage, radishes, figs, and prunes.

Fasting day: Tuesday.


Avoid: fatty foods and numerous condiments. You need food with a high content of vitamins B and C: soybeans, beans, egg yolks, whole grain bread, beef liver.

Zodiac mineral: silicon dioxide. Contained in rice, oats, in the peels of vegetables and fruits.

Fasting day: Thursday.


Avoid: cold and high-calorie foods. They need food with “yang” energy, which warms them from the inside. Even with a low-calorie diet, you should not give up beets, carrots, eggs, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Zodiac mineral: calcium phosphate. It is found in cabbage, spinach, lentils, cucumbers, figs, and prunes.

Fasting day: Saturday.


Avoid: spicy and fatty foods. You need fruits and vegetables that contain essential vitamins to strengthen the vascular system. Aquarius' diet should include enough cabbage, spinach, carrots, apples, and fish.

Zodiac mineral: sodium chloride. However, there is no point in consuming table salt directly. It is best to get sodium chloride from fresh leafy vegetables and herbs.

Fasting day: Saturday.


Avoid: sugar and fats. I advise you to more often eat salads from fresh vegetables, cucumbers, radishes, as well as walnuts and raisins.

Zodiac mineral: iodine, which is found in ocean fish and seafood.

Fasting day: Thursday.

For those who do not give up in the fight to keep their figure slim, we offer a special astro-diet that will allow you to meet the beach season with dignity.

From an astrological point of view, your optimal diet depends on which element you belong to: Fire, Air, Earth or Water.

Fire Signs:

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Diet. It is better to limit your food intake or not eat at all in the morning. Morning is the fiery phase of the day. At such a time, a person of the fire element must replenish himself with energy from space, and not pollute himself with food. The maximum amount of food can be taken at noon, up to 14 hours.

Fasting days. For fasting days, it is better to choose the first phase of the Moon - from the new moon to the 7th lunar day (you can find information about the phases of the Moon in any detachable calendar). Prolonged fasting, even for therapeutic purposes, is practically unacceptable.

Diet. The main condition: a sufficient amount of complete protein (meat, eggs, legumes. A variety of cereals, fruits and berries are also needed. Separate meals are optimal; proteins should not be mixed with carbohydrates. Sweet, spicy foods, milk porridges, mushrooms, tea, coffee should be limited.

Air Signs:

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Diet. You can eat heavily in the morning - at 8-10 o'clock. At this time, your body most actively absorbs and processes food, leaving no excess. After sunset you should not overeat. This period is ruled by the element of Air, feeding its wards with vital energy.

Fasting days. For weight loss, it is advisable to choose the last days of the lunar month.
Diet. Heat treatment of food is allowed; you can eat anything boiled or fried. Foods with sour, sweet and salty tastes are suitable for air signs, but bitter ones are not recommended. We recommend excluding potatoes, cottage cheese, coffee, mushrooms and watery vegetables from the diet: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin.

Earth signs:

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Diet. Representatives of these zodiac signs should eat evenly throughout the day - early in the morning, at noon and in the evening before sunset.

Fasting days. For young Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, a strict diet is not necessary. They should eat heavily during the first quarter of the Moon.

Diet. We recommend that all earth signs, regardless of age, limit butter and milk, millet and white bread, sweets and pickles. It is useful to eat lactic acid products, any vegetables and root vegetables, sweet fruits and berries.

Water Signs:

Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Diet. The water signs of the Zodiac have their own nutritional system, which depends on the phases of the Moon. On a waxing Moon, you can eat as much as possible in the first half of the day, and on a waning Moon, you are allowed to eat more in the evening, after sunset.

Fasting days. Cleansing fasting should be carried out 3 days before the full moon (representatives of the water element generally easily tolerate long-term fasting).

So you've decided to lose weight. Which diet to choose? Each zodiac sign has its own set of foods that should be excluded while losing weight. In any case, you should not give up foods that contain your zodiac mineral.

Avoid: fatty foods. You need lean meat (chicken), vegetable proteins.

Zodiac mineral: potassium phosphate. It is found in beets, celery, lettuce, radishes, cauliflower, as well as in apples, lemon, and walnuts.

Fasting day: Tuesday.

Refuse: from eating in moments of anger, eat less confectionery.

Zodiac mineral: potassium sulfate. It is present in beets, spinach, cabbage, and pumpkin.

Fasting day: Friday.


Avoid: high-calorie foods (sweets, fatty foods), but maintain variety. You should not give up protein foods: lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, cheese.

Zodiac mineral: potassium chloride, which is found in green peas, celery, beets, corn, plums, apricots and peaches.

Fasting day: Wednesday.

Avoid: Do not overeat during periods of stress. Therefore, the fight against excess weight is a task for life. Confectionery products must be excluded. The basis of nutrition is proteins and seafood, as well as various vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Zodiac mineral: calcium fluoride. It is found in cheese, egg yolk, raisins, and rye bread.

Fasting day: Monday.

Avoid: sugar, starch and foods rich in carbohydrates. There should always be fresh fruits and vegetables on your table.

Zodiac mineral: magnesium sulfate. It is found in abundance in apples, lettuce, plums, figs, and walnuts.

Fasting day: Sunday.

Avoid: food that is poorly digested and irritates the intestinal walls. Virgos need to sit down at the table only in a good mood.

Zodiac mineral: potassium sulfate. It is found in grain bread, lettuce, chicory, cheese and beef.

Fasting day: Wednesday.

Zodiac mineral: sodium phosphate. It is found in carrots, apples, peaches, and raisins.

Fasting day: Friday.


Avoid: fatty foods. With any restrictions, Scorpio's diet should include dairy products, kefir and yogurt.

Zodiac mineral: calcium sulfate. It is found in onions, garlic, mustard, cabbage, radishes, figs, and prunes.

Fasting day: Tuesday.

Avoid: fatty foods and numerous condiments. You need food with a high content of vitamins B and C: soybeans, beans, egg yolks, whole grain bread, beef liver.

Zodiac mineral: silicon dioxide. Contained in rice, oats, in the peels of vegetables and fruits.

Fasting day: Thursday.

Avoid: cold and high-calorie foods. They need food with “yang” energy, which warms them from the inside. Even with a low-calorie diet, you should not give up beets, carrots, eggs, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Zodiac mineral: calcium phosphate. It is found in cabbage, spinach, lentils, cucumbers, figs, and prunes.

Fasting day: Saturday.

Avoid: spicy and fatty foods. You need fruits and vegetables that contain essential vitamins to strengthen the vascular system. Aquarius' diet should include enough cabbage, spinach, carrots, apples, and fish.

Zodiac mineral: sodium chloride. However, there is no point in consuming table salt directly. It is best to get sodium chloride from fresh leafy vegetables and herbs.

Fasting day: Saturday.

Avoid: sugar and fats. I advise you to more often eat salads from fresh vegetables, cucumbers, radishes, as well as walnuts and raisins.

Zodiac mineral: iodine, which is found in ocean fish and seafood.

Fasting day: Thursday.

Scorpios are distinguished by great vitality, determination and have iron willpower. They are passionate and unstoppable. Scorpios love witty interlocutors and noisy companies.

Health of this sign is one hundred percent at the mercy of his emotional mood. For example, Scorpios can adhere to a diet all day, and in the evening they can suddenly break any restrictions, reducing their effectiveness to zero. Such emotional instability Maybe bring representatives of the sign to overweight and even obesity. Poor nutrition for Scorpios can cause organ diseases gastrointestinal tract and develop cancer.

It should be noted that the most vulnerable places for Scorpios are the organs of the reproductive system, nose and heart. They also often complain of pain in the back and legs.

To keep themselves in ideal shape and avoid the above ailments, Scorpios must constantly control their emotions, not overeat, perform a set of health-improving physical exercises and systematically organize fasting days.

Fasting day menu for Scorpios should include rich foods vitamins groups ALL. For people born under the constellation Scorpio, minerals are vital - calcium sulfate, compounds of iron, calcium and sodium. These substances concentrated in liver, apples, milk, lactic acid products, seafood, lean meat. The most rational way to consume vegetables is beets, pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, onions.

Scorpios are allowed to add basil, coriander, sage, vanilla, cardamom, and ginseng to prepared dishes. To restore the functions of the body systems, Scorpios must include in unload menu non-carbonated sulphate mineral water, prunes, figs, mustard, asparagus, garlic. Also special place in the nutrition of the sign occupy porridge and fruits.

It is best for representatives of the constellation Scorpio to exclude fatty foods, sweets and baked goods from their diet. Dishes should not be heavily seasoned, fried or salted.

The optimal day for unloading for Scorpios is Tuesday.

We offer you one of the fasting day diet options for Scorpios


  • It’s better to start with muesli and one apple; you shouldn’t add butter and sugar to the porridge.

For lunch:

  • prepare lean soup;
  • vegetable salad;
  • eat 50 grams of boiled lean fish.

For dinner:

  • you can drink 250 milliliters of low-fat yogurt;
  • and eat 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Many Scorpios prefer consistency in their diet and find it difficult to introduce new dishes to the menu.

We offer you recipes that are useful for the sign, which should appeal to the demanding and demanding Scorpio

Soup with vegetables and asparagus

Required Products:

  • 0.5 liters of vegetable-based broth;
  • 60 grams of asparagus;
  • 30 grams of green peas;
  • one each of carrots, turnips and leeks;
  • 20 grams of brown rice;
  • spinach;
  • greenery;
  • sea ​​salt.

Cooking method

For this dish, it is recommended to soak the rice in water for a while. Then sauté in a saucepan for vegetable oil chopped carrots, leeks, turnips. Next, place lightly fried vegetables, asparagus, washed rice, green pea. Cook the soup ingredients until done. At the end of the cooking process, add salt, chopped spinach and chopped herbs.

Squid and basil salad

Required Products:

  • 250 grams of squid;
  • bunch of basil;
  • tomato;
  • olive oil;
  • sea ​​salt.

Cooking method

For salad, squid should be boiled in boiling salted water for 30 seconds. Next, peel the seafood and cut into strips. Place squid, chopped basil and diced tomato in a salad bowl. Season the dish with a small amount of oil and add sea salt.

Baked apples stuffed with berries

Required Products:

  • two apples;
  • 40 grams of blackberries, raspberries or currants;
  • 40 grams of low-fat sour cream;
  • lemon.

Cooking method

The apples must be washed, cut off the top and carefully remove the pulp and core of the fruit with a spoon. Grind the apple pulp in a blender, adding sour cream and lemon juice. Next, we fill it with the resulting puree, and lay the berries on top. Then place the stuffed apples on a baking sheet and bake them for 15 minutes.

For unloading to be effective, Scorpios must combine a proper diet with physical activity and hardening activities.