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» Reserve days of the Unified State Examination Russian. Changes in the Unified State Examination

Reserve days of the Unified State Examination Russian. Changes in the Unified State Examination

Every schoolchild in our country is required to take unified state exams, which demonstrate the level of knowledge acquired at school and become the basis for the further development of education - admission to a university. Such an important event requires a long preparation, and therefore every student strives to find out the schedule of USE exams 2017 in advance.

Features of the Unified State Exam 2017

Until 2017, tests were the main form of knowledge testing. In 2016, the form of test questions was considered obsolete, because even without knowing the correct answer, the student had the opportunity to guess it from the options provided. Since 2017, it has been decided to return to the survey form of exams, that is, most subjects will be taken as it was customary in the “noughties” - in the period before 2009. In addition, the student can expect a whole series of innovations. Let's tell you more about them.

Firstly, a third is added to the two mandatory exams - it should be history. True, the name of the third subject has not yet been firmly established, but at the beginning of the school year this information will already be made public. That is, you will have to take the Russian language, mathematics and, most likely, history - more precisely, it will be known by the date of the Unified State Exam 2017.

Secondly, the RAO (Russian Academy of Education) insists on introducing a point scale for grading essays. Until today, essays were assessed according to only two criteria: pass or fail. This, according to representatives of the Russian Academy of Education, negatively affects the knowledge of students and gives advantages to those students who are simply too lazy to study literature - it is much easier to get a “pass” in an essay than an “A”.

Thirdly, the results of the Unified State Exam will also be influenced by the grades in the certificate. The higher the scores for school subjects, the higher the final grade for the state exam.

Fourthly, if the points scored do not reach the threshold level, students will be given the opportunity to retake the Unified State Exam twice more. It will also be possible to take a retake if the student for some reason is not satisfied with the points he scored.

So, at the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren will have to take one of their choice. They can be taken several times until the student finds the result satisfactory.

Dates for the Unified State Examination in 2017

The Unified State Exam schedule in 2017 consists of two parts - early and main exams.

Early period for passing the Unified State Examination

  • Geography, Computer Science and ICT
  • Russian language / compulsory subject
  • history, chemistry
  • mathematics / compulsory subject
  • Geography, literature
  • foreign languages ​​(oral exam)
  • foreign languages, biology, physics
  • social studies, literature

Starting next week, reserve time begins for all exams included in the Unified State Examination list.

  • reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
  • reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
  • reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
  • Foreign language, history, social studies (reserve)
  • Foreign language (oral), geography, physics, biology (reserve).

However, not every student is in a hurry to take advantage of the right to take the exam early. Therefore, most students will be interested in the second section of the 2017 Unified State Exam schedule - the main period.

  • Geography, Computer Science and ICT
  • mathematics B
  • mathematics P
  • social science
  • physics, literature
  • Russian language
  • foreign languages, biology
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • chemistry, history

Reserve days for the Unified State Exam begin on Tuesday.

  • reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
  • reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social studies
  • reserve: biology, history foreign languages
  • reserve: foreign languages
  • reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P
  • reserve: Russian language
  • reserve: for all subjects

Additional period (September)

Retaking the Unified State Examinations in 2017

In addition to the main and reserve days, the Unified State Examination process itself also provides for a third period - a retake. The right to retake is granted to every student - both those who did not reach the minimum threshold and those who simply want to improve their own results and score more points. True, to improve your own level you will need remarkable confidence in your own strengths and knowledge.

The Unified State Exam retake usually takes place in September, most often in the first half of the month. However, the schedule for a possible retake will be known only by August 2017.

Extra points

Additional points may be added for exam scores. So, 10 points can be added to:

  • for a certificate with only A's;
  • for prizes won at Olympiads in school subjects;
  • for achievements in sports.

Considering the possible addition of points, it is worth thinking about taking the Unified State Exam in advance: taking part in olympiads and competitions in all subjects, not just specialized ones; increase your level of knowledge, striving for excellent grades; participate in the sports life of the school.

Like last year, in 2017 there are two “streams” of the Unified State Exam – an early period (it takes place in mid-spring) and the main period, which traditionally starts at the end of the academic year, the last days of May. The official draft Unified State Exam schedule “specifies” all the dates for taking exams in all subjects in both of these periods - including additional reserve days provided for those who, for good reason (illness, coincidence of exam dates, etc.) were unable to pass the Unified State Exam within the specified time frame.

Schedule of early period for passing the Unified State Exam – 2017

In 2017, the early “wave” of the Unified State Exam will start earlier than usual. If last year the peak of the spring exam period occurred in the last week of March, then this season the spring break period will be free from the Unified State Examination.

The main dates of the early period are from March 14 to March 24. Thus, by the beginning of the spring school holidays, many “early-term students” will already have time to pass the tests. And this may turn out to be convenient: among the graduates who have the right to take the Unified State Exam in the early wave are guys who will participate in Russian or international competitions and competitions in May, and during spring break they often go to sports camps, specialized shifts in camps, etc. d. Pushing exams earlier will allow them to make the most of the exams.

Additional (reserve) days early period of the Unified State Exam 2017 will be held from 3 to 7 April. At the same time, many will probably have to write exams on reserve dates: if in the last year’s schedule no more than two subjects were taken on the same day, then in 2017 most elective exams are grouped “in threes”.

Separate days are allocated only for three subjects: the Russian language exam, which is mandatory for graduates and all future applicants, as well as mathematics and the oral part of the foreign language exam. At the same time, this year “early-term” students will take the “speaking” part before the written part.

The March exams are planned to be distributed by date as follows:

  • March 14th(Tuesday) – exam in mathematics (both basic and specialized level);

  • March 16(Thursday) – chemistry, history, computer science;

  • 18th of March(Saturday) – Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(oral part of the exam);

  • 20th of March(Monday) – Russian language exam;

  • March 22(Wednesday) – biology, physics, foreign languages ​​(written exam);

  • March 24(Friday) - Unified State Examination, literature and social studies.

There is a nine-day pause between the main and reserve days of the early period. All additional tests for “reservists” will take place over three days:

  • April 3(Monday) – chemistry, literature, computer science, foreign (speaking);

  • 5th of April(Wednesday) – foreign (written), geography, physics, biology, social studies;

  • April 7(Friday) – Russian language, basic and.

As a rule, the bulk of those taking the Unified State Examination ahead of schedule are graduates of previous years, as well as graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions (in colleges and vocational lyceums, the secondary school program is usually “passed” in the first year of study). In addition, school graduates who will be absent for valid reasons during the main period of taking the Unified State Exam (for example, to participate in Russian or international competitions or to be treated in a sanatorium) or who intend to continue their education outside Russia can “shoot” the exams early.

Graduates of 2017 can also, at their own request, choose the date for taking exams in those subjects for which the program has been completed in full. This is relevant primarily for those who are planning - the school course on this subject is taught up to grade 10, and passing one of the exams early can reduce tension during the main period of the Unified State Exam.

Schedule of the main period for passing the Unified State Exam – 2017

The main period for passing the Unified State Exam in 2017 starts on May 26, and by June 16, most graduates will have completed the exam epic. For those who were unable to pass the Unified State Exam on time for a good reason or chose subjects with the same deadlines, there are reserve exam days from June 19. Like last year, the last day of the Unified State Exam period will become a “single reserve” - on June 30 it will be possible to take the exam in any subject.

At the same time, the exam schedule for the main period of the Unified State Examination 2017 is much less dense in comparison with early exams, and most graduates will probably be able to avoid “overlapping” exam dates.

Separate exam days are allocated for passing compulsory subjects: Russian language, basic and specialized level mathematics (students have the right to take either one of these exams or both at once, so they are traditionally spaced out over several days in the main period schedule).

As last year, a separate day is allocated for the most popular elective exam - social studies. And two separate days are allocated for passing the oral part of the exam in foreign languages. In addition, a separate day is allocated for the subject that is not the most popular on the Unified State Exam - geography. Perhaps this was done in order to space out all natural science subjects in the schedule, reducing the number of coincidences.

Thus, in the Unified State Exam schedule there remain two pairs and one “troika” of subjects, exams for which will be taken simultaneously:

  • chemistry, history and computer science;

  • foreign languages ​​and biology,

  • literature and physics.

The exams must take place on the following dates:

  • 26 of May(Friday) – geography,

  • May 29(Monday) – Russian language,

  • May 31(Wednesday) – history, chemistry, computer science and ICT,

  • 2 June(Friday) – specialized mathematics,

  • June 5(Monday) – social studies;

  • June 7(Wednesday) – ,

  • the 9th of June(Friday) – written foreign language, biology,

  • June 13(Tuesday) – literature, physics,

  • June 15(Thursday) and June 16(Friday) – foreign oral.

Thus, most schoolchildren will prepare for graduation “with a clear conscience”, having already passed all scheduled exams and received results in most subjects. Those who missed the main examination period, chose subjects with the same deadlines, received a “fail” in Russian or mathematics, were removed from the exam, or encountered technical or organizational difficulties while taking the Unified State Exam (for example, a lack of additional forms or a power outage), exams will be taken on reserve dates.

Reserve days will be distributed as follows:

  • June 19(Monday) – computer science, history, chemistry and geography,

  • June 20(Tuesday) – physics, literature, biology, social studies, written foreign language,

  • 21st of June(Wednesday) – Russian language,

  • 22nd of June(Thursday) – mathematics at a basic level,

  • June 28(Wednesday) – mathematics at the profile level,

  • June 29(Thursday) – oral foreign language,

  • 30 June(Friday) – all subjects.

Can there be changes to the Unified State Exam schedule?

The draft official Unified State Exam schedule is usually published at the beginning of the school year, discussed, and the final approval of the exam schedule occurs in the spring. Therefore, changes are possible in the Unified State Exam schedule for 2017.

However, for example, in 2016, the project was approved without any changes and the actual exam dates completely coincided with those announced in advance - both in the early and in the main wave. So the chances that the 2017 schedule will also be adopted without changes are quite high.

So, what is to be submitted? Required subjects: mathematics (basic), Russian language. Elective subjects: mathematics (specialized), physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, foreign language, history, social studies, computer science and ICT.

Unified State Examination 2017 schedule

Early stage

Main stage

Procedure for taking the exam

In 2017, school graduates will traditionally take the Unified State Exam in two waves - early and main. The early stage will take place from March 23 to April 7, the main stage - from May 29 to June 19. At the early stage, graduates of evening schools, young people called up for military service, athletes of national teams, as well as high school students who cannot take the exams at the main stage due to health reasons or due to moving to another country have the right to take the exam.

The most popular elective subject among schoolchildren, social studies, will be held on a special day. This exam will not overlap with other Unified State Exams so that all willing graduates can take it on the main day.


Graduates who fail exams in compulsory subjects can retake them in the fall.

On September 5, the Unified State Exam will be held in the Russian language, and on September 8 - in basic mathematics, which are eligible to take:

*who graduated from school this year, but “failed” both compulsory exams (Russian language and mathematics) during the summer exams;
*who graduated from school this year, but received a bad mark in one of the required exams (Russian language or mathematics) and were unable to retake the subject on the reserve day;
*who graduated from school this year, but for some reason did not take exams at all in the summer.

Graduates who have not passed the minimum threshold in elective subjects have the right to retake the exam only the next year.

Minimum grades of three in subjects

Math 27

Russian language 36

biology 36

geography 37

foreign language 22

story 32

social studies 42

literature 32

computer science and ICT 40

Changes by subject

Unified State Exam in Biology

Starting this year, the Unified State Exam in Biology will have fewer tasks, their number reduced from 40 to 28. At the same time, schoolchildren will have more time to write work, the duration of the exam will increase from 180 to 210 minutes. Tasks with a choice of one answer are excluded from the options. Part 1 includes new types of tasks that differ significantly in the types of actions. Graduates will have to fill in the missing elements of a diagram or table, find the correct symbols in the figure, and complete tasks for analyzing and synthesizing information, including those presented in the form of graphs, diagrams and tables with statistical data. Another change is the reduction of the maximum primary score from 61 in 2016 to 59 in 2017.

Unified State Exam in Chemistry

In the chemistry options, the structure of Part 1 has been fundamentally changed: firstly, tasks with a choice of one answer have been eliminated, and secondly, the questions are grouped into separate thematic blocks, each of which contains tasks of both basic and advanced levels of complexity. In general, there will be fewer tasks in the work - schoolchildren will have to complete 34 tasks (instead of 40 in 2016). The maximum primary result for the exam will be 60 points, last year it was 64 points. And one more innovation in chemistry: in tasks of a basic level of complexity, which test the assimilation of knowledge about the genetic connection of inorganic and organic substances (No. 9 and No. 17), the grading scale has been changed. Now you can get not one, but two points for correct answers.

Unified State Exam in Physics

In physics, the structure of part 1 of the examination paper was changed, part 2 was left unchanged. From the first part, tasks with a choice of one correct answer were excluded and tasks with a short answer were added.

EGE in the future

Unified State Exam in Chinese

Since the number of Russian schoolchildren studying Chinese in grades 8-11 already exceeds 5 thousand, it is quite possible that in the next two to three years the Unified State Exam in this subject will become another elective exam along with English, French, German and Spanish . Rosobrnadzor has created a working group that is studying the experience of holding Chinese language exams in China and other countries. MGIMO specialists are also working on the creation of examination materials in Chinese. In October 2015, the first testing of the Unified State Exam in Chinese was carried out. About three thousand schoolchildren from 16 regions of Russia took part in it. The next large-scale testing of the Unified State Exam and State Examination models in the Chinese language is planned for the fall of 2017.

Oral part in the Unified State Exam in Russian

The Ministry of Education and Science plans to introduce an oral part in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in the coming years. It is expected that it will be tested in exams in 9th grade this academic year, and will appear in the Unified State Examination in two years. When the technology is developed, it can be used in exams in other humanities subjects - history, literature, social studies.

New Unified State Exam in Literature

In 2016, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements developed an updated model of the Unified State Examination in literature. It was tested in 13 regions of the Russian Federation in 60 educational organizations and presented for public discussion. Short answer tasks were excluded from the exam, the number of elective tasks was increased, comparative tasks were simplified, the assessment criteria were significantly changed and the requirements for the length of the essay were increased. Now the exam will consist of creative tasks that will require extensive reflection, and there will be more topics for essays. The new model is expected to be introduced in 2018; graduates of 2017 will take this Unified State Exam in the usual format.

Unified State Examination in computer science

For several years now, there has been talk that in the near future, schoolchildren will take computer science courses on a computer. Experts assess this prospect as real, but not close. Currently, the solution to the problem is hampered by the poor technical equipment of schools in remote regions of the country and SanPiNs, which prohibit schoolchildren from spending four hours at a time at the computer. Therefore, the issue of “computerization” of computer science may not worry graduates of the coming year.

Based on materials from the Rosobrnadzor portal and


The main part of the Unified State Exam subjects can be taken in the period from May 29 to June 19. Early completion of the Unified State Examination will take place from March 23 to April 7. During the same period, you can take exams in subjects that you completed earlier.

For persons re-admitted this year to take exams in the relevant academic subjects, and graduates of previous years, additional deadlines for passing the Unified State Exam are provided - April 10-14, June 20-29, July 1 and September 16.

As last year, the Unified State Examination in all subjects begins at 10.00 local time.

The duration of the Unified State Examination in individual subjects has been preserved. So, in profile-level mathematics, physics, literature, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, history is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes), in Russian language, chemistry, biology - 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes) , in basic level mathematics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (except for the "Speaking" section) - 3 hours (180 minutes), in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) ("Speaking" section ") - 15 minutes.

The list of teaching aids used during the exam remains the same. On the Unified State Examination in mathematics it is allowed to use a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.

May 29, 2017 – an official assessment is carried out in literature or geography to choose from;

Unified State Exam 2017 schedule: FIPI official website. Additional period of the Unified State Exam 2017