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» Jet stove from a gas cylinder. Do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a gas cylinder How to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder

Jet stove from a gas cylinder. Do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a gas cylinder How to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder

Modification of a gas cylinder – one of the most simple ways making a potbelly stove with your own hands. In addition, an empty propane container can be found in many private homes or cottages. If you have a welding machine, you can easily give it a second life.



Horizontal stove: instructions

It's easy to make a potbelly stove yourself. It takes up little space, is fuel-efficient, and you can cook with it. But it is important to remember that such a stove often causes fires. Therefore, it must be installed in a safe place and surrounded by non-combustible materials.


Before you start work, you need to stock up necessary tools and materials:

  • Empty gas cylinder.
  • Chimney pipe.
  • Metal sheets (from 3 mm).
  • Iron rods (rebar).
  • Metal corners or scraps of water pipe.
  • Pipe branch.
  • Hinges, door handles.
  • Hammer.
  • Chisel.
  • Pliers.
  • Welding.
  • Grinding apparatus.
  • Drill with a set of drills.
  • Marker.

Choosing a cylinder

For efficient heating need to choose the right size.

A 5 liter cylinder is not enough even for the smallest room. 12 and 27-liter vessels can be used for heating, but in winter the heat capacity of such a stove will not be enough even for a garage. The most optimal capacity is considered to be 50 liters. Most often, propane is transported in these. Him standard sizes: 30 cm in diameter, 85 cm in height.

If a 40-liter vessel is used as the basis for the furnace, it is important to remember that it has thicker walls and a smaller diameter. This is important because these indicators affect the heating rate and heat retention.

Preparatory work

There are a number preparatory activities, necessary, to prevent gas residues from exploding during processing. The procedure for eliminating gas is as follows:

  1. Open the valve and leave the vessel outside overnight to allow gas to escape.
  2. Turn the open container over a special container to allow the condensate to drain there. It has a strong, unpleasant odor, so the container with the liquid should be sealed and thrown away.
  3. Fill the vessel with water to the top and then let it drain.
  4. The cylinder is now safe to use.

Read also: The most efficient stove

Making a potbelly stove

For horizontal orientation oven the bottom of the cylinder serves back wall, and a combustion door is made from the lid. Below are step-by-step instructions:

  • Using a grinder, cut many small holes on the side surface (or you can simply cut a strip of iron). This is necessary so that unburned fuel residues are poured into the ash chamber.
  • According to the drawings, make a box for collecting ash from an iron sheet. Its length should be at least 80 cm. Weld a small door to the front. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself.
  • Weld the ash pan to the stove body.
  • Cut a hole in the end of the cylinder for the firebox. Make a door from the cut piece (or buy a ready-made one), secure it with hinges.
  • Cut a hole for the chimney (diameter should be from 100 to 150 mm). Twist the pipe itself from a metal sheet. Connect it to the furnace body using a special pipe. This element will help change the direction of the chimney, thereby reducing heat loss.
  • Make grate bars from reinforcement. To avoid having to weld the grate, the iron rods can be bent like a snake - then pieces of fuel will not slip through the cracks. In addition, when making grate bars, it is important to take into account the type of future fuel. Firing with coal or wood chips requires narrower intervals than heating with wood.
  • Attach the grate bars inside the cylinder.
  • Make legs from metal corners or scraps of water pipe, then weld them to the main part. The main rule is stability. A wobbly stove can tip over and cause a fire.

Making doors

A few additional words about making doors.

  1. The most convenient way to make a door from a cut piece of metal. This way it will fit tightly to the body, which will prevent smoke leakage.
  2. The door must be hung on small hinges. You can also make them yourself from several links of a thick metal chain.
  3. Attach a rotating handle or valve at the opposite end.
  4. It is recommended to attach an asbestos cement cord along the edge of the door for sealing.

Read also: Why does a potbelly stove smoke when the door is opened?

Optional Details

There are several ways to increase the efficiency of a potbelly stove. They are presented in the table.

A method for increasing efficiency.Method
Insulate the chimney.The chimney pipe does not need to be directed vertically upward, but can be made curved. This way, hot air will stay in the room longer, which will have a positive effect on heat transfer.
Increase the area of ​​contact between metal and air.To do this, so-called “wings” are welded to the furnace - metal strips on both sides of the firebox.
Build tiles.Weld additional metal sheet above the combustion chamber. You can place a kettle or saucepan on it. And if you improve the design with a lid consisting of several circles, you can control the degree of heating.
Make a brick “coat”Brickwork around the stove will increase the heat transfer time and help heat the room more efficiently. The downside is that the potbelly stove will lose its nominal mobility. But moving a heavy structure with a pipe to another place is not easy enough.
Workout.If you moisten firewood with waste oil, it will increase their combustion time by 30%. In this way, unprecedented heat capacity can be achieved.

Water circuit

Another way to increase heat transfer is to install on chimney water sleeve. It's easy to make:

  • Install a water circuit with two pipes in the chimney section.
  • One of them will receive cold water. It will heat up from the chimney, and then flow back through the second hole.
  • If you run the pipe further and install a couple of radiators, then with the help of one potbelly stove you can heat the entire room.
  • In this case, it is better to ensure water exchange using a circulation pump.

Additional heat exchanger

An additional one can be attached to the main body. It should be installed as vertical pipe. This design will increase draft, ensure even, long-term combustion, and also save the room from smoke and significantly improve heat transfer.

When using a second cylinder, the chimney pipe should be welded to the top of the structure.

Grate bars

Grate – required element potbelly stove designs. It helps reduce the area of ​​contact of burning fuel with the walls of the furnace. In addition, it helps to more thoroughly filter out unburned residues from coals.

A stove from a gas cylinder can be installed where heating cannot be organized in any other way: in the garage, country house, change house.

If you have the desire and time, you can do all the work yourself.

This article will help you independently convert a gas cylinder into a heating or heating-cooking stove.

Here you will find drawings and instructional videos with which you can make a stove using waste oil, coal or wood.

Types of gas cylinder stoves

A do-it-yourself stove made from a gas cylinder is considered the easiest option for making or heating apparatus for testing.

The cylinder can easily be converted into a housing for the stove. To work, you will need a grinder and an inverter or any other welding machine.

The shape of the cylinder allows us to produce a stove with a spherical firebox. Firewood in a stove of this shape burns slowly - the result is a kind of heat generator capable of heating a room for hours with one load of firewood.

Homemade stove from a gas cylinder long burning can be used in different ways:

  • as a heating and cooking room in residential premises;
  • as a heating room for heating one or two rooms;
  • as a cooker for use in the summer at the dacha;
  • as an emergency portable option for use in case of failures in the main heating system.

Advantages of stoves made from gas cylinders:

  • you can get a long-burning apparatus at virtually no cost, since the system is assembled from standard inexpensive elements;
  • all work can be done independently, no need to look for specialists;
  • suitable for heating baths;
  • Video materials with positive experience in creating furnaces of various designs are available;
  • easy operation.

The disadvantages include the fact that the work should be carried out according to reliable drawings - otherwise the design will not have the required efficiency.

For the job you will need to select a suitable cylinder. You should opt for an all-metal cylinder with a volume of 12 or 27 liters.

However, for a full-fledged heating device, a gas cylinder with a volume of 50 liters and a diameter of 30 centimeters is chosen. In a container of this volume you can burn any fuel, including coal.

Even before starting work, you should decide what type of fuel the stove will operate on. If you need a long-burning furnace, then it is better to provide the possibility of loading coal into it.

A long-burning stove can be made small, using only wood - for this purpose it is equipped with the ability to regulate draft.

The most difficult to manufacture heating devices on liquid fuel: waste oil, diesel fuel. But a waste oil stove allows you to reduce heating costs, since oil is inexpensive.

For a beginner, it’s better to start with simpler designs, for example, try converting a gas cylinder into a regular potbelly stove.

Solid fuel stove

How can you make a stove from a gas cylinder? The first question that arises even before starting work is: what is the best way to position the cylinder - horizontally or vertically?

If you want to use the stove for cooking, you will have to place the cylinders horizontally.

IN vertical version You will definitely have to install grate bars inside the cylinder; in a horizontal one, this can be done at will.

But in a horizontal structure, you will have to weld a tray to collect ash, and in a vertical structure, when installing the grates at a sufficient height, you don’t have to make an ash pan.

A potbelly stove will require cast doors for the ash pan and fuel chamber.

Home craftsmen make them themselves from a piece of metal cut from a cylinder when making a hole for the combustion chamber.

In this case, you only need to purchase hinges and a latch handle. For a purchased door, you will have to weld a frame welded from corners onto the cylinder around the perimeter of the holes, and then bolt the fittings onto it.

Before you start cutting or welding metal, you need to empty the container of gas. The cylinder is filled to the top with water, then it is drained and only after that they begin to work.

Stages of manufacturing a horizontal potbelly stove:

  1. cut off the upper part of the container with a grinder;
  2. install a grate made of bent reinforcement inside the cylinder;
  3. the fittings are welded to the container;
  4. cut out a circle equal to the outer diameter of the cylinder from steel 4 mm thick;
  5. rectangular holes are cut in the circle - the first for the firebox, the second for the ash pan;
  6. weld a steel circle;
  7. secure the doors;
  8. cover the doors along the contour with asbestos cement;
  9. begin to re-equip the rear part of the stove - cut out a hole for the chimney equal to the diameter of the pipe;
  10. weld a chimney from a thick-walled pipe.

When the cylinder is positioned vertically, the result is a structure that takes up minimal space.

This cylinder stove is suitable for a bathhouse, a small living space, and can be placed in a garage.

Stages of manufacturing a vertical potbelly stove:

  1. cut off the upper part of the cylinder with a grinder;
  2. a large hole is cut out on the front of the future furnace for the firebox, below - for the ash pan, through which the structure will be cleaned of ash;
  3. A grate made of reinforcing bars is lowered inside the cylinder and welded to the walls;
  4. a border is welded onto the holes under the doors and covered with asbestos-cement cord;
  5. weld the top - it was cut off only to install the grate;
  6. a chimney opening is made on top or on the side.

Stove-bubafonya and stove-rocket

An ordinary potbelly stove has a significant drawback - low efficiency. A huge amount of heat escapes through the chimney.

In addition, as soon as the fire goes out, the structure immediately cools down. Pyrolysis furnaces, that is, devices capable of maintaining prolonged combustion, do not have these disadvantages.

The simplest pyrolysis oven can be made from a gas cylinder. Masters call such devices bubafons.

The bubafonya stove made from a gas cylinder was invented by a craftsman from Russia. This happened recently, but bubafonya has already become very popular.

How does a “bubafonya” type device converted from a gas cylinder work? A movable piston is installed inside the container, dividing the container into two parts.

Fuel (wood) burns under the piston, and above it - gases released from the wood as a result of pyrolysis.

This principle of operation leads to the burning of wood in “ reverse order" - top down.

Reverse combustion occurs more slowly than usual, in which oxygen is supplied to the fuel chamber from below, through the ash holes.

In a bubafon, air is supplied to the firebox by a piston axis, which is a hollow tube. Oxygen enters the pyrolysis chamber through openings cut into the end of the gas cylinder.

Dividing the firebox into two compartments allows the wood, even with a lack of oxygen, to burn to the end without turning into coal.

The system is so effective that a fireplace from a gas cylinder on one stack of firewood works for 4 – 6 hours.

There are reliable reviews that bubafonya from a 200-liter barrel works on one filling for a whole day.

Bubafonya can be used for water heating. To do this, the gas cylinder is enclosed in a water jacket using another metal case, and connect a water pump to the system.

The rocket stove was developed as a design for survival in extreme conditions. She has high efficiency and maximum safety.

At the same time, a homemade rocket stove is so simple that a non-professional can make it. Rocket stoves use the principle of pyrolysis, that is, fuel decomposes into volatile substances under conditions of oxygen deficiency.

The simplest pyrolysis furnace can be made from any cylindrical metal container, for example, a barrel or a gas cylinder.

Rocket stoves can be equipped with beds. Such structures are still used in China and Korea for heating peasant houses.

Structurally, a rocket stove made from a gas cylinder consists of a blower, a fuel chamber with a blind lid, a channel for introducing oxygen into the pyrolysis chamber, a flame tube in which gases are burned, and a chimney.

Liquid fuel stove

In individual farms, it is sometimes possible to use used motor oil. In this case, heating costs are sharply reduced.

To burn oil, you need to assemble a special furnace that runs on liquid fuel. A working heater and a simple wood stove operate on different principles.

At first glance, a waste oven is no more complicated than a saucepan, but complex chemical and thermal processes take place in it.

A gas cylinder exhaust furnace consists of the following parts:

  • oil containers;
  • flap that regulates combustion;
  • oil filling holes;
  • chimney.

To make a stove from a gas cylinder, tanks with a volume of 50 liters are used.

The cylinder is sawn in a ratio of 2:1. The smaller part will be used to make the tank, the larger one will become the afterburner.

The operating principle of such a furnace system is as follows:

  1. oil is poured into the fuel bunker and set on fire;
  2. air is supplied into the chamber through an air throttle and thus greatly limits the combustion intensity;
  3. as a result, the fuel does not burn, but evaporates, that is, the process of pyrolysis begins;
  4. oil “steam” rises to the upper chamber and is completely burned there.

In other words, the fuel is used twice - first the oil burns, and then its vapor burns out. As a result, no waste remains, and the efficiency of such a furnace is as high as possible - 80%.

Waste oil is a heavy, heavily contaminated and poorly burning mass complex composition. Two-stage combustion allows you to fully use the entire resource of this fuel. The structure is located vertically.

On top of it you can install a grid-stand for placing buckets, pots and other utensils.

Drawings that must be strictly adhered to and training videos will help you make a furnace using a cylinder.

A disadvantage of liquid fuel stoves is increased safety requirements. Fuel reserves have to be stored away from the boiler room.

A design that runs on waste oil cannot be used as a sauna stove, but it is useful for heating workshops, cabins and residential premises.

In the latter case, it is better for her to build a separate boiler room in the form of an extension to the house.

So, now you know how to make any stove from a metal gas cylinder with your own hands.

Having the necessary drawings, an angle grinder and an inverter, you can easily make a mobile and efficient heating device that will help out in winter time when other types of heating are turned off or unavailable.

Although the potbelly stove has a history of more than a century, it has not ceased to be a very popular heating device for small rooms.

Such a furnace is made not only from solid sheets of metal, but also from various metal objects that can withstand the heat from an intense flame - this could be a barrel, a flask, a pipe or an old gas cylinder.

It is especially popular among avid motorists, who even in winter period cannot refuse improvements in their car, spending all their free time in garages time. The gas cylinder has an ideal shape, it’s practically a potbelly stove, you just need to improve it slightly: cut off the excess, drill the necessary holes and add a few pipes! Let's take a closer look at how to make a potbelly stove from a cylinder?

A potbelly stove made from a gas cylinder can have a vertical or horizontal arrangement. Some craftsmen even make such stoves from two cylinders, placing one of them in a vertical position on top of the other, which is oriented horizontally.

However, there are many models, and after considering different ones, you can choose the one that seems more convenient to use and acceptable in ease of execution.

Naturally, to make a potbelly stove from a cylinder you will need some tools and materials, as well as certain skills in working with them.

What do you need to prepare?

From tools need to collect:

  1. welding machine (200A);
  2. grinder – “grinder”, preferably with discs with a diameter of at least 180 mm;
  3. electrodes;
  4. circles for grinding and cutting metal;
  5. hammer cleaning slag from welding;
  6. a brush with metal bristles;
  7. meter, tape measure, chalk or marker for marking;
  8. drill and drill bits of the required diameters;
  9. chisel, regular hammer and pliers.

From materials In addition to one or two gas cylinders, you must purchase:

  1. sheet of metal, at least three millimeters thick - it will be useful for the device hob and ash pan;
  2. ready-made cast iron doors, or you can also make them yourself from a metal sheet or a piece of metal cut from a cylinder;
  3. chimney pipe;
  4. corner or thick reinforcement - they will be needed for the manufacture of legs and grate. The latter can be purchased ready-made (from cast iron) or constructed using holes drilled in the bottom of the cylinder.

It should be noted here that both a standard gas cylinder and a small cylinder are suitable for the manufacture of such a stove.

As mentioned above, a cylinder stove can be vertical or horizontal. You can choose the one you need based on the amount of space allocated for installing the potbelly stove and the ease of its operation.

Preparing the balloon

Proper preparation of the cylinder is a very important step before starting work, especially if the potbelly stove is made from a container that recently contained gas. Residual gas may remain inside, and when cutting, which is accompanied by sparks, the cylinder may explode.

  • Therefore, you first need to unscrew the valve located on top of the cylinder and clear the passage for the remaining gas to escape - this procedure will take some time. It is better to leave the container open for the night open air or in a well-ventilated non-residential premises, or even better, fill it with water to the very top.
  • Next, the container is turned over and the resulting condensate is drained. It has a very unpleasant odor, so this process should also not be carried out in a room where people live.

The washed container no longer poses any risk of explosion when working with it, and you can safely begin the cutting process.

Vertical stove made from a gas cylinder

Take a regular unnecessary gas cylinder

  • When making this model, the cylinder is installed in its usual position, the neck is completely freed, then markings are made using a tape measure and a marker.

Possible marking option for a vertical potbelly stove

  • Next, using a grinder (or using a gas or plasma cutter), holes are cut for the firebox and vent.
  • The next step is to install a grate between the combustion chamber and the ash pan. Since this element of the required shape and size is difficult to find, it is made from reinforcement. It is cut into pieces the right size and welded to a pre-marked location.
  • Next, the doors are installed—cut pieces of metal are perfect for making them. They are installed on hinges welded to the cylinder body.
  • It is necessary to install latches or latches on the doors - they must securely hold the doors during combustion.
  • At the top of the cylinder, if desired, you can arrange a small hob. It is always useful for making coffee or tea or frying eggs. This panel is made of metal sheet.
  • The photo shows a version of the preparatory base not just for a hob, but for installing a container on top for heating water, made like a samovar. The pipe coming out of the firebox will pass through a container of water, heating it.
  • All seams used to weld any parts of the stove must be sealed.
  • The chimney pipe can be installed in the top of the stove or in the side wall. The chimney is discharged from the room through the wall of the building or the roof.

This arrangement of the gas cylinder helps to save space, as the stove turns out to be compact and neat. It is especially suitable for a garage or a small room in the country.

Horizontal potbelly stove

  • Another version of a stove made from a cylinder, which is placed horizontally, also has its advantage - you can install a large hob on it, which will be able to not only warm tea, but also cook lunch.
  • In order for the structure of the potbelly stove to stand steadily, a reliable stand is welded for it from a corner, and after completion of the work, the finished stove is secured to it using spot welding.
  • Work on the cylinder also begins with markings, after which it is cut out square hole for installing a door and a round one for installing a chimney. You may have to work with a round hole if you don't have a cutter. The “grinder” is not an assistant here, so first, drill holes around the circumference, then work with a chisel and hammer, and then final finishing with a file.
  • Holes are drilled in the bottom of the future furnace, which will play the role of a grate, and under it a box is welded from a sheet of metal into which the ash will be poured.

In the role of a grate - rows drilled holes

  • The same chamber will be a blower, so an adjustable door is installed on it so that the air flow can be reduced or increased to establish the desired draft.

You can make the door yourself...

  • You can make the door for this stove yourself by scalding a part cut out of a cylinder, or you can install a ready-made cast iron part that already has a frame. The second option will be easier to install, and it is already equipped with a latch to securely close the firebox.

...or buy ready-made ones in the store

  • After installing the door, the potbelly stove is fixed on the stand or legs of the required height are welded to it.
  • Then a pipe is welded onto which the chimney pipe will be installed. It can also be discharged through a wall or roof.

Will a small bottle suffice?

You can also work with a small balloon. It is made according to the same plan as a horizontal stove.

  • But in this version, instead of drilled holes in the bottom of the stove, a cast iron grate is installed. A window of the required size was cut out for it.
  • The blower in combination with the grate is welded as follows.
  • Next, the legs are welded onto the ash pan box, the structure is turned over and the chimney pipe is installed on top and secured by welding.
  • After completing work on the potbelly stove, it is installed on permanent place and take the chimney out into the street.

Video: How to make a super wood-burning stove from a used cylinder

The proposed options are only a small part of what was invented by folk craftsmen. Look how the craftsman combined in one potbelly stove brickwork and gas cylinder:

If you have an idea about working with the tools described above and that’s it necessary materials, you can try to make this convenient and sometimes irreplaceable stove yourself. By making it yourself, you can save quite a large amount, and also make an already unnecessary gas cylinder function. The most important thing is to approach this work responsibly and do it slowly, checking every action.

To heat a dacha or garage, it is quite possible to make a stove from an ordinary gas cylinder.

The advantages of a gas cylinder as a manufacturing material are as follows:

  • optimal shape, providing high efficiency;
  • high-quality and durable material designed for high pressure and temperature;
  • low price.

The most suitable shape for a stove firebox is a sphere. The chamber of this shape is easy to clean, and the uniform heat distribution increases the efficiency of the entire device. Taking into account the fact that the fuel chamber must have at least two opposite openings: for adding fuel and removing heat, the optimal shape of the firebox in the form of a sphere is somewhat elongated and turns into a cylinder with rounded ends.

This is exactly the shape of a regular gas cylinder, widely used in everyday life. Due to the fact that waste products are made of durable and high-quality steel, they are often used in households as the basis for a variety of fixtures and devices. They are used to make homemade barbecues, smokehouses, hand rollers, feeders and drinking bowls for livestock, and even homemade compressors and boilers.

Homemade fireboxes made from gas cylinders are also on this list of examples of the appearance of a “second life” for a used product. The cylinder may end up on the farm after it has been used for its intended purpose, or you can purchase an empty container; the price for them is quite affordable.

Types of stoves

The types of stoves that can be made from an empty gas cylinder are determined by its shape. Thus, the cylinder is suitable as a housing for the following heating devices:

  • . The main advantages of a potbelly stove are its small size, mobility and safety, determined by the simplicity of its design. It is ideal for rooms in which heating communications have not yet been installed and it is possible to take the stove chimney outside. The potbelly stove ignites and heats up quickly, and its small shape allows it to be used in many situations. Unfortunately, the design of the potbelly stove is such that with frequent and prolonged use the stove body burns out, no matter how thick it is, so it is not recommended to use the potbelly stove often;
  • . Somewhat more difficult to make than a potbelly stove. This type of stove uses waste oil as fuel, which is very cheap. And, since the very idea of ​​making a stove from a gas cylinder is caused by the desire to save money by alternative uses waste material, such a stove will not only save on shell material, but also constantly save on fuel. Since not only the oil, but also its vapor is burned, there is practically no waste from using the oven. However, due to the high fire hazard and toxicity of the fuel itself, such a stove is not suitable for use in residential premises;
  • Rocket oven. Compared to other handicrafts, they are larger and more difficult to manufacture. The advantages include the continuity and duration of fuel combustion in it. Does not suffer from long breaks in cold weather. The disadvantages include some inconvenience when regulating the air supply and the difficulty of controlling heat transfer when the furnace is fully heated. A disadvantage can also be considered a certain complexity of manufacturing such a device, compared to other homemade stoves this will require more materials and labor;
  • . Very simple in design, its classic design does not have any doors . A definite disadvantage is that before the start of operation it is difficult to determine the optimal size of the gaps through which oxygen is involved in the combustion process; when using certain types of fuel, pyrolysis gases do not have time to burn out and the stove can begin to smoke heavily. Also, this type of furnace, as a rule, has a low initial heat transfer, which is partially compensated by the duration of heating after one load.

Used products are made of durable and high-quality steel; they are often used on the farm as a basis for a variety of fixtures and devices.

Preparation stage

To be used as a housing for a furnace, the cylinder must meet the following number of parameters:

  • The cylinder must be all metal, composite materials are not suitable - they are not heat-resistant and are quite explosive;
  • The volume of the gas cylinder must be at least 12 liters. Stoves made from smaller volume cylinders are not economical due to the low ratio of volume to surface area. The fuel in such a stove will not burn completely due to high heat loss. Cylinders with a volume of 12 to 27 liters are suitable for the manufacture of small stoves for heating small rooms from time to time. The most suitable volume of a gas cylinder is 50 liters. Stoves of this size are suitable for long-term operation and use any fuel efficiently;

Industrial pneumatic cylinders (the common size is 40 liters, smaller sizes are used for helium) are not suitable for converting them into any heating devices using household means. They have very thick walls, and they themselves are heavy and bulky; their shape is not suitable for use as a firebox - they are too elongated in length.

Making a furnace

To make a stove from a gas cylinder you will have to cut it and for this the product must first be prepared:

  1. Even if you are sure that the cylinder is empty, you should fully open the valve or valve before starting any actions;
  2. After the remaining gas escapes through the valve, it must be dismantled. This should only be done using hand tools, cut off the valve using cutters or grinding machines unsafe - residual gas may detonate. You can remove the valve by simply knocking it down with a sledgehammer or sawing it off hand hacksaw. The safest thing to do is unscrew the valve, but this is not always feasible at home;
  3. Water is poured into the hole formed after dismantling the valve in order to force out the remaining gas with its volume. This action is not very convenient; you then need to drain the water from the heavy cylinder. Therefore, before filling the container with water, it is worth considering the possibility of conveniently removing water from the workplace. You can simply rinse the inside of the gas cylinder with water, but this does not always ensure complete disposal of the remaining gas. There were cases when, even after repeated washing with water, the remaining flammable gas ignited when cutting metal;
  4. To make it easier to work with the cylinder so that it does not roll around, it is recommended to provide supports to keep it horizontal. Or it is simply dug into the ground to a certain depth, which fixes it in a vertical position.

Further manipulations with the future firebox depend on the design of the furnace.

Potbelly stove from a cylinder

For a potbelly stove, you can use products of relatively small volume:

  1. Places for cutting are pre-marked using a marker. It is necessary to determine a place for laying fuel, holes for the air duct and chimney;
  2. A hole is cut in the side of the cylinder, suitable in size for storing firewood in the future. The cut out part can be used as a door by first polishing its edges;
  3. A frame for attaching the stove door is made from steel corners. This frame is welded to the wall of the gas cylinder;
  4. The door is screwed to the frame using bolts, to ensure a tight fit of the door, it is recommended to use hinges;
  5. Next to the door should be welded or bolt the device for closing the door (latch);
  6. Welded to the bottom of the firebox cast iron grate(grid) to maintain solid fuel. To hold the grate itself, steel corners can be welded from the inside;
  7. A hole is cut in the body below the bottom of the firebox for air ducting and removing ash from the stove;
  8. It is required to make a box from sheet steel without one wall and a top part. This box is welded to the opening of the air duct; ash will be removed with its help;
  9. A damper is attached to the welded box with the ability to regulate air supply;
  10. A hole for the chimney is cut on the side of the door or on the side opposite to it. The chimney pipe must be curved, elbow-type, so that the heat does not escape too quickly;
  11. The pipe is attached to its hole in the cylinder or to a steel ring pre-welded to the neck;
  12. The legs are welded to the bottom of the gas cylinder.

The chimney pipe must be curved, elbow-type, so that the heat does not escape too quickly

Bubafonya stove

The stove with the name bubafonya refers to long-burning stoves, which is ensured by pressing a kind of piston onto solid fuel, which increases the efficiency of the stove. With this combustion method, pyrolysis gases are formed and burned, which additionally heat the furnace.

Making a bubafon stove is no more difficult than making a potbelly stove:

  1. Cut from a 50 liter cylinder top part(top). Clamps are welded to the cover, which should hold it on the body;
  2. To make a piston, you need a metal disk with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the inner circumference of the cylinder. It is necessary to ensure that the piston can move freely inside the housing, and the size of the side gap is sufficient for the release of warm gases;
  3. To ensure the supply of oxygen to the lower compartment of the furnace, you will need a pipe, the diameter of which must be sufficient for the passage of air flow supporting the combustion process. The height of the pipe should be 8-12 cm greater than the height of the body;
  4. There should be a hole in the center of the piston disc, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the pipe;
  5. TO inside steel segments are welded onto the piston disc, converging in the center and diverging towards its edge (like the petals of a flower). This will not allow the disk to come close to the fuel and thereby block the oxygen supply;
  6. A long pipe is inserted into the hole of the disk and welded hermetically. To prevent the disk from deforming under the influence of high temperatures, it is recommended to make stiffening ribs outside disk;
  7. In the center of the previously cut cylinder cap, you need to make a hole with a diameter slightly larger than that of the piston pipe used. This is done so that there is a gap between the lid and the pipe, allowing more oxygen to be drawn in for complete combustion of pyrolysis gases;
  8. A hole is made in the cylinder body itself just below the lid for subsequent attachment of the chimney. The diameter of the chimney pipe must be at least 10 cm. The chimney must have at least one elbow, its length must be at least 2 meters; the longer the chimney, the better the draft.
The height of the pipe should be 8-12 cm greater than the height of the body

Rocket stove

The so-called rocket stove represents the top of the hierarchy of heating devices made from empty gas cylinders. Its name reflects not only the characteristic sound when not quite proper operation stoves, but also the efficiency achieved through the maximum use of burned fuel.

High efficiency is ensured by burning both the fuel itself and the pyrolysis gases released during combustion. The fuel material is loaded into the furnace located at an angle and burns, gradually falling down. The firebox is connected to the body. Through the blower, oxygen enters the combustion area in the furnace body, ensuring the process of additional combustion of pyrolysis gases.

The rocket stove consists of two main parts: a body made of a cylinder and a loading box where fuel is loaded. For manufacturing, among other things, you will need a welding machine and, accordingly, skills to work with it, since the manufacturing process of the furnace is completely welding.

Case manufacturing:

  1. The top is cut off to create a hole. diameter about 250 mm;
  2. The resulting hole is closed metal disk up to 5 mm thick;
  3. The upper part of the cylinder is cut off at a level of 5-6 cm below the previous cut, resulting in a lid.
  4. A strip of sheet steel approximately 6 cm wide is welded to the resulting lid., so that you get a kind of straight “skirt”;
  5. Holes are drilled around the circumference of this skirt at the same distance from each other. Bolts will then be screwed into them;
  6. An insulating sealing gasket is glued to the lid, for example, from a high-quality asbestos cord, but complete impregnation of this gasket with glue should be avoided so that it does not lose its elasticity;
  7. After this, the cap with a gasket is put on the cylinder, is pressed down with a load and holes are drilled through in the cylinder body through previously made holes in the skirt;
  8. The lower part of the cylinder is cut off at a height of 8 cm from the ground, a hole is cut from the bottom of the cylinder to accommodate the inner part of the flame tube in the body.

The main elements of the firebox are made of pipes with square section 15x15 cm:

  • chamber for air intake and cleaning the furnace from ash (blower),
  • combustion chamber,
  • flame tube.

These elements are welded together so that the part into which fuel will be loaded is located in relation to the body under acute angle up to 60°. The blower and chimney are located approximately on the same line at the bottom of the structure, while the flame pipe is inserted into a hole made in the lower part of the body.

A door with a latch is attached to the outer part of the blower to control the air supply. A lid is also made for the upper part of the combustion chamber, which fits quite tightly to the walls of the loading hole.

In the center of the body, two are placed vertically one inside the other round pipes, with a diameter from 7 to 10 cm and from 15 to 20 cm, respectively. A flame tube is welded into a pipe of smaller diameter. The space between vertical pipes filled with non-flammable filler that has the ability to retain heat (expanded clay, vermiculite).

The blower and chimney are located approximately on the same line at the bottom of the structure, while the flame pipe is inserted into a hole made in the lower part of the body

Operating rules

Most waste gas cylinder stoves are not suitable for permanent residential use. Their safety level does not really meet fire safety requirements.

When placing such devices, it is important to try to place them on flat surface to prevent the possibility of falling. If the stove is placed on a surface that can catch fire, then it should be placed on mineral cardboard or a sheet of roofing sheet.

When using products indoors, it is necessary to take into account that due to the fact that the firebox body is made of metal, the air in the room “burns out” quite quickly. Therefore, it is vital to ensure regular and sufficient ventilation of the premises.

  • If it is possible to choose which air cylinder will be converted into a stove, then it is recommended to choose a product not with a valve, but with a valve, which can then be used as an air supply regulator and thus control the power of the furnace.
  • For the convenience of subsequent cleaning of the stove chimney, it is recommended to make it composite, and for better control of the condition of the chimney, you can attach an “inspection” to it - a component of the chimney system that allows you to quickly remove condensate.

You can heat all kinds of technical premises, private garages, and small auto repair shops using various units. If desired, you can actually make the simplest design for heating non-residential objects yourself using old cylinder from under the gas.

Gas cylinder stove - simple and effective

Nowadays, non-standard heating devices made by hand are used by many home craftsmen. One of the most interesting, easy to manufacture, reliable and cheap to operate is a homemade unit that uses waste oil as fuel. It can be built literally in a couple of hours from a gas cylinder. This boiler has simple design and operating principle.

The exhaust stove, constructed from a gas cylinder, has two compartments. They burn fuel. Moreover, this process is performed twice. First, direct combustion of waste oil is observed (in the first compartment). This leads to the appearance of flammable mixture vapors. They go to the second department homemade boiler. There they combine with air, resulting in a highly concentrated flammable composition. When it is burned, a huge amount of heat is generated, which can warm up enough large area premises.

Gas cylinder units have many advantages. The cost of their assembly and operation is minimal. You can use any old gas cylinder that has been lying around somewhere in the garage for decades. And it’s easy to purchase the work at the nearest car service center. It costs a penny. The main thing here is not to use overly contaminated oil, since in this case the efficiency of the stove will decrease and the complexity of its maintenance (cleaning) will increase.

Other advantages of waste boilers:

  • Trouble-free design. In the finished unit, in fact, there is nothing to break.
  • Full autonomy. There is no need to connect the oven to the electrical network or other energy sources.
  • Low fuel consumption. A unit made from a 50-liter cylinder consumes no more than 2 liters of waste oil per hour.
  • Lack of soot and burning, unpleasant odor when using the device.
  • Versatility. The stoves we are interested in are suitable for any non-residential premises, be it a car garage, household or production room, private greenhouse or greenhouse.

It is also important that the stove from the cylinder stops working immediately after the fuel is burned (the supply to the combustion compartment is stopped).

Disadvantages of units during development - important to know!

We talked in detail about the advantages of using homemade boilers that operate on waste oil. Let’s not forget to talk about the disadvantages of such structures. First of all, they are considered a fire hazard. Cylinder stoves have open holes through which fire can spread throughout the heated object in a matter of seconds. This fact necessitates constant monitoring of the unit’s operation. Throwing it unattended when the waste is fed into the furnace is strictly prohibited.

The next disadvantage of the design is objectively strong noise. The unit is really loud. Not every person is ready to endure such inconveniences. Also, after each use of the stove, its combustion chambers must be cleaned. A similar procedure must be performed with the chimney. It is an essential part of a homemade waste oil boiler. The chimney, by the way, has to be made quite high (at least 4 m). If you build a smaller smoke duct, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning increases several times.

Oil intended for combustion in a furnace must be stored under special conditions. It must not be left under sun rays. It is also prohibited to store it in negative temperatures. The mining freezes even with minor minuses and becomes absolutely useless. Once defrosted, it cannot be used as fuel.

Another serious drawback of the described stoves is associated with oil. The waste must be cleaned. If you use unrefined oil, the unit's nozzles will quickly become clogged. This may well cause the cylinder to explode. Some home craftsmen say that their homemade heating boilers work on untreated waste. Perhaps the unit will be able to heat the room using such oil. But the effectiveness of its work, believe me, will be minimal.

Elements of a simple homemade stove - what will we make it from?

All the drawings that can be used for testing are approximately the same. Below we show a diagram of a simple heating unit. It is on this basis that we will make a homemade device.

The drawing shows all the elements of our boiler. The basis of the design is a gas cylinder (position 1). The oven is also supplied with:

  • Perforated pipe (2). It functions as a device for removing combustion gases. The thickness of the pipe walls should be 4–5 mm, the cross-section should be 10 cm.
  • Another steel pipe (3) with the parameters indicated above. It plays the role of a heat exchanger.
  • A steel sheet (4), which serves as a partition between two compartments of the structure (in one the oil burns, in the second it evaporates).
  • Metal visor (5). It is best to make it from 4 mm thick steel. The visor ensures maximum efficiency of heating the pipe.
  • Evaporator bowl (6). This element is easiest to make from a brake disc from any passenger car.
  • Half-inch water pipe(8). It supplies used oil to the combustion chamber. This process is controlled by a plumbing ball valve (9), used as a valve.
  • Oil tank (11). It is a special container for storing fuel. It is advisable to fit any unnecessary cylinder that is equipped with a built-in needle valve under the tank.

The furnace design also includes duct fan(13), connecting element - coupling (7), air swirler (12), welded from equal-angle angles (flange width - 5 cm) and a device for supplying fuel (10). As the latter, it is allowed to use a suitable (flexible) pipe made of fire-resistant material or a durable hose.

We build a boiler from a 50 liter cylinder - any craftsman can do it!

We prepare all the necessary parts and begin assembling the stove for testing. Before starting the main work, you should completely empty the cylinder of condensate and gas residues in it. Advice. It is easy to check the quality of the work performed. Coat the valve outlet (the hole at the end of it) with concentrated dishwashing liquid, or regular soap. Open the faucet. If there is no condensate or gas left in the cylinder, foam bubbles will not appear at the outlet. This means you did everything right.

We remove the valve from the cylinder. If you have a gas container with a non-removable tap, you will have to tinker. Use an electric drill to drill a hole in the bottom. And then unscrew the valve. Note! Experts advise performing this operation very carefully. Even if you are sure that all the flammable composition has left the cylinder, there is still some possibility of the container exploding. Do not press down on the power tool with excessive force. Even better, water the drill with ordinary water while making a hole in the bottom. Then the risk of explosion will be zero. After dismantling the valve, fill the cylinder with water to the top and wait a couple of minutes until it all comes out.

Now we cut out two windows on the gas cylinder. The height of the first (lower) is 20 cm, the second (upper) is 40. The width of the openings is a third of the cross-section of the cylinder used. There should be a jumper between the cut windows. Its height is 5–7 cm. We have a full-fledged compartment for burning fuel. By the way, you can even put coal and firewood in it if you wish.

The next step is to make a device that will separate the heat exchanger from the oil combustion chamber. We will make the separator from a steel sheet 4 mm thick. We cut out a circle from it with a diameter corresponding to the cross-section of a 50-liter gas container. That's not all. In the central part of the completed workpiece, we again cut out a circle (necessary for installing the burner). Its diameter is 10 cm.

The burner itself is made from a pipe with a height of 20 and a cross-section of 10 mm. IN finished product it will be necessary to make perforation - drill several 1.5–2 cm holes. All burrs must be removed from the latter. If cleaning is not done, soot will constantly settle on the holes during operation of the stove. This will cause a narrowing of their cross-section, which over time will lead to a significant decrease in the efficiency of the home-made heating unit.

We put a membrane on the burner made according to all the rules. Weld the last one strictly in the center. Then install the entire workpiece into the cylinder and securely connect it by welding around the perimeter. Advice. The pipe can be welded to the bottom of the chamber divider. Then it will be possible to load special pellets and briquettes, as well as sawdust and other solid fuels into the stove.

The second part of the work - we bring the heating device to mind

The evaporator bowl is made from a brake disc or from any metal product with a high heat resistance rating. Choose a material that is not afraid of elevated temperatures and sudden changes. After this, weld the lid and bottom. Do not forget to leave an opening into which the mining will be poured. It is advisable to improve this part of the oven a little. Simplifying the fuel filling process is easy. It is enough to weld a low tube to the lid at a 40-degree angle, and then cut off the end of the tubular product to get a kind of spout. It will be much easier to fill through it.

If you install a ball valve on the pipe, the unit will become much safer to operate. If any problems arise with the tank, you can quickly shut off the supply of used oil.

We construct the heat exchanger from a 10-centimeter pipe. Into the body heating device place it clearly horizontally. It is recommended to additionally mount it on the end of the heat exchanger metal screen(weld the steel sheet to the pipe). Due to this device, the heating rate of the system and its beneficial effect will significantly increase.

The oven is ready. You just need to connect the chimney to it. We take a pipe 4–6 m long. In its lower part we cut a hole with a cross-section of about 6 cm. We weld a piece (2–2.5 m) of another pipe to it. She is in relation to floor surface is located in parallel. All that remains is to weld the vertical part of the chimney, mounted outside the room, to a short pipe.

Advice. Make another 6–7 cm hole on the short chimney pipe and cover it with a metal plate. This simple device will allow you to adjust the intensity with which air will enter the oven. And this, in turn, will make it possible to regulate the combustion rate of the waste. We also need to weld the iron legs to the bottom of the stove we made. They are easy to make from metal corners.

Features of operating cylinder furnaces during mining – safety first!

We have already noted that the structure we are interested in, used for heating non-residential objects, belongs to the group of fire hazardous equipment. If you do not want to encounter serious problems when using a homemade boiler during mining, adhere to the following rules:

  • There should be no drafts in the room where the unit is located. Wind freely moving around the object can cause fire to escape from the stove through the existing openings.
  • A stationary gas cylinder boiler must be installed exclusively on metal slabs, concrete or cement base.
  • After use, the oven must be cleaned. The cylinder itself should be cleaned after each heating session. Remove soot and soot from the chimney at least once every 5–7 days. If the stove is actively used every day, the smoke exhaust duct also needs to be cleaned daily.
  • All structures, products, materials, objects that are prone to rapid ignition must be located at a distance of at least 4–5 m from the stove.

Last recommendation. Do not fill the combustion compartment full of used oil. The maximum permissible filling of this chamber is 2/3 of its volume. If used correctly, the exhaust unit, made from a gas cylinder, will serve you for a long time and efficiently.