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» Rockefeller bought himself a sixth heart. David Rockefeller, the oldest of the richest, owner of seven hearts and the largest collection of insects, has died. Billionaires are dying of cardiac arrest.

Rockefeller bought himself a sixth heart. David Rockefeller, the oldest of the richest, owner of seven hearts and the largest collection of insects, has died. Billionaires are dying of cardiac arrest.

At the age of 102, the symbol of global capitalism died quietly. In a dream. But this news became a huge world sensation.


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A number of Russian media, bloggers, and experts hastened to declare the deceased a world record holder for... organ transplantation. They say they changed his heart seven times, and his kidneys twice! Cyborg…

They say something like this: the first heart transplant was performed back in 1976, after a car accident. The operation lasted the whole day. Within a week, David was jogging. A team of private surgeons performed the sixth operation on a VIP patient shortly before Rockefeller’s centenary at his family estate, Pocantico Hills, New York. After 36 hours, the billionaire was already answering questions from journalists. He admitted that he dreams of living 200 years. “Every time I receive a new heart, it’s like a breath of life. I feel a charge of energy and life!” - the American website quoted the titled patient. In passing, he reported about kidney replacements in 1998 and 2004.

This site sensation with a clever name about six transplants in the spring of 2015 was instantly republished by many of our media and Internet resources. Some admired Western medicine, others hurled thunder and lightning at the bloodthirsty shark of capitalism, globalism, for which a heart donor is always found without a waiting list. Dooming others in need to death. Pure cannibal! This is what it means to be a billionaire! Such transplantation is not available to the common man!

And none of his colleagues asked the obvious question: if Rockefeller held a press conference after the operation, why did the stunning news appear only on a cheap overseas news site specializing in fakes, while serious Western publications and news agencies did not say a word about the triumph of medicine? The fact that this is a fake can be “split” in 5 seconds.

In September 2016, a “sensation” about the seventh replacement of the “motor” appeared on a completely anonymous website. They say that Rockefeller goes against nature and established rules, becoming the record holder for heart transplants at the age of 101.

Commentators are now talking about these fakes. Although in the large obituary article about the death of Rockefeller, which our media referred to, there is not a word about the transplant record of the deceased.

But why did he live so long, you ask?

Firstly, one hundred years is not such a world record these days. Secondly, the rich generally live longer than the poor. They have access to healthy nutrition and the achievements of modern medicine. In David’s specific case, I believe genes played an important role - heredity.

His great-grandfather William Rockefeller (1810-1906) died at age 96. For the 19th century, you will agree, this is a very long time. His grandfather, the legendary founder of the financial and industrial dynasty John Davison Rockefeller (1839-1937), was only a month and a half shy of turning 98. He always preached a healthy lifestyle, a complete abstinence from alcohol, coffee, and tobacco. Father - John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1874 -1960) - 86. David himself was two months and three weeks shy of 102 years old.

But his older brother, former US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, let us down. He died at 70. As the biography says, during violent sexual intercourse with a certain young woman Megan Marshak. Well, excesses shorten the lives of both the poor and the rich... However, there is no documentary evidence of fatal sex. Perhaps this is a “duck” that flew to us from the last century.


The famous dynasty, which became a symbol of American wealth, was founded by John Davison Rockefeller. The first dollar billionaire in human history. John died in 1937, leaving $1.4 billion. According to experts, in 2010 this fortune would have been equal to $336 billion.

Oil brought fabulous wealth to my grandfather. By the end of the 19th century, his Standard Oil monopolized the production of “black gold” in the United States. After the passage of the antitrust law, John broke Standard Oil into 34 companies, retaining a controlling interest in each. And he continued to get rich. The world's largest public oil company, ExxonMobil, is a fragment of that Rockefeller empire. Like Chevron and other reputable companies.

In addition to the oil industry, my grandfather owned several dozen railway, shipping, and steel companies, real estate companies, and nine banks. He also very successfully married his only son, John Jr., to the daughter of the influential senator Nelson Aldrich. This marriage in the United States was called the greatest union of capital and politics. When Rockefeller, Morgan and a number of other major financiers later decided to create the US Federal Reserve System (a group of private banks serving as the state Central Bank), it was Aldrich who cunningly pushed through the idea in the Senate. This is how the Family gained access to the dollar printing press.

David was born on June 12, 1915. He was the youngest of six children of John Rockefeller and Abby Aldrich. He graduated from Harvard and studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science. After receiving a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago, in 1940 he began working as secretary to the mayor of New York. To master the basics of political cuisine from the inside. In 1942 he went to military service. Private. And he rose to the rank of intelligence captain. After the war he came to the family Chase Manhattan Bank. Just an assistant manager of the foreign department. Although he could immediately become a big boss. But he honestly went through all stages of his financial career. And only in 1961 he headed the board of the bank. Made it one of the largest in the world. And in 1981 he resigned. 66 years old! The bank's charter did not allow him to remain in a leadership position. However, David remained chairman of the bank's International Advisory Committee. After another merger, the bank is now called J. P. Morgan Chase." One of the leading in the world, in the top ten.

Puppeteer - “BAGER”

On the day of David's death, Forbes published another ranking of the richest people on the planet. Rockefeller took only 581st place in it: $3.3 billion. Yes, he is a beggar compared to Gates, Buffett, and other Russian oligarchs...

Don’t rush to conclusions, he says Director of the Institute for Systemic Strategic Analysis Andrey FURSOV. - The Rockefellers must first of all be considered as a clan. Experts believe that their total wealth, according to conservative estimates, is more than 2 trillion. The Rothschild family has a trillion more. But no one knows for sure. These Families have not amassed fortunes for centuries to shine. And the ratings of billionaires are for the public.

It was not for nothing that the hero of the novel “All the King's Men,” politician Willie Stark, said: “Dollars are good to a certain extent. Then only power makes sense!”

In this regard, David Rockefeller is not an ordinary billionaire banker. He led one of the few family clans that have the ability, if not to control the world process, then to direct it. One of the masters of History. What can't be said about Gates, Zuckerberg, Abramovich...

David was considered an influential ideologist of globalism and neoconservatism. He stood at the origins of the famous Bilderberg Club of the Western elite, which is credited with the functions of a secret world government. He was a member of the Club’s “governing committee” and participated in meetings for decades, as long as his health allowed. He headed the influential “Council on Foreign Relations” in the United States, created the “Trilateral Commission” of representatives of North America, Western Europe, and Japan on issues of peace and prosperity, and became its first president.

The family holds a special place in the world's ruling elite for another reason. John Rockefeller Sr. also did a lot of charity work, founded the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller University, the Rockefeller Foundation, and donated large sums to science and medicine. Evil tongues insisted that this was his way of evading taxes and at the same time creating a positive image of a philanthropist against the backdrop of high-profile business scandals. The son and grandchildren continued the tradition. David alone has spent more than a billion dollars on charity. But it so happened that the Family, through registered foundations, increasingly began to control important research in medicine and genetics. Especially those related to human behavior, fertility, vaccinations. This is no coincidence. Philanthropist David, a father of six, was an advocate of worldwide birth control. They say that there are not enough resources for everyone. With Rockefeller money, the Club of Rome was founded, which advocated a policy of reducing the world's population.


So the New York Times, in its extensive obituary, focuses not on the personal billions of the deceased, but on his role in the world, which cannot be defined by any corporate title. Rockefeller's influence was felt in Washington and other capitals, in the corridors of government, in art museums, in great universities and public schools. Everywhere he was received with honors worthy of a head of state.

The Rockefellers came to Russia under Stalin: they financed the first Soviet five-year plans and industrialization with great benefit for themselves. There is even a conspiracy theory about why Stalin carried out his high-profile repressions in 1937. Immediately after the death of John Rockefeller Sr. that year. They say that this death freed the leader’s hands. Before that, he was forced to comply with certain agreements with the billionaire about the humanity of the Kremlin and restrained his bloodthirstiness. Indeed, John died on May 23, and in the summer the Great Terror began. On June 11, Tukhachevsky and seven other top military leaders of the USSR were sentenced to death. Mass purges in the Red Army were launched. On June 28, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks decided on capital punishment for kulaks. Execution squads are being created throughout the country. July 31 - NKVD order No. 00447 “On the operation to repress former kulaks, criminals and other anti-Soviet elements”, approved by the Politburo. The Gulag camp system is expanding...

David Rockefeller personally paved the way to Moscow. He met with Khrushchev, Prime Minister Kosygin, leader of perestroika Gorbachev... In the spring of 1992, Mikhail Sergeevich paid a return visit to the billionaire and negotiated with David in New York about financial assistance of 75 million dollars for the organization of a global fund and a “presidential library based on the American model.” Although Gorbachev was no longer president. The USSR collapsed. And why such a jackpot?

In 2003, David presented his memoirs in the Russian capital. And I talked with Luzhkov. But I haven’t met Putin. However, the patriarch of American foreign policy, Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State, met with the Russian President more than a dozen times. David's loyal man. He began his career in the 50s at the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation (where he is now a member of the board). And since then he has been closely associated with the clan. He was an adviser to Nelson Rockefeller, the governor of New York, when he went to the White House. After Trump’s victory, Henry said that he was ready to go to the new president and give advice on how to improve relations with Russia. Kissinger owns the catchphrase: “To understand Putin, you need to read Dostoevsky, and not “Mein Kampf!”

By the way, last year Kissinger was elected Russian academician!

Interesting fact. Rex Tillerson became Secretary of State under Trump. Former CEO of Exxon Mobil, where the Rockefellers still held shares.


David was going to transfer the business to his youngest son Richard, who managed the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. But Friday June 13, 2014 truly became fatal for the Family. The day before, Richard celebrated his father’s 99th birthday at the family estate. In the morning he took the helm of the single-engine Piper Meridian to return home. The plane took off into the air, hit trees and crashed, breaking into many pieces. Did the fatal number for the West take effect in conjunction with the mystical new moon, the machinations of rival Rothschilds, or thick fog? The death of his son undermined David Rockefeller's health.

The patriarch is survived by a son and four daughters.

David Rockefeller Jr. 75 years old. Vice President of Rockefeller Family And Associates, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rockefeller Financial Services, Manager of the Rockefeller Foundation Trust.

Abby Rockefeller, 74. In her youth she was a rebel, a Marxist, a feminist.

Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, 7 3. Economist, philanthropist, director of the Global Development Andes Environment Institute.

Peggy Dulaney, 70. Founder of the Synergos Institute, member of the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Eileen Rockefeller Groweld, 65. Founder of the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Foundation.

Perhaps the leadership of the clan will pass to one of the ten grandchildren, says historian Andrei Fursov. However, reports that Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller are also fake, as are the “seven transplanted hearts” of the patriarch. “Duck” was launched back in 2012 from an Australian anonymous website. And since then it periodically pops up on the Internet.


At first, the clan was led by David's older brother Nelson Rockefeller, former governor of New York and vice president of the United States under Ford.

Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rockefeller patronized the young politician Bill Clinton. There were persistent rumors that Bill was his illegitimate son. Clinton later became governor of this state himself. From there he became president of the United States.

Hillary Clinton started her career with the help of the Rockefeller Foundation. Thanks to him, the young lawyer ended up on a reputable commission on the Watergate scandal, she was noticed...



“For more than a century, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum have enthusiastically (...) attempted to blame the Rockefeller family for the pervasive, menacing influence they claim we exert on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret political group working against the interests of the United States, and characterize my family and I as "internationalists" colluding with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world , if you like. If that is the charge, then I plead guilty and I am proud of it.”

From "Memoirs", 2002


Five principles of David Rockefeller: How to become rich and live to be 100 years old

The oldest representative of the oldest financial dynasty has died

David Rockefeller died at the age of 101 and with a fortune of $3.3 billion. He was considered the oldest member of the Forbes list, but received his capital as an inheritance from his grandfather, John. It was he who laid the foundation for the famous dynasty, because he became known as the first dollar billionaire.

On March 20, 2017, David Rockefeller, the oldest billionaire on Earth and the record holder for the number of heart transplants, died.

Rockefeller underwent his first transplant in 1976 after a car accident that caused a heart attack.

He was 61 years old then. Heart transplant operations were performed infrequently at that time, and the risk that a foreign heart would not take root in an elderly patient was great. However, everything went well, and a new heart began to beat in the billionaire’s chest. And a week later, according to eyewitnesses, he was already out for a morning jog.

The main problem with transplantation is organ rejection by the immune system. As with any transplant, the patient must take drugs that suppress the immune system. Today, the life expectancy of people after a heart transplant is estimated at more than 10 years.

Over the next 40 years, Rockefeller, according to media estimates, underwent six more operations.

News of one of the last operations spread across the media in 2015 - they wrote that Rockefeller had received a sixth heart transplant. The original source of the fake news was a publication publishing fictitious articles.

Rockefeller received his last heart quite recently, at the end of 2016.

The previous one stopped functioning just a week after doctors warned the billionaire about the deterioration of the organ.

Rockefeller did not talk too much about his operations. There are no details about them either in the memoirs or in the press. This is not surprising, given the negative public reaction to reports of the operation itself - people around the world expressed strong doubts that Rockefeller received new hearts on a transplant waiting list, and accused him of depriving someone else of the chance of survival . Given the shortage of donor hearts, even repeated transplants are quite rare.

However, transplantologists who worked with the billionaire denied the connection between Rockefeller’s wealth and the organs he received.

In addition to hearts, Rockefeller underwent kidney transplants twice - in 1998 and 2004. It is possible that the need for transplantation resulted from the use of immunosuppressants, which impair kidney function.

David Rockefeller was the grandson of history's first dollar billionaire, John Rockefeller. He was the first of his kind to live to be a hundred years old. Over the years, he managed to be the secretary of the mayor of New York, a military man, director of the Council on Foreign Relations, president of a bank, and met with world leaders. Rockefeller donated about a billion dollars to various institutions, including $100 million to Harvard University, where he studied.

Because of his membership in the Bilderberg Group, which included influential politicians, bankers and businessmen, Rockefeller was accused by conspiracy theorists of being involved in a "world government."

The cause of Rockefeller's death, according to a family spokesman, was cardiac arrest. The billionaire died quietly in his sleep in his own bed.

John Rockefeller Jr. with his father

The five Rockefeller brothers are children of the "golden union of capital and politics"

Peggy's eldest daughter

The daughters of David Rockefeller Jr., Ariana and Camilla, are the youngest representatives of a family that needs no introduction. The outgoing and friendly sisters do modeling and acting, but to be honest, they do it for fun - they don't have to work.

David Rockefeller succeeded received a heart transplant for the sixth time in the last 39 years, according to World News Daily Report. The operation, which lasted six hours, was carried out by a team of private surgeons at the billionaire and philanthropist's family estate in Pocantico Hills, New York. 99-year-old Rockefeller literally a few hours after this was already joking with reporters and said that feels good.


36 hours after the operation, he allowed the press to ask him a few questions. “Every time I receive a new heart, it’s as if I breathe new life into my body. I feel energetic and alive,” the billionaire commented on his condition.

When asked about the secret of your longevity Rockefeller replied that it lies in the ability to live simply. "People often ask me this question, and I always answer the same thing: you have to love life. Live a simple life, play with your children, enjoy the things you like, spend time with good, loyal friends," the billionaire explained with kind smile.

He underwent his first heart transplant in 1976. Then, Rockefeller was in a car accident, after which he had a heart attack. The transplant was carried out 24 hours after the tragedy, and a week later he was already jogging. In addition to heart surgery, the billionaire underwent kidney transplants twice - in 1988 and 2004.

There is a common saying: “You can’t buy health.” In the case of David Rockefeller, it does not seem to have worked. The world's oldest billionaire died at the age of 101, having undergone six heart surgeries in his life. Of course, not free...

With a golden spoon in your mouth...

David Rockefeller was a representative of the third generation of the famous American financial dynasty. His grandfather, John Rockefeller, was the founder of the Standard Oil Company oil trust, and the first dollar billionaire in the country's history.

David was born in New York on June 12, 1915. He graduated with honors from Harvard in 1936 with a degree in English history and literature. But later he entered the London School of Economics. In 1940, young Rockefeller earned a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago and married his peer Margaret McGraff, the daughter of a partner in a Wall Street law firm. Subsequently, they had six children in their marriage.

Also in 1940, David began his career. He first worked as a secretary to the mayor of New York, then as an assistant to the regional director in the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services. However, in May 1942 he went to the front as a private. He served in North Africa and France, held the position of assistant military attaché in Paris, and was involved in military intelligence. In 1945, he ended the war with the rank of captain, and in April 1946 he joined the New York bank Chase National as assistant manager of the foreign department.

In 1952, David Rockefeller achieved the position of first vice president of Chase National and facilitated its merger with Manhattan Bank. Thus, in 1955, the financial industry giant Chase Manhattan was created.

From 1961 to 1981, Rockefeller was chairman of the board and at the same time president of Chase Manhattan Bank, and since 1969 he also served as the bank's CEO. On April 20, 1981, he had to retire due to age, but he remained chairman of the Chase Manhattan International Advisory Committee.

Along with financial activities, David Rockefeller was involved in other projects, and at the same time became famous for his neo-globalist views. He headed the Council on Foreign Relations, was a member of the famous Bilderberg Club, participated in the Dartmouth conferences and the Trilateral Commission, and supported various charitable and public organizations. By the way, in 2008, he donated $100 million to Harvard University, which is the largest private donation in the history of this educational institution.

Rockefeller in the USSR

In August 1964, Rockefeller met with N.S. Khrushchev. The talk was about increasing trade turnover between the USSR and the USA. But two months later, Khrushchev was removed from office. In May 1973, a meeting took place between Rockefeller and Alexei Kosygin. As a result, Chase Manhattan became the first American bank to conduct financial transactions in the Soviet Union.

After perestroika, Rockefeller visited Russia several more times - in particular, he met with USSR President M.S. Gorbachev, negotiated with him on economic cooperation.

Six hearts

Back in 1976, after a car accident, David Rockefeller underwent heart surgery. Typically, after this, patients have a long recovery period and there are many restrictions for them. However, a week later, David began jogging.

Over the following years, he underwent five more heart transplants. The last time this happened was in 2015. The operation was carried out right at the Rockefeller residence. It lasted six hours.

“Every time I receive a new heart, it’s like a breath of life flows through my body,” David said. - I feel active and alive. I am often asked the question: how to live long? I always answer the same thing: live a simple life, play with your children, enjoy everything you do.”

But is that the only thing? David's wife Margaret, who did not undergo such operations, died in 1996, having lived a little over 80 years. And he himself died on March 20, 2017 at his New York home in Pocantico Hills at the age of 102. His fortune by this time was estimated at $3.3 billion.

A heart transplant is neither easy nor cheap. Many people can't wait for years to find a suitable donor. But if you have money, then anything is possible... Or did David Rockefeller simply inherit “longevity genes” from nature? One can only guess how he managed to live to such an old age.

Rockefeller believed that success in business required “training, discipline and hard work.” He proved this by his own example. After the end of World War II (David volunteered for the front), at the invitation of his uncle, he got a job at the world's largest bank, Chase Bank.

David began his career as an assistant manager (then the lowest category of bank employees), received $3,500 a year and traveled to work by subway.

The future billionaire knew how to “feel the moment.” At that time, higher education and management skills were not important achievements, so he remained silent about the fact that he had a doctorate in economics: “It might seem like a manifestation of an inability to practice.”

Rockefeller did not like sitting in an office. During his 35 years of work at Chase Bank, he flew more than five million miles (that's 200 trips around the world) and visited more than a hundred countries. He visited France over 40 times, visited England 37 times, met with bank clients in 42 of the 50 American states and “ate more than 10 thousand business lunches.”

He could hold up to ten business meetings a day, and was in audience with 200 heads of state and government, with whom he established personal connections. “Although the pace was sometimes a little frantic, I found these trips productive and enjoyable, and important for the globalization of our activities,” Rockefeller wrote.

The billionaire believed that there was no need to be afraid to engage with friends: “I never thought that close personal friendships and good business relationships had to be mutually exclusive. I firmly believe that the most successful business relationships are based on trust, understanding and loyalty.”

Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.

David Rockefeller

Rockefeller believed that it was necessary to create, not destroy. “The joy of entrepreneurship is creating something that is permanent, lasting and of value to others.”

To achieve success, according to Rockefeller, you should not focus on money: “If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.”

And one more business advice from a billionaire: “Don’t be afraid of big expenses. We should be afraid of small incomes.”


The billionaire had an unusual hobby: not women and expensive alcohol, but collecting beetles. This hobby was not destructive. “You cannot run a large commercial bank by staying out all night,” Rockefeller believed.

He fell in love with insects as a child while taking a science course. On all his trips, David took the jar with him. He liked that he could pursue his hobby in any part of the world.

Collecting beetles is not difficult: they have a durable shell.

David Rockefeller

Rockefeller discovered several new species of beetles. Its collection numbers 40 thousand insects and is considered the largest in the world. A rare scarab from the Mexican mountains is named after David: Diplotaxis rockefelleri.

The billionaire believed that children need a good teacher. Rockefeller often recalled his sixth-grade teacher, who instilled in him a lifelong interest in history.

Since childhood, David had a calm character. In the future, this determined his attitude towards people: Rockefeller admitted that most of all he disliked scenes and showdowns.

“The last name Rockefeller can be an advantage... My phone calls are answered more often. But because of it, people sometimes treat me more suspiciously and skeptically than others. They believe that I achieved something thanks to my last name, and not through my own efforts,” said David.

Anyone who stands out even a little from the crowd needs to be thick-skinned.

David Rockefeller

The secret to being perfect with your other half, according to Rockefeller, is simple: “My wife and I have completely different interests, which we pursued separately from each other. This is the key to our very long and very happy marriage.”

The billionaire was opposed to living beyond his means: available loans, in his opinion, easily lead to “both large-scale speculation and excessive expansion.”

To live a full, interesting life, Rockefeller advised to love adventures, be sure to travel abroad, study another culture, have no regrets, and also be sincerely interested in people. “This direct and uncomplicated approach applies both to the people I meet every day and to the leaders of our world.”

The billionaire believed that “where you have ample opportunity, responsibility also arises.” Rockefeller was a famous philanthropist. In November 2006, The New York Times reported the total size of his donations as more than $900 million. He donated 100 million to Harvard University, his alma mater, which made it possible to expand the teaching of the humanities and financially support students studying abroad.

David Rockefeller


David Rockefeller has had a heart transplant seven times. The first time he underwent this operation was in 1976 after a severe accident that caused a heart attack. A week later, the billionaire was already out for a run.

Late last year, Rockefeller became the first person in the world to receive seven heart transplants. “Every new heart seems to breathe life into my body. “I feel more alive and energetic,” he said.

In addition, he received kidney transplants twice.

In one of the interviews, Rockefeller revealed another, very simple secret of his longevity.

Love life. Live a normal life, raise your children, enjoy what you have, and spend time with good people and true friends.

David Rockefeller

Rockefeller often joked that he wanted to live to be 200 years old.

6 more wise sayings by David Rockefeller

  1. The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way as we buy sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world.
  2. Build a reputation and it will work for you.
  3. Good management is about showing average people how to do the work of excellent people.
  4. I have always tried to turn every failure into an opportunity.
  5. I'd rather hire someone with passion than someone who knows everything.
  6. I don't think there is any other quality as essential to any kind of success as persistence.